1 Chalmers Memorial Church Newsletter Late Summer 2019 Our Minister Rev Robin N Allison Braemar Villa, 2 Links Road, Port Seton 01875 812225 [email protected] EDITOR’S NOTE Thanks to all who have contributed to this issue of the Church Newsletter. The next issue will be available on Sunday 20 th October 2019. Articles for this edition should be with me by Sunday 6 th October 2019. If you would like to E-Mail news you can contact me: [email protected] Sheila Bulloch

Chalmers Memorial Church Magazine Summer [email protected] She Articles for this edition Chalmers Memorial Church Newsletter Late Summer 2019 Our Minister Rev Robin

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Page 1: Chalmers Memorial Church Magazine Summer 19.pdf1chalmerschurch@btopenworld.com She Articles for this edition Chalmers Memorial Church Newsletter Late Summer 2019 Our Minister Rev Robin


Chalmers Memorial Church Newsletter Late Summer 2019

Our Minister Rev Robin N Allison

Braemar Villa, 2 Links Road,

Port Seton 01875 812225

[email protected]


Thanks to all who have contributed to this issue of the Church

Newsletter. The next issue will be available on

Sunday 20th October 2019.

Articles for this edition should be with me by

Sunday 6th October 2019.

If you would like to E-Mail news you can contact me:

[email protected]

Sheila Bulloch

Page 2: Chalmers Memorial Church Magazine Summer 19.pdf1chalmerschurch@btopenworld.com She Articles for this edition Chalmers Memorial Church Newsletter Late Summer 2019 Our Minister Rev Robin


Our Buildings Much has been done during the past two years to improve

or upgrade our buildings, particularly the manse and the hall. At present we are concentrating on painting the passageway between the Church and Hall. The disabled and gents’ toilets have also been painted and the ladies toilet will be started shortly. However, it has been suggested the number of cubicles should be reduced and this is something the Fabric Committee will consider soon.

Improving the interior of the buildings will, hopefully be more or less completed before too long and urgent

attention will then be needed to improve the exterior of the Church and Hall both of which are quite “tatty” and in need of some TLC.

The Fabric Committee recently carried out a walk around the buildings, highlighting areas needing improvement starting with replacing leaking gutters and a general re-paint of the exterior. Other areas also need attention and a list of these is available in the Hall. If you able to do any of these please add your name to the list and complete the project. If we can do as much as we can by voluntary

labour it will save costs.

Estimates are presently being obtained for guttering and

re-painting and while final costs are not yet available it will be expensive to bring the exterior up to a decent standard. Estimates received to date suggest a figure in excess of £20,000 will be needed and while this may be spread over 2/3 years, it appears we will have to continue fundraising for some time to come. John Murdoch


Mrs June Ovens, Poplar Park,

Port Seton on Monday

17th June 2019

Mr Alistair Peden, Links Road,

Port Seton on Wednesday

3rd July 2019

The next Candle Coffee

Club meeting is on Thursday

19th September at 10. 30a.m

in Longniddry Inn. The

speaker will be Gladys


Page 3: Chalmers Memorial Church Magazine Summer 19.pdf1chalmerschurch@btopenworld.com She Articles for this edition Chalmers Memorial Church Newsletter Late Summer 2019 Our Minister Rev Robin


Thanks Maggie Ross would like to say thanks for the flowers and cards she received on her 95th birthday they were much appreciated.

“Thanks so much for the flowers I received for my work with Youth Kirk and Holiday Club. I am part of two fantastic teams and feel very privileged to work with amazing children and young people who are so enthusiastic and keen to learn all about God's love." Irene Watson

We have received thanks from the following people who have been given the church flowers recently - they have all been greatly appreciated. Margaret Thomson, Joyce Bowsher and Irene Paulet. .

Prayer Group “The prayer meeting is an intimidating place full of people who know the bible back to front, and who pray out loud for twenty minutes each, whilst demonstrating their excellent vocabulary in an attempt to show how clever they are and to thank God for all the good things that they’ve got” - WRONG!! That is the exact opposite of what a prayer meeting is, but it’s probably what a few people have in their mind when they think about it. So, here are a few home truths about the prayer meeting. Have a look at them and then decide if it’s for you… ▪ You don’t have to pray out loud at the meeting (many people don’t) ▪ Your vocabulary doesn’t have to be greater than a one year old! (you could grunt your prayer and God would

still know what you were saying) ▪ You can be honest with God and openly question why something has happened – He knows how you’re

feeling anyway! ▪ You can repeat what other people have prayed for – you don’t need to have a unique thing to pray for. ▪ You don’t have to know much about the bible – just that you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and He’s

alive, so that you can speak to Him ▪ All prayer is answered (sometimes ‘yes’, sometimes ‘no’, sometimes ‘not yet’) ▪ You don’t have to have your eyes closed, you don’t have to put your hands together, and you don’t have to

speak out loud. ▪ The word ‘prayer’ comes from a French word meaning ‘to request’, so there’s nothing fancy in that, so feel

free to ask away!

The meetings can be varied; different people leading can sometimes introduce us to different ways of praying. One person got us to write our prayers on a piece of paper fold it into a paper aeroplane and then launch it across the room. On another occasion, the person leading the session had printed information on various countries around the world and the issues they faced and the group read these, learned more about what issues other people are facing and then prayed about these.

“No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it – but he suffers from it.”

Courtesy - Brightons Parish Church

Stewardship Committee & Fundraising

Page 4: Chalmers Memorial Church Magazine Summer 19.pdf1chalmerschurch@btopenworld.com She Articles for this edition Chalmers Memorial Church Newsletter Late Summer 2019 Our Minister Rev Robin


Sunday 29th September

(Please note NO 10.15am SERVICE)

11.00 a.m. Harvest Thanksgiving

6.15p.m. Harvest of the Sea

Sunday 6th October

10.15 a.m. All-Age Worship – Rev Robin Allison

11.00 a.m. Morning Worship – Dedication of The Guild

Sunday 13th October

10.15 a.m. All-Age Worship – Mary Gordon

11.00 a.m. Morning Worship

Sunday 20th October

10.15 a.m. All-Age Worship – God’s Zoo – Tom Gordon

11.00 a.m. Morning Worship

Sunday 27th October

10.15 a.m. All-Age Worship – Colin Sutherland

11.00 a.m. Morning Worship with Sacrament of


6.15p.m. Evening Worship

OUR WORSHIP Rev Robin Allison will conduct worship unless otherwise stated.

Services and Meetings Sunday

10:15 a.m. All-age Worship (in Hall)

11.00 a.m. Morning Worship

6:15 p.m. Evening Worship (as advertised)

6-7.30pm Youth Kirk (3rd Sunday of month) (Sept – June)


2.30 p.m. The Guild (Oct - March)


10.00 a.m. Chalmers Ramblers Walking Group

7.30 p.m. Prayer Meeting

10.30-11.30a.m. Chalmers Crafters (1st of month)

1.30 – 3pm Indoor Curling (1st & last of month)

1.30 – 3pm Get Together (2nd of month)

12-2p.m. Lunches (3rd of month)

10a.m – 12noon Coffee Time (last of month)

Wednesday – Evening Activities

5 – 6 p.m. 1st Port Seton Rainbows (Sept. - June)

6:30 p.m. Boys Brigade –

- 7:45p.m {Anchor boys and Junior Section

{Company Section (Sept. - June)

8.00p.m. Badminton Group


5:15 – 6:15p.m. 1st Cockenzie Rainbows }

6:30 – 8 p.m. 2nd Port Seton Brownies}

(Sept. - June)


10 - 10.45a.m. Stretch and Strength Exercise Class


8.00 – 9.15a.m Prayer Breakfast (last of month)

10am-12noon Kids Kirk (3rd Sat of month)

(Sept – June)

Sunday 25th August

10.15 a.m. All-Age Worship – Rev Robin Allison

11.00 a.m. Morning Worship – Joint Service

Sunday 1st September

10.15 a.m. All-Age Worship – Duncan Morgan

11.00 a.m. Morning Worship

Sunday 8th September

10.15 a.m. All-Age Worship – Ian Bulloch

11.00 a.m. Morning Worship

Sunday 15th September

10.15 a.m. All-Age Worship – George Smith

11.00 a.m. Morning Worship

Sunday 22nd September

10.15 a.m. All-Age Worship

– God’s Zoo – Amanda Johnston

11.00 a.m. Morning Worship


Rev Robin Allison Mrs Mary Gordon Mrs Dorothy Tervit

Tel: 812225 Tel: 812262 Tel: 898937


Mr Ian Bulloch Mr Tom Donaldson VACANCY

Tel: 852717 Tel: 812023 Tel:


Mrs Lyn Marshall Mrs Pamela Zenati Tel: 814265 Tel: 813641

Please recycle this newsletter and care for the earth as God intended

SC004630 Cockenzie and Port Seton: Chalmers Memorial Parish Church (Church of Scotland) 'Scottish Charity'. www.chalmerschurch.co.uk