CATARACKTS A cataracts is opacity of the lens. Some degree of cataract formation is to be expected in most people more than 70 years of age. Worldwide, catarct is the primary cause of reduced vision and blindness. More than i million catarct operations are now being performed annualy in the united states. A person with a normal life span is more liely to undergo a catarct operation than any other ma!or surgical procedure. "#A$A%A#&$S Sebuah atara adalah eburaman lensa. 'eberapa tingat pembentuan atara diharapan pada ebanyaan orang lebih dari 70 tahun. (i seluruh dunia, catarct adalah penyebab utama berurangnya penglihatan dan ebutaan. )ebih dari i !uta operasi catarct searang sedang dilauan setiap tahunnya di Ameria Seriat. Seseorang dengan !anga hidup yang normal lebih mungin untu men!alani operasi catarct daripada prosedur pembedahan besar lainnya* $he most common cataract is the age+related or snile type. Senile ususally begin around the age of 0 years and consist of cortical, nuclear, or posterior. Subcapsular opacities, which may coexist in various combination. -n cortical catarct, spoe+lie opaci cations are found in the periphery of the lens. $hey progress slowly, infre/uenly involve the visual axis, and often do not cause severe loss of vision. uclear sclerotic catarct are result of a progressive yellowing and hardening of the central lens "nucleus*. Most people older than 70 have some degree of nuclear sclerosis. 1osterior lens capsula and cause visual loss early in their development because they lie directly on the visual axis. &atara yang paling umum adalah !enis usia terait atau piun. 1iun biasanya mulai seitar usia 0 tahun dan terdiri dari ortes, nulir, atau posterior. &eeruhan subapsular, yang dapat hidup berdampingan dalam berbagai ombinasi. (alam catarct ortial, berbicara seperti opaci cations ditemuan di pinggiran lensa. Merea ma!u perlahan+lahan, infre/uenly melibatan sumbu visual, dan sering tida menyebaban hilangnya berat visi. ulir catarct sleroti adalah hasil dari menguning progresif dan pengerasan lensa pusat "inti*. &ebanyaan orang tua dari 70 memilii beberapa tingat sclerosis nulir. 1osterior capsula lensa dan menyebaban hilangnya penglihatan awal perembangan merea arena merea berbaring langsung pada sumbu visual 2tiolgy and ris factors $he cumulative exposure to ultraviolet light over a person3s life span is the single most important ris factor in catarct development. 1eople whi live at high altitudes or who wor in bright sunlight, such as commercial shermen, appear to oxperience cataract formation earlier in life. 4lassblowers and welders who do not wear eye protection are also at hinger ris.


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CATARACKTSA cataracts is opacity of the lens. Some degree of cataract formation is to be expected in most people more than 70 years of age. Worldwide, catarct is the primary cause of reduced vision and blindness. More than i million catarct operations are now being performed annualy in the united states. A person with a normal life span is more likely to undergo a catarct operation than any other major surgical procedure.(CATARACKTSSebuah katarak adalah keburaman lensa. Beberapa tingkat pembentukan katarak diharapkan pada kebanyakan orang lebih dari 70 tahun. Di seluruh dunia, catarct adalah penyebab utama berkurangnya penglihatan dan kebutaan. Lebih dari i juta operasi catarct sekarang sedang dilakukan setiap tahunnya di Amerika Serikat. Seseorang dengan jangka hidup yang normal lebih mungkin untuk menjalani operasi catarct daripada prosedur pembedahan besar lainnya)The most common cataract is the age-related or snile type. Senile ususally begin around the age of 50 years and consist of cortical, nuclear, or posterior. Subcapsular opacities, which may coexist in various combination. In cortical catarct, spoke-like opacifications are found in the periphery of the lens. They progress slowly, infrequenly involve the visual axis, and often do not cause severe loss of vision. Nuclear sclerotic catarct are result of a progressive yellowing and hardening of the central lens (nucleus). Most people older than 70 have some degree of nuclear sclerosis. Posterior lens capsula and cause visual loss early in their development because they lie directly on the visual axis.Katarak yang paling umum adalah jenis usia terkait atau pikun. Pikun biasanya mulai sekitar usia 50 tahun dan terdiri dari korteks, nuklir, atau posterior. Kekeruhan subkapsular, yang dapat hidup berdampingan dalam berbagai kombinasi. Dalam catarct kortikal, berbicara seperti opacifications ditemukan di pinggiran lensa. Mereka maju perlahan-lahan, infrequenly melibatkan sumbu visual, dan sering tidak menyebabkan hilangnya berat visi. Nuklir catarct sklerotik adalah hasil dari menguning progresif dan pengerasan lensa pusat (inti). Kebanyakan orang tua dari 70 memiliki beberapa tingkat sclerosis nuklir. Posterior capsula lensa dan menyebabkan hilangnya penglihatan awal perkembangan mereka karena mereka berbaring langsung pada sumbu visual

Etiolgy and risk factorsThe cumulative exposure to ultraviolet light over a persons life span is the single most important risk factor in catarct development. People whi live at high altitudes or who work in bright sunlight, such as commercial fishermen, appear to oxperience cataract formation earlier in life. Glassblowers and welders who do not wear eye protection are also at hinger risk.

Cataract may delelop as a result of many other systemic, acular, and congenital disorders. Systemic disorders include diabetes, tetany, myotonic dystrophy, neurodermatitis, galactosemia, lowe syndrome, wenners syndrome and down syndrome. Intraocular disorders include iridocyclitis, renitis, retinal detachment, and onchocerciasis. Infection (german measles, mumps, hepatis, poliomyelitis, chicikenpox, infection mononuclesosis) during the first trimester of pregenancy may cause congentinal cataract. Blunt trauma, lacerations, foreign bodies, radiation, exposure to infraded light, and chronic use of corticosteroid may also result in cataract.PathophysiologyCataract formation is chtaracterized chemilly by a reduction in oxygen uptake and an initial increase in water content followed by dehydreation of the lens. Si=odium and calcium contects are increased, potassium ascorbic acid, and protein contents are decreased. The protein in the lens undergoes numerous age-related changes ,including yellowing from formation of fluorescent compounds and molecular changes changes. These changes, along with the photoabsorption of cataract may be caused by a photochermical process.Cataract progress in predictable pattern, they begin as immanuture cataract that are not complectly opaque and some light is transmitted throught them, allowing useful vision. Mature cataract are completely opaque ( the former term for this stage was ripe). Vision in significantly reduced. Hypermature cataract are those in which the lens proteins break down into short-chain polypeptides that leak out through the lens capsule. The pieces of protein are enguifedby macrophages, which may obstruct the trabecular meshwork, causing phacolytic glaucoma.ComplicationPostoperative infection, bleeding, macular edema, and wound leaks are possible, however, side effect, after cataract surgery are rare. The incidence or retinal detachment is hinger in the 12 months after cataract surgery.