Changing Lives with Cosmetic Scleral Shells

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  • 8/17/2019 Changing Lives with Cosmetic Scleral Shells


    Changing Lives

    With CosmeticScleral Shells

  • 8/17/2019 Changing Lives with Cosmetic Scleral Shells


      osmet c c era e sfor you

     recommended optionto because they aremore strong. Scleral

    shells are more similarto prosthetic eyes thanprosthetic contact lensin that they surroundthe complete damagedeye. They normallycreate a bettercosmetic result.Cosmetic Scleral Shells 

    are used in caseswhere the eye isshrunen or thedirection of eyeball is

    misaligned or wherelens is not able to focus

  • 8/17/2019 Changing Lives with Cosmetic Scleral Shells


    !eels lie your "atural #yes

    •  The Cosmetic Scleral Shells x lie a si$eablecontact lens sheathing the fore front surface of theeye. %t shifts with the natural eye and is x so thatthe eyelid orices are well balanced. &atients

    having Cosmetic scleral shell are mostly able tocarry it all time' removing it once or twice everymonth for cleaning purpose. Some patients selectto wear their shell during the day time' removing it

    at night time.• (an atients who have sou ht to wear a

  • 8/17/2019 Changing Lives with Cosmetic Scleral Shells


    Who Can*enets +

    •  Cosmetic ScleralShells utili$ed byocularists to thepatients who

    experience oculartrauma from anaccident or in,ury andhaving problem in thecornea resulting

    corneal clouding. %t isalso used for treatingpatients who have adeformed' shrunen'or disgured eye.

    )dditionally' denite

  • 8/17/2019 Changing Lives with Cosmetic Scleral Shells


    /easons o s gureCorneas

    • Congenital deformity

    • Surgicalimpediments0glaucoma'retinal' corneal1

    • %nfectious diseases• /etinal detachments'


    • "utritional 2eciency03itamin ) deciencies1

    • )ccident or in,ury

    • chemical burns' trauma

  • 8/17/2019 Changing Lives with Cosmetic Scleral Shells


    osme c ene s oCosmetic Scleral Shells

    • %n,ury or congenital

    defects can inducemaximal deformitiesto an eye. 3ariousCosmetic Scleral Shells can haveutili$ed to cover theunexpressed issues

    and match eyecoloring. )lternativescan cover from a basicto custom hand4made


  • 8/17/2019 Changing Lives with Cosmetic Scleral Shells


    • Transparent Tinting4 %mproved tinting ofCosmetic Scleral Shells gives glassy

    coloring that cover the natural iris tones tomoderate lyalter iris coloring.

    • Standard Opaque Designs4 Standard

    Cosmetic Scleral Shells are easilyavailable in dierent base curves' si$es withtransparent or blac bacing' iris diameters'and recommendations.

    • Custom Hand-Painted-2ierent customhand4made techniques are used to providea more natural4looing shells. 5ne4dimensional designs have the color paintedon the fore front surface.

  • 8/17/2019 Changing Lives with Cosmetic Scleral Shells


    Therapeutic Benefts o Cosmetic Scleral Shells

    • Eliminating Diplopia

    • Eliminating Photophobia

    Enhancing Contrast!ision• Color !ision Benefts

    With Scleral Shells' mae a2ierence. Tae time to consultvarious shells choices with eye

    specialists that will be very benecialfor atients as well as s ecialists.

  • 8/17/2019 Changing Lives with Cosmetic Scleral Shells


    Contact us

    "ddress# $%&' (irst (loor' DD"

    Building )' "bo*e +c Donald'District Center' ,anapuri' .e/ Delhi$$%%01' 2ndia Ph3 %$$- )0&$4010' 56$-61$$7640%0Email# sachin3opt8gmail3com9ebsite# http#

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]