International nternational nternational nternational LightWorkerS ightWorkerS ightWorkerS ightWorkerS Goddess Arianhod Empowerment LightWorker™ Series Channelling by Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel Manual by Elizabeth Hibel Layout by Jens Søeborg

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IIIInternationalnternationalnternationalnternational LLLLightWorkerSightWorkerSightWorkerSightWorkerS

Goddess Arianhod Empowerment

LightWorker™ Series

Channelling by Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel Manual by Elizabeth Hibel Layout by Jens Søeborg

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Goddess Arianhod Empowerment (LW™ Series) This attunement is channelled by Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel from Australia, and it will be placed among the ………….

LightWorker™ Avalon Empowerments (all originals) Druids Empowerment (Lisa "Ladywolf" Center) (LightWorker™ Series) Goddess Arianrhod Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LW™ Series) Goddess Blodeuwedd Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LW™ Series) Goddess Branwen Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LW™ Series) Goddess Cerridwen Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LW™ Series) Goddess Rhiannon Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LW™ Series) Isle of Avalon Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LightWorker™ Series) Lady of the Lake Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LightWorker™ Series) Merlin (Taliesin) Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LW™ Series) Morgaine Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LightWorker™ Series) Excalibur (Caledfwlch) Empowerment (Elizabeth Hibel) (LW™ Series) King Arthur Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LightWorker™ Series) Camelot Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LightWorker™ Series) Round Table Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LW™ Series) Holy Grail Empowerment (Elizabeth "Midnightowl" Hibel) (LightWorker™ Series)

The Goddesses of Avalon • All Gods are One God, • All Goddesses One Goddess....

The Five Goddesses are the heart and soul of the Sacred Island of Avalon, each bringing on a transformational energy into the matrix of the eternal realm. Once we have made contact with the Goddesses and established a good working relationship which each of these women of power, we can use them to connect with the ancient energy of Avalon.

On Avalon, there were five faces of the Goddess which the priestesses worked with, although many continued to honor the Goddesses of their homelands in addition to these Matronesses.

The Avalonian Tradition draws its inspi-ration from Celtic and not Germannic culture. Wales was able to maintain and preserve the culture, language and tradi-tions of Celtic Britain far longer than England, so we have to look to Welsh literature and folklore to understand the beliefs of the Britons. The Welsh mythic cycle contains the first references

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to King Arthur, and through him, to Ynys Afallon – the Island of Avalon.

Therefore, to discover the Goddess as She revealed Herself to the Britons, and as She was worshiped on Avalon, we must turn to the mythology of Wales.

We find glimpses of Them in the later written records of the Celts, and because most of the tales were written long after the New Religion had firmly taken hold in Britain, we must look beyond the words to see the ancient truths embedded in them.

From such sources as the Mabinogion and the poems of Taliesin, we begin our quests for the Goddesses of Avalon. Coming to know Them is a life-long process – this brief overview aims to serve as an introduction –the information is by no means complete, but will serve as a compass to point the seeker along their path.....

These five Goddesses are far more than the written record tells of them.

When their tales where finally written down, they had already been reduced in stature – they were no longer Goddesses but mortal women, queens, creations of magickians, and faerie folk. Once we can read the stories of the Goddesses without the filter of medieval mores and Christian philosophy, a very different portrait of Them emerges. The betraying harlot becomes the giver of Sovereignty, free to choose Her mate as She wills and granting kingship to whom She deems best.

The abandoning mother becomes the Great Teacher and the devouring witch is revealed as the Initiatrix into the Mysteries.

Patriarchy was not kind to them either, as their stories are mostly told in relation to the men in their lives.

It has come to us that these five - Arianrhod, Blodeuwedd, Branwen, Cerridwen and Rhiannon are the Guardians of the Sacred Isle of Avalon...

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Goddess Arianrhod Arianrhod is the Great Teacher, holding the energy of the active principle. She is the embodiment of the Wheel of Life, yet not Herself subject to it. She is the force of Bound and Rebound, the Karmic Lesson Bringer that brings the Universe into Balance. All cycles and time are within Her realm of influence. Arianrhod is the Source of Awen, the Divine Spark of Inspiration, although it is through Ceridwen that Awen is bestowed.

Goddess Blodeuwedd Blodeuwedd is the Lady of Initiation. She calls us to cast off the garments of expectation and to peer into the darkness of the self to find, and ultimately live, our inner truth. She teaches us to fly where others would see us grounded.

Goddess Branwen Branwen is the embodiment of Sovereignty and is the Guardian of Avalon, holding the energy of the passive principle. She is the Whole, the Center, the World Axis. The primal Feminine energy, all things emanate from Branwen. She is the Goddess of the Land Manifest, as well as the Spirit of the Land. On Avalon, Branwen was primarily consulted in matters dealing with Her Realm – that is, concerning the full tapestry of Avalon, rather than the individual stitches. She is the Goddess of the grand scheme of things, the broader perspective that allows the greater patterns to be revealed. Goddess Ceridwen Ceridwen is the Lady of Transformation. She calls us to enter into our darkness to seek out the seeds of our wholeness. She teaches us that the only path to wisdom is through trial and experience. In Her Cauldron, the mysteries of death and rebirth are revealed, and we emerge to initiate the process once more. We ride the Wheel with our newfound insight and understanding, so that we may illume the next phase of our journey with what we have learned. Goddess Rhiannon Rhiannon is the Lady of Manifestation. She calls us to stand strong regardless of the challenges to our truth. She teaches us to ask for what we need, and grants abundant and loving support to carry us through our dark times.

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Goddess Arianhod

O Arianrhod of the Silver Wheel, by all the many names men give to Thee - We, all Thy hidden children, humbly kneel

Thy truth to hear, Thy countenance to see.

Here in the Circle, cast upon the Earth Yet open to the stars-unseen, yet real -

Within our hearts give understanding birth, Our wounds of loss and loneliness to heal.

Isis Unveiled, Isis Veiled, Thou art;

The Earth below our feet, the Moon on high. In Thee, these two shall never be apart- The magic of the Earth and of the Sky.

When you are attuned to the energies of the Goddess Arianrhod, you will have access to her many traits

as set put in the following manual

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Goddess Arianhod

Goddess of the Silver WheelGoddess of the Silver WheelGoddess of the Silver WheelGoddess of the Silver Wheel

Welsh Star and Moon GoddessWelsh Star and Moon GoddessWelsh Star and Moon GoddessWelsh Star and Moon Goddess

Arianrhod (ah-ree-AHN-rhohd), Arian meaning 'silver',

and Rhod meaning 'wheel' or 'disc'.

She is a Celtic Moon-Mother Goddess, called the Silver Wheel that Descends into the Sea.

She is Daughter of the Mother Goddess Don

and her consort is Beli or Nwyvre.

She is the ruler of Caer Sidi, a magical realm in the north, but also one of the five protectors of Avalon.

Arianrhod Correspondences

Arianrhod is keeper of the circling Silver Wheel of Stars, a symbol of time and karma.

Call on Arianrhod to help you with past life memories and

difficulties as well as for contacting the Star People.

In the Avalonian Tradition Arianrhod corresponds with Fire Elementals and the 3rd (heart) chakra.

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Her symbols include:

• A Silver Wheel • The Moon • The Stars • The Corona Borealis • Seasonal Rites • Fertility • Reincarnation • Regeneration • The Cycle of Birth/Death/ReBirth • Weaving

She was worshiped as priestess of the moon. The benevolent silver sky-lady came down from her pale white chariot in the heavens

to watch more closely over the tides she ruled.

Facts about Arianrhod Arianrhod (aree AN rod whose name means "Silver Wheel", is a Goddess of fertility, the full moon, the stars, regeneration, and reincarnation, whose pathway is an eternal quest or thread that has no beginning or end.

The spirit of Arianrhod is a symbol of prophecy and dreams.

As a meditative glyph, She provides a glimpse of both the past and future, but the traveler must follow the Spirit of Arianrhod with an open heart and mind.

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She controls the time dimension that allows access to the whirlpool of Creation; an enigmatic vision of the universe as perceived by the Celts. She is the personification of the ever-turning Wheel of the Year. This wheel was also known as the Oar Wheel, a ship that carried dead warriors to the Moon-land (Emania). She is a primal figure of female power and authority and is considered an Ancestral Goddess of the Celts.

The key to the nature of this Goddess is that She is a weaver, in control of the interactions of human lives and of the matter of creation itself. In Irish tradition we find that the Goddess of the Land of Erin may manifest as a weaver. She lives in a stellar realm, Caer Arianrhod - otherwise

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known as the Corona Borealis, with her female attendants and there she decides the fate of the dead. The Corona Borealis is the self-same constellation that is associated with Ariadne, a Greek resonance of Arianrhod. She is a very sexual Goddess and mates freely with any man she chooses, whenever she chooses, as her body is hers to do with, as she wants.

For this reason she is often in open rebellion against patriar-chal society. Many believe that her myths represent the shift from the time of Celtic women's full freedom to that of male centered clans and male domination of women. Her Festival is on 2nd December, she is also honoured at the Full Moon. In addition to native variations by locality or over time, there are often several possible transliterations into the Roman alphabet used for English, Arianrhod Aranrhod - Arianrod.

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The star and moon Goddess, Arianrhod was also called the Silver Wheel because the dead were carried on her Oar Wheel to Emania (the Moon- land or land of death), which belonged to her as a deity of reincarnation and karma.

Her consort Nwyvre 'Sky, Space, Firmament' has survived in name only.

Caer Arianrhod is the circumpolar stars, to which souls withdraw between incarnations, thus she is identified as a Goddess of reincarnation.

The Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess in Wales, her palace was Caer Arianrhod (Aurora Borealis), or the secret center of each initiate's spiritual being.

The moon is the archetypal female symbol, representing the Mother Goddess connecting womb, death, rebirth, creation. (Albion, the old name of Britain, meant 'White Moon'). The Celts "know well the way of seas and stars", and counted time not by days, but by nights, and made their calendars, such as the famous Coligny Calendar, not by the sun, but by the moon. Ancient astrologers took their observations from the position of the moon and its progress in relation to the stars - the starry wheel of Arianrhod.

In Celtic Myth the Goddess has three major aspects:

• the maiden, • the mother and • the crone.

These three represent the three stages in life of a woman.

• Blodeuwedd is the flower maiden, • Arianrhod represents the mother and • Morrigu at last is the crone.

These three aspects of the Celtic goddess may have different names in different regions and regional legends. For example, Morrigan also takes the mother role at times.

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Arianrhod is said to be able to shapeshift into a large Owl, and through the great Owl-eyes, sees even into the darkness of the human subconscious and soul. The Owl symbolizes death and renewal, wisdom, moon magick, and initiations. She is said to move with strength and purpose through the night, her wings of comfort and healing spread to give solace to those who seek her.

Hymn to Arianrhod Arianrhod of the Silver Wheel

by all the names men give thee - We, thy hidden children, humbly kneel

Thy truth to hear, thy countenance to see.

Here in the circle cast upon the Earth

Yet open to the stars - unseen, yet real - Within our hearts give understanding birth, Our wounds of loss and loneliness to heal.

Isis unveiled and Isis veiled, thou art;

The Earth below our feet, the Moon on high. In thee these two shall never be apart -

The magick of the Earth and Sky.

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She was the daughter of the Welsh Goddess Danu. Her uncle, the God Math, was compelled by a taboo to keep his feet in the lap of a virgin whenever he was not actively engaged in battle. After his first 'footholder', Goewin, was deflowered, Math asked Arianrhod to take her place. She had to step across a magic rod to prove her virginity, but when she did so, twin boys dropped from between her legs. Math named the first of the boys Dylan. The second of these was taken away by Arianrhod's brother Gwydion and raised in a magic forest. Arianrhod incensed by what she had suffered, laid three curses on the second boy, Lleu.

• He shall have no name except one she gives him. • He shall bear no arms except ones she gives him. • He shall have no wife of the race that is now on the earth.

Through elaborate magic and trickery, Gwydion deceived Arianrhod into breaking the first two curses herself. To break the third, Math and Gwydion created Blodeuwedd, a woman made of flowers, to be Lleu's bride. Blodeuwedd (flower face), who appears to the embodiment of a fertility Goddess, betrayed Lleu, to his death, but his spirit hung on a tree was resurrected on the following day. Humiliated by Math, thwarted by her son, forsaken by her brother, Arianrhod retreated to her realm Caer Arianrhod. Here she later drowned when the sea reclaimed the land.

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Invocations to Arianrhod Oh Arianrhod, You who are Maiden, Mother and Lover…

Lady of Initiation, You gave us our names, and gave us our weapons,

so that we may make our way through Life.

Lady of Incarnation and Keeper of Caer Silverwheel - beyond the North Wind -

from You did we come, and to You shall we return.

On this night of the full moon, we call on the Bright Lady to join us in our circle.

We await her as in times of old and in the ancient way,

for now is the time of the Mother, the time of magick and mirth.

Bright Goddess, Arianrhod,

Daughter of the Great Ancestress Don, we call on You from the ancient wild places

and the sacred springs.

We call on You to descend to us from Caer Arianrhod, Your home among the stars.

We call on You, Great Goddess of the Silver Wheel,

Keeper of the Past, Present, and Future. Join us as we stand in the flood tide of Your power,

as we see that all paths lead back to You, Blessed Arianrhod.

Flood the dark hillsides with laughter,

awaken us that we may see Your many gifts, bless us and protect us.

By the light of the full moon we all call hail to You,

Mother, Blessed Arianrhod.

We ask for Your presence and bid You Merry Meet and Blessed Be!

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On this night of the full moon, we call on the Bright Lady to join us in our circle.

We await her as in times of old and in the ancient way, for now is the time of the Mother, the time of magick and mirth.

Bright Goddess, Arianrhod, Daughter of the Great Ancestress Don,

we call on you from the ancient wild places and the sacred springs.

We call on you to descend to us from Caer Arianrhod, your home among the stars.

We call on you, Great Goddess of the Silver Wheel, Keeper of the Past.

Join us as we stand in the flood tide of your power, as we see where all paths lead, which is back to you,

Blessed Arianrhod. Flood the dark hillsides with laughter,

awaken us that we may see your many gifts, bless us and protect us.

By the light of the full moon we all call hail to you, Mother, known to some as Blodeuwedd, Arianrhod, and Cerridwen. We ask for your presence and bid you merry meet and

blessed be!