CHAPTER 24 CHAPTER 24 Nationalism Nationalism

CHAPTER 24 Nationalism. Italian Unification Nationalism: desire for national independence 1815: Italian Peninsula was divided into several independent

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Italian Unification

Nationalism: desire for national independence 1815: Italian Peninsula was divided into several

independent city-states w/ various governments

Language and trade barriers prevented unity Mazzini and Young Italy: sought to transform

Italy into a sovereign nation-state Began forcing out Austrian influence Pope Pius IX withdrew; other city-states followed

Count Cavour (advisor in Sardinia): Gained French support by joining the Crimean War Napoleon III helped force Austrians out of Italy

Garibaldi (military leader in Sicily): 1830: forced into exile – went to S. America Learned to use guerilla warfare (hit and run

tactics) 1860: returned to Sicily and gained control Surrendered to Cavour

1861: Italy was one nation with the exception of Rome & Venetia (Victor Emmanuel II)

1871: Victor Emmanuel II moved the capital from Florence to Rome creating complete unity

German Unification

Last great European nation to unify

1815: 39 German States - 1871: 1 German nation

1834 – a Zollverein (economic union) was formed

Struggle for power between Austria and Prussia Prussia = most dominate

German state (econ. & mil.) Otto von Bismarck was

dominate prime minister

Three Wars: War against Denmark: Germans forced

Danes out of controversial territories (Schleswig & Holstein)

Seven Weeks’ War: Bismarck declared war on Austria – defeated them in seven weeks

Franco-Prussian War: Bismarck doctored a telegram from Prussia’s King to Napoleon III

Formation of an Empire: Jan. 18, 1871 – William I became Kaiser Bismarck became chancellor (chief minister) 25 German states combined to form a new


Bismarck’s Realm

Concerns: The Center Party (Catholic German political

party) 1870: Doctrine of papal infallibility May Laws, limited Catholic power in Germany Pope Pius IX broke diplomatic ties w/ Bismarck Bismarck tried to make peace (in his “losing

battle”) Industrial Growth

Deep pit Coal Mining offered abundant cheap fuel

Rapid urbanization (rural farmers moved to cities)

Workers and Socialism: Ferdinand Lassalle (Univ. German Workers

Assoc.) Advocated political action to bring change 1875: UGWA merged with the Social Dem. Party

Bismarck and the Socialists: 1878: Legislature passed Anti-Socialist Bill –

banned all Socialist meetings and publications Tried to gain workers support with State Health

Aid 1890: Socialist Dem. Party gained a majority in

the legislature The Fall of Bismarck:

1890: upset w/ the new king, Bismarck offered his resignation which was readily accepted by William II

Russia’s Empire

Autocracy: govt. in which one person rules with absolute authority

Russian Czars: Alexander I: granted a constitution to Poland,

then lost interest in social/political improvement

Nicholas I: gave secret police unlimited power Alexander II: emancipated serfs to industrialize

Terror and Reaction: Michael Bakunin advocated anarchy (no govt.) Nihilists: rejected all Russian traditions 1881: Alexander II was assassinated Alexander III: promoted Russification (policy of

intolerance and persecution of non-Russians)

Revolution of 1905: Nicholas II declared himself an autocrat Was easily influenced by his wife

Russian Marxists: Mensheviks: develop an industrial state with

a large working class in order to revolt Bolsheviks (Lenin): small party of professional

revolutionaries could use force to gain reform More Upheaval:

Jan. 22, 1905: soldiers opened fire on 200,000 peaceful protestors in St. Petersburg

Nicholas II allowed for a duma (legislature) October Manifesto: made Soviet Union a

const. mon.

Crime is a product of social excess.

Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.

It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed.

No amount of political freedom will satisfy the hungry masses.

One man with a gun can control 100 without one.

Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.

Austria-Hungary’s Decline

Lacked political/geographic unity Revolution of 1848:

Metternich opposed/crushed rev. activity France’s Rev. of 1848 spread to Austria;

fostered ideas of nationalism and “freedoms” Lost influence over Italian & German provinces

under Francis Joseph (conservative king) Dual Monarchy (The Ausgleich):

1867: divided Austria-Hungary into separate empires

Shared a monarch, but had different const./parl.

Austria (industrial); Hungary (agricultural)

“Powder Keg” in the Balkans

1875: nationalists in Serbia, Bulgaria, & Romania demanded independence from Turkey

The Congress of Berlin (1877): Russia went to war on behalf of the Slavic peoples

The Treaty of Stefano (1878): created a large, Russian controlled Bulgarian state Led to jingoism (extreme patriotism)

Balkan Conflict: Balkan states began to fight amongst themselves European nations allied with small nations to

help give aid


The Age of ImperialismThe Age of Imperialism

The Russian Empire in Decline

Russia a massive, multi-cultural empire Only approximately half speak Russian,

observe Russian Orthodox Christianity Romanov Tsars rule autocratic empire Powerful class of nobles exempt from

taxation, military duty Exploitative serfdom

The Russian empire, 1801-1914

The Crimean War, 1853-1856

Russian expansion into Caucasus in larger attempt to establish control over weakening Ottoman empire

Threatens to upset balance of power, Europeans become involved

Russia driven back from Crimea in humiliating defeat

Demonstration of Russian weakness in the face of western technology, strategy

Russian Industrialization

Alexander II emancipates the serfs (1861) Does not alleviate poverty/hunger

Peasants uprooted from rural lifestyle to work for low wage jobs Construction of Trans-Siberian Railroad

Socialist and anarchist propaganda spread rampantly People’s Will Movement assassinates

Alexander II Pogroms begin against Eastern European


Revolution of 1905

Humiliating defeat of Nicholas II and Russians in the Russo-Japanese War exposes government weaknesses

Growing Social Discontent boils over in growing Marxist movements

Russian soldiers open fire on protestors sparking panic and threatened revolt by the masses Nicholas II allows for representative

government (Duma) October Manifesto is issued

Western Trade in China

China had restricted the majority of Western trade since the 1750s The only allowed currency was silver

bullion British East India Company began to

trade (“smuggle”) opium from India into China By the 1830s, the Chinese began enforce

the ban and the British engaged in military action.

Opium War ends with the Unequal Treaties ceding Hong Kong to Britain.

Taiping Rebellion

Population growth of 50%; cultivated land remains stagnate

Call for the destruction of Qing Dynasty Taiping Platform – led by Hong Xiuquan

Abolition of private property Creation of communal wealth Prohibition of footbinding, concubinage Free public education, simplification of written

Chinese, mass literacy Prohibition of sexual relations among followers

(including married couples) In the end Hong commits suicide and 100,000

Taipings killed

The Self-Strengthening Movement (1860-95)

High point in 1860s-1870s Slogan “Chinese learning at the base,

Western learning for use” Blend of Chinese cultural traditions with

European industrial technology Shipyards, railroads, academies

Change to Chinese economy and society superficial

Strong influence from Confucian scholars and leaders proves to strong for the movement to succeed.

The Boxer Rebellion

Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists (“Boxers”), anti-foreign militia units 1899 fight to rid China of “foreign devils”

Misled to believe European weapons would not harm them, 140,000 Boxers besiege European embassies in 1900

Crushed by coalition of European forces China forced to accept stationing of

foreign troops

Foreign Pressure in Japan

Europeans, Americans attempting to establish relations

U.S. in particular look for Pacific ports merchants

Japan only allowed Dutch presence in Nagasaki 1853 Matthew Perry sails gunship up to Edo

(Tokyo), forces Japanese to open port Sparks conservative Japanese reaction against

Shogun, rally around Emperor in Kyoto – leading to Meiji Restoration

Meiji Restoration allows for “western learning” Establishment of Constitutional Government

The Idea of Imperialism

Term dates from mid-19th c.

In popular discourse by 1880s

Military imperialism Later, economic &

cultural varieties US imperialism

Motivation for Imperialism

Military Political Economic

European capitalism Religious Demographic

criminal populations Dissident populations

Manifest Destiny

Discovery of natural resources Exploitation of cheap labor Expansion of markets

The “White Man’s Burden”

Rudyard Kipling (1864-1936) Raised in India, native Hindi speaker Boarding school in England, then

return to India (1882) French: mission civilisatrice

Geopolitical Considerations

Strategic footholds Waterways Supply stations Imperial rivalries

Domestic Political Considerations

Crises of industrialism Pressure from nascent Socialism Imperial policies distract proletariat

from domestic politics Cecil Rhodes: imperialism alternative to

civil war

Technology and Imperialism

Transportation Steamships Railroads

Infrastructure Suez Canal (1859-1869) Panama Canal (1904-1914)


muzzle-loading muskets Mid-century: breech-loading rifles

Reduce reloading time 1880s: Maxim gun, 11 rounds per


The Military Advantage

Battle of Omdurman (near Khartom on Nile), 1898 Five hours of fighting

British: six gunboats, twenty machine guns, 368 killed

Sudanese: 11,000 killed


Correspondence 1830 Britain-India: 2 years After Suez Canal, 2 weeks

Telegraph 1870s, development of submarine

cables Britain-India: 5 hours

The Jewel of the British Crown: India

East India Company Monopoly on India trade Original permission from Mughal

emperors Mughal empire declines after death of

Aurangzeb, 1707

Home of a Wealthy Family in Calcutta

British Conquest

Protection of economic interests through political conquest

British and Indian troops (sepoys)

Sepoy Revolt, 1857

Enfield rifles Cartridges in wax paper greased with

animal fat Problem for Hindus: beef Problem for Muslims: pork

Sepoys capture garrison 60 soldiers, 180 civilian males massacred

(after surrender) Two weeks later, 375 women and

children murdered British retake fort, hang rebels

British Rule in India

Establish Direct Rule Pre-empts East India Company Established civil service staffed by English Low-level Indian civil servants

Organization of agriculture Crops: tea, coffee, opium

Stamp of British culture on Indian environment

Veneer on poor Muslim-Hindu relations

Imperialism in Southeast Asia

Spanish: Philippines Dutch: Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) British establish presence from 1820s

Conflict with kings of Burma (Myanmar) 1820s, established colonial authority by 1880s

Thomas Stamford Raffles founds Singapore for trade in Strait of Melaka Base of British colonization in Malaysia, 1870s-

1880s French: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, 1859-

1893 Encouraged conversion to Christianity

The Scramble for Africa (1875-1900)

French, Portugese, Belgians, and English competing for “the dark continent”

Britain establishes strong presence in Egypt, Rhodesia Suez Canal Rhodesian gold.


A New Africa

Implications for justification of imperialist rule

European exploration of rivers (Nile, Niger, Congo) Information on interior of Africa King Leopold II of Belgium starts Congo

Free State, commercial ventures One of the most brutal mistreatment of

the Africans

The Berlin Conference (1884-1885)

Fourteen European nations, United States No African states present Rules of colonization: any European state

can take “unoccupied” territory after informing other European powers

European firepower dominates Africa Exceptions: Ethiopia fights off Italy

(1896); Liberia a dependency of the US

Systems of Colonial Rule

Concessionary companies Private companies get large tracts of land to exploit

natural resources Companies get freedom to tax, recruit labor:

horrible abuses Profit margin minimal

Direct Rule “civilizing mission” - Chronic shortage of European

personnel; language and cultural barriers French West Africa: 3600 Euro rule 9 million

Africans Indirect Rule – use of indigenous institutions

US Imperialism

President James Monroe warns Europeans not to engage in imperialism in western hemisphere (1823) The Monroe Doctrine: all Americas a U.S.

Protectorate 1867 purchased Alaska from Russia 1875 established protectorate over

Hawai’i Locals overthrow queen in 1893, persuade

US to acquire islands in 1898

Spanish-Cuban-American War (1898-1899)

US declares war in Spain after battleship Maine sunk in Havana harbor, 1898 Takes possession of Cuba, Puerto Rico,

Guam, Philippines US intervenes in other Caribbean, Central

American lands, occupies Dominican Repubilc, Nicaragua, Honduras, Haiti

Filipinos revolt against Spanish rule, later against US rule (led by E. Aguinaldo)

The Panama Canal

President Theodore Roosevelt (in office 1901-1909) supports insurrection against Colombia (1903)

Rebels win, establish state of Panama U.S. gains territory to build canal,

Panama Canal Zone Roosevelt Corollary of Monroe Doctrine

U.S. right to intervene in domestic affairs of other nations if U.S. investments threatened

Early Japanese Expansion

Resentment over Unequal Treaties of 1860s 1870s colonized northern region: Hokkaido,

Kurile islands, southern Okinawa and Ryukyu islands as well

1876 Japanese purchase warships from Britian, dominate Korea

Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895) over Korea results in Japanese victory

Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) also ends in Japanese victory

Economic Legacies of Imperialism

Colonized states encouraged to exploit natural resources rather than build manufacturing centers

Encouraged dependency on imperial power for manufactured goods made from native raw product Indian cotton

Introduction of new crops Tea in Ceylon

Colonial Conflict

Thousands of insurrections against colonial rule Tanganyika Maji Maji Rebellion against Germans

(1905-1906) Rebels sprinkle selves with magic water (maji maji)

as protection against modern weapons; 75000 killed “Scientific” Racism developed

Count Joseph Arthurd de Gobineau (1816-1882) Combines with theories of Charles Darwin (1809-

1882) to form pernicious doctrine of Social Darwinism