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  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 3-EARLY EDUCATION IN CALAMBA AND BIAN-by Obrero.pptx



  • 7/29/2019 Chapter 3-EARLY EDUCATION IN CALAMBA AND BIAN-by Obrero.pptx


    The first teacher of Rizal was his mother.

    On her lap, he learned at the age ofthree the alphabet and the prayers.

    My mother , wrote Rizal in his

    students memoirs, taught me how toread and to say haltingly the humbleprayers which I raised fervently to God.

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    As a tutor, Doa Teodora was patient,conscientious and understanding.

    As Jose grew older, his parents employedprivate tutors to give him lessons at home.

    Maestro Celestino

    Maestro Lucas Padua

    Leon Monroy

    - former classmate of Rizals father- instructed Jose in Spanish and Latin.

    - He died five months later.

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    One Sunday afternoon in June, 1869,Jose, after kissing the hands of hisparents and tearful parting from his

    sisters , left Calamba for Bian.The two brothers rode in carromata,reaching their destination after one

    and one-half hours drive.They proceed to their aunts house,where Jose was to lodge.

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    That same night, Jose, with his cousin

    named Leandro, went sightseeing inthe town.

    In the moonlight, he recounted, I

    remembered my home town, myidolized mother, and my solicitoussisters. Ah, how sweet to me was

    Calamba, my own town, in spite ofthe fact, that it was not as wealthy asBian.

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    The next morning Paciano broughthis younger brother to the school of

    Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz.The school was in the house of theteacher, which was a small nipa hut

    about 30 meters from the home ofJoses aunt.

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    Jose described his teacher in Bian asfollows: He was tall, thin, long-necked, with a sharp nose and a body

    slightly bent forward, and he used towear a sinamayshirt, woven by theskilled hands of the women of


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    The two boys wrestled furiously inthe classroom, much to the glee of

    their classmates. Jose having learnedthe art of wrestling from his athleticTio Manuel, defeated the bigger boy.

    Andres Salandanan challenged him toan arm-wrestling match.

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    Juancho, an old painter andfather-in-law of the school

    teacher.Jose and his classmate, Jose

    Guevarra , who also lovedpainting, became apprentices ofthe old painter.

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    Here was my life. I heard the fouroclock Mass, if there was any, or Istudied my lesson at the hour and I

    went to Mass afterwards. I returnedhome and I went to the orchard tolook for a mabolo to eat. Then I tookbreakfast, which consisted generallyof a dish of rice and two dried smallfish, and I went to class from which I

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    came out at ten oclock. I went home

    at once. If there was some special dish,

    Leandro and I took some of it to the

    house of his children, and I returned

    without saying a word. I ate with themand afterwards I studied. I went to

    school at two and came out at five. I

    prayed a short while with some nice

    cousins and I returned home.

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    I studied my lesson. I drew a little, and

    afterwards I took my supper consisting

    Of one or two dishes of rice with an

    ayungin. We prayed and if there was a

    moon, my nieces invited me to play inthe street together with others. Thank

    God that I never got sick away from my


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    In academic studies, Jose beat allBian boys. He surpassed them all in

    Spanish, Latin, and other subjects.In spite of the reputation I had ofbeing a good boy, the day was

    unusual when I was not laid out on abench and given five or six blows.

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    Before the Christmas season in 1870,Jose received a letter from his sister

    Saturnina, informing him of thearrival of the steamer Talim whichwould take him from Bian to


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    He left Bian on Saturday afternoon,December 17, 1870, after one yearand a half of schooling in that town

    On board was a Frenchman namedArturo Camps, a friend of his father,who took care of him.

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    The Spanish authorities, in order toliquidate Fathers Mariano Gomez, JoseBurgos, and Jacinto Zamora, leaders of

    the secular movement to Filipinize thePhilippine parishes, and theirsupporters (Jose Ma. Basa, Attorneys

    Joaquin Pardo de Tavera and AntonioMa. Regidor, etc.) ) magnified the failedmutiny into a revolt for Philippine


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    Accordingly, Gom-Bur-Za (Gomez,Burgos, and Zamora), despite thearchbishop s plea for clemencybecause of their innocence, were

    executed at sunrise, February 17,1872, by order of Governor GeneralIzquierdo. Their martyrdom was

    deeply mourned by the Rizal familyand many other patriotic families inthe Philippines.

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    The martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za in1872 truly inspired Rizal to fight theevils of Spanish tyranny and redeemhis oppressed people. Seventeen

    years later written in Paris, April 18,1889, to Mariano Ponce, he said:

    And later, in 1891, he dedicated his

    second novel, El Filibusterismo, toGom-Bur-Za.

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    Before June of 1872, tragedy struckthe Rizal family. Doa Teodora was

    suddenly arrested on a maliciouscharge that she and her brother, JoseAlberto, tried to poison the latters


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    This lieutenant happened to have anax to grind against the Rizal family,because at one time Don Francisco(Rizals father) refused to give him

    fodder for his horse.After arresting Doa Teodora, thesadistic Spanish lieutenant forced her

    to walk from Calamba to Santa Cruz,a distance of 50 kilometers.

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    Our mother was unjustly snatched awayfrom us and by whom? By some men who

    had been our friends and whom wetreated as honored guests. We learnedlater that our mother was defended by

    Messrs. Francisco de Marcaida andManuel Marzan, the most famous lawyersof Manila. She finally succeeded to beacquitted and vindicated in the eyes ofher judges, accusers, and even herenemies, but after how long? After twoand a half years.