Chain Writing

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From students of SMK Lahat

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It was raining heavily one night. The lightning bolt flashed and the thunder rumbled. I was all alone in my house as my parents were away attending a dinner reception. I felt thirsty so I went downstairs to the kitchen.

Suddenly, there was a blackout. I was scared because it was pitch dark all over my house. Then, I thought I saw an apparition on the wall. It made by hair stand on ends. Quickly, I started to search for my torchlight in my drawer. Upon finding it, I rushed to the hall and pointed the torchlight at the spot I last saw the apparition. I felt uneasy and when I turned around, I saw an image of an ugly human-like bear. It had long canine teeth, a furry body, blood red eyes and it looked creepy. I tried to run away but it scratched my eyes and I could not open my eyes again. I cried in pain but the creature continued to hurt me.

All of a sudden, I heard a familiar voice. It was my mum and she was calling out my name. I was still crying when she sat on my bed and tried to wake me. Wake up, Aisyah, wake up! she said. I opened my eyes slowly and I was relieved to see my mums face. Aisyah, are you alright? You have been crying for no reason when you were asleep, she continued. I smiled and hugged my mum and said, A dream, Mum. It was a very bad dream. Then we laughed together and went downstairs together to take our breakfast.

(268 words)

Group 1