TEMPLE BETH DAVID Iyar - Sivan 5779 June 2019, Volume 16, 6 CHAI LIGHTS 1885 McGee Rd., P.O. Box 865, Snellville, GA 30078 Phone: 770-978-3916 • email: [email protected] templebethdavid.info Coming in June Weds., June 5 th Board Meeting Sun., June 9 th Sisterhood Bowling Fri.., June 14 th Men’s Club Service Sat., June 15 th Rabbi Baroff’’s luncheon Mon., June 24 th Belly Dancing July Highlights Weds., July 3 rd Board Meeting Fri., July 12 th Rabbi Charyn Installation Service Sat., July 13 th Peter Yarrow Concert Sun., July 14 th Temple Picnic Sun., July 21 st Education Meeting Mon., July 29 th Belly Dancing Rabbi Richard Baroff Our spiritual leader, our advisor, our confidante, our go-to person, and our friend Rabbi Baroff will be leading his last scheduled service at Temple Beth David on June 15th at 10:00 am. After the service we will be hosting a luncheon in his honor, to thank him for all he has done for Temple Beth David over the years. For those of you who don't really know him, he was our first full time rabbi, leading the congregation from 1987 to 2001. He was with us when the original structure that is now Temple Beth David was built. Although he left us in 2001, he has come back to help us out whenever we needed him, including for the past few years as he led the Saturday morning service. Many will miss seeing Rabbi Baroff at the syn- agogue, even as we know he is leading Guardians of the Torah in the Greater Atlanta Area. Please join us on June 15th for the service at 10:00 am and the luncheon, scheduled to start at 11:45, as we honor and thank Rabbi Richard Baroff for his years of service to Temple Beth David.

CHAI LIGHTS · Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse

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Page 1: CHAI LIGHTS · Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse


Iyar - Sivan 5779 June 2019, Volume 16, 6


1885 McGee Rd., P.O. Box 865, Snellville, GA 30078

Phone: 770-978-3916 • email: [email protected] • templebethdavid.info

Coming in June Weds., June 5th

Board Meeting Sun., June 9th

Sisterhood Bowling Fri.., June 14th

Men’s Club Service Sat., June 15th Rabbi Baroff’’s luncheon Mon., June 24th

Belly Dancing

July Highlights Weds., July 3rd

Board Meeting Fri., July 12th

Rabbi Charyn Installation Service Sat., July 13th

Peter Yarrow Concert Sun., July 14th

Temple Picnic

Sun., July 21st

Education Meeting Mon., July 29th

Belly Dancing

Rabbi Richard Baroff Our spiritual leader, our advisor, our confidante, our go-to person, and our friend Rabbi Baroff will be leading his last scheduled service at Temple Beth David on June 15th at 10:00 am. After the service we will be hosting a luncheon in his honor, to thank him for all he has done for Temple Beth David over the years. For those of you who don't really know him, he was our first full time rabbi, leading the congregation from 1987 to 2001. He was with us when the original structure that is now Temple Beth David was built. Although he left us in 2001, he has come back to help us out whenever we needed him, including for the past few years as he led the Saturday morning service. Many will miss seeing Rabbi Baroff at the syn-agogue, even as we know he is leading Guardians of the Torah in the Greater Atlanta Area. Please join us on June 15th for the service at 10:00 am and the luncheon, scheduled to start at 11:45, as we honor and thank Rabbi Richard Baroff for his years of service to Temple Beth David.

Page 2: CHAI LIGHTS · Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse


Page 2 Chai Lights Temple Beth David

President’s Message

Dear Fellow Congregants,

This letter is all about money…spending and

not spending.

Our fiscal year ends on June 30 and we still

have more than $18,000 in members’ dues

that has not been paid. While we’ve done

well managing our budget and have received

special gifts for the rabbi’s salary, upgraded

security, a new sound system and a lift in the

sanctuary to help folks get onto the Bima, our

insurance, utilities, police at every service,

building maintenance and more all depend

upon members’ dues. Before you fall behind,

which is always difficult, please, please get

your current dues paid up by June 30. If you

haven’t met your dues obligation yet, we

need you to step up now.

And, in a 180 degree turn from that last para-

graph, this year, to show our community all

we have to offer and to encourage unaffiliat-

ed Jews to join TBD, and, to celebrate the

arrival of Rabbi Jesse Charyn, tickets to all

High Holy Day services will be free to every-

one, member and non-member alike. You will

still need tickets so we know we have enough

seats for everyone but there will be no

charge. We will have envelopes for those

who are able to make donations as our costs

to provide the High Holy Day services are

high. If you want to invite family members,

friends, neighbors…whomever, you are wel-

come to do so. All we ask is that you not re-

quest more than tickets than you will use for

any one service. We don’t want to turn peo-

ple away for lack of seats and then have

empty chairs.

You’ll want to purchase your tickets to the

Peter Yarrow concert at TBD on July 13, be-

fore we’re sold out. At $18 for adults and $9

for children 12 and under, these tickets are

the best deal in town.Join us as a living leg-

end performs some of his most memorable

and beloved songs including Puff the Magic


OK, that’s everything…almost.

Genie and I wish you and your family a very

happy, healthy and safe summer.


Barry Nickelsberg


P.S. Rehearsals for our High Holy Day choir

will begin on Sunday, July 21. If you are inter-

ested in joining this year’s choir, please let

me know ASAP. Bulletin Staff


Anne Finkelman

[email protected]

Layout & Design:

Fran Bruggeman

[email protected]


Toby Michelson


[email protected]

Temple Beth David Board of Trustees


Barry Nickelsberg

Vice President:

David Michelson



Fran Bruggeman

Recording Secretary:

Judi Kern


Toby Michelson







Bobby Horowitz

Wendy Fine

Joanne Schoen

Janet Abis

Alicia McElheney

Jonathan Schloss

Steve Darnowsky








Page 3: CHAI LIGHTS · Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse


Page 3 Chai Lights Temple Beth David

Rabbi’s Message

My dear friends at TBD

This is the last bulletin article I will write as you embark on this new journey with your new rabbi and his family. May your relation-

ship be fruitful and long.

I have enjoyed and been gratified to have filled in for this three year hiatus between Rabbis Kirzner and Charyn. During this time I

have reconnected with old friends and made new ones. We have celebrated together and wept together as well. I have had the

opportunity to teach, preach and lead services again at Beth David.

Thirty two years ago Barbara Freid, Don Freidus (zal) and Harry Bloch travelled to New York City to interview me. Soon thereafter I

was interviewed again at the home of Norman and Barbara Freid. There I made a thirty foot set shot on the driveway basketball

court that became part of TBD lore. ( yes it really was about thirty feet ).

Isaac Faulk was my first Bar Mitzvah student, back in 1987. I would guess he is now about 45. The Soviet Union was still standing

as was the Berlin Wall. Ronald Reagan was President, Joe Frank Harris was the governor, Andrew Young the mayor of Atlanta. Ar-

nold Goodman was the rabbi of the AA, Alvin Sugarman was Rabbi of the Temple, and Emanuel Feldman was Beth Jacob’s Rabbi.

Danny Schiff was the student rabbi at Beth David whom I took over for. At the time we were meeting at a church across from

Parkview High School. Danny and I had been in the same class at Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem years before.

I would remain as rabbi at TBD for 14 years, serving with presidents Don Freidus, Mark Epstein, Ken Sissel, Jon Saulson, Gerry

Adler, and Stanley Greenstein. I became friends with all of them, celebrating Bar and Bat Mitzvahs with the children of Mark, Ken,

Jon, Gerry and Stanley . Mark and I explored Peru, Thailand and Cambodia together. Kenny drafted our will ( Raina and I ), Jerry was

my Doctor, Don and I took several road trips together and Stanley and I studied Bible together for years.

My relationships with these presidents and their families is just a microcosm of all the close connections we developed over the

course of those 14 years. I feel like we created together a real sense of community that made TBD a meaningful, warm and sup-

portive place to be —most of the time.

Throughout that eventful period we would build our building, make national news doing so, survive an attempted fire bombing and

mourn two young men: Michael Gruber and Michael Abrams taken before their time. At the same time that Michael Abrams was

sick my own brother Kenny was ill with the same disease —lymphoma. The congregation helped me through that harrowing time -

my brother Ken is now 54-and years later surrounded and supported me when my own father Phil passed away.

Just as much I remember Beth David hosting Raina and my wedding and Super Bowl party in 1991; Paula’s naming in 1994; Sam’s

naming and bris in 1997; my Bar Mitzvah year service and party in 2000. Years later, when I was former Rabbi, the Temple gener-

ously allowed us to celebrate Paula’s Bat Mitzvah and Sam’s Bar Mitzvah at TBD . Raina and I will always be grateful for that as


Since I have left Beth David in 2001 I have had the privilege of performing over a dozen weddings of former Beni Mitzvah and con-

version students. I appreciate that opportunity very much.

There is much more I could say but I will stop here. It has been an honor being your rabbi 1987-2001 and your fill in rabbi 3016-


.Chazak Chazak v nitchazek May you go from strength to strengthחזק חזק ונתחזק.

Paula Sam Raina and I will always wish you well and remember you warmly



Page 4: CHAI LIGHTS · Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse

Page 4 Chai Lights Temple Beth David


Summer Food Drives Starts at Annual Meeting

Our annual food drive to support the Summer Manna Program at the Southeast Gwinnett Co-op starts on May 5 at the

annual meeting. The Summer Manna Program is a seasonal effort of the Southeast Gwinnett Co-op operating during

the months of June and July. The purpose of the Summer Manna Program is to ensure that children who benefit from

the Gwinnett County School Free/Reduced Lunch Program will have access to adequate nutrition when school is not in


The Program is especially in need of the following non-perishable food donations:

• Oatmeal

• Cereal

• Tuna (cans)

• Soup (cans)

Other non-perishable food items and personal care items such as toilet paper and tooth paste are also most wel-

come. There will be a barrel in the entryway to place your donations.




Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-

brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse Charyn. If you were on hand last year to enjoy Peter’s delightful blend of song and story

you won’t want to miss it. For those who missed it, be sure to join us in July.

Peter’s gift for song writing produced some of the most memorable songs in folk music history (Puff the Magic Dragon, Light

One Candle, to name a few). His musical achievements, honors and awards are too numerous to mention. Perhaps his most

meaningful undertaking, Operation Respect, was launched in 1999. Themed by the song Don’t Laugh at Me, it focuses on cre-

ating a positive, safe, bully-free school atmosphere for children, and has been adopted by more than 22,000 schools in the U.S.

and abroad. Temple Beth David is proud to share the proceeds of this year’s concert with Operation Respect.

Tickets will be sold online at bit.ly/TBD-Peter2019 (web address is case sensitive)

Seating is limited. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Tickets may only be purchased through the website.

Ticket prices: (a $2 per ticket service fee applies). Adults $18, Children (under 13): $9, VIP seating (two front rows): $36

Doors will open at 7:30 pm – Concert starts promptly at 8:00 pm

Page 5: CHAI LIGHTS · Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse

Page 5 Chai Lights Temple Beth David


Message from Education Department

“Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.” George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

As our school year comes to a close we take this opportunity to thank all of the wonderful people who made it

possible. We begin with our parents who brought our students every Sunday, week in and week out, perhaps in

the face of great adversity. We truly could not have had a successful year without your constant commitment to

the children’s education. We also thank all of the wonderful volunteers who helped us enrich our year in so

many ways: Genie Billian helped us make amazing Mezuzot to keep on our doors as a lasting reminder of G_d’s

love and our year together; Joanne Stein assembled an amazing confirmation curriculum with a fantastic array

of guest teachers to cover a wide range of Jewish topics; and, of course, Janet Abis, who gave so much of her

time every week to teach her class. This year would not have happened if not for you.

We are already hard at work putting things together for next year. We are so excited to welcome the Charyn

family into the fold and we look forward to seeing them take an active role in our education program. If you

would like to be involved as well, please let Paul Weiss know by e-mail at [email protected] or by cell

phone at (404)509-3188. We really need volunteers to help with craft activities in the younger children’s class-

rooms. If you can show kids how to cut, color, paste or anything else that’s artistic, we have a space for you in

the school. Even if you can only give one Sunday a month, please consider working with our kids and being a

part of their school experience. We appreciate all of the help we can get.

Finally, we would like to congratulate Zoe Walls. Mazel tov on your bat mitzvah. You did a wonderful job and we

are all very proud of you! Enjoy your summer – you definitely earned it. Our next bat mitzvah is planned for Sep-

tember when Eliza Schloss will be called to the Torah.

We want to wish everyone a nice summer break and we’ll look forward to seeing everyone back in the fall when

classes resume.

Your Education Department

The TBD Education Committee sponsors the Alan Levine Scholarship Fund. This Hebrew School Scholarship was

created in memory of our fellow congregant and friend, Alan G. Levine. Please consider a donation to The Alan Lev-

ine Hebrew Scholarship Fund. This scholarship is available to pay for a portion of religious school students’ Hebrew

school tuition.

When you send in your donation, please denote the occasion, name of the honoree, and his/her address. A certifi-

cate will be sent to the concerned party, to inform him/her of your gracious and meaningful donation. Please send

your donations to: Temple Beth David, 1885 McGee Rd., P.O. Box 865, Snellville, GA 30078, Attention: Education


The Alan Levine Hebrew Scholarship Fund

Page 6: CHAI LIGHTS · Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse

Page 6 Chai Lights Temple Beth David



As we welcome another Georgia summer and all those fun activities....the pool, fresh veggies, vacation, and kids and grand-

kids at home, see if you can add a couple of Sisterhood activities to your calendar this month.

In just three weeks a group will be venturing into South Carolina for a Saturday and Sunday of fun in Greenville. Plans are

open to whatever you want to do, and the possibilities include a show, hiking, shopping, dinner out, walking, museums, trolley

ride, and many photo opportunities. More can be seen at the Greenville, South Carolina website greenvillesc.gov. If you are

interested in joining in the fun, contact Randy or Susan soon. We will leave on June 1st and come back on the 2nd.

Our Sisterhood Board is scheduled to meet on June 2nd to discuss plans for future programs and handle issues that have

come up. If you have ideas for programs or concerns that need to be brought to our attention please contact a member of the


On June 9th join us for a fun afternoon of bowling at the Stars and Strikes Family Entertainment Center in Loganville. We will

gather in the lobby at 3:00 and divide up into teams depending on the size of our group. Come and get a little exercise and a

few laughs with your Sisters! Let Randy Comins or Susan Silver know you are coming. With all that exercise we may just have

to go out to dinner afterward! Plans will be made at the bowling alley. If you just want to join us for dinner, let Randy or Susan

know and we will text you our plans.

Our book club currently is scheduled to meet on Sunday June 16th at 11:00. Debraly will be hosting the group at her home at

1956 Oakwood Grove in Snellville. We will be discussing Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan. If you are planning to attend this

group for the first time please contact Randy Comins.

Our Sisterhood sponsored mahjong group meets every Thursday evening in the TBD social hall. If you are interested in joining

this group contact Wendy Fine.

Belly Dancing will meet on Monday June 24th at 7:00pm in the TBD social hall. This is a nice, easy workout for women only. All

ages are welcome. Contact Genie Nickelsberg if you have any questions or are attending this group for the first time.

Please note that on July 28th at 9 am we will be meeting at Randy's house to carpool over to Stone Mountain Park for an easy

hike and then brunch at the German Bakery at 10:30. If you don't want to hike consider meeting the group for brunch!

Don't forget that our Sisterhood Judaica Shop has some nice items for your home and for gifts. Consider purchasing a vase or

mezuzah for a housewarming , a silver star necklace for a bat mitzvah, or a mug for a birthday gift. Funds generated in our

shop benefit various Sisterhood projects at TBD. If the shop is closed , contact a Board member and arrangements will be

made to open it for you.


June 7 Open

June 14 Open

June 21 Open

June 28 TBD Mens Club

July 5 Open

July 12 Rabbi Installation Oneg Committee

July 19 Open

July 26 Open

Thank you to those members who hosted an Oneg In May - Selena & Barry Walls in Honor of Zoe's Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation

Class and Joanne Stein. If you would like to host an Oneg Shabbat please contact Ronnie Pesserilo 770 845-

4512 [email protected] or Randy Comins 404 317-6350 [email protected].

Page 7: CHAI LIGHTS · Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse

Milestones, Simchas and More

Page 7 Chai Lights

Have a special event you want to brag about? Graduation, job promotion, engagement, new baby… send us

the information so we can all kvell together! Email your submissions to Anne Finkelman at [email protected].

Temple Beth David


06/01/05 - Al Fine - husband of Wendy Fine, father of

Andrew Fine and Amy Fine Smith, TBD member

06/02/84 - Sanford Falbaum - father of Hartley Fal-


06/03/16-Zelda Fields-aunt of Randy Comins

06/04/01 - Saul Vitner – father of Janet Abis

06/04/17-Leon Berlin-uncle of Jackie Fletcher-Horowitz

06/08/04 - Marvin Frank-father of Cindy Ruchin

06/11/02 - Ethel Rubin - aunt of Steve Darnowsky

06/14/06 - Rose Falbaum - mother of Hartley Falbaum

06/15/05 - Eliezer (Eddie) Kroll - father of Mickey Kroll

06/17/15-Akiva ben Chaim Zvi Hersh-brother of Nor-

man Leikach

06/22/14- Ruth Horowitz Harris – mother of Cissy Ros-


06/23/02 - Celia Greenberg Ruchin-mother of Dave


06/24/08 - Sandra Cohen - mother of Andrea Settles

06/27/16-Lillian Altschuler-mother of Bonnie Dar-


06/xx/08 - Brian Baker - friend of Jonathan Schloss

06/xx/09 – Florence Press – mother of Keni Woodruff

May Yahrzeits

Happy Birthday

Robert Brown - June 6

David Michelson - June 9

Linda Ely - June 14

Chloe Watkins – June 24

Cindy Ruchin - June 25

Allyson Murry - June 26

Ron Zell - June 29

Happy Anniversary

Norman & Susan Silver - June 8

Paul Gaustad & Anne Finkelman - June 10

Steve & Linda Ely – June 11

Marc & Joanne Schoen – June 24

Norman & Barbara Freid - June 28

Mazel tov !!!

Purchasing a memorial plaque for display in the Sunrise Sanctuary is a wonderful opportunity to honor the memory of a loved one. The plaque remains lit during the entire month in which the Yahrzeit occurs, and is also lit at Yom Kippur. The deadline to order in time for the High Holidays is June 15th. The cost for members is $300 for the first plaque and $200 for each additional plaque, ordered at the same time; the cost for non-members is $400 per plaque. To place an order, send the deceased's name, English date of death, and Hebrew date, if you have it (or it can be converted, if you also provide the time of death) to Andrea Settles at [email protected]

Yahrzeit Board

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Yahrzeit Fund

When donating to the Yahrzeit Fund, General Fund, Donald Freidus Memorial Garden Fund, and Rabbi's Discretionary

Fund, please send donations to Toby Michelson, TBD Treasurer, Temple Beth David, P.0. Box 865, Snellville, GA 30078-

0865. Checks should be made payable to Temple Beth David and please specify on the check or attached note

which fund you are donating to and in memory/honor of whom. Otherwise, the donation will be applied to the General


Memorial Garden and Temple Grounds

Please continue to make donations in memory of or in honor of a special occasion. if you would like to put down a

stone with a plague in memory of a spouse, child or parent who has passed away, get in touch with me to let me know

so that arrangements can be made for a plaque to be purchased by you and a dedication service to be scheduled..

Please contact me, Sonia Freidus at 678-481-0970 or email me at [email protected] to let me know that you are

available to help me when needed or to order a plaque for a loved one to be installed on the garden in their memory.

Thanks to all those who have volunteered in the past as well as making donations to the Memorial Garden for plants

and mulch.

For those of you who don’t know why FAMILY NEEDS was formed – here’s why. We reach out to families who experience loss of a

loved one or who are going through a serious or not so serious illness.

If you are taking care of an adult or a child with an illness and suddenly find yourself without food in your house because you have-

n’t had time to go to the grocery store – call us. Give me a list, some money and we’ll shop for you. If you’ve a conflict getting chil-

dren/adult to a doctor and/or a sports event at the same time and don’t have someone to drive – call us. I can’t guarantee we can

help – but we’ll try. We try to take some of the burden off your shoulders.

If a close relative has passed away – call me (Wendy Fine 770-962-6486) or Barry Nickelsberg (770-809-4058) – one of us can

get in touch with a rabbi who can do a funeral locally. If you have to go out of town – let us know and we can send a platter of food

to be delivered after the funeral or for a shiva service wherever you are. If it’s local we do the same thing. If you’re having a shiva

service for 1,3, or 7 days we can make sure that you will have someone there to lead prayers and make sure that there is food

(usually dessert things) for afterwards.

We work with the family and your friends to make sure that you get the comfort, care and help that you may need. We also send

sympathy cards, and get well cards as needed.

We don’t ask that you pay for any of this but we can always use donations to help cover the cost of this. Your donations “in

memory of” “in honor of” “congratulations” or “get well” are our only source of funds for this service. If you make a donation please

send it to Evie Cherkas – 1566 Dunton Green Way – Lawrenceville GA 30043. Make sure your check says FAMILY NEEDS/

MITZVAH FUND. Evie will make sure that the person or family you are helping will get a card stating your donation (but not the

amount). These donations will be listed, again, in our monthly bulletin. Believe me – the families you are helping will very much

appreciate everything you can do to help. This also ensures that we can continue our good work.

PLEASE PLEASE REMEMBER ONE THING – I AM NOT A MIND READER. Don’t tell your friends that you need help – they will sympa-

thize with you and probably not tell me. I don’t want anyone to feel that they are not important and that we don’t care. We do!

Wendy Fine

[email protected] – the best way to reach me

770-962-6486 - home phone - because I always pick up messages

678-431-2200 - cell phone– last resort because I never know where I leave the cell phone

Family Needs

Page 9: CHAI LIGHTS · Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse

Page 9 June 2019, Volume 16, 6

Local Advertisers Temple Beth David thanks our local advertisers.

Please support them!

You, too, can Advertise on these Special Pages!

Business Card Size Ads Contact Andrea Settles for all the details at [email protected]

Special TBD Member Discount: Community Businesses:

6 Months - $100.00, 1 Year - $150.00 6 Months - $160.00, 1 Year - $300.00

Lori B. Duff Attorney at Law

7730-B Hampton Place Loganville, GA 30052

Telephone: (770) 466-6149 Facsimile: (770) 466-6505

[email protected]

(678) 437-3828

Page 10: CHAI LIGHTS · Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will join us in a benefit concert on July 13, as part of a very special weekend cele-brating the installation of Rabbi Jesse

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


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June 2019

Due Date for Newsletter Articles is always the 15th of the month!

Email your items to Anne Finkelman at [email protected] and Fran Bruggeman at [email protected]

Thank you.


P.O. Box 865 1885 McGee Road Snellville, GA 30078

We’re on the Web!


Join us on Facebook!



11:00 Shabbat Service

11:00 Book Club

7:30 Shabbat Service

Sisterhood Bowling

11:00 Shabbat Service,

Men’s Club Service

7:30 Shabbat

10:00 Shabbat Service. Rabbi

Baroff luncheon 11;45

7:30 Shabbat Service

11:00 Shabbat Service

7:30 Shabbat Service

Board Meeting

7:00 Belly Dancing

11:00 Shabbat Service