Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

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Page 1: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

Chapter 3Ancient India & china2600 BCE – CE 5503.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

Page 2: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

Focus QuestionIn what ways were religion and society intertwined in ancient India?

Page 3: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

The Beliefs of Hinduism Develop (p 76 – 78)

What is the ultimate goal of existence for Hindus and how do they achieve it?◦ Moksha: achieve union with brahman◦ Freeing themselves from selfish desires over

several lifetimes How do karma, dharma, and ahimsa relate to

achieving this goal?◦ By living a good life (virtuously) people earn good

karma◦ They acquire merit by obeying the rule of dharma

(a person’s moral/religious duties)◦ Earn credit for having respect for all living things


Page 4: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)


How do the Hindu gods relate to Brahman?

Page 5: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

The Caste System Shapes India (p 78)

How were lower castes (social groups people are born into & can rarely be changed) treated in ancient India?◦ Very harshly – viewed as impure◦ Held unpleasant jobs◦ Segregated from other castes – had to use

a clapper to let people they were comingCould people change their caste?

◦ No – not until next life◦ Only if their caste duties (dharma) of this

life was fulfilled

Page 6: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)


How did caste provide a sense of order in society?

Page 7: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

Key Teachings of the Buddha (p 79)

What does the term Buddha mean?◦ Enlightened one

Page 8: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

Key Teachings of the Buddha (p 80) What is nirvana and how does one achieve it?

◦ Nirvana: goal of union with the universe and release from the cycle of rebirth

◦ Achieved by: Understanding of the Four Noble Truths

Life = suffering Suffering caused by desire Cure suffering by ending desire Way to end suffering:

Following the Eightfold Path Living a moral life Meditating

How is nirvana in Buddhism similar to moksha in Hinduism?◦ Ultimate goal of each religion◦ Achieved through proper actions◦ Puts an end to cycle of rebirth (reincarnation)

Page 9: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)


What did Gautama hope to learn when he left home?

Page 10: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

Buddhism Spreads beyond India (p 80 – 82) What is the Tripitaka?

◦ Buddhism’s collection of 3 sacred texts containing Buddha’s teachings

What are some examples of the Buddha’s teachings collected in the Tripitaka?◦ Do your duty◦ Don’t get angry◦ Avoid evil◦ Be truthful

What is the main difference between Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism?◦ Theravada = orthodox Buddhism, monks and nun only

can achieve nirvana◦ Mahayana = easier for ordinary people to follow, allows

them to use the religion to help solve everyday problems

Page 11: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)


How do you think the collecting of the Buddha’s teachings helped the religion to spread beyond India?

Page 12: Chapter 3 Ancient India & china 2600 BCE – CE 550 3.2 Hinduism and Buddhism (p 76 – 82)

Focus QuestionIn what ways were religion and society intertwined in ancient India