THE TIMES Friday July 222016 1GM Captain Er c Winkle Brown The Duke of York KG, Commodore-in-Chief Fleet Air Arm, and patron, Fly Navy Heritage Trust attended an event to celebrate the life and achievements of the world’s greatest test pilot Captain Eric Melrose-Brown DSC, ArC Royal Navy, held on Thursday, July 21, at the Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton, Somerset. The prime minister was represented by Sir Gerald Howarth MP. The Venerable Ian Wheatley, chaplain of the Fleet and archdeacon to the Royal Navy officiated and pronounced the blessing. Rear- Admiral Keith Blount (Assistant Chief of Naval Staff Aviation, Amphibious Capability and Carriers) read the lesson. Commander Sue Eagles (communications director, Fly Navy Heritage Trust) read the poem High Flight by John Magee. The Duke of York KG, Admiral Sir Philip Jones, First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Sir George Zambellas, Vice-Admiral Ben Key, Fleet Commander and Senior Royal Navy Aviator, Colonel Paul Beaver, Captain Todd Wilson, United States Navy Liaison to the Royal Navy, Mr Jeremy Miles (Miles Aircraft Company), Mr Anthony J Blackman and Mr Glenn Melrose-Brown, son, paid tribute to Captain Melrose-Brown and his remarkable career as a test pilot and aircraft carrier pioneer. During the commemoration, the Yeovilton Military Wives Choir, directed by Mr Matthew Rock, sang Sailing by Rod Stewart, which was Eric~ final choice of music when he was a guest on the 3000th edition of Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs. The Band of the Royal Marines, Plymouth, directed by Major R P Long, performed a selection of concert band items, including Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines by Ron Goodwin, and music from the big band era. Miss Emily Horton was the compere. Among others present were: Mrs Jean Kelly, Mrs Glenn Melrose-Brown with other members of the family. Also present were: Lady Howarth, Lady Lygo, Sir Richard and Lady Matthews, Sir Humphry and the Hon Lady Wakefeld, Lady Zambellas, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Benjam’n Bathurst, Admiral Sir Ian Garnett, Admiral Sir Michael Layard, Vice-Admiral Sir Adrian Johns and Lady Johns, Air Marshal Sir Christopher Coville, Vice Admiral Sir Jonathan Tod, Vice-Admiral A. Jonathan Woodcock (Second Sea Lord and Deputy Chief of Naval Staff), Rear-Admiral RH. Burn, Rear-Admiral Paul Bennett (Assistant Chief of Naval Staff Capability), Rear-Admiral Paul Chivers1 Rear-Admiral Chris Clayton, Rear rwriLo9e rust), Kear-Adimral and Mrs Simon Charlier, Rear-Admiral Tom Cunningham whairman, Fly Navy Heritage Trust) and Mrs Cunningham, Rear-Admiral and Mrs Russ Harding, Rear-Admiral Graeme Mackay, Rear- Admiral James Rapp, Rear-Admiral A.R. Rawbone, Rear-Admiral Ian Tibbitt (deputy chairman, Fly Navy Heritage Trust) and Mrs Tibbitt, Rear-Admiral and Mrs John Tolhurst, Rear-Admiral Simon Williams, Air Vice-Marshal John Ponsonby (senior vice-president Leonardo Helicopters and trustee, Fly Navy Heritage Trust), Commodore Jon Pentreath (commanding officer, RNAS Yeovilton), Commodore Jock Alexander (chief executive, Fly Navy Heritage Trust), Commodore and Mrs Simon Baldwin, Commodore David Bartlett, Commodore Matt Briers, Commodore David Childs, Commodore Bill Covington (trustee, Fly Navy Heritage Trust) and Mrs Covington, Commodore David Elford, Commodore Andrew Jameson, Commodore Anthony King, Commodore Simon Kings, Commodore Jamie Miller, Brigadier Mark Noble RM and Mrs Noble, Commodore and Mrs Chris Palmer, Commodore Duncan Reid, Air Commodore Harvey Smyth, Brigadier Richard Spencer, Air Commodore Johnny Stringer, Commodore Gary Sutton, Commodore Rick Thompson, Commodore and Mrs Simon Thornewill, Commodore Malcolm Toy, Commodore Martin Westwood, Commodore Tobias Williamson, Captain James Band, Captain and Mrs Andy Barnwell, Captain Michael Bickley, Captain Nick Blackman, Captain Harry Blackmore, Captain Jerry Boddington, Captain Geoff Bowker, Captain Mark Bradley, Captain Henry DuTh’, Captain and Mrs David Durston, Captain Ivan Finn, Captain and Mrs Mark Garratt, Captain and Mrs Andy Harris, Captain and Mrs Fred Hefford, Captain Terence Henderson, Captain Alan Hensher, Captain Peter Hore, Captain and Mrs Gerry Hunt, Captain Alun Jones, Captain Mark Langrill, Captain K.A. Leppard, Captain and Mrs David Lilley, Captain James Luard, Captain and Mrs Cohn MacGregor, Captain Sharon Malkin, Captain Rob Mallinson, Captain Cohn Miller, Captain W Morris, Captain and Mrs Mike Nixon, Captain Kieran O’Brien, Captain Adrian Orchard, Captain and Mrs Robert Rance, Captain Michael Rawlinson, Captain Paul Shawcross, Captain Robin Shercliff, Captain Danny Stembridge, Captain and Mrs Simon Thomas, Captain Robert Turner, Captain Nick Walker, Captain and Mrs Russell Williams, Colonel Richard Green, Colonel Tom Hickman, Group Captain Christopher Huckstep, Group Captain Tom Lyons, Commander Matt Avison, Commander James Blackmore, Commander Gus Carnie, Commander Simon Collins, Commander Johanna Deakin, Commander and Mrs James Dible, Commander Steve Doubleday, Commander and Mrs Gary Duffield, Commander Andy Dustan, Commander Simon Flynn, All Kefford Eric Brown first came to RNAS Yeovil ton on the day it opened in 1940, when “it was nothing but three runways in an ocean of mud’~ - Workmen had to be moved before each take-offand thefledgling pilot had his first accident there, belly-flopping his Gloster Gladiator biplane into a pile of rubble. Commodore-in-Chief of the Fleet Air Arm, Fir~t Sea Lord Admiral Sir Philip Jones and more than 650 Royal Navy personnel, fellow test pilots, scientists and members of the aviation and aero nautical industries gathered at the same air station to commemorate the life of a man who rose from that skir mish with Somerset soil to become the world’s greatest military test pilot. Captain Eric Brown, who died in February this year aged 97, flew 487 different military aircraft from gliders andjets to helicopters includ ing many during their dangerous initial testing phase. He made 2,407 landings on carriers at sea and 2,271 take-offs, world records which will almost certainly remain unbroken given thatseasoned US Navy Top Guns notch up about two thirds of these totals. He was the first man to land ajet on a carrier, and during 70 years of Commander and Mrs Tim Gedge, Commander Darren Goldsmith, Commander Matt Grindon, Commander Ian Halliday, Commander and Mrs Edgar Home, Commander Simon Joll, Commander Tim Kelly, Commander Roger Kennedy, Commander and Mrs Robin Kent, Commander and Mrs Rich Kerslake, Commander and Mrs Stewart Kilby, Commander Patrick Lacey, Commander and Mrs Mark Leaning, Commander Christopher Ling, Commander Stephen Lynch, Commander James Macdonald, Commander Dave Mackay, Commander and Mrs Mark Macleod, Commander David Marten, Commander Henry Mereweather, Commander Henry Mitchell, Commander Mike Norman, Lieutenant-Colonel Will Penkman, Commander and Mrs Aubone Pyke, Commander and Mrs Jeremy Redman, Commander Philip Richardson, Wing Commander and Mrs Clive Rustin, Commander Dennis Ryan, Commander Knut Sandved, Commander and Mrs Don Stolworthy, Wing Commander and Mrs Ian Strachan, Commander Stephen Thomas, Surgeon- Commander Matt Turner, Commander Malte Von Spreckelsen, Commander Robin Wain, Commander Louis Wilson-Chalon, Lieutenant- Colonel Peter Manson, Lieutenant-Colonel Holger Schmor, Lieutenant-Commander Glenn Allison, Lieutenant-Commander Nicholas Almond, Lieutenant-Commander James Ashlin, Lieutenant-Commander Jonnie Barnes Yallowley, Lieutenant-Commander Richard involvement in British innovative avia tion went from flying the Blackburn Skua fighterto advising on the develop ment of the F-35, set to fly from our new Queen Elizabeth Class carriers. - Brown nicknamed “Winkle because of his diminutive height remains revered worldwide through out the military and aviation industry for his flying genius and unswerving passion for British carrier strike. fle-ffnv’Ma,tlots from escort carrier HMS Audacity during the early stages of the Battleofthe Atlantic surviving her sinking. However, it was during his six-year stint at RAE Farnborough in the later stages of the war that his tal ents as a scientist and engineer blended with a searing intellect that resulted in him playing a key role at the zenith of experimental flying. The Duke of York said: “The current Royal Navy is all about carrier aviation, about getting us back into that game. Without Eric we couldn’t possibly have achieved where we are going. He was a truly inspirational person:’ Yesterday’s commemoration was attended by Eric’s son, Glenn Melrose Brown, and his companion in later life, Mrs Jean Kelly. A flypast of more than 40 of the aircraft that . Brown piloted, including the Fairey Swordfish, Bartram, Lieutenant-Commander and Mrs John Basterfield, Lieutenant-Commander Duncan Brodie, Lieutenant-Commander K. Burbridge, Lieutenant-Commander Suzanne Clark, Lieutenant-Commander S Cox, Lieutenant-Commander Nathan Dale, Surgeon-Lieutenant Commander Kelly Davey, Lieutenant-Commander Ralph Dodds, Lieutenant-Commander Anthony Eagles, Lieutenant-Commander and Mrs Dave Eagles, Lieutenant-Commander Martin Flanagan, Lieutenant-Commander Chris Gdtke, Lieutenant-Commander Scott Hughes, Lieutenant-Commander Ralph Jameson, Lieutenant-Commander Adam Jones, Lieutenant-Commander Earl Kingston, Lieutenant-Commander and Mrs Patrick Knox, Lieutenant-Commander Lester May, Lieutenant-Commander Rob Milligan, Lieutenant-Commander Martyn Pinnock, Lieutenant-Commander Chris Roberts, Lieutenant-Commander Alice Saunders, Lieutenant-Commander Alex Simms, Lieutenant-Commander Joe Stevens, Lieutenant-Commander Phil Thornton, Lieutenant-Commander Marty Van Duin, Lieutenant-Commander Barney Wainwright, Squadron Leader and Mrs Duncan Ross, Squadron Leader Robert Tuxford, Squadron Leader Chris Ford, Squadron Leader Dick Kharegat, Squadron Leader and Mrs Rhys Williams, Lieutenant and Mrs Gordon Bradley, Grumman Wildcat and Hawker Sea Hurricane, swept in over verdant coun tryside surrounding Yeovilton, the throb of their engines echoing across the air station. Brown knew no fear but was never blasé about his achievements, describ ing deck landings as “one of the most demanding things you can do as a pilot’ “When landing on a carrier you are essentially aiming for a small lay-by in the middle of a large lake:’ he said. “It is a three-dimensional problem through a fog, with none of the same visual references you get in land.” Brown donated his original test flying overalls, helmet and uniforms to the Fly Navy Heritage Trust, which hosted his commemorative event at their hangar. He charged the charity to use his legacy to inspire new generations of aviators. “lt~ vital people are aware of our her itage,” he said. “After I am gone, I hope that the aircraft will be well looked after, and that the men who flew them and those who laid down their lives in them will never be forgotten:’ Lieutenant Dan Breward, Lieutenant Ashley Bye, Lieutenant James Cooper, Lieutenant Serena Davidson, Lieutenant Nick Jackson Spence, Lieutenant Matthew Harding, Lieutenant Ellen Harrison, Lieutenant Charlotte Milne, Lieutenant Freddie Morton-King, Lieutenant Christian Smith, Lieutenant Adam Wheldon, Sub Lieutenant Dev Chowdhury, Sub Lieutenant Jo Huckstep, Sub Lieutenant Ali Sedgeworth, Sub Lieutenant Martin Young, Chief Petty Officer John Campbell, Chief Petty Officer Sandra Parkinson, Petty Officer Air Engineering Technician Devetill, Petty Officer and Mrs Matthew Evans, Leading Air Engineering Technician H Jemison, Leading Airman (Aircraft Handler) Andy Ransom, Leading Aircrewman Rose, Corporal Whilsthouse, WOl Steve Cass, WOl Mick Davidson, WO]. Andreas Harvey, W01 Geoff Kendall, Leading Air Engineering Technician Whitmore, Leading Airman ‘Wiggy’ Whitwham, Mrs Jeremy Miles; Mrs Keith Blount, Mrs Cate Pye, Mr and Mrs Eric Verdon-Roe, Mr and Mrs Ian Whittle, Mr Eddie Albrecht, Mr Richard Ailum, Mr Laurence Allum, Mr and Mrs Arwyn Angel, Ms Rosalind Arlott, Professor Chris Atkin, Mr Neil Bailey, Mr Trevor Bailey, Mr David Barker, Mr Darren Barrington-Light, Mr Gary Bartlett, Dr Ian Bartram Harrison, Mr Jan Bassett, Mr and Mrs David Batcock, Mr and Mrs Charles Battersby, Mr Douglas Baynes, Mr Duncan Baynes, Mr Jack Beaver, Ms Elizabeth Beckelt, Mr Peter Benn, Mr Alan Blacker, Mr Michael Blacker, Mr Simon Blacker, Mrs Deborah Blacker, Mr and Mrs John Blunden, Mr Tertius Bonnin, Mrs Michelle Bonnin, Mr Connor Bowcott, Mr Ian Brannick, Mr Andrew Brookes, Mrs Veronica Bryant, Mr Mike Buckland, Mr Peter Campbell, Mr and Mrs Jack Cant, Mr Victor Chavez, Mr Steve Cheyne, Mr Nick Childs, Mr Stephen Clarke, Miss Laura Clarke, Miss Tracey Clempson, Mr Frank Colenso, Mr Gary Copeland, Mr and Mrs Tom Corfield, Mr John Corless, Mr Jason Corless, Mr Hugh Craig, Mr Bob Crosby, Mr Mike Cuttell, Mr P Dale, Miss Rebecca Dailey, Mr John Davies, Mrs Melanie de Watts, Mr Hugh Dibley, Mr Jonathan Dickens, Mr Geoff Douthwaite, Mr Richard Dumville, Mrs Elizabeth Duff, Mr and Mrs Roger Earl, Mr Hesketh Emden, Mr Nick English, Mr Giles English, Mr Cohn Evans, Mr Tim Fagan, Mr Marc Farrance, Mr John ray, Mr Roy Finlayson, Mr Mark Fitzgerald, Mr James Flanagan, Mrs Ruth Fletcher, Mr Ben Francis, Mrs Jennifer Franks, Mr Marcus Fysh MP, Mrs Amanda Gallahar, Mr Richard Gardner, Mr and Mrs Gordon Gardiner, Mr Rob Gearing, Miss Gemma Gearing, Mr and Mrs David Gibbings, Mr Bob Gibson, Mr Terry Giles, Mr Stephen Glancey, Mr John Goodman, Mr and Mrs Anthony Gomm, Mr and Mrs Ronald Grant Captain Ted Hackett, Mr Mark Haddinan, Mrs Melanie Haddinan, Mr Roger Hall and Petty Officer Janet Hall WRNS, Mr John Hallam, Mr Gordon Hamilton, Master Eachan Hardie, Dr David Hardie, Ms Mary Hardy, Mr Patrick Harrison, Mr Nicholas Harrison, Mr Andrew Healey, Mr and Mrs David Heritier, the Rev Andrew Hillier, Mr and Mrs Thomas Horton, Mr and Mrs Alan Hughes, Mr Christopher Hunt Mr David Hunt, Mr Maurice Hynett, Mr Andrew Jack, Mrs Jennifer Jacomb, Mr and Mrs Jeremy James, Mr ‘Spike’ Jepson, Mr Brian Johnson, Mr Simon Jones, Mr Mark Jones, Mr and Mrs J. Jowett, Ms Sarah Kenny, Mr Ewan Kelbie, Mrs Jennifer King, Mr Keith Knowles, Mr Robert Kramer, Mr Richard Lake, Mr Lars Landsnes, Mr Knut Lande, Mrs Gill Laurijssen, Mr Nick Lay, Ms Louise Lee, Mrs Carol Lee, Mr Martin Lee Bapty, Mr Simon Levy, Mr John Le Warne, Mr Paul Le Warne, Mr Darren Lewington, Mr Dan Lewis, Mr Jeremy Liber, Mr John Ling, Mr and Mrs Anthony Little, Mr Derek Long, Mr Ian - McDonald, Mr James Mackenzie, Mr Don Maclame, Mr Phil Macquaid, Mr Robert Manergh, Mr Tim Manna, Mr Geoff Maple, Mr Richard Martell, Mr Fred Marsh, Mr and Mrs John Marshall, Mr and Mrs Howard Mason, Mr Jacob Matthews, Mr Philip Matthews, Mr and Mrz David Mauleverer, Mr Martin Mayer, Mr Michael May, Mrs Jane May, Mr James McDermott, Mr Stu McLaren, Dr Simon Mitchell, Mr Dave Morris, Mr Graham Mottram, Mr Roy Moxam, Mr Jim Munro, Mr and Mrs Bob Neill, Mr and Mrs William Nichol-Gent, Mr and Mrs Anthony Oakes, Mr Christopher Orlebar, Mr Jon Parkinson, Mr Keith Partington, Mr Stephen Partridge-Hicks, Miss Lucasta Partridge-Hicks, Dr Niky Jane Pauii, Miss Kelly Paull, Mr Clarence Paull, Mr David Pauhi, Ms Gillian Paull, Mr George Payne, Mr Martin Payne, Mr Stephen Pearce, Mr Richard Pearce, Ms Cath Pearman, Mr James Pegg, Mr Craig Penrice, Mr Robert Pooley, Mr Mat Potulski, Mr Chive Powell, Mr Stephen Prince, Mr Peter Rainbird, Mr John Rawlinson, Mrs Ali Rayden, Mr Christopher Rayner, Mr Adam Reynolds, Mrs Jayne Richardson, Mr Norman Richardson, Mr Peter Roberts, Mrs Mary Roberts, Mr Paul Roberts, Mr Arnold Rosen, Dr Chris Royle, Mrs Sarah Royle, Mr Simon Runagall, Mr John Runyard, Mr David Russell, Mr Michael Ryan (trustee, Fly Navy Heritage Trust), Ms Laila Sadler, Mrs Valerie Sayer, Mr Ian Seager, Mr and Mrs Brian Service, Mrfrck Seward, Mr Charlie Shea-Sim6’nds, Mr Reg Simmonds, Mrs Julia Simmonds, Mr Peter Simmonds, Mr Tim Skeet Mr Alfie Southwelb, Mr Paul Shakespeare, Mrs Ann Shore, Mr Richard Shuttleworth, Dr Ronald Smith, Mr Ian Smith, Mr and Mrs Steven Sole, Ms Nicci Sowden, Mr and Mrs Andrew Sproule, Mr Drew Steel, Mrs Ann Stinton, Mr Andrew Strachan, Mr Stuart Strachan, Mrs Mary Sturgeon, Mr and Mrs Jonathan Suckling, Mr Andrew Sweetman, Ms Tracey Swindale, Mr James Tebbett, Mr Jonathan Thomas, Mr Tom Thomson, Mr John Thorpe, Mr Richard Thwaites, Mr Geoffrey Till, Mrs Geoffrey Till, Mr Tony Tite, Mr Guy Tomlinson, Ms Kate Tonner, Mr and Mrs Michael Turner, Mr Ron Underwood, Mr Matt Walker, Mr and Mrs Christopher Walkinshaw, Mr Gerry Wabster, Mr and Mrs Simon Watson, Mr and Mrs Keith Watts, Mr David Weatherley, Mr Gareth Webb, Dr Phil Weir, Mr Chris Welham, Mr Arthur Wells, Mr Desmond Wells, Mrs Rosemary Wells, Mr Philip West, Mr Rowland White, Mr Christopher Wigdor, Mr Graham Wiley, Mr Michael Wilkinson, Mr Chris Williams, Mr and Mrs Peter Wingate, Ms Camilla Winlo, Mr Alistair Wood, Mr Nick Wood with ambassadors of the Fly Navy Heritage Trust and representatives of AVRO, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus, BAE Systems, Rolls Royce, Westland, Empire Test Pilots’ School, Boscombe Down, Society of Experimental Test Pilots, Royal Aeronautical Society, Company of Air Pilots, HMS Queen Elizabeth, RAE Farnborough with many more friends and former colleagues from around the world including Germany, Norway, the Netherlands and the USA and other organisations having connection with Captain Eric Melrose-Brown, MVOr~IiaSiRG.iiiL BELOW: [Bills GAYLABO Captain Brown with the helmet he wore In the 1950s when based In the US. Below: a Sea Vixen, among many aIrcraft flown Celebrated aviator and test pilot 0 . ‘I I C, I ‘3 +

Celebrated aviator and test pilot...Grumman Wildcat and Hawker Sea Hurricane, swept in over verdant coun tryside surrounding Yeovilton, the throb of their engines echoing across the

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Page 1: Celebrated aviator and test pilot...Grumman Wildcat and Hawker Sea Hurricane, swept in over verdant coun tryside surrounding Yeovilton, the throb of their engines echoing across the

THE TIMES Friday July 222016 1GM

Captain Er c Winkle Brown

The Duke of York KG, Commodore-in-Chief FleetAir Arm, and patron, Fly Navy Heritage Trustattended an event to celebrate the life andachievements of the world’s greatest test pilotCaptain Eric Melrose-Brown DSC, ArC RoyalNavy, held on Thursday, July 21, at the RoyalNaval Air Station Yeovilton, Somerset. Theprime minister was represented by Sir GeraldHowarth MP.

The Venerable Ian Wheatley, chaplain of theFleet and archdeacon to the Royal Navyofficiated and pronounced the blessing. Rear-Admiral Keith Blount (Assistant Chief of NavalStaff — Aviation, Amphibious Capability andCarriers) read the lesson.

Commander Sue Eagles (communicationsdirector, Fly Navy Heritage Trust) read thepoem High Flight by John Magee.

The Duke of York KG, Admiral Sir PhilipJones, First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff,Admiral Sir George Zambellas, Vice-Admiral BenKey, Fleet Commander and Senior Royal NavyAviator, Colonel Paul Beaver, Captain ToddWilson, United States Navy Liaison to the RoyalNavy, Mr Jeremy Miles (Miles AircraftCompany), Mr Anthony J Blackman and MrGlenn Melrose-Brown, son, paid tribute toCaptain Melrose-Brown and his remarkablecareer as a test pilot and aircraft carrierpioneer.

During the commemoration, the YeoviltonMilitary Wives Choir, directed by Mr MatthewRock, sang Sailing by Rod Stewart, which wasEric~ final choice of music when he was a gueston the 3000th edition of Radio 4’s Desert IslandDiscs. The Band of the Royal Marines,Plymouth, directed by Major R P Long,performed a selection of concert band items,including Those Magnificent Men in their FlyingMachines by Ron Goodwin, and music from thebig band era. Miss Emily Horton was thecompere.

Among others present were: Mrs Jean Kelly,Mrs Glenn Melrose-Brown with other membersof the family.

Also present were: Lady Howarth, Lady Lygo,Sir Richard and Lady Matthews, Sir Humphryand the Hon Lady Wakefeld, Lady Zambellas,Admiral of the Fleet Sir Benjam’n Bathurst,Admiral Sir Ian Garnett, Admiral Sir MichaelLayard, Vice-Admiral Sir Adrian Johns and LadyJohns, Air Marshal Sir Christopher Coville, ViceAdmiral Sir Jonathan Tod, Vice-Admiral A.Jonathan Woodcock (Second Sea Lord andDeputy Chief of Naval Staff), Rear-Admiral RH.Burn, Rear-Admiral Paul Bennett (AssistantChief of Naval Staff — Capability), Rear-AdmiralPaul Chivers1 Rear-Admiral Chris Clayton, RearrwriLo9e rust), Kear-Adimral and Mrs SimonCharlier, Rear-Admiral Tom Cunninghamwhairman, Fly Navy Heritage Trust) and MrsCunningham, Rear-Admiral and Mrs RussHarding, Rear-Admiral Graeme Mackay, Rear-Admiral James Rapp, Rear-Admiral A.R.Rawbone, Rear-Admiral Ian Tibbitt (deputychairman, Fly Navy Heritage Trust) and MrsTibbitt, Rear-Admiral and Mrs John Tolhurst,Rear-Admiral Simon Williams, Air Vice-MarshalJohn Ponsonby (senior vice-president LeonardoHelicopters and trustee, Fly Navy HeritageTrust), Commodore Jon Pentreath (commandingofficer, RNAS Yeovilton), Commodore JockAlexander (chief executive, Fly Navy HeritageTrust), Commodore and Mrs Simon Baldwin,Commodore David Bartlett, Commodore MattBriers, Commodore David Childs, CommodoreBill Covington (trustee, Fly Navy HeritageTrust) and Mrs Covington, Commodore DavidElford, Commodore Andrew Jameson,Commodore Anthony King, Commodore SimonKings, Commodore Jamie Miller, Brigadier MarkNoble RM and Mrs Noble, Commodore and MrsChris Palmer, Commodore Duncan Reid, AirCommodore Harvey Smyth, Brigadier RichardSpencer, Air Commodore Johnny Stringer,Commodore Gary Sutton, Commodore RickThompson, Commodore and Mrs SimonThornewill, Commodore Malcolm Toy,Commodore Martin Westwood, CommodoreTobias Williamson, Captain James Band,Captain and Mrs Andy Barnwell, CaptainMichael Bickley, Captain Nick Blackman, CaptainHarry Blackmore, Captain Jerry Boddington,Captain Geoff Bowker, Captain Mark Bradley,Captain Henry DuTh’, Captain and Mrs DavidDurston, Captain Ivan Finn, Captain and MrsMark Garratt, Captain and Mrs Andy Harris,Captain and Mrs Fred Hefford, Captain TerenceHenderson, Captain Alan Hensher, Captain PeterHore, Captain and Mrs Gerry Hunt, Captain AlunJones, Captain Mark Langrill, Captain K.A.Leppard, Captain and Mrs David Lilley, CaptainJames Luard, Captain and Mrs Cohn MacGregor,Captain Sharon Malkin, Captain Rob Mallinson,Captain Cohn Miller, Captain W Morris, Captainand Mrs Mike Nixon, Captain Kieran O’Brien,Captain Adrian Orchard, Captain and Mrs RobertRance, Captain Michael Rawlinson, Captain PaulShawcross, Captain Robin Shercliff, CaptainDanny Stembridge, Captain and Mrs SimonThomas, Captain Robert Turner, Captain NickWalker, Captain and Mrs Russell Williams,Colonel Richard Green, Colonel Tom Hickman,Group Captain Christopher Huckstep, GroupCaptain Tom Lyons, Commander Matt Avison,Commander James Blackmore, Commander GusCarnie, Commander Simon Collins, CommanderJohanna Deakin, Commander and Mrs JamesDible, Commander Steve Doubleday,Commander and Mrs Gary Duffield, CommanderAndy Dustan, Commander Simon Flynn,

All Kefford

Eric Brown first came to RNAS Yeovilton on the day it opened in 1940, when“it was nothing but three runways in anocean of mud’~ -

Workmen had to be moved beforeeach take-offand thefledgling pilot hadhis first accident there, belly-floppinghis Gloster Gladiator biplane into a pileof rubble.Commodore-in-Chief of the Fleet AirArm, Fir~t Sea Lord Admiral Sir PhilipJones and more than 650 Royal Navypersonnel, fellow test pilots, scientistsand members of the aviation and aeronautical industries gathered at thesame air station to commemorate thelife of a man who rose from that skirmish with Somerset soil to become theworld’s greatest military test pilot.

Captain Eric Brown, who died inFebruary this year aged 97, flew 487different military aircraft fromgliders andjets to helicopters — including many during their dangerous initialtesting phase.

He made 2,407 landings on carriersat sea and 2,271 take-offs, world recordswhich will almost certainly remainunbroken given thatseasoned US NavyTop Guns notch up about two thirds ofthese totals.

He was the first man to land ajet ona carrier, and during 70 years of

Commander and Mrs Tim Gedge, CommanderDarren Goldsmith, Commander Matt Grindon,Commander Ian Halliday, Commander and MrsEdgar Home, Commander Simon Joll,Commander Tim Kelly, Commander RogerKennedy, Commander and Mrs Robin Kent,Commander and Mrs Rich Kerslake, Commanderand Mrs Stewart Kilby, Commander PatrickLacey, Commander and Mrs Mark Leaning,Commander Christopher Ling, CommanderStephen Lynch, Commander James Macdonald,Commander Dave Mackay, Commander and MrsMark Macleod, Commander David Marten,Commander Henry Mereweather, CommanderHenry Mitchell, Commander Mike Norman,Lieutenant-Colonel Will Penkman, Commanderand Mrs Aubone Pyke, Commander and MrsJeremy Redman, Commander Philip Richardson,Wing Commander and Mrs Clive Rustin,Commander Dennis Ryan, Commander KnutSandved, Commander and Mrs Don Stolworthy,Wing Commander and Mrs Ian Strachan,Commander Stephen Thomas, Surgeon-Commander Matt Turner, Commander MalteVon Spreckelsen, Commander Robin Wain,Commander Louis Wilson-Chalon, Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Manson, Lieutenant-ColonelHolger Schmor, Lieutenant-Commander GlennAllison, Lieutenant-Commander NicholasAlmond, Lieutenant-Commander James Ashlin,Lieutenant-Commander Jonnie BarnesYallowley, Lieutenant-Commander Richard

involvement in British innovative aviation went from flying the BlackburnSkua fighterto advising on the development of the F-35, set to fly from our newQueen Elizabeth Class carriers. -

Brown — nicknamed “Winklebecause of his diminutive height —

remains revered worldwide throughout the military and aviation industryfor his flying genius and unswervingpassion for British carrier strike.

fle-ffnv’Ma,tlots from escort carrierHMS Audacity during the early stagesof the Battleofthe Atlantic survivingher sinking. However, it was during hissix-year stint at RAE Farnborough inthe later stages of the war that his talents as a scientist and engineer blendedwith a searing intellect that resulted inhim playing a key role at the zenith ofexperimental flying.

The Duke of York said: “The currentRoyal Navy is all about carrier aviation,about getting us back into that game.Without Eric we couldn’t possibly haveachieved where we are going. He was atruly inspirational person:’

Yesterday’s commemoration wasattended by Eric’s son, Glenn MelroseBrown, and his companion in later life,Mrs Jean Kelly.

A flypast ofmore than 40 ofthe aircraft that .Brown piloted,including the Fairey Swordfish,

Bartram, Lieutenant-Commander and Mrs JohnBasterfield, Lieutenant-Commander DuncanBrodie, Lieutenant-Commander K. Burbridge,Lieutenant-Commander Suzanne Clark,Lieutenant-Commander S Cox,Lieutenant-Commander Nathan Dale,Surgeon-Lieutenant Commander Kelly Davey,Lieutenant-Commander Ralph Dodds,Lieutenant-Commander Anthony Eagles,Lieutenant-Commander and Mrs Dave Eagles,Lieutenant-Commander Martin Flanagan,Lieutenant-Commander Chris Gdtke,Lieutenant-Commander Scott Hughes,Lieutenant-Commander Ralph Jameson,Lieutenant-Commander Adam Jones,Lieutenant-Commander Earl Kingston,Lieutenant-Commander and Mrs Patrick Knox,Lieutenant-Commander Lester May,Lieutenant-Commander Rob Milligan,Lieutenant-Commander Martyn Pinnock,Lieutenant-Commander Chris Roberts,Lieutenant-Commander Alice Saunders,Lieutenant-Commander Alex Simms,Lieutenant-Commander Joe Stevens,Lieutenant-Commander Phil Thornton,Lieutenant-Commander Marty Van Duin,Lieutenant-Commander Barney Wainwright,Squadron Leader and Mrs Duncan Ross,Squadron Leader Robert Tuxford, SquadronLeader Chris Ford, Squadron Leader DickKharegat, Squadron Leader and Mrs RhysWilliams, Lieutenant and Mrs Gordon Bradley,

Grumman Wildcat and Hawker SeaHurricane, swept in over verdant countryside surrounding Yeovilton, thethrob of their engines echoing acrossthe air station.

Brown knew no fear but was neverblasé about his achievements, describing deck landings as “one of the mostdemanding things you can do as apilot’

“When landing on a carrier you areessentially aiming for a small lay-by inthe middle of a large lake:’ he said. “It isa three-dimensional problem througha fog, with none of the same visualreferences you get in land.”

Brown donated his original testflying overalls, helmet and uniforms tothe Fly Navy Heritage Trust, whichhosted his commemorative event attheir hangar.

He charged the charity to use hislegacy to inspire new generations ofaviators.

“lt~ vital people are aware ofour heritage,” he said. “After I am gone, I hopethat the aircraft will be well lookedafter, and that the men who flew themand those who laid down their lives inthem will never be forgotten:’

Lieutenant Dan Breward, Lieutenant AshleyBye, Lieutenant James Cooper, LieutenantSerena Davidson, Lieutenant Nick JacksonSpence, Lieutenant Matthew Harding,Lieutenant Ellen Harrison, Lieutenant CharlotteMilne, Lieutenant Freddie Morton-King,Lieutenant Christian Smith, Lieutenant AdamWheldon, Sub Lieutenant Dev Chowdhury, SubLieutenant Jo Huckstep, Sub Lieutenant AliSedgeworth, Sub Lieutenant Martin Young,Chief Petty Officer John Campbell, Chief PettyOfficer Sandra Parkinson, Petty Officer AirEngineering Technician Devetill, Petty Officerand Mrs Matthew Evans, Leading AirEngineering Technician H Jemison, LeadingAirman (Aircraft Handler) Andy Ransom,Leading Aircrewman Rose, CorporalWhilsthouse, WOl Steve Cass, WOl MickDavidson, WO]. Andreas Harvey, W01 GeoffKendall, Leading Air Engineering TechnicianWhitmore, Leading Airman ‘Wiggy’ Whitwham,Mrs Jeremy Miles; Mrs Keith Blount, Mrs CatePye, Mr and Mrs Eric Verdon-Roe, Mr and MrsIan Whittle, Mr Eddie Albrecht, Mr RichardAilum, Mr Laurence Allum, Mr and Mrs ArwynAngel, Ms Rosalind Arlott, Professor ChrisAtkin, Mr Neil Bailey, Mr Trevor Bailey, MrDavid Barker, Mr Darren Barrington-Light, MrGary Bartlett, Dr Ian Bartram Harrison, Mr JanBassett, Mr and Mrs David Batcock, Mr and MrsCharles Battersby, Mr Douglas Baynes, MrDuncan Baynes, Mr Jack Beaver, Ms Elizabeth

Beckelt, Mr Peter Benn, Mr Alan Blacker, MrMichael Blacker, Mr Simon Blacker, MrsDeborah Blacker, Mr and Mrs John Blunden, MrTertius Bonnin, Mrs Michelle Bonnin, Mr ConnorBowcott, Mr Ian Brannick, Mr Andrew Brookes,Mrs Veronica Bryant, Mr Mike Buckland, MrPeter Campbell, Mr and Mrs Jack Cant, MrVictor Chavez, Mr Steve Cheyne, Mr Nick Childs,Mr Stephen Clarke, Miss Laura Clarke, MissTracey Clempson, Mr Frank Colenso, Mr GaryCopeland, Mr and Mrs Tom Corfield, Mr JohnCorless, Mr Jason Corless, Mr Hugh Craig, MrBob Crosby, Mr Mike Cuttell, Mr P Dale, MissRebecca Dailey, Mr John Davies, Mrs Melanie deWatts, Mr Hugh Dibley, Mr Jonathan Dickens,Mr Geoff Douthwaite, Mr Richard Dumville, MrsElizabeth Duff, Mr and Mrs Roger Earl, MrHesketh Emden, Mr Nick English, Mr GilesEnglish, Mr Cohn Evans, Mr Tim Fagan, Mr MarcFarrance, Mr John ray, Mr Roy Finlayson, MrMark Fitzgerald, Mr James Flanagan, Mrs RuthFletcher, Mr Ben Francis, Mrs Jennifer Franks,Mr Marcus Fysh MP, Mrs Amanda Gallahar, MrRichard Gardner, Mr and Mrs Gordon Gardiner,Mr Rob Gearing, Miss Gemma Gearing, Mr andMrs David Gibbings, Mr Bob Gibson, Mr TerryGiles, Mr Stephen Glancey, Mr John Goodman,Mr and Mrs Anthony Gomm, Mr and Mrs RonaldGrant Captain Ted Hackett, Mr Mark Haddinan,Mrs Melanie Haddinan, Mr Roger Hall and PettyOfficer Janet Hall WRNS, Mr John Hallam, MrGordon Hamilton, Master Eachan Hardie, DrDavid Hardie, Ms Mary Hardy, Mr PatrickHarrison, Mr Nicholas Harrison, Mr AndrewHealey, Mr and Mrs David Heritier, the RevAndrew Hillier, Mr and Mrs Thomas Horton, Mrand Mrs Alan Hughes, Mr Christopher Hunt MrDavid Hunt, Mr Maurice Hynett, Mr AndrewJack, Mrs Jennifer Jacomb, Mr and Mrs JeremyJames, Mr ‘Spike’ Jepson, Mr Brian Johnson, MrSimon Jones, Mr Mark Jones, Mr and Mrs J.Jowett, Ms Sarah Kenny, Mr Ewan Kelbie, MrsJennifer King, Mr Keith Knowles, Mr RobertKramer, Mr Richard Lake, Mr Lars Landsnes, MrKnut Lande, Mrs Gill Laurijssen, Mr Nick Lay,Ms Louise Lee, Mrs Carol Lee, Mr Martin LeeBapty, Mr Simon Levy, Mr John Le Warne, MrPaul Le Warne, Mr Darren Lewington, Mr DanLewis, Mr Jeremy Liber, Mr John Ling, Mr andMrs Anthony Little, Mr Derek Long, Mr Ian -

McDonald, Mr James Mackenzie, Mr DonMaclame, Mr Phil Macquaid, Mr RobertManergh, Mr Tim Manna, Mr Geoff Maple, MrRichard Martell, Mr Fred Marsh, Mr and MrsJohn Marshall, Mr and Mrs Howard Mason, MrJacob Matthews, Mr Philip Matthews, Mr andMrz David Mauleverer, Mr Martin Mayer, MrMichael May, Mrs Jane May, Mr JamesMcDermott, Mr Stu McLaren, Dr SimonMitchell, Mr Dave Morris, Mr Graham Mottram,Mr Roy Moxam, Mr Jim Munro, Mr and Mrs BobNeill, Mr and Mrs William Nichol-Gent, Mr andMrs Anthony Oakes, Mr Christopher Orlebar, MrJon Parkinson, Mr Keith Partington, Mr StephenPartridge-Hicks, Miss Lucasta Partridge-Hicks,Dr Niky Jane Pauii, Miss Kelly Paull, Mr ClarencePaull, Mr David Pauhi, Ms Gillian Paull, MrGeorge Payne, Mr Martin Payne, Mr StephenPearce, Mr Richard Pearce, Ms Cath Pearman,Mr James Pegg, Mr Craig Penrice, Mr RobertPooley, Mr Mat Potulski, Mr Chive Powell, MrStephen Prince, Mr Peter Rainbird, Mr JohnRawlinson, Mrs Ali Rayden, Mr ChristopherRayner, Mr Adam Reynolds, Mrs JayneRichardson, Mr Norman Richardson, Mr PeterRoberts, Mrs Mary Roberts, Mr Paul Roberts,Mr Arnold Rosen, Dr Chris Royle, Mrs SarahRoyle, Mr Simon Runagall, Mr John Runyard, MrDavid Russell, Mr Michael Ryan (trustee, Fly

Navy Heritage Trust), Ms Laila Sadler,Mrs Valerie Sayer, Mr Ian Seager,Mr and Mrs Brian Service, MrfrckSeward, Mr Charlie Shea-Sim6’nds,

Mr Reg Simmonds, Mrs JuliaSimmonds, Mr Peter Simmonds, MrTim Skeet Mr Alfie Southwelb, Mr Paul

Shakespeare, Mrs Ann Shore, Mr RichardShuttleworth, Dr Ronald Smith, Mr Ian Smith,Mr and Mrs Steven Sole, Ms Nicci Sowden, Mrand Mrs Andrew Sproule, Mr Drew Steel, MrsAnn Stinton, Mr Andrew Strachan, Mr StuartStrachan, Mrs Mary Sturgeon, Mr and MrsJonathan Suckling, Mr Andrew Sweetman, MsTracey Swindale, Mr James Tebbett, MrJonathan Thomas, Mr Tom Thomson, Mr JohnThorpe, Mr Richard Thwaites, Mr Geoffrey Till,Mrs Geoffrey Till, Mr Tony Tite, Mr GuyTomlinson, Ms Kate Tonner, Mr and Mrs MichaelTurner, Mr Ron Underwood, Mr Matt Walker, Mrand Mrs Christopher Walkinshaw, Mr GerryWabster, Mr and Mrs Simon Watson, Mr andMrs Keith Watts, Mr David Weatherley, MrGareth Webb, Dr Phil Weir, Mr Chris Welham,Mr Arthur Wells, Mr Desmond Wells, MrsRosemary Wells, Mr Philip West, Mr RowlandWhite, Mr Christopher Wigdor, Mr GrahamWiley, Mr Michael Wilkinson, Mr ChrisWilliams, Mr and Mrs Peter Wingate, MsCamilla Winlo, Mr Alistair Wood, Mr Nick Woodwith ambassadors of the Fly Navy HeritageTrust and representatives of AVRO, Boeing,Lockheed Martin, Airbus, BAE Systems, RollsRoyce, Westland, Empire Test Pilots’ School,Boscombe Down, Society of Experimental TestPilots, Royal Aeronautical Society, Company ofAir Pilots, HMS Queen Elizabeth, RAEFarnborough with many more friends andformer colleagues from around the worldincluding Germany, Norway, the Netherlandsand the USA and other organisations havingconnection with Captain Eric Melrose-Brown,


Captain Brown with the helmet he wore In the 1950s when based In the US. Below: a Sea Vixen, among many aIrcraft flown

Celebrated aviator and test pilot





