Page 1 of 2 Central East CCAC Board Agenda Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Place: Central East CCAC, Whitby Branch, Durham Room Time: 6:30 p.m. Teleconference Line: 1 866 232 9443 Participant Passcode: 2578505# Agenda Item Action Required Presenter Attachments Policy Reference Information / Monitoring Discussion/ Decision-Making Approval / Policy-Making 1. Introductory Items 1.1. Call to Order L. Lifchus 1.2. Confirmation of Quorum L. Lifchus 1.3. Approval of Meeting Agenda X X L. Lifchus 1.4. Declaration of Conflict L. Lifchus 2. Board Education/ Generative Discussion Vl-1 2.1. Central East LHIN – Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Direction X X D. Ford / K.Ramsay 3. Minutes of Previous Meeting, Action Items and Business Arising 3.1. June 10, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes and Action Items X L. Lifchus 4. Reports 4.1. CEO Report to the Board X X X Don Ford 4.2. PQE Committee Part III X N. Crow 4.3. Finance Committee (draft minutes attached) X Part IV X P. Connolly 4.4. Audit Committee Part IV X R. Morphew 4.5. Governance Committee X Part V X G. Williams 4.6. Report of the Chair Part V X L. Lifchus 4.6.1. November 5, 2015 Special Board Meeting with the Central East LHIN X L. Lifchus 4.7. OACCAC Report Vl-4 X D. Ford

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Central East CCAC Board Agenda

Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2015 Place: Central East CCAC, Whitby Branch, Durham Room

Time: 6:30 p.m. Teleconference Line: 1 866 232 9443 Participant Passcode: 2578505#

Agenda Item

Action Required





Policy R




rmation /










val /




1. Introductory Items

1.1. Call to Order L. Lifchus

1.2. Confirmation of Quorum L. Lifchus

1.3. Approval of Meeting Agenda X X L. Lifchus

1.4. Declaration of Conflict L. Lifchus

2. Board Education/ Generative Discussion Vl-1

2.1. Central East LHIN – Mission, Vision and Values

and Strategic Direction

X X D. Ford / K.Ramsay

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting, Action Items and

Business Arising

3.1. June 10, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes and

Action Items

X L. Lifchus

4. Reports

4.1. CEO Report to the Board X X X Don Ford

4.2. PQE Committee Part III X N. Crow

4.3. Finance Committee (draft minutes attached) X Part IV X P. Connolly

4.4. Audit Committee Part IV X R. Morphew

4.5. Governance Committee X Part V X G. Williams

4.6. Report of the Chair Part V X L. Lifchus

4.6.1. November 5, 2015 Special Board

Meeting with the Central East LHIN

X L. Lifchus

4.7. OACCAC Report

Vl-4 X D. Ford

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5. New Business

6. Correspondence

7. In Camera Board & CEO – blue paper to be handed

out at the meeting

8. Report of Actions taken In-Camera

9. Adjournment X L. Lifchus

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Harwood Plaza 314 Harwood Avenue South, Suite 204A Ajax, ON L1S 2J1 Tel: 905 427-5497 Fax: 905 427-9659 Toll Free: 1 866 804-5446 www.centraleastlhin.on.ca

Harwood Plaza 314, avenue Harwood Sud Bureau 204A Ajax, ON L1S 2J1 Téléphone : 905 427-5497 Sans frais : 1 866 804-5446 Télécopieur : 905 427-9659 www.centraleastlhin.on.ca


TO: Board Chairs, ALL Health Service Providers, Central East Local Health Integration Network FROM: Wayne Gladstone, Board Chair, Central East Local Health Integration Network Re: Central East LHIN Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions Please be advised that on July 22, 2015, at our monthly open board meeting, the Central East Local Health Integration Network (Central East LHIN) Board of Directors reviewed and approved an updated Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions for the Central East LHIN. Values of the Central East LHIN organization remain as they were when first approved in 2007, the Mission and Vision have now evolved to better reflect the current and future role of the Central East LHIN. The updated Strategic Directions remain consistent with the LHIN’s expectations for all Central East LHIN Health Service Providers as detailed in your annual Service Accountability Agreements which require LHIN-funded organizations to:

Align their strategic and service planning within the overall LHIN framework, with specific reference to the priorities identified in the current Integrated Health Service Plan ;

Participate in LHIN planning exercises and provide the input and necessary information for the development of LHIN plans;

Identify integration opportunities and demonstrate continuous improvement in service integration, coordination and quality; and

Implement the directions for integration laid out in the accountability agreements with LHINs. The new Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions (attached) will be reflected in the LHIN’s 2016-19 Integrated Health Service Plan (IHSP), a document that sets out shared goals for the organizations and service providers who make up the local health care system including Hospitals, Community Support Service agencies, Community Health Centres, the Community Care Access Centre, Community Mental Health and Addiction agencies and Long-Term Care Homes.



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Central East LHIN Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions

I am aware that many of your organizations have been actively participating in the development of the IHSP 4 through discussions at various LHIN tables including Health Links, our Francophone and Aboriginal stakeholders, the Central East Executive Committee, the Seniors Care Network, the Central East LHIN Mental Health and Addictions Co-ordinating Council, the Central East Palliative Care Network, the Vascular Strategic Aim Coalition and many other Planning Partner tables. Upcoming engagement opportunities include a web-enabled survey for patients and caregivers and front-line staff along with six geographically Health Links meetings involving all partners. The new Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions will be effective as of April 1, 2016 to align with the timeline of the 2016-19 IHSP. For more information on IHSP 4, please visit the Central East LHIN website at www.centraleastlhin.on.ca and click on IHSP 2016-2019. As governors of Central East LHIN-funded Health Service P organizations, I would encourage you and your Senior Leadership to review and consider the LHIN’s approved Strategic Directions as you continue to move forward with your own strategic planning for the same time period. Please be aware that our board will be directing LHIN staff, as part of annual accountability agreement negotiation process referenced above, to confirm the alignment between your strategic and service planning with the LHIN’s Strategic Directions and 2016-19 IHSP. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or requests for additional information, please contact Barbara Millar, Corporate Governance Coordinator at (905) 427-5497, ext. 229 or at [email protected]. Sincerely,

Wayne Gladstone Chair, Board of Directors Central East Local Health Integration Network Attachments: Appendix A - Central East LHIN Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions c: Deborah Hammons, Chief Executive Officer, Central East LHIN

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Central East LHIN Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions

Mission To lead the advancement of an integrated sustainable health care system that ensures better health, better care and better value.

Vision Engaged Communities • People are proactively managing their own health and wellness. • People are involved in designing their health care system. • People are participating in planning the coordinated delivery of their care. Healthy Communities • People have timely and equitable access to care. • Health care providers and their partners work together to improve the health and well-being of their

communities. • The health of the population has improved.

Values • Accountability • Responsiveness • Respect • Integrity • Innovation • Equity


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Central East LHIN Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions

Strategic Directions

Transformational Leadership The Central East LHIN Board will continue to lead the transformation of the health care system into

a culture of interdependence.

Health Service Providers will: The LHIN will:

Actively participate in all collaborative service delivery, administrative and governance decision making opportunities.

Self-organize to solve problems.

Bring forward integration opportunities aligned with the IHSP.

Demonstrate accountability and systems-thinking in all decision-making and leadership actions.

Reward innovation which is aligned with the IHSP.

Model fair, transparent, and honest interaction with one another and with HSPs.

Quality and Safety The Central East LHIN Board defines health care as being person-centred, safe and of high-quality.

Health Service Providers will: The LHIN will:

Meet defined standards and targets for safety and quality of services.

Deliver high-quality and safe care informed by patient experience.

Demonstrate ongoing improvement in the quality and safety of services and care.

Hold providers accountable for safety and quality of services in accordance with their Service Accountability Agreements.

Consider quality, safety and patient experience as criteria for evaluation and decision-making.

Ensure that actions or decisions positively impact the quality and safety of the health system.


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Central East LHIN Mission, Vision, Values and Strategic Directions

Service and System Integration The Central East LHIN Board will work with all partners to integrate the health care delivery system to better meet the current and future needs of patients, caregivers and communities.

Health Service Providers will: The LHIN will:

Align their service and strategic plans to the IHSP goals and objectives.

Participate in LHIN–facilitated integration activities and support implementation.

Pursue integration opportunities that provide the best system of care within available resources.

Support the creation and implementation of provincial and LHIN strategic plans, such as the IHSP, that guide local decision making.

Engage stakeholders to identify integration opportunities to enhance the health care experience.

Openly review all proposed integrations that improve the system of care.

Fiscal Responsibility Resource investments made by the Central East LHIN Board will put people and patients first.

Health Service Providers will: The LHIN will:

Use the best available evidence and proven best clinical practices to resource care.

Use funding to deliver sustainable services based on defined system standards and targets for safety and quality.

Develop short- and long-term resource investment plans that address risks to quality service and fiscal sustainability at the organizational and local health system levels.

Prioritize high quality and high performance when allocating funding.

Invest in initiatives that lead to patient-centred care across the care continuum, greater coordination of care, and quality outcomes.

Promote a population needs-based approach to system resource planning and management.

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Central East CCAC Board Meeting – June 10, 2015 Page 1 of 5



Date: June 10, 2015 Time: 6:30 pm

Present: Don Ford (CEO), Len Lifchus (Chair), Glenn Rogers, Gary

Lounsbury, Rick Morphew, Patrick Connolly, Barry Neil, Andy Williams, Derrick McLennon, Sylvia Patterson and Susan Donaldson

Regrets: Michelle Rawnsley and Nicola Crow Guests: Kathy Ramsay, Sally Davis, David Stringer, Gail Scala and

Stephen Kay Recorder: Robin Russell 1.0 Introductory Items

1.1 Call to Order Len Lifchus called the meeting to order at

6:43 p.m. after a Board Member only update regarding CEO Compensation

1.2 Quorum A quorum was present

1.3 Approval of Meeting Agenda


MOVED: Glenn Rogers SECOND: Barry Neil CARRIED

1.4 Declaration of Conflict (Policy Reference V-A-3) L. Lifchus asked for

a declaration of conflict. None were declared.

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Central East CCAC Board Meeting – June 10, 2015 Page 2 of 5

2.0 Board Education / Generative Discussion

2.1 Patient Story

K. Ramsay provided an introduction to the patient experience story in advance of the video clip presented to Board members. K. Ramsay and S. Davis then led a discussion with Board members regarding individualized funding and complex care patients.

2.2 OACCAC Conference Report and Learnings

S. Donaldson and P. Connolly provided information to the Board members regarding their attendance at the June, 2015 OACCAC Annual Conference, highlighting the sessions on governance and info-security. S. Donaldson was the CECCAC representative at the OACCAC Annual General Meeting and provided an update on the AGM. ACTION: R. Russell to post OACCAC AGM documents as

provided by S. Donaldson.

3.0 Minutes of Previous Meeting, Action Items and Business Arising 3.1 May 13, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes, In-Camera Minutes and

Action Items


MOVED: Gary Lounsbury SECOND: Derrick McLennon CARRIED

4.0 Reports

4.1 CEO Report to the Board

D. Ford spoke to the CEO Report to the Board, as circulated, and spoke to Fairview Lodge reopening and delays. D. Ford spoke to the dramatic growth in Adult Complex and Adult Chronic patients, reflecting more high needs patients. D. Ford and the Sr. Team then responded to Board member questions.

4.2 PQE Committee S. Davis and D. Ford spoke to the June 3, 2015 PQE Meeting minutes, as distributed.

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Central East CCAC Board Meeting – June 10, 2015 Page 3 of 5

4.3 Finance Committee P. Connolly provided a verbal update on the CECCAC year-end financial status, noting a balanced budget.

4.4 Audit Committee R. Morphew spoke to the Minutes of the June 4, 2015 Audit Committee meeting. The Audit Committee reviewed the Auditors report and recommended the Board approve the audited financial statements. MOTION: THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPROVE THE


MOVED: Gary Lounsbury SECOND: Derrick McLennon CARRIED



MOVED: Rick Morphew SECOND: Gary Lounsbury CARRIED



MOVED: Susan Donaldson SECOND: Glenn Rogers CARRIED



MOVED: Sylvia Patterson SECOND: Andy Williams CARRIED

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Central East CCAC Board Meeting – June 10, 2015 Page 4 of 5

4.5 Governance Committee G. Rogers spoke to the Governance Committee meeting of June 10, 2015. The Committee was provided with feedback and recommendations from all CECCAC Committee Chairs, following review of the annual Committee Evaluation Summary. The key issues focused on orientation and work plans. Senior Team has planned an in-depth orientation and portfolio review for new Board Members in the fall, to address issues raised. G. Rogers advised that the Governance Committee has decided to amend the current Committee workplan and have moved the annual report to the Board on the summary of all the evaluation tools and actions from September to June. G. Lounsbury reported on the potential Executive Committee members and Committee Chairs for the 2015-2016 Board as information.

4.6 Report of the Chair L. Lifchus provided a verbal Report of the Chair and provided an update on OACCAC Chairs Council meeting.

4.7 OACCAC Report D. Ford spoke to the OACCAC documents, as distributed. The OACCAC Board met on May 19, 2015 and completed the evaluation of OACCAC CEO. Members of the OACCAC Board met on April 20, 2015 with the Minister of Health regarding the role of the CCACs. The Minister spoke to the Sector’s improvement of consistency across the province. D. Ford spoke to the circulated briefing note and provided an update on the OACCAC Annual General Meeting and Board changes. The OACCAC 2014-15 Year in Review presentation was also provided to the Board as information. D. Ford spoke to the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care’s response to the Donner report, Patients First: A Road Map to Stregthen Home and Community Care, which outlines a 10 point plan and timeframe to address the identified issues, noting the CCAC sector is participating actively in moving these 10 points forward.


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Central East CCAC Board Meeting – June 10, 2015 Page 5 of 5

MOVED: Barry Neil SECOND: Derrick McLennon CARRIED

5.0 New Business

5.1. Annual Approval of Occupational Health and Safety Policy S. Kay spoke to the Occupational Health and Safety Policy, as circulated and requested Board approval of the policy. MOTION: TO APPROVE THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND


MOVED: Sylvia Patterson SECOND: Susan Donaldson CARRIED

5.2. M-SAA Declaration of Compliance

D. Stringer spoke to the Multi-Sector Accountability Agreement briefing note, as circulated. He advised that the CECCAC must submit a compliance statement to the Central East LHIN on an annual basis.



MOVED: Andy Williams SECOND: Glenn Rogers CARRIED

5.3. Posting of Select Governance Policies

K. Ramsay spoke to the briefing note, as distributed. In an ongoing effort to enhance consistency and transparency, Senior Team is advising the Board that the CECCAC will post select Governance Policies to the public webpage.

6.0 Correspondence

No new correspondence

7.0 Adjournment of meeting MOTION: TO ADJOURN MEETING AT 7:55 P.M. MOVED: Derrick McLennon CARRIED

L. Lifchus, Chair Date

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Action Item Responsibility Time Line Status Post information from the OACCAC Annual General Meeting

Robin Russell September 9, 2015 complete

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September 2015 Page 1 of 12

Central East CCAC CEO Report to the Board

September, 2015 Don Ford

Chief Executive Officer

Outstanding Care Partner Engage with clients, caregivers and partners to coordinate quality home and community care that promotes safe independence, drives optimal health outcomes and delivers a positive experience.

Mental Health and Addictions Nurses – Summer Pilot with Durham District School Board “Make a Difference: My Way”

The Mental Health and Addictions Nurses (MHAN) Program, in collaboration with the Durham District School Board (DDSB) Early Years Initiative, has developed a summer pilot program called Make a Difference: My Way (the “Summer Program”). The Summer Program is facilitated by the MHAN Program Nurses and located in two Make a Difference schools; Glen Street Public School and Dr. C.F. Cannon Public School. The goal of the Summer Program was to promote the mental health and well-being of children by helping them learn strategies they can use in their everyday lives to effectively deal with stress, manage their emotions, and enhance their self-esteem. The children will also learn about healthy eating and the impact of sleep and exercise on their moods. The target groups are children in grades four and five, and grades seven and eight.

This expansion of services offered by the MHAN program is supported by research which provides indisputable evidence of the strong correlation between people’s socio-economic status and mental health. It also closely aligns with the implementation of the DDSB’s five-year Mental Health and Addictions Strategic Plan, Linking Healthy Minds for a Positive Future.

Selection criteria for participating in the Summer Program was defined by the DDSB and the MHAN Program and included students who would willingly participate and who could benefit from learning strategies for managing stress and developing social-emotional skills; have the potential to be role models and help to strengthen school culture; would be supported by their parents/guardians to attend the Summer Program; could benefit from learning about self-care, self-management. The feedback of this program has been very positive from the school board, the students who participated and their caregivers.

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September 2015 Page 2 of 12

Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☒ Balance Our Budget

☐ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☒ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☒ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☒ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☒ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☒ Expand Partnerships

☒ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☐ Ensure Quality and Safety

☒ Enable Service Excellence ☒

Self-Directed Funding Agreement Pilot

On May 13, 2015, the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care announced plans to pilot and evaluate a self-directed funding (SDF) program for home and community care patients and families. SDF gives patients/caregivers the option to receive funding they can use to directly obtain services in their care plan from a provider of their choosing, rather than having those services arranged for them. An Early Adopter Program will be piloted in the fall of 2015 which will allow patients/caregivers greater control over the selection and the scheduling of services of their care providers. The purpose of the pilot will be to evaluate the impact on access, patient and family satisfaction, health outcomes, and costs through March 2017.

The Central East Community Care Access Centres has had agreements for individualized funding of personal support and nursing services for four medically complex children and young adults in place for a number of years. We have had great success in helping to streamline care with this model of funding and therefore alleviating stress on caregivers. Two caregivers who have had these agreements in place have volunteered to be considered as candidates to participate in the SDF Early Adopter pilot.

Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☒ Balance Our Budget

☒ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☒ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☒ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☒ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☒ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☒ Expand Partnerships

☐ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☐ Ensure Quality and Safety

☒ Enable Service Excellence ☒

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September 2015 Page 3 of 12

Telehomecare Initiative

Telehomecare uses technology to remotely link providers and patients. A Remote Monitoring Unit (RMU) is used to input and transmit patients’ vital health information electronically from their home to a remote monitoring care team. In combination with a team and evidence-based model of chronic disease management, Telehomecare provides for remote monitoring of the patient’s condition, a targeted and rapid response from the care team to an emerging health crisis, proactive patient coaching and education and coordination of care amongst multiple care providers. Telehomecare program is available for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). They are enrolled in the program for approximately 6 months. The program provides daily remote monitoring of vital health information and weekly self-management coaching supported by Registered Nurses. The program aims at improving a patient’s ability to manage their health, decreases hospital readmissions and utilization of emergency departments and walk-in clinics. The Central East Community Care Access Centres is partnered in collaboration with the Central East LHIN, the OTN Project Lead for Telehomecare and the stakeholders who are soon to be confirmed for implementation of this initiative in fall/early winter 2016.

Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☒ Balance Our Budget

☐ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☒ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☒ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☒ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☒ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☒ Expand Partnerships

☒ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☐ Ensure Quality and Safety

☒ Enable Service Excellence ☒

Palliative Care Integrated Service Delivery The Contracts team, in collaboration with Patient Services, had been reviewing the services that we provide to our palliative patients with the goal of improving the patient and family experience. As a result, a new vision and steps to achieve this vision were developed.

Our vision is to incorporate improvement in three dimensions: The patient/family perspective: a consistent team of skilled and compassionate

individuals helping me and my loved one access the services we need, to support me in living the end of my life comfortably at home.

The service provider perspective: a positive experience delivered through locally-based specialized and designated care teams, thoughtfully constructed to meet the unique needs of each patient and their family.

From the CCAC perspective: enhanced, coordinated access to high quality, specialized palliative care services 24/7 across the Central East LHIN geographic boundary, delivered effectively and professionally to all in need of such services.

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September 2015 Page 4 of 12

To achieve our vision the Central East CCAC determined we need to: Improve the patient’s experience specifically related to pain and symptom management

and quality of life in the final months of life. Change our service model to provide both nursing and personal support services from

one agency within a geographic area. By bringing these two services together into one agency, we will facilitate better communication and coordination within and across the interdisciplinary team, optimize nursing and personal support resources as well as improve management of delegated acts from nursing to personal support workers.

Enhance the skills, knowledge and abilities of the nurses and personal support workers engaged in palliative care.

Realign our geographic boundaries to ensure that services and service provider agencies can effectively support and manage the fluctuations in service volume and intensity.

Issue an invitational Expression of Interest (EOI) to all Central East CCAC Nursing and Personal Support Service agencies inviting them to take part in the procurement process.

On May 29th the Central East CCAC issued the EOI, and nine of our possible ten agencies submitted a response to this request. The Evaluation team evaluated the “Respondents” (those that responded to the EOI) based on the following criteria: Written submission; Interview; Client and Caregiver Experience Evaluation (CCEE); Key Performance Indicators (recent 2 years of data); and, History of Engagement with the Central East CCCAC.

The following agencies were successful, and each agency was allocated 50% of the contractual patient volume in each cluster.

Scarborough Cluster- Saint Elizabeth Health Care and Visiting Homemakers Association (VHA)

Durham Cluster – Paramed Home Health Care and Visiting Homemakers Association

North East Cluster – Paramed Home Health Care and Saint Elizabeth Health Care

The successful agencies and the Central East CCAC will work together over the next few months to plan for implementation in early fall.

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September 2015 Page 5 of 12

Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☒ Balance Our Budget

☐ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☒ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☒ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☒ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☒ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☐ Expand Partnerships

☒ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☒ Ensure Quality and Safety

☒ Enable Service Excellence ☒

Outstanding System Partner

Actively contribute to an integrated and sustainable health system by expanding partnerships, embracing leading practices and innovation and achieving value for money. Central East LHIN Senior’s Aim Metric Definition Support

The Decision Support team has had a series of meetings with the Central East LHIN and our community partners reviewing the metric definition for the existing senior’s strategic aim and the development of a new metric for the LHIN’s 4th Integrated Health Service Plan (IHSP) (the LHIN’s strategic plan. The existing metric (see diagram on left) was meant to measure success in sustaining seniors in their homes. The calculation of the metric assumed however, that if seniors were being supported successfully in the community that they would voluntarily withdraw their long-term care home (LTCH)

applications. Success would therefore be measured by how much the waitlist for LTCHs decreased. The waitlist for LTCHs has continued to grow and therefore, according to the metric it would appear that seniors were not being successfully supported in their homes. The Central East CCAC utilization data would suggest otherwise given the large increase in the volume of patients we support each any every day, serving over 82,000 patients in 2014-15, an increase of nearly 2000 patients from the previous year. Through our discussions with the Central East LHIN we have helped them gain a better understanding of LTCH applications and the relationship to supporting seniors at home and in the community, and as a result were asked to help redefine the metric for the IHSP #4. Since then, our work has focused on providing input on data analysis strategies, multiple data extracts, and using that data to suggest alternate approaches to measuring success in sustaining seniors in their homes. We are striving to develop a measure that looks at all seniors, not just those with LTCH applications, and partners and their contributions, rather than just focusing on the CCAC.

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September 2015 Page 6 of 12

We are confident that as we continue to work collaboratively with the Central East LHIN and our community partners that we will develop a metric that will accurately measures our success within the Senior’s Aim strategy.

Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☒ Balance Our Budget

☐ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☐ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☐ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☐ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☐ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☐ Expand Partnerships

☐ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☐ Ensure Quality and Safety

☐ Enable Service Excellence ☒

Accreditation 2015 Update

The Accreditation Team continues to work to prepare the organization for its upcoming on-site accreditation visit in October 2015, and we continue to await confirmation of the dates. Some of the accomplishments that have been completed since the Accreditation kick off include:

Intent to survey application submitted to CARF (May 2015); Reviewed with each program, the conformance to all standards; Accreditation Fact Sheets are being circulated to staff with facts on the accreditation

process and potential questions that a surveyor may ask; Accreditation ‘Quest to be the Best’ contest has been launched with emails being sent

out two to three times a week for staff to staff seek answers to potential CARF standards; and

An Accreditation hotline and email link continues to be available for staff to call and ask questions.

As we move through the final stages for accreditation, the Accreditation Team will focus on preparing the evidence documents required by CARF, setting up the teams to be interviewed, finalizing a “brag book” that will highlight the organization’s accomplishments over the past three years, and will work with CARF in planning and preparing the schedule for the days the surveyors will be on site. CARF has indicated that the 4 surveyors will visit all seven branches, speak with patients, staff and external partners. The surveyors will focus on following the journey of a patient, and will assess how the organization continues to improve. The surveyors will also review

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patient and personnel records. As well, surveyors will meet with “subject matter experts” such as staff from Information System; Finance, Human Resources; Risk Management; Health Records; Procurement; Quality; Governance – Board of Directors; Service Providers; Senior Team; and Patient Services. The surveyors will be randomly selecting one of the unaccredited Service Providers to meet to ensure they are in compliance with the standards. Once the survey date is confirmed, Board members will be provided with the days so that selected members may make themselves available. A mock survey will be arranged for Board members mid-September to support their preparation for the survey.

Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☐ Balance Our Budget

☐ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☐ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☒ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☐ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☐ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☐ Expand Partnerships

☐ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☐ Ensure Quality and Safety

☒ Enable Service Excellence ☐

Pan Am/Parapan Am Games Update

Team Canada won a total of 217 medals at the Pan Am Games and a record 168 medals at the Parapan Am Games in the Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games. Not only were the Games successful, but the province developed strong strategies and processes to manage any potential emergency disaster that could have impacted the healthcare system. The emergency preparedness for these Games has provided the Province and the Central East

region with processes and systems that will be utilized to respond to any future emergency and/or disaster.

The Central East CCAC along with its partners monitored the impact of the increased number of visitors/athletes to the region, road closures, and traffic congestions to the health system. The Central East CCAC and its Service Providers prepared patients by such things as preplanning scheduled visits outside of peak traffic times and ordering patient supplies in advance to decrease any potential delays. The Central East CCAC also supported the broader Pan Am/Parapan Am Games goal to reduce travel on the roads by offering staff variable hours or work in temporary alternate locations. We are pleased to report that we did not see any significant challenges to the care we provide our patients as a result of the Games, given our preparation, and are grateful to our staff and service providers for their effective preparation.

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Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☒ Balance Our Budget

☐ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☐ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☒ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☒ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☐ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☐ Expand Partnerships

☐ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☐ Ensure Quality and Safety

☒ Enable Service Excellence ☒

PSW Wage Enhancement As you are aware, the Government of Ontario, in 2014/15 committed to increase the wages of Personal Support Workers (PSWs) providing LHIN-funded Personal Support Services (PSS) by $1.50 per hour, and set the minimum wages for these PSWs at $14.00 per hour for the first year, with two subsequent increases over the next two years.

Health Service Providers providing LHIN-funded services began paying these wage increases effective September 1, 2014, retroactive to April 1, 2014, along with additional funding for employer statutory contributions. Following the year one implementation the Ministry sought feedback from the stakeholders regarding the plan for year two implementation as a number of concerns were raised in year one.

Following the consultation, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care decided to focus the wage enhancement in year 2 (which commenced April 1, 2015) on those PSWs providing personal support services ensuring a base of $14.00/hr and a maximum Ministry funded amount of $19.00/hr. Employers will therefore be required to provide a wage enhancement of up to $1.50/hour to a maximum wage of $19.00/hour plus benefits.

The Central East CCAC has been working closely with our contracted service provider agencies to ensure that the funding flows to the workers before the August 31, 2015 deadline. We do not anticipate any concerns regarding meeting this time line.

Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☐ Balance Our Budget

☐ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☐ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☐ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☐ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☐ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☐ Expand Partnerships

☒ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☐ Ensure Quality and Safety

☐ Enable Service Excellence ☐

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September 2015 Page 9 of 12

Health Links Care Coordination Tool Pilot Coordinated Care Tool (CCT) Background The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) received approval to conduct a Coordinated Care Tool (CCT) Proof of Concept (POC) Project that leverages the Integrated Assessment Record (IAR) for viewing of Coordinated Care Plans (CCPs).

Currently, Central East Health Links have been limited to using the CCP in a paper version.

Orion Health is now in place to support the MOHLTC and Health Links around the province by providing software and services needed to deliver CCT

The CCT Project will leverage the Integrated Assessment Record (IAR) which is a provincially deployed solution that supports health service providers to facilitate the viewing and sharing of assessment information (as legislatively appropriate) as the client moves from one health service provider to another.

Both Peterborough and Durham North East Health Links have chosen “Model Two” as the initial test. This model allows for an individual client/patient care plan to be updated by multiple authors (health information custodians/agents).

In this model: Coordinated Care Plans (CCPs) for all clients/patients in the health link are authored by

multiple health service providers The Lead Authoring health service providers is the health information custodian for all

client/patient coordinated care plans for the Health Link Clinicians/physicians from the Lead Authoring health service providers can create or

update coordinated care plans for Health Link clients/patients If a clinician/physician from a health service provider that is not an Agent of the

custodian requires a change be made to the coordinated care plan, business processes for communicating the change back to the Lead Authoring health service providers will be used (phone, fax etc.)

Central East CCAC Role The Central East CCAC, as the administrative lead organization for the Health Links Project Management Office, will support the Peterborough and Durham North East Health Links with rolling-out the Coordinated Care Tool (CCT) project. Further to this support, the Central East

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CCAC will also be a champion organization within both Health Links as a primary stakeholder taking the lead in accomplishing the milestones required to achieve “go-live”.

Anticipated Project Outcomes Health Links around the province identified the following key needs to be successful in coordinating and collaborating in patient care: Gather reliable information about patients, including patient goals so that this

information can be known to the entire care team Create, maintain and share standardized, high-quality care plans so care can be

delivered in the most effective and appropriate way; and Communicate quickly and securely with providers across different sectors of the health

system to manage issues as they arise. Status reporting on the progress for the Health Link is performed by the Health Link

project manager and provided to the vendor throughout the Project implementation Project Milestones and Expectations To date, both Peterborough and Durham North East Health Links are on track according to the project milestones.

Major milestones completed so far include; executive overviews, signature and approval of participation agreements, implementation kick-off events and privacy/security train-the-trainers sessions.

Coordinated Care Tool Proof of Concept project closure evaluation obligations include participation in: Surveys, focus groups Case studies Data collection and presentation Lessons learned document submitted to Orion Submission of Milestones Report to Orion post “go-live”

Next Steps Peterborough Health Link will be operational by September 25th 2015. Other Peterborough Health Link partnering organizations will be phased into the project after “go-live” has been accomplished to further expand the amount of health service providers that are able to coordinate and collaborate with the electronic solution.

Durham North East Health Link is in a similar state. Based on the Peterborough Health Link experience and that many of the Central East CCAC participants have already completed the trainings, Durham North East Health Link has been able to complete most of the initial milestones in an accelerated manner. Durham North East Health Link has set November 17th as the go-live target.

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Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☒ Balance Our Budget

☐ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☒ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☐ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☒ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☐ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☐ Expand Partnerships

☐ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☒ Ensure Quality and Safety

☒ Enable Service Excellence ☐

Financial Update

The CECCAC continues to experience a high demand in terms of new referrals and service volumes. This requires us to balance the demand for services by optimizing our resources to ensure we provide service to our highest needs patients.

The CECCAC and the Central East LHIN met to review the proposed strategies to ensure a balanced position at March 31, 2015. The Central East LHIN is supportive of our strategies, recognizing that the CECCAC continues to support hospital discharges as a priority. The Central East LHIN has also allocated some additional base funding to the CECCAC which is very much appreciated.

The strategies to optimize our financial and human resources will be in place for September, 2015.

Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☒ Balance Our Budget

☒ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☐ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☐ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☐ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☐ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☐ Expand Partnerships

☐ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☐ Ensure Quality and Safety

☐ Enable Service Excellence ☐

Outstanding Place to Work Build on the strengths, expertise and leadership capacity of our people and continuous quality improvement in a healthy, safe and energized workplace.

Central East CCAC Hospital Focus Group Project Team The Home First initiative resulted in many staff being sited at our hospitals. It was found that there were challenges with these new locations that did not allow staff to provide optimum service. In 2012, the Hospital Focus Group was developed to better understand the experience of the Central East CCAC employees working at hospital locations. The Central

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East CCAC Hospital teams were engaged in dialogue around physical space, working environment, technology/connectivity, isolation, communication, support, educational resources, involvement in education, wellness and social activities while working off-site of a branch location. The project team, comprised of managers from Patient Services, Facilities, Information Services, Health and Safety and Learning and Development, participated in site visits to gather further information. From this, 190 issues and concerns were summarized into 3 common themes; education, technology and physical space. From these 3 themes an action plan was developed and a questionnaire was created by the team to be used at each site visit. This questionnaire is a real example of continuous quality improvement in action (see attached questionnaire). Some changes which have resulted include: Education has shifted to E-Learning and has been received well by staff. New office space has been allocated and technology improvements have allowed for

better communication amongst the teams decreasing feelings of isolation and creating better work-life balance.

Necessary equipment has been purchased i.e. headsets and laptops to align with workplace health and safety initiatives as well as learning development.

While the focus groups helped identify common themes, it is acknowledged that each hospital site is unique. As such, site visits continued to be conducted annually and the results indicated significant improvements across all 3 major themes. Issues and concerns identified in the most recent site visits conducted in Q1 2015/16 totaled 21, a dramatic decrease from the original 190. The project team continues to actively seek out quality improvement solutions to enhance the overall satisfaction of our employees working off site at hospital locations.

Outstanding Care Partner Outstanding System Partner Outstanding Place to Work Strategic Goals

Optimize Health Outcomes ☐ Balance Our Budget

☐ Develop Our People ☐

Provide Comprehensive System Navigation

☐ Collaborate with our

Community Partners Services

☐ Provide Healthy Safe


Design Patient-Centric Programs

☐ Deliver High Value, Outcome-

based Care

☐ Support Flexible Work


Promote Safe Independence ☐ Expand Partnerships

☐ Be an Innovative Learning Organization

☐ Ensure Quality and Safety

☐ Enable Service Excellence ☐

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Responsibility Deadline

1.0 Information Systems Niall/Liz

1.1Do you have any current challenges with


a) Laptop/desktop PCs

b) Multi-Function Units (printers/fax machines)

c) Network connectivity

d) Telephones

1.2How is the response time from the Service

Desk to your issues?

a) Are issues resolved to your satisfaction?


Do you have any suggestions that could make

your job easier or more efficient from a

technology perspective?

1.4 Are there any other comments/concerns in

relation to technology?

2.0 Learning & Development Jill

2.1What is your biggest challenge with accessing


2.2What has been the most effective learning

delivery method?

a) E-learning

b) Webinars

c) Videoconference/Teleconference

d) Classroom


We have made some improvements to e-

learning (Q&A and Evaluation links, standard

template, shorter)


As we use more computer-based training (e-

learning and webinars), what are your

suggestions for improving the learning

experience for hospital employees?

b)Are there any other changes you would


c) What changes would you recommend

2.4Were you ever unable to access a required

training? Did you follow up with a colleague?


Have you ever had to leave the hospital to

attend a training because it was not available

at your site?

a) What are some examples?

2.6What are the challenges or benefits of

scheduled sessions?


What are the challenges or benefits of pre-

recorded sessions that can be accessed



As we use more computer-based training,

what are your suggestions for improving the

learning experience for hospital employees?


As we use more champions to support

training sessions, what are your suggestions

for making this more effective?


Are there any areas related to your role as a

hospital employee in which you would like to

receive more training?


Would a face-to-face review by a Facilitator

of TMS and recent education be beneficial?

Should it be part of a team meeting or could it

be a standalone session?

Impact: How will we know that a change is an improvement?

Process Measures: Track SMA's reporting requests for finding reports and survey results.

Outcome Measure: Number of people that rate the improvements as good or higher.

Task #

Task Duration Comments/Notes

Project Name: Hospital Site Visit #3

Executive Sponsor: Stephen Kay & Danielle Linnane

Project Lead: Hospital Focus Group Project Team

Lead Department: Corporate Services

Start Date:

End Date:

Team Members:

Danielle Linnane, Co-Chair

Stephen Kay, Co-Chair

Elaine Azzopardi

Niall O'Donnell

Liz Dowie

Pat Scanlon

Jill Ritchie

Project Description:

Project Goal: What are we trying to accomplish? Task/Activity

To be able to identify if the implemented changes from the previous 2 site visits are working, where

did we make advances and where the gaps are.

Deliverables: What changes can we make that will result in an improvement?

List the specific deliverables or outcomes that you will accomplish.

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2.12 Any other suggestions?

3.0 Workplace Health & Safety Elaine

3.1Are you aware of the emergency codes for the


3.2If you require immediate assistance do you know how

to access help?

3.3 Do you know the number for hospital security?

3.4 Can you access hospital first aid supplies if required?

3.5Do you know how to report an unsafe/hazard in the


3.6Do you feel that any H&S concerns, such as outbreaks

are communicated to CCAC staff?


If you have any concerns re:air quality or air flow etc

do you know how to contact the appropriate hospital


3.8Are you aware of how to report an accident from the

hospital site to CCAC?

3.9Have you participated in Wellness initiatives this


a) If no, why?

3.10 Any suggestions to facilitate participation in wellness?

3.11 Would be interested in your own wellness committee?

4.0 Facilities Patricia

4.1Is your desk and chair adequate for your

desk/computer work?


Is your storage space adequate for your small

supplies of forms, manuals and medical


4.3Do you have access to the necessary areas for

washroom etc?


Do you feel safe in the hospital space

provided, in the parking lot, walking around

the hospital in general?

4.5 Is your office clean and orderly?


Do you use the cleaning supplies provided to

clean your desk area and commonly used


4.7Do you know how to access housekeeping and

maintenance for follow to room issues?


Do you use the CECCAC SMA to access

support for stationary supplies and other

necessary items?


Do you use the CECCAC SMA to request

items or report issues to your Facilities and

Purchasing Coordinators so they can arrange

a fix?

5.0 Summary

5.1 Summarize your experience

a) What are the trends?

b) Can the issues be fixed?

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Board Finance Committee Meeting –June 22, 2015 Page 1 of 4


MINUTES June 22, 2015

6:00 p.m. Teleconference

Teleconference: Patrick Connolly (Chair), Len Lifchus, Sylvia Patterson, Michelle

Rawnsley, Joe Bozec, Don Ford, Dave Stringer Recorder: Yvonne Norris 1.0 CALL TO ORDER 6:03 p.m.

1.1 Quorum Quorum was present.

1.2 Declaration Of Conflict (Policy Reference V-A-3) No declaration of conflict.




4.0 BUSINESS ARISING • Eliminate the historical deficit from predecessor CCAC – Completed YE

2014/15. • PS Tax Exemption Status Update – Discussions continue between the

provincial and federal government. It is the service provider’s responsibility to collect and pay the GST.

• Link to CECCAC policy and procedures – IT is testing a solution to implement this request.

Addition to Action Item Document

• Addressing the Peterborough restricted charitable donation dollars. ACTION: Stephen Kay is currently and will continue to review ways to address these donation dollars. Don Ford to provide an update at the September Board meeting.

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5.1 Payment of Obligations Report

This document shows at a glance that we are compliant with all of our payment, premiums, remittances and information requirements.

Minor revisions to this document were discussed and agreed upon by the Finance Committee. ACTION: Yvonne Norris to make changes to document moving forward.

5.2 Looking Ahead Document The CECCAC is currently running a small deficit. This document will be maintained for planning ahead purposes. The three identified ‘Anticipated Issues’ were discussed. Dave Stringer participated in a teleconference today to discuss the HBAM funding formula. Dave was informed that the HBAM funding letters will be sent to the LHINs shortly. Similar to last year, we are anticipating $2M as a result of HBAM. Potential allocation of these funds is highlighted in this document. A discussion arose on how to advocate for more money through this funding formula. Don Ford conveyed that there is a committee already in place which is a very active and aggressive venue for moving these concerns forward. Don Ford will be giving a presentation to the LHIN Board on June 24, 2015. Following this meeting the presentation will be posted for the CECCAC Board. ACTION: Robin Russell to post presentation on Board Portal.

5.3 Highlights of Q4 Finance Metrics The CECCAC YE Finance Metrics Comparison document compares Q4 2013/14 to Q4 2014/15. This information is pulled by the OACCAC from the CCAC’s MIS data submissions. Any significant variances were discussed. The YTD Finance Metrics – The March 31, 2015 document that shows stats for the larger CCACs; Central East CCAC, Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimant, Brant (HNHB) CCAC, Central CCAC, Toronto Central (TC) CCAC and Champlain (CHAM) CCAC, was reviewed.

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The Finance Metrics show: • High level comparisons for a variety of areas • Cost per Client, by service • Units per Client, by service • Individuals served, by service • Units Purchased, by service • Cost per Unit, by service

We are the 3rd largest funded CCAC. Cost and Units per Client is the data that contributes to our HBAM results.

5.4 Update on M-SAA Metrics to Q4 The CECCAC monitors two finance related metrics which are captured in our Multi-Sector Accountability Agreement (M-SAA).

• Service Variance to Budget metric which overall shows us at -3.6%

• Optimize Budget Utilization metric which shows 0%.

5.5 LHIN Benchmarking Two documents were provided for your information:

• The OACCAC, in collaboration with the LHINs, has produced a LHIN Benchmarking document. For ease of reading the CECCAC data has been highlighted in yellow.

• The CECCAC Snapshot report shows how we are doing in comparison to the previous timeframe.

5.6 Review of High Level Financial Analysis This document highlights new funding dollars and potential funding allocation options. Also emphasized is the increase in patient numbers, notably in high needs patients. A comparison table of “% of Active Patients by Patient Care Population’” was provided. To enhance this data the number of patients will be added. ACTION: Dave Stringer to update table. Surplus and Deficit by Project report was reviewed. Our Base is showing a $1.8M deficit 2 months in however we are still anticipating a balanced budget at year end.

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5.7 Detailed Month/YTD Financial Package (Discussion by Exception) Contracted Out Services, Medical Supplies, Medical Equipment are areas that may need corrective action. With the reopening of the Fairview LTCH in Whitby approximately 50 beds will be available for some of our higher needs clients.

6.0 NEXT MEETING September 30, 2015 Beginning in October moving to 3rd Wednesday of each month

7.0 ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING MOTION: TO ADJOURN MEETING AT 7:01PM MOVED: Len Lifchus CARRIED ___________________ __________________ Patrick Connolly, Chair Date

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5:03 p.m.


Present: Glenn Rogers, Barry Neil, Gary Lounsbury and Len Lifchus

Recorder: Don Ford

1. Call to Order

Glenn Rogers called the meeting to order at 5:27p.m.

2. Quorum A quorum was present.

3. Approval of Agenda


6.1 Review of Committee Evaluation Summary and recommendations received from Committee Chairs and report to the Board

MOVED: Gary Lounsbury


4. Declaration of Conflicts

G. Rogers asked for any declaration of conflicts. No were declared

5. Approval of the Minutes of previous meeting



MOVED: Barry Neil SECOND: Gary Lounsbury CARRIED

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Page 2 of 2

6. New Business

6.1. Review of Committee Evaluation Summary and

recommendations from Committee Chairs and Report to the


G. Rogers reviewed the results and noted that there were no critical

issues to be brought forward.

G. Rogers advised that the orientation process would be reviewed with

Committee Chairs, by the Governance Chair, as needed, and that the

Fall Orientation will cover in-depth, committee by committee, process.

Issues raised in the Finance Committee Evaluation will be followed up

by the Committee Chair. G. Rogers provided a summary update for

committee information.

G. Lounsbury reported on potential Executive Committee members and

Committee Chairs for the next year as information.

6.2. Board Recruitment Update

G. Lounsbury, L. Lifchus and G. Rogers will interview potential Board candidates during the last week in June.

7. Other Business


8. Next Meeting

September 9, 2015, 5:00pm

9. Adjournment MOTION: To adjourn the meeting at 5:50pm.

____________________ ___________________

Glenn Rogers, Chair Date