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Chapter 1: What is Personality? Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. This multimedia product and its contents are protected under

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Eight Key Aspects of Personality Unconscious Ego forces Cognitive Biological Conditioning Traits Spiritual Person-situation interaction Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Chapter 1:

What is Personality?

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What does it mean to be a person?

Personality psychology ◦ the scientific study of the

psychological forces that make people uniquely themselves

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Eight Key Aspects of Personality


Ego forces






Person-situation interaction

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Personality and Science

Scientific methods are used to test personality theories

◦Importance of data and statistics to test theories

◦Superiority over conclusions from astrology, palm-reading, etc.

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The Zodiac

Does the Barnum Effect explain some of the appeal of astrology?

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Where do personality theories come from?

Deductive approachInductive approachConcepts borrowed from other

disciplinesCombination (most theories

utilize all of these)

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Induction and Deduction

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Preview of the Perspectives








Person-situation interaction

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A Brief History of Personality Psychology

Theater and self-presentation

◦“All the world’s a stage and all the men and women are merely players” -- William Shakespeare

◦The relative self

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A Brief History of Personality Psychology Religion

◦Eastern philosophies and religions consciousness self-fulfillment

Renaissance philosophers◦Mind-body debate◦Nature of consciousness

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A Brief History of Personality Psychology Evolutionary biology

◦Charles Darwin

◦Adaptive value

◦People are subject to the laws of nature

◦Animal personalityCopyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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A Brief History of Personality Psychology


◦Wartime testing (World War I)

◦Intelligence testing

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A Brief History of Personality Psychology

Modern theory◦Gordon Allport

Examined the underlying organization of each individual’s personality

◦Kurt Lewin Gestalt psychology

◦Henry Murray “Personology” Longitudinal designs

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A Brief History of Personality Psychology Modern theory

◦Clark Hull Learning theorist

◦B. F. Skinner Behaviorist

◦Margaret Mead Anthropologist who highlighted the

importance of cross-cultural comparisons

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Some Basic Issues What is the importance of the

unconscious?What is the self?Does each individual require a

unique approach?◦nomothetic vs. idiographic

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Some Basic Issues

Are there differences between men and women?

The person versus the situationTo what extent is personality

culturally determined?Is personality a useful concept?

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Timeline (early years)

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Timeline (later years)

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