Chapter 1 Earth Lesson 1 Copper Building Your Foundation Of Wealth Who Are You?

Chapter 1 Earth - thinkBIGacademics · implementation and success of your personal passion(s). CHAPTER 1 EARTH…. BECOMING GROUNDED. Chapter 1 Earth is the first of three chapters

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Page 1: Chapter 1 Earth - thinkBIGacademics · implementation and success of your personal passion(s). CHAPTER 1 EARTH…. BECOMING GROUNDED. Chapter 1 Earth is the first of three chapters

Chapter 1 Earth Lesson 1 Copper

Building Your

Foundation Of Wealth

Who Are You?

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www.kenBIGblake.com I am not an expert…I Just Happen To Make Since.

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WelivelifeBIG.com is comprised of professionals in

finance, real estate, business, mortgages,

crowd funding, education, marketing, technology, economics, and

the community services industries.

We realized that empowerment came from the discovery of a person’s passions and the ability to

create a system that would allow the “Average” consumer to flourish.

This education and training had to enable a person to become free of the misguiding's and old thought

processes that have held all of us back at one time or another.

We did not just want to talk empowerment, but provide a vehicle focusing on your individual talents

and passions to create empowerment in you. You invest in yourself to reach success.

As you go through each chapter and lesson you will learn much about yourself, your passions and how

to make them marketable. You will also learn basic marketing principles using our product through

various means we have provided and your own ingenuity.

If we had to sum up our system, it would be

learning to create the habit of common sense practices in your life and finances.

Stage 1. Identifying And Pursuing Your Passions.

Stage 2. Managing The Income You Already Earn

Stage 3. Increasing Your Income

Stage 4. Decreasing Your Debt / Becoming Debt Free

Stage 5. Business Ownership, Home, And Investment Property Ownership.

Are You Ready To Life Live BIG?

What is your definition of S.U.C.C.E.S.S?

Ours Is

Seeing Unity Change Circumstances Enabling Someone's Success

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Have you ever considered living a powerful passion based life? Would you enjoy earning income from your

own business idea or passion? Welcome to we live life BIG. Our passion is assisting you in the development,

implementation and success of your personal passion(s).


Chapter 1 Earth is the first of three chapters. This chapter is designed to enable you to become grounded.

We know that in order to assist you in your financial goals there are some basic things we must review that

you may not currently practice.

If you are here to create wealth you will apply the knowledge and tools we are providing here in sequence.

There are five lessons in chapter 1 to accomplish. They are truly the basics to becoming successful. Ask

yourself; are you really on the right path to maintaining wealth and implementing what you love into your life

daily? You choose your destiny and destination!

There are 3 steps to becoming successful and live life BIG.

1. Belief

2. Action

3. Persistence

You have taken the first step by believing that this program may have the key that you have been searching


You have taken the second step by taking the action necessary to receive this lesson

The third step is one that with time will enable you to be that person you have known inside of you existed all

along. Now is the time to believe in YOU.

Are you ready to commit to your dreams and passions?

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I ____________________________________________________________________

understand that in order to live a BIG life I have to make small changes that over time will produce major


I understand that in order to live life BIG I must also set short term goals that are measurable and note my

progress frequently.

Below is the commitment treaty I will uphold…….

I will agree to commit daily

1hr 2hrs 3hrs 4hrs 5hrs 10hrs 15hrs

I will set this time aside

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Mornings Afternoons Evenings

My weekly commitment is ___________ hrs.

I will commit to becoming successful this year and every year after by

taking actions on my goals & dreams

one day at a time….



Signature ____________________________________ Date _____________________

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Who are You?............................................................... 6

What are your GOALS? ………………………………. 10

Tips to save more income ……………………………...17

Getting Started Marketing Tips & Templates ………….19

Moving into the next lesson ……………………………26

Short Story ……………………………………………...28

Each lesson you will learn more about marketing as well as business principles

that will lay the foundation of your wealth. The marketing techniques will assist

you in reaching the next lesson. You will be able to learn at your own speed

through print, audio and video all the while funding the passions and businesses

that make you who you are.

If you implement your creativity and insights along the way we promise you that

you can become debt free, own a home or investment property and have a

successful business within three years or sooner if that is your goal.

Only you can make this promise a reality by choosing this for your life and

following the proper sequence to attaining it.

Mark Cuban stated that anyone going into debt to start a business is a fool.

W.H.Y would a billionaire make such a statement?

When you start to question W.H.Y, you are on the path that children have taken

since their first words. Children want to know, how does that make sense in the

world I understand as of present.

Do you want to know our W.H.Y?... We Help You because it is the way in

which we satisfy our passions and find rewards in our existence. Let us show you how to live the life you

desire by providing the sequence and guidance you may have been missing. We may just be that piece that

you have been looking for to complete yourself.

We have consulted with major income earners and business leaders over the past several years and from that

knowledge created this simple system to enhance your entrepreneurial learning and ability to create wealth

without going into debt. We believe that education should pay you as you learn, not learn into debt that may

cause unnecessary hardship when payments are due.

When you have reached Chapter 2 Air 2nd Lesson “Leader” you will be able to attend our 3 yearly

retreat, workshop, seminars for FREE where experts will enhance your business knowledge over a

two day weekend.

Ever since I was a

child I have had

this instinctive urge

for expansion and


To me, the function

and duty of a

quality human

being is the sincere

and honest

development of

one’s potential….

Bruce Lee

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Remember….The Commitment Treaty Is A Commitment To YOUrself

Proper Sequence….There is a sequence to doing the right things.

Could you imagine starting college at five years old just knowing the alphabet (A B C’s) and how to spell a

couple of words? It would be overwhelming and those that have followed the proper sequence will seem light

years ahead of you.

Imagine if you had a million dollars seed money to start your business. What if someone told you that you

needed to spend $750,000.00 on advertising $150,000.00 on leasing a space and they would do it all for you for

10% of your seed money?

Imagine buying your first home or investment property without a home inspection, or paying more than the

appraised value?

In all three of these scenarios you would come out at a loss from the start. Could you still become successful?

Yes of course but time and money was lost by taking ill advice and moving before you had a basic

knowledge of the proper sequence that underlies all things.

So what would you start with? We start with the first thing in the sequence to becoming successful, and that is

Y.O.U! (Your Opportunities Unlimited)

We will assist you from the INSIDE OUT and provide a personal M.A.P. (Meeting A Passion, Monitoring All

Progress) that you have the power to adjust when certain paths become washed out with time. This roadmap

will help you attain your goal(s) and will follow the proper sequence to success.

Are you ready to explore yourself?

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Who Are You?

This question has to be one of the most difficult questions to answer because time changes our perception of

who we are. We are not who we were before the age of 10 or 10 years from who we are now.

Today we will answer this question in the moment. We will not focus on what or who you were or past

accomplishments or failures that make up who you are. We will focus on who you are at this moment in time.

There are 12 questions that we want you to answer. This will assist you in discovering the proper avenue to

insure your goals are met.

Describe yourself or business in 50 words or less.








1. What was the very first memory you can recall?






2. As a child what do you remember other children or adults telling you that you were good at something?






“In setting up a business under the name and meaning of the Golden Rule, I was publicly

binding myself, in my business relations, to a principle which had been a real and intimate

part of my family upbringing. Our idea was to make money and build business through

serving our community with fair dealing and honest value”

JC Penney – On Principle Centered Business…

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3. If you could wave a magic wand to change 3 things in your life what would you change and why?













4. What are the best things about your life?








5. What excites and inspires you about your life?





6. Who do you admire and why?





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7. What would you do if there was no such thing as currency and everything was free?





8. What are three characteristics that you possess that is a strength to achieving your success?





9. What is the main thing that you feel stops your success?





10. At this moment, what is sapping your energy / motivation?





11. When and what was the last time you did something BIG for yourself?





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12. What are the top three goals or dreams you want to accomplish the remainder of your life?



















The questions will enable you to look within and strip away some of the answers needed to move forward in

your passions and business. If you are able to commit to our outline and your goals you will be more likely able

to achieve them. It is very important that you write down your goals as a way to give them solidity because in

your mind they are still formless.

The next exercise we will focus on the three main goals that you are looking to accomplish and the HOW to

make them a reality. Are you willing to commit to yourself and your plan of strategy to make your dreams more

than just a possibility? Are you willing to commit when everything seems to be going wrong?

You have to earn your dreams……now lets work on your P.O.S.T!

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What are your Goals?…. P.O.S.T. = Plan Of Strategy Tablet

A written goal, strategy and the actions necessary to accomplish it are what separates the true elite from the

most common…Ken BIG Blake

This section will deal with your what, why, how. The previous section had you look into yourself and also

identify the three main goals you want to accomplish in life.

Remember ……. Goals are specific, measurable, attainable in your lifetime, relevant and time bound.

Goal 1

What? (Goals are measurable)




Why? (Why is this goal important?)





How? (Strategy)







___________________________________________________________. We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey

toward the goal we've established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It

makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile….Earl Nightingale

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Goal 2

What? (Goals are measurable)




Why? (Why is this goal important?)





How? (Strategy)








It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward

with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel toward our distant goal…..

Helen Keller

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Goal 3

What? (Goals are measurable)




Why? (Why is this goal important?)





How? (Strategy)








All successful people men and women are BIG dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, then

they work toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose......

Brian Tracy

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Strategy is Important. It is your how.

Your HOW has to be flexible yet still move towards your desires. If you meditate upon your goals and WHY

you want to achieve them your HOW (strategy) will be revealed to you.

It is very important that you become aware of all that is around you and look for the signs that seem to come

from nowhere. The universe is aligning the things you have put in place to bring about that change you desire.

You must also begin to monitor what you read watch and listen to. This will be the time when everything that

can go bad will and the last thing you need is to succumb to the wind that blows the masses as if they are leaves.

Your goals are something that you earn over time.

You will be tested time and again until your WILL overcomes and life itself realizes that you will not be

swayed. Your dreams will manifest and you will then have the power to tell your story with conviction and

assist those that also want to live a fuller richer life.

Start being grateful now. Every day there is something that you can be thankful for. Start taking a note of it.

Gratitude improves attitude.

Today I am grateful for






The best thing that happened to me today was






Do this daily and watch how the magic happens………………….

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Great, you completed your goals….what next….keeping them in sight……

Most people who write down their goals have a better chance of attaining them. How would you like to increase

those chances even more? It’s simple, just create a vision board that you can view every day to remind you of

what you are working towards. We have provided a couple of simple boards you may want to use as a template

for your design. Be Creative………

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Get your friends or children to also make a board of their own….

thinkBIG and have fun…….

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Tips to save more income..

Managing the income you already have.

Each lesson we will provide three ways that you will be able to make the most out of the income you already

earn. You have to make a conscious effort and practice daily tips to maximize your spending.

This lesson we will start with apps that you can use for your smart phone. The next lesson will be a

combination of apps and and tips you may not know.

Shopkick – Who says you have to stop shopping?

Shopkick is the shopping app that helps you discover all the best products at stores near you. It shows you

popular products and rewards waiting for you at stores like Target, Macy's, Best Buy, Old Navy, American

Eagle, JCPenney, Sports Authority and Crate & Barrel. And it rewards you with kicks (points) just for

walking in the door. Get even more kicks when you scan items and make purchases. Redeem your points for

gift cards at your favorite stores. Now you can do even more of what you love—shop.

Checkout 51 – Have you been grocery shopping lately?

Checkout 51 allows you to buy groceries and earn cash back. They have over thousands of items available in

millions of stores that are everyday as well as monthly purchases.

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Gigwalk – Earn $3.00 to $100.00 in your area…..

You may be able to pay your phone bill with this app over a couple of weekends. That would be great!!!

Earn Income – we live life BIG

Are you ready to share welivelifeBIG with friends, family and associates? Show them the app and give them

your “Creator ID”. They will also be able to take advantage of the training earning income as you are. You

will also receive updates before actual web launch as well as monthly tips to manage the income you already

earn. Scan the QR code or visit the link and you will find another surprise that allows you to become a


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Getting Started Marketing Tips & Templates

Who are you? What are your goals? We hope that those ever changing answers have at least been

addressed today. It is very important that you take the time to discover who you are. Who are you when you

are alone? Everyone may not be looking to start a business or create income from their passion. We know that

most of you are.

If you are looking to grow into the vision you see there is a proper sequence that must be followed to

attain that higher vision of yourself. If your vision is to become debt free and wealthy you are going to need

income as well as provide a service that you can stand behind.

WelivelifeBIG will assist you with that and one way is with our printed, audio and video assistance

throughout different lessons in our program. In every lesson we provide different avenues and tips to market

our program that can easily be used for ideas to market your true passions.

As you go further through each chapter and lesson your income will increase and so will the amount you

can use on advertising. The first chapter lessons one through five will cover free and low cost ways to get the

word out. We have provided printable marketing that can get you started. This of course is old school at its

finest. Guess what? It still actually works. How did you find out about us?

Someone in welivelifeBIG developed a marketing strategy and put it to use. The key words are “put it to

use”. They took A.C.T.I.O.N.S. (Action Changes The Imaginable Opening New Systems) Are you ready to

learn something new, a new system to assist you in attaining the income you desire? Hang out with us for a

while and note the changes as you progress through each lesson….

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Marketing Strategy:

Step 1. How much are you willing to spend on marketing?

Step 2. How will you monitor what works?






Step 3. How many people do you want to reach monthly?

Step 4. Make it happen!


Seventh Lesson “Leader”

provides free workshops, retreats and educational seminars with expert

instructors. They cover in detail everything involved in marketing, credit

repair, incorporating, owning the home or investment property of your choice,

living your passions, funding your business, living debt free etc….

Are you Leader Material?

1. Business cards - How many do you pass out daily? If you are passing out less than 25 a day or 100

weekly you may be losing business. How many do you have now and when was the last time you bought


2. Post cards – Leave them something BIG. How many people wear glasses or need them? How many

businesses would not mind you leaving 8 to 10 postcards for their customers?

3. Flyers – When was the last time you handed out or had your street team post a flyer? When was the last

time you saw a flyer?

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Marketing P.O.S.T (Plan Of Strategy Tablet)

I will start right now























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To all who hear these present



is assisting those with

the courage to


Moving into the next lesson…. The best way to understand moving into the next lesson is by watching the video below.

If the video does not play from your device or computer you can click the link below the video.

Click Me To Go To The Video Online

We are committed to insuring that you earn income as you move through each lesson and chapter. In order for

you to move forward you must have marketed to five people that have paid you $5.00 dollars in hand or via

paypal, square or any service you have set up for the first chapter of our course. You will then be allowed to

upgrade to the next lesson.

The next lesson is $10.00 FREE and is called Bronze.

If you feel that this first lesson copper has provided value we are sure that as you travel through each lesson

earning while learning you will realize that the value increases as well as your income and the time frame

needed to realize your dreams.

The excel worksheet was an attachment you received with this first lesson that the video instructs on the

usage of. The next sheet is the simple pay plan that we use. This is available on the about us page.

We look forward to providing a program that you can be proud to stand behind…

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welivelifeBIG Income Unfortunately when most of us are approached

with a business opportunity we feel as though it is a

scam or illegal or a pyramid

where the only people that are becoming wealthy are those at the top.

We at welivelifeBIG.com understood this and have provided a quick breakdown of our highly simplistic pay


It is very important to us and the people who come into our program to know and understand that countless

hours went into creating a

win/win situation from the bottom up and top down.

Our interest is in seeing you accomplish what is needed to truly become debt free. We are providing a

system and affordable income producing avenue that you can be proud of.

You will receive over 72% as an affiliate with our system along with the possibility of earning more

than 100% upon completion.

1. We provide an educational tool and you are investing in yourself.

2. You receive monetary consideration for referring others.

3. You receive 72% of total cost with 100% the first 7 of 10 Lessons.

4. Each chapter has simple marketing requirements. You start out making a profit.

5. Certain lessons provide bonus income and savings tips. (Appropriate Lesson Reveals Bonus Income)

6. Company income sharing upon completion of course marketing reach.

7. Income paid daily & semi-monthly. (Review video for level 1 Earth task 1 Copper)

8. Four ways to earn income as part of the system. (No Hidden Costs)

9. Free Continuing Ed with leaders in their respective fields. (Closed to public)

10. Affordable to get started and can break even with one person.

We are the first to create the payment plan that you will be utilizing as you earn while learn. You will

be pleasantly surprised as you complete each chapter and more is revealed that will allow you to focus

on your passions and creating a lifestyle free of debt.

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www.welivelifeBIG.com Chapter 1 Earth… Building Your Foundation Of Wealth (Who are Y.O.U?)

Giving……………………Learning…………………….Teaching…………………….Growth 29

Short Story – Popcorn Mondays


A great friend as well as business associate of mine that works for a mortgage provider shared a story with me recently that is worth re-telling. She has been in the business of finance for several years and rose through the ranks as an instructor in the areas of Fannie Mae, FHA, Freddie Mac, VA and all types of government loans. When it comes to policy she can quote THE BOOK as if she wrote it. She is one of those people that understands that some things just have to be right with no room for error. She handles every case as if it belonged to a loved one and has the gift of pointing out how to correct errors without leaving a bad taste in her superiors or co-workers mouths. A couple of people she trained has moved into positions with a bit of authority. A gentleman that always tried to cut corners needed some information from her because in his present position things had to be done right. She knew the information he needed was no longer valid and proceeded to tell him to start the file over from the beginning because of the time that had passed and she would also have to do another full review. Well he didn't like the fact that he had to start over again and went to a former manager that use to protect him. The former manager called her and stated that she was not a team player and all of the other things that people come up with that have lower standards or less understanding. After she pointed out a couple of things she had to take a break. The Vice President was with a couple of other high end executives and asked her how her day had been when returning from her break. She told them it was okay to be Popcorn Monday. They looked puzzled and asked her what was popcorn Monday. She told them that it was when a person did not have a good weekend so they deflect all of their negative emotions onto someone as a way to pop off. They all laughed at her new term. I laughed and asked her if I could share her story. There are a lot of times when people will pop off at you and even if you are strong enough to eat the popcorn it is best to just take a breather….BIG7424

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Page 31: Chapter 1 Earth - thinkBIGacademics · implementation and success of your personal passion(s). CHAPTER 1 EARTH…. BECOMING GROUNDED. Chapter 1 Earth is the first of three chapters

www.welivelifeBIG.com Chapter 1 Earth… Building Your Foundation Of Wealth (Who are Y.O.U?)

Giving……………………Learning…………………….Teaching…………………….Growth 30