Change in Bowel Habit-last

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  • 8/6/2019 Change in Bowel Habit-last


  • 8/6/2019 Change in Bowel Habit-last


    No rule for frequency of normal bowel


    The general range is from 3 times a day

    to 3 times a week.

    A bowel movement should be soft and

    easy to pass, though some people may

    have harder or softer stools than others.

    HEALTHY BOWEL MOVEMENTThere is usually a time of day when bowel movementsare more likely to occurThe urge to defecate is often strongest in the morningLaxativesFood

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    y Frequency of occurrence

    y Texture

    y Sudden change in the colour

    y Consistency of stool

    y Shape of stool

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    y Excessive and frequent evacuation ofwatery faeces, usually indicatinggastrointestinal distress or disorder.

    y Loose watery stooly condition of having three or more

    loose or liquid bowel movements perday

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    y Constipation is an acute or chronic condition in whichbowel movements occur less often than usual orconsist of hard, dry stools that are painful or difficult

    to pass.y Bowel habits vary, but an adult who has not had a

    bowel movement in three days or a child who has nothad a bowel movement in four days is consideredconstipated.

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  • 8/6/2019 Change in Bowel Habit-last


    y Nervous system of GIT

    y Lies along the GIT

    y Plexuses:y Myenteric plexus (Auerbachs)

    y Between inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle

    y For GI muscle movement

    y Submucosal plexus (Meissners)

    y In the submucosa

    y For GI secretion & local blood flow

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    y Extrinsic control by:y ParasympatheticNS

    y SympatheticNS

    y Sensory fibers travel through:

    Luminalepithelium and

    gut wallEnteric plexuses

    Prevertebralganglia of spinal


    Spinal cord &brain stem

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    y Parasympathetic stimulation increaseactivity of GITy Cranial and sacral division

    y To first half of large intestine

    y Sacral parasympatheticsy Through pelvic nerve

    y To distal half of large intestine

    y Sympathetic stimulationy Inhibit activity of GITy Have opposite effects of parasympathetic


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    y Integrated entirely within the gut wally GI secretion

    y Peristalsis

    y Mixing contraction

    y Local inhibitory effectsy Gut prevertebral sympathetic ganglia GIT

    y Eg: gastrocolic reflex

    y Gutspinal cord / brain stem GITy Defecation reflex

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  • 8/6/2019 Change in Bowel Habit-last


    Distention of intestinaltract

    Stimulate afferententeric neuron

    Contraction ofsmooth muscleabove the bolus

    Move food forward through the GIT

    Also known as myenteric reflex

    Food enterslumen

    Activate excitatorymotor neuron


    Activate inhibitorymotor neuron

    Relaxation ofsmooth musclebelow the bolus


    Food moveforward

    through GIT

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    y Keep intestinal contents thoroughly mixed

    y Differ in different parts of the body

    y In some areas, the peristaltic contraction causes most mixing

    y In other times, local intermittent constrictive contractionsoccur every few centimeters in the gut wally Chopping and shearing contents

    Sphincter blocks intestinal contents + Peristalsis = Mixing of contents

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    y Initiated by intrinsic reflex

    Rectum stores fecesRectal walldistention,

    rectal pressure

    Stretch receptorsdetect

    Afferent signals(myenteric plexus)

    Desire todefecate



    Peristaltic wavethru descending &

    sigmoid colon,rectum


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    Peristaltic wave thrudescending & sigmoid colon,


    Feces move towardsanus

    Peristaltic wave reachesanus

    Inhibitory signals(myenteric plexus)

    Internal anal sphincterrelax

    External anal sphincterconsciously relax

    Pass stool

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  • 8/6/2019 Change in Bowel Habit-last


    y constipation that does not have a physical (anatomical)or physiological cause

    y Bowel is healthy but not working properly

    y When colon absorbs too much water or

    y Slow stool movement in colony Due to slow muscle contraction hard stool

    y Common causesy Not enough fiber and liquid in diet


    Medicationsy Ignoring urge to defecate

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    y Due to colonic obstruction

    y Caused by:y Small intestine:

    y Hernia

    y Foreign bodies (gallstone, swallowed objects, etc.)

    y Volvulus

    y Large intestine:

    y Neoplasms

    y Hernias

    y Transverse colonic volvulus

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    y Flow of abnormal stool with increased frequencyy Acute: 4 weeks

    y Persistent: 2-4 weeks

    y Types:y Secretory

    y Osmotic

    y Exudative

    y Inflammatory

    y Dysentery

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    Secretion of water > absorptiony Due to certain bacterial infections

    y Eg: cholera byVibrio cholerae

    Cholera toxinActivatesadenylylcyclase




    Cl- channelsprolongedopening


    Uncontrolledwater secretion

    Affects ENS

    Independentstimulus ofsecretion


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    y When ingested poorly absorbable substratey Eg: sorbitol cannot be absorbed into the body

    draws water from body into the bowel

    y Malabsorption - deficiencies of enzyme to process

    disaccharidesy Eg: Lactose intolerance deficiency of lactase

    Lactose isconsumed

    No lactaseLactose

    remains inlumen

    Lactoseosmoticallyactive (holds

    water in lumen)Passes large


    Fermentedby colonicbacteria




  • 8/6/2019 Change in Bowel Habit-last


    y No detectable organic causes

    y A functional disorder

    y Subgroups :y With diarrhea (common in male)

    y With constipation (common in female)

    y Mixed bowel habit

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    y an increased frequency or decreased /consistency ofbowel movements

    y increase in stool weight due to excess water, which

    normally makes up 60-85% of fecal mattery acute, lasts one-two weeks,

    y chronic, which continues for longer than 23 weeks

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    y Associated with any injuryto GI track

    - Fever

    - Nausea- Vomiting

    - Abdominal pain

    y N

    o. of bowel movementscan vary up to 20 or moreper day

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    y Diarrhea needs to be distinguished from four otherconditions

    - Incontinence of stool

    - Rectal Urgency- Incomplete evacuation

    - Bowel movements immediately after eating a meal

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    y Acute diarrhoea

    - Measurement of blood pressure (supine & lying down)

    - Examination of a small amount of stool

    - Usage of Antibiotics

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    y ChronicDiarrhoea

    - X-rays of the intestines (upper GI/barium enema)

    - Endoscopy ( EGD)- Fat Malabsorption Fat in 72 hour stool

    - Sugar Malabsorption hydrogen breath test

    - Celiac disease blood test/biopsy of SI

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    y Medication

    - Antibiotics

    - Bismuth Compounds

    - Anti motility agent- Codeine phosphate

    - Zinc

    - Bile acid sequestrants

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    y Change in the bowel habit or defecatory behaviour

    - Resolved with relieve of constipation

    y Infrequent bowel movement

    - < 3x a weeky Difficulty during defecation

    y Sensation of incomplete bowel evacuation

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    y Medical History

    y Physical Examination

    y Blood test

    y Abdominal X- Rayy Barium Enema

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    y Dietary fiber (bulk-forming laxatives)

    y Emollient laxatives (stool softeners)

    y Hyperosmolar laxatives

    y Saline laxativesy Stimulant laxatives

    y Enemas

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