CATSRILL NNEWS ESTABLISHED 1863 Volume G4. Number 49. Whole Number 3325. MARGARETVILLE.. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1928 PRICE: Five Cents SCHOOL BOY SEVERS AN ARTERYI ACTIVITIES IN WITH THE CHURCHES Klghtli FOR THE WEEK Seventy-Five Enjoy a Bene- ficial Session M. H. S. INSTRUCTORS TAKE LEADING PART State Educational Depart- ment Represented Grade Pupil Painfully Cuts Klglit Arm William Atkins of Arkville, fin i 8th grade boy In the local nchool, : suffered a severe injury to his right arm Tuesday noon at dis- missal time, when he thrust his hand through the heavy glass of the swinging outer door as some one coming In pushed it against i . him. ! A smaii artery was severed by (Incidents That Make the broken glass but the flow of blood was checked by Walter Odcll, who rendered first aid, with a turniquet made of a handker- chief and a pencil. Atkins was taken to Dr. Faulkner who put in three stitches and the boy will soon be about. This Is the second accident of this kind at the school occurring under similar circum- stances. Mnrgnretvlllo Methodlsti Episcopal Church Rev. John S. Lull, Pastor. Morning worship io:30; subject of sermon, "Prize Fighting;" Sun- day school session 11:15; Epworth League 0:30, topic, "The Christ ol the Indian Road -The Christ," leader, Harris Barber; evening service 7:.'!0, subject of sermon, "All Things Are Ready." Rtaylng band will meet Monday •The evening at the parsonage at 7:30. ,__ , , ,,, ,„ Prayer meeting this week Thurs- Week S History NeWS day' evening 7:30 at the home of That will Interest Readers Here and Abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mille PEOPLE YOU KNOW OR OUGHT TO KNOW Seventy-five teachers attended the mid-winter conference at Ark- ville last Friday, Several club leaders were present for the morning session to receive In-1 structlons in the club work as I outlined by Mr. Lenox for the 1 year. Principal DuBoIs of the State agricultural school at Delhi spoke on "Parliamentary Laws." I He maintained that children should | be taught how to conduct a meet- j ing in a business like manner. He \ said that mock meetings were con- ducted by the boys at the state | school, thus teaching parliament ary laws. Eli Morse, principal of the Ark- ville graded school, gave a demon- stration lesson In geography using slides in teaching Netherlands to his Cth grade. The teachers were convinced after observing this ex- cellent lesson of the place visual instruction holds in the field of education. It brings the outside world into the classroom. By means of pictures the children could see a Dutch village nestled behind a dike, the sand Compensation Adjusted Allen Misncr of ths village has succeeded in winning his appeal from an award made by Referee Holland of the state 'industrial board, covering an award of 40<7t of the leg or 115 2-10 weeks at $11.77 per week, total $1701.50. Mr. Misncr appealed to the five members of the state industrial board and contended that the rate of 814.77 was incorrect because| is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mnrgnretville Presbyterian Church Rev. G. W. Walker. Minister Sunday worship at 10:80 and 7:30. Church school alter morn- ing service. Christian Endeavoi society Wednesday at 7:30. Choir rehearsal Thursday at 7. The choir Is preparing for Sun- day morning, "Hark, Hark, My Soul." by Shelley. Sunday evening the young peo- ' pie of the church will nave entire ... . , , , ... , 'charge of the program An ex- Vivian Terry is sick with sceptic | ceU<mt service of worship and in- spiratlon has been prepared, u:>- Little Chronicles That Make History and Tell of The Doings of a Busy Place. According to tho ex-private,! fox httntors in the New kings*] ton valley have enjoyed eXClt-l Ing limes during the early part ! Of the week. Monday Rutnvcnl Robertson, according to tl{ Bpeedometer which he carried, j traveled 20 miles over hill and] dale in pursuit Of a circling reynard, when exhausted he dropped beside a stum)), audi the fox passed within a few J feet of him to its doom. The story about Faulkner's stove that the fox was lolling with fatigue Is regarded as a jehu slandering a marine. Tuesday afternoon James! Thomson saw a couple of foxes I cavoi ting in his meadow. He used what ammunition he had on the premises without injur- ing the intruders, and while he was gone to the post office to find the marine the foxes tired of their frolic and went to their lair. J..- «•. ARKVILLE A very pleasant evening relfli and piny baseball, on the towns time and money, when they should be working, So, taxpayerB, take a fool's ad- vice and don't try to butt the train of ptogress off the track, for it can't be done. Yours for good roads, Leon L. Smith. Kelly Corners, N, Y. sore throat. Paul VanHousen is visiting his ing ,. lnlorn slides - and Bpoclal reaching her parents at Edmeston. .music. Miss Merle Whittaker is! formed thai Miss Carrie Hitt spent the week llle invited speaker end with her aunt at Pepacton. At the church'school service Mis. John Schenk of Kingston I lttst Sunday Stanley Hewitt re- ceived a cert ideate and pin as member of the school in the begin- ners' department. Jean Glad- stone. Margaret Richard Close were the primary department, with!elected officers of Arkville Odd certificates, Ralph Brown, hav- Fellows lodge, No. 558, for the ing equalled ids own attendance! coming year, as follows: Noble record, is setting new marks for grand, Phllo Benedict; vice grand, the other students to try for. Next I Loren Hubbell; past grand, Eli Sunday the class attendance ban- Morse; recording secretary,'C. II. ner will be awarded again for the ' Rhymer; financial secret a r y , month. Loyal members of the Christian Endeavor are receiving loyalty he was not given credit for house I Muller. rent at $10.00 a month, wood Mrs. Orson VanBenschoten ac- valucd at $5.00 a month and a companled Mr. and Mrs. A. J. | bonus of 5% on a yearly salary. Kaufman to Florida. Following the appeal from thej Mrs. A. C. Fenton entertained award the entire case was review- < the rug committee at her home ed by the five members of the < Wednesday afternoon, state industrial board. Mr. Mis- Mrs. Daniel Sanford w a s a ner is in receipt of notice of a visitor at the home of her moth- corrected award in his ease, in- er, Mrs. Charles Teed, Monday, creasing the rate to $17.97 and! A letter from Clarke A. Sanford, giving him credit for house rent, written in southern Georgia re- wood and bonus in addition to his ports the weather cold in the daily wage. This increase will - : South. make a difference of nearly i The hatchery has just receivedIbonds with coupons to be used $400.00 to Mr. Misner. The in-: an additional shipment of 300.000 j during February at the services ' *" " ' ....... o j tH(; church and of the society, duetor Plans are started for a big Valen- Henry br ~ ----- - -..__ canals costume Rhine ch lands and see them as they This method does not limit child as to space or time in t ravels. During the noon hour a delight-1 ea8tern Delaware county "revival: Johnson, ful dinner was served by the 1 '—..*. ladies of Arkville in the firemen's hall. A cake decorated artisti- cally with "Greetings to the spent at the home of Mrs. Nelia Molyneaux Monday evening when the subject. It i few friends were invited. Alter News that a good home they were un- it was the hostess' birthday, A bounteous luncheon war, served. About the midnight hour all departed after wishing the hostess many happy returns of the day. District Depuy William Silver rohnson a n d ol" Roxbury on Tuesday evening of promoted to last week installed the newly Offers $•">() a Year Bonus Mr. Editor In the article which appeared In The News last week , over mv signature it was not the Public Meeting Proposed tO intention to hurt anyone's feelings Di<!r>ii<?<i Mittcr or POCketbOOk or to make enc- wiboubs mduer nlios T1 „> ofttnlon of men on the road tptestion was asked, so I ex- pressed mine. The farmer who lives in the back part of the town has my sympathy, as the muddy road school and the creamery, or to the village as business requires. As I said before. Improved roads will The question of improved town be an encouragement for young end COUtity roads in this town is men to devote their time to farm- holding B good measure of public ing ami an inducement for the attention, especially among people man with money to extend them was | outside the village. We publish financial help. With decent roads AFTER AIL QUESTION OF INTEREST TO ALL State Road Down Valley Also Pertinent this week five letters bearing on seems to The plan for crys- tallzlng public opinion and to inaugurate a move that may pro- duce results, would be to hold a public meeting at which in- terested men could confer and ex- hood home, so that I can drive up San- there with safety . -ind the mean for the month 27 The News There is plenty of material right , <j eK rees. The maximum was 53 degrees on the 7th and the mini- , surance companv has paid the brook trout eggs. dunes | corrected award and Mr. Misner Mr. and Mrs. Albert along the coast of Netherlands S. Miller Doitgless Kelly: treasurer, C. H. Rhymer; chaplain, John Blrdsall; right supporter to noble grand, William Keator; left supporter to noble grand, Harry Funari; con- Cccll Policy; warden, Edwards; right supported at hand for its construction, and I will give $50 a year in addition to my taxes to further its con- struction. Now. taxpayers, let us hear from all, not let two or three do it all, or try to, and have nothing in the end. If we will all boost we can get something. Some men will fret and some will swen t; Some men will puff and blow, But you can't have good roads and sit in the shade •Mid w a i t for roads to grow. David F. Sanford, Margaretville, N. Y. the The Muir evangelistic party con- j, s |sisting of Evangelist T. LeRoy I Muir of Roxbury and corps of trained workers will open an Sprague. John J. Priest of Oliphant, Pa., has been visiting at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Embroe In the Fleischmanns | The Senior Epworth League will ?*".J \^ nw n soeiril in the nailors of the< Duuu, "8 Teachers" on it was given to the one who drew the lucky number. Miss Laura Sweeney of Halcott- ville happened to be the lucky lady. In the afternoon, Miss Mary Mc- campalgn community church Sunday, Febru-1 have a social in the parlors of the ary 19. A large chorus choir Methodist church Saturday even- will be organized for the effort i ing at 7:30. and preliminary prayer services Candlemas day proved to be are already being conducted, bright and fair. It is a safe After the completion of this cam- prophesy that there will be six garetville has help steadily lately with the church music. Last Sunday the pastor Bang a solo. Miss Whispoll has returned to service in caring lor the church palgn the evangelist will go to Boston, Mass., for a suburban in me uiieruuuu, anas JMUI-V mi;- „„„„„_!„_ ti,„~. Cadden of the Margaretville high j campaign Uiere. school ^ave a most interesting lesson on Netherlands with her| DENVER fourth grade. Without slides,! Miss McCadden helped her pupils | M f 8 A n n Kelly and_ daughter the houses are being filled with Ice weeks more of winter, The word received Wednesday from Mt. Vernon about Mrs. Frances Ueed was very encourag- ing. She is doing nicely. The ice harvest, long delayed, is now well under way. Most of aDutch poster. - . vl !!^! l . l .\\ d ! Mrs. Howard Henderson and! Mrs. Embree Johnson has been This little vil- ?«J2 VL« VASML* £?«.»*J JIX son of Margaretville spent Wed- \ very sick the past week, threaten-1 *\" , &£. %£* %S£!L£?*&2* t JP&Uesday with her sister, Mrs. ed with pneumonia. Mrs. John-1 *»£ t h ^ ?„ n l^ y .* e , M c g h t l^! Carroll Jenkins. son is better at the present writ- £° u "' Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles | ing. January 21, a 1 Mr, and Mrs. R . obe L t Special Christian Endeavor Service Sunday evening there will be a world-wide observance of the 17th anniversary of the founding o: Christian Endeavor. Margaret- ville Endeavors are sharing in the plan. Miss Helen Delameter will pre- side at the service, ami will introduce the speakers. Miss Delameter will begin the service with a piano prelude, leading to the chorus "Follow the Gleam." Miss Marguerite Edwards and Miss Dorothy Williams wll give talks on "Values I have ind in Christian Endeavor" and "What Our Society is Doing." Winter Tne 0IIerln £ w i l 1 De l o r v °ung Charles Spriggs, the agent of Ulster and Delaware at Fleisch- manns, went to Florida last Fri- day where he will spend the re- mainder of the winter months at bis home there. Joe MeDermott has taken the position as agent mm . h traveled road Hint comes the Fleischmanns station dur refer to it in the lesson. They also brought little wooden shoes and a Dutch cap. It was interest- ing to note how many subjects Miss McCadden had correlated witli this excellent lesson and how beautifully the children responded in another class room. Dr. Mace of the state educa- tion department _ spoke »P on | he Vpi n g care for" her aunt, Mrs. j ter, Mrs. Shaw of Andes, is car Julia Sherwood, who's condition I ing for her. . - 4 , , "---- " J. Adlckes and|°*.J h 5i. n ? W !X e(n *lPPed lantern son and Mrs. Frances VanBenBChoten § P wi a , M . ' Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Morse, spent Wednesday at the home of l, 0 ' My TilsU George Morse and Miss Ruie Law- > Mr. and Mrs. C. Swart ol uun- speakel . Mlss M e r j e rence were Saturday night dinner i raven guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Weeks and Mrs. H. Jenkins. Mrs. Ward Kelly of Bedell is Mrs. Charles Hunter, who has been sick for several weeks, does not seem to gain much. Her sis- "Health Work in Rural Schools. He emphasized the importance of children being examined at least once a year. He emphsized again and again the importance of fol- lowing up the defects found and correcting them as soon as possi- ble. He suggested that teachers go over the health records each month making notes of the physi- cal defects corrected on the health chart, thus securing clean bill of health for each child whose goal should be 100 per cent. R. E. Chesley of Utica, who is so well known to the teachers of this district, gave a delightful ad- dress on "How to Listen to Music." Mr. Chesley's address was instruc- tive, inspiring and entertaining. He illustrated the points of his speech by playing and singing dif- ferent songs Miss Marguerite in offertory As Invited speaker, MISS faerie Whittaker of Walton, president of the County ChriBtian Endeavor union, will give a message "Why Chirstian Endeavor?" The closing worship service will be helped by the use it the bioiscnmanns station Ing Mr, Spriggs' absence. Nathan Osborne has been acting as clerk in Korn's store dining ' the busy sales. William Atkins, Charles Snyder, Jr., and Cecil Davis are attending Margaretville high school since the regents' examinations. A recent dinner party was given : by Mrs. Olnoy Redmond at her home in Schenectady in honor of her father. Philip Petchell of Ark- ville. who was 70. Mr. Petchell is spending the winter with his daughter, Mrs. A. B. Christian and Mrs. Olney Redmond of Sche- nectady. KELLY CORNERS is the same. l mr. unu mis. rv. J. «UH,I\CO m.v.| and Mrs. Reuben Allen of i children, Esther and Hoyt, were i projecting pictures and readings tville are spending two vistors Sunday at the home of a songs. Robert heed, Agnes ...in, .»,„!,. ,\ a „„M 0 ,. Mra I Mr u Arilfltps' narents. Mr. and' WalHl1 ' LenaYerry, Grace Dick- remains the same Mr. Halcottvllle weeks with their Charles German, caring for her German. Mrs. Janette Keator of Halcott- ville called on friends here Tues- day. Mrs. Elizabeth Morse lost the other horse to her team last _week. Mr. and Mrs. R daughter, Mrs Mrs. Allen is daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Adlckes'" parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Weeks, in Glasco ™™ Lillian Dickman and Gordon the river ruined. „„, . v ., __. ... The Intermediate Epworth Lea- Word was received here Thurs-' gue will go on a sleighride Satur- day of the death of Mrs. Mary day afternoon to Fleischmanns, Hunt, in Saugertles, a former' and upon their return the inter- resident of this place, and well | mediates will have supper at the known here. Saturday evening a truck be-| Elliott, will have leading parts in longing to Ray Shultls coming off: lhis service. The committee of Huckleberry Hill loaded with lum-1 arrangements includes Hilda Dela- ber caught fire just as it came to meter, chairman; Harris Barber. ----- -Grace Dickman and Dorothy Wil road." The truck was Hams. Lillian Dickman and Eve- lyn Dugan are equipment commit- tee. Emery Rowe and Stanley Etts will serve as ushers. Other young people will add their help in other ways. Old and young will attend. All are invited. DRY BROOK •*»»•- o— The manv friends of John T. V. Proskine of Roxbury spoke i Crook, who was injured by a fall- of the mistakes he found on the j n K \\ m Y> recently, are sorry to January arithmetic papers. He hear he is not getting along as suggested.drill on the division of well as was first expected. •'decimals and the fundamentals oft Mr. and Mrs. M. Foytik have arithmetic. 'moved to Fleischmanns,'where he I J"*"''—», Miss Clara Jenks of Margaret- has employment in a garage. ;Uome or Supervisor W. E. Avery and George E. Stewart, town superin- tendent, were called to Kingston I Saturday to attend a good roads meeting, Dr. R. E. Smith was called to "Ney" Todd's Monday to attend j a sick cow. J. D. Haynes moved M. Foytik's I household goods to his new home ..— - i in Fleischmanns. tires in elementary English. Shej A f orce o f mcn are busy filling attributed failure to poor reading tne i cc house on the Gould estate. and lack of preparation. To il-1 The annual meeting of the com- lustrate she brought samples of| munlty clrcl0 w m be held at the compositions and letters written i home of Mrs. John D. Haynes by pupils in the January examlna- , Thursday, February 9th. tions. Mrs. O. A. Todd entertained The conference closed at 4 SOV eial ladies at a covered lun- o'clock. The teachers declared cnoon Wednesday. Proceeds to that It was the most helpful mid- be UHed for church fair, winter conference that they hadj =s=:==;==;=s=; ^^ ever attended. Wood row Wilson, famous War Methodist church. Mary Dickman has been sick at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dicgman, for the pastj Grant Palmatlor died at three weeks and has been unable' home of his aunt, Mrs, Harriet Death ol Grant Pnlnmtlcr the to return to her studies at the teacher's training school at Delhi. Miss Emma Scudder of Fleisch- manns, who some weeks ago fell Bellows, Saturday morning. Mr. Palmatler went home from his work at the handle factory Mon- day afternoon sick with pleurisy ville discussed the failures in geography. She said that most of the mistakes were made on the first part of the paper where the pupils was asked to fill in a blank with the correct word. She invited rural teachers in to go over the papers to see the mis- takes made. Miss Genevieve Thornngton of Margaretville discussed the fall- on the sidewalk in Fleischmanns, i which developed into plcura-pneu- injuring her leg, is visiting at the monla. Mr. Palmatler was a " her nephew, Embree j son of Abiam and Rachel (Hon: Johnson. By x-ray it was found; derson i Palmatler and was born that a bone In the leg was broken.' *~ "•" Mrs. George Francisco of Shav- ertown was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Francisco in the town of Mlddletown Sept. 15th. 1871. He has lived all his life In this township, and was a quet, industrious citizen. He is from Wednesday until Monday. I survived by two brothers, Charles Mr. Francisco has been confined; and William Palmatler, and one to his home for three weeks wth i sister, Mrs. Martin Bellows. The a carbuncle boll on his left should- funeral services was held In the i Methodist church Monday after- er. hull Mrs. Albertina Hicks, who hasjnoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. J, S been staying at the home of Rev. j officiating. Burial was in the and Mrs. M. S. Pressey in Delhi | vault In the Margaretville since her operation in the Delhi hospital, came to the home of her sister, Mrs. Janet GUI, Sunday and William Hubbell and daughter Miss Francis returned home Fri- day, having spent some time in Boston In the interest ot the lum- bermen's association. They re- port a wonderful trip. Misses Marion Archibald and Lena Trowbridge of Margaret- ville were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Archibald. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wright of An- ; des were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lawrence. Mrs. E. 11. Dlmmick of Roxbury was a Monday visitor of her daughter, Mrs. Bruce Archibald. Mrs. Ralph Hubbell and Mrs. William Hubbell were in Kingston i last week on business. Mrs. Ida Fuller of Fleiscb- I maims, who has been spending some time with Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Sweet, returned home Sunday. The I.arkin ladies from ! place attended a dinner at George Ballard's of Denver Fri- i day, V. Lee Keator attended a ban- quet at Kingston Wednesday even- i Ing in the interest of the sports- menship association. Martin Krom was out-of-town ; on business on Tuesday, Misses Marguerite and Marion Rosa and Miss Beluah Coons visit- ; ed relatives in Halcottville Wed- nesday. L. B. Meade returned home I Saturday morning, having spent some time in West Conesville. Harold Krom and J, Reicker, sr., . were al Delhi Thursday on busi- ness. Joe Johnson Of Phoenicia was a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosa. press themselves. While Mr ford is in the South, feels warranted in offering the free use of the Galli-Curei theatre in bis name for such a gathering. It would be proper, perhaps, to invite the county highway com- missioner to the meeting, and like- ly Highway Commissioner Stew- nrl of the town of Hardenbergh, But with the two exceptions it ought to be a gathering of the taxpayers of the town of Middle- town. You know each other and in a general conversational way something might be initiated. We Speak of Mr. Stewart, as he was in the office during the week and told in an interesting way how he met and solved some of the troublesome problems of road building In his town. There are some 130 miles of un- improved highway in this town, and as The News is informed, the township has never expended a dollar for pernanent construction. i, 0 .V.V The few miles that have been ' l built, a mile or so a year, lias been by county and stale aid, There are three distressing stretches of to mind- from the Ulster county line down Millbrook through Arena to the intersection of the state highway this side of Duuiaven. the New Kingston road and Dry Brook. To this might bo added the uncompleted section between Clovesvlllo and Bedell. Another point is the building of un improved road down the valley. When New York city takes such land as suits their purposed for the reservoir they will relocate all highways which are condemned, If a modem load is submerged, the city will build equally as good in a new location, and partially completed highways will be com- pleted by the city on the new thoroughfare. If any number of taxpayers are sufficiently interested In the out- lined meeting to acquaint The News office with their wishes, Supervisor Dugan and Commis- sioner Rosa will lix a date in the near future at the Gall-Curcl !theatre. Wants Sub-Base Itoads Mr. Editor: - A few words in re- gard to improved roads, i a m I very much in favor Of good roads, and am somewhat acquainted with 1 roads both good and had, as 1 I worked eight years on town roads , and four years as patrolman on j the state road. We all know good roads cost I money to build, so why not get good service and the most for the I cost by building sub-base roads. give them good drainage and a light cover each year. They will this hist longer than the costly crush- Mrs. e d stone and tarvy, which all road men admit, If they are neglected "' as the New Kingston. Pfece. of | gj^XJ? 1 ^ Snowfall 4.5 Inches —Much Less Than Normal MEAN TEMPERATURE FOR MONTH 27 s\/get R "o l ct;i'ci,: Several Januarys in Present Century Warmer The most of us think that with a couple of 75-mile an hoar gales, With alternating balmy days that we have had a peculiar January, but after all it hasn't been much different from the general aver- age. The careful record of tem- peratures and precipitation, a.i compiled at the Oneonta olflce of the United States weather bureau shows that the mean maximum temperature for January was ap- proximately 841» degrees, the mean minimum was 199J degrees and the prevailing price of milk and faun produce any young man made of the proper stuff could ac- cumulate a competency in a few yea is. 1 am anxious to see a good road in Bragg Hollow, my boy- ind comfort. Taxpayers Gave Dollar for Dollar Mr. Editor As you are request- ing our opinion of the "better time, a pel road" problem, I will say that 1 ' have been am greatly in favor of improved reading be roads and think it a good idea to the town as suggested in your paper a couple of weeks ago. Why not build roads now? We are so interested in good roads in our locality that last fall many interested people gave dollar for dollar with the town which built a tine piece of road. W. E. Carey. Fleischmanns, N. Y. mum was zero on the 30th. The greatest daily range was Hi de- grees on the" 1st. The precipita- tion for the month was only 1.86 inches, which is much below the average. And the snowfall alto- gether was only 4.6 inches, tills being included in the above fig- ure of total precipitation i rain or melted snow.) : The Star says that those who have held the belief that January just ended was exceptionally warm ' have another guess coming. The mean temperature last month as above stated, was 27 degrees, but in 1000 the mean for January was ; 20.4 degrees, the lowest being 7 degrees on the 28th. Since that Willing to Pay for stone Itoads Dear Editor 1 wish to say that 1 am very much in favor of un- proved town roads and when I read the article, containing youi suggestion, Of how this might be brought about in a short time, 1 thought, "what a wise plan." Surely no one could be more will- ing to pay additional tax, in order to have stone toads in our town, than myself. Henry W. Todd. Bedell, N. Y. 1900; ;«.!) grecs in l!K and for a January, U ago. As for sni noted, there last month, t table In matt, in 102;i, who ;!7.7 inches du 1912 there w January snow contrast, in 1911, there wo at all! BROADWA A' , ' v f wj i,; he) i < act- ion aboj incb< ot ..I il i <t itS? In< ••. w.v' v .-V .. 00E : LLJ Stone Thi F Sclioolho'iise Community Meeting sbruary community meet- ing at the Stone h nlh Dunraven, will bo held Saturday of this week, Feb. 4th, Morning session 11 o'clock. Community singing, fun, frolic and sociability. Dinner 12:15, Afternoon session l o'clock. Musical program J>y teachers of the Margaretville high school. Address by Prof. Alexander on "The Future of I he Rural and Village School." Address by Miss Marion VanDyke on "The Relation of the Parents to the School." Come and have a good time at the old Stone schoolhouso! \ 1 to fie l)C. imsbl ARENA BELLEAYRE Mrs, Alice Warfleld, who has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Wheat of Merrickvllle, has returned home. Mrs. J. E. Cross visited her son Albert at Dunraven the last of me- tery. The pallbearers were Thomas Edwards, John Blish, Ed- . ward Kittle, Vernon Cook, Wll- will spend the remainder of tlielliam Delameter and Earl Eekert. winter at Mrs. GUI's. In the fastest basket bull game; A Real Surprise Party of the season at the old opren. It is not often Unit a surprise house Wednesday evening the party ever materializes, as some locals lost to the fast Oneonta! one usually spills the beans be- ilve, champions of Otsego county, I forehand. But a real surprise by the score of 45 to 38. The I parly was held at the home of game was rough at times, but was, Mrs. Charles Teed on Swart street handled satisfactorily by Umpire! on Saturday night, when the quilt Merrltt. committee of the Ladles' Aid of At a regular communication of i the Methodist church together """ ""* F . | with some friends made a trium- Pouglr- FleiseliinamiH Defeats Ueepsle Five In a fast and interesting game the Fleischmanns Five defeated the crack Beckwith quintet of Poughkeepsle at Saturday night. was marked by fast passwork, accurate shooting and clean play- ing by both quintets, but six fouls called on each side, Faulkner led the scoring for the home boys, caging seven line goals and two road has been. The Hubbell Hill, Bragg Hollow and Millbrook roads are very hard to keep up, as the stone and gravel are dumped along the sides instead of being put in and covered up. 1 worked with Taylor Halt eight years and he never drew a load of stone out of the road and dumped them, but always used them in the bad places in the road. When any one says he drew them out and dumped them he is mistaken. Halt is the only foreman in this town that is bound to place the stone in the road and cover them. 1 a m a taxpayer and I am in favor of good roads. John M. Smith, Kelly Corners, N. Y Defends Mr. Halt Dear Editor: Do I believe in good improved town roads? Most Arkville hall j assuredly 1 do. A good sub-base The contest is an excellent idea. But if you rake up the stones, and put them in the road this year and cover them with dirt, why next year along conies the big Linn tractor, and town road scrapor, and a force of men, coating $15.00 per Rev. George A. Cole spent last week with his family at Yonkers. Miss Bertha K. Hunt of Shan- week-end with Carrie Hunt. Mrs. Arthur Bussy spent Fri- day with friends at Margaretville. Master Bernard Keator Is at- tending the Margaretville high school. Ephralm Hall of Lake Delaware is visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. II. Smith. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. E. IT. Seeley next Wednesday afternoon, Febru- ary 8th. Mrs. J. W. Hunt, Mrs. Herman Wtckham and Miss Lela Wick- ham attended the teachers' con- ference held al Arkville last Fri- day. Dr. J. A. Gaul of Roxbury was here Saturday to see Mr. and Mrs. J. Greene, who are in failing health, F. Burr Gregory litis been ill the past few days with tonsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Murdock of Brooklyn spent last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Murdock. The Hist ice of the season is being harvested this week. Ice of very good quality, 7' j inches i thick is being cut from the Lily Pond and other small ponds in President, died on February 3, 1924 He was a man of remarka- ble ability; one time president ot K W ^ ^ ^ entry Into the Teed home to P^Wenoy in JJMjj^ipggj| g & % £ $ Z Fellow' Craft | celebrate with Mrs the foTils'whil'e' Do'wey"led t"or"pougii- day to operate, and scrape out thoiyjI^^^^i^o^fJ.^Jno'wil " l ° dent by going to Europe in the In terest of world peace. He had a strong character and will power, the week. „ . , . n ,. a i H i a nd and was reckoned as the real lead- Mr and Mrs. Virgil B' a » 8ia ",? J?°', nla pai .t y . m sneaking of of Walton visited her parents, Mr. er^pr ms^puivy annpllll Vn n fl rw. 1'ecd her (loth „oi referred UDOti five caudi-' birthday. These women disprov- Ites After h'e degree work ed the old saying that "women ,?,\nwlches cake coffee, and cl- cannot keep a secret," as Mrs. ?,a s we e seTved to the brethren Teed was totally unaware of any koepslc Next Saturday night, Delhi, the only team to defeat Fleischmanns on their home court this season, will play at Arkville. The score: Poughkeepsle FG FP f 6 -I tl 0 Hrid W Mrs U "ve,-ne7Marks, Saturday; leaders: and Sunday ,m.»j. Terrv Clove ^enrth^a^w^aTO home ° f wil£m TaU Woodford. who is tead i g in district No. 4, spent She'^eeVc^ntO^onta. : «ead flowers for sale-various JSSr Price 60 cents up. colors. rni - AUce sprague.—Adv. Korn's Special Blend Cof by the stewards. Mrs Rachel Alton, who has Dewey, r. Allen, 1. f Crlsple, 6. I T S ^ = T'oppor: | b ,erV'confjSTjjjB ^d for two | eats the^par. y.ended S l k . M t t a ^ ^ » h»tjsiwith »10 .uu. goods I bineil with the moderate price, In creases its popularity; and every dav hundreds of satisfied custom- ers are enjoying this delicious hiend which is obtained of Samuel KorV Arkville, N. Y., a t 2 pounds for 85c postpaid. A valuable ttllverware coupon packed in every pound.—Adv. was not — us well us usual this week. The following recently visited Mrs. Alton and her daughter, Mrs. Har- riet Clark: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Falrbalrn of Andes, Julian Alton of Hobart, Mrs. Martha Walker of Denver and Miss Cora Alton of Fleischmanns. preparations. The evening was I Murphy, spent very pleasantly and with jrogarty, 1 ' ended In the usual. us presented Total... for a dress. g- g- S. Korn of Arkville Is com- Rallard, r. f.. . nieniorating his 4<>ih business an- Faulkner, i. f niversary, beginning Saturday,: Merrihew, p., by a 12-days sale .in which practl-' Tervay, r. g... cally the entire stock is being Koenig, 1. g . . . offered at prices which command i attention. Total 3 18 le-isehnianns FG FP 4 . .7 . .1 . .4 .4 20 stone which was put in. I have worked for the town for the past six years, in till parts of the town, and know what I'm talking about. As for Taylor Hail raiting ]' P stones out of the road and draw- 14 ing them In a patch of weeds, 12 David Sanford is misinformed, it like Is curious on the subject, why •1 1 can take him over to Townsend 7 Hollow, and show him where Tuy- lor Halt and his men put them in 41 the road, and also other parts of tin' town, and 1 can show him, where some other force of men drew truck load after truck load into the brush as he stated. tilling the creamery ice house Mrs. Alvern Hunt entertained Mrs. Emma Dickson, Mrs. Mar- garet Holmes, Mrs. R. Tompkins, Mrs. Emma Hunt and Mis. II. J. Slack at dinner Wednesday in honor of the birthday of Mis. Car- rie Hunt. The community relief society will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. Kmiiia Dickson next Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All who are interested please at- tend. T 1' s Hi •i !) 10 A Love Story I . .\ urduy Tw Week. On Friday ar i n i week we show. ^ : . stars, Greta G:l 5 " . jil " >• the Emba ij tli< nted wiin se solace from you i 1 mission 50c, Next Tuesday special. "The Wa is considered i western stars air reputation in t); "Collegians." A Next Thursday in "The Pioneer S now under the il Paramount Plctui ...ivj promise us a real western thriller... Comedy. News. Admission 40c, NEW KINGSTON John II. Sanford left last Friday for Tenafly, N. J., where he jtx? peets to spend the reniaindeuS&tfl' the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Allen Mayhue. Earl Thomson finished Wednes- 1 day his carpenter work for Hon. George A. Owens, and left for his home in Delhi. i Hugh Robertson, who has been ' quite ill. is able to be about the house at present. Lyle George of Binghaintou spent the week-end with his sis- ter, Mrs. Richard Robertson. Mrs. Robertson returned home with him for a week's stay. The schools in the valley were closed last Friday while the teach- ers attended a conference at Ark- ville. A number of the young women of the church met at the parson- age last week and organized a Missionary society, with Mrs. Frank Long, President; Mis. Harry DeSilva, vice president; Mrs, Harley Beardsloy, treasurer, ' Mrs. Ruthven Robertson, secre- tary. Robert Robertson, who Is cm- I ployed by the city of New York ias a milk inspector, spent tlio week-end here with ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson. L. W. Archibald is busy this week installing a Delco lighting plant lor W. R. Sanford in the lower end of the valley. V. P. Church, New Kingston Rev. T. Clifford Hay, Pastor. Sunday, Feb. 5 Sunday school at 11; preaching service at 12, subject, "The Messenger." Young people's meeting at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Feb, S - Prayer meeting at the home of Robert Dowie 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Feb. U ' orajMl missionary society > i t h • home of Mn I uola Ingb I Young Won « v meet - ing at the h Mrs. KaUis Beardsley at 7:30. Friday, Feb. 10—Junior meeting at th - parsonage al 3 p. m. The state public service com- mission held a hearing at Albany Tuesday on the application of the What we need is a fence guard- New York State Gas and Electric rails along some of these danger- corporation for permission to ex- -»— mis dug- ways, good sub-base, and tend its electric disttibution lines Tin t-H bi s and girls of Dela-' some good men to build them, and, into the village of Downsville. The j ware LU . anted 110,000 tree« 471 not throw stones ut chip squir-1 application Will be granted. last yen. ~ - i i

CATSRILL NNEWS - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1928-02-03/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · make a difference of nearly i The hatchery has just receivedIbonds with

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CATSRILL NNEWS ESTABLISHED 1863 Volume G4. Number 49. Whole Number 3325. MARGARETVILLE.. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1928 PRICE: Five Cents




FOR THE WEEK Seventy-Five Enjoy a Bene­

ficial Session


State Educational Depart­ment Represented

Grade Pupil Painful ly Cu t s Klglit A r m

Will iam A t k i n s of Arkvil le, fin i 8 th g r a d e boy In the local nchool, : suffered a severe injury to his

r ight a r m Tuesday noon a t dis­missal t ime, w h e n he t h r u s t h i s hand t h r o u g h the heavy g lass of the swing ing outer door a s some one coming In pushed it a g a i n s t i . him. !

A smaii artery was severed by (Incidents That Make the broken g lass bu t the flow of blood w a s checked by W a l t e r Odcll, w h o rendered first aid, w i t h a tu rn ique t made of a h a n d k e r ­chief and a pencil. A tk ins w a s t a k e n t o Dr. F a u l k n e r w h o p u t in th ree s t i tches and the boy will soon be about . This Is the second accident of th i s kind a t t he school occurr ing unde r s imi lar c i rcum­s tances .

Mnrgnretvlllo Methodlsti Episcopal Church

Rev. John S. Lull, Pas to r . Morning worship io:30; subject

of sermon, "Pr ize F i g h t i n g ; " Sun­day school session 11:15; Epwor th League 0:30, topic, "The Christ ol the Indian Road -The Chr i s t , " leader, Ha r r i s Barber ; evening service 7:.'!0, subject of sermon, "All Th ings Are Ready."

R tay lng band will meet Monday •The evening a t the pa r sonage a t 7:30.

,__ , , , , , , „ P r a y e r mee t ing this week T h u r s -W e e k S H i s t o r y — N e W S day ' evening 7:30 a t the home of That will Interest Readers Here and Abroad.

Mr. and Mrs . Calvin Mille


Seventy-five t e ache r s a t t ended the mid-win te r conference a t A r k ­ville las t F r iday , Severa l c lub leaders were p resen t for the m o r n i n g session to receive In-1 s t ruc t lons in the club work as I out l ined by Mr. Lenox for t he 1

year . Pr inc ipa l DuBoIs of the S t a t e ag r i cu l tu ra l school a t Delhi spoke on " P a r l i a m e n t a r y Laws . " I He ma in t a ined t h a t chi ldren should | be t a u g h t how to conduct a meet - j ing in a business like manne r . He \ sa id t h a t mock mee t ings were con-ducted by the boys a t the s t a t e | school, t h u s t each ing pa r l i amen t a r y laws .

Eli Morse, pr incipal of the Ark­ville g raded school, gave a demon­s t r a t i on lesson In geography us ing slides in teach ing Ne the r l ands to his Cth grade . The teachers were convinced af ter observing th is ex­cellent lesson of the place visual ins t ruct ion holds in the field of educat ion. I t b r ings the outside wor ld into t he classroom. By m e a n s of p ic tu res the children could see a Dutch vil lage nestled behind a dike, the sand

Compensat ion Adjusted Allen Misncr of th s vil lage h a s

succeeded in winning his appea l f rom an a w a r d made by Referee Holland of the s t a t e ' indus t r ia l board, cover ing an a w a r d of 40<7t of the leg or 115 2-10 weeks a t $11.77 per week, to ta l $1701.50. Mr. Misncr appealed to the five members of the s t a t e indus t r ia l board and contended t h a t t h e r a t e of 814.77 w a s incorrect b e c a u s e | is a gues t of Mr. and Mrs . Edward

Mnrgnretvi l le P resby te r i an Church Rev. G. W. Walker . Minis ter Sunday worsh ip at 10:80 and

7:30. Church school a l t e r morn­ing service. Chr is t ian Endeavoi society Wednesday at 7:30. Choir rehearsa l Thursday a t 7.

The choir Is p repa r ing for Sun­day morning, "Hark , Hark , My Soul." by Shelley.

Sunday evening the young peo-' pie of the church will nave ent i re

. . . . „ , , , ... , ' c h a r g e of the p r o g r a m An ex-Vivian T e r r y is sick wi th sceptic | c e U < m t service of worship and in-

spirat lon has been prepared, u:>-

Little Chronicles That Make History and Tell of The Doings of a Busy Place.

According to tho ex-pr iva te , ! fox httntors in the New kings*] ton valley have enjoyed eXClt-l Ing l imes dur ing the ear ly part ! Of the week. Monday R u t n v c n l Robertson, according to tl{ Bpeedometer which he carr ied, j t raveled 20 miles over hill a n d ] dale in pursui t Of a circl ing reynard , when exhaus ted he dropped beside a stum)), a u d i the fox passed within a few J feet of h im to its doom. The s tory about F a u l k n e r ' s s tove t h a t the fox w a s lolling with fat igue Is regarded as a jehu slandering a marine.

Tuesday af ternoon J a m e s ! Thomson saw a couple of foxes

I cavoi t ing in his meadow. He used what ammuni t i on he had on the premises wi thout injur­ing the in t ruders , and while he was gone t o t h e post office to find the mar ine the foxes t i red of the i r frolic and went to the i r lair.

J..- — «•. ARKVILLE

A very pleasant evening

relfli and piny baseball , on the towns t ime and money, when t h e y should be working,

So, taxpayerB, t a k e a fool's ad­vice and don't t r y to butt the t ra in of p tog re s s off the t rack , for it can ' t be done.

Yours for good roads , Leon L. Smi th .

Kelly Corners , N, Y.

sore th roa t . Paul VanHousen is visi t ing his i n g , . l n l o r n s l i d e s - a n d B p o c l a l r each ing her

p a r e n t s a t Edmes ton . .music. Miss Merle Whi t t ake r is! formed thai Miss Car r ie H i t t spent the week l l l e invited speaker

end wi th h e r a u n t a t Pepac ton . A t the c h u r c h ' s c h o o l service Mis . J o h n Schenk of Kingston I l t t s t Sunday Stanley Hewi t t re­

ceived a cert ideate and pin a s m e m b e r of the school in the begin­ne r s ' d e p a r t m e n t . J ean Glad­stone. Marga re t Richard Close were the p r imary depar tmen t , wi th !e lec ted officers of Arkvil le Odd certificates, Ralph Brown, hav- Fellows lodge, No. 558, for the ing equalled ids own a t t e n d a n c e ! coming year, a s follows: Noble record, is se t t ing new m a r k s for grand , Phllo Benedict ; vice grand , the o ther s tudents to t r y for. N e x t I Loren Hubbell ; past g rand , Eli Sunday the class a t t endance ban- Morse; record ing s e c r e t a r y , ' C . II. ner will be awarded aga in for the ' Rhymer ; financial s e c r e t a r y , month .

Loyal members of the Chr is t ian Endeavor a r e receiving loyalty

he w a s not given credi t for house I Muller. r en t a t $10.00 a month , wood Mrs . Orson VanBenschoten a c -valucd a t $5.00 a m o n t h and a companled Mr. and Mrs . A. J .

| bonus of 5% on a year ly sa la ry . Kau fman to Flor ida. Following the appea l from the j Mrs . A. C. Fenton enter ta ined

a w a r d the ent i re case was review- < t he r u g commit tee a t her home ed by the five m e m b e r s of the < Wednesday af ternoon, s t a t e indust r ia l board. Mr. Mis- Mrs . Daniel Sanford w a s a ner is in receipt of notice of a visi tor a t the home of her moth-correc ted a w a r d in his ease, in- er, Mrs . Char les Teed, Monday, c reas ing the ra t e to $17.97 a n d ! A le t te r from Clarke A. Sanford, g iving him credit for house rent , wr i t t en in southern Georgia re-wood and bonus in addit ion to his po r t s the w e a t h e r cold in t he daily wage . This increase will -: South . m a k e a difference of nea r ly i The h a t c h e r y has jus t rece ivedIbonds wi th coupons to be used $400.00 to Mr. Misner. The in-: an addi t ional sh ipment of 300.000 j du r ing F e b r u a r y a t the services

' *" " ' . . . . . . . o j t H ( ; church and of the society, duetor P lans a r e s t a r t ed for a big Valen- Henry br ~ - - - - - - „ - . .__

cana l s c o s t u m e Rhine ch lands and see t h e m a s they T h i s method does not limit child a s to space o r t ime in t ravels .

Dur ing the noon hour a delight-1 e a 8 t e r n De laware county "revival: Johnson, ful d inner w a s served by t he 1 '—..*. ladies of Arkvil le in the firemen's hal l . A cake decora ted a r t i s t i ­ca l ly wi th "Gree t ings t o t he

spent at the home of Mrs. Nelia Molyneaux Monday evening when the subject. It i few friends were invited. A l t e r News tha t a good

home they were un­it was the hostess '

b i r thday, A bounteous luncheon war, served. About the midnight hour all depar ted a f te r wishing the hos tess many happy r e tu rns of t he day.

Dist r ic t Depuy William Silver rohnson and ol" Roxbury on Tuesday evening of promoted to last week instal led t he newly

Offers $•">() a Year Bonus Mr. Edi tor In the ar t ic le which

appea red In The N e w s last week , over mv s igna tu re it was not the

P u b l i c M e e t i n g P r o p o s e d tO intention to hur t anyone ' s feelings Di<!r>ii<?<i M i t t c r o r POCketbOOk or to m a k e enc-w i b o u b s m d u e r n l i o s T1„> ofttnlon of m e n on the

road tptestion was asked, so I ex­pressed mine .

The f a r m e r who lives in the back pa r t of the town h a s my sympathy, as the muddy road school and the c r eamery , or to the village as business requires . As I said before. Improved roads will

The quest ion of improved town be an encouragemen t for young end COUtity roads in this town is men to devote the i r t ime to farm-holding B good measure of public ing ami an inducement for the at tent ion , especially a m o n g people man with money to extend t hem

was | outside the village. We publish financial help. Wi th decent roads



State Road Down Valley Also Pertinent

th is week five le t ters bea r ing on seems to The plan for crys-

tal lzlng public opinion and to inaugura t e a move t h a t may pro­duce results , would be to hold a public mee t ing at which in­teres ted men could confer and ex- hood home, so tha t I can drive up

San- there with safety . -ind the mean for the m o n t h 27 The News The re is p len ty of mate r ia l r ight , <jeKrees. The m a x i m u m w a s 53

degrees on the 7th and the mini-

, surance companv has paid the brook t r o u t eggs . d u n e s | corrected a w a r d and Mr. Misner Mr. and Mrs . Albert

a long t he coas t of N e t h e r l a n d s S. Miller

Doitgless Kelly: t r easu re r , C. H. Rhymer ; chaplain, John Blrdsall ; r ight suppor t e r to noble grand , William Kea to r ; left suppor t e r to noble grand , H a r r y F u n a r i ; con-

Cccll Policy; warden , E d w a r d s ; r ight suppor ted

a t hand for i ts construct ion, and I will give $50 a year in addit ion t o my taxes to fur ther i ts con­s t ruct ion.

Now. t axpaye r s , let us hea r from all, not let two or th ree do it all, or t ry to, and have no th ing in the end. If we will all boost we can get someth ing . Some men will fret and some will

swen t ; Some men will puff and blow,

B u t you can ' t have good roads and sit in the shade

•Mid wai t for roads to grow. David F. Sanford,

Margaretville, N. Y.

the The Muir evangelis t ic p a r t y con-

j , s | s i s t i n g of Evangel i s t T. LeRoy I Mui r of Roxbury and corps of

t ra ined w o r k e r s will open a n

Sprague . John J . Pr ies t of Oliphant, Pa. ,

h a s been vis i t ing a t t he home of his s is ter- in-law, Mrs . Embroe

In the F le i schmanns | The Senior E p w o r t h League will ?*".J \^ n w n soeiril in the nailors of the< D u u u , " 8

T e a c h e r s " on it w a s given t o the one who drew the lucky number . Miss L a u r a Sweeney of Halco t t -ville happened to be the lucky lady.

In the af ternoon, Miss M a r y Mc-

campa lgn communi ty church Sunday, Febru-1 have a social in the par lo rs of the a ry 19. A large chorus choir Methodist church S a t u r d a y even-will be organized for the effort i ing a t 7:30. and pre l iminary p r a y e r services Candlemas day proved to be a r e a l ready be ing conducted, b r igh t and fair. I t is a safe After the complet ion of th i s cam- prophesy t h a t the re will be six

garetvi l le has help steadily lately with the church music. Las t Sunday the pas to r Bang a solo.

Miss Whispoll has re turned to service in ca r ing lor the church

pa lgn the evangel is t will go to Boston, Mass. , for a suburban

in me uiieruuuu, anas JMUI-V mi;- „„„„„_!„_ ti ,„~. Cadden of the Margare tv i l l e h igh j c ampa ign Uiere. school ^ave a mos t in te res t ing lesson on Ne the r l ands wi th h e r | DENVER four th g rade . Wi thou t slides,! Miss McCadden helped he r pupils | M f 8 A n n Kel ly and_ d a u g h t e r the houses a r e being filled wi th Ice

weeks more of winter , The word received Wednesday

from Mt. Vernon about Mrs . F r a n c e s Ueed w a s very encourag­ing. She is doing nicely.

The ice harves t , long delayed, is now well under way. Most of

a D u t c h pos ter . - . v l ! ! ^ ! l.l.\\d! Mrs . Howard Henderson and ! Mrs . E m b r e e Johnson has been Th i s l i t t le vil-?«J2 VL« VASML* £ ? « . » * J JIX son of Margare tv i l l e spent Wed- \ ve ry sick the pas t week, th rea ten-1 *\" , & £ . %£* %S£!L£?*&2*tJP&Uesday with her sister, Mrs. ed with pneumonia. Mrs. John-1 *»£ t h ^ ? „ n l ^ y . * e , M c g h t l ^ ! Carro l l J e n k i n s . son is b e t t e r a t the present wr i t - £ ° u " '

Born, to Mr. and Mrs . Char les | ing. J a n u a r y 21, a 1 Mr, a n d Mrs . R . o b e L t

Special Chr is t ian Endeavor Service Sunday evening there will be a

world-wide observance of the 17th ann ive rsa ry of the founding o: Chris t ian Endeavor . M a r g a r e t ­ville Endeavors a r e sha r ing in the plan.

Miss Helen Delameter will pre­side a t the service, ami will introduce the speakers . Miss Delameter will begin the service wi th a piano prelude, leading to the chorus "Follow the Gleam." Miss Marguer i t e E d w a r d s and Miss Doro thy Wil l iams wll give

t a lks on "Values I h a v e ind in Chr is t ian Endeavor"

and "Wha t Our Society is Doing." W i n t e r T n e 0 I I e r l n £ w i l 1 D e l o r v ° u n g

Char les Spr iggs , the agent of Uls ter and Delaware a t Fleisch­manns , went to Flor ida last Fri­day where he will spend the re­mainder of the win te r mon ths a t bis home there . Joe MeDermott has t aken the position as agen t m m . h t raveled road Hint comes

the F le i schmanns s ta t ion dur

re fe r t o it in the lesson. They a l so b rough t l i t t le wooden shoes a n d a Du tch cap . I t w a s in te res t ­ing to note how m a n y subjects Miss McCadden h a d corre la ted wit l i t h i s excellent lesson a n d how beaut i ful ly t h e chi ldren responded in ano the r c lass room.

Dr. Mace of the s t a t e educa­t ion d e p a r t m e n t _ spoke » P o n | h e Vpi n g ca re f o r " he r aun t , Mrs . j ter , Mrs . Shaw of Andes, is car

J u l i a Sherwood, who 's condition I ing for her . . - 4, , " - - - - " J . Adlckes a n d | ° * . J h 5 i . n ? W!X e ( n*lPPed lan te rn

s o n and Mrs . F r a n c e s VanBenBChoten § P w i „ a , M . ' Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Morse, spent Wednesday at the home of l , 0 ' „ M y T i l s U „ George Morse and Miss Ruie Law- > Mr. and Mrs . C. S w a r t ol u u n - s p e a k e l . M l s s M e r j e

rence were S a t u r d a y n igh t d inner i raven gues t s of Mr. and Mrs . J . Weeks and Mrs . H. J enk ins .

Mrs . W a r d Kelly of Bedell is

Mrs. Char les Hunte r , who h a s been sick for several weeks, does not seem to ga in much. Her sis-

" H e a l t h W o r k in R u r a l Schools. H e emphas ized the impor t ance of chi ldren being examined a t least once a year . He emphsized aga in a n d aga in t he impor tance of fol­lowing up the defects found a n d cor rec t ing t h e m as soon a s possi­ble. He sugges ted t h a t t eache r s go over the hea l th records each m o n t h m a k i n g no tes of the phys i ­cal defects corrected on the h e a l t h char t , t hus secur ing clean bill of hea l th for each child whose goa l should be 100 per cent.

R. E . Chesley of Utica, w h o is so well known to the t eache r s of th i s distr ict , gave a delightful ad­dress on " H o w to L is ten t o Music ." Mr. Chesley 's address w a s ins t ruc ­tive, inspi r ing and en te r ta in ing . H e i l lus t ra ted t he points of his speech by p lay ing a n d s inging dif­fe ren t songs

Miss Margue r i t e in offertory

As Invited speaker , M I S S faerie W h i t t a k e r of Walton, president of the County ChriBtian Endeavor union, will give a message "Why Chirs t ian E n d e a v o r ? " The closing worsh ip service will be helped by the use

it the bioiscnmanns station Ing Mr, Spr iggs ' absence.

N a t h a n Osborne h a s been ac t ing as clerk in Korn ' s s tore d i n i n g

' the busy sales. Will iam Atkins , Char les Snyder,

Jr. , and Cecil Davis a r e a t t end ing Margare tv i l le high school since the regents ' examinat ions .

A recent d inner p a r t y was given : by Mrs . Olnoy Redmond a t her home in Schenec tady in honor of her fa ther . Philip Petchell of Ark­ville. who was 70. Mr. Petchell is spending the winter wi th his daughte r , Mrs . A. B. Chr is t ian and Mrs. Olney Redmond of Sche­nectady.


is the same . l m r . unu m i s . rv. J . «UH,I \CO m.v.| and Mrs . Reuben Allen of i children, E s t h e r and Hoyt, were i project ing pic tures and readings tville a r e spending two vis tors Sunday a t the home of a " « songs. Robert heed , Agnes ...in, .»,„!,. ,\a„„M0,. Mra I Mr u Arilfltps' na ren t s . Mr. a n d ' W a l H l 1 ' L e n a Y e r r y , Grace Dick-

r ema ins the s a m e Mr.

Halcot tvl l le weeks wi th their Char les German , c a r i n g for h e r German .

Mrs . J a n e t t e K e a t o r of Halcot t -ville called on friends he re Tues ­day.

Mrs . E l izabe th Morse lost the other horse to her t e a m las t _week.

Mr. a n d Mrs . R

daugh te r , Mrs Mrs . Allen is

daugh te r , Mrs .

Mrs . Adlckes'" pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Weeks , in Glasco ™™ Lillian Dickman and Gordon

the r iver ruined.

„„ , . v„ . , __. . . . The In t e rmed ia t e E p w o r t h Lea-Word w a s received here T h u r s - ' gue will go on a sleighride Sa tu r ­

day of the dea th of Mrs . M a r y day af ternoon to Fle i schmanns , Hunt , in Sauger t les , a fo rmer ' and upon the i r r e tu rn the inter-resident of th is place, and well | media tes will have supper a t the known here .

S a t u r d a y evening a t ruck be - | Elliott, will have leading p a r t s in longing to Ray Shul t ls coming o f f : l h i s service. The commi t t ee of Huckleber ry Hill loaded wi th lum-1 a r r a n g e m e n t s includes Hilda Dela-ber c a u g h t fire ju s t a s it came t o meter , cha i rman ; H a r r i s Barber .

— • ----- - G r a c e Dickman and Dorothy Wil road." The t ruck was Hams. Lillian Dickman and Eve­lyn Dugan a r e equipment commit­tee. E m e r y Rowe and Stanley E t t s will serve as ushe r s . Other young people will add the i r help in o ther ways . Old and young will a t tend . All a re invited.


•*»»•- o— The m a n v friends of John T. V. P rosk ine of Roxbury spoke i Crook, w h o w a s injured by a fall-

of t he mi s t akes he found on the j n K \\mY> recently, a r e sor ry to J a n u a r y a r i thme t i c pape r s . He h e a r he is not ge t t i ng a long as s u g g e s t e d . d r i l l on the division of well a s w a s first expected.

• 'decimals and the fundamenta l s oft Mr. and Mrs . M. Foy t ik have a r i thmet i c . ' m o v e d to F l e i s c h m a n n s , ' w h e r e he I J"*"' '—»,

Miss C la ra J e n k s of M a r g a r e t - h a s employment in a g a r a g e . ; U o m e o r

Supervisor W. E. Avery a n d George E. S tewar t , town super in­tendent , w e r e called to Kings ton

I S a t u r d a y to a t t end a good roads meet ing ,

Dr. R. E. Smi th w a s called to " N e y " Todd 's Monday to a t t end

j a sick cow. J . D. H a y n e s moved M. Foy t ik ' s

I household goods to his new home . .— „ - i in F le i schmanns . tires in e l emen ta ry Engl ish . She j A force o f m c n a r e b u s y filling a t t r i bu t ed fai lure to poor read ing t n e i c c house on the Gould es ta te . and lack of prepara t ion . To il-1 T h e annua l mee t ing of the com-lus t r a t e she b rough t samples o f | m u n l t y c l r c l 0 w m be held a t the composi t ions and le t te rs wr i t t en i home of Mrs . J o h n D. H a y n e s by pupils in the J a n u a r y e x a m l n a - , Thursday , F e b r u a r y 9th . t ions . Mrs . O. A. Todd en te r ta ined

The conference closed a t 4 S O V e ia l ladies a t a covered lun-o'clock. T h e t eachers declared c n o o n Wednesday . Proceeds to t h a t It w a s the most helpful mid- b e U H e d f o r church fair, win te r conference t h a t t h e y hadj =s=:==;==;=s=;^^ ever a t t ended . Wood row Wilson, famous War

Methodist church. Mary Dickman h a s been sick a t

the home of her pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs . J o h n Dicgman, for the pas t j Gran t Pa lmat lo r died a t three weeks and h a s been unab l e ' home of his aunt , Mrs, Harriet

Death ol Gran t Pnlnmtlcr the

to r e tu rn to her studies a t the teacher ' s t r a in ing school a t Delhi.

Miss E m m a Scudder of Fleisch­manns , who some weeks ago fell

Bellows, S a t u r d a y morn ing . Mr. P a l m a t l e r went home from his work a t the handle factory Mon­day af ternoon sick wi th pleurisy

ville discussed the fai lures in geography . She said t h a t most of the mi s t akes were m a d e on the first p a r t of the paper whe re the pupils w a s a sked to fill in a blank wi th t he correct word. She invited ru r a l t eache r s in to g o over t he p a p e r s t o see t h e m i s ­t a k e s made .

Miss Genevieve Thornng ton of Margare tv i l l e discussed the fall-

on t he s idewalk in Fle i schmanns , i which developed into p lcura-pneu-injur ing her leg, is visi t ing a t t he monla. Mr. P a l m a t l e r w a s a

" he r nephew, Embree j son of A b i a m and Rachel (Hon: Johnson. By x- ray it w a s found; derson i Pa lmat le r and w a s born t h a t a bone In t he leg was b roken . ' *~ " • "

Mrs . George Franc i sco of Shav-er town w a s a visi tor a t the home of Mr. and Mrs . J a m e s Franc i sco

in the town of Mlddletown Sept. 15th. 1871. He has lived all his life In this township, and w a s a quet, industr ious citizen. He is

from Wednesday unt i l Monday. I survived by two brothers , Char les Mr. F ranc i sco has been confined; and Will iam Palmat le r , and one to his home for th ree weeks wth i sister, Mrs . Mar t in Bellows. The a carbuncle boll on his left should- funeral services was held In the

i Methodist church Monday after-er. hull Mrs . A lbe r t ina Hicks , who h a s j n o o n a t 2 o'clock, Rev. J, S been s t a y i n g a t t he home of Rev. j officiating. Burial was in the and M r s . M. S. Pressey in Delhi | vault In the Margaretvi l le since he r operat ion in the Delhi hospi tal , came t o the home of h e r sister , Mrs . J a n e t GUI, Sunday and

William Hubbell and d a u g h t e r Miss F ranc i s re turned home Fr i ­day, hav ing spent some t ime in Boston In the in teres t ot the lum­bermen ' s associat ion. They re­port a wonderful t r ip .

Misses Marion Archibald and Lena Trowbr idge of M a r g a r e t ­ville were Sunday supper gues t s of Mr. and Mrs . Bruce Archibald.

Mr. and Mrs . M. Wr igh t of An-; des were Sunday visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lawrence .

Mrs . E. 11. Dlmmick of Roxbury was a Monday visi tor of her daugh te r , Mrs. Bruce Archibald.

Mrs. Ra lph Hubbell and Mrs . William Hubbell were in Kings ton

i last week on business. Mrs . Ida Ful ler of Fle iscb-

I maims, who has been spending some t ime with Mr, and Mrs . A. F. Sweet, re turned home Sunday.

The I .arkin ladies from ! place a t t ended a dinner a t

George Ba l la rd ' s of Denver F r i -i day,

V. Lee K e a t o r a t t ended a ban­quet a t Kingston Wednesday even-

i Ing in the in teres t of the spor ts -menship associat ion.

Mar t in Krom was out-of-town ; on business on Tuesday,

Misses Margue r i t e and Marion Rosa and Miss Beluah Coons visit-

; ed rela t ives in Halcottvi l le Wed­nesday.

L. B. Meade re turned home I S a t u r d a y morning, hav ing spent

some t ime in West Conesville. Harold Krom and J, Reicker, sr.,

. were al Delhi Thu r sday on busi­ness.

J o e Johnson Of Phoenicia was a Sunday visi tor of Mr. and Mrs . Albert Rosa .

press themselves . While Mr ford is in the South, feels w a r r a n t e d in offering the free use of the Galli-Curei t h e a t r e in bis n a m e for such a ga the r ing .

It would be proper, perhaps , to invite the county h ighway com­missioner to the meeting, and like­ly Highway Commissioner Stew-nrl of the town of Hardenbergh, But wi th the two except ions it ought to be a gathering of the t a x p a y e r s of the town of Middle-town. You know each o ther and in a genera l conversat ional way someth ing migh t be ini t iated. We Speak of Mr. S tewar t , a s he was in the office dur ing the week and told in an in te res t ing w a y how he met and solved some of the t roublesome problems of road building In his town.

There a r e some 130 miles of un­improved h ighway in this town, and as The News is informed, the township has never expended a dollar for pernanent const ruct ion. i,0.V.V The few miles tha t have been ' l

built, a mile or so a year, lias been by county and s t a l e aid, The re a re th ree dis t ress ing s t r e t ches of

to m i n d - from the Uls te r county line down Millbrook th rough Arena to the intersection of the s t a t e h ighway this side of Duuiaven . the New Kings ton road and Dry Brook. To this might bo added the uncompleted section between Clovesvlllo and Bedell.

Ano the r point is the building of un improved road down the valley. When New York city t akes such land a s sui ts the i r purposed for the reservoir they will relocate all highways which are condemned, If a m o d e m load is submerged, the city will build equally a s good in a new location, and par t ia l ly completed h ighways will be com­pleted by the city on the new thoroughfare .

If any number of t a x p a y e r s a r e sufficiently in te res ted In the out­lined meet ing to acquaint The News office with their wishes, Supervisor Dugan and Commis­sioner Rosa will lix a date in the nea r future at the Gall-Curcl

! thea t re . Wan t s Sub-Base Itoads

Mr. Edi tor : - A few words in re­ga rd to improved roads, i am

I very much in favor Of good roads, and a m somewhat acqua in ted wi th

1 roads both good and had, as 1 I worked eight years on town roads , and four years a s pa t ro lman on j the s t a t e road.

We all know good roads cost I money to build, so why not get good service and the most for the

I cost by building sub-base roads. give t hem good d ra inage and a light cover each year . They will

th i s hist longer t h a n the costly crush-Mrs . e d stone and ta rvy , which all road

men admit , If they a re neglected " '

as the New Kingston. Pfece. of | g j ^ X J ? 1 ^

Snowfall 4.5 Inches —Much Less Than Normal


s\/getR"olct;i'ci,: Several Januarys in Present Century Warmer

The most of us th ink t h a t w i t h a couple of 75-mile an h o a r gales , With a l t e r n a t i n g ba lmy d a y s t h a t we have had a pecul iar J a n u a r y , but a f te r all it ha sn ' t been m u c h different from the genera l a v e r ­age . The careful record of t e m ­pe ra tu re s and precipi ta t ion, a.i compiled a t the Oneon ta olflce of the United S t a t e s w e a t h e r b u r e a u shows tha t the mean m a x i m u m t e m p e r a t u r e for J a n u a r y w a s a p ­p rox ima te ly 841» degrees , the mean m i n i m u m was 199J deg rees

and the prevai l ing price of milk and f a u n produce any young man made of the p rope r stuff could ac ­cumula te a compe tency in a few yea is.

1 am anxious to see a good road in B r a g g Hollow, m y boy-

ind comfort .

T a x p a y e r s Gave Dollar for Dollar Mr. Edi tor As you a r e request­

ing our opinion of the " b e t t e r t ime, a pel road" problem, I will s a y t h a t 1 ' have been a m grea t ly in favor of improved reading be roads and th ink it a good idea to

the town as sugges ted in your paper a couple of weeks ago . W h y not build roads n o w ? We a r e so in te res ted in good roads in our locali ty t h a t last fall m a n y in teres ted people g a v e dollar for dollar wi th the town which buil t a tine piece of road.

W. E. Carey . Fleischmanns, N. Y.

m u m w a s zero on the 30th. The grea tes t daily r a n g e w a s Hi d e ­grees on the" 1st. T h e p rec ip i t a ­tion for t h e m o n t h w a s only 1.86 inches, which is much below t he a v e r a g e . And the snowfall a l to ­g e t h e r w a s only 4.6 inches, t i l ls being included in the above fig­u r e of to ta l p rec ip i t a t ion i r a in or mel ted snow.)

: The S t a r says t h a t those who have held the belief t h a t J a n u a r y j u s t ended was except ional ly w a r m

' have a n o t h e r guess coming . The mean t e m p e r a t u r e las t m o n t h a s above s ta ted , w a s 27 degrees , b u t in 1000 the mean for J a n u a r y w a s

; 20.4 degrees , t he lowest be ing 7 degrees on the 28th. Since t h a t

Willing to Pay for stone Itoads Dear Edi tor 1 wish to say that

1 a m very much in favor of un­proved town roads and when I read the art ic le , conta in ing youi suggest ion, Of how this migh t be brought about in a shor t t ime, 1 thought , "what a wise plan." Surely no one could be more will­ing to pay addi t ional t ax , in o rde r to have stone toads in our town, than myself.

Henry W. Todd. Bedell, N . Y.

1900; ;«.!) g recs in l!K and for a J a n u a r y , U ago .

As for sni noted, t he re last month , t table In mat t , in 102;i, who ;!7.7 inches du 1912 the re w January snow cont ras t , in 1911, t he re wo at al l!


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T h i F

Sclioolho'iise Communi ty Meeting

sb rua ry communi ty meet­ing at the Stone h nlh Dunraven, will bo held S a t u r d a y of th is week, Feb. 4th, Morning session 11 o'clock. Communi ty singing, fun, frolic and sociabil i ty. Dinner 12:15,

Afternoon session l o'clock. Musical p r o g r a m J>y t eache r s of the Margare tv i l l e high school. Address by Prof. Alexander on "The F u t u r e of I he Rural and Village School." Address by Miss Marion VanDyke on "The Relation of the P a r e n t s to the School." Come and have a good t ime at the old Stone schoolhouso!

\ 1 •

to fie

l)C. imsbl


BELLEAYRE Mrs, Alice Warfleld, w h o h a s

been spending some t ime wi th her daughte r , Mrs . Lewis W h e a t of Merrickvllle, h a s re turned home.

Mrs . J . E. Cross visited h e r son Alber t a t Dunraven the last of

me-tery . The pal lbearers were

T h o m a s Edwards , John Blish, Ed-„ . ward Kitt le, Vernon Cook, Wll-

will spend the remainder of t l i e l l i am Delamete r and Ear l Eeke r t . win te r a t Mrs . GUI's.

In t he fas tes t baske t bull g a m e ; A Real Surpr ise Pa r t y of t he season a t the old opren . I t is not often Unit a surpr i se house Wednesday evening the par ty ever mater ia l izes , a s some locals lost to the fast Oneonta ! one usual ly spills the beans be-ilve, champions of Otsego county, I forehand. But a real surpr i se by t he score of 45 to 38. The I pa r ly was held a t the home of g a m e w a s rough a t t imes, but w a s , Mrs . Char les Teed on S w a r t street handled sa t is fac tor i ly by U m p i r e ! on S a t u r d a y night , when the quilt Merr l t t . commit tee of the Ladles ' Aid of

At a r egu la r communica t ion of i the Methodist church toge the r """ " "* F . | wi th some friends m a d e a t r i u m -

Pouglr-FleiseliinamiH Defeats Ueepsle Five

In a fast and interes t ing g a m e the F l e i s chmanns F ive defeated the c rack Beckwith quintet of Poughkeepsle at S a t u r d a y night . was marked by fast passwork , a ccu ra t e shoot ing and clean play­ing by both quinte ts , bu t six fouls called on each side, Faulkner led the scor ing for t he home boys, cag ing seven line goals and two

road has been. The Hubbell Hill, B r a g g Hollow and Millbrook roads are very ha rd to keep up, a s the stone and gravel a r e dumped along the sides instead of being put in and covered up.

1 worked wi th Tay lo r Ha l t e ight years and he never drew a load of stone out of the road and dumped them, but a lways used them in the bad places in the road. When any one says he drew them out and dumped them he is mis taken . Halt is the only foreman in this town that is bound to place the stone in the road and cover them.

1 a m a t a x p a y e r and I a m in favor of good roads .

John M. Smith, Kelly Corners, N. Y

Defends Mr. Halt Dear Edi tor : Do I believe in

good improved town roads? Most Arkvil le hall j assuredly 1 do. A good sub-base

The contes t is a n excellent idea. But if you rake up the stones, and put them in the road this year and cover them with dirt , why next year a long conies the big Linn t rac tor , and town road scrapor, and a force of men, coating $15.00 per

Rev. George A. Cole spent last week with his family at Yonkers .

Miss B e r t h a K. Hunt of Shan-week-end with Carr ie Hunt .

Mrs. A r t h u r Bussy spent Fri­day with friends at Margare tv i l le .

Mas te r Be rna rd Keator Is a t ­tending the Margaretvi l le high school.

E p h r a l m Hall of Lake Delaware is visit ing his daugh te r , Mrs . W. II. Smith.

The Ladies ' Aid will meet a t the home of Mrs . E. IT. Seeley next Wednesday afternoon, Febru­a r y 8th.

Mrs . J . W. Hunt , Mrs . H e r m a n Wtckham and Miss Lela Wick-h a m a t t ended the teache r s ' con­ference held a l Arkville last F r i ­day.

Dr. J . A. Gaul of Roxbury w a s here S a t u r d a y to see Mr. and Mrs. J. Greene, who a re in failing health,

F. Bur r Gregory litis been ill the pas t few days with tonsil i t is .

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Murdock of Brooklyn spent last week wi th the i r pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs . J . D. Murdock.

The Hist ice of the season is being harves ted th is week. Ice of very good qual i ty, 7 ' j inches i thick is being cut from the Lily Pond and o the r smal l ponds in

President , died on F e b r u a r y 3, 1924 He w a s a man of r e m a r k a ­ble abi l i ty; one t ime pres ident ot

K W ^ ^ ^ en t ry Into the Teed home to P ^ W e n o y in J J M j j ^ i p g g j | g & % £ $ Z Fellow' Craf t | ce lebrate with Mrs


foTils'whil'e' Do'wey"led t"or"pougii- day to operate , and scrape out t h o i y j I ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ o ^ f J . ^ J n o ' w i l " l °

dent by going to Eu rope in the In te res t of world peace . He had a s t r o n g c h a r a c t e r and will power,

the week. „ . , . n , . a i H i a n d and w a s reckoned as the real lead-Mr and Mrs . Virgil B ' a » 8 i a " , ? J ? ° ' , n l a p a i . t y . m s n e a k i n g of

of Wal ton visi ted h e r pa ren t s , Mr. er^pr ms^puivy a n n p l l l l Vnn„ f l r w .

1'ecd her (loth „ o i r e f e r r e d UDOti five caud i - ' b i r thday . These women disprov-

I t e s After h'e degree work ed the old say ing t h a t "women ,?,\nwlches cake coffee, and cl- cannot keep a secret ," a s Mrs.

?,a s we e seTved to the b re th ren Teed w a s tota l ly u n a w a r e of a n y

koepslc Next S a t u r d a y night , Delhi, the

only team to defeat Fleischmanns on the i r home court this season, will play at Arkville. The score :

Poughkeepsle F G F P

f 6 -I tl 0

HridWMrsU"ve,-ne7Marks, S a t u r d a y ; leaders :

and Sunday , m . » j . T e r r v Clove ^ e n r t h ^ a ^ w ^ a T O home

° f w i l £ m T a U W o o d f o r d . w h o is t e a d i g in dis tr ic t No. 4, spent S h e ' ^ e e V c ^ n t O ^ o n t a .

: « e a d flowers for s a l e - v a r i o u s JSSr Pr ice 60 cen t s u p .

colors. r n i - A U c e sp rague .—Adv.

Korn ' s Special Blend Cof by the s t ewards .

Mrs Rache l Alton, who h a s

Dewey, r. Allen, 1. f Crlsple, 6.

I T S ^ = T ' o p p o r : | b , e r V ' c o n f j S T j j j B ^ d for two | e a t s t he^pa r . y . ended

S l k . M t t a ^ ^ » • h » t j s i w i t h »10 .uu. goods I bineil wi th t he mode ra t e pr ice , In creases i ts popula r i ty ; and every d a v hundreds of sat isf ied cus tom­ers a r e enjoying th i s delicious hiend which is obta ined of Samue l K o r V Arkvil le, N . Y., a t 2 pounds for 85c postpaid . A valuable ttllverware coupon packed in every pound.—Adv.

w a s no t — us well us usual th is week. The following recent ly visited Mrs . Alton and he r daughte r , Mrs . H a r ­riet C la rk : Mr. and Mrs . Char les Fa l rba l rn of Andes, Ju l ian Alton of Hobar t , Mrs . M a r t h a W a l k e r of Denver and Miss Cora Alton of F le i schmanns .

p repa ra t ions . The evening w a s I Murphy , spent very p leasant ly and with j rogar ty , 1

• ' ended In the u sua l . us presented Total... for a dress .


S. Korn of Arkvil le Is com- Rallard, r. f.. . nieniorating his 4<>ih business an- Faulkner, i. f niversary , beginning Sa tu rday , : Merr ihew, p . , by a 12-days sale .in which p r a c t l - ' Tervay , r. g . . . cally the ent i re stock is being Koenig, 1. g . . . offered a t prices which command i a t t en t ion . Tota l


18 le-isehnianns

F G F P 4

. .7

. .1

. .4 .4


stone which w a s put in. I have worked for the town for

the past six years , in till p a r t s of the town, and know what I'm ta lk ing about.

As for Taylor Hail rait ing ] ' P s tones out of the road and draw-

14 ing them In a patch of weeds, 12 David Sanford is misinformed, it l i k e Is curious on the subject, why •1 1 can take him over to Townsend 7 Hollow, and show him where Tuy-

— lor Hal t and his men put them in 41 the road, and also other pa r t s of

tin' town, and 1 can show him, where some o ther force of men drew t ruck load af ter t ruck load into the brush a s he s ta ted.

tilling the c reamery ice house Mrs. Alvern Hunt en te r ta ined

Mrs. E m m a Dickson, Mrs. Mar­gare t Holmes, Mrs. R. Tompkins , Mrs. E m m a Hunt and Mis . II. J . Slack at d inner Wednesday in honor of the b i r thday of M i s . Car­rie Hunt .

The communi ty relief society will hold a mee t ing a t the home of Mrs. Kmiiia Dickson next Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All who are in teres ted please a t ­tend.

T 1' s

Hi •i !)


A Love Story I • . .\ urduy — Tw Week. On F r i d a y ar i n i

week we s h o w . ^ : . s t a r s , Greta G:l 5 "

. jil " >•

the E m b a ij tli<

nted wiin se solace from you i

1 mission 50c, Next T u e s d a y

special. "The Wa is considered i western s t a r s air reputa t ion in t); "Collegians." A

Next Thu r sday in "The Pioneer S now under the i l P a r a m o u n t Plc tu i ...ivj promise us a real wes te rn t h r i l l e r . . . Comedy. News . Admiss ion 40c,

NEW KINGSTON John II. Sanford left last F r i d a y

for Tenafly, N . J., where he j tx? peets to spend the reniaindeuS&tfl'

• the w in t e r w i th his daugh t e r , M r s . Allen Mayhue .

E a r l T h o m s o n finished W e d n e s -1 day his c a r p e n t e r work for Hon.

George A. Owens, and left for his home in Delhi.

i Hugh Rober tson, who has been ' qui te ill. is able to be about the house at presen t .

Lyle George of Bingha in tou spent the week-end wi th his sis­ter, Mrs . Richard Rober tson . Mrs . Rober tson re tu rned home w i t h him for a week ' s s tay .

The schools in the v a l l e y w e r e closed last F r i d a y while the t e a c h ­ers a t t ended a conference a t A r k ­ville.

A n u m b e r of the young women of the chu rch met a t the pa r son­age last week a n d organized a Missionary society, with Mrs . F r a n k Long, P res iden t ; Mis . H a r r y DeSilva, vice p res iden t ; Mrs, Harley Beardsloy, treasurer,

' Mrs. Ruthven Rober tson, sec re ­ta ry .

Robert Rober tson, who Is c m -I ployed by the ci ty of New York i a s a milk inspector , spent tlio week-end here with ids parents, Mr. and Mrs . George Rober t son .

L. W. Archibald is busy th i s week ins ta l l ing a Delco l igh t ing plant lor W. R. Sanford in the lower end of the valley.

V. P. Church, New Kings ton Rev. T. Clifford Hay, P a s t o r . Sunday, Feb. 5 Sunday school

at 11; p reach ing service a t 12, subject, "The Messenger ." Y o u n g people's mee t ing a t 7:30 p. m.

Wednesday, Feb, S - P r a y e r mee t ing at the home of Rober t Dowie 7:30 p. m.

Thursday , Feb. U ' orajMl miss ionary society > i • th • home of Mn I uola Ingb I Young Won « v meet -ing at the h Mrs. K a U i s Beardsley at 7:30.

Fr iday , Feb . 10—Junior m e e t i n g at th - p a r s o n a g e al 3 p. m.

The s ta te public service com­mission held a hear ing a t Albany Tuesday on the appl icat ion of the

What we need is a fence guard- New York S ta t e Gas and Electr ic rails a long some of these danger- corporat ion for permission to ex- -»— mis dug- ways , good sub-base, and tend i ts electr ic d i s t t ibu t ion lines Tin t-H bi s and gir ls of Dela-' some good men to build them, and , into the village of Downsville. The j w a r e LU . an ted 110,000 t ree«

471 not th row s tones ut chip squir-1 appl icat ion Will be g ran t ed . last y e n .

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