‘Stakes of a system of management control’ Case of Hassan I university of settat Presented by: Miss Fatima OUAHRAOUI 05 September 2011

Case of Hassan I university of settat - uwe.ac.uk · Some constraints of higher education sector in morocco A mismatch between the university and the labor market, the unemployment

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‘Stakes of a system of management control’

Case of Hassan I university of settat

Presented by: Miss Fatima OUAHRAOUI

05 September 2011


• Higher education in morocco

• Emergency plan


• The Societal relevance of research

• Problematic

• The filed of reseach

Methodological and theorical

• The methodological framework

• The theoretical framework


• Conclusions

• Perspectives

General Context

2000 : Reform of higher education aim to improve the quality of education in Morocco

2003/2004: The adoption of the Bologna Process, a new educational organization following the model BMD

2007: Royal's speech calls for a contingency plan to rectify the situation.

2008: The evaluation report of the High Council Education reviews the achievements.

2009 : the Ministry of Higher Education develop a contingency plan to give new impetus to education reform.

Some constraints of higher education sector in morocco

A mismatch between the university and the labor market, the unemployment rate for graduates of higher education is the highest compared to other categories of graduates.

An inconsistency between the private sector and mass selective studies in guidance from the high school degree (baccalaureat). 78% of graduates of the academic year 2006/2007 are branches of literary and social science (CSE Report 2008)

Insufficient infrastructure , the local university and training materials as well as human resources.

The emergency plan 2009/2012

The evaluation report of the High Council Education

in 2008

Adoption of proccess of bologne in


Reform of higher education in 2000

The university in the heart of the change…

New form of governance-based contract

General Context

The emergency plan ….To breathe new life into the reform and

development education

A Guiding Principle

To place the learner in the heart of the educational and training system

and put the other actors of the system at his service.

Two major prerequisites

•Fundamental transformation of management methods

•Adopting an innovative approach based on a Project Approach

Areas for actions

The Emergency Plan was presented as organized around four areas of action each containing a set of projects.

The approach sat well on key levers:

The definition of an ambitious plan outlined in great detail: areas of intervention, projects, action plans, Planning, Resources ...;

The adoption of a logical process, which has to involve all major players in the system of Education and Training in the development of the Emergency Plan;

The involvement of land to provide a variation of "proximity" of each measure identified and ensure the practical feasibility;

The development of a tracking device that will close the best possible control of the implementation of actions;

3 areas of actions Concerning university

• Project 12: Promoting excellence

• Project 13: The development of the supply of higher education.

• Project 14: Promotion of Scientific Research

Area 2: To stimulate the initiative and excellence in high school and university

• Project 15: Capacity building of staff of the University.

• Project 16: Improving the governance of the University and strengthening its autonomy

• Project 17: optimization of human resources management

Area 3: Addressing cross-cutting issues of the system

• Project 18: Completion of the implementation of devolution / decentralization and optimizing the organization of the Ministry Project 19: Planning and Management System of Education and Training Project 20: Language skills Project 21: Establishment of a system of efficient information and guidance monitoring and evaluation of staff

Area 4: Providing the means to succeed

For each project identified an operational form was developed defining the :


Strategic objectives,



Three fundamental principles of autonomy, professionalism and contracts were

used as a guideline for the design and articulation of the goals of the plan to meet

the real needs of universities in terms of :


diversification of training,

promotion excellence,

governance and

openness to the socio-economic environment.

The universities have developed their plans for facilities in accordance with the

principles, aims, objectives and measures of the Emergency Plan.

As part of their contracts for the period 2009/ 2012 focused in particular:

The extension and upgrade university infrastructures;

The development and diversification of the supply of training and orientation to the scientific, technical and professional while ensuring that the effort to contribute to economic and social development at regional and national levels;

Improving the quality of university education and the effectiveness of the university education system in terms of internal and external efficiency.

Promotion of scientific research and improving its governance and visibility of its performance.

Optimizing the use of resources and institutional capacity building of governance of the University to consolidate its independence.

Emergency plan : logic of contract The commitments of the universities:

In part against the state is committed to make

available university the necessary means to achieve the

fixed objectives which include 0.9 billion Pounds and 2400 budget items over 4 years.

Emergency plan : logic of contract The commitments of the state:

Emergency plan : logic of contract Monitoring and evaluation

The implementation of these contractual commitments is accompanied by a

monitoring and evaluation built around the following axes:

Monitoring committees of evaluation:

an internal committee at the University;

a central committee at the Ministry.

Periodic reporting

A progress report on the progress (each 6 months);

An annual report on the review of achievements ;

A set of indicators for monitoring (frequency biannual)

An annual action plan.

A process central to assessing the degree of achievement of objectives, proposals for improving performance and direction of budgetary subsidies;

The Moroccan university

Contracting with the State

The societal relevance of my research

Contract objectives

Contract means



Financial Resources

Human resources

A change of culture

Responsibility actors

Permanent dialogue management

Management control is a central feature in this process

The problematic of my research

The challenge of contracting: the Moroccan university has grown from a logic of means to a logic of results

To support this logic, what is the model of management control to set up a public organization such as the Moroccan university?

Problem identified..

The question..

The field of research : Case of hassan I university

The field of research The University Hassan I

of Settat

Including 6 public establisments

• Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) in Settat •The National School of Business and Management (ENCG) in Settat •The Faculty of Law Economics and Social science (FSJES) in Settat •Faculty polydisciplinary (FPK) in Khouribga •The National School of Applied Science (ENSA) in Khouribga •The higher School of Technology (EST) at Berrchid

Case of Hassan I university

University Hassan I in the person of its president signed a four-year plan beginning in 2009, with the ministry and the Ministry of Economy and Finance which is aimed at large development and upgrade University H1.

Example of university ‘s targets

Case of Hassan I university The State undertakes to allocate at the University grants and capital and

operating budget items necessary for the implementation of the objectives of

this contract. The commitments of the state subsidy and budget items are

stopped as follows:

For each establishment, a canvas for budget execution

The organization of research

The theoretical framework This is considered the model of management control in terms of the levers of control developed by Simons by Simons (1995)

Research Methodology 1. Epistemological: constructivist approach (process of social construction) 2. Methodological: A Research -intervention

Materials for data collection

1. Intensive approach (interviews, workshops) 2. Extensive approach (benchmark with a

onther universities)

Diagnostis of Objectives

Based on the figures below, it is clear that the university comes to exceed its

targets in comparison to the situation in 2008 (base year), and against targets in

respect of 2010. However negative differences are also significant compared

to targets.

What is noteworthy is that the rise of these indicators is a bottom-up, each

institution as these achievements and all these data are consolidated by

the central coordinator of projects at the university. Among the difficulties

encountered on the ascent and the calculation of this indicators are cited:

The lack of functional organization "fixed" and those responsible for systematic reporting and information feedback. It means that coordinators at school level are not systematic and are not affected 100% to the reporting and monitoring indicators.

The frequency of back information is not systematic (monthly for example), it is usually in connection with the preparation of progress reports or annual report, that institutions are beginning to send their canvas.

Poor communication about the indicators, explains the quality of indicators and the differences between the assessment and evaluation.

Diagnostis of Objectives

Diagnostis of Means…

At Work on these observations, it is clear that the

establishment of a system of management control and

budget monitoring is essential.


From this, The adoption of an internal control and management control is one of the clear recommendations of the emergency plan .

The question in this context is to know in which theoretical framework can we

write the model of management control to set up in Moroccan universities.

To do this, we propose to work the levers of control of R. Simons (1995) which

operate a dual distinction between on the one hand, control systems focused on

the attention opposed to systems-oriented research to opportunities and learning

and on the other hand, systems to oversee strategic areas opposed to systems

responsible for formulating and implementing the strategy


The The theoretical framework

Beyond belief systems and boundaries, we focus particularly on the

control diagnostic and interactive control.

Control systems are diagnostic of "formal information systems that managers use

to monitor organizational outcomes and correct deviations from preset standards

of performance" R. Simons, 1995, P.59.

These feedback systems are the basis of traditional control systems according to

Simons, their characteristics are three:

the ability to measure the results of a process

the existence of predefined standards to which the results can be compared

the ability to correct deviations from standards

While the interactive control systems are defined as "formal information systems used by managers to engage regularly and personally in the decision-making activities of subordinates" Simons, 1995, P.95

As part of the control levers of Simons, the tools of management control are distinguished:

1. Conventional diagnostic tools of control: plans, budgets, dashboards, reporting systems and monitoring of cost, ...

2. Interactive control tools: the Balanced Scorecard

In a context such as the university, the performance management is necessary for

the implementation of its strategy and achieve its objectives, while the dialogue

management is also needed at all levels whether or decision operational and to

promote the ideas of development and strategies in the medium and long term.

For this reason, the combination of the two types of controls proposed by Simons

is useful for the proper control of the university.

Thank you for your attention