·. VOI.lD!E X:\XIIT (TWO noLJ i ARS PER YXAR 1 ) ..... ·. HARROft GH.\ CE i\FLil .. fi '892 I (SINGLE COPIE' 'fW ' CKNTS) NU.\IOF.lt 95 •• rOifft>F HAHnORGRACE Harbor>- · Grace - Pharmac Prices· away · Down ! MUNN BROS. Cheap ca _ sh Shop. Grace. · ' , F.STJ::I U:O. D<'c.1-8nml, J. Foote, Foraey, ::;ydney. 5 clnys,'l1Q . t ons COI\1-John Munn & <'o. Sclinn, lnkpen , do, 11 clny , 80 fbns t1o, 55 lll[)s Lut!A'r-16. 2-Atlnntnl Antll •, do, 203 tons do, 8 tbs buttcr-l o, , D ec G-Eflle M. JA'\k<', Duflitt, Syd n<'y, H dnys, cool- to. CJ.E, \REU. No,·. Glance, Hnyn <' s, Olnsgow, 7 8.1 cnsks, 151 tuns cod oil- John Munn .}G Co. Dec. :?.-Wi nliun, Tizl\rd, Pernnmbuco, drums, 1500 hi\ If drums codfish- do. G-Orion , Dtwis , Sydney, Lo.llnst--do. Is it ' But Christmas th e Plnce to buy you r Chriet.mns Goods and Presents is at Is. . . E. PARSONS! FANCY GOODS STORE. A full St ock of nll of Books, articles eu it n ble fo r Pre!'en ts, An- nuals, Christmas Cards. &c., on band. A liroitf'd etopk of L ocal View Cards sale. l Orders tak f' n for any of the popu· lar annea ls and tnllgRzines. Also-a large st ock of Furniture. which will be soltl very cheap to o ear out . Sbow-Room opens next week. n 2 COMi AND SEE IT I_ The Su b sc ri hor o ffe rs for at Pri ces fn r bel ow tho cu rrent ra.tes, th e fc-Ji ow ing Provisions & Groceries: Flour-nil brands nml rork- !J t st., Packet llccf, Ten, Butt cr -Cnnndinn, Oleo- good quali ty, l lr c nd-n os. 1 & 2. Hice, On tmcnl, Prime Bnrundos Pease, Rni s ins, Cu rr nnll!, 1' tJ ba ccn, Coflec, Kerosene Oi l. Cocon, Conf ectionery , Canned Cnn ned Fru it s, Pcnch• T om :1to•·s , Pineappl es, Pick k s, Pepper itr on l>el'l, GIO\"l' S, ass 1a, ::\utmeg, Cream Tnrtnr, Arr o wr ovt Barley, Carro way 'cetl , Dokint: Powder And oth er articles too num<' rous to mention. Fresb Stock of CHRISTMAS - GOODS to arrive. GT Freab Beef and Pork nlways in etook . 4• · E. WALKER, Water Street, Harbor Grace. D24i Just Received 1 FIVE BARREL8 Red and Silver Peel ONIONS 6 pound• for 20 een t.. 6 barrels Chotce Apples Vanilla, Orange, BISCUITS, A.m(trican Pilot and Soda. do. LEMONS C extra. \nl'ge) 40 c • • PER DOZElf. - OllANGES-16 per .t Grapes, Whole line Apples. 2 lb. tins, 26 ct. per tin, ltlinoed Coli apt 2-tbtin• A.lao-Barm 'Yeut !or ma)Qng bread, in 10 o, and I' full 1took of Groccri011, l'rovuiona alway• on hBnd. Beau Ideal-10 cept1 peJ' ..-All told b7 JOSEPH ROSS, W.4TER STREET, HARBOR GRACE ' Sund ay Hours-10 to 11 a.m.; to 3, 8 to 9 p.m. Water Street, 1585 -- Harbor Grace, Nfid. New- Goods. Just Receive-d --AT TilE-- Harbor Grace Stove and Hardware DEPOT. Proprietor. C. L. KENNEDY, Our Stock nf S fO\"E ; nnrl HARDW \RE is n ow com4 plet c. Tn STO\" ,, ·c hnv <' the diiTcrent. makes of local nnd foreign numufncture, coruprising , Hull. Cook ing. Church. nnd Pnrlor; also, Gothic Gmtes. and d11pli c ntc!l of the locnl m:\k<'s nlwoys k ept on hand. The st ock of H: lrdwnre il4 n lnrge one, nnd nny article-T ools .of nil k inds, Locks. lli ugrll , &c.- c.m lp hnd. FANCY GOODS nnd SOAPS kept iO. lnrge vnri £> ty. Toilet Soap«. n specia ltr. LA 1'. ' of nil desccipt i ot t:4 and pnces in stock, -frorn th e Chnndelic to th e smnli <'!>L or l'\i .; ht Lnmp. Ju this line we cnn suit nil purch!l-'era. Oil, W i<'ks, , A TI :\ \\' ARE. nnd PLUMIHNG busin<'ltsisconnect ocl with th e where nil ":ork in these lin es cAn he oxccutcd wi th n eatness nncl s.1tisfnrtion. ' ORDERS nlwnys t·cceiv e prompt att entio n. Tho fullest so.lis- faction gnnr:1ntced in nil C:\!! Cs . · · Water Street,- -- Harbor Grace. Boots & ShoeS . dny of Df:CEliBER, Mnils will be des- COOt! chenp nnd nt pntch ed from'"this tOffico. clos ing nt !l 298 Wate r St. St. John's n.m. on Mondnys. and .for . 1 1 Rnndom nnd Snuth's Sounds, 'fimlty , [ ="I GS OF 1m : Dw I:OilT.} C:nn linn. Bonnvi.tn._ Cove, nnd ndjllcent places, for Cl odc · ound, Alex· FRED . .":'\ ( AL l. WOOD, i 11 thnnking llnder Dny nnd Gambo. From the thr ee his custom £> r,; fo r th<' ir il<'gs to ln,st. nn med J,:Wnc<'a , mni ls wi ll be des- nC •JIIO i nt t h l' pulo lie of :-; t. nncl pntch ed weekly , to th e South side of ncighuori nl! lnc•:d i Lic 'R thn t !at il!, nfter Ronnvis to. Dlly, n 11 fl\ r ns Int1inn · Arm, to b£> ing burn t (lil t in th <' Into tire, ngo. in Salvnge, th ence to Gooseberry Jslnnds in the nnd n ei.J.thboring s ettl ement s, nnd to Boot and Shoe Business Side of Donl\vistn Bl\y, calling at' : 111cl 111 :1 \" l"ufuuntl R t 208 W ATER . T th: : l', (SJG:\ OF DIG BOO'l',) where is to sell Roots nnd Sh oes nt th e snmc o iJ rnt cs, nnd to give snt.iafncti on in e very pnrticulnr. Cust omers cnn on ob tnining th e Bcst.Vnluo t. bnt. t betr money can se- cure, and r eceiving the fullest n ttent. ion. 1/fiir Gi ve ou r ahop o. cnll nnd be auitcd. R emcmbor- 2!>8 Wl\lcr Street, Sign of th e Big Boot. F. Smallwood Dental Notice 1 Dr. LEHR expect. to len. ve town in a few weeks' ti m c,nnd will be absent some months. Per· sons r equiring--- DentAl work had better make it n point to call early and the ir waota attepded be }CI\VCI. Office at "Gordon" Lodge. Octl.S - ,\V wherefnr PHOTOQR"PII:tott iJo WOIU, 0"; lluo greueat book on eoall n!f • 100 1 000; rt: t •f' at 8,26 aol•. or h••• •ll· menl tj m•mmotb lllatti'Aiec:tcfrcalara and c .. rm• free• u.fly outpu t onr 1 600 Yl\ l11m111, A wild' whh eaee.-.,, )I r, Th""• L, llar1fn 1 Otn• tenllt1' 1 'hs, 1 c'oarod I•• 0 llfu Roat Ath111• 1 \Vooetor 0. ta dotl•re In <to mluult •; lto•v, 1, H \urJ lt .AIIon Lyon•, N. Y ,, 101 doll.rll lu 1 IJ••I;Irl i a \l.. m...-ulllOo!nl . outnc Boc'lll11 nn er .edll 1 paid Adilre11 ot.oe lllt.ole l' ljllll• " If 0••. N,., i'i8 Ch t'l l llllt ., l'bll•., P•., nr Me n ... ,\ooru Sr., OhfCIIt"r 11!, .. ' TilE Fnir I slnnd.Senmbler's Cove nne! Greens· pond. Mails will nlso bo do spntchccl from Greenspon<! to Pooles' Jslnnd, and nil settlements to Cape Freels nn<.l Cnt H nrbor, nod to Musgrave Had.w>r, in the district of Foil(). A mail Officer will be o the Hnll'a Bay ' I'rain in chl\rge o mat o.ud tho trnnao.ction of Postal uaine . J. 0. FRASER, P.M.G. Gene 1 Poet Office, ·St. hn'a.Nov. 16. POST OFFICE NOTIOE. ON ANQ . 4FTER ltfONDAY, 28th day oC Mnils wiij be des- patched from the General P 011t Office, closing nt 9 n.m. naW'ollowa :-on Mon- day, Wcdneadny nl)d Friday; to Bay-de- Verde and int crmcdinto piRC<'I in th o diatriot,excepting Frr shwnter, for wltioh place there is o. dnilv maU. To H ear t-.. Content and So\lth Shore ofTrini ty Blly, toShonl Bny and intennediAtc plncea, and to nildo, Hnr-- bor, B11y, and Shoal Bny, con· necting wJth c ... urier from H ea rt'• Con- tent. On nnd after · 5th Decem- ber maJI• will bedeepatopea onl{onday• nnd Yjn Dildo, for Old ShJ)p, Spread Eagle, Oh llpel Arm, NonnM's Cove, Colller'4 Bay Cove, Tickle Hnrbor, Chance CQve 4rid &nt.em, and by Hall'• Bay Raihrayd >_ n Mondnya, for Arnold'• Cove apd J. 0. FJlASER, Ge neJ'Bl Office, l'fov. _, Byrne's EookstJre. (Opposite Post Offlce ) Fuil StoQk of all kinds Prime Coals I . . N w landing ex Orion, and for Mle 0 . Oar2o of Coals A•. ltUTHEBF0 11 D, - .. ., '-J r LAdic.' and GenLlemen' Card Ouee, Pocket Booka, Cigar Ouee, Local View Card1, China & GlASa Vuca lano7 and Kuataohe and Saucel'l A. laJP ot IDk 8tA00. "hu1 Ooodl &o menUon. ..... Account and Blnuk BOUl(i -all . sizes ; Peua, and Penpile in varieti. We nre s howin g the posRible value in Gent's L aced B oots o.t $1.70, S2, 2 30, 2.89, 3.50 and &5 pPr pair. Gent's Long Hubber L:tdies' L aced, BuUonod nnd E, S. Bpotl!, Ladies' Ru bbers. · Splendid aqRortrnent of Gen l'tJ Sco tch L. W. UndPr ·c lothin g; Gloves, SCSi r fs, Pins, White and Regnttn Shirt::§, Col11ns, Handkerchiefs etc. A 1 ways on band, Men's '1\ •ee•l n nd Diagonal su its frl)lll t3 .50 tu 814.00. G<'nt'e Overcoa.t s, R ee fers. Boys Twoerl Suits, Reefers . Cape Ul sters. Just Reclli ve d , n second s hipm e nt of Furs Collare tlcs. Boal. Lndies' 3-4 lin ti es n nd Ul 11ters, C bildren's Uls tt:rs, Muff s, Wqol Sq uar es, Astrachan Trimming, et c. We have a st oc k of White, Sc arl e t, Gr ey , and Fnncy Flannels, Twe ed and Dingo nnl S uitin ge, and J\ ff'w pni r of all wool- Blankets which wi II he offered to cash pu rchtts" r tl nt prices lowl'r thnn the lo west. Look out for the Red and White Sign for Cheapest GOODS in town. . the · fl .- I Goto . SQUIRES' MUNN BROS. Bofo< , .• ., Buy' " "' 25 PER CENT ! Annual Sale Stock and Pr 1 ces wi ll take place e arli e r t!1is yea r, as we intend making some alt e rations an tl. improYe ments in our bu sin ess place . . ns th ey nr c J•rop •reel to supply your \\"nnts nt chcnper rntcs thnn nny store in Harbor Gmc e. liS-On hnnJ , nmlto nrrivc, 400 brls Choice New-FLOUR, ses, Pork, fh: ef Pease, H.icc and evcryt h in;.r in the Grocery n11d Pi ·ovision line. JEir()ur 1I ott o-Smnll Profits nnd Quick Returns. -a A. SQUIRES, \\' ntc1· St rcl"t, · H urb o t· (; 1 nee. Commencing on November 26th, I we will off er al l classes of Goods nt n r en uction of TWE NTY-FlVE PER CENT. We kee p such n Vl\ried Stnc\t that you can be s ure of gett- ing eYery thin g you wnnlnnelnt p rices that will ns tooiah you . AA we wn nt tn make n9 larg e a cl earance ns possible. WON- OERFU L BARGAIN::) will Le {t i ven espr ciu lly in Ladi es' Ulsters , 3·4 Jn ckel s. Rubber Clon k P, Felt W ool Sq uares, &c. R ememLe r the ntldres3, nnd come ea rly . ' M. J. JONES, 93 WATER_ STREET. W. H. THOMPSON & CO, I .. . - N()'I'tcg! Wholesale and Retail _ . Tbe I Jrg to inform lb u trnde thn l li n ving j II !It put llp n new and i 111 provecl for th e6l)anu fnclu re of MU NN"S iquid FISH CLUE, they a re prepa red to fill onlr rs fM nuy qunntity,- -in rnsks froltl 5 to l Ognl l ons; in onns frot:1 i gall v nto 1 pint; aldo, in 1 nn e! 2 oz \Ju ll le:1 oy th e:g ro. R. We Challenge the Strength of this u rlicl'c nguin st nil Compcti· tore. & CO .. '\ lf AttDOrt URACE Mn nu fncL·..trcd L)\ F. \V. GoJ .DE n, nt th e llen ch Preru ises, llurbor U rue<: J'2Gtf TO BE LET! That Cottage s ituAt ed on the west aide of Le· 1\larchont St r et!.t, lat ely occupied by Mr. A. Wn.soN. Tm mediat l'oeses- &ion g i ven. Apply to Oct.27tf A. T. p RYSDALE. ) ----- OutP.ort Orders personally and promptly attende4 -' to . Pr escriptions carefully compounded. ATT E:\D AN CE ON SuNUAY s- 10 to ll to 3 and 8 to 9 p.m. ESTABLISHED - -- 1855 JOHNSTON's Fluid BEEF. -- -- - ··-·· - -·- - Supplies all the elements of Prime Beef needed to form F,lesh, and Bone. The und cra;aucd nrc prep,. in! a full stock of nnd Twine of th eil' ow s tt it ab c t r the t1nd La' rndor of 8V3 , nnd iuvit fnvorable atten· Outport nnd locl\1 work prOJTlptly nnd •ion ot th e r pRtrous 0 11 th. } F; !anu. atiafactorjly to. 1 Pa.rticulnl' nttention aiven to the ma king of Cod Traps and M. Searle, Watch Maker and Jewelmr. WATI{R STREET, HARBOR . GRACE, , nd Hol'l'inf! Twq dool'8 wcet. of 'tcte " grnph omce. l tV" Prices nnd sntisfnctory. PJqat Office· Notice! 1 LABRADoR William. Stow-e, Mail .. S vi . Glo ucester Net and Twine Co., 94 CoD191ercia.l St., 9l' 09. Boston, Mass. ltA.1L8 will be dcepntohed from thi1 Offioo, via Qutlbeo, for Lf>brndor, on or a\)out 26th 14th Decemb er, 10th ,.n'd 21ith Jnnuary, 1898.Lettcra fnlly paid ,tll be forwArded, but NO · J. 0. FRASER, P. M. G, Gonf'r.ll P011t Office } Jotm'e Oct. 1892 oct. 28. William Ryan, - CUSTOM TAILOR Suth•C I\tcion gunrnnlocd in cut, Quill· I ty and prioo. Water St, Grace CAUTION PLUG OF 'Clll :C MYRTLE NAVY f & B. IN BRONZE LETT!l:RS OTHER POST OFFICE NOTICE. AJJ,Al( LilfE NBWPOtJliDLAIID SEB.VIOB. CHANGE OF S.All.INGS. Wednesday,Sop.2l Satu rday, Sept. 24 Wcdnoeday, Oct. 6 Sat\lrday, Oct. 8 Wednesday, Nov. 2 Saturday, Nov •. 6. Wedneslla •, Nov.l6 Baturda , NOY.1 9. Prom Montr enl to II<' rom John's tu L Joh o'a: Live 1: No chango i11 proJ>08ed in ailing oC aleamer frOm B&ltimore aDd :K.alil"u c.alling her o for Uvcnpool, .whlGh Will · be:- Y, 1,. WEDNE3DAY, October 26. WEDNDDAY I Deoelnber 7, J._ o. I'BAaa .P.II.G .. Oeaertll'ol• CMIDi, 11;6.· •, · · '

CENT PR~~I~J~NS ~ftci~t~~ng Prcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18921206.pdf · Lndies' 3-4 ~T lin ties nnd Ul11ters, Cbildren's Ulstt:rs, Muffs, Wqol Squares,

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Page 1: CENT PR~~I~J~NS ~ftci~t~~ng Prcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18921206.pdf · Lndies' 3-4 ~T lin ties nnd Ul11ters, Cbildren's Ulstt:rs, Muffs, Wqol Squares,




HARROft GH.\ CE i\FLil .. 'ITE~D .\Y, llJc:!'E~IBI•: It fi '892 I



Harbor>- ·Grace - Pharmac Prices·away·Down ! MUNN BROS. Cheap ca_sh Shop. Ha~bor Grace. ·


, F.STJ::IU:O. D<'c.1-8nml, J. Foote, Foraey, ::;ydney.

5 clnys,'l1Q . tons COI\1-John Munn & <'o.

Sclinn, lnkpen, do, 11 clny , 80 fbns t1o, 55 lll[)s Lut!A'r-16.

2-Atlnntnl Antll•, do, 203 tons do, 8 tbs buttcr-l o, ,

Dec G-Eflle M. JA'\k<', Duflitt, Sydn<'y, H dnys, cool- to.

CJ.E,\REU. No,·. 2H.-8pn.-klin~ Glance, Hnyn<'s,

Olnsgow, 78.1 cnsks, 151 tuns cod oil­John Munn .}G Co.

Dec. :?.-Winliu n, Tizl\rd, Pernnmbuco, 2·>·~ drums, 1500 hi\ If drums codfish­do.

G-Orion, Dtwis, Sydney, Lo.llnst--do.

Is it Coming~ ~ - Contederation. ~ '

But Christmas ~tnd the C~npcst Plnce to bu y your Chriet.mns Goods and Presents is at



A full Stock of nll kind~ of Books, articles euitn ble for Pre!'ents, An­nuals, Christmas Cards. &c., on

• band. A liroitf'd etopk of L ocal View

Cards fo~ sale. l Orders tak f'n for any o f the popu·

lar anneals and tnllgRzines. Also-a large stock of Furniture.

which will be soltl very cheap t o o ear out .

Sbow-Room opens next week. n


tll~a~ Pr~vi~i~n~. The Subscri hor o ffers for ~nle at

Prices fn r belo w tho current ra.tes, the fc-Ji owing

Provisions & Groceries: Flour-nil brands nml ~rodts, r ork- !Jt st., Packet llccf, Ten, Su~nr. Buttcr-Cnnndinn, Oleo- good quali ty, llrcnd-nos. 1 & 2. Hice, Ontmcnl, Prime Bnrundos ~foln sscs, Pease, Rnisins, Currnnll!, 1'tJbaccn, ~oap. Coflec, Kerosene Oil. \\"a~hinJ.. ~otln Cocon, Confectionery, Canned ~Icnts Cnn ned Fruits, Pcnch• ~. Tom:1to•·s , Pineapples, Pickk s, ~lusturd, Pepper

itron l>el'l, GIO\"l'S, G in~cr, ass1a, ::\utmeg, Cream Tnrtnr, Arrowrovt Barley, Carro way 'cetl, Dokint: Powder And other articles too num<'rous to

mention. Fresb Stock of

CHRISTMAS - GOODS to arrive.

GT Freab Beef and Pork nlways in etook. •

4• ·E. WALKER, Water Street, • Harbor Grace. D24i

Just Received 1 FIVE BARREL8

Red and Silver Peel ONIONS 6 pound• for 20 eent..

6 barrels Chotce Apples Vanilla, Orange, BISCUITS, A.m(trican Pilot and Soda. do. LEMONS C extra. \nl'ge) 40 c

• • PER DOZElf. -

OllANGES-16 ct~ per d~. .t Grapes,

Whole line Apples. 2 lb. tins, 26 ct. per tin, ltlinoed Coli apt 2-tbtin•

A.lao-Barm 'Yeut !or ma)Qng bread, in 10 o, pac~w. and I' full 1took of Groccri011, l'rovuiona ~nd Tob~eco

~ alway• on hBnd. Beau Ideal-10 cept1 peJ' p~ge,

..-All told ehC~LP b7



Sunday Hours-10 to 11 a.m.; 2· to 3, 8 to 9 p.m.

Water Street, 1585

- - Harbor Grace, Nfid.

New- Goods. Just Receive-d --AT TilE--

Harbor Grace Stove and Hardware DEPOT. Proprietor. C. L. KENNEDY,

Our Stock nf S fO\"E ; nnrl GE~~~-RAL HARDW \RE is now com4 pletc. Tn STO\" £~ ,,·c hnv<' the diiTcrent. makes of local nnd foreign numufncture, coruprising,Hull. Cooking. Church. nnd Pnrlor; also, Gothic Gmtes. Cnsti~ and d11plicntc!l of the locnl m:\k<'s nlwoys kept on hand.

The stock of H :lrdwnre il4 n lnrge one, nnd nny article-Tools .of nil kinds, Locks. lliugrll, ~:lils, &c.- c.m lp hnd. FANCY GOODS nnd SOAPS kept iO. lnrge vnri £>ty. Toilet Soap«. n specialtr.

LA ~r 1'. ' of nil desccipt iott:4 and pnces in stock,-frorn the L:u~e Chnndelic to the smnli<'!>L Xutml'~ or l'\i .;ht Lnmp. Ju this line we cnn suit nil purch!l-'era. Oil, W i<'ks, .~ c. ,

A TI :\ \\'ARE. COPPER·S~ri'fH nnd PLUMIHNG busin<'ltsisconnect ocl with the E.<~tnl.>lishmcnt, where nil ":ork in these lines cAn he oxccutcd wi th neatness promptnc~<s nncl s.1tisfnrtion. • ' JQJ-OUT I'O l~T ORDERS nlwnys t·cceive prompt attention. Tho fullest so.lis-

fa ction gnnr:1ntced in nil C:\!! Cs . · ·

Water Street,- - - Harbor Grace.

Boots & ShoeS I I P~s!o~=~~~:;,~:; . dny of Df:CEliBER, Mnils will be des-

COOt! chenp nnd Rcl ~:~hl r nt pntched from'"this tOffico. closing nt !l 298 Water St. St. John's n.m. on Mondnys. and Thun~d:I\"~· .for

. 1 1 Rnndom nnd Snuth's Sounds, 'fimlty, [="IGS OF 1m: Dw I:OilT.} C:nnlinn. Bonnvi.tn._ Kin~s Cove, nnd

-~~- ndjllcent places, for Clodc · ound, Alex· FRED . .":'\ (ALl. WOOD, i 11 thnnking llnder Dny nnd Gambo. From the three

his custom £>r,; for th<' ir ~upport, il<'gs to ln,st. nnmed J,:Wnc<'a, mni ls will be des­nC•JIIOint thl' pulolie of :-;t. Jnhn "t~ nncl pntched weekly, to the South s ide of nc ighuorinl! lnc•:d i Lic' R thn t !at• il!, nfter Ronnvisto. Dlly, n11 fl\r ns Int1inn ·Arm, to b£>ing burnt (lil t in th<' Into tire, ngo. in Salvnge, thence to Gooseberry Jslnnds i n the nnd nei.J.thboring settlements, nnd to Boot and Shoe Business ~orth Side of Donl\vistn Bl\y, calling at'

:111cl 111:1 \" l"u• fuu ntl R t 208 WATER . T th: t·: l', (SJG:\ OF DIG

BOO'l',) where is pr~pnrcd to sell Roots nnd Shoes nt the snmc oiJ rntcs, nnd to give snt.iafnction in every pnrticulnr.

Customers cnn rei~ on obtnining the Bcst.Vnluo t.bnt. tbetr money can se­cure, and receiving the fullest n ttent.ion.

1/fiir Give our ahop o. cnll nnd be auitcd. Remcmbor-2!>8 Wl\lcr Street, Sign of the Big Boot.

F. Smallwood Dental Notice 1

Dr. LEHR expect. to len. ve town in a few weeks' ti m c,nnd will be absent some months. Per· sons requiring--- DentAl work had better make it n point to call early and h~ve their waota attepded ~before be }CI\VCI.

Office at "Gordon" Lodge. Octl.S

- ,\V ANT~O-Wioll'·,••lr,. wnrk~re e•er)~ wherefnr ",A~P l''S PHOTOQR"PII:tott iJo WOIU, 0"; lluo greueat book on ~rib ; eoall n!f • 1001000; rt:t•f' at 8,26 aol•. e~ah or h••••ll· menltj m•mmotb lllatti'Aiec:tcfrcalara and c .. rm• free• u.fly output onr 1600 Yl\l11m111, A ~rente wild' whh eaee.-.,, )I r, Th""• L, llar1fn1 Otn• tenllt1'1 'hs,1 c 'oarod iil~ I•• 0 d~y~; llfu Roat Ath111•1 \Vooetor 0 . ta dotl•re In <to mluult •; lto•v, 1, H \urJ lt .AIIon L yon•, N. Y ,, 101 doll.rll lu 1 IJ••I;Irl i a \l .. uc~ou; m...-ulllOo!nl. outnc onl~·~dotl~r, Boc'lll11 nn er.edll1 Frel"~' paid Adilre11 ot.oe lllt.ole l'ljllll• " If 0••. N,., i'i8 C ht'll llll t ~ . , l'bll•., P•., nr Me n ... ,\ooru Sr., OhfCIIt"r 11!, t~v·!P~U

.. ' A~ TilE

Fnir Islnnd.Senmbler's Cove nne! Greens· pond. Mails will nlso bo dospntchccl from Greenspon<! to Pooles' Jslnnd, and nil settlements to Cape Freels nn<.l Cnt H nrbor, nod to Musgrave Had.w>r, in the district of Foil(). A mail Officer will be o the Hnll'a Bay 'I'rain in chl\rge o mat o.ud tho trnnao.ction of Postal

uaine . J. 0. FRASER, P.M.G.

Gene 1 Poet Office, ·St. hn'a.Nov. 16.


day oC ~i:ltnER, Mnils wiij be des­patched from the General P011t Office, closing nt 9 n.m. naW'ollowa :-on Mon­day, Wcdneadny nl)d Friday; to Bay-de­Verde and intcrmcdinto piRC<'I in tho diatriot,excepting Frrshwnter, for wltioh place there is o. dnilv maU. To H eart-.. Content and So\lth Shore ofTrini ty Blly, toShonl Bny and intennediAtc plncea, and to nildo, ~ew H~trbor,Green'• Hnr-­bor, Wltle~ B11y, and Shoal Bny, con· necting wJth c ... urier from H eart'• Con­tent. On nnd after ~ondayJ ·5th Decem­ber maJI• will bedeepatopea onl{onday• nnd Thur.d~y., Yjn Dildo, for Old ShJ)p, Spread Eagle, Ohllpel Arm, NonnM's Cove, Colller'4 Bay Cove, Tickle Hnrbor, Chance CQve 4rid &nt.em, and by Hall'• Bay Raihrayd>_n Mondnya, for Arnold'• Cove apd J.a~nche.

J. 0. FJlASER, P.~.G. GeneJ'Bl P~t Office, 8~. Jotln'~ l'fov. ~. _,

Byrne's EookstJre. (Opposite Post Offlce )

Fuil StoQk of all kinds

Prime Coals I FANc~~~r~E~.zAAR, ST~TIONERY

. . N w landing ex Orion, and for Mle0

.A· Oar2o of Coals A •. ltUTHEBF011D, - .. .,



LAdic.' and GenLlemen'• Card Ouee, Pocket Booka, Cigar Ouee, Local View Card1, China & GlASa Vuca lano7 and Kuataohe Oq~ and Saucel'l A. laJP l~ ot IDk 8tA00. "hu1 Ooodl &o DUpj~ menUon.

..... Jf~JJ~·

Account and Blnuk BOUl(i -all . sizes ; Peua, Pt~r•laoldu~ and Pen pile in g~at. varieti.

q4~J\ETT ~y N~.

W e nre s howing the be~t posRible value in Gent's L aced Boots o.t $1.70, S2, 2 30, 2.89, 3.50 and &5 pPr pair.

Gent's Long Hubber Boo~a, L:tdies' L aced, BuUonod nnd E, S. Bpotl!, Ladies' Rubbers. ·

Splendid aqRortrnent of Gen l'tJ Scotch L. W. UndPr·c lothing; Gloves, SCSir fs, Pins, White and Regnttn Shirt::§, Col11ns, Handkerchiefs etc.

A 1 ways on band, Men's '1\ •ee•l nnd Diagonal s u its frl)lll t3.50 tu 814.00. G<'nt'e Overcoa.ts, Reefers. Boys Twoerl Suits, Reefers. Cape U lsters. Just R eclli ved , n second shipment of Furs Collare tlcs. Boal. Muff~, Lndies' 3-4 ~T lin ties n nd U l11te rs , Cbildren's Ulst t:rs, Muffs , Wqol

Squares, Astrachan Edgin~ ·nnrl Trimming, etc. We have a lar~o stock of White, Scarlet, G rey, and Fnncy Flannels,

Tweed and Dingonnl Suitinge, and J\ ff'w pnir of all wool-Blankets which wi II he offered to cash pu rchtts"rtl nt prices lowl'r thnn the lo west.

Look out for the Red and White Sign for Cheapest GOODS in town. .

the ·fl .- I

Goto.SQUIRES' MUNN BROS. Bofo< , .• ., Buy'""' 25 PER CENT !

PR~~I~J~NS Annual ~ftci~t~~ng Sale Stock and Pr1• ces will take place earlie r t!1is year , as we intend making some

alt e rations antl. improYements in our business place . . ns they nrc J•rop •reel to supply your \\"nnts nt chcnper rntcs thnn nny store in Harbor Gmce.

liS-On hnnJ, nmlto nrrivc,

400 brls Choice New-FLOUR, ~l o l ru ses, Pork, fh:ef Pease,

H.icc and evcryt h in;.r in the Grocery n11d Pi·ovision line. JEir()ur 1Iotto-Smnll Profits nnd Quick

Returns. -a A. SQUIRES,

\\' ntc1· St rcl"t, · H urbo t· (; 1 nee.

Commencing on SATURDAY~ November 26th, I

we will offer al l classes of Goods nt n r en uction of TWENTY-FlVE PER CENT. W e keep such n Vl\ried Stnc\t that you can be s ure of gett­ing eYery thing yo u wnnlnnelnt prices that will nstooiah you .

AA we wnn t tn make n9 large a clearance ns possible. ·SO~tE WON­OERFU L BARGAIN::) will Le {tiven esprciu lly in Ladies' Ulsters, 3·4 Jnckels. Rubber Clonk P, Felt llut~. Fur.~, W ool Squares, &c.

RememLer the ntldres3, nnd come early .



I ..

. -N()'I'tcg! Wholesale and Retail Druggist~· _ . Tbe unuer~>ignerl IJrg to inform

lbu trnde thn l lin ving j II !It put llp n ne w and i 111 provecl ~lnchinery for the6l)anufnclu re of


L·iquid FISH CLUE, they a re prepared to fill onlrrs fM nuy qunntity,--i n rnsks froltl 5 to l Ognl lons; in onns frot:1 i gallvnto 1 pint; aldo, in 1 nne! 2 oz \Jull le:1 oy th e:gro. R.

We Challenge the Strength of this urlicl'c nguinst nil Compcti· t ore.

JOH~ ~t tT:\ N & CO .. '\ lf AttDOrt URACE

Mnnu fncL·..trcd L)\ F . \V. GoJ.DEn , nt the llench Preru ises, llurbor U rue<:


TO BE LET! That Cottage

situAted on the west aide of Le· 1\larchont Stret!.t, lately occupied by Mr. A. Wn.soN. Tm mediat l 'oeses­&ion g iven. Apply to

Oct.27tf A. T. p RYSDALE.

~ ) -----

OutP.ort Orders personally and promptly attende4 -'to. Prescriptions carefully compounded.

ATT E:\DANCE ON SuNUAYs- 10 to ll a m ;~ to 3 and 8 to 9 p.m.

ESTABLISHED - - - 1855


----- ··-·· - -·- -Supplies all the elements of Prime Beef

needed to form F,lesh, Mu~le and Bone.

FISHERIE~, • 1893~ The undcra;aucd nrc prep,. in! a full stock of N~tting nnd

Twine of theil' ow mauufnctn n~, sttitab c t r the ~ewfoundland t1nd La' rndor Fi~hcl"ics of 8V3, nnd iuvit ~ the fnvorable atten·

Outport nnd locl\1 work prOJTlptly nnd •ion ot the r pRtrous 0 11 th. }F;!anu. • atiafactorjly nt~ended to.

1 Pa.rticulnl' nttention a iven to t he making of Cod Traps and

M. Searle, Watch Maker and Jewelmr.

WATI{R STREET, HARBOR. GRACE, ~einea, , nd Hol'l'inf! ~uts, Twq dool'8 wcet. of 'tcte"grnph omce. ltV" Prices nnd term~t sntisfnctory.

PJqat Office· Notice! 1 LABRADoR William. Stow-e,

Mail.. S vi . Gloucester Net and Twine Co., 94 CoD191ercia.l St., 9l' 09. Boston, Mass.

ltA.1L8 will be dcepntohed from thi1 Offioo, via Qutlbeo, for Lf>brndor, on or a\)out 26th ~ovember, 14th December, 10th ,.n'd 21ith Jnnuary, 1898.Lettcra fnlly paid ,tll be forwArded, but NO PAPEl~S ORPA~OELS. ·

J. 0 . FRASER, P. M. G, Gonf'r.ll P011t Office } ~. Jotm'e Oct. 1892 oct. 28.

William Ryan, -CUSTOM TAILOR

Suth•CI\tcion gunrnnlocd in cut, Quill· I ty and prioo.

Water St, ~arbor Grace

CAUTION 1~4\,(Jll PLUG OF 'Clll:C







Wednesday,Sop.2l Saturday, Sept. 24 Wcdnoeday, Oct. 6 Sat\lrday, Oct. 8 Wednesday, Nov. 2 Saturday, Nov •. 6. Wedneslla •, Nov.l6 Baturda , NOY.19.

Prom Montrenl to II<' rom ~t. John's tu L Joho'a: Live 1:

No chango i11 proJ>08ed in ailing oC aleamer frOm B&ltimore aDd :K.alil"u c.alling hero for Uvcnpool, .whlGh Will· be:-WED~DA Y, ~ 1,. WEDNE3DAY, October 26. WEDNDDAY I Deoelnber 7,

J._ o. I'BAaa .P.II.G .. Oeaertll'ol• CMIDi, 11;6.· •, ~ · ·


Page 2: CENT PR~~I~J~NS ~ftci~t~~ng Prcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18921206.pdf · Lndies' 3-4 ~T lin ties nnd Ul11ters, Cbildren's Ulstt:rs, Muffs, Wqol Squares,

-.. -. -.. - .. . , __ .. . w .... _ •


·-=p-'~A-: -.ug·: 1;1.st . I'LOllDO_NLETTEB.

U. (FRO~ m·n ~r.£CIU CO~POSDENT.)

Fl '' Since my I RilL letter there hu heen n

tl\\.:0 0\'er the CO\IIItry. 1'he1"0 is thu usual conflicting evidence ns to tho worth of Uganda. Cn · ono side it. iii said it. is a lRnd suitod to wlumt and com mising, to say nothing of tobacco nnd cott.on ; on the o~her it is staLed tv be almoet worthless. for Europcnn ect­tlemcnt, nntl only of valuq as a meAns of cutting oil' the suppliea'Olj the eltwe­trntlerd. If it i::1 of such VKluo Rd •he ad­,·ocal<'s of retention say it i::1, 'Lis nHher astonishing tho Britidb East African CompAny sl\ould want to g ive it up, and confine their trading operntions to the coaat. Iu n!J probability it is of som e vnlue, but it will entail the old weary storv of En~liah 80idicre going tbero to die· of Afrtcau fevor and sun-stroko, and perhnptt in nnother fifty years we shn!J ha vo a settlemeut theru something like Sjorra leone and \he:Guinea coaat.

. ower mnrkctldcercnse in th och olem npidr.mic in Eu pr. This, of course, id lnr~tely dno to hr colu w<>nthf.'r srftin~ in. bnt 11nothr outbr~ak is fe."ared with the nr·

What Is This is the qu: ry ~­petually on your ltttle boy's lips. And be is no w orse than the big­ger, older, balder-head-

It For.?

ed boys. Life is au interrogati~n point. · " What is it for?" we con­tinually cry from the cradle to the grave. So with this little introduc­tory sermon we tUm and ask : ''What is AUGUST FLOWER FOR?" As easily a nswered as ask ed: It is for-Dys­pepsia. It is n special remedy for the Stomach a nd Liver. 'Nothing more than this; but this brimful. \Ve believe August Flower cures Dyspepsia. \Ve know it will. We have reas~ for kuowing it. Twenty years ago it started in a small COUll try town. To-day it bas no h onored place in every city a nd country store, possesses one"Qf the brgest manu­fac turing plants in the country and sells c \·crywhere. Why is this? The

· reason is as simple as a• child's thought. It is honest, does one thing, and d oes it right along-it cures Dyspepsia. 9 G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N.J.





tn 'tbe I~ hosPitala In tho worldt!'~dcd OYU b7 t bO mOIL AklllfUI or 11¥111& pny1lclan,o. tbo lngTedlenta aro pn!~erltK-d moro t.bJW twtoou otteA u aU othe111 pa~ tOi!ether. •




And CT"eiJ other S,-mp1.-.m «r D~nso t hAt recut c. tromnn,y DI!!Order or tbo

Stomach, Liver or Bowels, ntpans Tnbnlcs bnn u b pain anti prolon~: lire. lllpanJ Tabules ron la in nothing tbllt can bo ln­

Jurlo!H to tho mo-t delle:\ I e. IUPA"-• Ta.bulea ""' plra...nnt t o t a lte. ~are 4Dd lll-

\Tfre ~'it~:;e~0~.:1::ifl~~;;.-11~i~~:rr•··· r otr~red to the pulllle. ClrcuiAn IK'Dt on OJ•I>II<'Mhm.

Exprrll'nt't.-d ant\ thuroul!hly t)Uallne-1 phytlcl· lin& An- cnnn<'Cll-d with tbe Hlpnu~ Ch~mlcal Com· pan)', lltld patlcnUI 1\1'1' lnvltrd IO writ" fo r iJ>"elftl lnJi ruc:llons In )'le<'UIIar Cl\.I!Cll. Th,.lr 11'1101'11 w ill r t'Celvu such AltcuUou lUI tboy n.'<)ulr,., f re<l ot

eb:l~•-a keep Rlvn n" Tnbulf'~ In th.- hN!IIO nod w hen ,~ou lr:1\d t: L:c flt,mo wltb ~ ou. Tht·r. o.re uut up" in Am tall ,·l nl~ . \\ ltl ·h mu)· llf• t.~.>n,·t·n · ently clUTie<l ln tbc H~t P·~kc\ or l•'ruo .. un:lll'.

Sold hr Drtl!;!tltU, or-;::;;-; b,· mnll In tbo follow­Ing QUIUllltlea u pon n '<"\:lpt of 1 rl ''<'. 1 Bottle, • 16 cents., 12 Bottles, - S 1.~5 6 Botttu, • 75 cenll . 24 Bottle~. • 2 .1:10



-Higgins' Hair- Dressing

Rooms'~ [Two doore Wl:'st ( oi the Telc·grn ph < 11lice J WATER TREET, HARBOR GRACE.

Visitors nn1l t nn·<'llers en 11 rei" on having their requ i re mr ntua tisfactori ly nttendcd to.

P. HIGGINS, Proprietor.


Assurance -·Co. Established 1· 36.

LOXDON : 1. MORGATE STR_t;E'f, - · F:. C.

l!\CO~!E A~D FU~D!i (1887.) Fire Premiume ....................... £007,000 Life Premiums................... .... 197,000 lnt.ere8t...... ..... . . . ... . . ... . . . ..... . . . 148,000 Accumulated Funds ........ .... .£3,421,000

• f . I The Undersigned nre em powereu to cflcct iosllronces on all kinds of Pro­pet1y in Newfoundland nt current. Ratu of Premiwns. ·

• The above Company is well·known for its libemlity anti p romptness io seuliog I ONes.

Prnpeetueee Fomta of ll~Jplicntion for Jire and Lire lnsuranoe, Rnd nil otner information can be obtained -~ the office or

A. 0. HAYWARD, ST. JonN's,

A1_~t for NFLD. W. H. TfJO)trSQN,

· Sub-Agent for Harbor O~co

To be Let.

rirnl of sprinJ!. Durin~ tho rpi•lemic. Hnmbu lost 7800 prrsons, out of 18,000 cues. ~n Bud" Pesth, the deAths still n_vem go 8_ or !} ~dRy, but t~1~re !lrc 81gtla o unprovem t. The \' ISitntJOn seems o have been confined to North­ern Eurppe, the southern count riea h n v­ing so far escaped. They have in all truth h~cl wnrnitig enough to set their houses 1n ortlcr, but witli the return of spring fill come t.l1o dan~er for them. Should an outbreak occur, it will be bod for Eurdpean visitors to the ChiCAgo Ex­hibiloionl; it is difficult to see hO'I\' the United States can relax ita quarantine rC.'rlliAti j>ns.

'fh6 incoming nud the retiring LorJ Mftyors have both agreed to keep the .Mai1sion H ouso Fund for tho sufferers by the fire in St. John's, open for som o time longer, reprcscntAtion8ofthe great need of tllO people h a.ving bcenmaile to them ; bitt the Yf.'ILr has urought 80 mnny disAstore, C11ll ing for help in money, that. ne w casualtiCll soon C!\usc o ld ones to bu forgotten.

Tho Go,·ernment lrnve nt lnst been pre\'llilc~ upon to p roh ibit the import'}· tion of h\'e cattle from CnnRda, and tt is expected to gi ve_ u great..' impetus to the dead mel\t tr11.dc. G. A.

Marooned on Roncadot.

TI1c c~lony of New Ze11llmd is Atlrl\ct­ing n ~~ den! of nt.tention ju8t now in the o ld ountry by ita legislAtion with regard o the unemployed, of whom there SCfm!'l to be a coneiderable num­ber. Til-:! GoYemm cnt nre mnking sO\'· ern! no"! ronda throuj:h the bush. The GO\'(.'rn~ent cngint!cr lnys out tho road, det<>rmi{les the coat, nnd cnn'tmcls of, any, lOO_!yAnJs of rond are gi vc.n to pnr­tics of s tx m en, one of whom 111 e lected foreman or apokcsmnn by the oth l:'rs, nnd trananct8 the busincss with the Gon•mment. Wnges are pnicl on AC· count e\'ery two wee~s. nnd when tho · •· Wc' ,·c got him !" This abrupt. in· s<'ction of 100 ynrd:~ is completed, the forn111tion was shouted through the whole R;'mount is settled for, nnct the cabin curtains by our nnvigntingofticcr J:nn~ tAk<'a n contract for nnother sec- enrly on the morning of August 22. tion. This"plan is enid to work well, "Him" referred to tho lslnnd of Ron­nnd O\'(.'r 3000 men ha,·c been found em- cador, nnd th(l triteness of the remnrk plm·ment in thnt wtn-. This fnr-nway and the t.riumph of expression were e ,·j. colony seems in 1\ prosperou!l condition, ~l ently prompted uy yrofessiooal pr~dc itK Legislature is 801\'ing mnny difficult m t ho nccurnte na\'IJ;IltiOn by wh1ch problems conc('rning labour thnt might this smAll island. !yin~ fAr nwny in the with nch·11ntnge be copied by older com- Cnrribcnn ca, had been m~~ode wit.hout munities. difliculty, .'mall i t ia, indeed-a corn!

Th(' Aus trnlinn coloni l:'s lan\'e no speck in the Q-c\•tu l . H ither " we," n douht tJost ground in thO Lond'On mnr· fl ritil!h gunboat, W!'rC bound, in Obcdi­kc t as borrowers, and nre compelled to encc to ordl•r:~ from th~ Commodore, to he~ in a polic)- of retrenchment, in spite lind how much of truth might be in the of th('msc l\'es. rumor reporting " men marooned on

The ·• !on~: distnncc " ride from Rt)ncaclor." \ 'i, •nnR to Berlin, un.l Yicc-verdn, of There hnd been cou8idernblc specultl-o lli c>'rs in the Austro-HunJ!nrian and tion in the wnrd·room a!l lo t.he clmnc' c; ,•rntan nrmics was a brutal nffair, of finding and relieving these men. The the pot"!' bcast8 arri \'iug dend beat, and firdt C)li i:'IILion debuted was whether a ny only kept goin_g by d_oaes of morphia nwn had been marooned nt All. Our :llul lonmdy. wtth a hbernl supply of informntion wns men~rc, It was asscrt­tlac v.·hip anrl 11pur. 'l'wol\'e .\ ustrinn ed thnt !IOlllC IICE!rO<'II in search of J..:llllno n nd se,·cmte('ll Gcrmnn horecs died, nnd had l:'stnblishcd thcmsch·cs on the islnnd lllf"l!t or tlw others Are so crippled as and. fnlling short of food, hnJ mnde to Ul:' useless. However, the Yictora their way to Jamaica, leaving mnroon­hn\'C won gr('at. honour nnd glory, been ed on the com! rock two of their num· feted and promoted by both Emperore, her. AH this might poaaibly be a :\llcl ~~lined substant ial money prizes ! ! "yn rn." 'rho next. quest.lon w.1.11, sup· Yt•t in hoth countries nre 8ocietiPs for posi ng the story to be true, whntchat.tcc tht• prc,·ention of cruelty to animal8, WAS there of thf.'se poor wretches bc111g unth•r the pat ron age of m cmbere of n.li ve? Many weeks were suppo8ed to both Imperial houses ! ! Such societic8 ha\'e pAssed since they were left. to their nn•, howe\'er, only to punish poor men. fnte. Had they made n rnnand tru.-.ted

themseh·es to tho ocean ? H ad t hey L.\TER : been'found by fishermen whooccasion·

.\ II incoming stl'amNs 11 p to this date ·nlly \'isit thf' island? The Sailing Di­:--; .. ,-. ' ' n·pol'l ht•a ,·y wenthcr in' the rl•ctions nrr consult ed, nnd 'tho follow­

.\ thntr.· nnd ~rPnt fears nre entc:rtui n· ing facts not,d. Roncador is a "cny" .} : .. r •l 1" !-.t!• I\' ui th • :\a tivnnl Li n~ in lf"n~;th 600 ,·arJt~nntl in br£'ntlth 300

"t• :l "h'r 1-:n,.: lun:t - nntl.ing hn,·inl! lo ('<'n yarJs. compU!ed of snml nod blocks of "''' n o~r ht•nrJ of ltt•r since len \'in~ :\ew hwhn cnrnl ltcap d into a wnll <'ll the y ,.rk. nurth Pu.;t si.lc, ahouL I!C\'Cn feeL above

Tl~< · ,·lttJlt·rl\ " '' <'111:-1 to hn\·o rlLilled in th<> s('a. On the south there nrc some II :< !!llourg, a nti \'•'li8Ci llnrc again ll'a vin~ hu!'hes And t hrce or four uwnrf pnlm­th.l l t•"rt. But t h <>rc llCCtn8 little doubt t r<'es, "hich atrord sh'eltcr to lnrge flock , fit hret1k in:; ou t 11~ain in Europe in of b·IOhie nnd m:tn-of-w.tr bird. \\'ntcrs lill' '~} •rirrj!. mny be pr0c1ircd uy dig~in_g " 'Cll& 1\el\r

!-'irtt'{' th c· d:tt<' of my lnsL, 11 t errible the~cntreoftho ooy, but. tt ts very brnc· ac-ri.J,•IIL ocnrrrrd to tlte Scotch Bxprcss, kish. The chances for the marooned wlrtlo• ru nui n~ thrl)ugh Thirsk. The ex. IIICII ser m ed roor indt•cd. When the pr··:--. w:1s di vidl:'d into t wo pnrts. run nn v i~ator saic, •· \Ve've s:ot him," we nin~ .tt n.hor!t t.) minutes apnrt.Owing to were soon on Jeck, scorching with gla8s· th )'rt'~<SII r•' cof tr•tf!ic a conl-trnin wAs cs tho Jow atrip of cornlsand for signs d<•llpntdJ('<I I. ·I \'l' •n the two sections of of humnn life. Th<' bn8hes and pnlms th•• l'x \m~s.-. which should have been nf Lh e sniling direct ions were not in evi­shuntc< U\' the si~nnl-man nt the nbove deuce-nil Ill hare, white, glistening, st:t tion. -;fh l:' t1 i~nal-mnn hnd lost n. oxoept ll patch Ot' two of gree~h woc<J: night's rc8t.owing to the illncs81\lld death bu h <'rO, scorching in the sun, is 1\ of a child , and tho officials not being w et ut Bnd mound.t of coral rock, 11hlr I '> find 11 !lllb!ltitut<', the man went ich ny or may not be h umnn hnbi-on tluty rlgain in a half-dazed condition; tatio . and, for~tting tho second half of the Th usanda of sea-birda circle a~ound, exprPes,- IJct the coni. trnin on to tho and pe hod on n bare flag-polo is asoli­ntain line. Into this the exprcse dash· tnry pclicnn-truly n peliCI\n of the ed at the rnte of 60 miles an hour,nnd wildernc!e-but no other sign or lifo. A :m n wful sla ughter wns tho resul t. ec,·- f('w minutes more and our anchor is ora l bodies were burnt. in the wreck of dropped, the gig called AVfoly, and leave tire trnin which took fire. The Marquis allowed two officers to a coOll}piJny tho of Brednlbane W illi nmong the paesen- pommnnder ashore. A few ~rokea of gcrs ; hQ escaped with a shaking, nnd the oart tnke us to the bench, gliet~ning r endered great nsaistnnce to the injured with bleBched 4hoHf and fragments of pns8engers. brniu nnd oth er oornl11, The smnllcr

Anotl1er disutcr wns the wrPck of aenbirds ri8C like a black cloud, f'lith the . S. Roumnnin off the const of Por- sorcM1S nnd whistling cries, circling tugnl,not. fnr from where the man-of-\far clo9u'rullllU nur h ('ncla tn their r<>sont. R('rpent w11s lost some timo a~o. The m ont of our intrueion; but still tho RoumAnin wna on a v<Wage 1ref\l the ground is ·covered with fe&the;ed fowl Clyde and Llverpool to Bombay. She -:-great. stup1d boobie.birds~blinking oo rrled ~ crew of Soo~oh nnd lAscar their gQ~gJe ey es, squnttlng on their ~llore1 nnd n largo numbe, of otlicer"J ncal3, t hru',tin!J Qut their long-necks, with tn mAny caaes J1ewly r'narl'jCq and picking nt. our lege 4~ \YO pau. ~L wives, and IL number of Indies returmng requJrea some careful steering to avo1d to th eir hushnnda or familf ca in Ind iA.. them. 'Ye q.pproach the hut~. Tho Jn all about 123/ersons are knowq ~ lnrgcat o tfl~•e put.s i:t a plank cnui!'• })nv<i,perished an only 9 are saved, It is ptnefully v.u11t. ltd poiqted fOOf 111 a disputed question ll8 to whether tho oovorod w•J:J inrpnulin:TJ'1er~ are ~·tf.c-r~ cap.t rin wn• out. of his couree or not, but nrrnnged to s:1vc the raun1 nnd l~ile~ t~c much cop1men~ Js mnde. upon th o well· stope to olltain a look-o\lt , Tho door It known Rreaenoo of lnrgl) qq_antitfes of wide open.' Once Inside a single glance iron in the mountains of tt)e JfOJt4~lJCJO discovers~ t.raglo a aoene of maroonln1 coast n~ tho greBt inehorb current. g_, ~tlydeaoribeq In 1\otlorr. Half-altting Tht~ wca ber wa• thlol( ~nd foggy, &!Jd ljalf:teoJJoJ.tJg1 O!l a a high t.reaUo·bcd, tho vus being a~niesl L,-o•dtJd~i QJl to ttnd 'partly ioppo.n eq ~ ~ mnkt'lhift. t.he rl)oks, the h eavy eo$ JOOIJ bro'e )}e, p~ltcb, 'is aoil}etqlng r1 d •tid '1}1Nla~ qp. 'l'otW or fl'Pigbt and many humaq wit~Jq HlJOu!dycoti&l• irtand ca~{r~ IX>dit>J 'fere cast uboro by the tide, t,-ouaen. CJa,e 4~ pand Are t \'o rusty 11ome jn D40t:taeible placea in the rocks, panni~in•; OQ tRe ~ooring1 l~edjtttfllY. lmt mnn were saJc.J t-o have been plun- below.,~ .. • •otlll 1 •A<lJuat \fh8ie ·~noy foJ l derod of Jolotbing 4l'J4 v~lq,.hles hy the from ~he rest or tno •14eleton ~re tho J>e!:l•antry on the OOAtt. bones of the e.xtremhi~o-'11. Horm{t or~bs,

The Bfitisb Eut AfriCAn Company {!l Jmo snow-white ehclle1 eourry over )la.vJng npnounced their intention or re- be ' blanb wHh a ,Sl'l\hnr, · aorAplng tiring fJdqJ Jlpnd& at the oloee or the IOUM. All ai06n<lli)O IJqor fa atrown

THA..T . ,~,. ttM' Jmpm•• aQvernment have wtth aea.-btrd•' en-. •nd · moie'lre ~-•peed P'-1. tb'o expeuet qf• ~ fqrther ed and salted 1n wooden boxet1-th6 Comfortable Dwelling-House, oecup&ti nor that. ooun,rr tor &J)ot~e' ~~·•Y'• provuion for the tuture.

with :rro.t-proof CeUar, S~rc, three m:ftha, n o,Qe, ~· iJ ve· a ob.noe ?line o~etqoU~ea~ emptr, lle near &Dd ~ OardeD attach I'd, for aU oee likely ~ h4" Uettll oom· ,ome b~keo ea:. eU.. · qHleF !bella,

.~ ..... _Oil Water Stroe& weil• and lately J'OroftlP by the Britleb ()Ooqnatfo91 pret&7 onot, I~ , erM frO~ _ 'ho

.-- .., ~~ *"L io ufety. Much ~are 11 ba.oli, ,.lltJ tracmen% gt bt'oolrtH~ :r,::;;,:.· ~~. be1111r P.U,. upo~J LOrd Rotebirf and tbe ' CQJai, re.~~ Qfl 41tltlt · ~Jl! · ~ ...S. ot Oabh\ft r IIICIU~ Ull Gofernmeat ~ ~ht oallln. Bent4th • ~eff-. "''+"'4~,

/ fl

Highest of all in Leavening 'Power.- Late t U.S. Gov1t Report.



and in the chPSt p.'\p<'r" that pi\WC th e owner's it.lt'nli tv. The C:\stawBy wna n. H ollf\n !c r. A 'certificAte ehowccl tlr:1t.. he hnd 11cn ·ed in tho D:1tch militirt . His nnmo nnd other pnrticnlnn~ nro fully act for th; hu t the d11lO of his birth is torn 1\W:\)' . There is , h owe \'er, oth er e\'idencc of his ngn. The clo::tor de· clnres the r11mnins nrc those of a lad of under twenty year:~.

Another hut remnin11 to be <'xnmi necl -a h ovel, partly "·ood 1\ncl pnrtly coral. It is dnr\c inside, nnd it is quite n min· litO b oforc Qil r eyes, dnzz.l!'d by the whiteness of the coral rock!<, cnn ac­commodate themseh·es to the gloom . Tl1e unfl\miliar gr,ltin~. rnsping 11011nd of retrcnlin~ lnnd 'crnbs wnrns us what to exp('cl. The t~keletou of an old ne~ro lies peAcefully in a trestle-bed . Du t. there nrc no si,~rns of food, nothin~ but two em pty pnnnikin~ at the bcrlside.

TI1e story sceul! plniu <'nou,~rh . The wellbuilt. nut. 8howa thAt the men hnd come fully prepl\rcd to 11tny MYhile. The many empty boxl:'s n.nJ barrels that food had been nt one time abundant. Then pro,·i8iOn.'l mn short. Some m en got.. aYmy- thesc two · wretches Wl' rc left. 'rhey subsisted for n t ime on sen­birds' cg~8. \Yater WM apparl!ntly

t)lentiful , for we found harrclsful, nnd h~ musty pnnnikins had e"iJently con ­

tnlllcd wntcr whe n the casta W!\)'8 were dying. But. men cannot li \'e for Ion~ on senbir.ls' egg and brackish wnter. Scun•y must occur. This is the secret of tne crutch es found in the young mnn's cnbin. Disenso hns crippled be· f11r(' it killed.

This is nil thl\t there is to t ell nt pre­sent, 81\\'0 that. t he rcm:1.ins were rlecentr ly interred hy bluc-jnckets from the gun­boat. ln course of-time, no douht., tho mlltter will b e fu lly inYestigatcd, nnd the public will kr ow who is rcsponsiulo for the mnrooned on Roncndor-Grnphic

ITS EXCELLEr-."T QUALITIES. commend to public npproml tho Cali­fornin liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleAsing to th e eye, and to the tnsto A_nd by gently- ac.ting on tho kidneys, It \'cr nnd bowels, It c lennses the system effl!ctually, thereby promoting tho health and comfort. of aU who usc it.

STOP THAT CouoH or it will t cmllnntc in ~onsumptibn. After euffering for months from n cough which , 1\fter using many rcm ecl ics without :m y relief. threatened to terminntu seriously. we were onLire ly cured h~ Lhc u:~ n of Wrs­·r"n's B.u.sAlr or Wn,.o CHERnY. .1. C. W E:"TA l•'ER, editor of Chronic lc.El iza­bethtown, Pa .

-D£.-\TT¥'11 TouR or THE WoRLD.-E:c· :\lnyor Daniel F. Bently, of Bea tLy'P Cclebrntl:tl Organs nntl Pinnos, Wash­ington, New .J,!rsoy, has rt!turucd homo from 1U1 extended tour of the world. Road hia ad\"ortiscmcnt in Lhis paper a nd send for cjjloguo.

H ott.ow \"\''s Pu .s A so On>Tl!EST.­The mOJt effccLua Cure for Gout nnJ Rhoumntism-A frcCJuent cause of thceo complniu ts is Lhu infiammatory st11tc of the blood, ,.ttended with bnd dJgeatlon, lassitude, nnd great d ebiUty, 11howlng tho \Vnnt of n ~roper cir.oulnt ion of tho fluid, and Utat.~·mp'u ri Ly of tho blo.1J greatly aggrn,·ntCIJ thclnl .tisordens. Hol!Qwny'a Pills are of s:t purifying a nature t.hf\t " few dOfiC\ tnkcn In tllT}o o.re an offeotunl preventive against qout and rheumatism, but nny•>•ll· t hal has an attnok of either should us · H o!low•t \''H Ointm ent nlsoblho 1powerful J •NpNtlt •:~ of which, com ioea with tu t.• l' tl'cct1 of the Pill~, ene11re 1\ certa in c u n..:. The Ointment ~houlll qe thorough ly ruiJI..rotl into the parl.!l ntl'Pcted at !l-ast L\)'ico ll day, after they hnve uccn iufficicq t ly foment.cd with worm wntcr to open the porea to fnojljtate tho intrqJuction uf the Olnt~ont. to t~ogland&.



CROSS. ..,.


J osep h W. U.\Xcndntc. EsQ. Urlst.ow Dovlll. Esq.

The lion. Jnmu Dyog. Jolm (.;lutlon, E'~·

OcLnnus E. Coopc, E.I!J·• M.P. Ocorg.o Arthnr fuller, Esq.

Chnrtes E. Goodhnrt, EMJ. M . RhO<Ic-Hnwklns EiQ. 81r J ohn Lubbock. B:ut., ~f.P.

Chnrtoa Thomas LucM, £5q. (.;hnrlc.~ llngnn,-, E$(!.

TIH' Hon. Edwin B. Portmnn, Esq. Dudley Hobort !:hnlth, E~q.

Wlllln.~. ~.~!~:.~_Thompson, Esq. Hon. nlrcctor-JOHN J. DLOO~fFlELD, Esq . \VJ LLJAH c. MAOOO~ AJ.o 1 J oi nt 1-'RA."iCl:l 0. )lAOJ>Os ALD ~ lkcrclorlcs.

Th~ ongogcmcnt.s or this Omco nrc gun ran· lee•! by a numcrou~ nnd wealthy Propr lc­lnr\', tnadtlltton ton large Invested (;npltnl; nnd th" promptitude nnol llbcrnllly w ith which elnlm~ hnvo nl W ll\'11 bcon met nro wcll-l<nnwn nnd ll<"knowl<'lll(cd.

Tbo lrnpor tnnco of t he trnollnctlons oC tho

PllCENIX FiRE OJ-FJCE mny be c~tlmntcd from tho Cnct lbnt since lt.~ cstnbllshmcnl-no\\"' o \·er 0 s E HO~DRED Yr.AII.'I-thc pn~·menl~ In snti~ Cnl'llon or rho c lulms (M l.<MSc~ 1111\'~ e:tccedcd F OURTEF.:-l ~llLI..!O:'\H St.crlln){.

gar- lnquruncC'll n;;nln~l I .ol4~ uy Fire nnu I.l ~ehtnl n ~t nre e t.rocted by tho Cornpr\lly upon C\'cry •ll•srrlptl•>n or Property, on the m osL Cnvornblo t~rms.

W. ,. G. RE:\'DELL, St. John's, Agcnta for Newfoundland.

J. A. Whit1nan~ Custom Tailor.

\\'ill gunr.1nle.! Fit, W orkm:1nship nnd Style. •

Gi ,.c us a crul.

Outport orders receive prompt attention

CoR:sF.n \'wronrA A."o W ATl:n STnEt:-."1'8, HARDOR GRACE, Nfld ..


BJPophospMte~ of Lime and Soda. I

I No ofner Emulsion is so I ca$y to take. It does not s~parate nor

SRo:J. ... It i s a.hvays sweet as cream. The mos t sensitive stomach I can retain it.

CURES I . Scrofulous and

Wasting PiseaseL Chronic Cough, .

Los~ o( .1\ppetlte. Mental arid Nervous

Prostration. General Debility. ~c.

I Bcwuc or c:.J i:::OD!l. Ask (or ·· t~'3 P. rt L." l!mt:!!;lon. and ref~ tt.:J otberc.

PRICE 50C. AIIO $1 ~r;" aOTTLC.



22 ST, JORN ST., MONT~EAL. ___...,.....

. SpPoja) attention given to the eale of Fish anci Il'ish Oila.

.\leo, to ~he buying nnd a hipping of Jl'Jour and provl•lons and Genf'ral Produce. , Cable At..ldrets:-~lunn, Montreal.

1 PAYING Tllll:IR OEBT::l. PHtL40!LJUJTA, Nov. lJ; . ...-" r be~

un Harrlsun ant.! R elt..l, " lhA l•·g eqJ in red and IJlue. cl'1alked ll~ a large ~lllCKrcl which decoratell the frun~ of. n hanoi o~~lln, aUrnoted qul~o a orowd on Vine Qlreet y~\orJay aftf\rnuon The sty littl,ty u'r•sa,d m l\n 'Y}}•l ~ ilff)tHl ~he Prlln~ wa• William Nelaun, y,·h o 1\ireeu lh~t if Hurrlsoo lu•t he would piny a hand or6(an ln ~be etreela of tbis city for ~tl"x houra 1\nd on ioauiura .. tionday g.• to Washington Rnd pl"y ---- ~ in front or the revi~swlug stan 1 aa i~e .ilanbtr· ratt. Lan~adt the para·t~ g~t~3 IJy , ln .... Jqitioq 'J lf 1f• ~e also ht~L b~lt hie ~l}OnLb a '"lary q:)NOEPTION- -Bt~ AnVERTISER. 1n ad vttnce ~od 11\l })Is rendy .m ood, J~rl"t~ ancS p"blt.!l6cl ererr.J'Ihe.:'a,- and

a fllt~Je oyer,fqO . . ~ohn Jieltbe"ta' tf!!i~''l:lr:e~~~~:·~~~:O~~'UiP'~'d~ a orem,.n o ongme 0\)m pany • ~~'!~Rr..Ti&~ii'~•-ratL t per nn'num Uerm~ntown wtll atL •s a ~ar~et f'~PO'r-blllfJr'r; tororel aablcrlbereuae ontll Wllllll~ UenneU, borAernan, "~v~::Jo ftATES:-60centa porlnoh Rlr 'b 1 d • bi ftm lneer11on; twentyoenta perlncb torucb rowe. aour ?Zen eggs lh m. 1 oonunuatton. e~••ttau.rortbreeormore Mr. Le1thelld Wlll oooupy a ee"t t•U montba. Tbe nombercSflnMr'-loneot cuual the water pl ua lo ,,ont or Lhe oom- r.m::,ementl MQI\ be IJ)MIQecl b1 tt!. .. cl•

pany'• buUdln1. and Mr. DenneU ---.----,.----~--­will do the Ulro"lo1 from ;. di•­~noe ot lblr1y feet. The l•a<llni I qemoora~lo puUUolaoa ~.~t Lbe ""'a haY; bftn hivlt'e4 \q 'J'Itn"~ ~~. ,

-' f ' I . (.. . ' I j '. ' f ...

·-~~~~;c ~~~rforwll;P•·

• ·• ' f' J I I : ~ i 1 , r j

MADniD. Nnv. 16.- A f •' -ihle story u( ll e fnhl iute~ruption of the fatnl i ntt>rrupliun or \V l'dd ing ff'flti vi lies is reporlfld from Rejar. A youn~ couplo had j u~~ been mRr­r iPd in a churc h and t he Wf'dding party had ftOne to n re::1traorant wh<>re a wedding fPI\Bt wne B~rved . After the banquet dancing was be­gun, and everything was progr<>ss-ing smootbly when without an in­stant wnrninR the of the building collapeed. The entire parly .• with tho employes of tbe rcs taurl'nt, were buried in the ruins . A c ro trd quickly gathered and commenced ~he work of rescuf.' . Fro m nooid t he d aLris moons and healcning criesr fo r help C"uld be heard. As r npid · ly ns possible. nnd UJ.{eu on by t he frnntic appeals for help C<'uld be the men thre\v the heavy timbers usitle. They soon came ncross the teuibly crushed and .mnngled body of one of the guests. others were{) tltkt'n out alive but badly i nj ure~ \\' hl'n tho wreck wns cleared u~y ( suflici enlly for it to_b e known tbnt1 ~ no one e lse wns in the ruine, t e n J bodies wera lying in a gbRstly r ow on 1he sidew&lk. 'fhe i1.jured num ' te r thirty, sorr.e of whom will n o t rec·wor. Others will be crip­t•lcd for life. The building was thought t o b e perfectly safe. Jt is f Upposed the m ovements of the doncers caused the- collapse.

A pnpor <lown East tells of a negro who pro poseu t o write a book on N11turnl His tory . lle commenced ns follo ws:-' Mno is de first ani­mal in do creation: he spring up like a t;pn rro~-grttss, hoj)S u bout liko 1\ lanppcr ·grass, anu dies tho sn meas njacknss .

TilE smoker who 111\S not yPt tried the •, ~Jyrtle Nn,·y " tobacco hns a new pleasure be fore him in tho usc of " Lhe weed. " An im·<'st.mcut oftwenty­fi\'e cent8 will furnish him \\;Lh t he lll ('ans of g i\'ing it n fnir t !'st. Let.. us IHhisc him to ml\kc the experiment, he will lind the . tohacco to he nil thnL its thommnds of friends clnim for it, all<l they nre far from stingy in their pruisc.

. . NOTED TEMPERANCE LEADER. The· Forcible and Brilliant

David Frost. , De SJ>eok11 o r on lns ldlon• Foe or Temper>o

ance nnd .. ,... It Demanw Law - Com• menw l.n · Eame1t LanJrU.Ap tbe M.an7 '\'lrtue• or Klckapoo l.odiAn $aj0Wa o.nd Ohe1 lilA R eaAon•. 1

Tho portrull ot lln.-lt\ Fro•t, tbo notod tcmpornnco lecturer, wlll be rcco~nh:ed fci.r and wide. 'l' bc n oble work or til~ dt~tln· gutahcd rulvoc11tc of tcu1pcrnnou hilt g lvca btm a reputation sccouo.l only to that or the llll4 J ohn u. Gougb'11.

In • recent con vertlltlon wltb 3! r. Fro1t, that gentleman -aid, with tbc com·lnc lniJ eo.rneatneas wblcb chnrnctcrlzcs hi @I r em11rk1: .. One or t he grelltCIIL O'f'UI '"tb which tbc trlcndt ot tcmpernnoe have t o contco•l l• tho cheap w bl-koy•lecoottnnsnad mt~cl'llblc ruru mlxturce by wbloh the morkot u ftooood Fnder the Ku110 of • Dlttort.' • Snr SI\pl\rUias,' Olqert.' and other pnwnt medicine~. Tbc

. jlnormoua conaumptlqn ot 1ueh mlaernble atua doe• lacalculablo lnlnrr In mo.ny cafH!~ by lmplanttnw tho tA.!I te tor liquor~ where .It never would utat othe t"Wiae. Thl:t rnost In· atcSioaa t orm qt lntompernnpe lhould he put down by law.

"I do not me/LD to tay," conUnne(t Hr. Froat, "tbat all J>roprtotar)r m otlloloetl oome under thla head, and In tact I know trom per. 10nal exportonco ot one whtch 11 uot only a ~heat Medlotne a lptcodhl Toole, Alld Uq. rivalled llJooll Purltler, but wblcb lllnnooent ot all doterlot'fttlog lngrecUenta lin•\ Free trom Harmful Eaeot.e, no matter llow much or how freely It may be utod. It u not my Ylah to appeu 111 Uie expoueo~ of uy pnbllo remedy, buUn tblt ca•e I d eem It my duty to oommeod that Orllnd &medy ot tl:ic IzuUu race, 'Klckapoo Indian Sagwa.• "I apeak t roru oxoertenoe for It hu atood

me ln good atoad. When })aft atok, worn oat.

~4 my moat rc~UloUJ ...tomacb retwted to

)D.Cn aot tn I~ normal capacity, • Xldta~ lldfall &191M • Aol f"UUortd IN fo o Itt aliA 1 ~ vUlt MtiH~~g .u. .-dd. I ban taken oooaelcm aliO to learn IOmt~tblz)r about Ulla mldlctJae ud Ita orlgtn~,utl know that It Sa not ODI1 an old t.nd ma reUiedy among thelDdlana bat that Its V 1(-..ablo P\lrlty aoC1 Barmle .. C'urattvil Etreota 11~111 malut&tacd, ucs tbat I~ manufacture 11 attn oArrlcc.l on by )" mo411'tl metbocta exactly In aoeordance with tbe wara ot tbe ROble Bed Jlan.

"llmple Rootl, Bark_,_\LeaYeeud l'lowe~ trom tile l"orelt are au that enter fnto t

PQI1d~. -.ad tbe 8h'eQI'h y blbh 1 e4 fro'ln ttl Qle ll nC}t tbt fat.e •trea&'tll

tile nm boUle but tbo l(oble Bxbllnratfot1 of BQunllJn, Healtb, and the Purtftect Bl~ oleuNC! of lll'OltOn, coarstn«tbron•h en17 Vein u4 Artery ot the HuMan Syatem ." 1

Tbt. Ud moro dll\ Mr. W'roat bave to ~ '" re«&M to "IIcbpoo lnllJan Saawa.•• ,..m• fall to OODYOT Uie e&naM& foroe ot b l• r o­m&rQ u expre...., to the writer. Vr. Frolt 1ttll J)urnee with unabDt.ed nror tbe noble canae In wblcb lle baa ellllat*', ucS aan thAt "::.r:=ce wu neYer mak1n• IUOb Tua Jl "'•' ultta.eo<~ay. I

KIDIAHOO INDIAN 8 A a 1IL.A . lold by •It

.,..,. • Druur-.. 1

.a~ ,.. bQttll. e bottt .. fo. 1a.

Page 3: CENT PR~~I~J~NS ~ftci~t~~ng Prcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18921206.pdf · Lndies' 3-4 ~T lin ties nnd Ul11ters, Cbildren's Ulstt:rs, Muffs, Wqol Squares,

. •


' .


~oriNTERNALaemucha~ TEJfNALuse. . J Dropped on Sugar, Children lovo to take It ·

For Croup, Colds, Couahs, Sore-Throat, Cramps and Paine. l t. ~bow IDUI1 dllhi'M' .,.,mpl&lnw ta wtn <'II,.., IU •ronc: ['Oint II.,. Ill th~ f.ct lb&t llact~ cr-K«Ir. 11ea1iAC all c<aC., JIQma aa4 Bnll.-llke ~ ftcollc•ee all fl\&l>Mr ~ Do" d Cl>m1~aln~ 1'\) be tabn In - 'Ja,

T hink of1t I Althoug h o rigin ated by an Old Family Ph.-alclan In t 81 0 Johnson's Anodyn e Lin im e n t c ould not have

• turvlved ove r e ighty y ear s unless It posspsoes extraor d in a ry merl\. :INH..A.LE J:T F OR N ERVO US llEA.DA.CUE.

U NL~t<E ANY 0-r' HJ;::>R J?or J>ure l y Hou aebold Vac. .

Btol'f' l nROLmmaUnn In bod• o r lhnh lit o 111"1'~· Oou..tb., A~nlA. ~rrh, Coli~. Mtnl~r.o llor ~ mallc l'lol :-;..,,,.,If\&. Lam~ ~1< . SIJIT Jolnla, w ... ,,...,..... 1: r-.. Vrl.,. n C't'..C.. ll.c es.~.

S dru~A. I. t1 J OIIIOSOS .t 00., Jlooofoa • .,.._ _::.;;._.,..~=--~-_,Ja.:..;;-...1.!.1~ OOTH I NO, H &AL lNO,PE N E TR.ATlN


IflSTntlTAf{EOUS ift ITS Ii~TIG;l




THE PAIN-KILLE R. In Canndlan Choler a nnd Bowc:>1

·Complaints Its effect I~ , ,,ag•c;..l, 1 t c ures In a very shor t time.






COUGHS , COLDG, CROU P, CONSUM PTION. 4G. ----- co..._ _____ _ (

FISHERI.ES .J , - - '


34 Con:unercial Street, Boston, ~ass.


COD. HERttlNG 1\ r () . . SElr ESI


l ll~ Lll<ING I£ r~ AJ,L :>,TIP~ V~kY Btt:;,1' <fU A J.ll A~ 0 ~i ~ p ~ q f U U ~

S ll ~.~P A R () - 0 0 I J f) • 'fWINJ1.

---r - .- .........

. l\ I fi~ 0 A L

J111h11t awa1'4i at ibton. 1869; Phil ' elphio, 1876 · fiiberiea.Ulbhlo.n l.Raa. · ·

a.;Cl fDt' llluatrated a.tidapo.


... ,..~ "t - · . '

· · -


Miscellaneous. ,.. __ .... _ .... --· .. ._..,..., --,


Fr~noh Operations in D~ey-1!1\voc Wrought by the Lobel) B.1fie .

The Figllro hns rec('i ,·eel th o followin;:-let te l' from n m ember nf the French E:q x'<i itionnry corps in D11homey, dAtcO Dogha, ScptcmhPr 20, 1\nd fur­nishing inte resting pnrticulnrs concern· ing the first encounter with Dchanzin•,. forc<'s :

Our :~ppc:u:\1\cc on D:~hom~yn:1 terri· tory wAs decidedly displen11inJl to Bc­hnnzin ; his people round nbout Dogltn l1ns,!;Phed to wnrn him of our nrrivnl. Thereupon n J:rnnd coundl w:rs h eld 1\t the camp of tho Amnzons, where nil swore upon the entrnils of a h en, eolomn· tv strAngled while the m oon wruJ in,.{lor third quarter , thnt they would exl.<'r­minnto \ I ll nil. Gehho, tho Kin~s hmthrr. ~cconlingly leTt .\11:\<) '~ l-' ilh 4,000 woll·nrmr <l inrn. ndmncing in forced nuirch~l'with th~ oh_icct of tnk· ing Ufl by eurpr1st>. Th1s lrttlo oporn­tion wne, upon my word, carricrl 1<mt very boldly, for on tho m orning of the 19th, just ns the ro,·oille had been 11ounded, which wtts nbout hnlf nn h our before sunrise, the enemy cam e upon our cnmp quito uncxpectorlly. A S'll!lll outpost o f m11rine infnntry euddenly noticed the dnrk outlines of some eus· picious·looking figur es creeping out of n wood. Tho m r01 hnd once shouted " Hnlt.o In; Qui vi\'e?" 'flle only re­ply was n rush nnd n volley , from which our hnndful of m en escnped by n mirnclc. Tho nlnrm wns gi von, nnd after n momrnt11ry nmnzom cnt, which wns very =lnturnl, t'verybody quickly regnined his rresenco of mind. It wns t ime, fo r thb en emy wns bnroly m ore

1 thnn thirty yArds tlistnncc from the tents of tho hcnrlqunrters.' st.nff. The sentries on dut\' nnd tho Colonel him· self blnzecl awny \'i,::orously, nnd only a few s top'! oO', under I he flashes of tho dflce, we sn w n dnrk I!Ufl!ing mnes, whence cnmc shouts of" Dnbom ey ! Dah omey !" with s:wn~c yells. It wn!l tntly i mprCS.! h ·e this ntll\ck by sa\'l\$tE'S in the shndow of night ; nnd with soldie1-s lees &t'!lsoncd thnn the )!~trine Infllnlry nnd our JlAllsmt soldiers of the Foreign IA>gion th<>rc is no knowing whnt might luwe hnppencd, for the sl ight <'st sign of wenkn e11s would hnve beC'n ourn1in. Yery luckily. O\'ery one d id his duty with coolness. I n Ieee than two mioutr.>s nfter tho comme ncement of the attnck, two compnnies of th~ Foreign ' ugion hnd hasten ed to the front, nnd tho Lebel rifle at once bcgnn ita wholesale work of dt>struotion, turn· ing tho yellow crowd ndvnncing along our ftont into n rcgulnr humnn hAJh. I n a few IIMoutt>e tho ground was swc!f;t clenr, .right nwny to ~he edgo o f the wood. In epito of tlus, h owever, for three h ours the enemy returned ngain nnd agnin to the nttnck but there wns nothing equal to that flrdt rush. Dny wne just dn wninl:! when the 1\!Rrino Infl\ntry and the Legionaries ndvancccl, nnd nt 9 o'clock the remnnnts o f the Dohome,·nn nrmy were fl<'e ing in d is · order. nnd diet not stop until they hnll renched Knnn nnd Gome. I

'\ I

Who can appoint Queen's Counsel in the Colonies 1

A curious question hns IJeen rnised in rc•gnrd to tho ·nppointment of Queen 's counsel in the colonies. It Rppears th£1 t in Cm1ndo. it hns for some timo been 1\.8· sumed that the Governor .Gcn cral, nnd C\'On the Lieutenant-Governor:~ of tho pro,·incoe, had power to confer tho dig· nity of silk. The matter bns 11\tely been under discussion in Sbttth Austra­lin, nnd the opinion of Mr. Madden, n ve nown Australian jurist, has been

ken on the subject. That gentleman con · era that the right t o appoint Qu n'a counsel Cornu part of the roynl pre ntlve of bestowing tjtles ofbonor, ·and t at it c11n tbereforo only bo excr­ci•ed by the sovereign or by nn agent. speoifically delcgntoo to e.xerciac it, nnd th~tta11 tqe ~uthorhy hns not ~en speci· ficnlly conferred on go\·erno~ey hn,·e no power t o bestow tho title,.. Tho Col· onial Office hns no w sent n ~ir<lllllr to the go,·crnora of tile \'1\r~OU$ colonies

1 enclosing Mr. 1\fndden's opinion, nna in\'iting ob~er\'1\tjons on tqo point. There woulrl - ecm to be no good roneon wby a colonfat gb\•em or ~hould have power to ~ppoint Queon'lf counael,whilo he hn1 no~ tJle· r!gnt to confer any other title of honor.-JAw Journa l.

g:~e !Aurea~P.·

Lo~~, Nov. 14.-Tbo PI\ II ~all On~· ett.e publl,~e• n nun1ber or rC4ponaca to the que,tfon.t Should the poet !a urentc­sblp be COt}tJOUcd to nbolsqed 7

Prof. IJuxlPy writes that the poe.ition or court poet 1s n eurvi val qf ~ d~a'c.dmt ~ta~e qf JOCje~y. yet Jt ' i• undealrable thnt any aate r eoognitlon of the va)ue o( Uteratnre 1hould dieappear.

Prbf. Max Muller ,(ys whene ver th e time comet and the na~fon longa once more to honour ~ Uvlna poet, there wlll ho no d lfl'lculty in rovivi~ the iterf•h· ed laureate wrel\fh. la' ~qc5 m 'ntJme no gtellter h&or O'ouUl be pard ~lie dea(f Jau~~te th~tn le~t''Jng tl}e place Y404nf: • • , •

llr. 1'4eeky, the blttorlnn, say• be would be aorry If the poei~iooabould be &boUabed.

Sir Jobn Lu bl>ock preeident of the Lou­don Chamber of COmmeaco, writes- in fa.vour or t~e re~ontJon or the o'llloe.

Prof. Blaolde l&ya the laureateeb.!f. ~ht oei1&1Dly to be conUnoed 11 e h~

i\~~' &hr"\·~·~;larctr£el\J!' ... ·mit t~e b~~t ~l~o~ of ~ : ~ DQwden dooluee ,.._. lbe po1t

W \1 HE MUR1>ERE1>1

A Ru a· ~n O.ffttlia\ talten offnnder r a.th':lr .:hopioio'lll Ciroumstancea.

MMCO ,., i\ov. ~ l.- A lll'IIS•llion h .tfl hoen c11 tl'u.t hN1' II\· t.ho lllnldr.•n d.•.tth at 'r:rshk••nl. in Asi;1ti..: nu11si :1, nf O··n. Oorcuok. Som e t irn tl 11~0 h e wats :1 p· pointed 1\ spocilll coru m i$Sion~r Lo ox :Imine into the nrlministrntion o l t.h••

· province in which 'f11shkcnd is s itunlccl. H o made nn o:thnust ive exnminntion into the Rff11irs of lhn province, with t.hc r rsult thnt h e ,JidCO\'crcrl irr~rtthtri· til'S in,·olvin,:: t\ numhrr nf offit·i.llll. HI' wne upon th<' pointnf r ·turn t•1 ~[oscow. whru h e mts tAken II'Hldt>nly i ll nnrl rliod inn few minutr11. IL i,- 81111pt>rt••d thAt !lOme of thr nOi.·iuiR whose •li11· hon<-ety WA8 bmuS!ht t!l I i .:ht. lay li•' n. Bo rpnok nro rrspnn~&ildl' for hi11 al r>at.h 'l'hrv fc:lrNl th'lt hi:-~ di,-clnsur,·~ wnulcl r cetilt in tht>ir punit~hm<-nt, pos!lihly in ex ile t o SiiJrrin. A post morlt•m t' X· nminnt.ion will b t• m :Ltlc to lt•nrn if h e Wl\8 poisoned. . . - --- -The Heir to $40,000 in a Workhonsa.

..A man n(\med Willi.nm i\fcf'~nnrllnp­pcared b efore the Cn~nck-on-R11 i r. Poor J..aw Bonrd nnd npphed fo r ndmis11inn to the workhous~ for. n few dn,·11, 11tntinc-tho. t~e hlld m Ius ~~~e,.11 ion lr>tl l'l'!l Rhowm(! tha.t h e wns h oJr·at -lnw tn S-10.-000. B e 111\ld .thnt h e wn11 11 nnti\'1' o f tho countr . Ttpp<'~nry . He ioinrtl th r> n;my. nnd 811\~0 lu.~ rli~rhnN!<'. nn J'f"ll-

1'1011, h o h_nci IJ,·ed Ill F.n(!lflnn. nurinc­thP .last <'IJ:ht yen rs h e hnrl fnllov•rd tho calhngofll,CishcrmArl AI Ph·mnulh. An u_n~lo of hts recrntly died in Rronkh·n.

mtod SU\t t>s. H e r<'I'J il<'Rted tht> hnnrd tn t clegr11ph LO )fr. f'rowle~·. Pnl ic i tor. Broo~lyn , n11 t l) Lhr fonM fitl<'ll of hi11 s tnto!'lent. The lt>tt~' l'll h C' h ncl sh nwl'cl t~n~ It wn_s nect'li!IR r,,. he 11houltl Cl1t~hl ish lllSldentl ty,nud he hnd returned to lr<'­lnnd for thnt purp06e. H e wns ndmitt­cd.

-------~..-------A TALE OF THE SEA

A Wrecked Schooner 's Crow R escued in t heir last Extremity--One life lolt.

' t . J ohn, Xov. 13-The ~~~earner L'lns· d~wno r\rri n :tl, h <'re Just night with C'np· tnlll Snmuol '' ol fo nnu th ro.!C of the crew of tho schooner Arhutus , wre<:k<'d nellr Gllrnet R ock. Tlit> sch<~OIIf'r wn~ ownrd IJy Colin Mc Leod nn·l nther:i of Li\·er­pool, X . ·. ' he wn.s J,nnml from n hwy to Am1npolie with a r:nbo of cont.' Tho Arb~h1s put into ~~ ' ' t'rpool owing to tho 11lness o f Capt, l'\tckcrdon, nnd snil­cd ngnin on Wednesclnr in comrnnnd of Cnpt. W olfe. On Tncsllny nftcrnoon in heavy weather , she shipped n sen ca~n·· ing 1\Wny the binnac le fro m tho' top of the hou&c. A OOMJlllSs -Willi then put in the lower IJinnac le. This cou1 pnss. \Vo lfe snys, wns n point nnd n hnlf out ~f the wny. At S.-15 Thur&dny night, 11\>f\ hen\·~· gnlf', the Arhutus Lltmck on Old Proprte tor shonltS o ff Gnrnet. Rock nt low wntor. Tho hont W:IS lnunc!red uut soon filled. Tho capta in nntl rrrw with the oxcoptio~ of Hirnm Conrad: lnshed themsel n~s tOj the fore ris:ginrr on tho port s ide. He .held on t l) the st<>rn h ut "'a:' soon w~shed. llway, tlw ugh the crew dtcl not lllii!S hun for SOIUC t itll<'. Early on Fri~ny 1110rn iu~ tho ,.c,.se l nn 1 ":.reckngc .dr1tterl ~o s.cn 11ntlnfte r L t•in~ 35 h ou l"ll tn the r1~1 ng the Lnnsdowne s ig hted the\n "ml rescuNI t h t> m in n !IJllnll h~n~. Tht•y were in11 dying state nnd thc1rlcet s o tlwollrn t hnt the ir boots h :1d to be cut off thr ir feet. Conr.ul , who wns dro tl , belon .... ed to llr·) >kl r n :-:. • • 0 •

J'o•!T \\: \ ~:. h 1., ~0\'. J{.-1'1li14 11'· L<'rnnn·l 11• •011 w .·ru fot•JIL ttlnn~ t lie n •.st v: t ln· ns\·h ·.111h n ilr.M•I to ar· rl'llt n mm ti 1 I p•>.ie L~Hion of tr~in :\1t. l. with n r \'Oin·r~nu1 WIUI mnnin.! i t ln Ill\ it h h t.wlf. Alii\ 1\11!1\~CI' or I!L:I­tion.s poli .;,• wor•• t..r••scut, hut wure :\ fr.ti•lto lacklo thu dt•~tpc•r. Lolo. \\' llt'n · ~he tr.&in , two hours Into, rl!tlched thi11 cit,·, t ho policf•, nftor n des pcr.\W stru~­;.dC:, cnpturl'al tho m in, who Jti\VII hie name Rs H 0nn• K tnll'mnJI, nml 11Rhl he w:111 n hott•l porLN, lh·in.l! nt. Delphl'l!l, he luul J!nt on thn tr.1in nt. Dulphos, nnrl ter ro1izccl tho pn.:o~s ' n;.:,·rd frOtl,l thcr.! to Vl t,!liR ciL\', t lt r .. :ltl'nin~ t•1 11h oot nny on•· who •l ispnU••I h is ri)..:ht. tl') tho tr.lin.

At the• 11t.ati·•ll h •w''' th e 111 1n ,::n ,·r> hi~ nanw :rs Elcnn · K·111fm·lll. Ht'~~n i rl lw J!Ot clrnuk 11t n- jnl liticnlion nt Del· ph011. lnal ni~ht . lib kn C'w nrJi hinJ! nhnn t bon r.lin~ thn trn in nn\·h:lt occu rr­('(} f\ftnn mrds.' H l· cbtimod Vl h !' n 110(l· h ••w or .1. n. Kaufnra ll , thr W<•nlthy f'ju. l'inn:tti hrl'wt•r. and th 'l t unlit :L .o h r•rl t i rnr n(!o l1r> Will< n trwrllint:: m nn. Iff' ill not n d<'llp<'r.llC' Jookin~ 1111\11, ill lllll 'lll l)f s l•lluro, nml th<' thrt'n l h r hnd lllltdo to 11hoot the ronrhu:tnr ur nny ono who nltt>mpteclto put him oO the train, wns un•lquht••rlh· th r rr Ru ltll of clr lirium nf· t ern period o f dilssipntion.

Con•luctor Crn i ~: !l·licl Knufmnn clnim· r.d to hi' n nwrn bur n f n t rou no thn t wns lm\'ellin~ nn the lr.lin. hullh<' mnnAJ!<'r f:\il r cl tn rcrn~:ni1.r> him. ll o wn11 put n fl•nt. \'nn Wert, 0 .. hut. mnuntt'tl the p lnlfnnn of the rc•nr t'/lr whr n th t' trnin 11t nrLC'rl, pulled hill r r\·ol\'l'r and thrr>nl­enctl rl('nt.h to nn~· pcr30II who in ter fr r · t'rl . ThP Lrnuhl r IH'I!I\Il when tho fellow rofnded to pny hi11 fn rr.

Is t he World made of Salt 1

Kenr th r villn~l' of . pt>nrr nlmrs , 1thnnt twenty mi lf'l4 fr.1m llr rlin , Orr­ronny. is s ituated t.h r d e<'prst snit. min~ in the world . At lnst nrrnunt. it wns fnnr t housnnd onr hundred nntl nine!,. fou r feet d rt>p, th e lil'llt one t housnnd two hllllllred u C'in,!!'lli :< fe<>t in clinmelcr . IL wns ht',l!llll in ;hi' \' t•nr l&i!l, ,::ovNn­mcnt nnthnriti l's h:winj! Chl\r_.:r> of thn work, thf' :wnwt>tl pnrpn11r nf tlrC' work hPinl! Jo n'!C<-rtnin tho t':tl\ct thicknl'll!l of lhr rock wdt \'<' i ll knnwh tn t>x i .. t he­rwnth the ~YPR\I Ill !!llhstr.Lth-.. nhnnndin~ iu thnt. \' if' lnit\' . T il!' 11nlt rock Will'\

r l'nch nd b<'fnrr 'thn shnft. luul pnsseci th t' th r .. e hnntlrctl le ,·t·l. hut the 11izc o f tho mnm'luth !lhnft WM nnt le!l"cnecl until it lHld n•nclwd ll tl<'pth o f nenrly nuo fifth o f n mile. after whit·h tho boring w.'ls continuetl with nn nn~cr h it thir­tct'n inch <'il in rli:lrnct<'l'. \\'hen tho boring w.ls <liscon t inuc•l nt the depth of four thoua.'\n<l o nC' hundred and ninrty four feet , thr~c thousnnu foot o f which W•l S pure sn it, t h C' end of t he nu~t>r IJit wns cuttin).!(nwRy on the s'll· , inc deposit , which s ti lls ofunknown thicknt'LIS.

W hile in V:mdon t.he Cnn!Ulinn Prc­mit'r \'illitC'cl th<' Tmpr rin l Tnst itnl<'. H e wonl<.l note "thr> pro!!r<'ss mnde in the Cnnnclinn 11ec tinn. A corrl'spnn<lent dc­scrihrs tlw pr~·scut s tntc of nflidr~:

" Thr rl" :u c :1:1 \ ' f't onh· four of the c.ourlll t hnt hn \'f' foef'n ~nt.' into nn~·thing-11 kc or.l<'r. nncl tlH's • r. •pr•'~'~ ' nt Tncl in. tht' Rtr,dts S•·ttJ ,,m••uts . Tiriti:~h Colnm· · Lin nu•l Ontnrio . Tn tlH' liC courts th <' •'~xhih it '!. n n · nlr.>Jilcly hein~ nrr.Ulgt'. l. 1ht' fnd1an rMHll i 'l one of th <' lnr..:-t'ill h <' in;::" :d1oul 100 feN lon~ nnd :?U ,\·id l•: T h0 o~h·:r ~0prts nrn sm nller. ra\ngin~ frmn -10 ll'l't upw:11 als. Th t> Onl•Hio B<'C· lion willl•l' Jnr~<'l .'· nc<'npied wil h min· <'Lds nnd gmin, whill' Uritidh ColumiJh will m nk,• 11 good 11h0w of its mn,::nifi·

Thotuandl of Cocoanut Trees torn from cent timh<'r, wi th th r Dou!!lns pine the Gr ound and Building• Wrecked. C•111spicion!l, nnd ' ' iII pile up it11 tinned

~:limon !n :' hh:l! r olnmn. The CoiCIIJ­

0 oth the method a.nd r esults when ' yrupof Figs is tal: en; i t is pleasan!

a nd refreshing to the ta:.'ie and act.t gently yet promptly on theiDdneya, L i ver ann DowclE~. clcn.necs the sya• tom dfcdu:; lly, dif:pds colds, he8d­.!•.:hc::; .m ' f~:vcrs and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figa is tire only rcmcd¥ of its kind ever p I duccd, ple!l!:nig to tho Uste ana-ao­ccpt.ab!e to t'!:le stomncb, prompt in its action nnu t ruly bc;)c!icial Io ita effects, pr"r~~cJ at'.!; fro:n the mo~ bcnlt!Jy :mJ a~rccnLfosubtnnces, i~ manyexccll enlquuliticscommendi~ to all nnd }.a.vc mndo iL the m~ popub.r rcm~~ly l:~o'\':n.

Hyrup of Fir;s i:'! for S.'lle in 76o 'LotUes l')' a ll ll!aclbg druggists. Any reliable druggis t who may no~ have it on bauu will procure it ~romp'tly for any ono wbo wishe. to try it. Mnnufncturcd only by tht

CALifORNIA Fm SYRUP CO., s.o:; l'!:..l..!JCI~~O, OAL.

LOtllS't'!.:.:..::. : _::. : -::· ... , T OJUt. l!J1. ~

Do not be Depressed

because you have been

unable to rid yourself of

th:~t obstin::te cough.

You have been experi­

menting with new and

worthless compounds.

Cheer up! There is hope for you

if you will try that stand­

ard prep~ration that has

been in use for more

th:~n so years.

Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.

II wiU Cure You. Sold by aU q)mggists.

Wistar's Balsam


Wild Charry Bnllimore, Xov. 24.-F ollowing nre 1es a re, It 1-. &tt llsf,Lctory to Jearn, de­

some pnrticu l ra of tho damage dono b~' terminect t hat their products shrill bo the.cyclQno which passed over Old Provl· properly brought ht>fore the notice of dence and San Andrea!! id theCaribbenn poople M h l)me, Mnny of them wero Thla old relia ble e peolflo sen. The cyclone began ahout ~ o'olook nble to fnll bnok upon 'tho nrtioles thoy for c oug h e , oolda a nd all on the m orn,ng of October 8 at Aan showed at the IndiRn Rnrl Colonlnl E:t- dleaaeee of a pulmona ry And~ens. Tho wind b<'gan flnt with a hibition, nnd which hnvp slnct> been n a ture eaally ret a ins Ita nron~ galo frum tho north-cnat. The lltored iq this oountrv. In most CMt'LI, p opula rity among the peo• veloctt•· of tile '\\!l' nct incronse·' rnpt'dJ•· I " I l . . pie, thouean de of whom , ..., u , 1owever, t.,e oo on 11111 nre nrrlln~lng for 1 t b ld t h until everythin~nbou• tllct"slnnd begn11 tl 11 1 b · .1 m a y a moa eea 0 a ve ~ ., 10 co cot on erng llll\u<' cornplot r, been ralae d uPOn It a lnce to shako fron1 t ~force. In n~out. two nnd bring brought np to dtlto by nddi- It h aa e o long been the unl· houra after tb e 6eginnj r~g of the nonle tionnl cns<'s contnint.~l:' their ncwes• v l'-e a l oure a ll In ao manv the wi ric.l • u ·'4euly ~tl'•ift" to tho ,vo:>es'- • • 1

T "" u " .,.. snmples of prorlnotiJ. he formnl open· h'omea . Ita record for up· Wllt'tl qnd tllooyolone wna on in enrnest. in~ of tho Inatltuto by the Quern Is, All w a rda of a h a lf century Ia The •• Ianda nre mostly c.le ,·oted to the well known, to tnkf' plnco in Mny next, known to a ll a nd a tte ate lta cultivation of coooanut•1 1\nll 1\Cro 1\(tet Before then the conl'la ought. ull to bo remarka ble merit. Foraale nero of thcto woro twtatoll fron1 tho fully furniahe,l." by oil Drug•le t a . ground qnd oarrforl off. :af"ny of the • • h W f 1 S little frtun·c~ Jlou~e ohnrncterlatlo ohhnt o;.;t~'!noo lte B"""'· Set . ow e & ons, l?a~~ of Lho world lfere lifted J'ro"l their _ q_ ..._, noPIIDITOIII, ~ovu~d~tJ?.~~ nnd ontrJed a h4q4eq fee' -Ji.U.TF~, Nov. ~I.-Tho nlaokwnter I BOlTON, MAU. ·A\ 'lt.A 'd h z:iver in thc colln~y Oork hns overflowed

. . n . n re~ t ,o COOQIUlllt. crop11 of , it11 llR I)k ~ 'l'l't 1\Ujl\ccnt atret.ohcs of

~i~~ ru n~JI\rt;~~\~6thfe%e ~~~~n.&~·' ChOlJIILry ·~rl) llllllldnt(!(l f~r n)ilee. Tll I Avo II d {Ammonia da n ·e . ' •· .. . , . I ~ e t own of f c rmoy, w!uch 1~ on tho I ~~I lkovjdeucotheoyolono worked lol\nks of t.ho~Jver, there ~" nlmost utter . A 1"""-

whq e,·ezdpore' deetructivooeaa th t darkneas l.o-ntght. qi\O to the fnct th ntl . .,,,. ., .... ... ·•• . .a.M.U.U i/ A dr an n · the gne work~ af the to wn nre submol'S"' !'n n eaa. The bland hna a populn- . ed. ~n.ny of tho inhnbitnnl• af t \.: 1

twn of about 1,000 pOl"IIOOS. The plant- n d!ld, I . .... .. IIC I s· {Puritv ere' h onsel nre elevated from the ifQt 1\d ' ~~d 0g~'l Ol~nrM~~~v~g,:~<l~l' 1.~b~:~ I ec u re ., on pilcsi lea\!11; n ~ace qf ~bo~L t.I1reo nnve ~COfl \}~vy prQIQJlJOct t' • • tl

1 fft;~· bT ifcJP:•~ pl~f~~h~vo \yHh~l~e4e : aQttntpr ~'l.tl o)(t~nsi'/P'nott j~'~h~n10~0 ., .. , , ........... ... Wholetomcneu on ~e u·~r:!J' ~!q ~~:~e~ e~~~pi~~~1; I tn~dtt n~~ fiQQ<} d. A number or ma~l\: BY USING wreoftod oi: bA.r.Jl~·l ~qlaae<l . 1 ~ll1 w~~'IJ'<tloune$ n r~ ewollotl l'l~ ~ I

qn tlte eq~~'•f• e Qf t.nlft§l~qq ~ ~me • h~~f~~k~~~'!l\grh~~~~~o rl~l1l'W ~tr~n~" W 0 0 Dl'" L' .:t ohqrcq, Q~nc4 U' ~hq D-lll tlate nnll b r r l ,o: lO~tlll IU. t o . U 0 _, ~~onqU}Cf oij Jio no&1th, ewued by tb~e~mo ; ~•6 ~ on~.o ~n~ 1'1'\0ilnf~lll Ins hecn. I GERMAN BAKIIJ , denoamll4t on, diuppoared. Tho roofs 1 ;~~d~W"JJn~l'YI~~ eft,rt•ocoupl\n•• , or theae were ur~ otl' Jlko 80 lllUOh I '1'1 ' d . ~~, I um en~ 0 OUI\Oft were .1,

papCl' And tho re.t of the builcU~· ~1~ ~~~Ill ~t and sheep bavo bp~ d~O'YQ· I . •. ~owD"'~· Ia peed. A GO-ton eoh~noc: 111\moo the j '- • · .lilaii\1 Amecr, owne<t by PtMorlok Robinson ---=-=- " I · 8

qf QltJ ·f~"ldenoe Wat lying At anoho; • -A'( ~~EOTRf<J Jl4U,w.\Y INVENTION,

pft' Olr.l ro\'ldenoe when tbo ay~'oqo ! -:::-A~ a recent m eotlng or tho Soci ety of I W J R bepn. It wu b!own ~OliOtl llle roof~ 1 E!lglQOOl'l In Vienna Heir Koet~n 1 1 lOAJing from ·~o ~14Q~ '\~c\ Caujed 04~ 1 c:tefOribed blt invention or an eleo&.rlo ~~".. . b~ no~~ i~~~N lrQnl, ~Uway, OAUing into u1e a loco-motor BU SbiD Sip ad ."'0(0 . db oqe .. ~ It• e $ilno. 11'~h will travel 123 milee a n h our. ' _ u:ll ... }lfo~~r~o.... for over I ~ebulf ldil)lof&rallwayorthiadeeorlp- 1 Venetian

..,... -~ 10 .. , u own wu 1 t1on ll~te<l, to · be buUt1along tlie I . ... 1 ~i "W ~o a. loDf tlmo &o re- , banka nTllie Danube, from Vienna to renova""='. ~ bu 1 the WNOJcecl hmt.~OI on r.t.e kl~Rd • . Budll·PeltiL Eaoh OArrl:\go will bo pro- ~~Wit~ t~a&&o&hMboleaaow

llaOild ... &o edit. 3!'-.:q~ lo &lie ~'4~ »ow wW ~!dod wftb amo&or and wlll bo dft\iQecl m--• .,.-ta to ~'NIICD _.....;........;.... __ ,..._ . _ "'' t'JOpr "'O&rry loriy. pmona, · ---~l&t'w.~ ... UJNiill ... ,.,.......-=-i

Page 4: CENT PR~~I~J~NS ~ftci~t~~ng Prcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18921206.pdf · Lndies' 3-4 ~T lin ties nnd Ul11ters, Cbildren's Ulstt:rs, Muffs, Wqol Squares,



IG Street West, 'S.

· Millin.~n G~~~~~ . I ~t~· ·~ B~nn~t~ in the Latest ·London and Paris Styles.


I 0 I v ·. . h. 1 u11 araety 1n t as t class of Coods is cal-culat d to suit person~ of every class ~nd all ·tastes, even the most fastidious. Flowers,. Feat hers, Ribbons Dress Silks~ Pongees and I Art Silks, Mervillieux,

, 1 Surahs Satins~ Plushes I nn~ Velvets, Broohe Silks .1 and Satins.

Lad ies' Fur MUFFS from 45 cents tol $12 each.


I n P ur trimmed, Plain and Fancy Cloths, un­equalled for elegance of style and qu~lity

.. of mater ials.

;~ JOB UOTS: ~

· J~ \\. c arc ofi'cring . evcml J ob Lots of Ladios' Jackets, a:- Li.JIIow · :-

" 2 " ' $1.25 " double Lot 1 selling for 38 cents each ~Worth

' ' 3 " $1:75 " the Priee \


Ladies' and Misses'

WATERPROI~~UEARM.ENTS Most Fashionable Shapes

Best Cloths and Sewn Seams, I

F:roni the Lowest to $16.00. I .

We ares~!~~~~ !L~i:s' Water• proofs at S1 each,

S2 to·s3 e

ling, U r:¥ Goods, Hardware and Pro­

vision Mercihant, 389 and 386 WATER STBEET WEST,

8 . JOHN'-·


t!'~t ·Jarbor· 5ract Stanbarb -Alfi>T­


TuEsD.&.Y, DreEWBBR 6, 1892.


A rlocumcnt hns l :tto~ been is.mctl whioh hns judt now n s:->ecinl int.l'rel!tr­tht\t i~ tho Returns puLlishe.l by thl' French Minister of Marine with rcapect to tho fisheries-the cod and tho lobster -ens:aged in around the ahorea and off the Banks of Newfoundland.

Tho French porta which send out \ 'CI· eels to tho colony n.ro Diepv.e, St.Vt~lery· en·Cnux, Focamp, Granvllle, 'C4nCAle, St. Malo, Tregmet, and Binic. The French fishing flee~ it seems, has buen decJensing for some time, and for the twelvemonth included in these returns • (1800-1891) decreased from 169 to 153, while tho quantity of cod taken had declined from 21,389 to 21,080 tons. 'fhe number of vcaseJa employed by the French in tho Newfoundlnnd noel Dog· ger Bn¥ fisheries,is, it further nppenrs, 212, of between 100 nnd 150 tons burden, mnnnrd. by 3,4~ men. Tho vnluo of tho codfish taken was put down nt .£209,· 600, in addition to a considerable qunn· tity of herring, mnckerel, anchovies, and sprats.

It nlso nppenrs from too Report thnt the ht>rring-bonta. in which 61 boata from Boulogn't>, 22 from F eCArup, nnd four from St. V•Llcry-en·Ct\ux, of a totnl Lurclen of 6,582 tons, and with 1,660 mt'n on boRrd, wore en$tnged1 cnnght i2,H79 tons of tish, valued nt .£394,800, while nl>out £50,000 worth of mackerel intended for sn.lting wns t1Lken oil' tho coast of Iceland, while nenrly 8,000 tons of mackerel intended for immedi· ate consumption were caught oil' the French COAst. The quantity or sardines CAught off the COMt of Britt4nl. WllS very large, being given at 788 mtllions, sold nt an nvernge rate of nbout 6a. 6d. per thousand. The tunny-liah is nlso CAught in large numbers off tho coast between Lorient and BordeRux, na well na in tho MediternmCl\n1 the fisberi<'s of which did not yield qmte so good n re­turn 1\8 they had done tho ye1Lr before, while the value of fish taken otr ths CorsiCl\n consUl Is put nt little over.£ l ,· 0001 na none 01 it is sent acrou to the mntnlnnd.

-WORTH\" oF Ex.utPLE.-Eiscwhere nppenns anot)ler newsy letter from our London Correspondent G. A. This, treating na it does of a variety of inter· eating topics, cannot fail to be perused whh plenaure. It will be notir.ed thA.t aUuston is made,nrpong o~ber thin~1 to the sig,nitiCl\nt fact that the enterpr1s1ng little coiony of New Zealand is at pre­sent nttrncting much nttention in Grent. Britnin by it.t -legislation with respect to 'he unemployed plaSI~ of its popula· tion. lt seems that there, na is the case herP., the subject of enforced idle­nf'ss 1• one which tnxea tho beat ener­gies ofl>oth people ~nd cquntry~whicb engrosses the enrn<'st ~ttentioJ} of its public n1en. Tho plan pureued in re­gnrd to the ro:\d service is qno which should gomn}end itself. This is said to work well.:...Over 3009 per4008 h~ve by its ndoption found profitable employ· ment. As our correspondent nptly sRya, the Legislature of this fnr·nwny, pros· perous little .colony is now solvingmty diffioulj; problema,concerning l"bor t t might with ad\141li.l}gf? be copie~ y older and snore pretenttous oountr1es.

Another efl'ort, it is stated, will soon be· inA.de tQ rCAch the North Polo. In June next an e,pediflon consisting of ten or twel\·o men, w n \eavo ~opvny, and thence will proceed to Nova Zem· bin. H )Viii bo under the nll\nl\gemcnt of Dr. ~nn•c.n. 'f!•e N~rweginn Govern­ment subsortbes t\Yo-th1rds of the cost nnd King O!Cl\r and othc~ill prlvnte­ly te tho remainder. Tl}e totnl

ye~ unknown. Dr. Nnnsen snys : 11 t~ke J.Vith me five year.t' provis· we rntt.Y b~ away oqty: two yenrs, f fe~ ponfi~nt we wtll return in

" Attempta, ~ ~be jut'elljgent. rctid-er nowa, have bttberio boen D}ndo in definnce even or obataclea or nature; b»t now, it seems, an effort will be put forth ~ _Mcertain whether the~ ia not n poujlJjhty of teqobing the No~ole by }ltili~ihg certaJn qatu~l f~~~hties of whtoh all enrly explorer. w~e ~q_r.nt. In .June 1884 thrte years after Che Jelln· Ql)tte snnlc, there were found naar Jull· antl}4llJ in Gre6nland, se,·el'lL l artlolea which n~a b,elRnged to the Jeannette nnd hnd beep onrFiP4 t-q the conat of Grcouhmd from the oppQ!ik- aJdp on n piece or ice. This aroused ourlosit); a.s to MW l~ had accomplished th11C. voyage 40J'OJI tbo ocp~n. It 1s thought probnblu that thoro is~ C0'1}Pl1Fativcly abort nnd ~ircot route aorota the 'J(rctJC Pf]Cqp by w~y Qf the North Pille, anc thl\t nntnte hel"'lelt tJ.- IIUP.plied a means of com· municatlon. ijr, ~aosen's expedition will endeavor t-o roaJile ~l}~e bopea of n di,ep~routen.oroes the i\pu ohhe ~rctic ocean. The result of it. w1Ll be 1\Wait&l wit.b anxlo~'l~rea~.

s~.u.rNo NE,va.-It is aald ~ba~ Capt. M. BBI~Itltt, of Drlgu~, la to 'tafie oliii~e or the S. S. NhnroCI the coming spring 1\t tho aOAI fi.hCl'y1 ig p)aoo of Capt. H. l3artlett who is to coiJ}ruRJtd the t:l. 8. Algerlno, 1

<;apt.. Jl. Thomey, one of tho oldest and rnoa~ auooeaful ae4l~r P}l\ltere or tbia port, waa in Bt, Jo n'~ ~1113 J>tlllt week <fi' ao. Rumor bRa t ~hat l}o en· deavored to securo n eteamer to 01\,Ce apin~roaecute the le4l tishery, but. that t e l't'IUIL wna not a~ttiafBctory. Qlpt, IOIJJl'J' )l .. been a moat IUCOCU· fuf aeal-ktlfer, and jt il ~ queetJon tr hf1 ,80()Jd in ealllng-v,...il ana ~ .... IJJer can be ~Jl, He ia aJ.o a very a&l'eflJI muwo-be 4uri»r hla long experience ne'tV baYing ~ • m.JJ or • vtue!. m. friend• wotild UltO to ~-· e old pammCMJoreafln In C!Om' qt a •&auaob' , t"'(ftJ hll ~ "'' • . •h . ; r"f .

[FoR THE ooooa afucE STL'fDARn.J -- I


Ahout 11 o'clor.k on Tu<'Sdny night. the inhabitn.nts of Portrde-Ornve wcrr•. nlnrtnnrl hy tho cry <:'f '·Fire! F in•,!" 6n n111hin~: to t.he wmdows, to IH'O 10 " 'hnt. tlirecLiun the fil'e Wl\11,1\ lurid glnr · WI\S ob~cr,·e 1 in the ntmoephero just t~bovo Hnsctoy's Cove. Crow1l~ quickly ha.etenod to tho spot, when it wn~~ fonnrl thnt Kenm·'s In rge store wns in ftnmea; Md the tiro hnd sprcnd so mpi!lly thnt. it. W1\8 hopclrae to attempt to put it out. There wore 80\'cn\l buildings nenr, which stood in ~:rCAt dnnger. Stngea, stor<'8, and dwcll ing·housrs ofJ'erecl nbunrlnnt fuel for the devouring elemt'nt. Evf'ry efJ'ort wns uscrl to prevent Lho fire from sprencling to the nlljncent buildings. A few feet from the h!Rt:ing 11tore wns 1\

11\Tge ce11nr, ho.udcclnnd shingled . n.ncl immediate'!\' in tho rcRr. ju11t ncross the road, stood }(cnny'd dwelling-house, oc­cupied oy Mr. George Hampton. Fences were pulled down, nnd buckets of walter were showered hy mn.ny willing hnnds upon tho smoking cellar, thns cuttiuJ:: ofl' connection with the dwell ing-house. When the single well in thencighborhood fniled, resort. Wl\8 had to tho snlt-wnter, which, owing to tho sea. runnin~~; a t tho time, wna dono with no llttlo difficulty. But 'tlt'hile many were striving with ·might nnd mnin, to I\ Vert whnt threaten· ed t.o be a.n awful Cl\lnmity for Port-do­Grave, where was our policemnn?

PtovidontiA.lly, the wincl blew off tho lnnd a.t the time, nnd n mist wns f1d l in~;, which kept the roofs of tho l>uiltlings nenr,dnmp, thus preventing the burn i n~ pnrticlt's which fell upon them from taking mnch effect. Hnd t.l\o wiud been blowing in n oontrnry .direction, ns it Wl\8 n dn.y or two previous, a. cntns­tropho, no le81 terrible to us, thnn the late gre:lt fire in St. John's, would hl\ve happened, Any one acquainted with tho scene or the fire, and knowing how the housea extended along the tme prin· cipal street in Port-de-Gm\'e, will see what n n:nrow escape the whole settle­ment hRd of being burned. There is grent cnuse for thnnkfnlneas that the fire stopped where~t did, nnd that but the one atoro wns destroyed. How the fire originated is yet a. mystery; or whether · tho building wna insured we do not know. If it was the work of no incendiKry, it 'Y~ likely to hnvc proved a. cruelnttempt. As it hnppenod, there are a few su !ferens. Mr. George Hamp­ton hnd a. cod·trnp burnt, nnd a large quantity of hay ; ?!¥. Benjnmin }f.usaey also lost -* ot 5 Qarrele pqflle Lnbrl\dor herring and a few qtls. cod-fish. · We are all sihcerely hoping, tqA.t it will bo a lou~ time, before we shnll agnin h enr the cry of 11 Fire! Fire!" such ns on the night of 29th XQv .. 'lfhich fl}igl)t hnvo been & night to )>e long' remembered in Port-<.le-Gmve.

(TO TfJE EDlTOR OF T~£ 3T.\~D~RD.) })£AR Sm,-

Woulcl you please itl!ert tho following "tr.Lct, frotl) 1\ ll\tO ProviuehLl pnper, 10 your oolull}n~. and oblige, yourct t ruly, . ' }lEADER.

Harbor Grace Dec. 13, 1892. ·

How of~cn tqe\remiirk is made by ohuroh-goera to lbe1r D}lnhter 'fhcn he fails to visit them 1\8 often as they think he should, e.pecially ~en they are ill," di1lu' t you miss me out of church." Dr. Cuyler says a minister should worcthip in church ns well ns nny otht'r r)tember of the oon~rcgntiQn, and tht'rt'fo\-e it is irnpo83il>lc tor hifll to discern who is or is not absent from church. H e Cl\nnot worahip nnd tnko the ccnans~hc cons:reg~Ltion nt tho same tl111e. is f\Ot in tho pulpit ns n census Cl\ltl emtor. C.>nnt.ing the people id not wor.ship. · Looking nround for absent p:nishioricr6 is neither pr.Lisc, nor prnyor, ijOr pre.Lching. S:>mu n}iu­istcns QO~Af.t tlrnt tboy OQllhl nlnke n survey of ti}O people' ~n4 00\}llt he l}b· sentees dun~ the singing. 'Singing is prqjse, or 'nt'lenat should bo. l6 it not tho Pfl vljogc nod cluty .s?f ·~no llliil istcr to pmJ.4e OOd! 14llOY tt nl(nlster •~y·. ing "let \!" pt.1i'e God Uf singin~ the 2Si\.l ~4alm," an<i ~soon na tlio people begnn to iing ho ~eiJilll t.o ~'l~o Ple census.

Imagine n. congregation eiu~lng hymn 167 wh1lc the mlniator enumerates :

Ooqgregn.tio# •ings : 11 Give n1o tho w(tip of faith 'to riae "- ' ·

Mlnlater (inw.u'(ily) : Don't aee Brown in church tbls mormng.''

Congrl)gatlon: "Within tho veil and see."

Minister: II Smith is auacnt this morn­inJ(' again. Ctmnot get thnt m•m to attend rc~ulnuy: · Woiuler wh1~t oxouae he'll hnve to-morrow." •· · Congrog~Ltion : " The snint.a abo\•c,

how grl!at their joya." M.irii~t9r : " RoLinson ia not back yet.

Will ho 'over got over thnt.pet nbout hie pew?"· . . 'l .

Contregation : " How bright their glqriea be."

Clergymen hnve their troubl~ na well aa 6ther p.!Oplo, n.nd cannot expect to ple.aee everybOdy. · It seems ~ inc thn.t ev.ery woll·regulatcd oh'urch shourd lliivo am onergetl' c committee to aulA\ the clergyman n dlaoerning .. ho nro lll}aont fl'Otn the aerviccs, find Q~t the l'CI\SOn, aml if the peraone are ill, ncquain~ tho olel'&'Yman oftbe fact. Tbat. is the w4y I wootd carry tll cqurch work if I were •• enlhusial~Lic 1A1f aomo p6ople pretend ~ be jn "~-+t diroctjon; · · ·

• • -A NnutioBl 1t(eetingt wi~h muaio

nnd afnglul(,wlU bo held at thot!alvntion Army Burraoka on Tbtn'ld"Y evening next. All arc welcome. Collection will be taken at the door.



8-E-Q , who departed this lifo Nov. 80, and o~o ·bo ly Wl\8 placed wiLh kindred d 1sL, on her 24th BirthdAy.

Like tondc flower thnt, nipped by froet, Lice low t" heighL of bloom ;

Whn.'IO gent 0 ('"'\tCnl stricken finll, Aml mou n its cnrh· doom.

So thou, n tendcrt'r, J~vclier~ower, H nst faded in n d:iy ;

In llll thy chn.rma of form a.ncl youth, · A CAptive to decay.

" 0 Death, relentleaa, terrible, Couldst thou not aparo this flower,

So lovely, loved, so lately brought To her betrothed's bower ?

Thon'st left tho. old, tho aorrowful, Whose eyes nre w•~xing dim,

Whose cup of lifo is filled with gall, Whose yenr.t nre at their brim.

The tcn1lrils of whose earthly Jove Hnvo loosed with ml\ny n blow.

They would hl\\•u thanked thee, reaper dreAd,

To lRy the I nat one low. H ear then : 11 0 Death, why tnrrieat

thou? · · ('Tis thus they mnke their pl:\iot)

" Our lo,·ed ones gone, why stay we hero- •

W c who nrc lone and fnint .? . " These snfT~ring onea thine ar-row s

11pnr.xl 'Mi1lnll their woe nnd strife,

And struck to en.rth in youthful ptime­The mother, friend, and "·ife."

So we, thy frien rls from childho"ld's days Thus ignornntly pmte,

And, blindly feehng our o"·n 105s, Lament thine enrly fate.

Bnt Death ! n messenger wert. thou, E'en though we knew it not,

From One who ever loved our friend, And ordered nll her lot. •

His hand with alln Father's caro H er every step did guide,

His eye of love inefliLblc Would let uo ill betide.

Who would the fnLgilc fiowerlet keep A prey to cold n.nd gloom,

Wh'ich they could plnco in sunnier soil Where it would sweeter bloom ?

The plnnt ao soon removed from en.rth, Now grows in happier clime

~O(e fair, more fragrant, more beloved, Thnn 'mid the storms of time.

JESlU. Dec. 2ncl, 1892.


By T~legraph. --o-

HALIFAX~ Dec. 3,-Jay Gould bas died of hemorrhage of the lungs.

Tqe British atenmer Ravenna., ran into·~ Jnp~nese wnl'l!hip, and sixty Jap­anese wCl'e drowned.

The Canndinn cnl>inct is comple~c.

Local and other Items.

-PERSONAL.-B. S. . Munn, Eeq., left by this morning's train Cor St. John's.

I -CIJURCJt FAIR PmZE-Lot.Ulrled by MiNI Goff, 1 HRnd1ome Quilt, won on tickt>t 202, by Miss ~annie Kennedy. ----

--FoR SALE at tho Fancy 'nd Toy Buznar, Victorill Street. A fine selec· tion of CHRISTHA.S and 1\"EW YEAR CARDS.

-DE.&.o.-Siater Mary A~u. o( tho Prf'Sentation Order, died on Wednesdlly night at the Harbor !lain COnvent. Sbo wna Miss Annie Hosltina of Trinity.

-A CAble received h ere lately by h er owners- Messrs. John Munn & Co.­

·Atnt.ed thnt the briJtt. Arctic. Cnpt. Wm . Pike, had arrived down to Barbados on the 30th ult. ·

..:..P.£nso~u.-Mr. Hector !fcL. Shan­non. son of the late Neil Shannon, Esq., was in town la.et week. H e repreaents the well-known firm of Messrs. Marshall & Aston, Mancbeat.er, England .. • 1:!- • ___ _,! . -A Ssow 04vRM wa.e expene~, 1

Twillingato on Thursday night week, and the following day " '1\8 1\8 stormy as t one in mid-winter. A strong breeze of 'J north-east wind pre\'ailed, making the ' water very tempeat,uous.

-Two young tele~pb operators­Messrs. Mitchell and Gilmour-nrrived here b,- Fridny'a train from St. John's, en rouie to H eart's Content, where they join tho Anglo American Telegraph stntr. They CAme out by the la.et Eng· !ish steamer. .

-Thesteamer 'Loui.,burg, arrived at St. John's on Snturdny, after t\ rough and tempt'stuous pll88aJro, m ot Friday ni~:ht's gale, having her decks swept so,·­eral times. Tho sea is reported to be the heaviest ever expe.enced. She brought two pnasengcra-lleasrs.Thomp­son and Coates. The latter youn~ gen· tlemnn belonp to this town-eldest s'on of Mr. James Conte~.

THE HARBOR GRAcE DoRCAS Socurrv h eld ita a nnulll meeting in the British l::Inll yesterday. There was a goodly attenpance of members present. ':he Lndy Collectors for the ensuing year are-Ward 1 ~ Mrs. Roes and Mrs. Soy· moue; Ward 2: Mrs. Paterson n.nd )u88 Godden; Ward 3 : Mrs. Noel, Mrs. Mnc· nab and Miss N. Munn.

The benevolent work en~ged in by this Society so commends itself thnt little needs bo enid in its fn•or. It has the full sympathy and support of lho people. ·

Thompson becomes premier n.nd min· ister of justice ; Foster, finance; Mac· -M.uu~r-The schooner Sparkling ~enzie .Qowcll , trnde and commerce; Glance, Cn.pt. HRynes, sailed thts mom· Ouimet, p4blic Work! ; Hnggart., mil; ing with a cnrgo of oil for Mesal'S. John ways B'ld ennnls ; erut.igan, secretary M.unn & Co. . of &t.A.tc ; Anger<~, ng ricu(tllrel Caron, The S. S. Mastifl'aniled at 12 o'clock post01nster gcner.LI ; Tupper, marine Snturday night for Pool's Island, where Rqd tisherij!s i Curmn, solicttor general ; she is to lny up until the time cornea Clnrk, W nllaco nnd Ti<~dnlc, comptrollers for the prosecution or tho seal fishery. of customs nnd inllmd revenue ; Patter- C4pt. Jacob Winsor, who is to command son, m il itia i D•\ly, i11terior; Ives, pre- · her the coming spring, nrrh·ed by tho sJdent of tl1e CQuncil. Cl}apleau be- L.'ldy Glover from St. John's on Satur­CQmea governor of Quebec. dn.y. Thnt the stcamCl' Mnstiff under

Brisson f~tilcd to form a French min· her new commander may hnve a. bum-iatry. ~our~e,oise is .trying. per voyage_ the coming apring is tho

Dr.c. iJ.-1,ullon becomes Premier of heartfelt wtsh of nil. Quebec, , · The steamer Lndy Glover nt 11,

Tile French crisJ$ continues. Dcisson o'clock J 'caterday morning towed ou t fniled to form a C11.binet, and P..tierrc Me88rs. ohn Munn &Co.'s bnrquentino tried but fniled. William on h er way 'to Bn\ZII. She

Tho midnigh t proccasiQn of the Lon· returned to port. shortly after 6 p.m. don 1Jncn~lqyed w~ 4 tQtnl fniluro. Tho S. S. Benefactor, chartered by

Cholt:>rn 1)1\S appe~n~d at Cherbourg. _Messrct. John Muon & Co., with n. cn.rgo Gencr.1l Dinz hna been inatnlled for n. f about 750 ton~t steam coals left Cnr·

qe~· term Eiesident of MCJCico. fl' on the 80th ult., for this port, and Gould'~:~ death did not affect atooks. ay be expected here on or about Sun· 1'he All:lerionn Go,·ernrqcnt will Pl'O• d~ty ne:(t. Sh~ is en route to Tilt Co\'e,

Rflbly a..op 1Qlll1l,grntiou for a t\yelve where she W1llload a cargo of copper D}Ont.h~. fearing ol)olerA.. · • ore for tho English market.

·!::iir William Whiteway ~nd Hon. U1 The A,.tlaqta WM towed hence to Bond sn11ed to'-dny tor Ncwfoundlflnd. Drigus thi11 afternoon,

DEC. 6.-Thc Britiaq · Goverufllel'l~ --w. C, T . U.-The Ladies of the prorp,l~e to ~ef!}QVe tpe ve•trlction- on ·Oeputation ffl'lffi the Women's Christian t)le }Ill porta lion of O~nad14n hve c~t. tle, Terqperance Union of St. John'a- Lsdy 'Yhe~ov~r the nbsence of pleuro-pneu· Thorburn, Mra. Peten and Mrs. Fraser fllOOI~ ts ~ove<J, -held two rncetlnga ln the British Hf\11 ~lbot ~ tor111cd the Prenoh calli net 1 qer.e last week. At the first meeting

it is nlll'}OS . t~o lllflle 1\8 t~e l114t: Loull~t qotqing but prelillliMry business" on· ~~comes M101ster of Juat1ce, l}nd Pubho gnged nttontton. At ThuNd&f afteh 'r onsli~p ! .b op. ury of Pub_lic InaLr~ction, !\()On'a meetlnr, howe•or, tho Branch ~ p~tectJvn~t po)JC)' lflll be ma1nt"n' ~ooletf q ere "\'&a organised=witb tqe ~. . lollo~ng lA.diet as tho office-holdera ;

Btshop Wor,lswort.h is dead. ~trs. MAcnab, Preaident ; Miss Paton H eavy aoow in British !alee, nnd Miss. N. Munn, Vice-Pre.idents i Severe !amino in Burmah. Mn. Paine, Recording Secretary ; ~. (FOR THE HARBOR GRACE STA.NDA.lU>.) Flluny Stowe, Oorretpondfng Beare~ I

and !(N. J, D. ~~nn, Treaaurer. lta flat

I 11\'f in ' Into ~of yoqt: p•pep ~ si~!tnfio~~l ttc!~daJsjgeo'~~~ot pRl'J\gmph tn connectiOn lf1th the caCl\ao 'l'bursdny af~rnoon, The young organi· of d prisoner from the worthy officer tn z:Ltion, there can flo little doubt, baa cbnrgo, which nearly terminated in a the good'1filland tho 1yrqpathy of the acrioua occurrence. An old and ~peot- people of the Bny !fetropo'lfs, wqo will able planter, weary of plodc.llog up ~d 1fl4Q Jt.e~OfY ~ucoea in tqe good lfOrk jq down amqngat the bu4y throng, til ought whfon ~t 1~ ona'Ued:/ be woulq find ahelter in an adj.oent . ~-grove, tliere to refresh hie memory with BOB.I'. tho coolinJ breesea or autumn and ball On Thu,..day 1 .. ~ at Bear's Qove, the withered loll age. Juat a1 hia thought. wifo of George E. Pi lee of a son. lllid rub oft" to 4roa1J!·land 'be lfal On Thu~d~y Jaat 24tq ult., the wJfo a:rou~ed by 'fhnt ~e~IJ!ed to b~ a yell or Robert Palno1 or a d~tul~ter. of " demon from ~nknown 1f'O£ld1 fti vJng forcJble ~preq1on to the "o~ f X AMJBD, \ rL

'Ye hafe hi~ I Hbrro~tri~en, !to 4~ ~he Me~hodJa~ fari004ge 'l!' ~~ ~ arose to B!Jd bitl}selft-.ce to !~oe 1fitb 4 urday night, by tl}o ijev. q .. fitnet grey·bOArdOd 'oonatable 4J1d a J!C~tt ' o[ Cho \ f to "'artb T~ll b n. othem1 with the 1fortby keeper and hia thia~wn~rge, --t .. a ...., y, 0

"ff 0

~uJ~tlte !ll4D and maid~ervant, tije 4t St. John'~, at til• ~All O.tpolJo ~~le ,.~CJ t}Je ~t.ranger ,jtb~b h~ P.~, C.thedri!J, on tho 28rd qlt., 'br. •be Yen wllo ~JJ4 ~qe qp tlle hjU ~-xneU in A.fchdeacon F1f.:f:l, J•m• CooJf:rbf ot •04roh of ~ho ,Jerqa~em·narro~ who h~ •b t •t. to e v-n r flown ~yoptl their re~b.l Shivering " ll c. y, ~)'. 0 or and lbl'ldog, the old ,Planter retu,rnod

0 ~~rao~e~. !!!!e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!D::t:KO:='!!_ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ much the worae for bu 1ere~e, vow· ing be would never inhale any more of At St . .Tohn'•t.. on the hd i111t., Hary that mountain-dew which b&d nearl1 Wife of Mr. H. E, SborUa, IP.d 80 1'!!A· ooet him bia Ufe. Hoping the nut Qot.. 10, after a Ion~ ana'~nl aflltc­tlme a prleoner eeoaJ)el frO~ the "'~!~ don, the Bev, OJ Noble, of O'o1dep1 tocfr otbll keeper, Uie qld planktr w~ South Atrlca1 elnt'IH 10ft of J'amM ana 1m .. re aDa JDUi&t b~e, -'•llf lfQble,or~MJila bll_._t ... r

• '~~ 1oua ~·--Vfi!O~ ~~ ,.,. -,.._.rr ID ••ww