cG¾ ; G£y î Åå±y Gü Æy ; ; Gdå ±;Ú ~£~ ± ;±Æ.å Ï ±; å G y£y±. F;Ú ±i · virtual concert. Music improves the mood, lifts the gloom, and brings positivity into

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Page 1: cG¾ ; G£y î Åå±y Gü Æy ; ; Gdå ±;Ú ~£~ ± ;±Æ.å Ï ±; å G y£y±. F;Ú ±i · virtual concert. Music improves the mood, lifts the gloom, and brings positivity into
Page 2: cG¾ ; G£y î Åå±y Gü Æy ; ; Gdå ±;Ú ~£~ ± ;±Æ.å Ï ±; å G y£y±. F;Ú ±i · virtual concert. Music improves the mood, lifts the gloom, and brings positivity into

Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.1

Honorable Congressman Mr. Frank Pallone’s 38th Annual Gala Speech


This is Congressman Frank Pallone and I want to thank all of you for helping to make the 38th Annual Share & Care Gala special even during these challenging times with the COVID pandemic. And of course, I wish we were all here together because it is really an honor to pay tribute to the incredible work the Share & Care Foundation does. I want to talk a little bit about what Share & Care does not only for the community here in the U.S., but globally over the years. Tonight’s theme, “Rising Together,” is an important cause and one that we all have to contribute to. And again, I would urge you to contribute as much as you can to this really worthwhile cause.

I’ve been associated with Share & Care over the years and in particular like the fact that it also encourages a strong partnership in its mission to bring together India and the United States. One of the unique and particu-larly admirable aspects of Share & Care Foundation is the grassroots effort it supports in promoting develop-ment in India. And I’ve been particularly impressed over the years with the work towards greater equality and access to healthcare and education. I witnessed that firsthand when I was with Sharad Shah and Dr. Ketki Shah when we went to India and we saw the work they were doing in schools — the work they were doing to help people educate themselves and look for work opportunities. This is even more important, I would say, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

I wanted to thank all of you. Share & Care generously donated $250,000 in aid to combat the COVID crisis where it was most needed both in the United States and in India. That amount of money definitely deserves a round of applause.

The bottom line is that Share & Care’s mission is simple: It is our responsibility to create a more equal world where access to resources and opportunities are not just for a select few, but for everyone. Everyone deserves a fighting chance. In a country like India where the economy is rapidly developing, ensuring that those living in rural India, that women and at-risk children are not left behind, has to remain a priority.

So again, thank you all for joining this gala tonight in helping set an important example, and I commend the Share & Care Foundation for all its work.

Honorable Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. is the Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over issues pertaining to energy, environment, health care, commerce, and telecommunications. He has been in the U.S. Congress since 1992 and is a ranking member who has led efforts in successfully enacting important legislations. A true friend of Share & Care, he is also the co-founder of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans.


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A new normal!

The roads were deserted. Signs on the New Jersey Turnpike were unusual (i.e., “Masks are compulsory in service areas”). Offices were closed. Malls were shut. No gatherings. No eating in restaurants. After a few weeks, everyone started asking, “What is ‘normal’ life?” A new normal was born and humans were in for a long haul of different routines. Everyone found themselves in similarly stressful circumstances; however, people with fewer resources faced even greater hardships.

As COVID-19 wreaked havoc around the world, we at Share & Care held an emergency meeting. Right away, we decided to help out where others may not be able to, even though we all were facing severe circumstances. With our experience in responding to various disasters over the years, we knew that this would be our biggest disaster relief operation ever. We immediately approved the undertaking of the operation, with a strong focus in the USA and India.

Our task was unprecedented and it required a great deal of reorganizing (brainstorming, interactions at different levels, office restructuring, regrouping, etc.); however, determining exactly how to help was at the top of the list. Our Disaster Relief Committee was activated on a 24/7 basis. Obtaining reliable information was critical, as was digesting it and developing schemes of assistance. A team of our seven most experienced and skilled members, supported by a group of physicians, started working with local healthcare officials, hospitals, and pharmacies as well as with various NGOs in different parts of India.

The pleas from migrants in metropolitan areas, and from villages thousands of miles away, to shoulder the pains of children and to help provide meals, rations, masks, and sanitization, were overwhelming. Soon the plans were developed and as a result we were able to help more than 100,000 people in India and the USA in the first of three COVID-19 Disaster Relief phases. We are also determined to assist in rehabilitation for those affected by the pandemic. A group of approximately 20 diligent members from various project committees are currently reviewing and possibly reshaping our core plans to guide us through this difficult time.

Amid the incredible challenges humanity is facing, we have seen some good news. People in Jammu, Kashmir, and Punjab were able to see the Himalayas from 150 km away — for the first time in many years! Families were together.

The air in Mumbai was much better, the dark clouds above Ahmedabad were dissipating, the roads in Mumbai and Delhi were less congested, and pollution was on the decline.

Naturally, like so many others, we are wondering how to keep these “good” aspects of our new normal while also getting back to the best aspects of our past. This task will be easier if everyone, including us, does their part. We are determined and will be molding our foundation to advocate and promote this idea through our projects. This will require us to redraw various project schemes and raise resources to meet the challenges. It is very tricky. We fully understand that many of our supporters themselves are experiencing challenges — and to call on them is both humbling and emotional. Our appeal to everyone is to understand us and share whatever you can, and we will make sure that it is put to the very best use.

In any circumstances, your well-being is the most important, and you all are in our thoughts.

Please be well and stay safe.


Sharad Shah President, Share & Care Foundation


Letter From the President

Artwork by Arti Jayantibhai Gami, student of Share & Care’s

project at Sabarmati Ashram

October 10, 2020

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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.3


Frank Pallone’s 38th Annual Gala Speech. .......................................... 1

From the Desk of the President ..................................................................2

Tribute to Vijay N. Dalal ....................................................................................4

Share & Care’s Mission ......................................................................................5

The Share & Care Team ....................................................................................6

Why Give? .................................................................................................................7

Your Impact ..............................................................................................................8

About the 38th Annual Gala Artists ..........................................................9

Sari Drive ................................................................................................................. 10

Disaster Relief................................................................................................ 11-12

Women Empowerment .......................................................................... 13-14

Village Upliftment ..................................................................................... 15-16

Healthcare 2 Unreached ........................................................................17-18

Educate 2 Success ...................................................................................19-20

Young Professional Committee/Kids4Kids ..............................21-22

Educate 2 Graduate ................................................................................23-25

Progress Report .................................................................................................26

Sponsors List ............................................................................................... 27-28

Auditor’s Report .........................................................................................29-32

Thank You ..............................................................................................................33

Ashaji Parekh Interview .................................................................................34

Share & Care Anthem .....................................................................................35

Questions or Comments?Please visit shareandcare.org

Or email us at [email protected]

Copyright ©2020 by Share & Care Foundation

All rights reserved

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VIJAY N. DALALVijay N. Dalal, one of the

founding members of

Share & Care Foundation,

left this Earth peacefully

on November 11, 2020 at

home surrounded by his

family. He is survived by

his loving wife of 54 years,

Asha, son Yash, daughter

Shraddha, daughter-in-law

Amrita, son-in-law Ravi, and

the lights of his life, his four grandchildren, Yamini, Sujan,

Radha, and Pranav, and his sister, Smita.

Vijay was born in Mumbai, India. He studied accounting

and economics in India and went on to pursue graduate

work in accounting in England. He married the love of his

life, Asha, and they emigrated from India and eventually

settled in Ramsey, NJ where they lived for nearly 50 years.

Vijay started his professional career as an accountant and

was originally a Controller for the Western Union Corpo-

ration. In 1977, he made the fateful decision to become a

financial advisor at Loeb Rhodes, a predecessor company

to Morgan Stanley. He embodied his family name “Dalal”

which means “stockbroker.” One could say that it was des-

tiny. Vijay was more than a stockbroker to his clients as he

became involved in their lives and helped them through

every important milestone. Vijay stayed with the same

firm for his entire 43-year career.

Philanthropy was a passion of Vijay’s. Vijay often talked

about how his grandfather and father instilled in him the

belief that he should do whatever he could to help the

less fortunate. He joined the Rotary Club and took part

in a myriad of charitable endeavors, serving as his local

chapter’s President in the 1980s. But his heart was also

with India and he wanted to provide aid to his homeland.

In 1982, Vijay and Asha, along with a group of enthusiastic

friends, founded The Share & Care Foundation. He was

instrumental in obtaining 501(c)(3) status enabling its of-

ficial non-profit status. Vijay nurtured this charitable or-

ganization, allowed it to blossom, and gave it wings. He

spearheaded numerous initiatives in the fields of edu-

cation, medicine, disaster relief, women empowerment,

and family support to help those who were less fortunate.

Frequently, Vijay dedicated precious vacation time visiting

NGOs in India, identifying organizations worth supporting,

and advising others. For nearly 25 years, his home in Ram-

sey served as the primary office for the Foundation, and

initial Share & Care “Used Clothes Drives” were conduct-

ed in his driveway, each shipping over 20,000 pounds of

used clothes to the needy. During his lifetime, Vijay served

for 14 years in leadership roles including Chairman, Presi-

dent, Vice President, and Secretary. He was both a vision-

ary and an implementer,

always radiating positivity

and energy and continu-

ously driving Share & Care

to attain new heights.

He and Asha also worked

closely with numerous oth-

er charities in India, primari-

ly to provide education and

uplift individuals. There are

too many other projects to

list and thousands of people

he has helped. His donations extended beyond monetary

ones, as he empowered people with skills and opportuni-

ties to provide for themselves. He never had any expecta-

tions, and his only wish was that they, in turn, pay it forward

by helping others in their own communities and beyond.

Vijay was a true philanthropist, dedicated to the service

of others. He leaves behind a legacy of positivity, gener-

osity, and selflessness. Vijay was truly an honorable man,

who deeply embodied the belief, “Nothing is mine; it was

given to me by God,” and therefore mostly donated anon-

ymously. He will be missed by many and forever loved by

his family.

Friends of Mr. Vijay N. Dalal

1939 - 2020

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”


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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.5

To create opportunies for marginalized and economically challenged people in India

by developing and providing quality education, primary healthcare, and supporting skill development to improve the quality of life, especially in rural India.

Share & Care has implemented more than 800 programs, with a total investment of over $77M.

What Sets Share & Care Foundation Apart?

• We are financially responsible. We maintain a mainly volunteer-run operation with low overhead costs, and we strive to get the maximum yield on your investments.

•We use a holistic approach, which means we take into account all aspects of the issues we aim to solve — including emotional, economic, societal, and environmental factors. By partnering with local NGOs who know the needs and customs of the people we serve, we can address the “big picture,” ensuring that our programs will be effective. We endeavor to truly empower, and to guide beneficiaries toward self-sufficiency so that they may continue helping themselves and, eventually, uplift others around them.

• Our research and reporting methods guarantee that our programs are effective, get measurable results, and have significant impact. Our partners on-ground constantly monitor the efficacy of our programs.

OUR APPROACH: We design Signature Programs for sustainable change. Our grassroots approach focuses on self-reliance within five years, creating measurable changes.

Our programs have made a real difference in the lives of millions of people.



VISIONTo create an equal world with gender equality, where everyone has access to the fundamental

human rights of education, livelihood opportunities, and primary healthcare.

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Board of TrusteesParikh, Jayu: Chairperson Bhansali Sudha, Dalal Asha, Desai Manoj, Gandhi Darshana Parikh, Saumil: Secretary Palkhiwala Bharati, Shah Amar, Shah Lila

Patel, Manu & Kokila Agarwal, Sampada Kamath, Rajeev Patel, Ketan Patel, Piyush

Vyas, AditiKothari, MeganDoshi, PayalMalhotra, Varun

Singla, MohitSukhadia, SwetaOza, DhilatiVyas, Radhika

O’Mahoney, JohnPandya, PoojaDalal, NissaKarsalia, Ruchi

Patrawala, DevanshiMulani, Vidhisha


Barai, Chandu & UshaBhansali, SudhaDalal, AmritaDalal, AshaDalal, Ujval & SonaliDesai, AmitaDesai, Manoj & SarojGandhi, AnantGandhi, DarshanaGor, Hetal

Jain, SubhashJoshi, AlkaKaur, DollyManiar, Kishor & JyotsnaMehta, Jayprakash & UrmilaMehta, Madhu & VarshaMehta, ShreyaNanavati, Shirish & NitaPalkhiwala, Arun & BharatiParikh, Chintan

Parikh, Dilip & JayuParikh, RajivParikh, Saumil & SaloniParikh, ShailaPatel, ArunaPatel, Manu & KokilaPatel, Parag & DhrulataPatel, Suresh & MardaviPatrawalla, Shirish & KananSatyadeo, Rashmi

Shah, Amar & JyotsnaShah, HemlataShah, Mahendra & LilaShah, Nitin & ShilpaShah, Sharad & KetkiSheth, PurviSheth, SnimaThakkar, NitinVyas, Aditi

Advisory BoardDesai, Kenny Doshi, Amit Doshi, Leena

Mehta, Navin Parikh, Rajiv, Legal (Hon.) Parikh, Sudhir

Patel, Mahendra Patel, Purnima Shah, H. R.

Soni, Girish

North Carolina Chapter

Young Professional Committee


StaffDirector, Administration & Operations Parekh, Tejal – M.A., Sp. Ed. Controller Jatania, Jyotindra - CPA

Committee ChairpersonsDisaster Relief Donor Advisory Educate to Graduate – E2G Educate to Success - E2S Gala Premier 2020

Shah, Sharad: President

Management Committee

Healthcare to Unreached – H2U Kids4Kids Marketing / Public Relations Village Upliftment - VU Women Empowerment – WE Young Professional Committee

Palkhiwala, Bharati Sheth, Snima Shah, Sharad & Parikh, Chintan Parikh, Dilip Shah, Ketki Vyas, Aditi

Shah, Amar Gandhi, Darshana Parikh, Dilip & Patrawalla, Shirish Patrawalla, Shirish Desai, Manoj

Parikh, SaumilParikh, JayuPatel, Suresh: Treasurer

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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.7

Founded on the cornerstones of generosity and innovative collaboration, Share & Care creates opportunities for deserving, economically challenged communities and individuals in India and around the world. Such opportunities include village upliftment, women empowerment, disaster relief and rehabilitation, providing access to quality education and primary healthcare, supporting skill development through livelihood training, and more.

Share & Care has been successful and instrumental in rebuilding lives in rural communities of India where the government or large nonprofits had little success. Our collaborative attitude and deep understanding of the beneficiaries we serve have helped us overcome many challenges. Our success can be attributed to millions of volunteer hours, passionate donors, and our singular vision to improve the standard of living for marginalized and underserved communities.

Our Approach to Creating Long-Term Impact We work with a holistic approach and partner with NGOs that focus on grassroots solutions. With the support of these reputable on-the-ground partners, we employ locally tailored and comprehensive solutions to create long-term impact and sustainable change. This holistic approach has been a sort of “mantra” in the effort and resources we provide our beneficiaries. By cultivating a cycle of self-sufficiency in the communities we serve, we are ensuring that each dollar you donate will have a lasting impact.

With each year of service, we have learned to create and execute individually and optimally designed pro-grams for specific causes and geographical conditions, thereby ensuring their effectiveness and sustainability. Few organizations, if any, can claim a comparable level of expertise in effectively serving some of India’s most neglected communities.

With our proven track record, we are the means for you to fulfill your charitable goals and make a difference in the areas that are most meaningful to you personally.

A Commitment to Transparency

At Share & Care, we are dedicated both to our donors and to the communities we serve.

As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, our track records are proven, credible, and accountable — and we can provide in-depth details of our non-governmental partner organizations on request.

We also receive feedback reports on every grant we make. Each report contains the financial health of the project, how beneficiaries are impacted, and how your donation has made a difference.

Most importantly, we are trustworthy and well-recognized. We are a GuideStar Exchange Gold Participant and a four-star rating recipient (the highest rating possible) from Charity Navigator. Share & Care is also one of the few foundations in the United States listed under the Indo-US Bi-Lateral Agreement.

“ If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.”



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How Your Gift Makes a Difference






EMPOWERS 1 at-risk child under age 13 with a secondary education. (E2S - Educate 2 Success)

EMPOWERS 1 mother and her child with pre- and postnatal care. (H2U - Healthcare 2 Unreached)

EMPOWERS 1 woman with livelihood training and equipment, plus gender equality and self-defense education. (WE - Women Empowerment)

EMPOWERS 5 marginalized female students with safe lodging, edu-cation, and training for personal growth. (E2S - Educate 2 Success / WE - Women Empowerment)

EMPOWERS 1 bright, low-income student with a college scholarship. (E2G - Educate 2 Graduate)

EMPOWERS 1 village and up to 5,000 individual villagers. (VU - Village Upliftment)

YES! I WANT TO EMPOWER RURAL INDIA! All contributions are truly appreciated. To give, please make checks payable to “Share & Care Foundation,” and mail to the following address:

350 West Passaic St. 2nd FloorRochelle Park, NJ 07662 USA

Or, please consider donating online at shareandcare.org.



Contribute to the COVID-19 Relief & Rehabilitation Fund

$5,000Will you help families in this time of crisis? In partnership with 16 NGOs, our COVID-19 disaster relief efforts have reached tens of thousands of individuals, and 7,500+ families, in the U.S. and India. Your ongoing support will help us to continue our critical support for struggling people during this time of unprecedented need.

© 2020 Share & Care Foundation. The Share & Care Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Tax-exempt ID #22-2458395. Donations are 100% tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.9


Singer, actor, and producer Manasi Parekh Gohil has appeared in the award-winning film URI, the hit Gujarati film Golkeri, and the popular TV sitcom Sumit Sambhal Lega on Star Plus, for which she won an Indian Television Award.

Indian playback singer Shri Sudesh Bhosle is known for his ability to mimic stars such as Ashok Kumar, Vinod Khanna, Sunil Dutt, and Sanjeev Kumar, as well as actor Amitabh Bachchan, for whom he has sung in many Bollywood films.

Bhoomi Trivedi has lent her voice to popular Bollywood songs, performed in the GIMA Awards and Radio Mirchi Awards, and won numerous awards for the super hit song “Ram Chahe Leela.”

Parthiv Gohil, who has been a part of the Share & Care family for more than 15 years, enhances his performances by adapting his voice to different music genres, including Bollywood songs, classical music, folk, and more. He has performed at the prestigious World Music Festival in London, was featured in MTV’s Coke Studio India, and has lent his voice to a multitude of films — including Devdas, EMI, Heroes, and Wada Raha, among others.

Jahnvi Shrimankar is known for her experimental work in Bollywood, collaboration with acclaimed Indian fusion bands and her work in Gujarati film and folk music.

“The concept of sharing happiness and oneness is the purpose of this virtual concert. Music improves the mood, lifts the gloom, and brings positivity into our hearts. We hope and pray that our music will fill your evening with joy and inspire our shared dream to benefit those in need.”


This musical extravaganza featured entertainment curated by singer, composer, and global performer Parthiv Gohil and his band.

We are grateful to our youth at Mijwaan Welfare Society (MWS), and to those at Gandhi Ashram at Sabarmati’s Primary Teacher’s College (PTC), who contributed artwork for our cover page. At MWS, students were asked to create artwork depicting their experiences since the onset of COVID-19. At PTC, students likewise illustrated their feelings about the pandemic, while also incorporating the theme of “Rising Together” and offering suggestions for staying safe.

Top: Sangam Prajapati, MWSBottom left: Ms. Mansuri Afiyabanu Yusufbhai, PTCBottom right: Ms. Mansi Narendrabhai Darji, PTC

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More than 12,000 families per year will be helped by generous donations of saris and accessories.

Sari Collection Drive by Share & Care Valued at Over $320,900India is a land of culture, heritage, and tradition. As citizens, we enthusiasti-cally celebrate our customs and in-digenous attire — including the sari, a traditional Indian garment that is worn and admired throughout the country.

The sari is one of the oldest forms of clothing, with references dating back centuries. The majority of women in India still wear saris today, as they are considered primary pieces of cloth-ing even in modern wardrobes. How-ever, due to financial limitations, many people do not have the privilege of wearing this beautiful garment, even on auspicious festival days and events like family weddings.

To fill this void, Share & Care’s part-ner NGO Gramshree set out to cre-ate “Sari Libraries” in which women with financial limitations can borrow gently used saris at no cost. The sa-ris are provided by blessed women and families who are able to do-nate clothing in very good condi-tion. Women from the community

can then borrow these ensembles for free. Their sole obligation is to dry-clean the garment(s) and return them back to the library.

At the beginning of 2020, Share & Care set out to collect 2,020 saris by the end of the year. We are pleased to announce that, despite interruptions due to COVID-19, we continued our efforts with community support and successfully concluded the drive on October 15, 2020. We exceeded our goal and collected a total of 4,289 saris (plus other items; see below)!

With this initiative, we are bridging the gaps of society by offering un-derprivileged women with oppor-tunities for dignity and pride. The women in marginalized and slum communities who have access to the Sari Library are delighted by the initiative, and they even pre-book their favorite garments for family occasions like weddings and fes-tivals such as Diwali, Navratri, and Raksha Bandhan.

Share & Care members devote many volunteer hours around the year for humanitarian work. Amar and Jyots-na Shah spearheaded this project in the difficult timing of COVID-19, during which social distancing and fear of disease transmission precluded many volunteers from working on this unique and worthy project. They provided stor-age, labor (including receiving, sorting, inspecting, and preparing and shipping packages) and precious time to bring cheers to many families.

Tejal Parekh, our Director of Admin-istration & Operations, also provided results-oriented public awareness during this complex time.

Sari (with blouses in set) 2,597

Sari 1,692

Blouses 413

Chaniya Choli set 101

Shawls, etc. 6

Petticoats 38

Total items 4,847

In all, the donated saris shipped in 118

boxes and weighed a total of 5,310 lbs.

As humans, the way we look and the

clothes we wear deeply influence our

self-confidence. We are honored to provide

this dignity for our beneficiaries in marginal-

ized communities. Our special thanks to all

the donors for this project.

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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.11

COVID-19 DISASTER RECOVERYWith the onset of COVID-19, 2020 was a year truly unlike any other. The pandemic, which knows no boundaries and affects all irrespective of race, religion, or social status, has hurt over 67 million people — and 1.54 million as of 12/6/20 have lost their lives. Will you send a gift to help us continue providing relief and rehabilitation for 10,000 families affected by this disaster in India?

TOP LEFT: A community volunteer teaches village children how to wash their hands, equipping

them with critical and foundation skills to keep themselves and others healthy.

TOP RIGHT: A healthcare worker in New Jersey enjoys a free meal provided by Share & Care.

BOTTOM: Beneficiaries affected by the pandemic and government lockdown receive masks and

grocery kits.

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COVID-19 DISASTER RECOVERYOur teams in the U.S. and India are hard at work assisting people who have been affected both by the COVID-19 pandemic and by the resulting lockdowns implemented to slow the spread of the virus.

As of July 30, 2020, we allocated $300,000 in disaster relief funding and partnered with 16 NGOs to reach tens of thousands of struggling people in the U.S. and India. We have distributed grocery kits to families in need, served hot meals to families and daily wage earners, distributed healthcare items such as soap and masks, and served thousands of meals to healthcare heroes in the U.S. Our ongoing and future efforts are focused on rehab and rehabilitation for those affected by this crisis.

• 7,500+ families helped

• 130,000+ meals served

• 34,000+ healthcare items distributed

Additionally, our on-the-ground volunteers in India are working to equip villagers with the support and education needed to combat the spread of the virus in their communities.

Our new Village Upliftment program (initiated in early 2020) places 12 Lokmitras (“friends of the people”) in 12 Gujarat villages. Their roles are to offer solutions for community-wide issues, to modernize mindsets as well as the villages themselves, and to

serve as a liaison between village and government. Once the COVID-19 pandemic began, the Lokmitras immediately set to work educating villagers about the virus and about the importance of hand washing and social distancing. They have also played a key role in identifying (and providing aid for) families who have been affected most severely by the ongoing crisis.

Children receive khichdi meals in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

TOP: For safety, volunteers in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh utilize contact-

less grocery distribution. Each beneficiary receives one grocery kit.

BOTTOM: Ready-to-eat meals are delivered to healthcare heroes

and frontline workers in New Jersey.

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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.13


Before the lockdowns took effect, students posed for a photo during a celebration at the Ashram.

Share & Care has formally focused on empow-ering women since 2012. We have pursued this goal through providing marginalized women and girls with opportunities for livelihood and self-defense training, gender equality education, self-help groups, leadership training, and more.

In 2018 we joined forces with Gandhi Ashram at Sabarmati, established by Mahatma Gand-hi in 1917 to promote his constructive visions regarding women empowerment, sanitation, and literacy, among other social issues. Gand-hiji recognized that women are fundamental to creating societal change, and believed they are capable of infinite strength, which only needs to be realized and channeled.

The Ashram hosts female students from India’s most marginalized sections of society and has

three schools: a primary school, a high school (grades 9-12), and a teachers’ training college. We are now in our second year of partnership with the Ashram. Our assistance directly sup-ports the high school (which hosts 350 stu-dents) and the teachers’ college (which hosts 150 students). A majority of the students trav-el from remote villages and stay in an onsite hostel, ensuring they remain safe and healthy while learning life skills.

Our aid provides resources for holistic devel-opment, including (but not limited to):

• Sports and self-defense training

• Gender equality education

• Character building and leadership development

• Health checkups and treatment

Our 2020 WE VisionWe have exceeded our pledge, made during last year’s 37th Annual Gala, to empower 20,200 women in 2020. As of November — even in these difficult times — we have empowered 24,192 women this year.

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• Personal hygiene education and supplies

• Gender- and environment-themed excur-sions for holistic learning

Hardships During LockdownSadly, we learned that some of the students’ fam-ilies fell on hard times during the COVID-19 lock-downs. Many of the parents, who work as pro-duce vendors, plumbers, or carpenters, depend on daily wages — and during the lockdowns they (and their children) had to take up other kinds of labor jobs in order to support themselves.

Aarti Kathesia, a second-year student at our Primary Teacher’s College, faced such a pre-dicament. After returning to her village, she took up multiple forms of labor (such as work-ing on the field) to support herself and her family. Priyanshi, a 10th grade student at Vinay Mandir Girls School, accompanied her moth-er in scouring their village every day to gather the fruit eranda (castor), earning Rs. 30 for their labor. Many such heart-rending and saddening stories came to us during the past few months. We know we have a long way to go in helping these families escape this situation, and we re-main hopeful that this too shall pass.

An Empowerment Success StoryThis year, one of the Ash-ram’s top students was Fal-guni Gohil, who comes from the Shiyavada District of Gujarat and scored 82.13% in her 12th grade board exam. She scored the high-est marks among all her cohort members in Eco-

nomics, Commerce, Statistics, and Accounts. Falguni joined the Vinay Mandir Girls School in 9th grade and very quickly became part of the girl’s leadership group through joining the medical team on campus. She now looks for-ward to joining studying Commerce at a college in Ahmedabad.

Students at the Ashram receive holistic education and support, ensuring

they are empowered with confidence and life skills while also receiving

academic training.

“ I gained a lot of confidence through living in the hostel and my stage fright was completely gone due to participating in various activities such as dance and anchoring. I would never have got this holistic experience of living with others and learning together in any other school. I see my other friends who went to different schools and none of them have become this well-rounded through their academic experience. Vinay Mandir School is definitely a cut above the rest!”


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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.15

Our Village Upliftment (VU) program has placed 12 trained and college-educated Lokmitras (“friends of the people”) in 12 villages throughout Gujarat. The role of Lokmitras is to raise awareness about, and offer solu-tions for, issues affecting entire communities.

Sustainable Solutions for Community IssuesThe Lokmitras’ consistent presence in their villages makes change not only possible, but also sustainable. Other upliftment activities have included:

• Coaching children on education, hygiene, and per-sonal development skills

• Hosting meetups with women and young girls to provide education on menstrual health

• Advising pregnant women, providing iron tablets, and arranging medical check-ups

• Addressing elderly villagers’ health concerns and connecting them to proper resources

• Arranging trips for farmers to learn about organic home farming

• Building food and water stations for birds and other animals

Empowerment During COVID-19The Lokmitras have educated a total of 50,000 vil-lagers about the pandemic and explained the impor-tance of preventive practices. They have also em-powered villagers in the following ways:

• When food became scarce, with the additional help of Share & Care’s COVID-19 response, they handed out “Grocery Kits of Gratitude” to more than 1,000 families and when supplies again ran low, they asked local merchants to donate grain to create additional kits for even more beneficiaries.

• Following the COVID-19 lockdowns, one Lokmitra visited 45 neighboring factories (along with the village chief) to ensure safety for the returning village workers.

To help with women’s livelihoods early in the pandemic, they provided women with the materials and instructions for making masks, and helped sell them to villagers (at very little cost).

And for the children, who were struggling with the stay-at-home orders, Lokmitras gathered the sup-plies to create 50 art kits. Along with pads of paper,

Young children with art kits supplied by village Lokmitras.


Lokmitras receive thorough training, conducted by seasoned

experts, before being placed in their respective villages.

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pens and pencils, and educational books, the art kits were a hit, and the project helped reinforce the val-ue of creativity in life.

Lokmitras created dustbins using trashed plastic con-tainers to use for village cleanup, and organized and in-spired ongoing cleanliness and maintenance practices.

A Lokmitra teaches children math skills (counting numbers and angles) through exercise, giving students a break from bookish

learning and helping them to feel refreshed.

Empower a Village Your donation will help to bring this program — and with it, everlasting generational change — to more villages and individuals throughout rural India.

$100 Empowers 100 villagers

$250 Empowers one woman to stitch protective face masks

$500 Supports one Lokmitra to continue working on COVID-related activities in one village

$2,500 Places one Lokmitra in a village for one year

$5,000 Uplifts one village (and empowers up to 5,000 individual villagers)

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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.17

The adage “Prevention is better than cure” is the mantra for our H2U team in delivering healthcare to the mar-ginalized poor in the vast corners of Pan India, primarily in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Manipal, and Tamil Nadu. Recognizing that preventive action is the most cost-effective way to provide healthcare and to get the best outcome for your donated dollars, our team and our local partners focus on remedial actions to address the five “A”s — a lack of affordability, access to facilities, awareness of good health practices, and accountability in health services, as well as the absence of resources. Our project activities include:

Mobile Clinic Services for Remote Tribal Areas (Imphal, Manipur)Our Mobile Medical Clinic has provided free treatment and medicines to 2,648 marginalized patients. To improve the health of mothers and children, it has assisted us in conducting antenatal and postnatal check-ups, providing contraceptives to eligible couples, and vaccinating chil-dren and pregnant women as needed. The clinic staff also host monthly educational meetings to teach good hygiene and health practices.

Pregnancy and Maternal Care for Landless Labor Communities (Thiruthuraipoondi, Tamil Nadu)We work in 870 villages and rural communities to en-sure healthy pregnancies and maternal care. We have also “adopted” 100 pregnant women for a period of two years to assist them during delivery and to provide medical and nutritional support to both mothers and newborns. Most of the pregnant women enrolled in our program hail from poor agricultural labor communities and live below the poverty line, with no access to mod-ern medical facilities.

GRAVIS Project (Thar Desert, Rajasthan)This project covers five needy villages in the rural Thar Desert. Approximately 5,000 to 6,000 wom-en, girls, and adolescent boys will benefit from the project activities. The overall goal is to improve nu-tritional and health and to validate a holistic model for the future.

In this project, village health workers (VHWs) educate women and girls on nutrition, address nutritional defi-ciencies through horticulture and supplementary nu-trition, provide supplements as needed, and improve women and girls’ understanding on menstrual hygiene. The VHWs also educate adolescent girls and boys on puberty physiology and sexual and reproductive health, address mental health for women and girls, and provide help as needed.

Cancer Prevention (Rajkot, Gujarat)In this project, we have aimed to reach 100,000 peo-ple through cancer prevention awareness and routine check-ups. In the first phase of this project, we expect to screen 5,000 women for breast and cervical can-cer, and provide more than 2,000 girls with vaccina-tions for HPV.

Anemia Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment (Saurashtra)This project aims to diagnose and treat anemia in the targeted area in the most cost-effective way. The proj-ect remedies in detail the magnitude of child anemia, with the primary focus on iron deficiency and nutritional anemia. We supply children with nutrients involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin such as iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12.


Women “adopted” through our Pregnancy and Maternal Care

project receive medical and nutritional support.

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Improving Maternal and Child Health in Tribal Areas of Gujarat Through the Use of ImTeCHO Technology and SNCU (Special Neonatal Care Unit)This project implements an innovative intervention based on mobile phone technology (ImTeCHO) to help Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) improve coverage of health services. ImTeCHO enables ASHAs to promote health education using multimedia, provide diagnoses and treatments, and coordinate care with specialists in medical facilities. This project will develop a scalable, evidence-based model to reduce maternal, newborn, and child deaths and undernutrition in areas with high mortality in Gujarat and throughout India.

The SNCU Follow-Up Program was envisioned with the mission to reduce out-of-hospital deaths of children and premature babies with low birth weight and ensure rigorous follow-up in terms of nutrition,

immunization, and childhood illnesses. A total of 584 children have been booked under this program, and will receive follow-ups through age 2 through regularly scheduled house visits and a series of examinations on general conditions, vitals, and anthropometric measurements.

Save Life at Birth: A Mobile Unit for Healthcare in Rural India (Maharashtra)This comprehensive program provides primary health care services to a population of 25 villages in Nanded, with a focus on health service family planning, mother and child health, premature babies with low birth weight, immunization, low-cost nutrition and food preparation, and oral rehydration. The main objective is to enhance the capability of mothers to look after the normal health and nutritional needs of children through proper nutrition and health education.

LEFT: Improving the health of mothers and children through

preventative care is a core objective of our H2U program.

RIGHT: We’re bringing healthcare to marginalized populations

across Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Manipur.

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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.19

Our E2S program provides support for students who are at risk of dropping out (or in some cases, have already dropped out) of school. The children selected for this program are from the poorest and most marginalized com-munities in India, and are assessed with the help of our incredible NGO partner, Light of Life Trust (LOLT).

For the 2020-21 school year, new LOLT student applicants were in-terviewed via telephone or video. Additionally, video calls were made (wherever possible) in place of con-ducting physical home visits to un-derstand and assess the family sit-uation. Some home visits were also conducted where it was not possible to conduct a call virtually.

WhatsApp (along with other tech-nology tools such as Zoom and Goo-gle Meet) helps to connect a large number of students, mostly through phones of parents, relatives, neigh-bors, and friends. Conference calls with 5-9 students at a time have been set up with students where the network availability is the weakest. This process has helped reach out to

the most marginalized students, who have responded to these calls posi-tively, which keeps their learning go-ing even if they cannot afford mobile phones and connectivity expenses for online classes. Those without any phone connectivity are contacted in-dividually by village social workers.

Our volunteers are also making ef-forts to thoroughly document these new processes, and to develop for-mats to capture responses and feed-back from students across all regions.

Sarika Ramprasad Khurshinge: An E2S Success StorySarika joined the E2S program in 2009, and was selected in Std. VIII. Her family, who live in a tribal community, consist

of six members: her father, mother, two elder brothers, and one younger sister. Her father is a farmer, but earns a mea-ger income which is insufficient to even provide a square meal for the family.

Sarika proved to be an excellent and bright student who participated in all activities in the program, helping her to develop self-confidence, commu-nication skills, a positive approach, and the ability to cope with difficult life situations. It also helped her to build a career-oriented thought pro-cess and facilitated the development of soft skills and life skills. Post-Std XII, she pursued a career in the Computer Engineering field. It was a tough deci-sion for her and her parents, as it in-volved her moving to another location


During the E2S summer camp, social

workers prepared daily videos and

shared them with students through on-

line groups. Teams connected through

online platforms or via telephone calls.

Follow-up calls were made to each stu-

dent and videos and photos of finished

items were shared by students on their

WhatsApp group.

Zoom and Google Meet are used in regions and centers where the availability of An-

droid and internet connectivity is slightly better, compared to the rural areas. Though

comparatively fewer sessions are conducted through these platforms, even those few

sessions have sparked an interest and excitement among the students who could

attend them. These sessions have successfully worked with students at the Mumbai

Worli Center, who also participated in a call organized with our Kids4Kids group.

In the sessions, teachers upload daily content (self-written notes, audio, and/or video

clips) along with homework assignments which are submitted through the same chan-

nel. Students read, listen, and view the content, ask questions on the WhatsApp group,

or directly call the teachers. Students then submit their homework, which is checked by

the teachers.

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to continue higher education. However, she successfully completed her B. Sc in Computer Science with 61% in 2016.

After that, she decided to focus on competitive exam-inations and started preparing for the IBPS examination.

Hard work, consistent study, and a passion for her dream job enabled her to pass the exam successfully. In 2020 she was selected as a Probationary Officer at the Bank of Maharashtra at Jintur in Parbhani District, where she earns an annual salary of Rs. 40,000.

In some regions, the sessions were conducted effectively in

their respective villages while practicing all safety norms

like social distancing, wearing masks, and using sanitizer.

The topics covered during the in-person camps include: intro-

ductions, science experiments, teaching-learning methods,

computer software and hardware basics, drawing competi-

tions, paper craft making, and essay competitions.

Sarika’s Journey, In Her Own Words“With the support and guidance of the E2S program, I completed my SSC with good marks. After that I was faced with the dilemma of which path to choose, but was guided toward the correct path. Owing to the support, motivation, and guidance given throughout all the years, I suc-cessfully completed my HSC exams and also prepared for giving the competitive exams later on. Today I am a Probationary Officer at the Bank of Maharashtra and this would not have been possible for me as a girl child in my given circumstances without the support of the organization. I am very grateful to the organization for shaping my career.”

—Sarika Ramprasad Khurshinge

A Message of Gratitude From Mr. Ramprasad Khurshinge“Today I am feeling very proud to be known as the father of Sarika and it is really a happy moment for all of us. No one in our family was educated and there was no awareness about the importance of education either. But this program guided us on how to support our children. The E2S program not only gave us material support but also hope and guidance. To see Sarika working at the bank was only possible because of this program, and I thank you for making this a reality.”

—Mr. Ramprasad Khurshinge

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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.21

YOUNG PROFESSIONAL COMMITTEEThe Young Professional Committee (YPC) is a dynamic group of individuals from all over the country with a mission to volunteer and fundraise for the causes Share & Care Foundation supports while fostering a community for young professionals to connect over their combined passion for nonprofit work.

Last year the committee hosted two major events including a spring fundraiser in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District featuring food, drinks, dancing, and a silent auction as well as a winter workout class. Together, these events raised over $25,000 to help deserving women and children through our education, healthcare, and equality programs.

The committee’s 2021 kick-off fundraising effort will be a virtual poker tournament, with 100% of the proceeds going directly towards Village Upliftment and COVID-19 relief programs.

In addition to fundraising programming, the committee hosts seasonal networking events for its members, sponsors, and potential new volunteers. Current members include Aditi Vyas (chair), Megan Kothari, Payal Doshi, Sweta Sukhadia, Mohit Singla, Varun Malhotra, Radhika Vyas, John O’Mahoney, Ruchi Karsalia, Nissa Dalal, Pooja Pandya, Dhilati Oza, Devanshi Patrawala, and Vidhisha Mulani.

If you are interested in getting involved with the Young Professional Committee, please email us at [email protected].

KIDS 4 KIDSKids4Kids (K4K) is a committee hosted for students by students, with a vision to help underprivileged chil-dren in India receive the education they deserve.

This year, the COVID-19 pandemic took hold just as we were settling in with new board members. Schools shut down and our daily lives were completely dis-rupted. Amid this new chaotic world and the stark re-alities of the virus, K4K remained determined to make a difference. Just before the pandemic started, each K4K member recruited three new members — not only increasing participation and interest in the group, but also increasing the total funds raised. (Each new member donated $130.) These funds provided an ad-ditional 23 students in India with tuition, notebooks, and pencils, and raised the total number of children educated to 255.

In recent months, the pandemic forced us to change direction. Since the pandemic was affecting everyone around the world, it became more important to help pro-vide urgent COVID-19 relief even when we are indoors. In total, we have raised almost $2,900 for solely this cause.

T-Shirt SaleIn early April, we re-ceived our personalized Kids4Kids t-shirts which were ordered before the pandemic. The shirts are available for pickup for $15 and cost an addi-tional $5 for shipping. All of our members chipped in, and we sold a total of 80 t-shirts in a month’s time. Orders are flying in, so get one before they sell out! Contact us via email to buy yours.

Virtual EventsIn April, K4K members held a virtual trivia game fundraiser on a website called Kahoot. The game consisted of 30 general knowledge questions to be answered quickly and

correctly in order to receive the most points. It was a successful and fun event for all who participated.

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In May, we hosted three virtual events. First, qualified yoga instructor Reetu Mehta (based in Belgium) volun-teered to teach a virtual yoga class to keep K4K sup-porters engaged during quarantine. She taught for three different time zones: EST, IST, and CET. The event was a great success, raising $1,540 (through participation fees and donations) for disaster relief funds. Next, we held a “Fortnite” tournament, with all proceeds going toward COVID-19 relief projects. The event was successful, and we raised a total of $224. Lastly, we hosted a Bollywood dancing class, thanks to a dance instructor who volun-teered to lead the activity. Thirty-five people joined the lesson, and we collected a total of $1640.

From November 2-8, we hosted a walking challenge with attendees of all ages and from all parts of the world. The fee to join the challenge was $10, and par-ticipants elected to compete in different challenges: the Junior Challenge, the 50,000 Challenge, the Start-er Challenge, the Original Challenge, and the Summit Challenge. The winners for these challenges respec-tively were Mardavi Patel, Neha Kachwala, Pooja Javeri Shah, Sapna Mehta, and Samir Mehta. We raised a total of $3130 from 103 people, which exceeded our goal. This total included some amazing donations that we truly appreciate.

• Shaurya Shah (Chairperson)

• Arnav Choudhry (Vice-Chairperson)

• Krish Sheth and Sareena Parikh (Newsletter Secretaries)

• Aagam Kothari and Aarya Shah (Secretaries)

• Akshay Mehta (Volunteer Coordinator)

• Muskaan Bhansali (Marketing)

• Yash Mehta (Liaison)

• Yamini Dalal (Finance Officer)

2020 K4K Board Members

We at K4K thank you for your support, and we hope you continue to participate in our future endeavors. You can reach out to us with any questions at [email protected].

Please follow our Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/scfkids4kids

Here is the link to buy our t-shirts: https://shopshareandcare.square.site or call Snima Sheth 201.686.4145


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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.23

Our Educate to Graduate (E2G) program fosters secure futures for brilliant and ambitious students from low-income families. It provides them financial support and career guidance to obtain college degrees in engineering, IT, and medical fields that will help them find well-paying jobs. It has been a singular success since it began in 2007. (See Figure 1.)

In modern India, the job market is highly competitive and it is increasingly a knowledge economy — meaning that higher education is key to financial success. It also creates enlightened citizens who possess a broad perspective on life, the power of reasoning, an appetite to continually improve, and a keen awareness of ethics.

In short, higher education creates happy and fulfilled individuals, who in turn contribute to nation-building.

Recent Developments: In 2019, we successfully transitioned the E2G program from a loan format to a scholarship format. Seventy-three students were enrolled in the 2019-2020 school year, and we plan for more in 2020.

Although there have been some delays in college opening due to COVID-19, the admission process has begun and several colleges will open initially on a digital platform. We are putting increased emphasis on supplementary skill development to improve job prospects upon graduation.

Measurable Impact: Of the 1614 E2G beneficiaries so far, more than 850 graduates are already employed in well-paying jobs. (See Figure 2.) The average earning of recent graduates is about $6,500 per year, though some earn much higher.


Figure 1

Figure 2

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Support for Kalanjiyam We are proud to support Kalanjiyam, a non-profit NGO based in Tamilnadu, which is helping the poorest communities to become self-sufficient through education, vocational training, and women empowerment. Through our E2G program we have provided scholarships to assist many of their brilliant students in achieving their goals. Since 2016 we have supported 50 such students, 24 of whom have already graduated.

One Scholar’s Path to Her Dream Career A.Shalini comes from a family with three chil-dren. Her moth-er is a stay-at-home parent and her father is a daily wage laborer. She is from Devanur, a village in the

Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu. After high school (where she passed with a total of 824 marks) she aspired to go to college and enter the medical field. Through our E2G program, we provided a scholarship to support her studies.

The support has been helpful for Shalini while also reducing the financial burden on her parents, who explained that they had no choice but to take loans with high interest rates for their first daughter (Shalini’s older sister), and their current livelihoods are barely enough to make ends meet.

Shalini is now a third-year student at Sri Balaji College of Nursing. She explains how the support from the E2G program has helped her in other ways; for instance, her confidence in English and communication has improved after attending leadership workshops, and she is motivated to help other students the way the E2G program benefited her.

Once a Marginalized Student, Now an Empowered CitizenBhautik Koladiya’s father, a diamond worker in Surat, worked to provide his family with the very basic necessities; however, his yearly earnings of INR 85,000 (a little over $1,000) were not enough to meet any college expenses for Bhautik.

Higher education was a dream for Bhautik, who hoped to pursue engineering. When the admissions process started in 2017, he secured an admission at Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology (DAIICT) — however, he faced a huge challenge of meeting college fees that were over 2.5 times his family earnings. Thankfully, a friend directed him to Share & Care’s E2G program managed by Higher Education Support Trust in Bharuch, Gujarat. He contacted them, completed the qualifying process, and was selected for the scholarship program, which helped him meet the expenses for college.

Now, we are pleased to report that Bhautik has graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering — and through college placement, he secured a job to work as a Product Engineer with Sprinkler India Private Limited starting in 2021,

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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.25


Your donation makes a brighter future possible for families who come from generational cycles of poverty. They can do it, and

we can help!

where his compensation package will be over 35 times his family’s income. Recently Bhautik told us that without the financial assistance from Share & Care, he would not have been able to realize his dream of going to college.

E2G’s positive impact is astounding, as it is truly transformational for children raised in poverty. The benefits of the program are self-evident. By

helping over 1,600 brilliant scholars to date, it has made higher education a reality for these scholars, ultimately putting them directly on a path to a secure future for themselves and their families. When we see our graduates earn 30-40 times more than that of their parents, we know that entire families (and communities) are being liberated from the cycle of poverty.

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Interest & Gain



Gen & Admin


Marketing& Annual Gala10%



Total Cash Donations

2019 Revenue & Support100% = $1.95 mil

2019 Grants and Expenses100% = $1.70 mil

($ in thousands)








































































Interest & Gain



Gen & Admin


Marketing& Annual Gala10%



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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.27


Grand - $40,000 & overParikh, Sudhir & Sudha - Parikh Worldwide Media

Platinum - $20,000 & overAnonymous

Kamlesh & Luci Chainani FoundationPatel, Mahendra & Jayshree

Shah, GunavantraiShah, H.R. & Rosemarie - TV Asia

Gold - $12,500 & overKhadepau, Manish, Bindu & Pranav

Shah, Shishir & Binita

Silver - $7,500 & over

Bronze - $3,500 & over

Benefactor - $2,000 & over

Leading With Love : Gala 2020 Sponsors

AnonymousChadda, Sushil & Veena

Desai, Kenny & TruptiDhruv, Arvind & RohiniDoshi, Amit & Kalpana

Gandhi, Samir & Anita Khushalani

Mehta, Navin & RashmiParekh Family Foundation Inc.

Parikh, Samir & AmiShah, Mahendra & Lila Shah

Shah, Shailesh & Purnima

Bhakta, Bhagwanji & KanchanbenIn Memory of Ravi Kanta Varma

Mehta, Amish & ShreyaMukhtyar, Dilip & Usha

Sanghrajka, Nimish & NitiSanghvi, Jayesh & Bina

Shah, RanjanaShah, Vinod & Ila

Bavishi, Bipin & SonalDoshi, Anila

Doshi, Bharat & PushpaDoshi, Shrenik (late), Rupa & Nirav

Khandwala, Kiran & Sanghavi, MayaKothari, Atul, Priti & Sahil

Mehta, Vishwesh & ShonaSaraiya, Manoj & Sumedha

Shah, Bharat & DakshaShah, Pravin & Deena

Sheth, Deepak & NeenaThe Narula Foundation

Page 29: cG¾ ; G£y î Åå±y Gü Æy ; ; Gdå ±;Ú ~£~ ± ;±Æ.å Ï ±; å G y£y±. F;Ú ±i · virtual concert. Music improves the mood, lifts the gloom, and brings positivity into



Bharucha, Jitendra & MamataBhatt, Arvind & Hasu

Chokshi, Atul & VandanaContract Coating Inc.

Desai, Amita & Tom BirchDesai, Kirit & MrunaliniDesai, Manoj & Saroj

Dharia, Rajesh & RupaEmby International

Gandhi, AnantGandhi, Rajani & Jyoti

Gandhi, Rajinder & JyotiIn Memory of Ramaben Rawal

Jhamnadas Watumull FundKadakia, Hitesh & Surbhi

Kapadia, Bipin & KumudiniMalhotra, Vinod & Family

Maniklal, PospavatiMehta, Bhupen & Minal

Mehta, Kan & MaltiMehta, Mukund & PadmaMehta, Shreyas & Family

Mehta,Yagnik & AmitaMuchhala, Mahesh & Vasanti

Palkhiwala, Arun & BharatiParikh, Dilip & Jayu

Parikh, Nalin & ShailaPatel, Ashok & Hansa

Patel, KetanPatel, Mukund & Devyani

Patel, Suresh & MardaviPatel, Yogendra & Nila

Reliance Property Management Group

Ruparel, NutanSama, Jay & Alka

Shah, Amar & JyotsnaShah, Anand & Shreya

Shah, Chandrakant & KumudShah, Dipak & NayanaShah, Mehul & MayaShah, Nayan & JayuShah, Nitin & Shilpa

Shah, Sharad & KetkiShrimad Ramchandra Swadhyay

KendraTolat, Vipin

Patrons - $750 & over

Supporters - $500 & over


Errors and omissions are unintentional and deeply regretted.


Ayyagari, Kamalakar & Kala Barai, Chandu & Usha

Bhatt, Harendra & Neelaxi Bhayani Satish & Pari

BHC DiamondsChadha, Vinod & SurinderChandra, Alka & Naveen

Community Health Pharmacy cyberThink, Inc

Dharia, Arvind & KalpanaDharia, Kirit & Chandra

Diagem, IncDixit, Mahesh & Ila

Fine Emeralds Inc. FEIGadhavi, Chetan

Gajrawala, Jatin & RakshaGems One Corp.

In Memory of Raj Turakhia

In Memory of Usha & Bharat ShahJariwala, Mahendra

Joisher, Mukul & MeenaManiar, Kishor & Jyotsna

Manilal, Salil & NinaMehta, Bachubhai

Mehta, BharatMehta, Jayshree

Mehta, Umesh & RitaMeswani, Vinay & Harsha Munshi, Sohag & Sonal

Nice DiamondsParekh, Rekha

Parikh, Divyang & RenuParikh, Jay & Ami

Parikh, Kiran & ShwetaParikh, Shaila, Saumil & Family

Patel, Jitu & VibhaPatni, Madhu & SaralaPatni, Manish & Hem

Patrawalla, Shirish & Kanan

Patwa, Ramesh & EvaRushabh, Shimul & Anoop

Sandeep DiamondsSanghavi Diamonds

Sanidhi, Farid Babu & DurgaSaral Diamonds

Shah, Anil & Hemalata Shah, Girish & Bharati

Shah, Mahesh & Pramila Shah, Praful & Kishori Shah, Shirish & Pallavi

Shah, SirajSheth, Pravin & KokilaShroff, Asit & Falguni

Solanki, Gambhirsinh & PriyamvadaSukhadia, Ila

Vaghesia, Ghanshyam & KrishnaVimco Diamonds

Page 30: cG¾ ; G£y î Åå±y Gü Æy ; ; Gdå ±;Ú ~£~ ± ;±Æ.å Ï ±; å G y£y±. F;Ú ±i · virtual concert. Music improves the mood, lifts the gloom, and brings positivity into

Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.29


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Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.31


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Page 34: cG¾ ; G£y î Åå±y Gü Æy ; ; Gdå ±;Ú ~£~ ± ;±Æ.å Ï ±; å G y£y±. F;Ú ±i · virtual concert. Music improves the mood, lifts the gloom, and brings positivity into

Now in our 38th year of bringing hope and sustainable change to rural India.33

You have made a difference. Thank you!

PRI Team: Technology & Digital Marketing

Parikh, ChintanDatko, Ali

Lorentz, MarielleNazzaro, Élena

Petraska, DanyWenner, Matt

Williams, Kevin


Manasi Parekh GohilShri Sudesh Bhosle

Bhoomi TrivediParthiv Gohil

Jahnvi Shrimanker

Errors and omissions are unintentional and deeply regretted.


Comments or queries? Please email us at: [email protected] / www.shareandcare.org

Federation of Indian Association (FIA)Genova Burns LLCHindu Samaj Mandir (Mahwah NJ)Hon. Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr.Media/TV: Padma Shri Dr. H. R. Shah & TV Asia TeamMedia/TV: Padma Shri Dr. Sudhir Parikh & Parikh Worldwide TeamMedia: Singh, Jasbir (Hum Hindustani)Media: Gurjar Nitin (Tiranga, NJ)Media: Hali, Sunil & Bhambri, Rajeev (Divya Bhaskar, Radio Zindagi & IndianEye) Morgan Stanley (Paramus, NJ)Our Partner NGOs in India & USAPhotography & Video: Ujval & Urmil DalalSari Drive: Nimisha Bhatt, Mansukh Gala, Manoj Mehta, Rajul & Prakash Shah, IASONJ, India Cultural Society & Mahatma Gandhi Centre, Jain Center of New Jersey & Mysangi, Mehta JayshreeSobel & CoThakkar, Nitin – Business Brains – Office Computer Support

All Healthcare and Frontline WorkersAll Contributors, Donors, Advertisers, and Volunteers

Friends & Well-Wishers

People around the world are experiencing unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19, but experts and volunteers have collaborated and acted quickly to mitigate the effects of this pandemic. Share & Care Foundation, along with our patrons and NGOs, have teamed up to reach and help over one hundred thousand people.

The Share & Care Foundation sincerely thanks you for helping us in our COVID-19 disaster relief efforts.

Page 35: cG¾ ; G£y î Åå±y Gü Æy ; ; Gdå ±;Ú ~£~ ± ;±Æ.å Ï ±; å G y£y±. F;Ú ±i · virtual concert. Music improves the mood, lifts the gloom, and brings positivity into


In Conversation with Padma Shri Ashaji Parekh38th Annual Gala • October 10, 2020By Manasi Parekh Gohil

Manasi: I am excited to announce

that tonight we have somebody really

special joining us. She is a legendary

actress. She is the Padmashree,

the one and only Miss Asha Parekh.

Welcome Ashaji.

Asha Parekhji: Thank you. Good evening

ladies and gentlemen.

Manasi: Thank you so much for joining

us tonight Ashaji, and we welcome you to the Rising Together

concert by the Share & Care Foundation. We are very excited to

have you join us tonight because your connection with the Share

& Care Foundation is really special and it’s been a very long

connection. So can you please share a little bit about the Share &

Care Foundation?

Asha Parekhji: Yes, it’s been a very long association. I think about

20 years back, Share & Care gave us a small unit for the people

who are depressed and with mental anxiety. It was called Ashna,

and it was opened in my hospital. So naturally from there, Share

& Care started off, and was introduced by late Mr. Amrish Puri to

Sharadbhai and Ketkiben. Such wonderful people I have met in my

life. And I am very thankful to late Amrish Puriji.

Manasi: Thank you so much for sharing that Ashaji. Share & Care

had a beautiful start with you from the beginning, and right now it’s

doing incredible work for India, and you as well are associated with

so much humanitarian work. Can you talk a little bit about what it is

that you feel strongly for?

Asha Parekhji: There are so many people who are underprivi-

leged, poor, and they need our help. Helping them is one of the

best things one can do. And God also says we should help peo-

ple who are poor and need help. So I think Share & Care has been

doing really good work. I remember about three years back, I was

invited by Sharadbhai and Ketkiben to go with them to Nepal,

where there had been a massive earthquake, and Share & Care

put up a nice school at a small remote village. And it was so beau-

tiful, the children were all there. Little kids will get an opportunity

to get educated and live their lives. So I feel that one should al-

ways do something for the people who need us.

Manasi: That’s a very noble thought indeed. And no wonder your asso-

ciation with Share & Care has been so beautiful and long-term because

they believe in the same philosophy. And Ashaji, for the COVID relief

project, Share & Care has been able to raise almost half a million dollars.

Asha Parekhji: How lovely! Congratulations.

Manasi: Yes, it’s indeed been a very fruitful journey, Any thoughts

you would like to share about the kind of work that Share & Care is

doing for COVID especially, in the kind of times we live in?

Asha Parekhji: Yes, we need a lot of aid. The population of India is

too much and COVID has been a big issue in India. Lots of people

have died, especially poor people. Because all of them cannot af-

ford to be in the hospital, the government is doing a lot, but there

is still more to be done for COVID. And I think Share & Care has

picked up this issue and I am very happy that they are doing such

good work for India at this time.

Manasi: Absolutely Ashaji. And Ashaji, you yourself have had such

a beautiful and successful long career, we would like to know as

your fans and people who always admire your beauty, your talent,

your absolute dedication and passion toward your work, what has

this journey really meant — what are the moments that you look

back upon and that make you smile?

Asha Parekhji: Life has been very good, and I was very lucky. But I

did have a setback in the beginning. But then, I also admit that with

one setback, God gives you something else, which is much better

than what you would have had. And I worked hard, tried to do as

much as I could, and God was very kind, and I got very good music,

my film did well, and life has been very good. I feel that when I was

in the industry, it was the right time to be there because if I had to be

in the industry now, I don’t think I would have survived.

Manasi: It’s been absolutely beautiful talking to you, Ashaji. Thank

you so much for sharing your precious time, your precious thoughts

and memories with us. Share & Care always considers you part of

the family. We love you.

Asha Parekhji: Thank you. I love you all.

Manasi: Thank you so much.


Page 36: cG¾ ; G£y î Åå±y Gü Æy ; ; Gdå ±;Ú ~£~ ± ;±Æ.å Ï ±; å G y£y±. F;Ú ±i · virtual concert. Music improves the mood, lifts the gloom, and brings positivity into

Manavta Se Bada Dharam Nahi Koi, Sewa Se Bada Karam Nahi Koi

Lakshya jeevan kaa….Jodain tinka-tinka

Ek naya sansaar banayenge

Share Karen hum….Care Karen hum

Auron ke Liye, Prayer Karen hum

Har ghar main khushaali hogi...Holi aur Diwali hogi

Chote-bade ka bhed na hoga….Kisi ke mann main khed na hoga

Share Karen hum….Care Karen hum

Auron ke Liye, Prayer Karen hum

Aisi ek subah hogi…. Bhookh, Ashiksha mit jaayegi

Aankhon main aashaaon ke sapne…Sab ho jaayenge bas apne

Share Karen hum….Care Karen hum

Auron ke Liye, Prayer Karen hum

Sukh-dukh hum sabse battenge…. Mil-jul kar jeevan kaatenge

Hum samaaj se lete aaye….Ab samaaj ko dekar jaayein

Share Karen hum….Care Karen hum

Auron ke Liye, Prayer Karen hum


The Share & Care anthem was composed by Sandeep Nath — a Bollywood singer, lyricist, composer, screenwriter, director, and producer.