Central University of Jharkhand (Emblim by an Ac t of Parllamenl of India, 20 0 9) p4. m/Brambe, Ranchi-835205 No. CUJmm2N 9/y Date: @January. 2020 NOT IFICAT iON It m been obeierved fiom our records th a t some of the 1 rank holders, as listed with this mficatim h a ve not registered online fo r I st Convocation. In m rqgud, the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor is kind enough to permit these 1st rank holders to resim ives omine by p a yi n g Rs. 1,000/-extra along with th e prescribed convocation fi¢ te. Tb e y are i n fo m i e d to contact, th e examination section Mr registration at th e earliest. Copy}o: d PS to th e Vice Chancellor. 2.. University Website. Ratu-Lohardaga Road, Brambe, Rmchi-835205 ([rdia), Phone: 06531-294182

Cent ral Unive r s it y J har khand (Emb lim a n

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Central University of Jharkhand(Emblim by a n Ac t o f Pa rl l a m e n l o f I n d i a , 20 0 9)


p4. m/Brambe, Ranchi-835205

No . CUJmm2N 9/y Da te : @January. 2020


It m b een o b eierved fio m our rec o rd s th at so m e o f th e 1s¢ ra nk ho lde rs, as l iste d with this

mficatim ha ve n o t reg istered o n l in e fo r Ist

Co nvo ca tio n.

In m rqgud, the Ho n' ble Vice Cha nce llo r is kind en o ug h to pe rm it th ese 1st ra nk ho lde rs to

resim ives o m ine by pa ying Rs . 1,0 0 0 /-extra alo n g with th e pre scribe d co nvo ca tio n

fi¢ te. Tbey are info m ie d to c o n ta c t, th e e xa m ina tio n sec tio n Mr reg istratio n a t th e e a rlie st.

Copy}o:d PS to th e Vice Cha nce llo r.

2.. University We bsite .

Ra tu -L o h a rd a g a Ro a d , B ra m b e , Rm chi-835205 ([rd ia ), Ph o n e : 06531-294182

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