CFX11.0 CFX11.0 CFX11.0 CFX11.0 Tutorials Tutorials Tutorials Tutorials C: C:\Ansys Inc Ansys Inc\v110 v110\CFX CFX\help help\pdf pdf\xtutr11.pdf xtutr11.pdf ANSYS Workbench 11.0 ANSYS Workbench 11.0 43


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Page 1: CFXTutorial


TutorialsTutorialsTutorialsTutorialsC:C:\\Ansys IncAnsys Inc\\v110v110\\CFXCFX\\helphelp\\pdfpdf\\xtutr11.pdfxtutr11.pdf

ANSYS Workbench 11.0ANSYS Workbench 11.0


Page 2: CFXTutorial

Workbench 11.0Workbench 11.0 -- Static MixerStatic MixerWorkbench 11.0 Workbench 11.0 Static MixerStatic Mixer

basic geometry creation including Revolve andbasic geometry creation including Revolve andbasic geometry creation including Revolve and basic geometry creation including Revolve and Extrude operations Extrude operations basic meshing operationsbasic meshing operationsbasic meshing operations basic meshing operations


Page 3: CFXTutorial


Open ANSYS CFXOpen ANSYS CFX--11 011 0Open ANSYS CFXOpen ANSYS CFX 11.011.0


Page 4: CFXTutorial

LauncherLauncherLauncherLauncherSet the Working DirectorySet the Working DirectoryOpen Workbench 11.0Open Workbench 11.0


Page 5: CFXTutorial

ANSYS Design ModellerANSYS Design ModellerANSYS Design ModellerANSYS Design Modeller

Scroll down and open an Empty ProjectScroll down and open an Empty ProjectScroll down and open an Empty ProjectScroll down and open an Empty Project


Page 6: CFXTutorial

Design ModellerDesign ModellerDesign ModellerDesign Modeller

Select File / Save / File Name: StaticMixerSelect File / Save / File Name: StaticMixerSelect File / Save / File Name: StaticMixerSelect File / Save / File Name: StaticMixerClick on New geometry (under Create Design Click on New geometry (under Create Design Modeler Geometry)Modeler Geometry)Modeler Geometry)Modeler Geometry)


Page 7: CFXTutorial

Design ModellerDesign ModellerDesign ModellerDesign Modeller

Select Meter / click on OKSelect Meter / click on OKSelect Meter / click on OKSelect Meter / click on OK


Page 8: CFXTutorial

Design ModellerDesign ModellerDesign ModellerDesign Modeller

Four Main Areas:Four Main Areas:Four Main Areas:Four Main Areas:


Page 9: CFXTutorial

Sketching GridSketching GridSketching GridSketching Grid

ClickClick onon ZXZX PlanePlane (Tree(Tree View)View)ClickClick onon ZXZX PlanePlane (Tree(Tree View)View)11.. ClickClick onon SettingsSettings (in(in thethe SketchingSketching tab)tab) toto openopen

thethe SettingsSettings ToolboxToolbox..thethe SettingsSettings ToolboxToolbox..22.. ClickClick onon GridGrid andand turnturn ONON ShowShow inin 22DD andand

SnapSnap..SnapSnap..33.. ClickClick onon MajorMajor GridGrid SpacingSpacing andand setset itit toto 11..44 ClickClick onon MinorMinor StepsSteps perper MajorMajor andand setset itit toto 2244.. ClickClick onon MinorMinor--StepsSteps perper MajorMajor andand setset itit toto 22..55.. ZoomZoom inin toto seesee thethe effecteffect ofof changingchanging thethe

MinorMinor StepsSteps perper MajorMajor


MinorMinor--StepsSteps perper MajorMajor..

Page 10: CFXTutorial

Sketching GridSketching GridSketching GridSketching Grid


Page 11: CFXTutorial


11.. SelectSelect thethe DrawDraw ToolboxToolbox fromfrom thethe SketchingSketching tabtab..22 ClickClick onon PolylinePolyline andand thenthen createcreate thethe shapeshape shownshown belowbelow::22.. ClickClick onon PolylinePolyline andand thenthen createcreate thethe shapeshape shownshown belowbelow::

aa.. ClickClick onon thethe gridgrid inin thethe positionposition wherewhere oneone ofof thethe pointspoints fromfrom thethe shapeshapeneedsneeds toto bebe placedplaced (it(it doesn'tdoesn't mattermatter whichwhich point)point)..

bb ThenThen clickclick onon eacheach successivesuccessive pointpoint toto makemake thethe shapeshapebb.. ThenThen clickclick onon eacheach successivesuccessive pointpoint toto makemake thethe shapeshape..cc.. IfIf atat anyany pointpoint youyou clickclick onon thethe wrongwrong place,place, justjust clickclick withwith thethe rightright

mousemouse buttonbutton overover thethe ModelModel ViewView andand selectselect BackBack fromfrom thethe rightright mousemousebuttonbutton menumenu toto undoundo thethe pointpoint selectionselection..

dd.. ToTo closeclose thethe polylinepolyline afterafter selectingselecting thethe lastlast pointpoint,, clickclick withwith thethe rightrightmousemouse buttonbutton toto bringbring upup aa menumenu andand choosechoose ClosedClosed EndEnd..


Page 12: CFXTutorial


11.. SelectSelect RevolveRevolve fromfrom thethe 33DD FeaturesFeatures ToolbarToolbar.. ThisThis toolbartoolbar isis locatedlocated aboveabove thethe ModelModel ViewView..22.. DetailsDetails ofof thethe RevolveRevolve operationoperation areare shownshown inin thethe DetailsDetails ViewView atat thethe bottombottom leftleft ofof thethe windowwindow..

LeaveLeave thethe namename ofof thethe RevolveRevolve asas thethe default,default, RevolveRevolve11..33.. TheThe BaseBase ObjectObject isis thethe namename ofof thethe sketchsketch toto bebe revolvedrevolved.. ItIt defaultsdefaults toto thethe sketchsketch whichwhich youyou

havehave justjust created,created, SketchSketch11,, soso thisthis settingsetting doesdoes notnot needneed toto bebe changedchanged..44.. TheThe AxisAxis forfor thethe rotationrotation doesdoes notnot havehave aa defaultdefault settingsetting.. InIn thethe ModelModel View,View, clickclick onon thethe gridgrid lineline

whichwhich runsruns alongalong thethe ZZ--axisaxis andand thenthen clickclick onon ApplyApply inin thethe DetailsDetails ViewView.. YouYou shouldshould findfind thatthat thethetexttext nextnext toto AxisAxis nownow changeschanges toto SelectedSelected.. IfIf insteadinstead itit changeschanges toto NotNot SelectedSelected withwith aa yellowyellowtexttext nextnext toto AxisAxis nownow changeschanges toto SelectedSelected.. IfIf insteadinstead itit changeschanges toto NotNot SelectedSelected withwith aa yellowyellowbackground,background, clickclick onon thethe texttext NotNot SelectedSelected andand thenthen trytry selectingselecting thethe axisaxis againagain inin thethe ModelModelView,View, rememberingremembering toto presspress ApplyApply inin thethe DetailsDetails ViewView afterafter youyou havehave selectedselected itit..

55.. LeaveLeave OperationOperation asas AddAdd MaterialMaterial sincesince youyou needneed toto createcreate aa solidsolid.. (The(The otherother optionsoptions allowallow youyou totomodifymodify existingexisting solidssolids andand toto dealdeal withwith multiplemultiple solidssolids..))

66 ThTh k t hk t h dd tt bb l dl d bb f llf ll 360360 dd hh A lA l ff 3030 dd tt 36036066.. TheThe sketchsketch needsneeds toto bebe revolvedrevolved byby aa fullfull 360360 degrees,degrees, soso changechange AngleAngle fromfrom 3030 degreesdegrees toto 360360degreesdegrees.. LeaveLeave thethe otherother settingssettings asas defaultdefault..

77.. ToTo activateactivate thethe revolverevolve operation,operation, youyou needneed toto clickclick onon GenerateGenerate.. ThisThis cancan bebe selectedselected fromfromthethe menumenu whichwhich appearsappears whenwhen youyou clickclick withwith thethe rightright mousemouse buttonbutton almostalmost anywhereanywhere inin thethewindow,window, oror fromfrom thethe 33DD FeaturesFeatures ToolbarToolbar towardstowards thethe toptop ofof thethe windowwindow..


Page 13: CFXTutorial

Creating a CircleCreating a CircleCreating a CircleCreating a Circle

11.. InIn thethe TreeTree View,View, clickclick onon thethe plusplus signsign nextnext toto 11 Part,Part, 11 BodyBody totoopenopen upup thethe treetree structurestructure..

22 P itiP iti thth t tt t S lidS lid dd thth li kli k ithith thth22.. PositionPosition youryour cursorcursor overover thethe texttext SolidSolid andand thenthen clickclick withwith thetherightright mousemouse buttonbutton andand selectselect HideHide BodyBody..

33.. SelectSelect ZXPlaneZXPlane inin thethe TreeTree ViewView againagain [XZPlane[XZPlane inin ANSYSANSYSWorkbenchWorkbench 88 00 11]] andand createcreate aa newnew sketchsketch basedbased onon thisthis planeplaneWorkbenchWorkbench 88..00..11],], andand createcreate aa newnew sketchsketch basedbased onon thisthis planeplanebyby usingusing thethe NewNew SketchSketch (( )) buttonbutton onon thethe ActiveActive Plane/SketchPlane/SketchToolbar,Toolbar, whichwhich isis locatedlocated aboveabove thethe ModelModel ViewView..

44 SelectSelect thethe SketchingSketching tabtab44.. SelectSelect thethe SketchingSketching tabtab..55.. CreateCreate aa circlecircle asas shownshown inin thethe picturepicture::

aa.. SelectSelect thethe DrawDraw ToolboxToolbox..bb SelectSelect CircleCircle clickclick onon thethe gridgrid atat thethe centercenter ofof thethe circlecircle andand thenthen dragdrag thethe


bb.. SelectSelect Circle,Circle, clickclick onon thethe gridgrid atat thethe centercenter ofof thethe circlecircle andand thenthen dragdrag thethemousemouse toto definedefine thethe radiusradius..

Page 14: CFXTutorial


11.. SelectSelect ExtrudeExtrude fromfrom thethe 33DD FeaturesFeatures ToolbarToolbar.. ThisThis toolbartoolbar isislocatedlocated aboveabove thethe ModelModel ViewView..

22 II hh D ilD il ViVi hh bb l fl f ff hh i di d hh22.. InIn thethe DetailsDetails ViewView atat thethe bottombottom leftleft ofof thethe window,window, changechangeDirectionDirection toto Reversed,Reversed, inin orderorder toto extrudeextrude inin thethe oppositeoppositedirectiondirection toto thethe planeplane normalnormal.. [Select[Select DirectionDirection toto bebe NormalNormal ininANSYSANSYS W kb hW kb h 88 00 11 ii hh ll ll ii ii hhANSYSANSYS WorkbenchWorkbench 88..00..11 sincesince thethe planeplane normalnormal isis inin thetheoppositeopposite directiondirection..]]

33.. ChangeChange thethe DepthDepth toto 33 mm.. TheThe restrest ofof thethe settingssettings cancan bebe leftleft asastheirtheir defaultdefault.. TheThe AddAdd MaterialMaterial settingsetting willwill meanmean thatthat materialmaterial isisaddedadded toto thethe existingexisting solid,solid, ratherrather thanthan aa newnew solidsolid beingbeing createdcreated

44.. ToTo activateactivate thethe extrudeextrude operation,operation, youyou needneed toto clickclick onon GenerateGenerate


44.. ToTo activateactivate thethe extrudeextrude operation,operation, youyou needneed toto clickclick onon GenerateGenerateasas beforebefore..

Page 15: CFXTutorial

Geometry ModificationGeometry ModificationGeometry ModificationGeometry Modification

TheThe radiusradius ofof thethe inletinlet pipespipes cancan bebe changedchanged toto 00..4545 mm fromfrom thethe initialinitial 00..55 m,m,ith tith t ii thth idid tt itiiti thth i li lwithoutwithout usingusing thethe gridgrid toto positionposition thethe circlecircle..

11.. SelectSelect SketchSketch22 inin thethe TreeTree View,View, notingnoting whichwhich circlecircle itit contains,contains, andand choosechoosethethe SketchingSketching tabtab..gg

22.. ClickClick onon DimensionsDimensions (in(in thethe SketchingSketching tab)tab) toto openopen thethe DimensionsDimensions ToolboxToolbox..33.. ClickClick onon RadiusRadius andand thenthen selectselect thethe circlecircle whichwhich formsforms SketchSketch22 fromfrom thethe

ModelModel ViewView..44.. ClickClick somewheresomewhere inin thethe ModelModel ViewView toto choosechoose wherewhere thethe labellabel forfor thisthis

dimensiondimension willwill bebe placedplaced (this(this doesdoes notnot affectaffect thethe modelmodel inin anyany way,way, itit isispurelypurely forfor displaydisplay purposes)purposes)..

55.. IfIf youyou nownow looklook inin thethe DetailsDetails ViewView atat thethe bottombottom leftleft ofof thethe screen,screen, youyou willwillyy ,, yynownow findfind aa sectionsection headedheaded Dimensions,Dimensions, whichwhich containscontains thethe radiusradius RR11,, setset toto00..55 mm.. ForFor now,now, changechange thethe radiusradius toto bebe 00..4545 mm ..

66.. ClickClick onon GenerateGenerate toto activateactivate thethe changechange..


Page 16: CFXTutorial

GeometryGeometry -- Static MixerStatic MixerGeometry Geometry Static MixerStatic Mixer

Select File>Save and accept the default filenameSelect File>Save and accept the default filenameSelect File>Save and accept the default filename. Select File>Save and accept the default filename.


Page 17: CFXTutorial


Open CFXOpen CFX--MeshMeshOpen CFXOpen CFX MeshMesh


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CFXCFX--MeshMeshCFXCFX MeshMeshTetrahedral unstructured meshTetrahedral unstructured mesh


Page 19: CFXTutorial


11.. RightRight--clickclick overover RegionsRegions inin thethe TreeTree ViewView..22.. SelectSelect Insert>CompositeInsert>Composite 22DD RegionRegion..33.. AA newnew object,object, CompositeComposite 22DD RegionRegion 11,, isis insertedinserted underunder

RegionsRegions inin thethe TreeTree ViewView.. ChangeChange itsits namename toto inin11:: ifif thethe namename isisgg ggstillstill highlighted,highlighted, thenthen justjust typetype overover thethe existingexisting namename.. IfIf thethenamename isis notnot stillstill highlighted,highlighted, thenthen rightright--clickclick overover thethe name,name,selectselect RenameRename andand thenthen typetype overover thethe existingexisting namename..

44.. InIn thethe DetailsDetails View,View, clickclick inin thethe boxbox nextnext toto LocationLocation.. ThereThere willwillnownow bebe twotwo buttons,buttons, ApplyApply andand Cancel,Cancel, andand thisthis meansmeans thatthat youyouareare readyready toto selectselect thethe faceface fromfrom thethe ModelModel ViewView..

ObOb UU hh iddliddl bb ff hh hh fifiObsObs.:.: UseUse thethe middlemiddle bottombottom ofof thethe mousemouse toto rotaterotate thethe figurefigure..

Similarly,Similarly, createcreate inin22 andand outout..



Page 20: CFXTutorial

Surface MeshSurface MeshSurface MeshSurface Mesh

11.. 11.. ClickClick onon DefaultDefault BodyBody SpacingSpacing inin thethe TreeTree View,View, whichwhich isis containedcontained ininMesh>SpacingMesh>Spacing..

22.. InIn thethe DetailsDetails View,View, changechange MaximumMaximum SpacingSpacing toto 00..33 mm.. ThisThis isis aa coarsecoarse lengthlength scalescaleff hihi d ld l bb ii blbl ff fifi ii l il iforfor thisthis model,model, butbut isis reasonablereasonable forfor aa firstfirst runrun toto generategenerate anan approximateapproximate solutionsolutionandand toto testtest thatthat thethe modelmodel isis workingworking correctlycorrectly..

33.. PressPress EnterEnter onon thethe keyboardkeyboard toto setset thisthis valuevalue..

11.. RightRight--clickclick overover PreviewPreview inin thethe TreeTree View,View, andand selectselect Insert>PreviewInsert>Preview GroupGroup..22.. YouYou wantwant toto viewview thethe surfacesurface meshmesh onon allall ofof thethe facesfaces ofof thethe mixer,mixer, soso youyou needneed toto

selectselect allall thethe facesfaces inin thethe modelmodel asas followsfollows::aa.. ClickClick inin thethe boxbox nextnext toto LocationLocation..bb.. LeftLeft--clickclick somewheresomewhere inin thethe ModelModel ViewView aboveabove andand toto thethe leftleft ofof thethe modelmodel..cc.. WhilstWhilst holdingholding downdown thethe mousemouse button,button, dragdrag thethe mousemouse overover thethe modelmodel toto formform aa boxbox whichwhich

completelycompletely enclosesencloses thethe modelmodel.. AllAll thethe surfacessurfaces withinwithin thethe boxbox areare thenthen selectedselected..dd.. ClickClick onon ApplyApply inin thethe DetailsDetails ViewView.. TheThe texttext shouldshould changechange toto readread 99 22DD RegionsRegions..


33.. NowNow rightright--clickclick overover PreviewPreview GroupGroup 11 andand selectselect GenerateGenerate ThisThis SurfaceSurface MeshMesh..

Page 21: CFXTutorial

Volume MeshVolume MeshVolume MeshVolume Mesh

11.. ClickClick onon OptionsOptions inin thethe TreeTree View,View, whichwhich isis containedcontainedpp ,,inin MeshMesh..

22.. ChangeChange GTMGTM FilenameFilename toto StaticMixerMeshStaticMixerMesh..gtmgtm.. ToTo dododdthis,this, clickclick onon thethe filenamefilename shownshown andand thenthen clickclick onon thethe

buttonbutton withwith thethe threethree dotsdots.. TypeType thethe newnew namename intointo thethefilefile browserbrowser whichwhich appearsappears..filefile browserbrowser whichwhich appearsappears..

NowNow generategenerate thethe volumevolume meshmesh..gg11.. RightRight--clickclick onon MeshMesh inin thethe TreeTree ViewView andand selectselect

GenerateGenerate VolumeVolume MeshMesh..


Page 22: CFXTutorial


Open CFXOpen CFX--Pre 11 0Pre 11 0Open CFXOpen CFX Pre 11.0Pre 11.0


Page 23: CFXTutorial

Static MixerStatic MixerStatic MixerStatic MixerTwo inlet pipes and one outlet pipeTwo inlet pipes and one outlet pipeF ll r r l CF ll r r l C \\AAFollow more or less: C:Follow more or less: C:\\Ansys Ansys IncInc\\v110v110\\CFXCFX\\helphelp\\pdfpdf\\xtutr11.pdfxtutr11.pdf


Page 24: CFXTutorial


11.. SelectSelect FileFile >> NewNew SimulationSimulation..11.. SelectSelect FileFile NewNew SimulationSimulation..22.. ClickClick QuickQuick SetupSetup inin thethe NewNew SimulationSimulation FileFile

windowwindow..windowwindow..33.. SetSet FileFile namename toto StaticMixerStaticMixer andand thenthen clickclick SaveSave..

11.. ImportImport thethe meshmesh filefile StaticMixerMeshStaticMixerMesh..gtm,gtm,locatedlocated inin thethe examplesexamples directorydirectory toto youryourlocatedlocated inin thethe examplesexamples directory,directory, toto youryourworkingworking directorydirectory..

22 SetSet DomainDomain NameName toto StaticMixerStaticMixer


22.. SetSet DomainDomain NameName toto StaticMixerStaticMixer..

Page 25: CFXTutorial

Computational DomainComputational DomainComputational DomainComputational Domain

11.. SelectSelect CreateCreate >> FlowFlow ObjectsObjects >> DomainDomain.. TheThe CreateCreate DomainDomain dialogdialog boxbox appearsappears..22 SetSet NameName toto StaticMixerStaticMixer thenthen clickclick OKOK TheThe EditEdit DomainDomain:: StaticMixerStaticMixer dialogdialog boxbox appearsappears22.. SetSet NameName toto StaticMixer,StaticMixer, thenthen clickclick OKOK.. TheThe EditEdit DomainDomain:: StaticMixerStaticMixer dialogdialog boxbox appearsappears..

ToTo SetSet thethe GeneralGeneral OptionsOptions11.. OnOn thethe GeneralGeneral OptionsOptions panelpanel setset LocationLocation toto AssemblyAssembly..22 SetSet FluidsFluids ListList toto WaterWater usingusing thethe dropdrop downdown menumenu22.. SetSet FluidsFluids ListList toto WaterWater usingusing thethe dropdrop--downdown menumenu..33.. SetSet RefRef.. PressurePressure toto 00 [atm][atm]..TheThe defaultdefault settingssettings areare suitablesuitable forfor thethe remainingremaining optionsoptions onon thisthis panelpanel..

ToTo SpecifySpecify thethe FluidFluid ModelsModelsToTo SpecifySpecify thethe FluidFluid ModelsModels11.. ClickClick thethe FluidFluid ModelsModels tabtab..22.. UnderUnder HeatHeat TransferTransfer Model,Model, setset OptionOption toto ThermalThermal EnergyEnergy..33.. UnderUnder TurbulenceTurbulence Model,Model, leaveleave OptionOption setset toto kk--EpsilonEpsilon..44 UnderUnder TurbulentTurbulent WallWall FunctionsFunctions leaveleave OptionOption setset toto ScalableScalable44.. UnderUnder TurbulentTurbulent WallWall Functions,Functions, leaveleave OptionOption setset toto ScalableScalable..55.. UnderUnder ReactionReaction oror CombustionCombustion ModelModel andand ThermalThermal RadiationRadiation Model,Model, leaveleave OptionOption setset toto NoneNone..


Page 26: CFXTutorial

Boundary conditionsBoundary conditionsBoundary conditionsBoundary conditionsTwo inlet pipes and one outlet pipeTwo inlet pipes and one outlet pipe


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Inlet 1 and inlet 2 Boundary Inlet 1 and inlet 2 Boundary ConditionsConditions

To create the inlet 1 boundary conditionTo create the inlet 1 boundary condition1 Cli k B d C di i1 Cli k B d C di i1. Click Boundary Condition .1. Click Boundary Condition .2. Set Name to in1, then click OK.2. Set Name to in1, then click OK.3. On the Basic Settings panel, set:3. On the Basic Settings panel, set:

(a) (a) Boundary Type to InletBoundary Type to Inlet(b) Location to (b) Location to in1in1

4. Click the Boundary Details tab, then:4. Click the Boundary Details tab, then:(a) Under Flow Regime, set Option to Subsonic.(a) Under Flow Regime, set Option to Subsonic.(b) Under Mass and Momentum, set Option to Normal Speed and Normal Speed(b) Under Mass and Momentum, set Option to Normal Speed and Normal Speed( ) , p p p( ) , p p pto to 2.0 m/s2.0 m/s..(c) Under Turbulence, set Option to Medium (Intensity = 5%).(c) Under Turbulence, set Option to Medium (Intensity = 5%).(d) Under Heat Transfer, set Option to Static Temperature and Static Temperature to (d) Under Heat Transfer, set Option to Static Temperature and Static Temperature to 315 K315 K..

5. Click OK to create the boundary condition.5. Click OK to create the boundary condition.yy

Similarly create inlet 2 boundary condition with Static Temperature as 285 KSimilarly create inlet 2 boundary condition with Static Temperature as 285 K


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Inlet 1Inlet 1Inlet 1Inlet 1Create / Flow Objects / Boundary ConditionsCreate / Flow Objects / Boundary Conditions


Page 29: CFXTutorial

Outlet Boundary ConditionsOutlet Boundary ConditionsOutlet Boundary ConditionsOutlet Boundary Conditions

ToTo CreateCreate thethe MainMain OutletOutlet BoundaryBoundary ConditionConditionyy11.. ClickClick BoundaryBoundary ConditionCondition ..22.. SetSet NameName toto outletoutlet andand thenthen clickclick OKOK..33.. OnOn thethe BasicBasic SettingsSettings panel,panel, setset::

(a)(a) BoundaryBoundary TypeType toto OutletOutlet(b)(b) LocationLocation toto outout(b)(b) LocationLocation toto outout

44.. ClickClick thethe BoundaryBoundary DetailsDetails tab,tab, thenthen::(a)(a) UnderUnder FlowFlow Regime,Regime, setset OptionOption toto SubsonicSubsonic..(b)(b) U dU d MM dd MM O iO i AA S iS i(b)(b) UnderUnder MassMass andand Momentum,Momentum, setset OptionOption toto AverageAverage StaticStatic

PressurePressure andand RelativeRelative PressurePressure toto 00 PaPa..55.. ClickClick OKOK toto createcreate thethe boundaryboundary conditioncondition..



Page 30: CFXTutorial

Initial ValuesInitial ValuesInitial ValuesInitial Values

Setting Initial ValuesSetting Initial ValuesSetting Initial ValuesSetting Initial Values1. Select Create > Flow Objects > Global 1. Select Create > Flow Objects > Global

Initialisation or click Global InitialisationInitialisation or click Global InitialisationInitialisation, or click Global Initialisation .Initialisation, or click Global Initialisation .2. Turn on Turbulence Eddy Dissipation and leave 2. Turn on Turbulence Eddy Dissipation and leave

O i A iO i A iOption set to Automatic.Option set to Automatic.3. Click OK to set the initialization details.3. Click OK to set the initialization details.


Page 31: CFXTutorial


SettingSetting SolverSolver ControlControl11.. SelectSelect CreateCreate >> FlowFlow ObjectsObjects >> SolverSolver ControlControl oror clickclick SolverSolver

ControlControl ..22.. UnderUnder AdvectionAdvection Scheme,Scheme, setset OptionOption toto SpecifiedSpecified BlendBlend FactorFactor,, pp pp

andand BlendBlend FactorFactor toto 00..7575.. TheThe advectionadvection schemescheme optionsoptions arearediscusseddiscussed inin AdvectionAdvection SchemeScheme SelectionSelection..

33.. UnderUnder ConvergenceConvergence Control,Control, setset TimescaleTimescale ControlControl toto PhysicalPhysicalggTimescale,Timescale, PhysicalPhysical TimescaleTimescale toto 22..00 s,s, andand MaxMax.. NoNo.. IterationsIterationstoto 5050..

44.. UnderUnder ConvergenceConvergence Criteria,Criteria, leaveleave thethe ResidualResidual TypeType setset toto RMSRMSdd R id lR id l TT 11 EE 44 AA RMSRMS ll ff ll 11 EE 55andand ResidualResidual TargetTarget setset toto 11..EE--44.. AnAn RMSRMS valuevalue ofof atat leastleast 11..EE--55

isis usuallyusually requiredrequired forfor adequateadequate convergence,convergence, butbut thethe defaultdefaultvaluevalue isis sufficientsufficient forfor demonstrationdemonstration purposespurposes..


Page 32: CFXTutorial


WritingWriting thethe SolverSolver ((..def)def) FileFileYY dd ii hh D fi i iD fi i i filfil ff hh CFXCFX S lS lYouYou areare nownow readyready toto writewrite thethe DefinitionDefinition filefile forfor thethe CFXCFX--SolverSolver..11.. ClickClick WriteWrite SolverSolver ((..def)def) FileFile ..TheThe WriteWrite SolverSolver FileFile dialogdialog boxbox isis displayeddisplayed..22.. SetSet FileFile namename toto StaticMixerStaticMixer..defdef..33.. LeaveLeave OperationOperation setset toto StartStart SolverSolver ManagerManager..44.. LeaveLeave ReportReport SummarySummary ofof InterfaceInterface ConnectionsConnections turnedturned offoff andand QuitQuit CFXCFX--PrePre turnedturned

onon..55 ClickClick OKOK55.. ClickClick OKOK..66.. ClickClick YesYes whenwhen askedasked ifif youyou wantwant toto savesave thethe CFXCFX filefile..

ObtainingObtaining aa SolutionSolutionWhenWhen CFXCFX--PrePre hashas shutshut downdown andand thethe CFXCFX--SolverSolver ManagerManager hashas started,started, youyou willwill bebe ableabletoto obtainobtain aa solutionsolution toto thethe CFDCFD problemproblem byby followingfollowing thethe instructionsinstructions belowbelow..11.. ClickClick StartStart RunRun..


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CFXCFX--Solver ManagerSolver ManagerCFXCFX Solver ManagerSolver Manager


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CFXCFX--Solver ManagerSolver ManagerCFXCFX Solver ManagerSolver ManagerResidualsResiduals


Page 35: CFXTutorial


Open CFXOpen CFX--Post 11.0Post 11.0Open CFXOpen CFX Post 11.0Post 11.0

File / Load ResultsFile / Load ResultsFile / Load ResultsFile / Load Results

C i N Pl (C / Obj / Pl )C i N Pl (C / Obj / Pl )Creating a New Plane (Create/ Object / Plane)Creating a New Plane (Create/ Object / Plane)1. From the main toolbar click Create Plane .1. From the main toolbar click Create Plane .2. In the New Plane window type the name Slice.2. In the New Plane window type the name Slice.3. Click OK.3. Click OK.


Page 36: CFXTutorial

Slice PlaneSlice PlaneSlice PlaneSlice PlaneDefinition / Method / XY PlaneDefinition / Method / XY PlaneZ / 1 [m] / ApplyZ / 1 [m] / Apply


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CFXCFX -- PostPostCFX CFX PostPostColour / Mode Variable / Variable TemperatureColour / Mode Variable / Variable Temperature


Page 38: CFXTutorial

CFX 10.0CFX 10.0 –– Mesh RefinementMesh RefinementCFX 10.0 CFX 10.0 Mesh RefinementMesh Refinement

Modifying the Mesh GenerationModifying the Mesh GenerationModifying the Mesh GenerationModifying the Mesh Generation1. Open the StaticMixer Project (or 1. Open the StaticMixer Project (or

StaticMixer wbdb) from the ANSYS WorkbenchStaticMixer wbdb) from the ANSYS WorkbenchStaticMixer.wbdb) from the ANSYS WorkbenchStaticMixer.wbdb) from the ANSYS Workbench2. Open CFX2. Open CFX--MeshMesh3. Click on Model/Mesh/Spacing/3. Click on Model/Mesh/Spacing/Default Body Default Body

SpacingSpacing (in the Tree View)(in the Tree View)4. Change 4. Change Maximum SpacingMaximum Spacing to 0.2 m. Press Enter to 0.2 m. Press Enter

on the keyboard to set this value. on the keyboard to set this value.



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Mesh RefinementMesh RefinementMesh RefinementMesh RefinementMaximum SpacingMaximum Spacing from 0.3 to 0.2 mfrom 0.3 to 0.2 m


Page 40: CFXTutorial

InflationInflationInflationInflation1. Click on Model/Mesh/Spacing/1. Click on Model/Mesh/Spacing/InflationInflation (in the Tree View)(in the Tree View)2 Set Number of Inflated Layers to 52 Set Number of Inflated Layers to 52. Set Number of Inflated Layers to 5.2. Set Number of Inflated Layers to 5.3. Set Expansion Factor to 1.3.3. Set Expansion Factor to 1.3.4. 4. RightRight--click on Inflation and select Insert/Inflated Boundary. click on Inflation and select Insert/Inflated Boundary. gg / y/ y5. Click in the box next to Location, and then click on Default 2D 5. Click in the box next to Location, and then click on Default 2D

Region in the Tree View. Click on Apply in the Details View. Region in the Tree View. Click on Apply in the Details View. Th h ld h d 1 C iTh h ld h d 1 C iThe text should change to read 1 Composite.The text should change to read 1 Composite.

6. Set Maximum Thickness to 0.2 m.6. Set Maximum Thickness to 0.2 m.


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InflationInflationInflationInflationExample at the outletExample at the outlet