Certificate in Regenerative Entrepreneurship at the University for International Cooperation (UCI) REGENERATIVE DEVELOPMENT FOR FUTURE WELLBEING UNIVERSITY FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION WWW.UCI.AC.CR COSTA RICA Online program, Starts September 17, 2019 In cooperation with:

Certificate in Regenerative Entrepreneurship at the University for … · 2019-09-17  · The Certificate in Regenerative Entrepreneurship at the University for International Cooperation

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Page 1: Certificate in Regenerative Entrepreneurship at the University for … · 2019-09-17  · The Certificate in Regenerative Entrepreneurship at the University for International Cooperation

Certificate in Regenerative

Entrepreneurship at the University for

International Cooperation (UCI)



Online program, Starts September 17, 2019

In cooperation with:

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The Certificate in Regenerative Entrepreneurship at the University for

International Cooperation (UCI) is given in cooperation with Capital

Institute and the Regenerative Communities Network, Savory Institute,

The Carbon Underground, Finca Luna Nueva and Rancho Margot.

Help co-create a better future for all life forms to thrive. Be a pioneer in

developing and promoting innovative regenerative development projects and

contribute to creating true and pragmatic solutions to solve the most

challenging issues that are putting our planetary life at risk.

This Certificate Program was designed to run parallel to the Master’s in Project Management program

(https://www.uci.ac.cr/master-project-management/) at UCI but can be taken independently by all

current and former UCI students at a discounted rate and is also open to the general public interested in

a high level practical program on entrepreneurship for regenerative development.

Participate with colleagues from many different countries for 16 months in an online program and

immerse yourself in regenerative development as it is incorporated into management for regeneration

of the planet, society and the economy.

You will initially learn about current pressing issues of global change, including the planetary boundaries

approach and the safe operating space for humanity and explore the impacts and interdependencies

between different global changes in the Anthropocene. You will participate in active discussions about

the relevant international organizational structures including the UN conventions, SDGs and other global

initiatives which are used as the framework for global decisions. Also, a review on current geopolitics

and how shifts in power are happening in a world of growing population and scarce resources. The

exponential impacts of the 4th Industrial Revolution on human societies will also be discussed.

After this, you will dive into holistic management practice through the integration of nature,

society, economy, culture, politics and spirituality in transdisciplinary site-based approaches. You will

understand how systems thinking and complexity can be included in effective project management to

achieve regeneration at all levels.

The core of this program is regenerative development – with special emphasis on how the study of

living systems is rapidly changing mindsets and the measurement of economic development.

Different approaches taken by the most relevant organizations currently promoting regeneration will be

analyzed and compared with the goal of co-creating regenerative solutions for immediate

implementation in different parts of the world with special emphasis on the Regenerative Communities


After understanding how to transition from degenerative development to green economy, to

sustainability and now to regeneration, you will dive through a series of modules into an in-depth

analysis of each of the pillars of regenerative development. These thematic areas are not disciplinary

and thus will necessarily be interlinked into holistic thinking and action.

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Regenerative Development at UCI

Regenerative development is a dynamic management process that participates with the rest of nature

to restore health and vitality to ecosystems. This opens up new opportunities beyond traditional

sustainability which is typically seen as an end goal rather than as a natural outcome of intelligent

management processes. It is a site-based holistic approach that incorporates transdisciplinary processes

with active participation and empowerment of local communities through recognition of the value of

their social networks, cultures, knowledges and beliefs. It integrates six dimensions: a) regeneration of

functional landscapes which allow for carbon capture in soils and the recovery of biodiversity and thus

ecosystem function, food security and health; b) a new economic paradigm based on regenerative

economics that seeks wellbeing of humans and all life forms; c) regeneration of the social web by

empowering local communities to maximize their participation in the local governance of their territory;

d) designing regenerative cultures and recovering social values, increasing self-esteem and promoting

true empowerment; e) redefining the political structures by incorporating youth into politics and; f)

spirituality, where ethics, transparency and empathy are some of the fundamental aspects.

Environment Society Economy Culture Politics Spirituality

Entrepreneurship is an important component of regeneration. You will be immersed in the use of new

approaches to solve social, environmental and economic problems. Different aspects of

social entrepreneurship will be analyzed in order to understand what may or may not be successful.

Regenerative entrepreneurship requires integrated competences, beyond knowledge and skills.

Attitude, consciousness, mindfulness and passion are highly relevant. Wellbeing of all life forms

replaces traditional measures of success. The practical integration of the above components will allow

for new mindsets that will foster innovative approaches to local territorial development.

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The program will also cover additional tools such as the use of socio-economic and climate

change scenarios linked to business plan development or the fine-tuning of public policy. UCI has many

years’ experience working with future scenarios methodologies in partnership with several global and

national organizations.

Program outline Current global and technological changes are now exponential and thus any process for co-creating

solutions has to be dynamic. Below is an outline of the Certificate Program. This is not a rigid program

and the base of the certificate is an active co-creation process between students and mentors. One of

the fundamental outcomes of the program is to have people capable of managing complex problems in

cooperation with the Regenerative Communities Network and other actors under permanent changing

conditions. Flexibility, creativity and innovation will be standard practice in the discussions and thus will

feed into the implementation of the program.

The program will run for 16 months starting September 17, 2019. It consists of readings, webinars,

video presentations, forum discussions, group work and other mediation strategies. The total

recommended time dedicated to academic activities is from 5 to 10 hours per week. From Unit 1

students will have to choose a project which they will work on throughout the program. Evaluation will

take place based on the development of a regenerative project and a corresponding essay.

Unit 1 Where do we stand?

Global change, planetary boundaries approach and the safe operating space for humanity, impacts and

interdependencies between global changes in the Anthropocene.

Relevant international organizational structures including the UN conventions, SDGs and other global

initiatives which are used as the framework for global decisions.

The exponential impacts of the 4th Industrial Revolution on human societies.

Current geopolitics and how shifts in power are happening in a world of growing population and scarce

resources. Use of social media, data and artificial intelligence and loss of democracy.

Regenerative project development for implementation – individual or joint project which will be

developed by students for on the ground practice of regenerative entrepreneurship.

Unit2 Systems thinking. Principles of systems approach and transdisciplinarity – dealing with complexity.

Biomimicry and whole systems design. Bioliteracy and Innovation for Regenerative Development (BIRD).

Regenerative development overview – from degenerative development to regeneration. Holistic

management practice through the integration of nature, society, economy, culture, politics and

spirituality in regenerative transdisciplinary site-based approaches. Incorporating systems thinking and

complexity in effective project management to achieve regeneration at all levels. Theory of change. Real

politics of Sharing. Integrative institutions in a regenerative culture.

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Unit 3 Transformation - innovation and creation of previously unimagined possibilities. Disruption. 3 Horizons

Framework (managerial, visionary, and entrepreneurial waves of change), Transformational leadership.

Use of future scenarios for decision making.

Unit 4 Regeneration of functional landscapes. Nature based solutions. The Ecosystems Approach. Biodiversity

conservation and ecosystem function. Ecosystem services and ecological economics. Nature based

solutions. Ecosystem based adaptation. Regenerative agriculture. Permaculture. Holistic cattle grazing.

Natural and assisted regeneration of natural ecosystems. LandArt regeneration. Landscape scale

regeneration. Soil carbon, resilience, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. One health


Unit 5 Social and cultural regeneration. Applied cultural evolution. Designing regenerative cultures.

Participatory planning and active participation. Conflict management and conflict transformation.

Communities and territorial governance.

Unit 6 Moving away from GDP. Regenerative economics and key principles (In Right Relationship; Views Wealth

Holistically; Innovative, Adaptive, Responsive; Empowered Participation; Edge Effect Abundance; Robust

Circulatory Flow; Seeks Balance).

Cryptoassets and Decentralized Autonomous Communities design to promote Regenerative


Doughnut economics. Economy for the common good. Local development. Wellbeing Economy Alliance.

Unit 7 Regenerative policy and politics. Politics and economics. Current global and national politics.

Empowering youth to go into politics. Advocacy and action. Local governance. Holistic management

framework for decision making. Leadership for cooperation.

Unit 8 Spirituality, World view, The Earth Charter, Laudato Sí. Ethics, values and principles for a collaborative

future. Biocultural conservation. Consciousness, mindfulness. Working on the inner self. Peace and

balance. Peace and mindfulness.

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Unit 9. Applying holistic approaches. Transdisciplinarity for regenerative development. Bioregional approach.

Territorial regenerative development. Urban regeneration and development. Regenerative communities

and collaboratives. Inter-sector value chains – regenerative businesses, regenerative tourism, B-Corps,


Unit 10 Technology for regeneration. Social media platforms and how to use them for collective action. Apps for

regeneration. Applying blockchain technology.

Unit 11 Finding your path. Regenerative Environmental Emergence. Entrepreneurship for regeneration. Social

entrepreneurship. Regenerative business models. Innovation. Holistic planning. Co-creating solutions.

Communication. Network building. Fundraising. Project management.

Unit 12 Capacity development and education for regenerative development. Competence based framework.

Enhancing community participation though empowerment and education. Leadership for co-creation.

Development of a Regenerative Project: starting with Unit 1, students will construct a

regenerative project for implementation, incorporating the different themes as we go along. Implementing regenerative development in real-life situations – developing a project for on-the-ground

implementation. Networking for co-creation. Preparation of an essay on the application of regenerative


Optional field visit to Costa Rica At the end of the program students have the possibility of visiting sites where regenerative development

is being implemented. This visit can be arranged for 1, 2 and 4 weeks of stay.

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Mentors and invited speakers:

Below is a list of some of the confirmed experts that will be participating through webinars, online

discussions, video presentations and other platforms. This list will be expanded as the co-creation

process advances.

Eduard Müller is the founder and rector (president) of the University for

International Cooperation, being responsible for the institutional development of

the university since 1994. Currently one of the global leaders on promoting

regenerative development based on the Planetary Boundaries and the “Safe

operating space for humanity”, for creating innovative solutions to the current

challenges through transdisciplinary teams, the use of climate change and socio-

economic scenarios, working integrally the economic, social, cultural,

environmental, political and spiritual realms, seeking to increase the resilience of

impacts of global change and especially climate change, facilitating mitigation and adaptation strategies

for making a better planet.

His over 40 years of experience in five continents and dozens of countries in a wide array of fields, have

enabled him to become an internationally recognized trend-setting leader. His work has covered

management and innovation in higher education, global and climate change communication, nature

conservation and nature based solutions, business and biodiversity initiatives, public private

partnerships, conservation and development, sustainable development, sustainable tourism, eco and

agrotourism, tourism, rural community development, rural development, local agendas 21, community

management for poverty reduction, functional landscapes. He has occupied relevant international

positions in wildlife management, protected areas, UNESCO MAB Program, development and evaluation

of agricultural and environmental productive projects, breeding and animal production, alternative

production systems and veterinary medicine. He has adopted spirituality as the major change-maker in

human behavior, working closely with the Earth Charter initiative and more recently the Laudato Sí. He

is also the Chair-holder of the UNESCO Chair for Biosphere Reserves and Natural and Mixed World

Heritage Sites. He is a member of the Global Council of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance.

Allan Savory is the founder and president of Savory Institute. Allan was

born in Zimbabwe and educated in South Africa (University of Natal, BS in

Zoology and Botany) pursued an early career as a research biologist and game

ranger in the British Colonial Service of what was then Northern Rhodesia

(today Zambia) and later as a farmer and game rancher in Zimbabwe.

In the 1960s he made a significant breakthrough in understanding what was

causing the degradation and desertification of the world’s grassland

ecosystems and, as a resource management consultant, worked with

numerous managers on four continents to develop sustainable solutions.

He served as a Member of Parliament in the latter days of Zimbabwe’s civil war and became the leader

of the opposition to the ruling party headed by Ian Smith. Exiled in 1979 as a result of his opposition, he

immigrated to the United States, where he continued to work with land managers through his

consulting business. The growth of that business, a desire to assist many more people and the need for

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furthering his work led him to continue its development in the nonprofit world. In 1992 Savory and his

wife, Jody Butterfield, formed a non-profit organization in Zimbabwe, the Africa Centre for Holistic

Management, donating a ranch that would serve as a learning site for people all over Africa. In

2009Savory, Butterfield, and a group of colleagues co-founded the Savory Institute in Boulder, Colorado

to serve the world through an international network of entrepreneurial innovators and leaders

committed to serving their regions with the highest standards of Holistic Management training and

implementation support. The Africa Centre became the first of the Savory Institute’s locally led and

managed “hubs.” (Photo credit: Roberto Rosales)

Savory’s book, Holistic Management: A New Framework for Decision-Making (Island Press, 1999),

describes his effort to find workable solutions ordinary people could implement to overcome many of

the problems besetting communities and businesses today.

In 2003, Allan Savory received Australia’s International Banksia Award “for the person or organization

doing the most for the environment on a global scale,” and in 2010 Savory (and the Africa Centre)

received the Buckminster Fuller Institute’s Challenge award for work that has “significant potential to

solve humanity’s most pressing problems.” A TED talk Savory gave in 2013 has received over 3.4 million

views and in 2014 was voted one of the 50 most intriguing TED talks of all time. The Savory Institute is

one of 11 finalists in the Virgin Earth Challenge, a $25 million initiative for the successful

commercialization of ways of taking greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere and keeping them out

with no countervailing impacts.

Alnoor Ladha is an author, activist, anti-preneur. Alnoor’s work focuses on

the intersection of political organizing, systems thinking and narrative work. He is

the co-founder and Executive Director of The Rules (TR), a global network of

activists, organizers, designers, coders, researchers, writers and others focused on

changing the rules that create inequality, poverty and climate change.

Prior to TR, Alnoor was a partner and head of strategy at Purpose, a political

consultancy focused on movement building. Alnoor is a writer and speaker on

new forms of activism, the structural causes of inequality, the link between climate change and poverty,

and the rise of the Global South as a powerful organizing force in the transition to a post-capitalist

world. He is currently writing a book about the intersection of spirituality and politics. He has sat on

various boards including Greenpeace International USA, the P2P Foundation and The Emergence

Network. He holds an MSc in Philosophy and Public Policy from the London School of Economics. He is

also a co-founder of Tierra Valiente (Brave Earth), a postcapitalist community in northern Costa Rica.

Daniel Christian Wahl Daniel Christian Wahl works internationally as a

consultant and educator in regenerative development, whole systems design,

and transformative innovation. He holds degrees in biology (Univ. of Edinburgh),

and holistic science (Schumacher College), and his 2006 doctoral thesis (Univ. of

Dundee) was on Design for Human and Planetary Health: A Holistic/Integral

Approach to Complexity and Sustainability.

He was director of Findhorn College between 2007 and 2010, and is a member of

the International Futures Forum since 2009 and Gaia Education since 2007. He

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has collaborated with UNITAR and UNESCO, many large NGO, and as a consultant his clients included

companies such as Camper, Ecover and Lush, as well as, local and regional governments and UK


Daniel is a fellow of the Findhorn Foundation, on the advisory council of the Ecosystems Restoration

Camps Foundation and the Ojai Foundation and the research group of the Global Ecovillage Network. He

is co-founder of Biomimicry Iberia (2012), and has been collaborating with ‘SmartUIB’ at the University

of the Balearic Islands since 2014.

His book Designing Regenerative Cultures was published in 2016 by Triarchy Press and quickly reached

international acclaim. It was released in Portuguese in 2019 and a Spanish edition will be launched in

2020. The ‘SDG Implementation Flashcards’ he developed for Gaia Education have been taken up

enthusiastically by UNESCO and so far have been translated into 7 languages. Daniel's blog on

Medium.com has a large and growing international following.

Bjørn Heyerdahl is an active explorer, Global Citizen, Father, Explorers

Club member (2002), Earth Charter Affiliate www.earthcharter.org , Integral

thinker, Biospheric Designer, Global Public Speaker and Philosopher. Founder

of Midgard and Integral Climate Change Solutions

www.integralclimatechangesolutions.com and the Midgard Expedition

www.midgardexpedition.com formally launched at the explorers club 2003.

Recipient of the Lowell Thomas Award from the Explores Club in New York

2003, for his contribution to the future for scientific exploration. Awarded the

Silver Medal by Micheal Gorbachev at the tenth anniversary of the Green Cross International in Geneva

2003 for his contribution to global ecological awareness, scientific research, functional model building in

sustainability, promoting the Earth Charter and furthering the principles inherent in the GCI.

Bjørn has sailed, walked, rowed, paddled, swam and climbed all biomes of our planet, oceans, rivers,

mountains, deserts, wetlands, jungles and African bushvelt, over the last 30 + years, in the search for

adventure and models of intelligent life (life lived in an ecologically, economically and socially sound

way), lived consciously, and sustainably.

This Trans-Disciplinary learning has been shared in a global dialogue through papers, academia, scientific

institutions, organs of the United Nations, The Green Cross International, The Earth Charter

International, schools, public presentations, environmental immersive, experiential education

programmes and most importantly in building living models of sustainable human habitation and

Climate Parks, around the globe, from Mozambique to Italy, from South Africa to the UAE, from the

Philippines to Costa Rica, home of the Earth Charter International and UPEACE.

Bjørn has a strong Viking identity and linage, dating back to 812 AD and is Grandson of Thor Heyerdahl

of the Kon-Tiki Expedition.

Bjørn is currently building an authentic Viking Ship.This expedition is not just about crossing oceans and

seas as our ancestors did and achieving or having more… its about being more. It’s about growing up,

waking up, cleaning up and showing up for what is demanded of global leadership right now. It’s about

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being conditioned and groomed to become leaders - contemporary Vikings; relevant, contributing,

influencing - living models of integral intelligence.

The Midgard Expedition crew lead by Bjorn Heyerdahl, a group of global citizens, are exploring globally

models of intelligent sustainable human habitation and applying it to their own lives, careers and

communities. This learning is shared as a global dialogue so that the lessons can be applied by any

interested group or individual.This expedition will trace old Viking pathways, honouring that spirit,

courage and skill; it will highlight modern and ancient models of intelligent, integrated life on earth.

Bjørn’s intention is to grow global ecological and ethical awareness on what can be done now in

response to the collapse of life support systems; and to elevate through Trans - Disciplinary

methodology, adults and youth in terms of the various cognitions required to build strong, informed,

proactive, ethical leaders to help design the future we want.

May East is a sustainability educator, spatial planner and social innovator. Her

work spans the fields of cultural geography, urban ecology, and women’s studies.

Designated one of the 100 Global SustainAbility Leaders three years in a row she

currently works in 54 countries with community-based organisations and

intergovernmental agencies in the creation of policy guidance for accelerating the

implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and for delivery of projects seeking to strengthen

climate resilience, food security and renewable energies solutions. A UNITAR Fellow she has an MSc in

Spatial Planning with specialization on rehabilitation of abandoned villages. As CEO of Gaia Education,

her passion is to co-develop Project-Based Learning trajectories supporting indigenous and migrant

communities and their traditions to survive in rapidly changing environments while enhancing their

opportunities to become the designers of their desired future. She has recently received the Women of

the Decade in Sustainability and Leadership award by the Women Economic Forum.

Joe Brewer has dedicated his life to helping humanity navigate global

challenges as a complexity researcher, innovation strategist, and transdisciplinary

scholar who brings a wealth of expertise to the adoption of sustainable solutions

at the cultural scale. He weaves people and knowledge across fields to build

capacities for systemic change. He is a co-founder of the Cultural Evolution

Society, a global scientific community dedicated to the study of cultural

evolution, has been the culture editor for This View of Life at the Evolution

Institute since 2014, is the co-founder of Evonomics Magazine dedicated to the

evolution of economics, and has worked with a large variety of nonprofits, social-impact businesses, and

government agencies to apply insights from the cognitive, behavioral, and evolutionary sciences to

large-scale social problems. Joe has joined the leadership team at Regenerative Communities Network

to help grow the capacities for this network of regenerative projects around the world.

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Dr. Stuart Cowan is the Co-Founder of the Regenerative Communities

Network, an initiative of the Capital Institute, and has served as its

Director/Systems Convener since 2017. He leads the delivery of a full cycle of

engagement with each collaborative in the Network while also coordinating the

design, governance, and business operations of the Network. Stuart brings a

unique combination of practical engagement with circular/regenerative

economies, systems science, design thinking, transaction/business experience,

netweaving, and community facilitation. Stuart previously served as Chief Scientist

for the Smart Cities Council. In this role, he developed knowledge frameworks and tools supporting the

integration of smart technologies with urban sustainability and resilience. Previously, Stuart was a

Partner with Autopoiesis LLC, which applies complex living systems models and frameworks to

regenerate communities, ecosystems, and organizations. Autopoiesis LLC has worked with a wide range

of financial institutions, municipalities, state and federal agencies, tribes, non-profits, utilities,

companies, and religious orders. Stuart served as a Transaction Manager and founding team member

with Portland Family of Funds, an innovative sustainable community investment fund. He helped

develop a triple bottom line investment strategy for Portland Family of Funds and its national affiliate,

United Fund Advisors, LLC, which have together closed $2.8 billion in transactions, generating 21,000

jobs. He served as Conservation Economy Research Director at Ecotrust, an innovative sustainability

non-profit based in Portland, Oregon where he led the development of the Reliable Prosperity

framework for a regenerative bioregion. He is the co-author with Sim Van der Ryn of Ecological Design

(Island Press, 1996/2007), a visionary overview of the whole systems integration of ecology and

architecture, land-use planning, and product design that has been translated into three languages and

was reissued in a special Tenth Anniversary second edition. He received his doctorate in Applied

Mathematics from U.C. Berkeley with a focus on complex systems modeling and ecological economics.

He has taught ecological design, sustainability, and complex systems at a wide range of universities,

including the sustainable MBA program at Bainbridge Graduate Institute, U.C. Berkeley, Portland State

University, and Naropa University. Stuart serves on the Global Council for the Well-Being Economy

Alliance, is a Councilor for the SDG Transformations Forum, and is a member of the Netweaver Network.

Ricardo Rozzi is a Chilean ecologist and philosopher who is professor at

the University of North Texas (UNT) and the Universidad de Magallanes (UMAG).

His research combines both disciplines through the study of the interrelations

between the ways of knowing and inhabiting the natural world, proposing a

dynamic continuous reciprocal feedback between both domains. His work at

UNT forms a central part of the nation's best program in environmental

philosophy (www.phil.unt.edu).

In addition to his theoretical work, Rozzi has collaborated with the Chilean

Ministry of Education, the Latin American Ecology Schoolyard Program, and has participated in the

creation of the "Senda Darwin" Biological Station (Chiloé Island, Chile), the Latin American Network of

Ethnobotanical Parks, the Omora Ethnobotanical Park (Puerto Williams, Chile), and the UNESCO Cape

Horn Biosphere Reserve at the southern end of the Americas, with the aim of incorporating

environmental ethics in the practices of conservation and education in Latin America. Currently, he is

the director of the Subantarctic Biocultural Conservation Program, coordinated by the University of

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North Texas in the US, and by the Universidad de Magallanes and the Institute of Ecology and

Biodiversity in Chile. With these institutions, he co-directs a biocultural conservation and "field

environmental philosophy" program working in collaboration with the Center for Environmental


As the co-founder of the Omora Ethnobotanical Park and the leader in the creation of the Cape Horn

Biosphere Reserve, his academic work has been strongly associated with application and includes a

novel focus on "biocultural conservation" and the "linking of human well-being with the environment."

Within this same line of inquiry, Rozzi coined the terms "biocultural ethics" and "field environmental

philosophy" to denote his emphasis on applying philosophy to real life situations using direct encounter

experiences to enrich both academic formation as well as inform social processes, such as decision-

making and ecotourism.[2] For example, based on the discovery of the outstanding diversity of mosses,

lichens and liverworts (5% of the world's total) in the Magellanic sub-Antarctic ecoregion, Dr. Ricardo

Rozzi and his colleagues has coined the term Tourism with a Hand Lens to refer to a new speciality

tourism being promoted in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve. Rozzi has called upon tourism operators

to place this narrative into their offering for the region and take advantage of this biodiversity hotspot

for non-vascular flora. In turn, Rozzi and the Omora Ethnobotanical Park have metaphorically called

these small plant communities the "Miniature Forests of Cape Horn" to help the broader society

understand the ecological role played by these tiny, but diverse, abundant and important organisms.

Alvaro Cedeño Molinari was born in Costa Rica, where he obtained a

degree in Law. He worked as an official translator and interpreter while being an

international volunteer promoting intercultural competence for peace around

the world for ten years. He then obtained a Master’s degree in Peace and Conflict

Transformation from Tromsø University in the Norwegian Arctic region, where he

also developed a personal concern for the impact of climate change on both the

Arctic and Antarctic regions of the world. He later obtained a Master’s degree in

Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University in Adelaide,

South Australia, where he was trained and developed a keen interest in digital technologies. His main

fields of interest are conflict transformation, regenerative development and the digital economy.

Currently he is a Fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy where he focuses on the leadership at

the convergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Climate Action. He is also a founding partner of

IoTRepublik, where he leads projects that relate Internet of Things and climate action. He lives in

Geneva with his wife and two daughters.

He started his diplomatic career as Commercial Counselor opening his country’s Embassy in Beijing,

China, after the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2007. He has served as a Costa Rican public

servant for 13 years including eleven in diplomacy, eight of which were as Ambassador for his country to

Japan and to the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. In Japan he established a bilateral

green growth agenda and he also developed great concern for Japan’s ecological footprint, which led

him to become an advocate of bioliteracy and regenerative development. At the WTO he had the

original mandate of advancing the conversation of trade and climate action and founded the coalition

member states called Friends Advancing Sustainable Trade (FAST), in addition to a coalition called

Friends of E-commerce for Development (FEDs), which became a formal plurilateral negotiation.

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Dr. Katherine Trebeck is Policy and Knowledge Lead for the Wellbeing

Economy Alliance. She has over eight years’ experience in various roles with

Oxfam GB - as a Senior Researcher for the Global Research Team, UK Policy

Manager, and Research and Policy Advisor for Oxfam Scotland. Katherine, with

Lorenzo Fioramonti, instigated the group of Wellbeing Economy Governments;

developed Oxfam's Humankind Index; and led Oxfam's work on a 'human

economy'. She was Rapporteur for Club de Madrid's Working Group on Shared

Societies and Sustainability and is on the advisory board for the Centre for

Understanding Sustainable Prosperity (University of Surrey); the Living Well

Within Limits project (University of Leeds); A Good Life for All Within Planetary Boundaries (University of

Leeds); the Economic Democracy Index project (University of Glasgow); and the Omina Foundation.

Katherine has Bachelor Degrees in Economics and in Politics and holds a PhD in Political Science from

the Australian National University. She is Honorary Professor at the University of the West of Scotland

and Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Strathclyde (based at the Fraser of Allander

Institute). Her most recent book The Economics of Arrival: Ideas for a Grown Up Economy (co-authored

with Jeremy Williams and published by Policy Press) was published in January 2019.

Maria Emilia Correa is a Colombian and Chilean national with 30 years

of international experience in business, civil society and academia and is

recognized as a leader in sustainability and entrepreneurship in Latin America

and abroad. After an early career in biological conservation and sustainable

development, became the first Vice President for Sustainability for a

multinational corporation in Latin America. In 2012 she co-founded Sistema B, a

movement advancing a new economy where success is measured in terms of

wellbeing for people and planet. Recognized for the ability to take ideas into

action, build bridges between “improbable partners”, and effectively advocate

change. Maria Emilia is a member of the Management Teams at Córpora Group,

Crepes&Waffles and Bancolombia Foundation. Some of her achievements are being a member of the

jury at the 2016 Rolex International Awards, Leading Women in Environment Awards and 100 Female

Leaders in Chile in 2013. She was also chosen as one of the 30 more recognized female intellectuals in

Iberoamerica by ESGlobal in 2017. She is also a 2019 Fellow at Harvard University’s Advanced Leadership


Maria Emilia has proven talent for nurturing enthusiastic communities of multi stakeholder parties,

facilitate critical connections, and create conditions to foster trust. Maria emilia also headed social and

environmental responsibility for Latin American GrupoNueva, directed sustainability at Brazilian

cosmetics company Natura Cosmeticos, and led biodiversity conservation in Colombia for The Nature


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Franz Josef Allmayer is founder of Integrity.Earth where he leads

multilateral transdisciplinary efforts in converging key partners towards

streamlining solutions for today’s grand challenges. He is currently working with

communities in Central America to introduce micro hydro power solutions to

build capacity for energy sovereignty in disenfranchised rural communities.

Previously, he was a Program Coordinator with Advanced Development for Africa,

leading multidisciplinary approaches to address the Millennium Development

Goals throughout Africa. More recently, with the Clinton Health Access Initiative

(CHAI) he developed the global strategy for mHealth/eHealth, engaging governments and partners to

address large-scale barriers to effective treatment and care. Previously, he worked as a Program

Coordinator with Advanced Development for Africa, where he led multidisciplinary approaches to

address the Millennium Development Goals throughout Africa.

Franz Josef served as an Innovation Scout for the AFAQ Group, where he identified innovative

renewable energy and technology solutions to introduce in UAE and Middle Eastern markets. He worked

in planning, executing, and commissioning turnkey hospital projects throughout Latin America with

VAMED. Previously, Franz Josef worked for the World Health Organization in the Reproductive Health

and Research Department, mapping transformative solutions to leverage Information and

Communications Technology for public health. Franz Josef possesses a joint MSc on Health Policy,

Planning, and Financing from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the London

School of Economics; a BSc in Biomedical Engineering from the Technikum Vienna University; and

received Graduate Tuition in Development Communications from the Harvard Extension School. Franz

Josef has served as Grand Jury President at the World Summit Youth Awards (WSYA), serves as á

Member of the Jury of the World Summit Awards and the European Youth Awards. He was selected to

form part in FutureLab Europe, an initiative for young European leaders playing an active role shaping

the future of Europe. He was selected as a member of the Ashoka ChangemakerXchange community, a

global collaboration platform for social entrepreneurs. Franz Josef is a Member of the Board of Primeros

Pasos, a civil society organization improving access to medical services, food security, and improved

education programs to rural communities of the Palajunoj Valley of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. He

served as a lecturer for the module Global Health Informatics to Improve Quality of Care offered by the

Harvard-MIT collaboration in Health Sciences and Technology (HST).

Miguel A Altieri studied agronomy at the University of Chile, where he

received a BS. He also obtained a Masters at the National University of

Colombia. He graduated with a Ph.D. in entomology at the University of

Florida. In 1981 he became Professor of Agroecology at the University of

California, Berkeley in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and

Management and after 37 years of service he is now Professor Emeritus.

At Berkeley he taught agroecology and urban agriculture, but he also serves

as guest professor in numerous universities in Latin America, Spain and Italy.

He has conducted most of his research in California and Latin America working closely with farmers to

implement principles of agroecology to design productive, biodiverse and resilient farming systems.

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Altieri served as a scientific advisor to the Latin American Consortium on Agroecology and Development

(CLADES) Chile, an NGO network promoting agroecology as a strategy for small farm sustainable

development in the region. He also served for 4 years as the General Coordinator for the United Nations

Development Programme’s Sustainable Agriculture Networking and Extension Programme which aimed

at capacity building on agroecology among NGOs and the scaling-up of successful local sustainable

agricultural initiatives in Africa, Latin America and Asia. He was the chairman of the NGO committee of

the Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research whose mission was to make sure that the

research agenda of the 15 International Agricultural Research Centers benefited poor farmers. He was

Director of the US-Brasil Consortium on Agroecology and Sustainable Rural

Development (CASRD), an academic-research exchange program involving students and faculty of UC

Berkeley, University of Nebraska, UNICAMP and Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina. He also served

as scientific advisor to the Food and Agriculture Organization Globally Important Agricultural Heritage

Systems (GIAHS) program, which is devoted at identifying and dynamically conserving traditional

farming systems in the developing world. He was the President of the Latin American Scientific Society

of Agroecology (www.socla.co). In 2015 he was awarded a Doctor Honoris Causa at the Universite

Catholique du Lovain, Belgium. In 2017, he became Honorary Professor of the University of La Frontera

in Chile. In February 2018 he was inducted to the Earth Hall of Fame by the Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. In

December 2018 he received from the Universidad de Guadalajara in Mexico the prize “Biodiversidad,

Sociedad y Territorio”. He has written more than 250 scientific articles and more than 20 books among

them Agroecology: the science of sustainable agriculture, Biodiversity and pest management in

agroecosystems and Agroecology: science and politics.

Mel Landers is an Environmental Biologist, former workflow and usability

analyst and former agro-forester. He and his wife, Biologist Margarita Lorío teach

the ancient Indigenous American Agroforestry system mentioned in the IPCC’s

2007 climate assessment as the technology needed to adapt to and mitigate the

effects of climate change. Mel also studied crop production and paleo climatology

in individual study. After a life altering experience teaching agricultural practices

to the formerly hunter gatherer tribe, the Urarinas of the Peruvian Amazon, Mel

began his lifelong study of the system adapted from the forest ecosystem by

Indigenous American women over a period of thousands of years.

Mel became fascinated by natural systems as a young child. This was amplified by his early study and

field work in Archaeology and Paleontology. His understanding of past earth systems, that were unlike

that which exists today; coupled with his systems analysis approach, an indigenous world view and his

holistic ecosystems training have given him a unique perspective on the problems faced by today’s

world system. They are also helping him formulate realistic, matter of fact opinions about how to reduce

the damage humans have inflicted on the present earth system.

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Ranulfo Paiva Sobrinho, PhD from Brazil has 10 years analyzing and

working with blockchain technology, 20 years of experience in economy,

sustainability, local currencies and Decentralized Autonomous Communities

(DAC) design. PhD in Economics and postdoc in Environmental Cryptoassets for

Sustainability. Co-Founder of Sustainability School and BeSpiral. Co-Author of

New Money for Sustainability.

Currently, he is designing applications using blockchain technology to solve socio-ecological problems,

for example, a cryptocurrency to help restore and conserve watersheds, as well as, conservation of

biomes. He is designing blockchain DACs (Decentralized Autonomous Corporation) to help to promote

sustainable development. He is a co-founder of Spiral, a DAC which is in Singularity University incubator,

California, USA. He is a co-founder of Sustainability School. Ranulfo also helps governmental

organizations in decision analysis process using multicriteria methods like MACBETH (Measuring

Attractiveness by a Categorical Evaluation Technique). He is a writer, New money for sustainability; This

is mutual credit clearing system, Blockchain for Entrepreneurs (coming soon). Also, he is a fellow from

the Empowering Sustainability promoted by the University of California (Irvine campus).

M.Sc. Karla Córdoba Brenes is a happy Costa Rican living in Brazil,

passionate about communications, sustainability, new types of money,

community development and new organizational models, including DAC design

and social currencies. Masters in Community Development. Co-Founder of

Sustainability School, BeSpiral and co-Author of New Money for

Sustainability. Singularity University Alumni and Shuttleworth Foundation

Fellow. Karla is passionate about sustainability, innovation, new types of money,

exponential tech and organizations... but mostly, she believes in our capacity to

transform the world in a better place. Communications + Sustainability + Creativity + Strategy + Design +

Disruptive Technology + Innovation + Online Education + Blockchain + Social Impact + Leadership +

Gender Equality + Spirituality + Community Development + Social Organizations + Facilitation +

Exponential Transformation + Latin American Music

MA. Marieke Veeger is a scenarios and policy researcher for the CGIAR

Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and

the University for International Cooperation (UCI). Bringing together key

stakeholders from the public, private and research sectors on regional, national

and local levels, she designs and coordinates participatory scenario-guided

policymaking processes in Latin America since 2013. Within this science – policy

interface, she works with decision makers to establish the capacities and

institutional support fundamental for policy design under uncertainty. Her main research topic is

currently anticipatory climate governance, and how it can support the formulation of ambitious

emission reduction goals.

A geographer by training graduated from the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam, Marieke studied

institutional, policy and behavior changes in natural resource management. Working in social innovation

has convinced her of the strength of multidisciplinary teams.

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Steve Waddell, PhD. Responding to the 21st century’s enormous global

challenges and realizing its unsurpassed opportunities require new ways of acting

and organizing. Steve supports organizational, network, and societal change and

development, through consultation, education, research, and personal leadership.

In particular, he focuses upon intersectoral (business-government-civil society),

inter-organizational collaboration and networks to produce innovation, enhance

impact, and build new capacity.

Steve has done this for nearly 30 years, working with others as clients, funders, sponsors, and project

partners. This includes the Global Knowledge Partnership, the UN Global Compact, World Bank, Global

Reporting Initiative, Ford Foundation, Humanity United, Civicus, International Youth Foundation, USAID,

International Development and Research Centre, Forest Stewardship Council. He founded the Boston

College executive management program Leadership for Change, and is founding Lead Steward for the

SDG Transformation Forum. Steve is currently the Lead Staff of the SDG (Sustainable Development

Goals) Transformations Forum, which is growing systems of people, organizations and locales, who are

developing transformations systems as key infrastructure to accelerate deep change. He connects

diverse groups to take collaborative action and evolve strategic directions in the context of great

challenges of paradox, complexity and scale.

Jennifer Menke is Project Director of Regenerative Economy Lab, and

President of Regenerative Earth a nonprofit corporation. In 2015, she was

nominated as an emerging global leader by the Academy for Systems Change

and resides as a fellow of the organization. Jennifer has been managing a project

in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica for the past 3 years, facilitating local

communities and governments to develop and implement a regenerative

rainforest economy in which the community, ecosystem, and economy all thrive.

Jennifer’s community resource mapping and facilitation techniques translate to

diverse projects around the world, facilitating the rapid evolution of sustainable economic models. She

also curates nature-based immersion retreat experiences for executives, investors, and leaders in their


Jennifer is an entrepreneur and nature whisperer in the fields of design and sustainability who is

passionately helping bring forth an enhanced relationship and comprehensive dialogue between

humans and their internal and external environments. Through 15 years of dedicated training to

actualize her vision, she started with a BA in environmental studies and ecopsychology from University

of Colorado and Naropa University. She deepened her studies with 13 different North and Central

American indigenous cultures, nature based spiritual elders, social sustainability entrepreneurs, and the

Earth directly. For 11 years during this time she apprenticed with John P. Milton and The Way of Nature,

spending over 500 days combined in nature solitary retreats, and has worked as a senior guide of Sacred

Passage for the past 5 years. Currently studying with La’ne Saan Moonwalker, an internationally

recognized Native American spiritual teacher and healer, Jennifer has been initiated as an

environmental guardian and is following a traditional path to become a spiritual elder herself. Through

her work Jennifer has brought many individuals into deep relationship with all living things, opening

hearts to the realization of Source, and regenerating native ecosystems in urban environments through

her landscape design business and nature based retreats. Her guidance has inspired leaders in their

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fields to create sustainable change within themselves, their communities, and their businesses, to the

benefit of all. More recently she has been lead to collaborate on projects and initiatives that address the

interface between social, economic, and biological systems and how to bring these into optimal

harmony for the purpose of regenerating some of our most critical ecosystems globally.

Hunter Lovins L. is the President and Founder of Natural Capitalism

Solutions(NCS). A renowned author and champion of sustainable development

for over 35 years, Hunter has consulted on business, economic development,

sustainable agriculture, energy, water, security, and climate policies for scores of

governments, communities, and companies worldwide. Within the United

States, she has consulted for heads of state, departments of defense, energy

agencies and hundreds of state and local agencies. Hunter believes that citizens,

communities and companies, working together within the market context, are

the most dynamic problem-solving force on the planet. She has devoted herself

to building teams that can create and implement practical and affordable

solutions to the problems facing us in creating a sustainable future. Hunter has co‐authored fifteen

books and hundreds of articles, and was featured in the award‐winning film, Lovins On the Soft Path.

Her best‐known book, Natural Capitalism, won the Shingo Prize. It has been translated into a more than

three dozen languages and summarized in Harvard Business Review. Its sequel, The Way Out:

Kickstarting Capitalism to Save Our Economic Ass, won the Atlas Award. Her latest books are Creating a

Lean and Green Business System that again won the Shingo Prize and A Finer Future.

Luis Martin del Campo is an entrepreneur, futurist, global sustainability

strategist, writer and speaker dedicated to the development of human potential

and a new cultural narrative. Luis trains change makers, designs and implements

Regenerative/Circular Business Models. Co-Founder of Kala Institute, a school for

human development and training change makers. Kala Institute works with

"human software", the worldview, habits, and capacities of people, companies,

and communities, helping them rediscover their essence, aligning their habits

and processes toward incredible results, and building the capacities to restore

human and ecological sustainability with circular economies. Our mission is to

light up the spark of change in 1 billion people by 2038.

Founder of Sporah, a consultancy firm focused on Blue Economy and circular, sustainable business

models. Holds a degree in International Business and studies an MSc in Renewable Energy. Leads

Destino Solar, a young clean energy company in Mexico. He is a Blue Economy Scholar, and attended the

first Blue Economy Living University in 2016 with the Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives.

Recognized in 2016 as one of the top 250 Young Leaders of the Americas by the Obama Administration´s

Department of State.

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Tom Newmark spent fourteen years in the natural products industry,

helping to build New Chapter into a premier brand in the natural retail

channel. Proctor & Gamble purchased New Chapter about seven years ago,

and since that time Tom has focused on environmental activism with specific

attention on regenerative agriculture.

Tom is the co-owner of Finca Luna Nueva Lodge, an organic and biodynamic

farm and ecolodge in the mountainous rainforest of Costa Rica that teaches

regenerative agriculture. www.fincalunanuevalodge.com. Finca Luna Nueva

has a holistically managed dairy and extensive agroecological plantings of

cacao, vanilla, black pepper, ginger, turmeric, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, and more than 300 other

tropical fruits and spices. He is a founding member and chair of Tero Kuraĝa, a regenerative trading

company just formed in Costa Rica that will support the carbon-negative commercialization of

regenerative agriculture. He is the co-founder and board chair of The Carbon Underground, co-founder

of the Soil Carbon Initiative and a founding member of that standard’s Design Team, past board chair of

the Greenpeace Fund USA, and a founding member of the Regenerative Agriculture Initiative of

California State University – Chico. He is also the past board chair of the America Botanical Council,

publisher of the peer-reviewed journal HerbalGram. In his past he was also a corporate attorney and

entrepreneur, from which he claims to be recovering.

Federico Bellone has twenty years professional experience in

international development, strategic philanthropy, and partnership-

building for sustainable development and social impact in Latin America,

USA, and Europe. His current professional focus is on regenerative

development. He is undertaking a year of study and exposure in the field

of regenerative business, as well as ways in which we can effectively

educate and train regeneration professionals, primarily in Latin America,

but drawing on international best practice too. Previously Federico

focused on effective philanthropy at Porticus, a global international

private foundation (www.porticus.com). As Executive Director for Latin America, I lead the

transformation from traditional charitable-giving to strategic philanthropy, and served as a member of

the Global Leadership Team. He also served as international portfolio manager at Avina Foundation, one

of Latin America's largest philanthropic organizations whose mission is to support leadership and social

entrepreneurship for sustainable development, and with the Spanish International Development Agency

(AECID), redesigning biodiversity and sustainable livelihood programs across Latin America.

Federico’s career interests have been shaped by addressing the question of how to live within Earth's

limits, and what social, economic, and ecological arrangements come into place to achieve this with

dignity and prosperity.

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Pablo Jenkins is Co-Founder and President of Ideas en Acción, a

donor-advised fund and co-creation platform that implements regionally

scalable projects combining technology, social innovation, and youth

leadership. He is also an active investor focusing on sustainable

development through impact investing in wellbeing, education and

technology. Pablo is co-founder of the Costa Rica Chapter of Conscious

Capitalism. Pablo has served as an advisor to four Ministers of Science and

Technology of Costa Rica on topics related to broadband and innovation

policy. He was Intel Capital’s youngest strategic investment manager, Director of International

Expansion for Endeavor Global during its expansion into the Middle East and Asia, and the co-creator of

the Sustainable Investments Group in Brazil, with leading local family offices. Pablo has been co-

organizer of TEDxPuraVidaJoven since 2011 and the first Do Lectures in Latin America. Pablo graduated

with a B.A. from Princeton University and an MBA and an MPA from Harvard University. Pablo is part of

the Aspen Global Leadership Network and a 2015 Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum.

He is on the board of directors of Estrategia Siglo XXI, Fundación Gente, and Cenfotec University.

Mirian Vilela is the Executive Director of the Earth Charter

International Secretariat and the Earth Charter Center for Education for

Sustainable Development at the University for Peace. She is a professor at

the University for Peace and coordinates the UNESCO Chair on Education

for Sustainable Development with the Earth Charter. Mirian has been in the

leadership of the Earth Charter Initiative since January 1996. For more than

23 years, she has facilitated multi-cultural and multi-sectoral workshops,

courses, and dialogues related to sustainability, values and education. She

has a Master´s in Public Administration from Harvard University and is a PhD Candidate on Education

from LaSalle University in Costa Rica.

Mirian has been working in the field of sustainability since 1990, when she worked for the United

Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in preparation to the 1992 UN Earth

Summit. Prior to that she worked for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

(UNCTAD). Over the years her work involved leading numerous international workshops, seminars and

courses especially in the field of values and principles for sustainability. Since 2005 she has been

teaching courses on Sustainable Development, Education for Sustainable Development and

Environmental Governance at the University for Peace. She has organized and facilitated numerous

international workshops and seminars on values and principles for sustainability. Miriam is a member of

the UNESCO Expert Reference Group for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD).

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Marije van Lidth de Jeude is a M.Sc. graduate in Cultural

Anthropology with a specialization in gender and development studies; and a

B.Sc. graduate in Commercial Economy. She has a professional record of more

than twenty years in sustainable development, in particular with multi- and

bilateral agencies, governmental institutions, academia, producer

cooperatives, small enterprises, community-based organizations and other

civil society stakeholders. Marije is specialized in conducting gender capacity

assessments and development strategies as well as participatory baseline studies, mid-term and end

evaluations with a gender perspective. Her expertise was established as program officer (amongst

others for Oxfam-Novib and IFAD) and during research and consultancy assignments related to all

phases of the project-cycle. She combines qualitative participatory research methods with quantitative

data collection and analysis. Her thematic specializations are: participatory design for sustainable cities;

Gender equity and empowerment; capacity building and behaviour change; socio-economic

vulnerability of children and youth, indigenous people, migrants; social performance of financial services

and business development. Marije has been living in Costa Rica for the last seventeen years, from where

she works in the whole Latin America region and beyond.

Oliver Schütte is an expert on bio-climatic architecture and sustainable

urban development. He worked for worldwide renowned offices like the

Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) and its research counterpart

Advanced Media Operations (AMO). In 2014 he was head commissioner and

curator, together with Marije van Lidth de Jeude, of the national pavilion from

Costa Rica in the Venice Architecture Biennale where a critical view on the

urban development model of the country and its implications on spatial

fragmentation and social segregation was given. Together with Marije he was

also the lead investigator of the Sustainable Cities project developed by A Foundation with Cordaid

Urban Matters, which was presented at the World Urban Forum in 2012 and will be published in Costa

Rica in 2016. In 2012, he was working as leading architect, also together with Marije and contracted by

Cordaid Urban Matters, on the participatory design process of a mixed use neighbourhood providing

“attainable” (affordable and sustainable) housing in highly vulnerable areas, both environmentally and

socially speaking. The project site is located in Soyapango, San Salvador, between two territories

confiscated by two rivalling Maras and is projected to encourage social integration through shared

public and collective, work and recreational, spaces.

Allan Valverde is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Environment and

Development and Director of the Latin American School for Protected Areas at

UCI. He is also the regional vice-chair for Central America of the World

Commission on Protected Areas, IUCN. Allan started his professional life having

worked for more than six years as an officer of Tortuguero National Park

National in the National System of Conservation Areas of Costa Rica, serving as

manager of public use, environmental education, voluntary and control and

protection. Afterwards he moved to UCI, where he has accomplished an

impressive career, not only in protected area management but also in education. His experience in

protected area management has led him to manage several large-scale projects in Bolivia, Brazil,

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Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and others. His expertise in education and learning, competence based

learning, project based and online learning has placed him as one of the most talented experts in the

interphase of protected area management and education. He designed the curricula and courses for the

Global Partnership for Professionalizing Protected Area Management.

Félix Cañet is currently the Dean of the One Health Faculty and Director of

the Master’s Program in Health Management with Emphasis on Food Safety at

UCI. He is co-founder of the Urban Family Organoponic initiative in Cuba. He is

an international consultant in Agriculture and Food, Lead Auditor in Good

Agricultural Practices EurepGap and in Food Safety Management Systems

(Norms of the ISO 22000 family) and Quality Management (standards of the ISO

9000 family (2013). He is a specialist in Food Inspection Based on Risks, Risk

Analysis, Post-Harvest Technology and Application of the Ecosystem Approach in Agriculture and Food,

in production systems based on conventional, organic agriculture, family, urban and peri-urban, with

experience in exporting fresh fruits and vegetables to markets in Canada, the US and Europe. He has

provided technical and consulting services in the public, NGO and and private sectors of Costa Rica,

Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Saint Kitts Nevis and Venezuela. From 1999 to 2010 he was Director of the

Division of Nuclear Techniques, Plant Physiology and Postharvest, of the Institute of Fundamental

Research in Tropical Agriculture "Alejandro de Humboldt", (INIFAT), Havana, Cuba. Among the activities

under his charge, was the Food Safety and Quality Management of the National Program of Urban

Agriculture of Cuba.

Tania Moreno is the Coordinator of University Social Responsibility at UCI

and also serves as the Executive Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair in Biosphere

Reserves and natural and mixed World Heritage Sites. She was the lead person

for the establishment of the Water and Peace Biosphere Reserve and has since

then collaborated with several biosphere reserves in Latin America and also

coordinated several networks related to biosphere reserves and UNESCO

Chairs. She is part of the MAB Roster of Experts and assisted the UNESCO-MAB

Strategy Group in the preparation of the MAB Strategy and Action Plan 2015-

2025. She is part of the Costa Rican MAB National Committee as representative

of UCI and Secretary of Board during the periods 2012-2018 and vicepresident since 2018. She also

works with the Foundation of the Water and Peace Biosphere Reserve with technical assistance,

capacity building activities and fieldwork. Tania also represents UCI in the Costa Rican Network of

Sustainable Educational Institutions (REDIES). Member of IUCN Commission on Education and

Communication (CEC) and Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM).

Juan Sostheim, a former corporate maven, is the founder of Rancho

Margot and a proven regeneration practitioner, a pioneer in scalable,

sustainable living. As a luxury eco-tourist resort, educational facility and

organic farm in Costa Rica, he's demonstrating that "living off the grid" is not

only possible but practical for large-scale communities. Juan fuels the kitchen

with methane gas from cows and pigs, generates his own electricity and

creates bio-fuels. Rancho Margot was started in 2004 after former fast-food

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executive Juan Sostheim and his family purchased 400 acres of former cattle range. They set about

turning the largely treeless land into what it is today — a rich and verdant spread of land bursting with

life. They take a holistic view of sustainability at Rancho Margot and design their systems to be closed

looped and productive — the pigs eat food scraps from the kitchen which is turned into poop that is

used to produce energy (the solids are composted to create hot water while liquids are put in a bio-

digester to create methane gas) before being applied to fields to fertilize organic crops, which are then

eaten by Rancho Margot's staff and guests. Rancho Margot produces their own electricity through a

small hydropower plant. The workers of Rancho Margot grow and raise most of the food eaten on site

and make their own soap. Their furniture is built using wood harvested from trees growing on-site.

Rancho Margot is a partner in the Regenerate Costa Rica Hub.

Alexis D. Gaillard is an artist and photographer. His focus on traveling,

nature, art, photography, and the blossoming of human nature brought him, in

2006, to the realization of his first artistic project: “Galactical Nature.” Parallel to

his artworks, Alexis D. Gaillard materializes his interests through diverse social,

cultural and entrepreneurial projects such as "Natural Pact" which does

reforestation through a seasonal and timeless land art where he is co-founder

and manager. Natural Pact Land Art is a compensation service for greenhouse

gas emissions unique in the world. This program works through an unprecedented Land Art

reforestation method. It offers the opportunity to be a sponsor of reforested trees for a period of 20

years. Our natural works allow us to participate in the insertion of trees that are protected for life within

our private nature reserve. Each tree is certified and geolocated thanks to our methodology. Land-Art

and Natural Pact will be used in the regeneration of degraded land. Natural Pact, Alexis co-founded and

managed "Zoom Social 200 – ZS200" / Art photography workshops, the "Brussels Art Factory – BAF" /

Artistic production and distribution center and co-created "The World With You" / Offers and demands'

window on the social and humanitarian Belgium world. Natural Pact is a partner in the Regenerate Costa

Rica Hub.

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Program cost: This program can be taken in parallel to the Master’s in Project Management and also by any UCI

current student at a cost of US$1300 payable in four payments of US$325.

For non-regular UCI students, the cost is US$1600.

Optional field visit in Costa Rica At the end of the program, a field visit is available to all participants at an additional cost which will

depend on length of stay. Students will have the chance to visit sites where regenerative development is

being implemented.

The Regenerate Costa Rica Hub is working initially in

these seven territories where regenerative

experiences are taking place.

For more information: University for International Cooperation


Phone: (+506) 22536464

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