Chapter 2 Computer Graphics and Visualization SSE, Mukka

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  • Chapter 2 Computer Graphics and Visualization SSE, Mukka
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  • Programming oriented approach is used. Minimal application programmer's interface (API) is used which allow to program many interesting two- and three- dimensional problems, and to familiarize with the basic graphics concepts. 2-D graphics is regarded as a special case of 3-D graphics. Hence the 2-D code will execute without modification on a 3- D system. A simple but informative problem called: The Sierpinski gasket is used. 2-D programs that do not require user interaction can be written with knowledge presented here. The chapter is concluded with an example of a 3-D application. in slides on Chapter 2 Adapted from Angel: Interactive Computer Graphics 5E Addison- Wesley 2009 2 Highlights of the chapter
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  • The Sierpinski gasket is an object that can be defined recursively and randomly in the limit, however, it has properties that are not at all random Consider the three vertices in the plane. Assume that their locations, as specified in some convenient coordinate system, are (Xl, Y1), (X2, Y2), and (X3, Y3). The construction proceeds as follows: The Sierpinski Gasket Problem
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  • 1. Pick an initial point at random inside the triangle. 2. Select one of the three vertices at random. 3. Find the point half way between the initial point and the randomly selected vertex. 4. Display this new point by putting some sort of marker, such as a small circle, at its location.. 5. Replace the initial point with this new point. 6. Return to step 2. Thus, each time a point that is generated, it is displayed on the output device. In the figure p0 is the initial point, and Pl and P2 are the first two points generated by the algorithm. Construction of Gasket
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  • main( ) { initialize_the_system(); for (some_number_of_points) { pt = generate_a_point(); display_the_point(pt); } cleanup(); } A possible form for our graphics program
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  • To produce the image of a 3-D object on 2-D pad of pen- plotter model, the positions of 2-D points corresponding to points on 3-D object are to be specified. These two-dimensional points are the projections of points in three-dimensional space. The mathematical process of determining projections is an application of trigonometry. An API allows users to work directly in the domain of their problems, and to use computers to carry out the details of the projection process automatically, without the users having any trigonometric calculations within the application program Programming 2-D applications
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  • For 2-D applications, such as the Sierpinski gasket, discussion is started with a three-dimensional world. Mathematically, a 2-D plane or a simple 2-D curved surface is viewed as a subspace of a three-dimensional space. Hence, statements-both practical and abstract -about the bigger 3-D world will hold for the simpler 2-D one. We can represent a point in the plane z=0 as p = (x, y, 0) in 3-D, or as p = (x, y) in 2-D subspace corresponding to the plane. Contd
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  • In OpenGL, internal representation for both 2-D and 3-D points is same. Hence a 3-D point is represented by a triplet: regardless of in what coordinate system p is represented. Vertex ( rather than point): A vertex is a location in space (in Computer Graphics a 2-D, 3-D, 4-D spaces are used). Vertices are used to define the atomic geometric objects that are recognized by graphics system. The simplest geometric object is a point in space, which is specified by a single vertex. Two vertices define a line segment. Three vertices can determine either a triangle or a circle. Four vertices determine a quadrilateral, and so on. Contd
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  • OpenGL has multiple forms for many functions. The variety of forms allows the user to select the one best suited for the problem. General for of the vertex function is glVertex* where the * can be interpreted as either two or three characters of the form nt or ntv, where -n signifies the number of dimensions (2, 3, or 4); -t denotes the data type, such as integer (i), float (f), or double (d); -v, if present, indicates the variables are specified through a pointer to an array, rather than through an argument list. Regardless of which form a user chooses, the underlying representation is the same. Multiple Forms of functions
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  • GLfloat and GLint, are used rather than the C types, such as float and int. These types are defined in the header files and usually in the obvious way-for example, #define GLfloat float However, use of the OpenGL types allows additional flexibility for implementations for example, suppose the floats are to be changed to doubles without altering existing application programs. Basic OpenGL types
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  • Returning to the vertex function, if the user wants to work in 2-D with integers, then the form glVertex2i(GLint xi, GLint yi) is appropriate glVertex3f(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) specifies a position in 3-D space using floating-point numbers. If an array is used to store the information for a 3-D vertex, GLfloat vertex[3] then glVertex3fv(vertex) can be used. Contd..
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  • Different numbers of vertices are required depending on the object. Any number of vertices can be grouped using the functions glBegin and glEnd. The argument of glBegin specifies the geometric type that the vertices define. Hence, a line segment can be specified by glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(xl,yl); glVertex2f(x2,y2); glEnd(); Geometric primitives
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  • Same data can be used to define a pair of points, by using the form, glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex2f(xl,yl); glVertex2f(x2,y2); glEnd(); Contd
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  • Suppose that all points are to be generated within a 500 x 500 square whose lower left-hand corner is at (0,0) - a convenient, but easily altered, choice. How to represent geometric data in program? A two-element array for 2-D points is used: typedef GLfloat point2[2]; A function called display, is created to generate 5000 points each time it is called. Assume that an array of triangle vertices triangle[3] is defined in display as an array of point2. Heart of Sierpinski gasket program
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  • void display(void) { point2 triangle[3] = {{0.0, 0.0}, {250.0, 500.0}, {500.0, 0.0}}; /* an arbitrary triangle */ static point2 p = {75.0, 50.0}; /* or set to any desired initial point */ int j, k; int rand(); /* standard random- number generator*/ for(k=0;k