Cdss Practitioner Performance and Patient Outcomes

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    Effects of Computerized Clinical DecisionSupport Systems on Practitioner Performanceand Patient OutcomesA Systematic ReviewAmit X. Garg, MDNeill K. J. Adhikari, MDHeather McDonald, MScM. Patricia Rosas-Arellano, MD, PhDP. J. Devereaux, MDJoseph Beyene, PhDJustina Sam, BHScR. Brian Haynes, MD, PhD

    COMPUTERIZED CLINICAL DECI-s ion suppor t sys t ems(CDSSs) are information sys-tems designed to improveclinical decision making. Characteris-tics of individual patients are matchedto a computerized knowledge base, andsoftware algorithms generate patient-specific recommendations. Practition-ers, health care staff, or patients canmanually enter patient characteristicsinto the computer system; alterna-tively, electronic medical records canbe queried for retrieval of patient char-acteristics. Computer-generated rec-ommendations are delivered to the cli-nician through the electronic medicalrecord, by pager, or through printoutsplaced in a patients paper chart. Suchsystems have been developed for amyriad of clinical issues, including di-agnosis of chest pain, treatment of in-fertility, and timely administration ofimmunizations. These systems pro-vide several modes of decision sup-port, including alerts of critical val-

    See also pp 1197 and 1261.

    Author Affiliations:Division of Nephrology (Drs Gargand Rosas-Arellano) and Department of Epidemiol-ogy and Biostatistics (Dr Garg), University of West-ern Ontario, London; Departments of Clinical Epide-miology and Biostatistics (Drs Garg, Adhikari,Devereaux, andHaynes andMsMcDonald) andMedi-cine (Drs Devereaux and Haynes), McMaster Univer-sity, Hamilton, Ontario; Department of Critical CareMedicine, Sunnybrook andWomens College Health

    Sciences Centre and Interdepartmental Division of Criti-cal Care (DrAdhikari), PopulationHealth Sciences, Hos-pital for SickChildren (Dr Beyene), and Faculty ofMedi-cine (Ms Sam),University of Toronto, Toronto,Ontario.Corresponding Author: R. Brian Haynes, MD, PhD,Clinical Epidemiology andBiostatistics, Faculty ofHealthSciences,McMasterUniversity, 1200Main StW, Room2C10B, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,Canada L8N 3Z5 ([email protected]).

    Context Developers of health care software have attributed improvements in pa-tient care to these applications. As with any health care intervention, such claims re-quire confirmation in clinical trials.

    Objectives To review controlled trials assessing the effects of computerized clinicaldecision support systems (CDSSs) and to identify study characteristics predictingbenefit.

    Data Sources We updated our earlier reviews by searching theMEDLINE, EMBASE,Cochrane Library, Inspec, and ISI databases and consulting reference lists through Sep-tember 2004. Authors of 64 primary studies confirmed data or provided additionalinformation.

    Study Selection We included randomized and nonrandomized controlled trials thatevaluated the effect of a CDSS compared with care provided without a CDSS on prac-titioner performance or patient outcomes.

    Data Extraction Teams of 2 reviewers independently abstracted data on methods,setting, CDSS and patient characteristics, and outcomes.

    Data Synthesis One hundred studies met our inclusion criteria. The numberand methodologic quality of studies improved over time. The CDSS improvedpractitioner performance in 62 (64%) of the 97 studies assessing this outcome,including 4 (40%) of 10 diagnostic systems, 16 (76%) of 21 reminder systems, 23(62%) of 37 disease management systems, and 19 (66%) of 29 drug-dosing orprescribing systems. Fifty-two trials assessed 1 or more patient outcomes, of which7 trials (13%) reported improvements. Improved practitioner performance wasassociated with CDSSs that automatically prompted users compared with requiringusers to activate the system (success in 73% of trials vs 47%; P=.02) and studies inwhich the authors also developed the CDSS software compared with studies inwhich the authors were not the developers (74% success vs 28%; respectively,P=.001).

    Conclusions Many CDSSs improve practitioner performance. To date, the effectson patient outcomes remain understudied and, when studied, inconsistent.JAMA. 2005;293:1223-1238

    2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, March 9, 2005Vol 293, No. 10 1223

    at Capes Consortia on September 12, 2011jama.ama-assn.orgDownloaded from

  • ues, reminders of overdue preventivehealth tasks, advice for drug prescrib-ing, critiques of existing health care or-ders, and suggestions for various ac-tive care issues.

    As with any health care innovation,CDSSs should be rigorously evaluatedbefore widespread dissemination intoclinical practice. Various stages in thisassessment process have been previ-ously described. Iterative qualitative andquantitative assessment begin early inthe softwaredevelopment cycle.1,2Whenpreliminary testing suggests that aCDSSimproves clinical care or patient out-comes, confirmatory controlled trials arewarranted.Wepreviously reviewed con-trolled trials of computer-aided qualityassurance3 and CDSSs published up to19924 and 1998.5 This field is rapidlyevolving because of technological ad-vances, increasing access to computersystems in clinical practice, and grow-ing concern about the process and qual-ity of medical care. We therefore up-dated previous reviews to provide acumulative summary of controlled trialsevaluating the effectiveness ofCDSSs onpractitioner performance and patientoutcomes.

    METHODSResearch Questions

    The primary questions of this reviewwere (1) Do CDSSs improve practi-tioner performance or patient out-comes? and (2)WhichCDSS and study-level factors are associatedwith effectiveCDSSs? A priori, we hypothesized thatstudies reporting better outcomeswould assess CDSSs that automati-cally prompted users (vs requiring theuser to actively initiate the system),were built into an electronic medicalrecord or computer order entry sys-tem (vs a stand-alone system), pro-vided reminders (vs information ondis-ease management, drug dosing, ordiagnosis), were tested using less rig-orous study methods, were studied bytheir software developers (vs by evalu-ators not involved in the CDSS de-sign), described pilot testing, and de-scribed user training.

    Studies Eligible for ReviewWe included English-language ran-domized andnonrandomized trialswitha contemporaneous control group thatcompared patient care with a CDSS toroutine carewithout a CDSS and evalu-ated clinical performance (ie, a mea-sure of process of care) or a patient out-come.We stipulated that the CDSS hadto provide patient-specific advice thatwas reviewed by a health care practi-tioner before any clinical action. Stud-ies were excluded if the system (1) wasused solely by medical students, (2)only provided summaries of patient in-formation, (3) provided feedback ongroups of patients without individualassessment, (4) only provided com-puter-aided instruction, or (5)was usedfor image analysis. Studies assessingCDSS diagnostic performance againsta defined gold standard were not in-cluded in this review unless clinical useof the diagnostic CDSS was also com-paredwith routine care. Based on thesecriteria, we reevaluated all studies fromour previous reviews for inclusion.

    Finding Relevant Studies

    Wehavepreviously describedourmeth-ods for finding relevant studies untilMarch 1998.5 For this update, we ex-amined citations from MEDLINE,EMBASE, Evidence-Based Reviews da-tabases (Cochrane Database of System-atic Reviews, ACP Journal Club, Data-base of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects,and Cochrane Central Register of Con-trolled Trials), and Inspec biblio-graphic databases from 1998 throughSeptember 2004. All citations weredownloaded into Reference Manager,version 10.0 (Thomson ISI Research-Soft, Philadelphia, Pa). An experiencedlibrarian developed the search strate-gies using sensitive terms for identify-ing clinical studies of CDSSs.We pilot-tested search strategies and modifiedthem to ensure that they identifiedknown eligible articles. The final strat-egies used the terms computer-assisteddecisionmaking, computer-assisted diag-nosis, computer-assisted therapy, deci-sion support systems, reminder systems,hospital information systems, random-

    ized controlled trial, and cohort studies(complete strategies available from theauthors). Pairs of reviewers indepen-dently evaluated the eligibility of all stud-ies identified in our search. Disagree-mentswere resolved by a third revieweror by consensus. Full-text articles wereretrieved if any reviewer considered a ci-tation potentially relevant. Supplemen-tary methods of finding studies in-cluded a review of article reference lists,articles citing included studies as listedin the Science Citation Index, PubMedrelated articles feature, informatics con-ference proceedings, information pro-vided by primary study authors, andother recent reviews.6-11Wheredata froma trial were distributed in more than 1publication, we cited the principal pub-lication.

    Data Abstraction

    Pairs of reviewers independently ab-stracted the following data from allstudiesmeeting eligibility criteria: studysetting, study methods, CDSS charac-teristics, patient characteristics, andout-comes. Disagreementswere resolved bya third reviewer or by consensus. Weattempted to contact primary authorsof all included studies to confirm dataand provide missing data.All studies were scored for method-

    ological quality on a 10-point scale con-sisting of 5 potential sources of bias,whichwe have described elsewhere.5 Inbrief, we considered the method of al-location to study groups (random, 2, vsquasi-random, 1, vs selected concur-rent controls, 0), the unit of the alloca-tion (a cluster such as a practice, 2, vsphysician, 1, vs patient, 0), the pres-ence of baseline differences between thegroups that were potentially linked tostudy outcomes (of particular impor-tance for observational studies; no base-line differences present or appropriatestatistical adjustments made for differ-ences, 2, vs baseline differences presentand no statistical adjustments made, 1,vs baseline characteristics not reported,0), the objectivity of the outcome (ob-jective outcomes or subjective out-comes with blinded assessment, 2, vssubjectiveoutcomeswithnoblindingbut


    1224 JAMA, March 9, 2005Vol 293, No. 10 (Reprinted) 2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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  • clearly defined assessment criteria, 1, vssubjective outcomes with no blindingand poorly defined, 0), and the com-pleteness of follow-up for the appropri-ate unit of analysis (90%, 2, vs 80 to90%, 1, vs 80% or not described, 0).The unit of allocation was included be-cause of the possibility of group con-tamination in trials in which interven-tions were applied to clinicians eventhough individual patients were allo-cated to the intervention and controlgroups.12Contaminationbiaswould leadto underestimating the effect of a CDSS.The studies substantially differed in

    the type and number of outcomes as-sessed. In addition, themajority of stud-ies did not define a single outcome forstatistical testing. We aimed to effi-ciently summarize the benefits ofCDSSsand to identify CDSS and study charac-teristics that predicted success. For agiven study we abstracted all reportedpractitioner performance and patienthealth outcomes. Situations where theCDSS worsened outcomes were rare.Thus, for each study we defined the ef-fects of CDSSs in terms of success, de-fined as an improvement in at least 50%of outcomesmeasured, each at a 2-sidedsignificance level less than .05.

    Statistical Analysis

    Reviewer agreement on study eligibil-ity was quantified using the Cohen .13

    Study andCDSS characteristics predict-ing success were analyzed and inter-preted with the study as the unit ofanalysis. Data were summarized usingdescriptive summarymeasures, includ-ing proportions for categorical vari-ables andmean (standard deviation) forcontinuous variables. Univariable andmultivariable logistic regression mod-els, adjusted for study methodologicalquality, were used to investigate asso-ciations between the outcomes of inter-est and study-specific covariates de-fined in our a priori hypotheses. Allanalyses were carried out using the SASstatistical package, version 8.2 (SAS In-stitute Inc, Cary, NC). We interpretedP.05 as indicating statistical signifi-cance; allP values are 2-sided.When re-porting results from individual studies,

    we cited themeasures of association andP values reported in the studies.

    RESULTSFinding and Selecting Studies

    From 3997 screened citations, we re-trieved 226 full-text articles, and 100trials met our criteria for review. Thechance-corrected agreement between 2independent reviewers for article in-clusion was good (=0.81; 95% con-fidence interval [CI], 0.73-0.88).

    Description of Studies

    The 100 trials examined more than3826 practitioners or practices (me-dian, 42; range, 2-300 [when re-ported]) caring for more than 92895patients (median, 488; range, 19-12989 [when reported]) from 1973 to2004.14-113 The number of eligible trialsincreased with time: 1 in 1970-1974, 4in 1975-1979, 10 in 1980-1984, 13 in1985-1989, 20 in 1990-1994, 26 in1995-1999, and 26 in 2000Septem-ber 2004.Of these 100 trials,most wereconducted in the United States (69%),followedby theUnitedKingdom(14%),Canada (5%), Australia (4%), Italy(2%), andAustria, France,Germany, Is-rael, Norway, and Switzerland (1%each). Sixty-nine percent of trials de-scribed funding from the public sec-tor and 16% from the private sector. De-velopers of CDSS software were alsostudy authors in 72% of trials. Ninety-seven trials described the effect of CDSSon at least 1 measure of health carepractitioner performance. Fifty-twotrials assessed at least 1 patient out-come. We successfully contacted au-thors of 91 trials, and authors of 64 trialsprovided additional information or con-firmed the accuracy of abstracted data.*

    Methodological QualityAssessment

    Trial methodological rigor increasedwith time36%of trials before the year2000 were cluster randomized, com-paredwith 67% after this time (P=.01).

    Of all trials, 88% were randomized. Ofthe randomized trials, 49% were clus-ter randomized and 40% used a clusteras the unit of analysis or adjusted forclustering in the analysis. Twenty-fourrandomized trials and 1 cohort study re-ported a power calculation for a pre-specifed difference between groups ona specific outcome. Fifteen of these trials(60%) calculated sample size based ona practitioner performance outcome, 9(36%) based on a patient outcome, and1 (4%) based on the cost of prescribedmedications. Only 2 studies examinedpatient outcomes without measuringpractitioner performance.Of the 88 ran-domized trials, 52% described an ap-propriate method of generating ran-dom numbers and 28% reportedallocation concealment. On the 10-pointmethods scale, themean scorewas7 (SD, 1.7) and the range was 2 to 10.

    Description of Users and CDSSs

    The 100 trials had the following char-acteristics: 92% of trials enrolled physi-cians as primary users, 48% enrolledtraining health care practitioners (in-terns and residents) as users, 34% de-scribed pilot testing with users prior toimplementation, 42%described user in-structional training at the time of imple-mentation, 76% took place in academiccenters, and 33% were inpatient-based.In 47% of studies, the CDSS was part ofan electronic medical record or com-puter order entry system. Most of thesewereearlygenerationsystems lacking thefull functionality of current systems. In15% of studies, the CDSS had a graphi-cal user interface. Feedback from theCDSSoccurred at the timeofpatient carein 88% of studies; in 60% the user wasautomatically prompted to use the sys-tem(vs theuser actively initiating the sys-tem), and in 91% the CDSS suggestednew orders (vs critiquing existing or-ders). Expert physician opinion or clini-calpracticeguidelinesusually formed theknowledge base for the CDSS.The process of data entry into the

    CDSSwas clear in 80%of trials, some ofwhich usedmore than 1method. Exist-ing personnel most often entered data(attending or training physician, 38%;

    *References 15-18, 20, 21, 24-33, 35-40, 42, 43, 46,47, 49, 51, 52, 56, 60-64, 67, 68, 71, 73-75, 80, 81,83-98, 101, 106, 113-115.


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  • otherhealthcare staff [eg,nurses, clerks],29%), although many trials used staffpaid by research funds (21%) or auto-mated data capture from an electronicmedical record (30%).Themethodofde-livering computer recommendations tothe clinician was clear in 81% of trials.Most CDSSs directly provided the rec-ommendation on a computer screenviewed by the practitioner (41% of alltrials) or generated printed reports thatwere placed inmedical charts by healthcare staff (29%) or by staff paid by re-search funds (16%). Only 13% of trialsevaluated the impact of theCDSS on cli-nicianworkflow,withmore than half oftheseCDSSs requiringmore time and ef-fort from the user comparedwith paper-based methods.

    Systems for Diagnosis

    Therewere 10 trials evaluating diagnos-tic systems (TABLE 1). All studies mea-sured practitioner performance, and theCDSSwas beneficial in 4 studies (40%).Two of the 4 successful CDSSs were di-agnostic systems for cardiac ischemia intheemergencydepartment, and thesede-creased the rate of unnecessary hospitalor coronary care admissions by 15%(P.05).18,20 The third increased mooddisorder screening in a posttraumaticstress disorder clinic by 25%(P=.008).15

    The fourth improved the time to diag-nosis of acute bowel obstruction (1hourwhen computer was used vs 16 hourswhen diagnosis was made with con-trast radiography; P.001).23 Of the 5trials assessing patient outcomes, nonereported an improvement.

    Reminder Systems for Prevention

    There were 21 trials evaluating re-minder systems for prevention(TABLE 2). All trials measured practi-tioner performance, and the CDSS wasbeneficial in 16 studies (76%). Perfor-mance outcomes were usually rates ofscreening, counseling, vaccination, test-ing, medication use, or the identifica-tion of at-risk behaviors. Successful useof CDSSs was typically demonstratedin ambulatory care, although 1 systemwas successful in hospitalized pa-tients.44 The single trial measuring pa-

    tient outcomes failed to demonstrate animprovement in the primary analy-sis.34 Post hoc subgroup analyses, how-ever, demonstrated a significant reduc-tion in winter hospitalization andemergency department visits in pa-tients eligible for pneumococcal or in-fluenza vaccination. One trial exam-ined the effect of adding a cervicalcancer screening reminder to an exist-ing mammography reminder sys-tem.30 This trial suggested no interac-tion between the 2 reminders onscreening efficacy.

    Systems for Disease Management

    There were 40 studies of CDSSs for ac-tive health conditions. TheseCDSSs im-proved practitioner performance in 23(62%) of 37 studies evaluating thisoutcome. Of the 27 trials measuringpatient outcomes, 5 (18%) demon-strated improvements.For diabetes care, practitioner per-

    formance was usually judged by ratesof retinal, foot, urine protein, bloodpressure, and cholesterol examina-tions, with 5 (71%) of 7 trials report-ing improvements (TABLE 3). Simi-larly, in studies of cardiovascularprevention, performancewas judged byblood pressure and cholesterol assess-ment, identificationof smoking, anduseof cardioprotective medications, with5 (38%) of 13 trials reporting improve-ments (TABLE 4). One CDSS providedelectrocardiogram recommendations toimprove thrombolytic prescribing inemergency departments.61OtherCDSSsvaried in purpose, providing recom-mendations for urinary incontinence,human immunodeficiency virus infec-tion management, functional assess-ment, and acute respiratory distresssyndrome, with 6 of 9 reporting im-provements (TABLE 5). Clinical deci-sion support system corollary orderswere used tomonitor the effects of otherprescribed treatments, such as the needfor renal biochemistry measurementsin patients receiving amphotericin B,79

    with all 4 trials reporting improve-ments (TABLE 6). Trials testing CDSSperformance to reduce unnecessaryhealth care utilizationmeasured the fre-

    quency of redundant testing and un-necessary hospital admissions and hos-pital length of stay, with 3 of 4 trialsreporting improvements (Table 6).FiveCDSSs (18%) examining patient

    outcomesdescribed improvements.OneCDSS improved blood pressure control(70% of patients had controlled bloodpressurewithCDSSusevs52%withrou-tine care; P.05).54 A second CDSSreduced urinary incontinence in nurs-inghomeresidentsovera10-weekperiod(23%incontinentwithCDSSvs69%withroutine care; P.01).66 A third CDSSimprovedscoresofbarotrauma(P.001)and organ dysfunction (P= .04) inmechanically ventilated patients withacute respiratory distress syndrome.70

    Oneparticipatingcenter in this trial pro-videddatademonstrating lower tidalvol-umes (P.03) and a reduction in expo-sure to high plateau pressures in thegroup receivingCDSS-guidedmechani-cal ventilation (P.001).114 A fourthCDSS reduced patient-reported asthmaexacerbations (8% vs 17%; odds ratio,[OR], 0.43; 95% CI, 0.21-0.85), emer-gencynebulizeruse(1%vs5%;OR,0.13;95% CI, 0.01-0.91), and the need foradditionalconsultations forasthmaman-agement(22%vs34%;OR,0.59;95%CI,0.37-0.95)over6months.73A fifthCDSSreduced hospital length of stay (P=.02)forpatientswithavarietyofgeneralmedi-cal diagnoses.83

    In post hoc secondary or subgroupanalyses, some trials described statis-tically significant improvements inthrombolytic prescribing with theCDSS,61 as well as patient outcomes ofdisease-specific emergency depart-ment visits,65 hospital length ofstay,45,54,116,117 body weight,54,116,117 dia-stolic blood pressure,59,115,118 serum lip-ids,51,58 and a reduced estimated risk offuture cardiovascular events.58

    Systems for Drug Dosingand Drug Prescribing

    There were 29 trials of drug dosing andprescribing (TABLE 7 and TABLE 8).Single-drug dosing improved practi-tioner performance in 15 (62%) of 24studies, and 2 of the 18 systems assess-ing patient outcomes reported an im-


    1226 JAMA, March 9, 2005Vol 293, No. 10 (Reprinted) 2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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  • provement (Table 7 and Table 8). An-other 5 systems used computer orderentry for multidrug prescribing(Table 8). Four of these systems im-proved practitioner performance, butnone improved patient outcomes.

    The 24 single-drug dosing systemsranged from a simple calculator for par-enteral nutrition to more complex al-gorithms that considered the pharma-cokinetics ofwarfarin, aminoglycosides,or theophylline. Most studies evalu-

    ated the serum drug level in medica-tions with a high risk of toxicity. In astudy of heparin dosing for patients re-ceiving thrombolysis formyocardial in-farction, the proportion of individualswith an adverse thrombotic or cardiac

    Table 1. Trials of Computer-Assisted Diagnosis*


    No. ofSites Indication Performance Outcomes


    Improvementin PractitionerPerformance

    Improvementin PatientOutcomes

    Diagnostic systems formental health

    Lewis et al,141996

    5 1 Common mentaldisorders foroutpatients

    Rate of patient referral tomental health,psychotropicmedications,psychologicalconsultations

    Symptom scoreafter 6 wk

    No No

    Cannon et al,152000

    7 1 Mental healthdiagnosis foroutpatients

    Screening for mooddisorder, completedocumentation formajor depressivedisorder

    . . . Yes . . .

    Schriger et al,162001

    6 1 Psychiatric interviewand diagnosis inemergencydepartment

    Psychiatric diagnosis andreferrals,documentation ofcomplete psychiatrichistory

    . . . No . . .

    Rollman et al,200217

    9 17 Major depressiondiagnosis foroutpatients

    Use of antidepressants,discussion aboutdepression withpatients

    Depression scoreafter 6 mo

    No No

    Diagnostic systems foracute cardiac ischemia

    Pozen et al,181984

    3 1 Acute cardiacischemia inemergencydepartment

    Inappropriate coronarycare unit admission forpatients withoutischemic heart disease

    . . . Yes . . .

    Wyatt,19 1989 6 1 Chest pain inemergencydepartment

    Time to transfer tocoronary care unit,time to see physician,total time inemergencydepartment

    . . . No . . .

    Selker et al,201998

    4 10 Electrocardiograminterpretation forcardiac ischemia inemergencydepartment

    Inappropriate hospital orcoronary care unitadmission for patientswithout acute ischemicheart disease

    Mortality in first 30 d,in-hospitalcomplications,need forrehospitalization

    Yes No

    Diagnostic systems forother conditions

    Wexler et al,211975

    2 1 Admitted pediatricinpatients withoutclear diagnosis

    No. of consultationsrequested, time todiagnosis, orders forunnecessarylaboratory tests

    . . . No . . .

    Wellwoodet al,22 1992

    6 1 Acute abdominal painin emergencydepartment

    Appropriate diagnosis forappendicitis,unnecessary hospitaladmissions

    Unnecessarysurgery withnegative findings

    No No

    Boguseviciuset al,23 2002

    7 1 Acute small bowelobstruction insurgical inpatients

    Time to diagnosis, correctdiagnosis

    Bowel necrosis,morbidity,mortality,hospital lengthof stay

    Yes No

    *Ellipses indicate outcome was not assessed. Methods score based on 10-point scale (see the Methods section).Improvement was defined as a statistically significant positive effect on at least 50% of outcomesmeasured. Most studies had inadequate statistical power to detect a clinically importantimprovement in patient outcomes.


    2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, March 9, 2005Vol 293, No. 10 1227

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  • Table 2. Trials of Computer-Assisted Reminders for Cancer Screening, Vaccination, and Other Types of Preventive Care


    No. ofSites Indication

    Improvementin PractitionerPerformance*

    Reminders primarily forcancer screening

    Turner et al,241989

    8 1 Outpatient screening (stool occult blood, digital rectal examination, Papanicolaou test, breastexamination, mammography)


    McPhee et al,251989

    9 1 Outpatient screening (stool occult blood, digital rectal examination, sigmoidoscopy, pelvicexamination, Papanicolaou test, breast examination, mammography)


    McPhee et al,261991

    10 Multiple Outpatient screening (digital rectal examination, stool occult blood, sigmoidoscopy, pelvicexamination, Papanicolaou test, breast examination, mammography) and preventivecounseling (smoking assessment and counseling, dietary assessment and counseling)


    Burack et al,271994

    7.5 5 Mammography for outpatients Yes

    Burack et al,281996

    7.5 2 Mammography for outpatients Yes

    Burack andGimotty,291997

    7.5 4 Mammography for outpatients Yes

    Burack et al,302003

    7.5 3 Papanicolaou test for outpatients; in addition to physician prompt, a patient reminder (personalletter) was generated by the system and was part of the intervention


    Reminders primarily forvaccination

    Chamberset al,31 1991

    9 1 Influenza vaccination for outpatients Yes

    Flanagan et al,321999

    7.5 1 Tetanus, hepatitis, pneumococcal, measles, and influenza vaccination for outpatients No

    Tang et al,331999

    5 1 Influenza vaccination for outpatients Yes

    Reminders forpreventive care

    McDonaldet al, 341984

    8 1 Cancer screening (stool occult blood, mammogram), counseling (weight reduction),immunization (influenza, pneumococcal) in addition to1000 physician behavior rules foroutpatients


    Tierney et al,351986

    5 1 Cancer screening (stool occult blood, Papanicolaou test, mammogram), pneumococcalvaccination, tuberculosis skin test, use of antidepressants, metronidazole for trichomonas,cardiovascular medications (-blockers, long-acting nitrates, aspirin), prophylacticantacids, and calcium supplements for outpatients


    Ornstein et al,361991

    9 1 Cancer screening (stool occult blood, mammography, Papanicolaou test), cholesterolmeasurement, and tetanus vaccination for outpatients


    Rosser et al,371991

    7.5 1 Cancer screening (Papanicolaou test), blood pressure measurement, assessment of smokingstatus, and vaccination (influenza, tetanus toxoid) in outpatients


    Tape andCampbell,381993

    7.5 1 Cancer screening (stool occult blood, Papanicolaou test, mammogram,proctosigmoidoscopy), thyroid function screening, vaccination (tetanus, pneumococcal,influenza) for outpatients


    Turner et al,391994

    6 44 Cancer screening (stool occult blood, Papanicolaou test, breast examination, mammogram)and influenza vaccination for outpatients


    Frame et al,401994

    6 5 Cancer screening (stool occult blood, Papanicolaou test, breast examination, mammogram),cardiovascular disease preventive screening (blood pressure, cholesterol, body weight),identification of at-risk behavior (smoking), patient education (self-examination, recognitionof postmenopausal bleeding), and vaccination (tetanus) in outpatients


    Overhageet al,411996

    10 1 Cancer screening (Papanicolaou test, mammogram), cardiovascular disease preventivescreening and medications (cholesterol, -blockers, aspirin), diabetes care reminders(retinal examination, urinalysis), vaccination (pneumococcal, rubella, hepatitis B), and anadditional 11 reminders for hospital inpatients


    Bonevski et al,421999

    7 Multiple Cancer screening (Papanicolaou test), cardiovascular disease preventive screening (bloodpressure, cholesterol), and identification of 3 risk behaviors (smoking, excessive alcoholuse, benzodiazepine use) in outpatients


    Demakis et al,432000

    10 12 Screening (urinalysis, retinal examination, foot examination), monitoring (glycated hemoglobin),and counseling (dietary advice) to prevent diabetic complications in outpatients; remindersfor other conditions including vaccination, smoking cessation, appropriate -blocker andnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory use; cholesterol screening


    Dexter et al,442001

    10 1 Vaccination (pneumococcal, influenza), prophylactic heparin and aspirin use for hospitalinpatients


    *Improvement was defined as a statistically significant positive effect on at least 50% of outcomes measured. Practitioner performance outcomes were the rate of screening, medicationuse, and/or identification of at-risk behaviors. Improvement in patient outcomeswas not assessed except inMcDonald et al,34 in which there was no improvement in bodyweight, bloodpressure, hospitalizations, or emergency department visits.

    These systems were designed for more than 1 type of condition, including cancer screening, vaccination, and cardiovascular disease prevention.


    1228 JAMA, March 9, 2005Vol 293, No. 10 (Reprinted) 2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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  • eventwas significantly loweredwith theCDSS (0/25 with the CDSS vs 6/26 inusual care; P= .02).97 One warfarin-dosing CDSS reduced hospital lengthof stay from 20 to 13 days (P=.01).87

    Two systems reduced hospital lengthof stay in patients receiving theophyl-line (from 8.7 to 6.3 days; P=.03)98 andaminoglycosides (20.3 to 16.0 days;P=.03),104 although themajority of pa-tient outcomesmeasured were not im-proved in these trials.

    Study Factors AssociatedWith CDSS Success

    Given sparse data for patient outcomes,we only assessed study-level predictorsof improved practitioner performance.

    Studies in which users were automati-cally prompted to use the system de-scribed better performance comparedwith studies in which users had to ac-tively initiate the system(success in44/60studies [73%] vs 17/36 studies [47%];P=.02; unadjustedOR, 2.8; 95%CI, 1.2-6.6; OR adjusted for methodologicalquality, 3.0; 95% CI, 1.2-7.1). Simi-larly, studies in which the authors alsocreated the CDSS reported better per-formance comparedwith those inwhichthe trialists were independent of theCDSS development process (success in51/69 studies [74%] vs 5/18 studies[28%];P=.001;unadjustedOR,6.7; 95%CI, 1.7-25.3; OR adjusted for method-ological quality, 6.6; 95%CI, 1.7-26.7).

    No other predefined study-level covar-iate was associated with CDSS success.In a post hoc analysis of the 85 studiesthat measured practitioner perfor-mance and enrolled physicians, we didnot find an association (P= .40) be-tween performance and physician expe-rience (trainee vs attending physician).

    COMMENTWe identified 100 randomized andnon-randomized trials testing a wide vari-ety of CDSSs, with the number of trialsand their methodological quality in-creasing over time. Of the 97 con-trolled trials assessing practitioner per-formance, themajority (64%) improveddiagnosis, preventive care, disease

    Table 3. Trials of Computer-Assisted Diabetes Management*


    No. ofSites Indication Patient Outcomes

    Improvementin PractitionerPerformance

    Improvementin PatientOutcomes

    Thomas et al,45 1983 4 1 Computer-generated remindersfor outpatients

    Change in blood pressure,obesity, glucose,hospitalization, emergencydepartment visits

    Yes No

    Mazzuca et al,46 1990 8 1 Counseling (exercise and dietaryadvice), glucose controlmonitoring, medication use,education for outpatients

    . . . No . . .

    Nilasena andLincoln,47 1995

    8 2 Screening (foot examination,retinal examination, renaltests), cardiovascular diseaseprevention, neurologicalassessment, and glycemiccontrol in outpatients

    . . . No . . .

    Lobach andHammond,481997

    9 1 Screening (foot examination,complete physical, retinalexamination, cholesterol,urine protein), vaccination(influenza andpneumococcal), as well asglycated hemoglobinmonitoring for outpatients

    . . . Yes . . .

    Montori et al,49 2002 5 2 Screening (microalbuminuria,retinal examination,cholesterol, foot examination)and counseling (exercise anddietary advice, smokingcessation) to preventcomplications in outpatients;system also identified drugcontraindications

    Glycated hemoglobin, totalcholesterol, blood pressure,calculated 10-yFramingham risk score

    Yes No

    Filippi et al,50 2003 9 Multiple Aspirin use in outpatients . . . Yes . . .

    Meigs et al,51 2003 7 1 Screening (retinal examination,foot examination, glycatedhemoglobin, blood pressure,cholesterol), use ofcholesterol-reducing andblood pressure medicationsin outpatients

    Change in glycatedhemoglobin, low-densitylipoprotein cholesterol,blood pressure

    Yes No

    *Ellipses indicate outcome was not assessed.Improvement was defined as a statistically significant positive effect on at least 50% of outcomes measured. Most studies had inadequate statistical power to detect a clinicallyimportant improvement in patient outcomes.

    Practitioner performance outcomes were the rate of screening (such as retinal examination or urine protein measurement), medication use, and/or identification of at-risk behaviors.


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  • Table 4. Trials of Computer-Assisted Cardiovascular Disease Management and Prevention*


    No. ofSites Indication Patient Outcomes

    Improvement inPractitioner


    Improvementin PatientOutcomes

    Coe et al,52 1977 6 2 Blood pressure management inoutpatients

    Diastolic blood pressure, drugadverse effects

    . . . No

    Barnett et al,541983

    4 1 Follow-up for patients with elevatedblood pressure

    Diastolic blood pressure100mm Hg or receiving treatment

    Yes Yes

    Rogers et al,531984

    6 1 Management of hypertension, obesity,and renal disease in outpatients

    Systolic and diastolic bloodpressure, hospitalization,weight (improved), hospitallength of stay (improved)

    Yes No

    Brownbridgeet al,55 1986

    4 3 Hypertension management inoutpatients: prompts forhypertension care (such as urineprotein measurement, pulseassessment and retinalexamination)

    . . . Yes . . .

    McAlister et al,561986

    7 50 Recommendations forantihypertensive use

    Diastolic blood pressure90 mm Hg

    No No

    Rossi and Every,571997

    8 1 Alerts to substitute calcium channelblocker antihypertensives to thoserecommended in practiceguidelines in outpatienthypertensives

    . . . Yes . . .

    Lowensteyn et al,581998

    7 Multiple Calculating coronary risk factor profilefor outpatients

    Blood pressure, body mass index,smoking cessation,cholesterol (total, LDL,total/ HDL ratio) (improved)

    Predicted 8-y coronary risk factorscore (improved)

    Yes No

    Hetlevik et al,591999

    9 29 Diagnosis, treatment, and follow-uprecommendations forhypertension, diabetes mellitus,and hypercholesterolemia inoutpatients; identification ofsmokers

    Glycated hemoglobin, smokingstatus, body mass index,cholesterol, risk score forfuture myocardial infarction,diastolic blood pressure(improved)

    No No

    Montgomeryet al,60 2000

    8 27 Calculation of risk of newcardiovascular event in outpatients

    Predicted 5-y cardiovascular riskscore

    No No

    Selker et al,61 2002 6 28 Thrombolytic prescribing inemergency department, withrecommendations printed onelectrocardiograms

    Mortality, stroke, bleeding No No

    Ansari et al,62 2003 9 1 -Blocker use in outpatients withcongestive heart failure

    Emergency department visit orhospitalization, mortality

    No No

    Tierney et al,632003

    8 1 Appropriate medications for patientswith ischemic heart disease andcongestive heart failure; exercisepromotion, weight loss, andsmoking cessation; treatment ofhypertension andhypercholesterolemia

    Quality of life (SF-36), emergencydepartment visits for heartdisease, hospitalizations,chronic heart diseasequestionnaire

    No No

    Weir et al,64 2003 9 16 Antiplatelets and anticoagulantprescribing in patients with anacute ischemic stroke or transientischemic attack; included bothinpatients and outpatients

    Predicted relative risk reduction offuture ischemic vascularevents, hemorrhagic vascularevents

    No No

    Murray et al,652004

    9 1 Hypertension management and drugprescriptions for outpatients(2 2 factorial trial; randomizationfor physician to receive CDSS,and randomization for pharmacistto receive CDSS)

    Health-related quality of life,emergency department visitsand hospitalizations, systolicand diastolic blood pressure

    No No

    Abbreviations: CDSS, clinical decision support system; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; SF-36, Short Form 36.*Ellipses indicate outcome was not assessed.Improvement was defined as a statistically significant positive effect on at least 50% of outcomesmeasured. Most studies had inadequate statistical power to detect a clinically importantimprovement in patient outcomes.

    Practitioner performance outcomes were adherence to recommended guidelines that usually included assessment of cardiac risk factors (blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking) and theuse of cardioprotective medications. The exception was Selker et al,61 in which practitioner performance outcomes were proportion receiving thromobolytics, use of thrombolyticswithin 1 hour of initial electrocardiogram, and achievement of cardiac reperfusion.


    1230 JAMA, March 9, 2005Vol 293, No. 10 (Reprinted) 2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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  • management, drug dosing, or drugprescribing. However, the effects ofthese systems on patient health re-main understudiedand inconsistent

    when studied. Fifty-two trials as-sessed patient outcomes, often in alimited capacity without adequate sta-tistical power to detect clinically im-

    portant differences. Only 7 trials re-ported improved patient outcomeswiththe CDSS, and no study reported ben-efits for major outcomes such as mor-

    Table 5. Trials of Computer-Assisted Management for Other Active Health Conditions*


    No. ofSites Indication Performance Outcomes Patient Outcomes

    Improvementin PractitionerPerformance

    Improvementin PatientOutcomes

    Petrucci et al,661991

    7 2 Recommendations fornurse management ofurinary incontinence innursing homes

    Nurse knowledge ofincontinence

    Rate of urinaryincontinence

    Yes Yes

    Rubensteinet al,67 1995

    8 1 Detection and managementof functional statusimpairments inoutpatients; patientself-reportedinformation wascollected forcomputer-assistedsystem

    Physician recognition offunctional statusproblems,recommendedinterventionsundertaken to improvepatient functioning

    Functional status (physical,psychological, andsocial) at 6 mo asmeasured byquestionnaire

    Yes No

    Safran et al,681995

    6 1 Screening, treatment, andmanagementrecommendations foroutpatients with humanimmunodeficiency virusinfection

    Vaccination,ophthalmologicreferral, CD4 cell countand blood cell count,Pneumocystis jiroveciprophylaxis

    Need for physician visits;emergency andhospital admission;mortality

    Yes No

    Dexter et al,691998

    10 1 Reminders to discuss andcomplete advanceddirectives in outpatients

    Rates of discussions anddocumentation

    . . . Yes . . .

    East et al,70 1999 8 10 Mechanical ventilationmanagement(respiratory evaluation,oxygenation, ventilation,weaning, andextubation) in critically illpatients with acuterespiratory distresssyndrome

    . . . Survival to hospitaldischarge, intensivecare unit length of stay,barotrauma score(improved), multiorgandysfunction score(improved)

    . . . Yes

    Kupermanet al,71 1999

    6 1 Automated physician alertsvia pager for criticallaboratory results forhospital inpatients

    Time to ordering oftreatment for criticallaboratory value, timeto resolution of alertingcondition

    Adverse events (death,cardiac arrest, transferto intensive care unit,stroke, renalimpairment) within 48 hof alerting event

    Yes No

    Christakis et al,722001

    8 1 Recommendations forantibiotic use inoutpatient childrenwith otitis media

    Unnecessary antibioticprescriptions,prescriptions ofexcessive duration

    . . . Yes . . .

    McCowanet al,73 2001

    6 17 Recommended guidelinesfor treatment ofasthma in outpatients

    Review ofself-management plan,inhaler technique, andtreatment adherencewith patient; issuanceof peak flow meter

    Symptoms, need for oralsteroid, need forhospital services,patient-initiatedconsultation to manageasthma (improved),exacerbation of asthma(self-report; improved),emergency nebulizeruse (improved)

    No Yes

    Eccles et al,742002

    9 62 Recommendations forangina and asthmamanagement inoutpatients

    Adherence to guidelinesincluding medicationprescribing, screening,and assessment ofat-risk behaviors

    Self-reported quality of life(generic anddisease-specificmeasures), symptoms

    No No

    Lesourd et al,752002

    7 3 Hormonal ovarianstimulation forinfertile women

    No. of missed menstrualcycles

    Pregnancy No No

    *Ellipses indicate outcome was not assessed.Improvement was defined as a statistically significant positive effect on at least 50% of outcomesmeasured. Most studies had inadequate statistical power to detect a clinically importantimprovement in patient outcomes.


    2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, March 9, 2005Vol 293, No. 10 1231

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  • tality. Surrogate patient outcomes suchas blood pressure and glycated hemo-globin were not meaningfully im-proved in moststudies.

    Determinants of CDSS SuccessRecent literature has called for a betterunderstanding of factors that predictCDSS success.119 Barriers to implemen-

    tation include failure of practitioners touse the CDSS, poor usability or integra-tion into practitionerworkflow, or prac-titioner nonacceptance of computer

    Table 6. Trials of Computer Use to Monitor the Effects of Other Prescribed Treatments (Corollary Orders) or to Reduce Unnecessary HealthCare Utilization*


    No. ofSites Indication Practitioner Outcomes Patient Outcomes

    Improvementin PractitionerPerformance

    Improvementin PatientOutcomes

    Systems to monitor theeffects of corollaryorders


    5 1 Laboratory tests to monitorpotential medicationadverse effects (suchas measurement ofserum creatinine,potassium orhemoglobin) in adiabetes clinic

    Adherence torecommended care

    . . . Yes . . .

    Young,77 1981 4 1 Recommendedinvestigations for 79medical problems inhospital inpatients

    Adherence torecommendedordering

    . . . Yes . . .

    Fihn et al,781994

    8 6 Frequency ofanticoagulantmonitoring inoutpatients

    Ability to increaseintervals betweenvisits, proximity totarget internationalnormalized ratiovalue

    Hemorrhagic andthromboemboliccomplications

    Yes No

    Overhage et al,791997

    10 1 Recommended tests ortreatments to monitoror ameliorate the effectsof other tests ortreatments forhospital inpatients

    Compliance with orders Hospital length of stay,maximum creatininelevel duringhospitalization

    Yes No

    Systems to reduceunnecessary healthcare utilization

    Tierney et al,801988

    5 1 Prompts to dissuadeordering of routineunnecessary diagnostictests, such aselectrolyte levels, bloodcounts, chestradiographs, andelectrocardiograms inoutpatients

    Frequency ofunnecessary testing

    . . . Yes . . .

    Tierney et al,811993

    9 1 Alerts for drug allergiesand drug interactions,choices for cost-effective testing aspart of inpatientcomputerized orderentry for medications,tests, and nursingorders

    Cost per patientadmission

    Hospital length of stay,need for hospitalreadmission

    Yes No

    Hales et al,821995

    6 1 Computer system forhospital admissionscreening

    Rate of unnecessaryadmissions

    . . . No . . .

    Shea et al,831995

    7 1 Messages for hospitalinpatients on diagnosis,expected length of stay

    . . . Hospital length of stay . . . Yes

    Bates et al,841999

    8 1 Reminders for redundantclinical laboratory testsin hospital inpatients

    Rate of redundant testordering

    . . . Yes . . .

    *Ellipses indicate outcome was not assessed.Improvement was defined as a statistically significant positive effect on at least 50% of outcomesmeasured. Most studies had inadequate statistical power to detect a clinically importantimprovement in patient outcomes.


    1232 JAMA, March 9, 2005Vol 293, No. 10 (Reprinted) 2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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  • Table 7. Trials of Computer-Assisted Anticoagulant Dosing*


    No. ofSites Indication

    Practitioner PerformanceOutcomes Patient Outcomes

    Improvementin PractitionerPerformance

    Improvementin PatientOutcomes


    et al,851982

    6 1 Warfarin initiation inpostoperativecardiac surgeryinpatients

    Proportion of days intherapeutic range, averagenumber of days to achievetherapeutic INR

    . . . Yes . . .

    Carter et al,861987

    6 1 Warfarin initiation forhospital inpatients

    Time to achieve therapeuticstable INR

    Time to hospital dischargeafter first dose

    No No

    White et al,871987

    8 2 Warfarin initiation forhospital inpatients

    Time to achieve therapeuticINR, time to reach stablewarfarin dose, timeabove therapeutic INR

    Bleeding complications,hospital length of stay(improved)

    Yes Yes

    White andMungall,881991

    8 1 Warfarin maintenancefor outpatients

    Proportion of time withtherapeutic INR, need forfollow-up appointments foranticoagulation adjustment

    . . . No . . .

    Poller et al,891993

    8 1 Warfarin maintenancefor outpatients

    Proportion achieving targetINR, average follow-uptime for appointmentsneeded for anticoagulation

    Bleeding complications,mortality

    No No

    Fitzmauriceet al,901996

    6 2 Warfarin maintenancefor outpatients

    Proportion of time withtherapeutic INR, numberof follow-up appointmentsneeded to adjustanticoagulation

    Mortality, bleeding,and thromboticcomplications

    Yes No

    Vadher et al,911997

    6 1 Warfarin initiation andmaintenance forinpatients

    Time to achieve therapeuticINR, time with therapeuticINR, number ofsupratherapeutic andsubtherapeutic INR levels

    Bleeding and thromboticcomplications

    No No

    Vadher et al,921997

    6 1 Warfarin maintenancefor outpatients;system used bynurse practitionercompared withtraining physiciansin routine care

    Proportion of time withtherapeutic INR, numberof days between INRtesting, number of testmeasurements

    Thrombotic episodes,bleeding complications

    Yes No

    Ageno andTurpie,931998

    7 1 Warfarin maintenancefor outpatientswith mechanicalheart valves

    Proportion of time withtherapeutic INR,proportion of INRs withintherapeutic range, numberof required doseadjustments; number ofINR measurements

    . . . No . . .

    Poller et al,941998

    8 5 Warfarin initiation andmaintenance foroutpatients

    Time to achieve therapeuticINR, proportion of timewith therapeutic INR

    . . . Yes . . .

    Fitzmauriceet al,952000

    8 12 Warfarin maintenancefor outpatients;nurse-led clinicwith point-of-caretesting

    Proportion of time withtherapeutic INR,proportion of patients withtherapeutic INR

    Mortality, adverse events(bleeding or thrombosis)

    Yes No

    Manotti et al,962001

    5 5 Warfarin maintenancefor outpatients

    Proportion of time withtherapeutic INR over 1 y,proportion of patientsachieving therapeuticstable INR at 1 mo,number of physicianfollow-up appointments foranticoagulation control

    . . . Yes . . .


    et al,971994

    8 2 Heparin dosing usedwith acutemyocardialinfarction treatedwith thrombolytic

    Therapeutic anticoagulationafter 24 h

    Composite of cardiovascularevents (ie, recurrent chestpain, need for additionalthrombolytics, stroke,cardiac arrest) (improved)

    Yes Yes

    Abbreviation: INR, international normalized ratio.*Ellipses indicate outcome was not assessed.Improvement was defined as a statistically significant positive effect on at least 50% of outcomesmeasured. Most studies had inadequate statistical power to detect a clinically importantimprovement in patient outcomes.


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  • recommendations.120 Inour review, stud-ies in which users were automaticallyprompted to use the system describedbetter performance compared withstudies in which users were requiredto actively initiate the system. A similarfinding was also reported in a meta-

    regression of 11 studies of computer or-der entry.121 Comparedwithmanual ini-tiation, automatic prompting mayimprove integration into practitionerworkflow as well as provide better op-portunities to correct inadvertent defi-ciencies in care. In this review, we also

    identified better performance in studiesin which the trial authors also devel-oped the CDSS software. Potential ex-planations of this finding include themotivational effect of a developers en-thusiasm, creationofmoreusable and in-tegrated software, better access to tech-

    Table 8. Trials of Computer-Assisted Drug Dosing and Prescribing*


    No. ofSites Indication

    PractitionerPerformanceOutcomes Patient Outcomes

    Improvement inPractitioner


    Improvementin PatientOutcomes

    Drug-dosing systemsTheophylline/aminophylline

    Hurley et al,981986

    6 1 Theophylline dosing forinpatients

    Proportion of patientswithin therapeuticrange

    Theophylline toxicity,peak expiratory flowrate, asthmasymptomquestionnaire,mortality, durationof hospitalization(shorter with CDSS)

    Yes No

    Gonzalez et al,991989

    7 1 Aminophylline dosingin emergencydepartment

    Proportion of patientswithin therapeuticrange

    Aminophylline toxicity,emergencydepartmentdischarge, peakexpiratory flow rate

    No No

    Verner et al,1001992

    6 1 Theophylline dosing inemergencydepartment

    Proportion of patientswithin therapeuticrange

    Clinical score ofrespiratory status,peak expiratory flowrate

    Yes No

    Casner et al,1011993

    6 1 Theophylline dosingfor inpatients

    Proportion of timewithin therapeuticrange

    Theophylline toxicity,number of hospitaldays

    No No

    AminoglycosidesBegg et al,102

    19896 1 Aminoglycoside dosing

    for inpatientsProportion of patients

    within therapeuticrange

    Mortality, decrease increatinine clearance

    Yes No

    Hickling et al,1031989

    5 1 Aminoglycoside dosingin intensive careunit

    Proportion of patientswithin therapeuticrange

    Estimated creatinineclearance

    Yes No

    Burton et al,1041991

    7 1 Aminoglycoside dosingfor inpatients

    Peak concentration ofaminoglycosidewithin therapeuticrange

    Mortality due to infection,response to therapy,increase in serumcreatinine level,hospital length of stay(shorter with CDSS)

    Yes No

    Other medicationsPeck et al,105

    19737 1 Digoxin dosing for

    outpatients withcongestive heartfailure

    Achievement ofactual digoxinconcentrationrelative to targetconcentration

    Digoxin toxicity, changein heart failuremedications

    No No

    Rodman et al,1061984

    8 1 Lidocaine dosing forhospital inpatients

    Proportion needingadditional lidocainedose, achievementof therapeutic dosewithin 30 min

    Lidocaine toxicity Yes No

    Ryff-de Lecheet al,1071992

    4 1 Insulin dosing foroutpatients

    Blood glucose withintherapeutic range,glucose level4.0mmol/L (72 mg/dL)

    Hypoglycemic events,glycated hemoglobinlevel

    Yes No

    Horn et al,1082002

    5 1 Parenteral nutritiondosing for hospitalinpatients

    Time required tocalculate nutritioncomposition andamount,inappropriateordering

    . . . No . . .



    1234 JAMA, March 9, 2005Vol 293, No. 10 (Reprinted) 2005 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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  • nical support and training, improvedon-site promotion and tailoring, biasesin assessingoutcomes, and selectivepub-lication of successful trials. Most of theCDSSs in this review were homegrown, and the importance of localchampions to facilitate implementationcannot be underestimated.

    Strengths and Weaknessesof This Review

    We identified relevant controlled trialsthrough a comprehensive search of theliterature.We extendedour previous re-view from 1998 in a number of impor-tant ways.5 Using better-defined inclu-sion criteria, we reconsidered all priorarticles and identified 37 new articles.To identify CDSS and study character-istics that predicted positive effects, weabstracted relevant data from all ar-ticles in duplicate, confirmed our ab-stractionswith amajority of primary au-

    thors, and conducted a multivariableanalysis of study-level covariates.However, limitations of this review

    shouldbe appreciated.We includedonlyEnglish-language studies. The CDSSswere grouped into categories based onclinical applications rather thanonotheraspects ofCDSSdesign.122 Although trialmethods are improving with time, thissummary is limited by themethodsusedin the primary studies. We were unableto usemeta-analysis to pool effect sizes,given substantial differences among pri-mary studies in the types of CDSSs andoutcomes evaluated. In addition,we de-fined improvement as apositive effect onat least 50%of outcomesmeasured. Thisapproach, along with the strict inclu-sion criteria of this review,mayhaveun-derestimated the influence of some sys-temand studymethodological factors onCDSS success. The wide confidence in-tervals for the statistically significant de-

    terminants of CDSS success imply sub-stantial imprecision in the strength ofthese associations, which may be non-causal. Furthermore, it is possible thatCDSSs for disease management pro-moted the implementation of ineffec-tive therapies, or thatCDSSsof drugdos-ing used incorrect pharmacokineticmodels. Although this appears to be anunlikely explanation for the lackof effecton patient outcomes, we did not evalu-ate the appropriateness of CDSS algo-rithmsor recommendations. Finally,wesummarized controlled trials of CDSSsand did not consider less rigorous butmore common designs, such as before-after studies.

    When to Adopt a CDSSfor Practice

    The decision to adopt a CDSS for localpatient care is complex and is influ-enced by many considerations. Those

    Table 8. Trials of Computer-Assisted Drug Dosing and Prescribing (cont)


    No. ofSites Indication



    Improvement inPractitioner


    Improvementin Patient


    Drug-prescribing systemsMcDonald,109 1976 7 1 390 Recommended

    managementprotocols guidingdrug use, recognitionof adverse drugreactions, andlaboratory tests inoutpatients

    Adherence torecommendations

    . . . Yes . . .

    McDonald et al,1101980

    8 1 410 Computerizedmanagement rulesdealing primarily withuse and follow-up ofmedications inoutpatients

    Adherence torecommendations

    . . . Yes . . .

    White et al,111 1984 7.5 1 Alerts of potential druginteractions andtoxicity with digoxinin inpatients

    Adherence torecommendations

    . . . Yes . . .

    Rotman et al,1121996

    7 1 Recommendation forless expensive drugsubstitute whenavailable, alerts fordrug interactions inoutpatients

    Adherence torecommendations

    Adverse druginteractions

    No No

    Tamblyn et al,1132003

    8 Multiple Alerts for prescribingerrors, including drugcontraindications inoutpatients

    Inappropriateprescriptions per1000 visits,discontinuationof potentiallyinappropriateprescriptions

    . . . Yes . . .

    Abbreviation: CDSS, computerized clinical decision support system.*Ellipses indicate outcome was not assessed.Improvement was defined as a statistically significant positive effect on at least 50% of outcomesmeasured. Most studies had inadequate statistical power to detect a clinically importantimprovement in patient outcomes.


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  • responsible for CDSS implementationare typically administrators, informa-tion technology managers, and clini-cians, all of whom are increasinglypushed by technology and guided bygovernment regulations.123 Importantissues include CDSS user acceptance,workflow integration, compatibilitywith legacy applications, system ma-turity, and upgrade availability. Someare concerned about increased practi-tioner dependence on CDSSs, witheroded capacity for independent deci-sion making.31 Finally, cheaper, non-computerized alternatives may beequally or more effective in improvingcare and reducingmedical errors.124-127

    One of the primary considerations inadopting a CDSS is its clinical effective-ness: Towhat extent should it be provenbeneficial before mass deployment?Clearly, some testing is required, as aCDSS can have unanticipated effectswhen used in patient care.85 Some high-light the need for multicenter cluster-randomized controlled trials demon-strating improvements in importantpatient outcomes.12 Using such a stan-dard, this review suggests that the ma-jority of available systems are not yetready for mainstream use. Most trialswere unable to enroll enough clusters orpatients for adequate statistical power todetect improvements in patient out-comes. Unfortunately, this situation isunlikely to change soon, given the sub-stantial time and resources needed toconduct such trials, particularly in thearea of preventive health. Furthermore,CDSSs are limited by the cumulativeknowledge used to program their rec-ommendations. It would be unrealisticto require repeatCDSS testing every timeadvances in the knowledge base be-come available. Thus, for initial consid-eration, it may be reasonable to requireproofofCDSSeffectivenessonlyonprac-titioner performance, particularly if suchoutcomes represent current acceptedstandards in care. In our review, manysystems met this requirement. How-ever, this does not preclude the need forsubsequent trials or in-practice assess-ment to confirm systemperformance inimproving patient health. Institutions

    need to measure effects on local out-comes and be prepared to iterativelymodify their system in response to prac-tice-based knowledge.2

    While some perceive that CDSSs im-prove efficiency and reduce costs, thecurrent supporting evidence is limited.Although some studies have assessedthe costs when outcomes wereimproved,40,45 ,79-81 ,84 ,128 the cost-effectiveness of these systems remainsunknown. Many studies suggestedthe CDSS was inefficient, requiringmore time and effort from the usercompared with paper-based meth-ods.14,15,38,64,81,95,112 Finally, most CDSSsused research funding to facilitate imple-mentation. As highlighted in this re-view, up to 21% of trials used staff paidby research funds for data entry orCDSSrecommendationdelivery.When invest-ing in a commercially available system,funding for support personnel is anadditional cost to be considered.There is currentlywidespread enthu-

    siasm for introducing electronic medi-cal records, computerized physicianorder entry systems, andCDSSs intohos-pitals and outpatient settings. In othercommercial, industrial, and scientificspheres of activity, computers have be-come ubiquitous and have improvedsafety, productivity, and timeliness.Given this progress, computerization ofthe health care environment should of-fer tremendous benefits. However, up-take has been slow, and multiple chal-lenges have arisen at every phase ofsoftware development, testing, andimplementation. The progress ofCDSSshas mirrored these trends. Systems areproliferating, their technical perfor-mance and usability are improving, andthe number and quality of evaluations isincreasing. These evaluations haveshown that many CDSSs improve prac-titioner performance. However, furtherresearch is needed to elucidate the ef-fects of such systems on patient health.

    Author Contributions:Drs Garg, Adhikari, and Rosas-Arellano had full access to all of the data in the studyand take responsibility for the integrity of the data andthe accuracy of the data analysis.Study concept and design: Garg, Adhikari, Haynes.Acquisition of data: Garg, Adhikari, McDonald,Rosas-Arellano, Sam, Haynes.

    Analysis and interpretation of data: Garg, Adhikari,McDonald, Rosas-Arellano, Devereaux, Beyene, Sam,Haynes.Drafting of the manuscript: Garg, Adhikari, Haynes.Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-tellectual content: Garg, Adhikari, McDonald,Rosas-Arellano, Devereaux, Beyene, Sam, Haynes.Statistical analysis: Garg, Adhikari, Beyene.Obtained funding: Garg, Haynes.Administrative, technical, or material support: Garg,Rosas-Arellano, Haynes.Study supervision: Garg, Haynes.

    Financial Disclosures: None reported.Funding/Support: Dr Garg was supported by a Ca-nadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) ClinicianScientist Training Award. Dr Devereaux was sup-ported by a CIHR Senior Research Fellowship.Role of the Sponsors: No funding source or sponsorhad any role in the design and conduct of the study;collection, management, analysis, or interpretation ofthe data; or preparation, review, or approval of themanuscript.Acknowledgment:Weacknowledge thework of LindaSheridan, who provided administrative help, and TomFlemming, the librarian who helped with the litera-ture searches. We thank Dereck Hunt, MD,MSc, andWilliam Clark, MD, for their help and support.


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