Chapter 3: The First Century of Settlement in the Colonial North Preview: “Europe’s religious rivalries shaped seventeenth-century colonies along America’s northern rim: the Protestant Reformation stamped English Puritan settlements from Maine to Long Island, and the Catholic Counter-Reformation encouraged the less numerous settlers of French Canada. New England’s stable societies, with their strong family bonds and growing tradition of self-government, contrasted with the more prosperous and ethnically diverse colonies of the mid-Atlantic.” The Highlights: The Founding of New England New England Communities The Mid-Atlantic Colonies Adjustment to Empire

Chapter 3: The First Century of Settlement in the Colonial North

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Page 1: Chapter 3: The First Century of Settlement in the Colonial North

Chapter 3: The First Century of Settlement in the Colonial North

Preview: “Europe’s religious rivalries shaped seventeenth-century colonies along America’s northern rim: the Protestant Reformation stamped

English Puritan settlements from Maine to Long Island, and the Catholic Counter-Reformation encouraged the less numerous settlers of French Canada. New

England’s stable societies, with their strong family bonds and growing tradition of self-government, contrasted with the more prosperous and ethnically diverse

colonies of the mid-Atlantic.”

The Highlights: The Founding of New England

New England Communities The Mid-Atlantic Colonies

Adjustment to Empire

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Europe in the New World

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Breaking Away Rapid social change in seventeenth-

century England English population _______ Different motives for migration

• religious versus economic• personal: to escape bad marriages, jail

terms, or lifelong poverty

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The Stuart Monarchs

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Four Colonial Subcultures The Chesapeake _______ __________ Middle Colonies The Carolinas

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The Founding of New England

The Puritan Movement• Puritans consisted of Presbyterian and

Congregationalist believers• Puritans, like all _______ emphasized

_____________• Puritan calls for reform lead to their

separatist band sailing for America• 1620: “Pilgrims” establish ___________


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Reforming England in America Pilgrims

• ____________ who refused to worship in the Church of England, fled

• Escape persecution in _______ 1620--Plymouth founded Mayflower _________ Plymouth a society of small farming

villages bound together by mutual consent

1691--absorbed into Massachusetts Bay

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“The Great Migration” Puritans

• Wish to remain within the ______ of __________, work to eliminate all remaining vestiges of the Roman _________ past

1629--Puritans despair as King Charles I begins Personal Rule

1630--______ ________ leads Puritan group to Massachusetts, brings Company Charter

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“A City on a Hill” 1630-1640--16,000 immigrated Settlers usually came as family units Area generally healthy Puritans sacrifice ___________ for the

good of the community Congregational Church Order

• Church members had to prove their experience with “__________”

• In spite of the level of religiosity in New England, the separation of church and state was advanced compared to Europe

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“A City on a Hill” (2) Puritans establish ______________

• a state-supported ecclesiastical system in which each congregation is independently governed by local church members

Puritan civil government permits ___________ by all adult male church members

Elected officials not to concern themselves with voters’ wishes

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“A City on a Hill” (3) Local, town governments

____________ Most participated in public life at

town level Townships commercial properties,

shares of which could be bought and sold

Village life intensely ________ Laws and Liberties passed in 1648 to

protect rights, ensure civil order

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New England Communities Stability and Order in Early New

England• Life expectancy in Puritan New England

______ as long as in Virginia• By 1700, population of New England

was 100,000—most from natural increase

• More stable families, which led to a more stable society with defined patterns of settlement

• Hierarchy in families reflected in village leadership

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Women’s Lives in Puritan New England

Women not legally equal with men Marriages based on mutual love Most Women contributed to society

as• wives and mothers• church members• small-scale farmers

Women accommodated themselves to roles they believed God ordained

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Goodwives and Witches• Defined gender roles in Puritan society—

woman restricted to domestic work• Significant legal barriers for womena. Turned over all property to husbandsb. Could not sue or be suedc. Divorce was nearly impossibled. Could not vote• Only in churches did Puritan woman

command semi-equal standing with men

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Contagion of Witchcraft Charges of witchcraft common

• accused witches thought to have made a compact with the devil

_______ panic of 1691 much larger in scope than previous accusations

20 victims dead before trials halted in late summer of 1692

Causes include factionalism, economics

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Whites and Indians in Early New England

• Puritans made few efforts to covert Indians

• Compelling similarities between Puritan and __________ societies

• Bitter tensions culminated in Pequot’s War (1636-37) and King Philip’s War (1675-76)

• Disastrous impact of Old World diseases

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King Philip’s War

1675--_________ leads Wampanoag-Narragansett alliance against colonists

Colonists struggle to unite, defeat Indians

Deaths total 1,000+ Indians and colonists

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Limits of Dissent: Roger Williams

An extreme Separatist Questioned the validity of the

colony’s ________ Champions “liberty of conscience” Williams expelled to Rhode Island,


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Limits of Dissent:Anne Hutchinson

Believed herself directly inspired by the Holy Spirit

Believed “converted” persons could live without the Moral Law

Charged that Congregational ministers preached a “covenant of works”

Banished to Rhode Island by General Court

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Mobility and Division New Hampshire--insignificant until

eighteenth century Rhode Island--received dissenters

from Massachusetts Connecticut--founded by Thomas

Hooker New Haven--absorbed into

Connecticut Tensions with Quakers

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Sources of Stability: New England Colonies of the

Seventeenth Century New Englanders replicated

traditional English social order Contrasted with experience in other

English colonies Explanation lies in development of

Puritan families

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Commonwealth of Families Most New Englanders married

neighbors of whom parents approved New England towns collections of

interrelated households Church membership associated with

certain families ________ provided by the family

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Social Hierarchy in New England

Absence of very rich necessitates creation of new social order

New England social order becomes• local gentry of prominent, pious families• large population of independent yeomen

landowners loyal to local community• small population of landless laborers,

servants, poor

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Immigrant Families and New Social Order

Puritans believed God ordained the ________

Reproduce patriarchal English family structure in New England

Greater longevity in New England results in “invention” of ________

Multigenerational families strengthen social stability

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New England Colonies, 1650

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Diversity in the Middle Colonies New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware

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Middle Colonies, 1685

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Anglo-Dutch Rivalry on the Hudson

Location: ________ River New Netherlands originally property

of Dutch West Indies Company Population included Finns, Swedes,

_________, Africans, as well as Dutch 1664--English fleet captured colony

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Anglo-Dutch Rivalry on the Hudson (2)

New York made personal property of ________, Duke of York

Property included New Jersey, Delaware, Maine, and various islands

Inhabitants had no ______ ________beyond the local level

James derived little profit from the colony.

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Confusion in New Jersey Colony sold by Duke of York to Lord

Berkeley and Sir George Carteret Settlers refuse to pay ________

• grounds: New York governor had promised representative assembly

Berkeley splits colony by selling out to ________ group

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Confusion in New Jersey (2) West Jersey becomes Quakers’

colony Democratic system of government

introduced Diverse, contentious Neither Jersey prospers, _________ by

the crown in 1702

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Quakers in America Pennsylvania founding inseparable

from Quakers “Quaker” a derogatory term for those

who “tremble at the word of the Lord”

Members call sect “Society of ___________”

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Quaker Belief and Practice Founder: George Fox (1624-1691) Believed in “______ ______”

• Rejected idea of original sin, _____________

• Each may communicate directly with God

• Each has responsibility to cultivate Inner Light

Persecuted as dangerous anarchists

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Penn's "Holy Experiment" Aristocrat William Penn converts to

the Society of Friends Obtains a charter for Pennsylvania "Holy Experiment"--a society run on

Quaker principles Promotes religious _________ Protects rights of property-less

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Settling Pennsylvania Immigrants recruited from England,

Wales, Ireland, and Germany Quaker population racked by

contention Non-Quaker population does not

share Penn’s ideals 1701--Penn grants self-rule to

Pennsylvania colonists, independence to Delaware

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Patterns of Settlement• Population in Pennsylvania consisted

of indentured servants, small farmers, and artisans

• Majority were Quakers, but also people of other faiths settled

• Unique peace between settlers and Indians, the Lenni Lenapes

Quakers and Politics• Constant tension among Penn, his

council, the legislative assembly, and farmers

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Rise of a Commercial Empire English leaders _________colonies

until 1650s (salutary neglect) Restored monarchy of Charles II

recognized value of colonial trade _________ passed to regulate, protect,

glean revenue from commerce

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Response to Economic Competition

“Mercantilism” a misleading term for English commercial regulation

Regulations emerge as ad hoc responses to particular problems

Varieties of motivation• crown wants money• English merchants want to exclude Dutch• Parliament wants stronger Navy—encourage

domestic shipbuilding industry• everyone wants better _________ of trade

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Glorious Revolution: The Dominion of New England

1684--King James II establishes “___________of New England”• colonial charters __________• colonies from Maine to New Jersey united• Edmund Andros appointed governor • Governor Edmund Andros used ruthless

policies and leadership to enforce the authority of the English government

• Andros engendered hatred from nearly everyone

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The Glorious Revolution in the Bay Colony: Outcomes

• 1688: James II deposed in favor of _____________ daughter, Mary, and her Dutch husband, William of Orange

• New Englanders take cue from the revolution and depose Edmund Andros

• Dominion overthrown; colonies given new charters, 1689-91

Massachusetts a new charter • incorporates _________• transfers franchise from "saints" to

those with property

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The Glorious Revolution in New York

1689--News of James II’s overthrow prompts crisis of authority in New York

Jacob Leisler seizes control Maintains position through 1690 March 1691--Governor Henry

Sloughter arrests, executes Leisler

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Purpose Families Ethnicity Economy

New England

Religious Nuclear families

Mostly English

Family farms

Middle Colonies

Mixed Nuclear families

Mixed European

Family farms

Chesapeake Gain wealth

Extended families

English (majority)& African

Market plantations (tobacco)

Lower South Gain wealth

Extended families

English & African (majority)

Market plantations (rice, indigo)

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Local Aspirations Within an Atlantic Empire

By 1700 England’s attitude toward the colonies had changed dramatically

Sectional differences within the colonies were profound

They were all part of Great Britain but had little to do with each other

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• 1696: ________initiated closer regulation of trade in the colonies

• By 1700, members of colonial assemblies understood the limits of royal power

• Growing threat to English colonies by ascendant ________

Royal Authority in America to 1700

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Regulating Colonial Trade: The Navigation Act of 1660

Ships engage in English colonial trade• must be made in England (or America)• must carry a crew at least _____ English

Enumerated goods only to English ports• 1660 list included tobacco, sugar,

cotton, indigo, dyes, ginger• 1704-05 molasses, rice, naval stores


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Regulating Colonial Trade: The Navigation Act of 1663

Goods shipped to English colonies must pass through ________

Increased _______ paid by colonial consumers

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Regulating Colonial Trade:Implementing the Acts

Navigation Acts spark __________ trade wars

New England merchants skirt laws English revisions tighten loopholes 1696--Board of ______ created Navigation Acts eventually benefit

colonial merchants