CATHEDRAL OF ST PAUL JANUARY 24, 2021 CATEDRAL DE SAN … · 2021. 1. 24. · CATEDRAL DE SAN PABLO 38 High Street, Worcester, MA 01609 ︎ 508-799-4193 [email protected]

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Page 1: CATHEDRAL OF ST PAUL JANUARY 24, 2021 CATEDRAL DE SAN … · 2021. 1. 24. · CATEDRAL DE SAN PABLO 38 High Street, Worcester, MA 01609 ︎ 508-799-4193 cathedralofsaintpaul@gmail.com


Page 2: CATHEDRAL OF ST PAUL JANUARY 24, 2021 CATEDRAL DE SAN … · 2021. 1. 24. · CATEDRAL DE SAN PABLO 38 High Street, Worcester, MA 01609 ︎ 508-799-4193 cathedralofsaintpaul@gmail.com

horarios de la segunda fase - second phase schedule LORD’S DAY 5pm (Sat) Español 8am Misa en Español 10am Mass in English 12pm Misa en Español

MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00am Mass 12:10 Mass Viernes 7:00pm Misa en Español

CONFESSIONS after 12:10pm Masses and on Fridays from 5:30-6:15pm and Saturdays 4:00-4:45pm,

Rectory Porch, parking lot side


CATEDRAL DE SAN PABLO 38 High Street, Worcester, MA 01609 ▪︎ 508-799-4193

[email protected] ▪︎ www.cathedralofsaintpaul.com

Barbara Lizardo, Administrative Assistant

[email protected]

Parish Office Hours M-F, 9am -2 pm.

Gary Gagne, Maintenance Director

Robert Benoit, Assistant Director

Vo Robert, Director Elder Outreach

[email protected]

Sr. Veronica Paredes, XMM,

Coordinator of Religious Education

[email protected]


Richard Monroe, Director of Sacred Music

[email protected]

Deacon Walter Doyle, Food Pantry Manager

[email protected]

Maria Almendárez, Safe Environment Coordinator

[email protected]

Monsignor James P. Moroney, Rector

[email protected]

Reverend Diego Buriticá, Associate Pastor

[email protected]

Reverend Stephen Gemme, Resident Priest

[email protected]

Reverend Alfredo Porras, Resident Priest

[email protected]

Deacon Francisco Escobar

[email protected]

Deacon Franklin Lizardo

[email protected]

Deacon Colin Novick

[email protected]

Deacon Anthony Xatse

[email protected]

Bishop Robert J. McManus

Bishop of Worcester

Page 3: CATHEDRAL OF ST PAUL JANUARY 24, 2021 CATEDRAL DE SAN … · 2021. 1. 24. · CATEDRAL DE SAN PABLO 38 High Street, Worcester, MA 01609 ︎ 508-799-4193 cathedralofsaintpaul@gmail.com




Saturday / Sábado January 23rd

4:00-4:45pm Confessions in the Rectory Porch,

parking lot side.

5pm Por todos los enfermos en especial todas las familias de

nuestra Catedral San Pablo que estan pasando por el proceso del

virus COVID-19.

Sunday / Domingo January 24th (Upper Church)

8am Por todos los enfermos, en especial todas las familias de

nuestra Catedral San Pablo que estan pasando por el proceso del

virus COVID-19.

+ Por el eterno descanso de Diego Guzman,

Alonzo Muñoz . Intencion de la familia Muñoz .

+ Por el eterno descanso de Jose Oquendo.

10am + Most Rev. Bernard J. Flanagan 23rd Anniversary

12pm Por todos los enfermos en especial todas las familias de

nuestra Catedral San Pablo que estan pasando por el proceso del

virus COVID-19.

+ Por el eterno descanso de Neumiciano Olortegui.

Intención de Gladis y Bolívar Bermejo.

+ Por el eterno descanso de Solangel Zapata y

Alfaro Mina.

Por el fin de la Pandemia. Intención Grupo de Oración.

Monday / Lunes January 25th

9am - TV Mass (Chapel)

12:10pm - Mass (Upper Church) - followed by confessions in the

Rectory Porch, parking lot side.

Tuesday / Martes January 26th

9am - TV Mass (Chapel)

12:10pm - Mass (Upper Church) - followed by confessions in the

Rectory Porch, parking lot side.

Wednesday / Miércoles January 27th

9am - TV Mass (Chapel)

12:10pm – Mass (Upper Church) followed by confessions in the

Rectory Porch, parking lot side.

Thursday / Jueves January 28th (Upper Church)

9am - TV Mass (Chapel)

12:10pm – Mass (Upper Church) followed by confessions in the

Rectory Porch, parking lot side.

Friday / Viernes January 29th (Upper Church) 9am - TV Mass (Chapel)

12:10pm – Mass (Upper Church) followed by confessions in the

Rectory Porch, parking lot side.

12:50-6:45pm Eucharist Adoration (Upper Church)

7:00pm Mass in Spanish (Upper Church)

Deposit of Jan.10 week.

Depósito de la semana de enero 10

Regular Collection $4,484.50



Page 4: CATHEDRAL OF ST PAUL JANUARY 24, 2021 CATEDRAL DE SAN … · 2021. 1. 24. · CATEDRAL DE SAN PABLO 38 High Street, Worcester, MA 01609 ︎ 508-799-4193 cathedralofsaintpaul@gmail.com


Here are a bunch of QR codes for parish registration, signing up for our Flocknote bulletins and how to get to Cathedral Website and Monsignor Moroney’s Blog. Happy surfing! Aquí tienes un montón de códigos QR para el registro parroquial, inscríbete para

recibir nuestros boletines por Flocknote y cómo llegar al página web de la Catedral

y el Blog de Monseñor Moroney. ¡Feliz Navegación!

MONSIGNOR’S BLOG FLOCKNOTE WEBSITE http://msgrmoroney.blogspot.com https://cathedralofsaintpaul.flocknote.com https://cathedralofsaintpaul.com ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“La política responde a la necesidad imperiosa de convivir para construir juntos el bien

común posible, el de una comunidad que resigna intereses particulares para poder

compartir, con justicia y paz, sus bienes, sus intereses, su vida social. No subestimo la

dificultad que esto conlleva, pero los aliento en este esfuerzo.”

“Politics is an expression of our compelling need to live as one, in order to build as one

the greatest common good: that of a community which sacrifices particular interests in

order to share, in justice and peace, its goods, its interests, its social life. I do not

underestimate the difficulty that this involves, but I encourage you in this effort.”

Papa Francisco a Congresso de Los Estados Unidos de América

Pope Francis to a joint session of the U.S. Congress, 24 September 2015

Page 5: CATHEDRAL OF ST PAUL JANUARY 24, 2021 CATEDRAL DE SAN … · 2021. 1. 24. · CATEDRAL DE SAN PABLO 38 High Street, Worcester, MA 01609 ︎ 508-799-4193 cathedralofsaintpaul@gmail.com

Prayer for Our Government by Archbishop John Carroll (1791)

Oración por nuestro gobierno por el Arzobispo John Carroll (1791)

We pray O God of might, wisdom and justice, through whom

authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and

judgment decreed, assist with your Holy Spirit of counsel and

fortitude the president of these United States, that his

administration may be conducted in righteousness and be

eminently useful to your people over whom he presides; by

encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by a faithful

execution of the laws in justice and mercy; and by restraining

vice and immorality. Let the light of your divine wisdom direct

the deliberations of Congress, and shine forth in all the

proceedings and laws framed for our rule and government, so

that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of

national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety and useful

knowledge; and may perpetuate to us the blessing of equal

liberty. Amen.


Te rogamos, oh Dios de poder, sabiduría y justicia, a través de

quien se administra correctamente la autoridad, se promulgan

leyes y se decreta el juicio, ayuda con tu Santo Espíritu de

consejo y fortaleza al presidente de estos Estados Unidos, para

que su administración se lleve a cabo con rectitud. y sea

eminentemente útil a tu pueblo a quien preside; fomentando el

debido respeto por la virtud y la religión; por una fiel ejecución

de las leyes en justicia y misericordia; y refrenando el vicio y la

inmoralidad. Deja que la luz de tu sabiduría divina dirija las

deliberaciones del Congreso y brille en todos los procedimientos

y leyes enmarcados para nuestro gobierno y gobierno, para que

tiendan a la preservación de la paz, la promoción de la felicidad

nacional, el aumento de la industria. , sobriedad y conocimientos

útiles; y puede perpetuarnos la bendición de una libertad igual.
