Chapter 1 (con’t)

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)


    Chapter 1 (cont)

    Heat Transfer

    Nur Aklis

    Mechanical EngineeringMuhammadiyah ni!ersity of "urakarta

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)



    $ %hen t&o 'odies are at different temperatures

    thermal energy transfers from the one &ith

    higher temperature to the one &ith lo&er

    temperature Heat al&ays transfers from hot tocold

    $ Heat transfer is a study of the e*change of

    thermal energy through a 'ody or 'et&een

    'odies &hich occurs &hen there is a

    temperature difference

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)


    Mechanisms of heat transfer

    $ There are three mechanisms of heat


    + Conduction

    + Con!ection

    + ,adiation

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    $ Conduction is at transfer through solids orstationery fluids

    $ -ne of e*ample of conduction is &hen you touch

    a hot o'.ect the heat you feel is transferred

    through your skin 'y conduction

    $ Mechanism of heat conduction

    + /n solids0 lattice !i'ration and particle collision

    + /n fluids 0 molecular collisions

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    Figure Conduction 'y lattice !i'ration

    FigureConduction 'y particle collision

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    $ Lattice vibration /n solids atoms are 'ound analogousto springs as sho&n in igure %hen there is atemperature difference in the solid the hot side of the

    solid e*periences more !igorous atomic mo!ementsThe !i'rations are transmitted through the springs to thecooler side of the solid

    $ Particle collisionmetals ha!e free electrons &hich arenot 'ound to any particular atom and can freely mo!e

    a'out the solid The electrons in the hot side of the solidmo!e faster than those on the cooler side This scenariois sho&n in Figure As the electrons undergo a series ofcollisions the faster electrons gi!e off some of theirenergy to the slo&er electrons

    $ Conduction through electron collision is more effecti!ethan through lattice !i'ration2 this is &hy metalsgenerally are 'etter heat conductors than ceramicmaterials &hich do not ha!e many free electrons

    $ Mechanism of heat conduction in li3uid like paticlecollision

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    ,ate of Heat Conduction

    $ The rate of heat conduction is depend on

    + 4eometry of medium

    + Thickness

    + Material of medium

    + Temperature difference

    $ The rate of conduction (3) through a plane layer isproportional to the temperature difference across thelayer and the heat transfer area 'ut is in!erselyproportional to the thickness of the layer

    $ ourier proposed the la& of materials as2356k7T

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)


    A A





    8 *


    dTkAq =


    q 5 rate of heat conduction (&att)

    dT9d* 5 gradient of temperature

    k5thermal conducti!ity of material (&att9moC)

    A5area (m:)

    The negati!e sign represents that heat flo&

    /n the direction opposite to the gradient temperature

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)


  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)



    $ Con!ection uses the motion of fluids totransfer heat

    $ /t is occur 'et&een a solid surface and

    ad.acent fluid

    $ Heat is first transferred from hot 'lock to

    the ad.acent layer of air 'y conduction and

    then carried a&ay from the surfacecon!ection

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)


    Hot block


    Air fow

    Velocity o air Temperature

    A Ts


  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)


    There are t&o kinds of con!ection

    $ Natural con!ection is caused 'y 'uoyancy

    forces that are induced 'y density differences

    due the !ariation of temperature in fluid

    $ orce con!ection is &hen the fluid flo& o!er thesurface 'y e*ternal such as fan pump or &ind

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)


    $ Con!ection head transfer depends on

    + #ynamic !iscosity

    + Thermal conducti!ity+ #ensity

    + "pecific heat

    + luid !elocity

    + 4eometry+ ,oughness

    + Type of fluid flo&

    )( = TThAQ scon

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)



    $ All o'.ect emit electromagnetic radiation and this

    radiation carries energy ,adiation heat transfer occurs&hen the emitted radiation strikes another 'ody and is


    $ The po&er radiated from surface A at temperature T is

    gi!en 'y the stefan6

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)


    $ /f o'.ect is at temperature T and its

    surroundings are at temperature To the

    net rate of energy loss is


    )( 44 ToTAP =

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter 1 (cont)



    $ A &indo&s is 1: m high and 8> m &ide The

    glass is ? mm thick and has thermal conducti!ity

    8@ %9moC The temperature of the inner face is

    1: oC and that of the outer surface is 61: oC%hat is the rate of flo& through the &indo&

    $ T&o sla' of thickness B1 and B: and area A are

    in thermal contact &ith their surface

    temperatures T1 and T: respecti!ely %hat is thetemperature at the interface 'et&een t&o sla'

    %hat is the rate of heat flo&