CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other

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  • 8/14/2019 CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other


    Texts: De 3:28; Luke 15:1-7; 1 Peter 5:1-8

    Topic: Encouragement

    Thesis: If Christians will determine toencourage each other, the church will

    experience renewal and spiritual growth.


    CBC Value #5:

    We Will Encourage Each Other

  • 8/14/2019 CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other


    Campus Crusades witnessing

    pamphlet, The Four Spiritual Lawsbegins with the statement God

    loves you and has a wonderfulplan

    for your life.

    Since this is true, we should be

    like Moses in response to Godsinstruction regarding Joshua.

  • 8/14/2019 CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other


    But charge Joshua, and

    encourage and strengthen him,

    because it is he who shall cross over

    at the head of this people and whoshall secure their possession of the

    land that you will see."

    (De 3:28 NRSV)

  • 8/14/2019 CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other


    The Hebrew word translated into

    English in this passage as

    encourage quite literally means to

    strengthen, to make firm and rigid, or

    to restore to strength.

  • 8/14/2019 CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other


  • 8/14/2019 CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other


    There are two classes of people

    who need encouragement

    2. Saints Need Encouragement

    Keep watch over the flockof God

    which is in your care, using your

    authority, not as forced to do so, but

    gladly; and not for unclean profit but

    with a ready mind;

    (1Pe 5:2 BBE)

  • 8/14/2019 CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other




    Redwoods Root Structure

    The root system of the redwood tree is surprisingly

    shallow, especially given the great height the maturetree attains. There is no tap root and the other roots

    may reach no deeper than 6-10 feet. One way in which

    the trees are able to remain upright for millennia is by

    growing close together with other redwood trees

    intermingling their root systems. This creates a

    continuous living root mat through the soil.


  • 8/14/2019 CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other



  • 8/14/2019 CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other


  • 8/14/2019 CBC Value #5, We Will Encourage Each Other


    "Give me your tired,

    your poor,

    Your huddled masses

    yearning to breathe free,

    The wretched refuse of

    your teeming shore.

    Send these, the homeless,tempest-tost to me,

    I lift my lamp beside the

    golden door!"

    Emma Lazarus

    The New Colossushttp://www.libertystatepark.com/emma.htm
