CERTIFICATED SUBSTITUTE HANDBOOK 2015—2016 · certificated substitute handbook 2015—2016 human resources department caroline antholt, human resources director mesha kendrick,

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Subs tute teachers are very important in the day‐to‐day success of the educa onal program in the Peninsula School District. We recognize that being a subs tute teacher is not an easy task. You respond to work on very short no ce, and are asked to face a group of strangers in the classroom as well as o en unfamiliar lesson plans. However, you provide an important link in ensuring instruc onal con nuity and produc vity in the educa on of our students.

This subs tute teacher’s guide has been prepared in an ci‐pa on that it will enable you to become familiar with the every day administra ve rou ne and educa onal philosophy of our district. We hope that you will find it helpful and in‐forma ve.

As a subs tute teacher, we appreciate your skills and exper‐se. You are an important member of our staff. Best wishes

during this school year.

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SUBSTITUTE ELIGIBILITY To be an eligible Peninsula School District’s Subs tute Teacher, the following items must be on file in the Human Re‐sources Department:

1.Completed online applica on form which will include:

2.Two online‐email recommenda ons and one recommenda on le er

3.Current Washington Teacher Cer ficate or Teaching Permit from the Superintendent of Public Instruc on

4.A set of transcripts from the college(s) you a ended

5.Cover Le er


7.Applicant Disclosure Statement

A er the above materials have been received by the Human Resources Office, you will be contacted through email with your new hire documents along with instruc ons on what needs to be completed prior to employment with Pen‐insula School District. You will need to contact Human Resources to Schedule an appointment for an orienta on.

Washington State law now requires that any person with regularly scheduled unsupervised contact with children who is newly hired by a school district is required to have a criminal background check which requires fingerprin ng, unless you have been fingerprinted for a school district or for cer fica on within the last two years. Any offer of employment is condi onal upon the successful outcome of the criminal history background check, Sexual Misconduct Disclosure Form, and approval by the District’s Board of Directors.


Subs tute teachers are paid at the rate of $16.43 per hour, with a full day comprising of seven (7) hours. NOTE: Any sub‐

s tute who accepts a subs tute teaching assignment at Minter Elementary, Vaughn Elementary, Evergreen Elementary

and Key Peninsula Middle school will receive an addi onal $5.00 per day. Subs tute teachers are not guaranteed a plan‐

ning period. If the Subs tute Office is unable to find coverage for all teacher absences, the school that you have been

assigned to may have you cover another classroom during the regular teacher’s planning period.  

Subs tutes who work at least 20 days per year (does not have to be consecu ve) shall be paid $18.71 per day, for each day

worked the remainder of the school year. This rate will con nue year to year as long as a Subs tute completes 20 days of

subs tute teaching each school year.


Subs tutes who accept a Long Term Subs tute posi on (being in the same classroom for more than 20 consecu ve days) will be guaranteed a planning period (if working at the Middle or High Scholl level). If you are asked to cover another teachers classroom during your planning period, you will be paid for the addi onal hours of work via a mesheet.

The daily rate of pay will increase from seven (7) hours to seven and a half (7.5) hours. If you have not yet achieved the high‐er daily rate of pay, you will begin the long term posi on at the higher rate, being $18.71 per hour.

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TIME CARDS Time cards for subs tute teachers will be issued by the building principal or office manager for the ini al work period. Time cards must be submi ed to the Payroll Department according to the printed me card schedule. Pay warrants are mailed to subs tutes and should be received on or about the fi eenth work‐ing day of the following month. Automa c deposit is required of all Peninsula School District employees including subs tute teachers. Please check with the Payroll Department for informa on.

The Payroll Department will accept me cards provided the principal or his/her designee has signed for each day worked, and the subs tute teacher has signed on the designated line.


The computer allows sick leave for teachers to be deducted by the hour based on a seven hour day. As there are peri‐odic occurrences of teachers leaving school due to illness, we are able to pay subs tutes for a por on of a day actually worked as follows:

1. Subs tutes will be paid on an hourly basis.

2. In the event a subs tutes accepts a full day posi on, and arrives to discover the posi‐

on was posted by mistake of the district, the district will do our best to provide work

within the same building, or elsewhere in the District. In the event no work can be

found, the subs tute will be en tled to receive pay for a half day.

REMOVAL FROM SUBSTITUTE ROSTER Subs tute teachers will be removed from the Subs tute Roster for the following reasons:

1. Subs tute requests removal in wri ng to the district Human Resources Office, sta ng the last day available and rea‐son for leaving.

2. Subs tute has not worked during the current school year.

3. Le er of Reasonable Assurance reques ng to stay ac ve on the subs tute list not returned to Human Resources.

4. Expira on of teaching cer ficate.

5. Unsa sfactory service substan ated by wri en documenta on from principal(s)/teacher(s).

6. Not comple ng your annual Safe Schools Training

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a) The subs tute teacher is responsible to know the methods of pupil control which are conducive to the growth of the child in the elementary, secondary, and special educa on program. In comple ng an assignment, a definite statement of work done in each subject, specifying pages covered in various textbooks, should be le . New assignments should be noted in the teacher’s assignment book or upon a card inserted in the desk copy of the text. All papers should be graded, records made and prepara ons for the next day completed.

b) The subs tute teacher should be familiar with the general philosophy of educa on for the school and have a general knowledge of the texts and materials used for instruc on.

c) The subs tute should assume the same responsibility for the order and morale of pupils in the classroom, in the halls, basement or on the playground as does the regular teacher.

d) The “housekeeping” arrangements of the regular teacher should be con nued and the assignment should be completed with all books, supplies and equipment in order.

e) When it is necessary to sign documents which will go to the office or become a part of permanent record, the subs tute teacher should use the subs tute’s full name and the name of the teacher for whom the subs tute is subs tute rather than ini als.

f) Unless the subs tute teacher has no fied the Human Resources Office of unavailability, a favorable response to the caller IS expected.

g) No severe punishment should be administered to a child. The principal should be contacted in case of serious behavior problems.

h) The subs tute should learn how to make the regular sta s cal reports. The following are especially important:

A endance Repor ng: Subs tute teachers should become acquainted with the method of repor ng a endance in the each building.

Communica on to Parents: All communica ons to parents should be approved by the principal. Communica on consists of email, phone contact, and in person mee ngs.

i) Excusing pupils from school to go home should be done only by the principal or person placed in charge by the principal.

j) Children should not be tempted by having ar cles of value le about the desk where they are accessible. Money or other valuables should not be le in the classroom overnight.

k) The subs tute teacher is to no fy the Human Resources Office of any changes of name, address, phone number, availabil‐ity informa on, subject area or grade, or schools.

l) Subs tute teachers are NOT to call the Subs tute Specialist and solicit assignments.

m) It is the subs tute teacher’s responsibility to direct ques ons and problems regarding a par cular school to the school’s principal. All other complaints and inquiries are to be directed to the Human Resources Office.

n) Unless otherwise instructed by the principal, the subs tute teacher is to arrive thirty minutes (30) before classes begin and to remain in the building thirty (30) past student dismissal for full day assignments. For half day assignments, the subs ‐tute is required to arrive fi een minutes (15) before classes begin, and to remain in the building fi een minutes (15) a er classes end.

o) The subs tute teacher assumes the duty schedule of the teacher being replaced.

p) The subs tute teacher is to correct wri en work completed during the assignment and leave the results for the regular teacher.

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CLASSROOM TEACHER’S RESPONSIBILITY a) Any per nent informa on your subs tute will need should be accessible at school. b) The classroom teacher is to prepare and have available for the subs tute teacher the following:

1. Daily lesson plans. 2. List of any special du es and ac vi es. 3. A sea ng chart. 4. Instruc onal supplies. 5. List of pupils who have room‐care responsibili es. 6. Addi onal informa on that may be of assistance to the subs tute.

c) The classroom teacher is to prepare the class for the possibility of a subs tute teacher, and require the same courte‐sy and respect for a subs tute that is accorded the regular teacher.

d) The classroom teacher is to observe professional and ethical codes of construc ve cri cism concerning the work of the subs tute. The cri cism should be made to the school principal.

e) The classroom teacher shall no fy the principal or his/her designee prior to the close of the school day of the his/her intent to return/not return to duty the day following an absence.


a) The principal and his/her designee shall supervise the subs tute teacher. b) The principal or his/her designee shall inform the subs tute of the following:

1. Building policies. 2. Loca on of classroom. 3. Loca on of daily lesson plans. 4. Loca on of supplies and teaching aids.

c) If a subs tute teacher’s performance is unsa sfactory, the principal shall provide the Human Resources Office with

wri en documenta on of the unsa sfactory subs tute teaching service. d) The principal or his/her designee is to no fy the Payroll Office in wri ng of a long‐term subs tute assignment on the 20th

consecu ve day of the assignment.

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NON – STUDENT DAYS 2015 – 2016

Monday September 7, 2015 Labor Day

Wednesday November 11, 2015 Veteran’s Day

Thursday & Friday Nov. 26 – 27, 2015 Thanksgiving Holiday

Monday - Friday Dec. 21, 2015

– Jan. 1, 2016 Winter Break

Monday January 18, 2016 Martin Luther King,

Jr. Day

Wednesday January 27, 2016 Semester Break

Monday – Friday Feb. 15 – 19, 2016 Mid - Winter Break

Monday March 21, 2016 Staff In-Service Day

Monday – Friday April 18 – 22, 2016 Spring Break

Monday May 30, 2016 Memorial Day

Friday June 17, 2016 Last Day of School

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Elementary 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM Arrival Time 8:30 AM Departure Time 4:00 PM Middle School 8:15 AM – 2:45 PM Arrival Time 7:45 AM Departure Time 3:15 PM High School 7:30 AM – 2:00 PM Arrival Time 7:00 AM Departure Time 2:30 PM Henderson Bay High School 8:00 AM – 1:55 PM Arrival Time 7:30 AM (DOES NOT HAVE CLASSES ON WEDNESDAYS) Departure Time 2:25 PM


The district will have a sixty (60) minute late student arrival on Wednesdays throughout the school year except for the first week of school, early release days for any school level, and any mandated day if such days fall on a Wednesday. Start mes for classes at each building level will be one (1) hour later. End mes will remain the same.

Subs tutes are required to arrive at the school at the regular stated me, for full day posi ons.

If a subs tute arrives one hour late, to accommodate the student late start, one hour will be subtracted from the daily pay rate.

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5615 KOPACHUCK DRIVE NW GIG HARBOR, WA 98335 OFFICE MANAGER: LYNN TACHELL                                                  PRINCIPAL: KATJA RIMMELE                                                                                    OFFICE NUMBER: (253) 530‐4800 

Page 11: CERTIFICATED SUBSTITUTE HANDBOOK 2015—2016 · certificated substitute handbook 2015—2016 human resources department caroline antholt, human resources director mesha kendrick,

Peninsula School District

RESOURCES FOR BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department

253-798-6410 http://www.tpchd.org

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) http://www.cdc.gov U.S. Department of Health and Human Services http://www.hhs.gov Washington State Department of Health http://www.doh.wa.gov


Two sections in the procedures for board Policy 3414 Communicable Disease specifically address issues related to bloodborne pathogens. Those sections are “Infection Control Program for Blood-borne Pathogens” and “Voluntary Disclosure of Information Regarding HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hepati-tis C, or Other Sexually Transmitted Disease.” Board policies may be accessed at http://www.psd401.net.

The BLOODBORNE PATHOGEN EXPOSURE CONTROL PLAN is located at every work site across the dis-trict. Employees with a risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens are identified as “targeted” and will receive additional training described in the plan. All employees are encouraged to locate the copy of the plan at your work site and review it as needed. Information provided in the plan in-cludes the following:

Copy of Chapter 296-823 WAC Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Description of job duties and responsibilities with reasonable anticipated risk of on-the-job expo-

sure to blood or other body fluid Job classifications with reasonable anticipated risk of on-the-job exposure to blood or other body

fluid Directions to report an exposure incident Directions for obtaining the hepatitis B vaccine

Contact your school nurse for any questions or concerns. 2015-16 SCHOOL NURSE ASSIGNMENT AND CELL NUMBER

*Home School Rev 8/15

School Nurse Building Assignment Phone Number Cell Number

Miriam Atchison ESC-Lead Nurse *Purdy

530-1023 530-4623


Polly Schembs

*GHHS 530-1423 549-3113

Teresa Giske

*Voyager Kopachuck

530-4823 530-4123


Micki Hulscher

Discovery *Harbor Heights Goodman

530-1223 530-1823 530-1623


Barbara Burleson

*Artondale HBHS/CTP Harbor Ridge Middle School

530-1123 530-1723 530-1923


Kristin Girard

Evergreen *Vaughn KPMS Minter Creek

530-1324 530-4723 530-4223 530-4322


Open Position


530-4423 313-4375

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Peninsula School District Human Resources

14015 62nd Avenue NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98332 Phone: 253.530.1000 | Fax: 253.530.1045 | E-mail: [email protected]

Attn: ALL New Employees Re: Instructions for SafeSchoolsTM Online Safety Training

Peninsula School District is using SafeSchoolsTM.com to facilitate REQUIRED employee training courses. Among the required training courses are also Peninsula School District Policies that must be reviewed and acknowledged. Follow these easy steps to complete your Peninsula School District safety training require-ments. Please complete the REQUIRED training within 20 days of receipt of this letter.

1. Using your web browser, go to the SafeSchoolsTM website for Peninsula School District:


2. To access your assigned training, enter your username—which is your district e-mail address. Peninsula School District e-mail format is typically your last name followed by the first letter of your first name with the @psd401.net domain. Example: Jane Smith – [email protected].

3. Assigned courses will be listed on your personal SafeSchoolsTM home page under “Mandatory Training”.

4. Click on a course title to begin the corresponding training. Most courses and trainings have audio, so be sure to turn on your speakers to hear the narration. You must complete each section of the course in order to receive credit.

5. Once the course is completed, you will have the option to print out a Certification of Completion. If you have any questions or difficulties using the SafeSchoolsTM website, please contact: Debbie Bennett | [email protected] | 253.530.1044