JJL It's GREEN 'CORPORATE RITES AT ST. ANDREWS CHURCH SUNDAY 1 . d«ry. - ohwnoh s«h'x>i* will ttj utuutMy w»rf»w»t» , «t 8 «. T »$B b* In t/..J, j ift Uw w»'Vi»* «t VKjS-M'hijj »»«lvrty t'. SANTA FE ORDERS . 2&0 GONDOLA AND 125 HOPPER CARS Thi hjwr.i >'' Kiui\v*y iw.* •jrdn«<S 260 ^TO-'.on <Uop «-nd ; nii I) type JcuiKk)l» toon, «D« Ii5 . TO-ton cov«'i«J h<jpp«fl- «ai* from itW? Ame.nc».n C»J' and Foundry lOo.. ttdxtr^titif Vj arirrounoHfwrn . iinuulf tod*y by FiwJ (f 'Jur1*->'. ' '»4knt* Ke pmiHtenl. Th* 200 tpjtt . 4ul» <*rs> wiJU U- built *t trifir \ St. IJIJUIK. Mo plant and »-:u f [be sh.ippod during Uie first J . quarter <$ IMS T)»- hoppfi , i f«r>- will tie whipped ftnm t.hfir , \ ;»t*(Ji«jfi, til. pl»,nt eaf'ly to t.r» : ' CHUTKHI$ - NOTICE: Copy 'o Church Notice* cannot be 10 e.rn. Tuetd.y. loloff Return To Torranee Church; St- , Named To New Conference Positions . J? Hold Ladies ,,*,.,.'. Night Dinner UROH •"•»& n.in 1Mb Morniiif imllMtr ifwi mil? nrw: l<ff> VJ^rV ti£ j»i mi*- Jb< . i or OOD i rrfi t.! u* i'llii'" Star Father's Day Gifts Specially-Priced For Th« Week * At l^fft . . . $3975 The/ ie «!( trooping over ", St«r to vet the great >.Ui >n roders! . . . An4 here, «re pictured t»i! Completely spring- filled 'of otmos< com fort. Covered in quality, lorig^wearin^. fabrici. K,t*r TKHMS! .***** Tin iim'fe CHAIR A Ottoman The l«»4 word in Ut»ing comfort for th*t HE MAN of the hou«l Choice of rich coverings, finett conduction. See them. $ 99.50 \ i IM; HUSK i on HI>I selection o( fine L»t ir, -.lio* you our -.or ««i II r dome Ihrtt D«ddy waul-, lot his peisonal S49.50 f''«iYff«'f*M Genuine 17-Jewel SPORT WATCH $ 29.75 1 our 4 Itt f>'oo«f At Star fURNITURC COMPANY Sartori at Post Ctwrhn • • HtuniK BWTinni 13 i. it, j afternoon 1 MI you W«tt TUuri ; fcvuidn.i m ..„»„,,, imni>* »ii« i BBf Crtr Rev H 1 t'm'' t( FVl I t!;1-OT rt lhl fc**' I «BSi(fWKl to t.rte Tt> ••'1.5 to the v&rionf. " read on Balurdsjr b)- Ihe presldmr L>i As the wcwul4»e spcrrtar>' of vangelism, tht Rt-v. Mr. Kwl'jff a^ ^'Wf^i I'y the wnfer' n.-." to -prc!5»Tit UK rhuxTI at 1^1' J'lan- iiiig and Trabiir.g C'jnlen/nrn- on ni to Ix- held July 10 If *t Ijinwood PaA. Vertnii- . Ohio. Upon his return from « i"ter-na1 lonal iia-tht-nn^. )' ., ••,. ..-.•M^ary'F work <• BrvrrU Ear. t :Bt> Wi<i T 81) m , jirhubr; into 'the California Co:- . Dr AJrto 8. Haap •»'» rom the New Tori! '-'in and- was Sl*1ion.-d a' w uf philoiwptiy at }I.-d Untrer*.-'tV Rei Ij'-r.",^'-5 tivel" . - The Sunday mm -^inducted in •,!• : " ';t^ and proj.'i.i'' ,<.ri to Uie vat UK. a JK-ld represetila The .Inn.. meellriK or St. , .Irew'.-; <hiinh Men'8 .'Inl, will be Indies Nlglit :i-.'ordlriK lo Belt Will hi> hel'l Wednec'lay, June If*. 7 p 111 , lii (he parish house. The (Jinn, i will lie a xpcrlal Syrian me«| planrieil by Mr. and Mrs tj H Muny.T. Ceoige Thill.'her, proKrain ihairman, aniMJUtici'S that tri. hjxak.-t will IK- HI/HI, r K. BKJWII. Mlii.atiiiii i-oii' iiHaiit of the 1'iib !).• Safi'ly IJepaHirient of the \ .'.i fl.il. ol S'"i"" le, fallfor. ., II ill.i' ' ' v.ill .1. al with :. " ..iMilai,..,,'. :r -l,.y apply "K I" BU|X ) Mr- jditc CHUMCH ; A-'l *j-i" "f ? f '"r,> * «' BmCy i,wSit4 r T llii ij Cor >rv- . >« '. . City '"Uli* Pv^lif'-'i Cr*.' CATHOLIC CMU«C>- " u-t i United St»v-- ' '- | appoirrt.t-d v ; Toung Villa*. ;•;„,-. u=.,; v-_...;, »'! This »ervi?» is being, rendered a* ''"•" a cooperative pn*test*rrf reniurc jtbt sen-Ice of on3 ?.• Cr*' ' in conjunction with the chur-crn»s i John Schrmdt. J K .> ' cf lay aid C. F. Chubb, who wxie ..J< Darls. aJso >-. vir«-d to the office of elder, wa* as5ipne^ Bishop Ira D. Warner, just n associate of R«T. Joe Ryan r<!urri ed f rom an air trip to. he M«l»r»e Aveno* churth Afr-i'-a spoke, ui'the aftirnoi.n Philip R. Sf^frJdf;^• of Stbri. ^wi'v of tht- advancement that was iwn-ed iMo the Co- ; fc^ ^.n n^j,. jn m;,. nl y ,.al . s and appointed to servt ln thf Airi n nastrons of UK- church at Anahrtih. Rr honoi fd offiff'S. He was FIRST PP.tSBYTtR ' f p to., 7 30 U. 1 p n . »•><-. •,ly <)«r> *M firm FriiUrt Mm> O>t«dilvn cl»t» I WnltxMrr ». m,. Saturday at t:30 a. B 1741 Bur1>r evangeliem of the California Con Oxygen Now Used In Process Of Steel Industry droreh. In his first post - conference service in the.local church. Rev. Hr Roloff will speak at 9..V> on the trnriK "\Ve Serve Chris- " At 11 I*' ..--.-- ward 1 . the 7 X'- i K W M.-.-Z v. .1 t : i t ., i I...-' Alll I fir d«y. 7 SO The (erhnicjue of to Stlmulatc- c-nce of the church. The Rev. and Mr- Roldff hope to leave soon on thHr vacation trip, which may im-lSde visits with relatives in Oregon. Kan>a«. Minnesota and Iowa. Th. Holoff* expert to take this trip in con nertion with the Rev. Mr Kol Ntl« «f tk« ctwr>*'n Wfa-\ »AINT ANDBtw* PROTESTANT |j,. n of , BatiM.4'„„.!„..,,.(_./ c,,.. off's attendant' at the Trainmp ii*)« M. C. SI«.IBI«.-«I L* EPIkCOPAi. CHUHCH - Bn»r*rt» '"' n "' a I""*«t ""dr^•rgoinj!' sur- piannmc Conference to be f f?ummw»fi«» «»>"« »*.!>• I teiM. i,.jm the TorryM* b-ipiul gery or to «pe,xl up the natural an?. , L g ~ , i- , mi iii, ] ,.„ ... ,.,,.1,1-.. ».<i »...k The Rev p.ui u.»r« Whaler rector healing nr.M'w nf ihr, t-nrtv H,,, h''' 1! on.Lake Erie, at Veinnllion. - ,.,.- u. .-» - !>.- Mj.,n«. T'^rwc. M» «v). »T»-R »Un-: dl ' n '{ P^'*' of the tx)dy dur-; „. , ; W.P.V^WW.VWV^WVWV v* TILET Interior " Decorative Bathrooms Drainboards TORRANCE TILE C. Z. WARD Res. 1720 Gramercy Torreince I 145-W Office Phone I?8?-J «clu«<jl. 11 *.i XTf^^ TtiiirMar M 11 some kinds of illness is >l "«-'"'«>««^ in (ho rt.*l in- dustry to promote rhemira! n>ac «'<« In the open hearth pro,,- speed up l.i.kJ ,.| .-.,!- >.| Hi- 6p sSfdi''. li^ui*/1!" 7*ao . >ry. »r,'j»l uxl Ii 1 a.m BT Cecil!*' r..| fourth w«dh<* I lit. Andr«v'i. f r.d jun- Veelry .,iMn « Thur«- ° U1H '" COM M u N I T V PH CHURCH- Rtv J. B. O «., Ixilnlu. Fhun* wh.ml H W « in Oxygen is one of the com monest of all elements hut its ; progress as a general industrial i tool'has been comparative!)' slow as against some othcivrarer elc ments. For many years the cost of commercially pure oxygen wa« Veterans May Get g? Army Barracks At \ r',;! Local Airfield IS 'Jm'Mw! 18 ba " iPr t0 itS """-se,, use. _. ....... ......'. Sunday Technical papers on (he possi- Vt,."HL'n.l.Th *lXl''"o^' bi " tl "f< of this 'yP1 ' of ""VK'-n IUIII.K ill.• ».'.,iiiliic:in stM-lniakinK were presented !!?'*'»,'£*" irv"" •*•'<"•'• 'he American Iron ami •-IVMI.-.- ..f K«iti.-r«; Stwl Institute at least as early " Hr'"i. f l"mui'i. "i"|i ! a" 1920' whl ' n wver.il experts formally discussed this subject. Several oxyR 7 SO p K<lw«.I Ca Illlli III I.. ;i b v. day-.. It. |.i." i nia il i; Kiii>! requested thai I.IIHI.. niiiiib. IK of the :m .enl at Oll'-e to Fl'HA, Mil- *ll''tf l.."rr.".".',,li..n "in l!!. i j V II" .''"»< "' H- i"-ni"- •»I'<1 if,|,,|| Hlil.l\ cr.,i,|, .,„ 1 liiir »i'*?'i«i""r':ii.'i* p--' .11 7 30: Yuulh ih.jlr Tht lililrlluul I-ir.; Kl" plantx which will serve plantK are now und<-r rcm tion, and It is report ••<! the produce oxygen of '.HI i purity at about $7 per Ion CHOICE OF NEW LB. SCHOOL HEAD STILL UNDECIDED FROM MODERN HI-DISCHARGE TRANSIT-MIXER TRUCKS we 1, replei-elilirilf ;i (.'tonp of ex- serviceiiieii known as Veteran* :iner«i-iiey Itentals Inc. K i n K inmiiine.ri that the Win Av.etH Aillllil>i:,l|:ilimi hail loll linn it xpcrLi 1.) lie able to (ill n the mrnick:, over ti; (he Keijeial I'll/He UOIIKIIIK Authority by Illlle III. Calilwell sillil the move prac- ii-iilly awureij the veterans |KM sevilon (if the l.iil|.||ii«M, Mince Stanley Aliel. K'nilliciii ('allfiirnia il rector lor KI'IIA, hiin declared lie will turn KM- :',!! units over lo Up n il ihey "in H undci Ills iiii-.ilietinn. B ACH RESIDENT KILLED, BROTHER INJURED HERE N.IIII, Johnson, »i, of r,M4 :: III -.1 , Miiiiliiiltan1 Mcach, illi-d II H.Hb.il llenelill hospital !;,:,( week IIOMI injuries Hiistalned when llic car- he W«N driving Ml ink il IlKhl pole. 1'iilice siiiil lluil .lohnslon WHS hrnwn fii.ni Ihe i-ar by the Irn- ..i.-l. Also iiijiireil in 'llie iirrl ilcni wn his In ul In r, Howard .lolill'.tiill, 2:i, wbo was trealrd lor minm injuil. .. SCIENTIST 212 91Mb M. and /lu.-l tit. Bun<i»x mornliiK »*rvlr«i ' II. Hu.id«y Mhnol. t SO «>n w<uln«- >Uy tvvnlnf inMtlnir. S P »>v KeAdlni rfxttn at ITM Uftnu';! «vf., 11 a.m. 1" 4 p.m. imrh ***k dar- "Thn t-ord 1* my itrengtn and mj hlulrl: my heart trimtcrt In him. ami I am hf Ipi-d " Thill <)nclaratlun of llie l'««lntl»t will bo th« (lolileo T.'il of thn Sunday ly»*»on Serninn on "Doil tim Preiemir of Man" la all I.IHII. Ima of The Mother Church, Tim Klr«t Church of Chriit. Bclen- tint. Iq lloiton. In lila (Jrttpcl Matthew report! that a centnrlon came to Jeauii "be- nof.-hlng him, And Hying, lx)rd, my nervant lleth at hone lick of the pal*y. Rrliivoimly tormented. And Junta aalth unto him, I will com* ami heal him. The iranturlon an Hwnred and nald. Lord, 1 am riot worlhj that thnu Blmuldnxt com* under my roof: but ipeak the word only, and my servant ahall be honied. . . . And Jeiiui >ald unto Ih* cnnlurlon, On thy way; anil an thou haul believed, no bo It dorm unto then. And nil aorvant wan healed In the nelfiarne hour." Mary Baker Eddy wrltea In "Sri mce and Health with Key to (he Hi-rlpturei:" "Pally Ii a belief that mutter govern* uortale, and nan paralyze the body, niaklng certain imrllont of )t motion Iftnu Deatror the bollef, ihow mortal tnlnd that mniclmi have no power to be lott, f»r Mind 11 nupretne, and you cure ih« puliiy." "We cannot In reality infr.ir from breaklnii anythlni ex cept a moral or Iplrltuil law." Ill- AT im.ll III IIMIIX; «ISTS . . . in IIMI YOirn OWN IIOMI; LOW PAYMENT LOANS 2 B.R. UP TO »2000. TOTAL COST UNDER $2500 PRE-CUT HOMES IILONIIIIX A IIKLANKY 14320 HAWTHORNE BLVD. Open Every Day Except Friday Choice of a new supfiititi-n ilenl of IxjriK Deaeh schools is still undecided, according to Board of Education President EiJRcne Tlncher, who said the school trustees are revjcwiriK the nullifications of those heinn eon- slrlen.,1 for the [msdlon. The present superintendent, Ur. Kvnnolli K. Overhollwr, will nd hl« duties June 30 to assume a .similar post in Denver. Approximately 15 persons have applied for the post. NOW AVAILABLE for All Types of Jobs, Laige 01 Small COURTEOUS, EFFICIENT OPERATORS I*IIOM<: TOIlllAX i; 1522 AZUSA ROCK AND SAND CO, P. O. Box 604 Torrance, Calif. TOIUIAW i: 1 3- BEDROOM HOMES! Very Small Down Payment S9000 Full Price G. 1. ONLY Hardwood floon throughout, tile kitchen sink and bath with shower, floor Furnace, service porch, large lot. mmediate occupancy. Monthly payments as low as rent. 75 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM MODEL AND SALES OFFICE AT ~ ' 205th and WESTERN SAFEWAY CONST. CO., Inc. ZOSlh AND WESTERN, TORRANCE PHONE TORRANCE 2063-W Also ' DENKER AND TORRANCE BLVD. 208th AND 209th AND WtSTtRN SALESMEN ON PREMISES DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY (i

CHAIR Feb 27... · 1 our 4 Itt f>'oo«f At Star fURNITURC COMPANY Sartori at Post Ctwrhn • • HtuniK BWTinni 13 i. it, j afternoon 1 youMI W«tt TUuri; fcvuidn.i m ..„»„,,,

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Page 1: CHAIR Feb 27... · 1 our 4 Itt f>'oo«f At Star fURNITURC COMPANY Sartori at Post Ctwrhn • • HtuniK BWTinni 13 i. it, j afternoon 1 youMI W«tt TUuri; fcvuidn.i m ..„»„,,,




1 . d«ry.

- '« ohwnoh s«h'x>i* will ttj utuutMy w»rf»w»t»

, «t 8 «. T »$B b*In

t/..J, j ift Uw w»'Vi»* «t

VKjS-M'hijj »»«lvrty t'.


Thi hjwr.i >'' Kiui\v*y iw.* •jrdn«<S 260 ^TO-'.on <Uop «-nd

; nii I) type JcuiKk)l» toon, «D« Ii5 . TO-ton cov«'i«J h<jpp«fl- «ai* from itW? Ame.nc».n C»J' and Foundry lOo.. ttdxtr^titif Vj arirrounoHfwrn . iinuulf tod*y by FiwJ (f 'Jur1*->'. ' '»4knt* Ke pmiHtenl. Th* 200 tpjtt . 4ul» <*rs> wiJU U- built *t trifir \ St. IJIJUIK. Mo plant and »-:u f

[be sh.ippod during Uie first J . quarter <$ IMS T)»- hoppfi , i f«r>- will tie whipped ftnm t.hfir , \

;»t*(Ji«jfi, til. pl»,nt eaf'ly to t.r» : '

CHUTKHI$ -NOTICE: Copy 'o Church Notice* cannot be

10 e.rn. Tuetd.y.

loloff Return To Torranee Church; St- , Named To New Conference Positions . J? Hold Ladies,,*,.,.'. Night Dinner

UROH •"•»& n.in 1Mb


imllMtrifwi mil? nrw: l<ff>


ti£ j»i mi*- Jb<

. i or OOD i

rrfi t.!u* i'llii'"

Star Father's Day Gifts

Specially-Priced For Th« Week

*At l^fft . . .


The/ ie «!( trooping over ", St«r to vet the great >.Ui >n roders! . . . An4 here, «re pictured t»i! Completely spring- filled 'of otmos< com­ fort. Covered in quality, lorig^wearin^. fabrici. •



Tin iim'fe

CHAIRA Ottoman

The l«»4 word in Ut»ing comfort for th*t HE MAN of the hou«l Choice of rich coverings, finett conduction. See them.


\ i IM; HUSK i on HI>Iselection o( fineL»t ir, -.lio* you our -.or

««i II r dome Ihrtt D«ddy waul-, lot his peisonal S49.50


Genuine 17-Jewel


$29.751 our 4 Itt f>'oo«f At Star


Sartori at Post

Ctwrhn • • HtuniK BWTinni 13 i. it, j afternoon

1 MIyouW«tt TUuri

; fcvuidn.i m ..„»„,,, imni>* »ii« i BBf Crtr Rev H 1t'm'' t(FVl I P«t!;1-OT rt lhl fc**'

I «BSi(fWKl to t.rte Tt>

••'1.5 to the v&rionf. " read on Balurdsjr

b)- Ihe presldmr L>i

As the wcwul4»e spcrrtar>' of vangelism, tht Rt-v. Mr. Kwl'jff a^ ^'Wf^i I'y the wnfer' n.-." to -prc!5»Tit UK rhuxTI at 1^1' J'lan-

iiiig and Trabiir.g C'jnlen/nrn- on ni to Ix- held July 10

If *t Ijinwood PaA. Vertnii- . Ohio. Upon his return from

« i"ter-na1 lonal iia-tht-nn^. )' ., ••,. ..-.•M^ary'F work <•


Ear. t :Bt> Wi<i T 81) m , jirhubr;

into 'the California Co:- . Dr AJrto 8. Haap •»'»

rom the New Tori! '-'in • and- was Sl*1ion.-d a' w uf philoiwptiy at }I.-dUntrer*.-'tV Rei Ij'-r.",^'-5

tivel" • . -The Sunday mm

-^inducted in •,!• :"

';t^ and proj.'i.i'' ,<.ri to Uie vat UK.

a JK-ld represetila

The .Inn.. meellriK or St. , .Irew'.-; <hiinh Men'8 .'Inl, will be Indies Nlglit :i-.'ordlriK lo Belt

Will hi> hel'l Wednec'lay, June If*. 7 p 111 , lii (he parish house. The (Jinn, i will lie a xpcrlal Syrian me«| planrieil by Mr. and Mrs tj H Muny.T.

Ceoige Thill.'her, proKrain ihairman, aniMJUtici'S that tri. hjxak.-t will IK- HI/HI, r K. BKJWII. Mlii.atiiiii i-oii' iiHaiit of the 1'iib !).• Safi'ly IJepaHirient of the \ .'.i fl.il. ol S'"i"" le, fallfor.

• ., II ill.i' ' ' v.ill .1. al with :. " ..iMilai,..,,'. :r -l,.y apply

"K I"

BU|X) Mr-



*j-i" "f ? f '"r,> **» «' BmCy i,wSit4rT

llii ij Cor >rv-

. >« '. . City

'"Uli* Pv^lif'-'i Cr*.'


" u-t i United St»v-- ' '- | appoirrt.t-d v

; Toung Villa*. ;•;„,-. u=.,; v-_...;, »'! This »ervi?» is being, rendered a*

''"•" a cooperative pn*test*rrf reniurc jtbt sen-Ice of on3 ?.• Cr*' ' in conjunction with the chur-crn»s i John Schrmdt. J K .> '

cf lay aid C. F. Chubb, who wxie ..J< Darls. aJso >-. vir«-d to the office of elder,

wa* as5ipne^ Bishop Ira D. Warner, just n associate of R«T. Joe Ryan r<!urried f rom an air trip to. he M«l»r»e Aveno* churth Afr-i'-a spoke, ui'the aftirnoi.n Philip R. Sf^frJdf;^• of Stbri. ^wi'v of tht- advancement that

was iwn-ed iMo the Co- ; fc^ ^.n n^j,. jn m;,.nl y ,.al .s and appointed to servt ln thf Airic«n nastrons of UK-

church at Anahrtih.Rr honoi fd

offiff'S. He wasFIRST PP.tSBYTtR'

f p to., 7 30 U. 1 p n . »•><-.•,ly <)«r> *M firm FriiUrt Mm>

O>t«dilvn cl»t» I WnltxMrr». m,. Saturday at t:30 a. B

1741 Bur1>r

evangeliem of the California Con

Oxygen Now Used In Process Of Steel Industry

droreh.In his first post - conference

service in the.local church. Rev. Hr Roloff will speak at 9..V> on the trnriK "\Ve Serve Chris- " At 11 I*' • ..--.-- ward 1 . the 7 X'- iK W M.-.-Z v. .1 t : i t ., i I...-'

Alll Ifir

d«y. 7 SO The (erhnicjue of

to Stlmulatc-

c-nce of the church.The Rev. and Mr- Roldff hope

to leave soon on thHr vacation trip, which may im-lSde visits with relatives in Oregon. Kan>a«. Minnesota and Iowa. Th. Holoff* expert to take this trip in con nertion with • the Rev. Mr Kol

Ntl« «f tk« ctwr>*'n Wfa-\ »AINT ANDBtw* PROTESTANT |j,.n of , BatiM.4'„„.!„..,,.(_./ c,,.. off's attendant' at the Trainmp ii*)« M. C. SI«.IBI«.-«I L* EPIkCOPAi. CHUHCH - Bn»r*rt» '"'n "' a I""*«t ""dr^•rgoinj!' sur- piannmc Conference to be f f?ummw»fi«» «»>"« »*.!>• I teiM. i,.jm the TorryM* b-ipiul gery or to «pe,xl up the natural • an?. , L g ~ • , i- , mi iii, „ ] ,.„ ... ,.,,.1,1-.. ».<i »...k The Rev p.ui u.»r« Whaler rector healing nr.M'w nf ihr, t-nrtv H,,, h''' 1! on.Lake Erie, at Veinnllion. - ,.,.- u. .-» - !>.- Mj.,n«. T'^rwc. M» «v). »T»-R »Un-: ™ dl ' n '{ P^'*' of the tx)dy dur-; „. ,


TILET Interior "





Res. 1720 Gramercy

Torreince I 145-WOffice — Phone I?8?-J

«clu«<jl. 11 *.iXTf^^

TtiiirMar M 11

some kinds of illness is >l "«-'"'«>««^ in (ho rt.*l in- dustry to promote rhemira! n>ac «'<« In the open hearth pro,,-

speed up

l.i.kJ ,.| .-.,!- >.| Hi-


li^ui*/1!" 7*ao . >ry. »r,'j»l uxl Ii 1 a.m BT Cecil!*' r..| fourth w«dh<* I lit. Andr«v'i. f

r.d jun- Veelry .,iMn « Thur«-

°U1H '"

COM M u N I T V PHCHURCH- Rtv J. B. O«., Ixilnlu. Fhun* wh.ml H W « in •

Oxygen is one of the com­ monest of all elements hut its

; progress as a general industrial i tool'has been comparative!)' slow as against some othcivrarer elc ments. For many years the cost of commercially pure oxygen wa«

Veterans May Get g? Army Barracks At \ r',;! Local Airfield IS

'Jm'Mw! 18 ba" iPr t0 itS """-se,, use._. ....... ......'. Sunday Technical papers on (he possi-Vt,."HL'n.l.Th *lXl''"o^' bi"tl"f< of this 'yP1 ' of ""VK'-n

IUIII.K ill.• ».'.,iiiliic:in stM-lniakinK were presented !!?'*'»,'£*" irv"" •*•'<"•'• 'he American Iron ami •-IVMI.-.- ..f K«iti.-r«; Stwl Institute at least as early " Hr'"i.fl"mui'i. "i"|i ! a" 1920' whl 'n wver.il experts

formally discussed this subject. Several oxyR7 SO p

K<lw«.I CaIlllli

III I..;i b v. day-.. It. |.i." i niail i; Kiii>! requested thai

I.IIHI.. niiiiib. IK of the :m .enl at Oll'-e to Fl'HA,

Mil- *ll''tf l.."rr.".".',,li..n "in l!!.i j V II" .''"»< "' H- i"-ni"-

•»I'<1 if,|,,|| Hlil.l\ cr.,i,|, .,„ 1

liiir »i'*?'i«i""r':ii.'i* p--'

.11 7 30: Yuulh ih.jlr Tht lililrlluul I-ir.; Kl"

plantx which will serve plantK are now und<-r rcm tion, and It is report ••<! the produce oxygen of '.HI i purity at about $7 per Ion



TRANSIT-MIXER TRUCKSwe 1, replei-elilirilf ;i (.'tonp of ex-serviceiiieii known as Veteran* :iner«i-iiey Itentals Inc. K i n K inmiiine.ri that the Win Av.etH Aillllil>i:,l|:ilimi hail loll linn it xpcrLi 1.) lie able to (ill n the mrnick:, over ti; (he Keijeial I'll/He UOIIKIIIK Authority byIlllle III.

Calilwell sillil the move prac- ii-iilly awureij the veterans |KM

sevilon (if the l.iil|.||ii«M, Mince Stanley Aliel. K'nilliciii ('allfiirnia il rector lor KI'IIA, hiin declared lie will turn KM- :',!! units over lo Up n il ihey "in H undci Ills iiii-.ilietinn.


N.IIII, Johnson, »i, of r,M4 :: III -.1 , Miiiiliiiltan1 Mcach, illi-d

II H.Hb.il llenelill hospital !;,:,(week IIOMI injuries Hiistalned when llic car- he W«N drivingMl ink il IlKhl pole.

1'iilice siiiil lluil .lohnslon WHS hrnwn fii.ni Ihe i-ar by the Irn- ..i.-l. Also iiijiireil in 'llie iirrl

ilcni wn his In ul In r, Howard .lolill'.tiill, 2:i, wbo was trealrd lor minm injuil. ..

SCIENTIST 212 91Mb M. and M« /lu.-l tit. Bun<i»x mornliiK »*rvlr«i ' II. Hu.id«y Mhnol. t SO «>n w<uln«- >Uy tvvnlnf inMtlnir. S P »> v KeAdlni rfxttn at ITM Uftnu';! «vf., 11 a.m. 1" 4 p.m. imrh ***k dar-

"Thn t-ord 1* my itrengtn and mj hlulrl: my heart trimtcrt In him. ami I am hf Ipi-d " Thill <)nclaratlun of llie l'««lntl»t will bo th« (lolileo T.'il of thn Sunday ly»*»on Serninn on "Doil tim Preiemir of Man" la all I.IHII. Ima of The Mother Church, Tim Klr«t Church of Chriit. Bclen- tint. Iq lloiton.

In lila (Jrttpcl Matthew report! that a centnrlon came to Jeauii "be- nof.-hlng him, And Hying, lx)rd, my nervant lleth at hone lick of the pal*y. Rrliivoimly tormented. And Junta aalth unto him, I will com* ami heal him. The iranturlon an Hwnred and nald. Lord, 1 am riot worlhj that thnu Blmuldnxt com* under my roof: but ipeak the word only, and my servant ahall be honied. . . . And Jeiiui >ald unto Ih* cnnlurlon, On thy way; anil an thou haul believed, no bo It dorm unto then. And nil aorvant wan healed In the nelfiarne hour."

Mary Baker Eddy wrltea In "Sri mce and Health with Key to (he Hi-rlpturei:" "Pally Ii a belief that mutter govern* uortale, and nan paralyze the body, niaklng certain imrllont of )t motion Iftnu Deatror the bollef, ihow mortal tnlnd that mniclmi have no power to be lott, f»r Mind 11 nupretne, and you cure ih« puliiy." "We cannot In reality infr.ir from breaklnii anythlni ex cept a moral or Iplrltuil law."

Ill- AT im.ll III IIMIIX; «ISTS. . . in IIMI YOirn OWN IIOMI;



14320 HAWTHORNE BLVD. Open Every Day Except Friday

Choice of a new supfiititi-n ilenl of IxjriK Deaeh schools is still undecided, according to Board of Education President EiJRcne Tlncher, who said the school trustees are revjcwiriK the nullifications of those heinn eon-

slrlen.,1 for the [msdlon. The present superintendent,

Ur. Kvnnolli K. Overhollwr, will nd hl« duties June 30 to assume

a .similar post in Denver. Approximately 15 persons have

applied for the post.


I*IIOM<: TOIlllAX i; 1522

AZUSA ROCK AND SAND CO,P. O. Box 604 Torrance, Calif.


3- BEDROOM HOMES!Very Small Down Payment S9000 Full Price

G. 1. ONLY

Hardwood floon throughout, tile kitchen sink and bath with shower, floor Furnace, service porch, large lot. mmediate occupancy. Monthly payments as low as rent.




Also '