VOLUME 5773 ISSUE 2 www.cbistpete.com Shabbat Services 2 From Rabbi 3 Cantor’s Notes 3 Sisterhood / Men’s Club 9 Schools 11 Youth 12 Adult Studies 13 A-Team 13 Buns Family Library 15 Family Programs 18 Life Cycle Events 19 Mitzvah Grams 21 October 2012 Tishrei /Heshvan 5773 Got Shabbat? Sukkot Dinner 7 Family Sukkot Programs 7 Family Simhat Torah Celebration 7 Meditation/Joyful Prayer 8 Congregation Engagement 8 Family Heritage Village 17 Sunday Movie Matinee 17 USY Pumpkin Bread 17

CBI October Bulletin 2012

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CBI October Bulletin 2012

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Page 1: CBI October Bulletin 2012

VOLUME 5773 ISSUE 2 www.cbistpete.com

Shabbat Services 2

From Rabbi 3

Cantor’s Notes 3

Sisterhood / Men’s Club 9

Schools 11

Youth 12

Adult Studies 13

A-Team 13

Buns Family Library 15

Family Programs 18

Life Cycle Events 19

Mitzvah Grams 21

October 2012 Tishrei /Heshvan 5773

Got Shabbat? Sukkot Dinner 7

Family Sukkot Programs 7

Family Simhat Torah Celebration 7

Meditation/Joyful Prayer 8

Congregation Engagement 8

Family Heritage Village 17

Sunday Movie Matinee 17

USY Pumpkin Bread 17

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OCTOBER 16 & 17

CHILD CARE To request Shabbat morning childcare for preschoolers, please call the Synagogue

office by Wednesday prior to Shabbat.

Congregation B’nai Israel

727-381-4900 Contacts

Rabbi Jacob Luski, D.D. 727-381-4900 Ext. 207

[email protected]

Cantor Jonathan Schultz

727-381-4900 Ext. 305 [email protected]

Executive Director, Michael Grossman 727-381-4900 Ext. 202 [email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Director Bonnie Halprin 727-381-4900 Ext. 211

[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Education Director, Ilana Dayan

727-381-4900 Ext. 310 [email protected]

Youth & Family Program Director Sandy Brasch 727-381-4900 Ext. 209

[email protected]

Community Engagement, Liz Sembler 727-381-4900 Ext. 206 [email protected]

Torah Reader/Educator Deborah Marmon 727-381-4900 Ext. 205

[email protected]

Office Manager, Pam Askin 727-381-4900 Ext. 203

[email protected]

Receptionist, Anita Helfand 727-381-4900 Ext. 201

[email protected]

Accounting, Barbara Jarvis 727-381-4900 Ext.204

[email protected]

PRTT Secretary, Patzi Gil 727-381-4900 Ext. 210 [email protected]

President, Laurie Reiskind [email protected]

Women’s League President, Alice Ettinger Men’s Club President, Jesse Rodman

USY President, Reva Halprin Kadima President, Rachel LeVine

Bulletin Committee:

Layout Editor, Masha Ronay

Coordinators, Pam Askin, Anita Helfand

B’nai Israel Review Publishes 11 times a year by

Congregation B’nai Israel 300 58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710 727– 381-4900 FAX 727-344-1307


All rights reserved. No part of this document can be copied without the permission of

Congregation B’nai Israel

Shabbat Services & Candlelighting

PARTICIPATE IN ALIYOT The Ritual Committee of Congregation B’nai Israel

encourages worshippers to participate in services by

performing aliyot. If you would like to receive an aliyah, please

call the synagogue office at 381-4900, or kindly speak to one of the ushers when you

enter the sanctuary, and every effort will be made to

accommodate your request. Those wishing to receive an

aliyah on Shabbat morning are asked to arrive at services no

later than 9:30 am. We look forward to your

participation. Shalom,

Morry Bornstein, Ritual Chair

Friday, October 5, 2012 Candlelighting 6:54 pm Shabbat Hol Hamoed Service 6:00 pm followed by Got Shabbat? Family Sukkot Saturday, October 6, 2012 Sedra: Hol Hamoed Sukkot Shabbat Hol Hamoed Services 9:00 am Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Maariv & Havdala 7:00 pm Friday, October 12, 2012 Candlelighting 6:47 pm Hol Hamoed Sukkot Shabbat Service 8:00 pm Sit Down Oneg: Ask The Rabbi Saturday, October 13, 2012 Sedra: Bereshit Shabbat Services 9:00 am Simha Shabbat & Tailgate Kiddush Joyful Prayer, Chapel 9:15 am Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 6:30 pm First Seudah Shlishit of New Year Friday, October 19, 2012 Candlelighting 6:40 pm Kadima Shabbat Dinner, Weinman ALF 4:45 pm Kadima Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 pm Saturday, October 20, 2012 Sedra – Noah Shabbat Services 9:00 am Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 6:25 pm Friday, October 26, 2012 Candlelighting 6:33 pm Shabbat Ruach Service 8:00 pm

Saturday, October 27, 2012 Sedra – Leh Leha Shabbat Services 9:00 am Jewish Meditation, Chapel 9:15 am Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minyan Katan, Rm 9, 10:45 am Minha, Seudah, Maariv & Havdala 6:20 pm Friday, November 2, 2012 Candlelighting 6:28 pm Shabbat Services 8:00 pm USY Shabbat Sit Down Oneg: Ask The Cantor Saturday, November 3, 2012 Shabbat Services 9:00 am USY Summer Programs Speakers Simha Shabbat & Kiddush Joyful Prayer, Chapel 9:15 pm Junior Congregation 10:00 am Minha, Seudah Shlishit, Maariv & Havdala 6:15 pm


If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat on Friday evening, a Seudah

Shlishit on Shabbat afternoon or a L’Hayim following a

Morning Minyan in honor or memory of a loved one or a

special occasion, please

contact Synagogue office.


The Mitzvah Men’s Club provides a Continental

Breakfast for all worshippers on Minyan Mornings in the

alcove of the Social Hall. Please join the Minyanaires

for the morning Shaharit service and relax and

schmooze over breakfast bagels, cream cheese,

coffee cake and coffee/tea.


Become a Minyanaire! Attend our Daily Minyan:

Sunday morning at 9:00 am, Monday - Friday mornings at

7:45 am Sunday - Thursday evenings

at 6:30 pm Chapel.

CBI Website www.cbistpete.org

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From the Rabbi

Once there was a rich couple in a small town in Galicia. Berl and Shprintza had stores, jewelry, money, but they had no children. But they were very much in love. Berl would get the greatest honors in shul, Maftir Yona, on Yom Kippur. His

greatest pleasure was to travel to the big city and bring back a beautiful Etrog with a beautiful Pitom for Sukkot. The people in the small town could not afford Etrogim. They all used Beryl’s Etrog. The Rabbi would make the brakha over the Etrog and Lulav first and then all the people. One year business went bad and Berl and Shprintze lost all their wealth. Stores were sold, jewelry was sold, even money for food was scarce. Beryl still wanted to honor the town with his Etrog. What to do? Shprintze had a ring passed on to her from her mother, and her mother got it from her mother, for several generations. The ring was the only thing left that the couple had not sold. Beryl stole the ring, traveled to the big city and bought a beautiful Etrog. When he came home, Shprintze was furious, and she smashed the Etrog to pieces. Beryl was in shock. Then he took Shprintze into his arms and said: My dear, the money is gone, the stores are gone, we have no children, even your ring is gone, and the Etrog is gone. All we have left is each other. Let’s dance.

That’s how it is on Simhat Torah. No Shofar, No Fast, No Kol Nidre, no Etrog, no Lulav. All that is left are God, Israel, and the Torah. God says: we have only each other. Let’s dance. Join us for Simhat Torah 5773 on Monday night October 8 and Tuesday morning October 9, and LET”S DANCE!

Hag Sameah!

Rabbi Jacob Luski

for anyone who wishes to listen to it. Now that the High Holy Days are behind us, we turn to Z’man Simchatenu, the Season of our Joy: Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah. One of the liturgical highlights of this season is praying for rainfall in Eretz Yisrael. It’s no accident that our two week-long major festivals, Sukkot and Pesach, come at the beginning of the rainy season and the beginning of the dry season; in its earliest, ancient form, Sukkot was largely an agricultural festival, celebrating both the final harvest of the season and the onset of the rainy season. To this day, we still pray for rain on Shemini Atzeret by adding Tefillat Geshem to the Musaf Amidah. And it’s still important today; even now, water is a precious commodity in Israel, and if rain doesn’t fall in the winter, the land, and the people, feel it.

Hag Sameah, Cantor Jonathan Schultz

CBI has just launched a new web site, and I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about my new page, the Cantor’s Corner. The Cantor’s Corner has two main sections: the audio library and the photo gallery. In the audio library, you

can listen to online audio clips of many melodies from the Shabbat and holiday services. The photo gallery contains online photo albums of various events, including the Cantors Assembly Mission to Germany. I would like to make special mention of two particular sound clips that I have posted in the audio library. The first is the Torah blessings. I have put this on there so that any of you who are having an aliyah and wish to review the Torah blessings – and any of you who may be interested in learning the Torah blessings for the first time – may do so at your convenience. The second is the beginning of the Amidah with the Matriarchs included. As many of you may have noticed, I started including the Matriarchs in the beginning of the Amidah on Rosh Hashanah. Since this is a new minhag here at CBI, I have flagged it in the audio library

Cantor’s Notes

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Do you ever feel a post-holiday letdown? Think about it. Whether it is a secular or Jewish holiday, you spend time to prep and then the holiday comes and you celebrate. Then what? Well, for me as your Executive Director the Holidays

are just the beginning. After Simhat Torah is over and the Sanctuary and Social Hall are put back in order, the office gets a brief respite and gets back to the regular day-to-day operations of a congregation. Believe me, it is no letdown. The daily and weekly flow of energy is the true excitement of the congregation. Daily minyanim, PRTT, the preschool, the meetings, the classes, the life-cycle events, and Shabbat are why a congregation really exists. Over the holidays, many of you extended a very warm welcome and I was able to put more names and faces together for the first time. I hope that over the course of our regular operations, I will get the opportunity to know you better. Please stop by and say hello when you are in the building. Take time to tell me what is on your mind and what we can do to improve our service to you. With warm wishes for a post-holiday season,

Michael Grossman, Executive Director

Executive Director

I now share some thoughts to ponder with thanks to my brother, Howie, for sharing some of his best President’s articles.

Everything I Really Ever Needed to Know I learned in Junior Congregation

Joseph had a beautiful coat. But his beautiful coat did not keep him warm. His dreams did.

The best challah is the part in the middle. Never judge a book by its cover – the inner beauty is more important than outer appearances.

Singing Ma Tovu in a round is hard. Sometimes, the hardest, but most important thing to do is to hear yourself and then to listen to yourself, even when others around you may sing louder.

Honor Your Mother and Father. As a parent, this one speaks to me louder than ever – both as the honoree, and in retrospect to what my parents meant to me even before I knew it. Noah took two of every animal aboard the ark. Loving animals and the world around us is more than a goal; it is our responsibility to our kids.

Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son when G-d told him to do so. Listening and following blindly may have seemed right to Abraham. Have you asked “What would I have done?”

From the President

Moses led the Jews almost to the land of Israel. Enjoy the journey – often it is worth as much as the destination.

When coloring in Purim characters, Haman always gets black. Our collective memories of holidays are merely impressions we glean from reading about past Jewish history. Our duty is to understand the Holocaust now as history, to prevent it from infecting our future.

Shofar blast sounds great. But smells pretty bad.

We fast on Yom Kippur. All day…

Kiddush is Yummy! Eating, enjoying and socializing is as much a part of Shabbat as the musaf amidah.

The Torah is heavy. And the more we read and discuss it, the heavier it gets. Just ask the Rabbi.

Volunteers say Yes, when asked. And some volunteers say Yes even before being asked.

Havdala is a treat for all 5 senses. If you don’t have plans one Saturday, give it a try.

Laurie Reiskind


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Friday, October 5, 2012 Services at 6:00 pm

Dinner follows

Carrot Ginger Soup Mixed Green Salad

Stuffed Pepper Spanish Rice, Green Beans

Pumpkin Cake Coffee – Tea

Vegan option available upon request

For more information, contact Sandy Brasch Youth and Family Programming Director [email protected] or (727) 381-4900 ext. 209 300 58

th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710


October 5, 2012 Got Shabbat? Dinner

strict reservation deadline September 28, 2012

Name: ________________________________________

Phone: _______________________

Number of adults: _____@ $18 = $_______________

Number of children (6-18): _____@ $ 9 = $________

Number of children (5 & under)FREE!_______

Family Four-Pack Option: 2 adults & 2 children@ $50

Total number attending: _______

Total amount due: $_________

Please indicate if you’d like a vegan option. ______

Send check, payable to CBI, to

300 - 58th Street North, St. Pete, FL 33710.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

9:00 am Join PRTT Sunday Seminar for Breakfast

in the CBI Sukka, Hoshanah processional,

and intergenerational activities

12:30 pm CBI SUKKA HOP!

1. Sembler Family Home

6305 Burning Tree Dr.

2. Reich Family Home

9036 Baywood Park Dr.

3. LeVine Family Home

6940 Greenbrier Dr.

Lunch served

For more information, contact Sandy Brasch Youth and Family Programming Director [email protected] or (727) 381-4900 ext. 209 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 www.cbistpete.org

Children of all ages….

Create your own Simchat Torah flag.

Come to Shul Monday, October 8 at 6:30 pm.

Join in the Hakafot processions

and wave your flag proudly!

Every child who participates in the creative

flag contest will receive a prize!!

For more information, contact Sandy Brasch Youth and Family Programming Director [email protected] or (727) 381-4900 ext. 209 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 www.cbistpete.org

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At Congregation B’nai Israel, we have been working together as a Kehilla Kedosha, a sacred community, striving to create an ambience of welcome, a place of warmth and outreach. We know that building a vibrant, caring and supportive community is one of our synagogue’s most pressing tasks. You can be a part of this transformational process. You can join us in this effort to engage and connect with fellow congregants, God, and the community at large. On Rosh Hashanah, we distributed Engagement Cards and asked for you to choose the activities and initiatives that you would like to explore. If you have not turned in a card and would like to participate in this appeal, please stop by the synagogue office to pick one up, or call the office and we will send you the card. Someone from the Engagement Committee will call you to discuss your choices and answer your questions. This year, our Engagement Card includes these opportunities:

Help in the CBI office

Join the Kitchen Crew (set up, prepare, clean up at CBI functions)

Share a Yom Tov meal (host or attend in someone’s home)Join ISH: the 20ish-40ish social group

Shape up the Shul (beautification projects)

Be part of Havurah (a small social group of CBI members)Learn to chant Torah/Haftarah

Join Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah class (taught by Rabbi Luski)

Attend Joyful Prayer

Become a Minyanaire (attend daily minyan 36 times this year)Learn the Torah blessings

Attend Jewish meditation The Engagement Committee thanks you for your feedback and your participation. The members of the committee and its subcommittees include: Janet Augenbraun, Lou Bader, Alice Ettinger, Gail Frye, Asher Gil, Patzi Gil, Judi Gordon, Mark Gordon, Ruth Lebowitz, Vivian Lurie, Carol Marger, Irma Mayer, Jack Mayer, Ralph Mizrachi, Anita Pollack, Harold Pollack, Jesse Rodman, Leslie Pearlstein, Reva Pearlstein, Cary Reich, and me. Please share with us your thoughts, ideas, and innovative ways for CBI to reach out to you, our membership, and beyond to strengthen our Kehilla Kedosha. And if you’d like to join the committee, we’d love to have you!

Liz Sembler Director of Engagement

Congregational Engagement


Jewish Meditation


Saturdays, 9:15 AM TUESDAYS, 6:00 PM

Library Library

September 29 October 16

October 27 November 13

November 24 December 18

December 29 January 8

January 26 February 12

February 23 March 12

March 30 April 9

April 27 May 7

May 25 June 11

June 29

Joyful Prayer:

Come and Learn Join us on Shabbat mornings for an introduction to the

Shabbat morning prayer service. Come and learn with us

while we explore portions of the Shabbat service, including

the background, meaning, sounds, and choreography of

prayers. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and

reflect on the prayers in our siddur. Each session is

independent and designed to be a comfortable, informal

way for you to learn more about and personally connect

with the prayers in our service.

Sessions from 9:15-9:50 am in the Chapel.

October 13th

November 3rd

December 8th

January 19th

February 9th

March 9th

April 13th

You Are Invited To Soup's On

This year the St. Petersburg Free Clinic’s Soup's On will be held at the St. Petersburg Coliseum on Friday, October 5th from 11:45-1:00. Again for the 6th year, Cynthia Smoot from Fox Channel 13 is our guest emcee. Joe Bourdow is the guest speaker. To reserve a table or a place at a table, call Angel

Schumaker, Director of Volunteers and Special Events, at 727-821-1200.

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Sisterhood is one of the proudest traditions in synagogue life. Sisterhoods and Men’s Clubs are some of the earliest social networks—long before Facebook, LinkedIn, or any other groups we can find online. The Sisterhood has always been there to assist with volunteerism, fundraising, and, of course, food, among other things. But if we take apart the word and get to the meaning, it means the family of women who have a common bond to be friends, companions, and a social network. Many of us in our sisterhood have found all of these things to be true and much more. Our name has changed to Women’s League of Congregation B’nai Israel; but it has not changed our meaning or purpose. We still gather to be a social network. Whether it means cooking, baking, catering, singing, dancing, crafting, eating, or just plain talking, we are a social network.

Check out our social network which includes the following: Judaica Shop Catering Baking Glitter Girls Mitzvah Projects Torah Fund Women’s League Shabbat

Some of the plans we have for the new year include fashion shows, game night, and daytime activities. If you want to join us, but transportation is a problem, please call me (727-954-4805) or Anita at the CBI office, and let us know and we will try to arrange a ride. Women’s League is the best social network for me! I don’t need a computer; I don’t need to be a geek. I just need the desire to be with friends and get together.

B’shalom, Alice G. Ettinger, President

Don’t forget the Family Fishing trip on October sponsored by the Men’s Clubs of Pinellas County. It’s a great afternoon of fun. All equipment and bait are supplied when the boat shoves off at 1:00 pm. For details, check the Mitzvah Men’s Club section of the CBI website.

STEAK and SCOTCH! Coming up this month on Sunday, October 28th. Check the MMC website for details. An evening not to be missed – just ask anyone who’s been there. If your membership application for 5773 (2012-2013) is still sitting on your desk, please send it in with your check.

Jesse Rodman Mitzvah Men’s Club President

By the time you’re reading this, you’ll likely have had an opportunity to visit this year’s sukkah. As usual it was built by your MITZVAH MEN’S CLUB; this year with the able assistance -- comprised of brains, brawn and ruach -- from the many USYers that lent a much-appreciated helping hand. Under the able leadership of Michael Barth, a large crew of kids and kids-at- heart completed the project in record time. A hearty Yasher Koach to all who pitched in. Ditto for all those who assembled the Break-the- ast bags you received after N’eilah services. Not only did they put the bags together, they dutifully tested each of the contents to ensure your safety and satisfied palate. Suds & Pizza in the Sukka is Thursday, October 4th at 5:30 pm.




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Our first Sunday Seminar is October 7th, the holiday of Hoshana Rabbah. This is on the 7th day of Sukkot and is not that well known since it is between Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.

We say to each other “pitka tova- a good note” which means a good writ of judgement. This day is our final opportunity at obtaining “T’shuva- repentance” from God. Pitka Tova is based on the Zohar (Kabbalah): “The 7th day is the close of the judgment of the world.” There is an ongoing debate between the book of Deuteronomy (Devarim) and Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) which is read during the holiday of Sukkot. This is another part of our religion that offers us differing opinions on whether nature is a reflection of our interaction with God or is just going through its normal

cycles. This leaves room for theological questioning about our ownlives and Jewish history. Rabbi Akiva said: “All is foreseen, but freedom of choice is given.” This is important in our continuing study of “Middoth.” Judaism is not consumed with the sins of the past but whether we can improve ourselves. We have the ability to change and this holiday gives us another chance! Pikka Tova—A Good Note to All!

Ilana Dayan, Education Director


Forgiving and Forgetting A lesson from Mr. Rogers: Forgiving and forgetting are often paired together, but the one certainly doesn’t necessarily follow the other. Some injuries, real or imagined, we may never be able to forget, even though we say we’ve forgiven them. Other injuries we may never even be able to say that we forgive. Those are the ones, it seems to me, most likely to involve people we’ve loved, and so I’m inclined to look at what our experiences of forgiveness may have been like from the first people who loved us. The first time we required forgiveness, we probably did something we shouldn’t have when our closest grown ups thought we should have known better. We made someone angry. We were to blame. What did the first brush with blame begin to teach us? If we were fortunate, we began to learn that “to err is human.” Even good people sometimes do bad things. Errors might mean corrections, apologies, repairs, but they didn’t mean that we, as a person, were a bad person in sight of those we loved. The second thing we learned (if we were fortunate) was that having someone we loved get mad at us did not mean that person had stopped loving us; we had their unconditional love, and that meant we would have their forgiveness, too.

Bonnie Halprin, Preschool Director

Hebrew High School and Mehina classes will join together with Rabbi Luski and their teachers for “Salads in the Sukka” on Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:00 pm. October Classes will be held on: October 10, 17, 24 & 31 at 7:00 pm. Hebrew High School serves a vital function as a focus for discussions and study under the direction of Rabbi Jacob Luski, at the crucial period in a young adult’s life prior to college. Classes meet weekly for two hours and are open to all students in grades 9 through 11 who have completed elementary religious school. Students in grade 12 participate in Hebrew High School classes in addition to Senior Seminar geared for the college bound. Registration materials for the Fall Semester were mailed to all high school students in early August. Please call Rabbi Jacob Luski for more information.



Junior Congregation for grades 3-7 will meet on the following Saturdays in October: October 6, 13, 20, and 27 at 10:00 am in the Chapel at Congregation B’nai Israel.


If I am not for me, who will be? If I am for myself alone, what am I?

And if not now, when? Hillel

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The Third Meal on Shabbat.

Saturday afternoon, October 13, 2012 will be the first seudah shlishit of the New Year 5773. At the evening minyan after Minha, we break for some food, drink and song. We return to the chapel for Maariv and Havdala to complete the service. Sponsorships are still available! If you wish to sponsor a seudah In Memory of, or in Honor of, a Loved One or for a Special Occasion, this is your opportunity to do so. The cost is a donation of $80.00. The congregants who attend have a very nice time. Thank you in Advance for your participation in the wonderful program.

Joan & Phil Redisch, Chairs 727-546-4291 [email protected]


Last month we heard from children about their wonderful summer experiences at Camp Ramah Darom. Shabbat morning, November 3rd the USYers will share their experiences while traveling through Israel and Poland. I hope you will consider one of the fantastic USCJ programs for your child or grandchild next summer. This month, October 3, all of our high school and 8th grade students are invited to dinner in the CBI sukka. We will celebrate this harvest holiday with a host of tasty salads and ice cream bar for dessert. See the flyer in this bulletin for all the details. Kadimaniks will join the residents at Toby Weinman Assistant Living Residence for Shabbat dinner, Friday, October 19th. In addition to the ruach the kids bring the residents everyone looks forward to the intergenerational interaction. At 6:30 p.m. the Kadimaniks will lead the congregation in Kabbalat Shabbat at CBI. STUSY (South Tampa USY) will host Mercaz Fall Convention, October 26-28th at Rodeph Shalom in Tampa. We encourage all USYers to participate in conventions and will never allow a child not to attend because of financial reasons. October 28 from 1:30-4:30, Jewish Women International will host at Temple B’nai Israel in Clearwater a workshop on financial literacy for mothers and daughters grades 8-12. You must register for this event. See details in this bulletin. USYers and Kadimaniks, mark you calendars now for this month’s upcoming event!


Sandy Brasch OCTOBER CALENDAR Wed 10/3: 6:00 p.m. Salads in the Sukka ALL high school and

8th grade students Fri 10/5: Hol Ha Moed Sukkot Dinner, USYers serve Sun 10/7: Family Sukka Hop Wed 10/10: 6:00 p. m. USY Board meeting; 7:00 p. m. Hebrew High, Mehina class Sat 10/13: USY Cupcake Wars at the Reiskinds. Wed 10/17: 7:00 p. m. Hebrew High, Mehina class Fri 10/19: 4:45 Kadima Dinner @ Toby Weinman/ Kadima

Shabbat 10/20 This USY event has been RESCHEDULED Wed 10/24: 6:00 p. m. USY Board meeting; 7:00 p. m. Hebrew High, Mehina class F-S 10/26-28: Mercaz Fall Convention in Tampa Wed 10/31:7:00 p. m. Hebrew High, Mehina class

Do you have a college student in the family? CBI wants to stay connected and we need your help.

Please email the following information to Sandy Brasch

[email protected]

Student name

Current college mailing address

Email address

Cell phone number

College attending, year in school and graduation date

Parent name and email address We will once again send mailings and “care packages” to our college students. To insure YOUR child receives his/her mail and package we must have a current address and email address.

Pam LeCompte, College Committee Chairperson


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Sit Down Oneg Shabbat: Ask The Rabbi Bring your questions to shul on Friday evening, October 12th at 8:00

pm to ask Rabbi Luski at the Sit Down Oneg that follows.

Torah For Seniors, led by Rabbi Jacob Luski

Tuesday, October 16th at 11:00 am at Philip Benjamin Tower Activities Room.

Lunch With The Rabbi & Mishnah Study Wednesday, October 17th at 12:00 noon in the CBI Atrium. Please RSVP your deli lunch order to the synagogue office

by 1:00 pm the Tuesday prior to class.

CBI - Hadassah Book Discussion Club Wednesday, October 17th at 10:00 am In the Buns Family Library

To discuss: The Peony by Pearl Buck.

Talmud Made Easy, led by Stephen Wein Wednesday, October 24th at 7:00 pm In the Buns Family Library

Writing Letters To the Editor sponsored by the CBI A-Team taught by Dr. Mark Walters,

Learn to respond to the Times/Tribune based on a headline, photo, article and/or editorial. Discover how you can be proactive,

recognizing Israel’s Independence Day, Israel’s humanitarian efforts and the good that Israel does. Find out how to use the most

appropriate terminology to write effective letters. Sundays, October 14th and November 11th, 11:00 am

Estate Planning Workshop

Join Sid Werner and Alan Gross for an overview of tax and probate avoidance issues.

Sunday, October 28th, 10:00 am


Sunday, November 4th, 1:00 pm Benjamin Social Hall “JEWISH SOLDIERS IN BLUE AND GRAY”

Exploration of the little known history of the Jews who fought for both the Confederacy and the Union. Allegiances split the Jewish

community as deeply as in the country at large. This film was shown on public television as well as dozens of Jewish film festivals. 86

minutes. Refreshments will be served. Discussion will follow.

Are you tired of being on the defensive for Israel? The time is now to show others how Israel makes the world a better place. An excellent approach is to a) elevate perceptions of Israel / Israelis; b) create a connection to and relationship with Israel / Israelis; c) define the human face of the Israeli people – their values, character, and experiences; and d) talk more about Israelis / Israeli society and less about the State of Israel. We all know that the best defense is a good offense. Several advocacy groups routinely provide lists of positive accomplishments on their websites: –– at certain times of the year, such as Yom Ha’atzmaut, eg, AIPAC and Mercaz; –– on an going basis, eg, ISRAEL21c (tabs on technology, environment, health, culture, travel, people, social action); and –– for a weekly blog of good news, eg, “verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com”. Through hard work and determination, Israel has become a global leader in renewable energy, agricultural innovation, and medical breakthroughs that improve quality of life around the globe. This is the conversation that the world must have about Israel. And it starts with you! The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is one of several organizations trying to shift the focus of discussions to the offensive from the defensive. JNF’s “Positively Israel” (http://www.jnf.org/positivelyisrael/) is an initiative focused on changing the conversation to enlighten the world about the unbelievable strides that Israel is making in technology, agriculture, medicine, and many other fields. Your involvement is needed to make this campaign take off. Join the movement to spread the word about how Israel is making the world a better place: –– Donate to Positively Israel via the JNF “button” on the CBI website – CBI will receive a commission of 20% of your gift or purchase! –– Join the A-Team. –– Attend CBI’s Writing Letters-to-the-Editor classes on Sundays, October 14th and November 11th, at 10:00 am. –– Explore Israel’s innovations around the world with the interactive map on JNF’s Positively Israel website that highlights Israeli technology being utilized internationally. –– Travel to Israel to experience first-hand all of the innovations taking place, from agricultural research and development centers to the world’s first fully-electric car. Israel is making the world a better place. Spread the word –– together, we can change the conversation.

Byron Kolitz [email protected]

The Advocacy for Israel Committee

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Please patronize

our advertisers

You want to place an ad?

Call Pam Askin

727-381-4900 ext. 203

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ONE MORE RIVER, a novel by Mary Glickman

Not all the Jews who came to America from Eastern Europe settled in cities in the North. Some chose a life in the South, often working as merchants and becoming an active part of small-town communities. Mary Glickman’s award-winning novel, One More River, is set mainly in Mississippi in the 1960s, and follows two stories. One story takes place during the early half of the 20th century about a father, Bernard Levy, and the second, is of the son Bernard leaves behind when he is killed in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. Mickey Moe was four years old when his father died. He knew nothing about his father, except that his past was a great mystery. It was rumored that Bernard was a con man and perhaps a murderer. He had money, but nobody knew where it had come from. …….And then he went to war and was killed. Twenty years later, Mickey Moe attends a Jewish singles tea, where he meets Laura Anne Needleman. It’s love at first sight for them both, but Laura Anne is a daughter of upper crust Southern Jewish society, and her parents refuse to allow this match. In order to win their approval, he and Laura Ann embark on a long-distance search to uncover his father’s past. Once he begins his journey, the book alternates between his adventure and his father’s life.Set during the civil rights era, the book explores the themes of race, class, and Jewish life in the American South. One More River is a unique look at Jews in 1920s-1960s Mississippi and Tennesee. It’s also a touching love story.

Bring your Teen Daughters to Jewish Women International’s Life$avings®

Financial Literacy Workshop Want your daughter to know how to save, invest, and plan ahead? The Jewish Alliance to End Domestic Abuse and the Clearwater chapter of Jewish Women International invite you to participate in workshop for mothers and daughters on Sunday, October 28 from 1:30-4:30pm at Temple B’nai Israel. Keynoted by Nicole Feld, producer of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® and Disney On Ice, this seminar is designed to engage young women and their moms in discussions about their financial futures. It is never too early or late to educate yourself and take control of your finances. To learn more, visit www.jwi.org/clearwater.

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St. Petersburg Chapter

Come join us! For membership information

please contact:

Rhoda Ross – Membership VP

[email protected]


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Sunday, November 4, 2012

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

We will team up with Ali Gator on an

educational fun adventure through

Heritage Village

Heritage Village

11909 125th Street N.

Largo, FL 33774


crafts!! Snacks!!

For more information, contact Sandy Brasch Youth and Family Programming Director [email protected] or (727) 381-4900 ext. 209 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 www.cbistpete.org






BLUE & GRAY” Exploration of the little known history of the Jews who fought for both the Confederacy and the Union. Allegiances split the Jewish community as deeply as in the country at large. This

film was shown on public television as well as dozens of Jewish film festivals. 86 minutes. Refreshments will be served.

Discussion will follow.

SATO, Social Action Tikkun Olam Project benefits families served by Gulf Coast Jewish Family &

Community Services Delicious pareve pumpkin loaves for sale and donation

$8.00 per loaf

Every year USY bakes delicious treats for the Thanksgiving holiday. One USY tradition is to share with those less fortunate and brighten

someone’s holiday. Thank you for your support!


I’d like to order: #______loaves for myself #______loaves to donate to Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services $______Total enclosed @ $8.00 per loaf.

Make checks payable to CBI Youth Orders due by Monday, November 5, 2012

Please pick up your loaves at the Synagogue office Monday, November 19 or Tuesday, November 20.

For more information, contact Sandy Brasch Youth and Family Programming Director [email protected] or (727) 381-4900 ext. 209 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 www.cbistpete.org

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Please patronize

our advertisers


I LOVE October! The subtle changes in the weather can be felt signaling a much welcome season change, my garden is once again growing and it’s SUKKOT! Sukkot is the perfect “kid friendly” holiday. After all there is a parade (hakafot), making decorations to decorate our Sukka, picnics (eating meals in the Sukka) and camping (sleeping in the Sukka). Even if your family does not erect a Sukka there is plenty of opportunity to celebrate! Attend the congregational Shabbat Hol Ha Moed Sukkot “Got Shabbat?” dinner October 5 or plan to participate in the CBI Family Sukka Hop. Join us for services and Torah procession, Monday, October 8 at 6:30 pm to celebrate Simchat Torah. Next month CBI family programming will include a trip to Heritage Village in Largo. The kids will learn about Pinellas history through interactive displays and have fun making personalized decorations for Hanukka. This year CBI turns 90! We are very grateful to Mandi Gross and Mali Feld for the visual history boards they created which are being displayed in the lobby. Each month a new decade of CBI will be highlighted.

B’Shalom, Sandy Brasch

Youth and Family Programming Director

CBI Website

www.cbistpete.org www.jewishpinellas.org

Thank you to the

following volunteers who assisted with the office work and special mailings over the

past months:

Sally Swale, Marian Lustigman Rooth,

Helen Kahan, Esta Blaxberg and

Rita Jacobson.

Our apologies to anyone we have inadvertently omitted. If you would like to be a CBI volunteer, please call Pam at

381-4800, ext. 203.

Save the Date!

Women’s League of CBI (Sisterhood)

Membership Fling!

November 14, 2012

7:00 pm at CBI

Paid-up membership dinner

and fashion show – by Patchington

… including a brief discussion about

women’s hats, kipahs, and other head



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We share in the sorrow

of the passing of:

ETHEL WIDASKY Aunt of Jay Kauffman


Sister of Rose Luski Aunt of Rabbi Jacob Luski


Grandmother of Matthew Gould

MATTHEW J. DOMBER Husband of Rachel Domber,

Father of Jeffrey Domber, Harlan Domber and Kyle Karson.




Dr. Dale & Lorelei Monast on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Joshua Hansen Monast.


Murray & Myrna Rubin and Stephanie & Scott Rubin on the birth of their granddaughter and their daughter, Juliet Isabella Rubin.

Dr. David & Arline Dresdner, Lillian Schertzer and Andrew & Sherry Dresdner on the birth of their granddaughter, great-granddaughter and daughter, Hannah Rachel Dresdner.

Janet Augenbraun and Will & Itzel Augenbraun on the birth of her grandson and their son, Eytan Brady Augenbraun.

Dr. David & Myra Gross and Amy & Michael Kinstlinger on the birth of their granddaughter and their daughter, Remy Ava Kinstlinger.


Michael & Barbara Noonberg on the engagement of their son, Yascha Noonberg to Allison Zeigler.

Dr. Robert & Jennifer Sternberg on the engagement of their son, Justin Sternberg to Dianna Mannheim.

Jay & Terri Gross and Don & Jane Silverberg on the engagement of their son and grandson, Joe to Stacey Greene.

Abe & Rose Luski on the engagement of their granddaughter, Stephanie Luski to Brett Gottlieb.

Dara Rosen and Matt Gould on their engagement.


Looking for a special way to honor your family and friends

who are celebrating a simha?

The TREE OF LIFE is just the answer. What a joy it is for someone to walk into our shul and see a Tribute of their

special birthday, anniversary or wedding.

Does your child or grandchild have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or special occasion coming up? What a great way to

honor them!

Also makes a great “group gift” for a special occasion. Order forms are in the synagogue office and lobby.

Minimum donation $254.

We are on the verge of a

remarkable achievement at Congregation B'nai Israel. An achievement in which we all can take pride needs each of us to participate. We are close to having 100%

participation in the Kol Nidre appeal. If each of us gives whatever s/he can afford - even $18, we will start the New Year as a united congregation on track to a successful year. Funds from the Kol Nidre appeal are essential to our operating budget since our dues cover just 30 percent. It is not too late to make your Kol Nidre pledge and help us attain our goal of 100% participation.

Dr. Mark and Judi Gordon, Kol Nidre Campaign Co-Chairs

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10 Audrey & Eliot Dantowitz 12 Karen & Dr. Mandel Sher 15 Myrna & Murray Rubin 16 Stacey & David Seldin 16 Pam & Arnie Kravitz 20 Ronnie & Fred Geffon 21 Diane Sembler-Kamins & Shelly Kamins 23 Faina & George Sakovich 24 Masha & Jorge Ronay 24 Stephanie & Dr. Bernardo Stein 24 Claire & Stanley Weinstein 25 Aldena & Larry Lew 28 Amy & Dr. David Piper 30 Arlene & Michael Hurwitz 31 Elaine & Howard Rothstein

In Honor of: ________________________________

Check the names of everyone to you would like to send a Mitzvah Gram. Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation each, to: Congregation B’nai Israel, 300 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 *The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10. Please print:

Your Name: ______________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

Telephone: ______________

Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries and B’nai Mitzvah. Your good

wishes can be part of their memories, while at the same time, supporting B’nai Israel’s commitment to help our

schools, youth groups and Synagogue through your donations to our Mitzvah Fund.

2 Jane Silverberg 2 Herschel Hochman 2 Sidney Werner 2 Dr. Mitchell Weiss 3 Bruce Marger 3 Susan Marger LeVine 3 Sandy Slomka 3 Arlyne Popick 4 Jorge Ronay 5 Martin Dodell 5 Larry Irwin 5 Rachel Seldin 5 Sonya Horowitz 6 Marianne Azneer 7 Dr. Morris LeVine 7 Myrna Irwin 7 Kathy Mendelblatt 7 Dr. David Greenfield

7 Brian Carroll 8 Lucille Ginsburg 8 Harold Goldberg 8 Richard Polsky 9 Anna Levitt 10 Samuel Herman 11 Sandra Caplan 11 Janice LeVine 12 Alan Koenig 13 Lyle Garon 14 Michael Wallace 14 Caryn Baird 15 Arlen Helfand 15 Alison Tralins 16 Jeni Armandez 17 Norman Lev 17 Mona Bines 19 Elan Melamed

20 Debbie Sokolov 20 Seth Weisberg 21 Sharon Koenig 22 Lou Bader 22 Dr. Jeff Pincus 22 Nancy Lonschein 23 Linda Grau 23 Lee Shenofsky 24 Barbara Cabiac 24 David Seldin 25 Karyn Feld 26 Joanne Greenberg 26 Leah Bischoff 27 Mary Ann Marger 27 Gail Rubinsky 29 Dr. Yana Sirotkin 29 Jean Wittner 31 Arlene Hurwitz


“NEW” ANNOUNCING SIMHA SHABBAT Simha Shabbat is a new Shabbat program being initiated to combine our former Anniversary Shabbat and Birthday Shabbat programs into monthly “Simha Shabbat” celebrations. The birthdays and anniversaries of our members will be celebrated each month and provide an opportunity for celebrants to jointly sponsor the Kiddush lunch.

The dates for these monthly Simha Shabbat Celebrations are: October 13, November 3, December 15,

January 19, February 9, March 9, April 13, May 11 and June 8 (June & July observed).


SATURDAY, October 13, 2012 9:00 AM

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The festival of Sukkot reaches its joyous climax on Simhat Torah, which is the last day of the Holiday. It is the happiest holiday of the Jewish calendar because we celebrate our joy and pleasure in Torah. Because of Israel’s love of the Torah, a tradition evolved in ancient times to honor three individuals for their commitment to the Torah, to the Synagogue, and the Jewish way of life. On this day we read the last portion of Deuteronomy and then the first portion of Genesis.The individual called to the Torah when the last section of Deuteronomy is read is called Hatan or Kallah Torah. The individual called for the reading of the first portion of Genesis is called Hatan or Kallah Bereshit. The individual honored with the chanting of the Maftir on this day is called Hatan or Kallah Maftir. We continue this year the tradition at Congregation B'nai Israel of St. Petersburg to assign these portions to individuals who, because of their devotion to Judaism and their record of service to the Synagogue and the Jewish Community, have merited public tribute. To express our high regard and respect for the honorees, they are escorted under the Huppah to the Bimah for the special honor where they publicly reaffirm their love of Torah, God and Israel. We are honoring these individuals with these three very special Aliyot on Simhat Torah Morning, Tuesday, October 9th, 2012.

Marilyn Benjamin, Susie Berman and Susie Schwartz, our Kallot Torah, have performed outstanding jobs as co-chairs of our annual CBI Gift & Craft Show. The Gift & Craft Show requires extensive year-round efforts from them to produce such a wonderful event.

Marilyn Benjamin was born in St. Petersburg and has been a member of CBI all of her life, as her parents, Leon and Lilly Haliczer were among the founders of CBI. She was married to Dr. Philip Benjamin, and both were involved in Jewish life and community. Marilyn is a founding member of Menorah Manor and Past President of its Guild, a member of the Board of Philip Benjamin Tower, lifetime member of Hadassah, recipient of the Declaration of Independence of Award by the State of Israel Bonds, a board member of the Jewish Federation, and recipient of the Yitzhak Rabin Award for Community Service. She has five children and five grandchildren. Susie Berman has been Co-chairperson of the CBI Gift & Craft Show for approximately 15 Years and was the Chairperson of Mitzvah Day 2010. As an active member of the CBI family, she was Treasurer of Sisterhood for four years, President of Sisterhood for two years and is once again Treasurer. She was a Chairperson of the Youth Commission, served on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, was named Woman of Achievement for CBI Sisterhood 2011, and also received the honor of Woman of Distinction. Susie serves as a Menorah Manor Foundation Trustee and is a life member of Hadassah and Women’s American ORT. She is married to Ira, and is a proud mom and Bubbe.

Susie Schwartz has been fundraising for many good causes, including Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services, Menorah Manor and the Autism Foundation. She has chaired the Lion of Judah event, and won the Aida Upright Award from the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW). She is a life member of NCJW and Hadassah, and at CBI has served on the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. She has chaired the Personnel and House Committees and also has Co-chaired the CBI Gift & Craft Show for the past eight years. Susie also is a member of the American Speech and Hearing Association and retains her speech certification. She is married to Alan Schwartz and has two sons, Jeffrey and Danny and new daughter-in-law Rachelle.

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Sheryl Sutton , our Kallah Bereshit, daughter of Ralph and Ruth Ann Mizrahi, has called St. Petersburg home her entire life. She attended religious school and became a Bat Mitzvah here at CBI. She studied political science at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta and the University of South Florida, graduating in 1989, the same year she met her husband, Robert. They married in 1991 and welcomed three sons over the years, Zachary, Elliot and Jack. Being able to stay home and raise her children allowed Sheryl the opportunity to get involved in the community. She worked in fundraising for Hadassah’s Shoshanim group and as her boys got older, she enjoyed volunteering in their schools and at the synagogue. When the boys were old enough to become part of CBI’s youth groups, Sheryl began volunteering there as well, eventually becoming Youth Chairperson, a position she held for four years. During that time, she started working with the annual Gift and Craft Show committee and now works on the advertising aspect

of the show. Sheryl is proud to have been one of the creators of the Got Shabbat? dinners and has enjoyed watching that program expand. Over the last two years, she has become involved with Women’s League/Sisterhood as one of the Programming Vice Presidents, hoping to add a creative element to programming as well as hoping to promote the organization to encourage involvement from all age groups. Sheryl gets great satisfaction through her volunteering efforts but takes the greatest pride in all her “boys” who are her number one fans.

Dr. David and Janice LeVine, our Hatan and Kallah Maftir, have led Kabbalat Shabbat services, given summer sermons, chanted Torah and Haftarah portions, and filled in for Rabbi or Cantor. Janice and David chaired the Kol Nidre Campaign and Janice teaches at PRTT. The LeVines are lifetime members of Hadassah, where Janice has served as a President. Janice was awarded the Yitzhak Rabin award for Educator of Excellence, and David’s GAP Program earned the Program of Excellence award. Upon marriage, they immediately became CBI members and active volunteers. They joined Men’s Club and Sisterhood, and Janice taught in the Hebrew High program. They started the CBI Israeli Folk Dancing Troupe and have continued to teach Israeli dancing weekly for the past 25 years. Janice led Shabbat sing-a-longs for the Pauline Rivkind preschool program and created a recording of these songs with accompanying lyrics. All proceeds went to CBI.

The LeVine family has volunteered at Menorah Manor, and Janice and David have voluntarily worked at Camp Ramah Darom. David has been a member of CBI since birth. He attended college in Emory and was active in Hillel. David earned his medical degree from the University of Miami where he also performed in an Israeli Folk Dancing troupe. David has been a Family Practice physician in St. Pete for 23 years, is a specialist in Geriatrics and is Chief Medical Officer for Menorah Manor as well as Medical Director of its Geriatric Assessment Program (GAP). David frequently lectures on dementia and end-of-life issues locally and nationally. Janice is a Miami native and former USYer. She earned a BA in Elementary Education from the University of Florida and an MEd in Reading Education from the University of Maryland. A teacher for more than 30 years, Janice loved teaching at the Pinellas County Jewish Day School where she worked until it closed. She teaches at Country Day School in Largo. Janice and David met at USY’s LTI encampment and have been married for 26 years. They have four children - Daniel, 21, Naomi, 17, Shoshana, 15 and Rachel, 12.

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Adult Studies In Memory of

Leslie Kirsner Dr. Matilda Gallant

Ellen Jo Glassman In Memory of

Endowment Fund

Rita & Ben Thomas Sol Glassman

Jacobs' Beautification In Memory of

Adele Morris Joe Cohen's 90th Birthday;

Ellen Bernstein - speedy recovery

Library Fund In Honor of

Jesse & Sandi Rodman Happy Birthday to Ruth Ann Mizrahi

Library Fund In Memory of

Yael & Ben Alpert Ernest Drucker

Annette Rosch Dr. Brecher

Esta Blaxberg Stanley Fox

Library Music Fund In Memory of

Beverly & Morton Sherman Nathan Shure

Lorraine Maller Fund In Memory of

Alex & Alexis Rotbart Ernest Drucker

Mitzvah Fund In Honor of

Larry & Vera Green Happy Birthday to Jane Markowitz

Diana & Joe Rosin Marriage of Danny & Rachelle Schwartz,

son & daughter-in-law of Susie & Alan Schwartz

Mindy Carson Sally Swale

Abe Carson Sally Swale

Mussie & Jack Eidelman Best Wishes for the New Years to

Larry & Vera Green

Joann Bush Speedy Recovery to Ellen Bernstein

Shirley Sommella & Family Happy New Year to my family & friends

Mitzvah Fund In Memory of

Julian & Zoe Piper Ernest Drucker

Larry & Aldena Lew Ernest Drucker

Dr. Barry & Jodi Weinstock Ernest Drucker

I. Jerome Rosenberg Beatrice Wolfson

Joseph Fuchs Charles Fuchs

Sid & Phyllis Werner Ernest Drucker

Alan & Susie Schwartz Ernest Drucker

Jean & Harry Kraff Estelle Burke

Robin & James Post Ernest Drucker

Vivian & Ed Lurie Sara Gershuny

Sally & Joe Cohen Loved ones

Lillian Rosen Max Freedman

Rhonda Hemphill Sovel Heshelow

Moshe & Sharon Gershuny Yechezkel Gershuny

Jim Gordon Ernest Drucker

Adele Morris Melvin Weisman

Shelley Lynn Harold Englander

Sharon & Moshe Gershuny Dr. Nathan Sonkin

Murray Fink Jack Fink & Henry Fink

Ed Hanna Loved ones

Pauline Rivkind Fund In Memory of

Diana Litt Geraldine Schilling

Jeff Litt Lester Litzky

Gail Burger Oscar Davis

Rabbi's Fund In Honor of

Susan & Allen Alpert Birth of Cody Ryan Alpert

Alma Hirsch & Michael Hirsch Speedy Recovery - Ellen Bernstein

Joel & Ellen Goetz Aliyah for Rosh Hashana

Rita Jacobson In appreciation

Barbara & Michael Noonberg Engagement of Justin Sternberg to

Dianna Mannheim

Rabbi's Fund In Memory of

Jerry Colen Albert Colen

Mickey Walters & Lee Leibson Ida Feinberg Dropkin

Sam & Sandy Janofsky Margaret Weiss

The Ayes Family Ted Ayes

Marvin Freeman Dossy Freeman

Adele Morris Estelle Burke

Joel & Ellen Goetz Ernest Drucker

Alma Hirsch & Michael Hirsch Jeannette Hirsch

Beverly Dikman Sara Gershuny

Dr. Fred & Mali Feld Dorothy Schantz

Richard & Gerry Mensh Eva Hyman

Susan Turner Hugh N. Halpern

Ellen Fogel Sherrie Richman

Shoshana Russek Julio Russek, Ilan Russek, Ernest Drucker

Dr. Irwin D. Feinman Benjamin Feinman

Shirley Sommella Stephen LeBold

Irina Kalininas & Yelina Rabinovich

Jane Fagerquist

Sandy & Michael Slomka Eva Hyman

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lachter Esther Lachter

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USY Fund In Honor of

Sandy & Herb Brasch Birth of Billie & Morris Bornstein's

granddaughter, Gabrielle Rose Wolfson

Billie & Morry Bornstein Birth of their first grandchild,

Gabrielle Rose Wolfson

Adele Morris Ben Brasch's 21st Birthday

Eileen & Michael Richman Happy Anniversary to Jay & Karen Kauffman

USY Fund In Memory of

Susan & Brian Kagan & Family Ernest Drucker

Larry & Helen Freid Ernest Drucker

Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Moore Marcia I. Fisher

Helen Hill & Audrey Chenkin Gilbert Chenkin

Ilene Horowitz Abe Katz

Billie & Morry Bornstein Ernest Drucker

Mirla Kremer Ernest Drucker

Dorothy Goldblatt Harold Pincus

Vivian & Ed Lurie Sandy Bush

Mark Lewis Rae Lewis

Eileen & Michael Richman Estelle Burke

Amy & Jeremy Melker Jeffrey Jacobson

USY Pilgrimage In Honor of

Mark & Judy Gordon Justin Sternberg's engagement to

Dianna Mannheim;

Jeff Schwartz's engagement to Annie

Susie & Ira Berman Mazal Tov to Jennifer & Robert Sternberg

on Justin's engagement to Dianna Mannheim

USY Pilgrimage In Memory of

Charla Fogel Lila Simon

Mark & Judi Gordon Ernest Drucker

Susie & Ira Berman Ernest Drucker

Pearl Brook David Nevetsky

Leonard Mauer Basic Mauer

Mel & Dee Dinsfriend Karen Dinsfriend

Gail S. Warren In Honor of

Legacy for Leadership

Joan & Phil Redisch Joe Cohen's special birthday

Liz & Greg Sembler Refuah Shlemah to Ellen Bernstein

Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Monast

Laurie & Marc Reiskind Speedy Recovery to Bert Adelman

Gail S. Warren In Memory of

Reiskind Family Ruth Erman, Ernest Drucker

Sandy & Mike Slomka Ernest Drucker, Jean Orloff

Phil & Joan Redisch Ernest Drucker

Liz & Greg Sembler Ernest Drucker

Steve Warren Doris Warren

Liz & Greg Sembler Eva Hyman

Dr. Stan & Nancy Rosenberg Ernest Drucker

Laurie & Marc Reiskind Eva Hyman

TORAH FUND CAMPAIGN 2012~2013 ”Uri`Uri Awake~Greet the New Dawn”

Thank you for your continued support of Torah Fund, the Jewish Theological Seminary and its many schools. Marilyn LeVine, Torah Fund Special Gifts Chair, invited you all to participate in Torah Fund 5773 in the following letter: “Our new Torah Fund theme for 2012-2013 is “Uri-Uri”, or “Arise, Arise” to greet the new dawn, from Judges 5:12. Devorah, the prophet was a judge in Israel when she was roused from her seat under a palm tree to lead her people’s troops into battle with these words. Devorah was also a mother in Israel and she was responsive to many wake up calls women face, being roused to action and to wakening others wither by the shofar—as seen growing out of the letter “ayin” in our beautiful 5773 Torah Fund Pin—or by using our voices to focus on the critical needs of our people. This beautiful pin as seen in the picture above, will inspire us to carry out our duties as Jewish women. This year your support of Torah Fund as a benefactor remains at a donation of $180. {***CHECKS MADE OUT TO “TORAH FUND***} With your pledge, you will receive this beautiful gold and silver pin pedicting the theme…Higher gift giving is also available, $300 for Guardian and $600 for Associate Patron, etc. There are scholarship opportunities as well.”

Contact Information: Torah Fund Chair: Joanne Luski 347-1741

Special Gifts Chair: Marilyn LeVine 343-2196

Torah Fund Cards: Jennifer Sternberg 391-9085

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Congregation B’nai Israel B’nai Israel Review 300 -58th Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33710-7889 Tel: (727) 381-4900 Fax: (727) 344-1307 Website: www.cbistpete.org 24 Hour Telephone Voice Mail

Deadline for November Bulletin, October 3rd