NORTH EAST edion SPRING 2014 m “We are pioneering a new approach to teaching entrepreneurship by focusing on ‘learning by doing’” PETER JONES CBE What do they mean for you? GCSE MATHS & ENGLISH REFORMS Get yours right first time! CV BUILDER AFFILIATE MEMBER ALSO IN THIS ISSUE PLUS: OUR EXPERT PANEL ANSWER MORE OF YOUR KEY QUESTIONS & WE PREVIEW NATIONAL APPRENTICESHIP WEEK 2014

Careers World North East SPRING 2014

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Featuring: Peter Jones interview, CV Builder, GCSE Maths & English Reforms, Expert Panel & loads more 14-19 careers and training info

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  • NORTH EAST editi on SPRING 2014


    We are pioneering a new approach to teaching entrepreneurship by focusing on learning by doing


    What do they mean for you?


    Get yours right fi rst time!CV BUILDER




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    Published by Open Doors Media Ltd01765 694 120 | [email protected] Editor | Elliot [email protected]

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    ISSN: 2050-6600














    Welcome to Careers World Magazine, the premier resource for careers information and guidance.

    During the spring term many of you will have time between winter and summer exams to think about what happens next after school or college. Thats where we come in!

    In every issue we help you discover more about the most popular career sectors, as well as asking experts and successful young people for their tips and advice for the future. In this edition we pitch our questions to the Dragon himself, Peter Jones, and well see how hes investing in the future of potential entrepreneurs.

    Nows the time to get to grips with your future and focus on fi nding the career thats right for you. The best of the best in your region

    tell us about themselves!

    We give you the lowdown on all the other sectors out there, which well feature in future issues.

    Theres never been a better time to be an apprentice. Find out why with our Apprenticeships feature.

    Some contact details we think youll fi nd useful, including web links, email addresses and phone numbers.

    Some handy materials for careers advisors, plus some facts and fi gures about the world of careers.

    Some tools, tips and tricks to help you make those important choices, from our very own editor!

    We ask our specially selected panel to tell us what they can off er you!

    And now for something completely diff erent...

    Elliot Gardner, EditorManufacturing & Processing


    Sport & Fitness

    Hair & Beauty

    Armed Forces & Emergency Services

    04Entrepreneur and Dragons Den star Peter Jones shares the secrets of his success.

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    School grades, so how did you do then?Academic success wasnt a focus for me because I was more interested in enterprise and making money. I wasnt the biggest fan of my primary school in Windsor and so bunked off at every opportunity to sit in the big chair in my fathers offi ce and dream about running a big company one day, even though it often got me into trouble.

    I liked my secondary school, Windsor Boys, but was still fascinated by those around me who showed enterprising qualities. An English teacher was the only teacher at school to have a top-of-the-range Porsche and I loved fi nding out how he did it.

    Your website mentions running a tennis schools as the start of your entrepreneurial journey. What else inspired you? My parents hugely inspired me when I was growing up. My father was an expert in air conditioning and worked particularly hard. He motivated me to strive harder and reach the top.

    However, I have also been inspired in ways that havent brought me success. Impressed by the movie Cocktail, starring Tom Cruise, I opened a cocktail bar in Windsor which didnt do very well and just cost me money. This episode demonstrated the importance of judgement when pursuing any idea.

    Do you think you need a specifi c mind-set to become an entrepreneur?There are defi nitely particular traits which are more common in entrepreneurs, such as grit, perseverance and determination.

    However, I fundamentally believe that entrepreneurialism can be taught and that entrepreneurs are not born, they are made. In 2005 I established my own charity in order to help young people have brighter futures, and in 2008 I set up the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy, which is working to put enterprise at the heart of education in the UK.

    The key to the Academy network is instilling a can attitude in our future leaders and giving our young people the confi dence they need to fulfi l their dreams. Putting students in front of people who have been there and done it allows them to see how attainable entrepreneurship can be.

    We keep hearing the phrase business acumen, but what does this mean to you?Business acumen is all about being able to make good judgements and quick decisions, which ultimately results in eff ective business decisions.

    This skill is defi nitely not limited by age. My 11 year old daughter, Natalia, always has an opinion about those businesses that I have been given

    the opportunity to invest in. And nine times out of ten, she is completely right!

    Do you think there are more pros than cons to being your own boss?Absolutely. Otherwise I would have backed out of this game a long time ago. Being an entrepreneur requires huge commitment and a lot of hard work, but the rewards are completely worth it.

    It is a challenge but you learn to follow your instincts and begin to really value advice from those who have been there before you.

    Describe your ideal business partnerFinding your ideal business partner often happens organically, where you have complimentary skills and talents, but mine is extremely hard working and determined. Plus, they must be visionary and be able to lead by example.

    Trust is also incredibly important. They must have faith in my choices and abilities, my team and the potential of a business venture.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a TV personality?One of the great benefi ts of being famous is being able to get exclusive access to other like-minded entrepreneurs and senior executives, many of whom have some fantastic and interesting ideas. I dont see any disadvantages to that.

    Peter Jones is a world-famous entrepreneur and star of the hit TV programme, Dragons Den. Peter is from Berkshire and has a long history of achievement when it comes to business. The Peter Jones Enterprise Academy has been running since 2009, taking on the challenge of making business more accessible to students across the country. Peter talks to our editor about his success, the Academy and just what it is that makes him tick.

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    If you werent in business, what would be your dream career?I loved tennis and wanted to be a professional but Id still hand in the towel to be a successful entrepreneur. Being in business is the most exciting and challenging career anyone can have and Im pleased its become my chosen path. I wouldnt change it for the world.

    Your lifelong love of tennis, what sparked that off ?At age 12, I was helping a teacher at my school to teach tennis and he inspired me later, when I was 16, to set up my fi rst business, a tennis academy. As a child I used to play tennis at county level, and I still play regularly with ex-professionals. That was a real watershed moment in my life I think. At the time, I had the chance to improve my game with a view to becoming a professional, but there was something in me that wanted to take that talent and develop a successful business from it rather than, say, win Wimbledon.

    As a big family man, what advice do you give to your children about careers?I encourage my children to follow their hearts and to choose a path which they are really passionate about only then will they give themselves the best chance of being successful and fi nding true happiness. It is very important to me that my children work hard and stand on their own two feet. I have set up an arrangement to incentivise my kids to work hard through a funding platform that doubles their income every day for the rest of their lives.

    Youve had more than one IT based company, what brought that on? Are you a bit of a tech head?Yes, I love technology and have always been interested in gadgets. My second business was based around building and selling computers. Whenever gadgets are pitched in the Den, its always me who gets instantly excited.

    I always say that entrepreneurship is about being innovative and improving something that already exists. This attitude describes technology to the core, which fi ts perfectly with my overall business mantra. Being innovative isnt about doing something new its about doing something better than your competition.

    What is the next big thing for Peter Jones? Anything up your sleeve?I have got many projects on the go at the moment. Since taking over Jessops last year, that has been a huge focus for me and will continue to be for a while. Im hoping there will be lots of opportunities like Jessops for my investment group in 2014.

    In 2012 I founded Tycoon in Schools, a nationwide competition that spearheads my mission of putting enterprise at the heart of all education.

    Now in its second year, the competition has been even bigger and better, with over 700 students taking part this year from all over the country. I cant wait to see the achievements of this years highfl yers, and the inspiring young people who apply next year. We had over 3,000 apply this year, which was fantastic.

    This competition continues the work that I started with the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy, where we aim to equip budding entrepreneurs with the skills necessary to start their own business, or act entrepreneurially within one. I am thrilled with the journey the Academy has taken so far, where we have about thirty Academies operating across the country, and cant wait to see it grow even more next year.

    Is there anything on Dragons Den you regret not investing in?I dont actually. No regrets. Even when I see some products that I chose not to invest in being successfully launched, I dont have regrets. With Wonderland, YUU World, Woodblocx, Alf Turner, Tiny Box, The Present Club, Bare Naked Foods, Reminiscence Pods and the one and only Levi Roots, who can possibly regret anything? The record speaks for itself!

    What is your favourite product from Dragons Den? And what was the worst?All of them are my favourite! Not fair to choose one.

    And my worst, Layline Beds. Its basically a sheet with a stitched line down the middle to tell husband and wife that this is my space and this is your space. It is ridiculous. That, or the American Inventor guy who said that spinning bicycle hub cabs will be the next craze. Only in America!

    If you were to go into the den as a new entrepreneur, what would your pitch be? And how would you stand out?If I said I could turn 50,000 into 1million would you invest? I would then make sure my idea was good enough to capture the Dragons imagination and get them interested. I would end with Are you in?

    I would stand out by wearing a smart, sharp suit and wear the most outrageous stripy socks I could fi nd!

    If I were 15/16 and wanted to be an entrepreneur, what would you say to me?I would encourage you to have a vision and then make that vision bigger, because the bigger your vision the more successful you are likely to be. Dont be swayed from your vision by anyone, and make your own decisions.

    Then make sure you do suffi cient research, fi nding out not only what your competitors are doing, but also how you can make your product or service that little bit better.

    Finally, it is important to have fun, because business is about more than making money. People will be more likely to buy your product or service if you are having fun and enjoying the business.

    However, ultimately, I would encourage you to log onto www.pjea.org.uk, to fi nd out everything about the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy and join our nationwide network!

    If you could do exactly what you wanted with the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy, what would you do?I would ensure that every college in the country has an Academy within it and that all young people were given the chance to apply.

    I want to continue to ensure that our Academy network continues to put enterprise at the very heart of the UK education system and that the learning by doing method is widely implemented and respected, helping young people to make their dreams a reality.

    How much input did you have in setting up The Academy?A great deal. I founded The Academy back in 2008 and our fi rst intake of students was in 2009. My vision was to create and encourage a more entrepreneurial activity in the UK, based on a philosophy of learning by doing.

    All of our pioneering courses have been developed in conjunction with Pearson (Edexcel), as well as education and industry experts, and I had a personal hand in the writing of these qualifi cations. Im very proud of what we have achieved in such a short amount of time.

    How do you think careers advice should be given to students?We deliberately designed the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy to be completely diff erent from the traditional academic environment.

    We are pioneering a new approach to teaching entrepreneurship by focusing on learning by doing. That means combining business theory with business practice to replicate the environment of the real business world. And ultimately, we believe thats the best way to unlock the potential of the next generation of entrepreneurs.

    The best way to learn how to succeed is to work with those who have been there and done it, and to get stuck in and give it a go yourself.

    Students receive master classes in entrepreneurship from the best in the business, where they have heard from the likes of Paul Lindley of Ellas Kitchen and David, Vanessa and Jacqueline Gold.

    What are the Academys best success stories?There are so many of these it is tricky to keep track! Each year we recognise the most outstanding student across The Academy network, where the National Entrepreneur of the Year is announced.

    Our 2012 winner, Rob Nunn is developing his business that aims to encourage people into the aviation industry.

    There is no stopping the 2013 winner, Harry Day, who is running a tailoring business and currently working on the development of it in Bangkok!

    Who is better at business, you or Alan Sugar?Alan is a great friend of mine and I think very highly of him.

    He is a big supporter of the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy and has such a wealth of experience. I think hes better because hes older and wiser!

    People love your socks. Do you have a favourite pair?My stripy ones, of course. I launched my own range of socks a few years back, where all the proceeds go to charity. Theyve been very popular.

    Duncan Bannatyne, Deborah Meaden, Theo Paphitis: Snog, Marry, Avoid?Wow, what a question! I wouldnt snog any of them. Nor would I want to be married to them. Lastly, Im not saying who Id avoid!

    Which actor would you like to play you in a fi lm of your life? Im guessing not Tom CruisePierce Brosnan.

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    Each issue, we ask our editor to give you a roundup of the topics that might aff ect you, as well as the choices you need to make about your future. As you can imagine, there are plenty of things going on that tend to stay behind the scenes. Usually, youd have to trawl through pages of information to learn all this, but dont worry; weve done all that for you!


    Ive been thinking about whether there is some golden piece of advice

    that I can off er you in your search for a career, and the number one thought that keeps cropping up in my head is simply do

    your research. Its all well and good thinking I want to go to university, but

    what course? What job do you want at the end of it

    all? There is a career path for all of us but the most diffi cult step is fi nding it.

    The majority of us dont have a job handed to us on a platter so we need to get out there and look for ourselves! If you dont know what you want to do dont hesitate, start

    looking! Get careers advice from your school or college, have a look at all the diff erent kinds of

    Apprenticeships, rummage around UCAS to fi nd a uni course that suits you and most importantly, dont dismiss anything based

    on what someone else has told you.

    Its your career, go fi nd what suits you!

    Maths and English not your strong point? Just going to breeze through your GCSEs without giving it a real go? Looks like youll need to think again.

    KEY FACTS GCSEs have changed a lot this year If you dont manage a C grade in

    Maths and English, you will have to carry them on until the age of 18

    Its because employers want a good understanding of Maths and English. Almost every career has some dealing with these subjects

    You dont have to go to college to continue studying, there are many ways to re-do your GCSEs

    You wont just be retaking your exams over and over, the focus is on developing your skills

    WHATS CHANGED?You might have heard murmurs about changes to the way GCSEs are going to be carried out this year. The big diff erence is that students who fail to get a minimum of grade C in GCSE Maths and English will have to carry on these subjects up until the age of 18. What this means is that thousands of pupils will have to take additional courses to get their literacy and numeracy skills up to scratch after they have left school. This might be with a college, training provider or other educational body, but whatever the route, you can be sure its going to have a big impact. In the past you could stick with the grades you received from exams no matter what they were, but the Government has said this isnt good enough anymore.


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    Its because generally employers like a good understanding of Maths and English more than anything else learned at school. That doesnt mean you should just jack in geography; all subjects are good for something, but these are skills everyone needs in the workplace. The Government have decided the education sector needed shaking up with big changes being made to both schools and exams. Every other

    country in the developed world carries on with numeracy and literacy after the age of 16 and our Government is keen to not let the UK fall behind.

    In terms of careers, most employers ask for a minimum of grade C in English and Maths no matter the position. What do nurses, engineers, receptionists and shop workers all have in common? (No smart answers please) They all have some dealing with Maths or English; it could be working out discounts on the fl y or fi lling out contracts.

    If a pupil is leaving without this level of qualifi cation, they are at a massive disadvantage in the job market.


    I know that many of you will be worrying about what all this means, but it might not be as bad as you think. While the ideal situation is to pass your English and Maths GCSEs with a C, if you really struggle then dont think you are just going to be re-sitting over and over again.

    The focus is on continuous development rather than just grades. This means that you might be able to do an equivalent qualifi cation thats more suited to your style of learning.

    You also dont have to go to college for further education if this wasnt going to be your route after school. There will be other methods of study that you can take part in, so dont think you wont be able to start an Apprenticeship or Traineeship just because your grades werent ideal.

    WHAT ELSE IS CHANGING?Surprisingly, changes to Maths and English are not the only things new about exams. Starting this year GCSEs are changing from a modular format to becoming linear. What this means is instead of a few smaller tests at the end of each part of your course, there will be one or two big exams in May/June. You also wont be able to re-sit one particular part of your GCSE if you didnt get the grade in that module that you wanted. You have to re-take every exam in that subject.

    For example, if you did fantastically and got an A* in your calculator test in maths, but slipped up and got an E in your non-calculator one, you have to retake both if youre not willing to stick with the overall grade. Bear in mind you also wont have to retake any classroom assessments youve had (For Example timed practical tests in Art or IT).

    Theres also going to be a big focus on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. For subjects that you have to write a lot, i.e.

    English, Geography, History and R.E, there will be quite a hefty amount of marks geared specifi cally towards them. So make sure youre not telling examiners about the lives of Jebus and Ghundi.

    If youre in Year 10 and thinking about taking A-Levels then you have to watch out. A similar system is coming into eff ect from 2015 for further education as well. No more AS and A2 exams, just one big exam period.

  • 9www.careersworld.co.uk

    Make sure you get involved over twitter, follow @Apprenticeships and check in on #NAW2014. If you are considering an Apprenticeship but cant fi nd one to suit you then chances are you are about to have your eyes opened. Dozens of employers post vacancies during the run up and throughout the week. Really its the best possible time to consider an Apprenticeship.

    Yes, this might sound like one big advert but if youre even considering an Apprenticeship in the slightest then the week can be a really important time of year for you, so stick it in your calendar and try to get involved with as much as possible.

    The variety in events is huge. You could attend a careers event at your local college, or an employer might be off ering work experience for the week. Its not just schools that get involved. Big businesses like British Gas see how useful it is to inspire young people to consider becoming an Apprentice. Get over to apprenticeships.org.uk to have a look whats going on in your area.

    Dont forget, its National Careers Week at the same time as Apprentice Week, but over at Careers World we believe that any week of the year can be a careers week. I mean except Christmas. Who wants to be thinking about jobs at Christmas? Thats presents time...

    THEY REALLY ARE A BIG DEALRecently there has been a study focusing on education in 30 countries. It has found that vocational education (thats education thats focused on a specifi c fi eld of employment to you and me, e.g. Apprenticeships, BTECs, etc) is much more likely to get you a job than just a general education. Not only this, but the people on vocational courses have a better chance to wind up with a long-term position, not just a short starter job, and a much higher starting wage than young people who have just gone through a standard route of education.

    It has also been found that individuals who took part in a practical work-based course, like an Apprenticeship, were even more likely to fi nd a job than those who did classroom based courses like BTECs. This is because the courses are designed in partnership with the employer, meaning they know exactly what skills the students have, and can gear the course more towards relevant areas. And honestly, its much easier to keep on an Apprentice that you have already trained than fi nding someone new.

    Dont get worried if work-based courses arent for you. The research showed that even work experience is enough to give you an edge over other candidates, so get going and do all you can to gain as much experience as possible.

    NATIONAL APPRENTICESHIP WEEKA huge success in past years, National Apprenticeship Week, set up by the National Apprenticeship Service, is returning in 2014 and is fast approaching. Designed to celebrate and increase awareness of Apprenticeships, NAW is a great event that promotes Apprenticeships of all levels to students, employers, schools, colleges, training providers and the media. Loads of good stuff goes on all across the country so youre guaranteed to fi nd something you can get involved with.

    This year NAW takes place on 3rd-7th March and there are over 900 events to attend across the UK (no, that isnt a challenge). Apprenticeships are becoming a big deal. Last year Prime Minister David Cameron said he wanted to make Apprenticeships, alongside university, the new norm for pupils leaving school.

    HOW WILL IT BE DONE?Youll be able to rest a bit easier knowing that the number of students who havent managed to pass before leaving sixth-form or college will be reported in that schools performance tables, meaning that it is in schools and colleges interests to provide the best possible education to encourage you to pass. Some schools in the past have entered pupils into easier qualifi cations so they dont have to show low grades to the public, but the new rules will put a stop to this; everyone will be educated to the same level. The funding of colleges will also be changed. Basically if they dont have great English and Mathematics departments, they wont get as much cash.

    WHO IT AFFECTSThe new rules have already come into eff ect. Meaning if you are gearing up to do your GCSEs next term you might be staying on a bit longer than you thought, but only if you dont get the right grades. Of course this only matters to you if you dont pass your Maths and English exams fi rst time around. It can be seen as a little push to try your best in your exams, but lets be honest you should be doing that already, and you really dont want additional subjects looming over your head when youre trying to think about where you want your career to go. Post 16 study is hard enough without having to think about left-over GCSEs as well!

    The change goes hand-in-hand with the Raised Participation Age of education (discussed in the previous issue of Careers World) which means school-leavers are required to stay in some form of education until they are 17, which is soon to be extended to 18.

    FINAL THOUGHTSWhile this new system may seem unfair to a lot of you, it really does make sense. If you could see the amount of job listings out there that say must have English and Maths GCSE Grade C or equivalent your collective jaws would drop. Its not just courses and careers where youre required to write or add up; employers like to know that if they hand you any task that crops up, youll be able to handle it.

    The most important thing to take away from it is that even if the work is that bit tougher now, in the long run it will be good for you. Youll be able to apply for tonnes more jobs and the satisfaction youll get from knowing that you passed is worth all the extra eff ort.

  • We are recruiting! We are recruiting!

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    Section Heading

    expert /eksprt/

    Noun.A person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area.

    AdjectiveHaving or involving such knowledge or skill.

    Synonymsnoun. specialist - connoisseur - adept - judge - masteradjective. skilled - skilful - skillful - profi cient - adept

    Ask the Experts

    Are you frustrated by all the choices you face? Dont you wish there was a way to compare all your options, or to have those key questions answered? Well, weve done it for you. Weve put together a team of experts from your area to give you an insight into what kind of experiences, benefi ts and future they can off er you. Weve asked the same questions to each expert, to help you decide on the right choice for you.

    At Health Education North East we ensure the north east NHS workforce has the right number of people, with the right skills and attitudes to deliver excellent care to our patients.

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    Its a good idea to think about what you enjoy in your studies. Are there some subjects you enjoy more than others? Why might that be? What do you do in your spare time? Its worth exploring whether you can develop any of your interests into a career.

    The NHS provides a whole range of career options, many of which you might not necessarily think would be off ered. Theres an A-Z list available at www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/a-to-z. Remember to try and gain some work experience to see whether the job is actually what you expect!


    The list is endless! If you are considering a career in medicine then you will attend university, combining academic study with work placements in hospitals and community health environments.

    Other opportunities are available via Apprenticeship schemes. This is a really good way to get practical experience and work towards a recognised qualifi cation at the same time. You can then go on to do higher qualifi cations at university or college if you want to, allowing you to progress through the career ladder.


    If you are one of our Apprenticeship Trainees then you will work towards a relevant level 2 or 3 technical qualifi cation, and you and your employer will agree a training plan.

    We are directly involved in making sure that you receive quality training. We have been voted the best training area for support for three years running.

    All healthcare professionals and NHS employees will continue to be off ered professional development to help them achieve their career goals. Well provide you with quality information, advice and guidance to help choose the best career path for you.

    WHY SHOULD CANDIDATES PICK YOU?The NHS provides a supportive training environment which helps you meet your own development goals. Salaries are generous and the average wages can be viewed on the NHS Careers website for each role. Just as a starter, the average wage for a senior doctor such as a Psychiatrist is around 90k.

    Of course the main reason why you would want to work with Health Education North East and the NHS is that you share our values in improving patient care and the patient experience.

    The Employer

  • 12 www.careersworld.co.uk

    At Gateshead College we believe that learning is for all. We want to be bigger, better and brilliant. A College which: Is a brilliant place to work; Enriches and develops individuals through excellent learning; Improves the eff ectiveness and competitiveness of all; Is strong, creative and reliable; Is positive, professional and customer focused; Contributes to the prosperity of the community and the region; Has an outstanding reputation.

    Web: www.gateshead.ac.uk


    Keep your options open and choose a subject that you enjoy. This is an exciting time in your life where you are able to choose from a wide variety of education options, that can lead on to some very interesting future careers. It can be useful to make an appointment to see a careers advisor if you are really unsure, and at our open events we off er access to our Careers Education and Guidance Service which will support you in making a decision.

    The College

    We are an innovative, forward-thinking university with high standards of teaching, research and support. We have strong links with industry and business, and work closely with some of the worlds leading companies.

    Web: www.sunderland.ac.uk


    Matching your skills and interests to a university course and a career is a vital, exciting and life-changing decision. Consulting careers staff at your school or college and sharing your thoughts with your parents are always good starting points. Deciding if you want to live at home or move away can help to narrow down your options.

    A research checklist could include scholarships (what is each university off ering?), open days (always visit each university to see how it feels and whether it meets your expectations), word of mouth

    The University

    Baltic Training Services provide real employment opportunities for young people who are looking to gain real life work experience, recognised qualifi cations and earn while they learn! We off er Apprenticeships in; I.T. Professional Level 3 & 4, Software Development and Social Media and Digital Marketing.

    Web: www.baltictraining.com


    There are three steps to take when making your decision. First, make sure you carry out as much research as possible before applying for an Apprenticeship.

    Next, you should ensure you have a passion for the sector you would like to work in. We always say Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life! If youre in a position that you enjoy, it wont feel like work and youll be progressing in no time.

    The Training Provider

  • 13www.careersworld.co.uk


    Students are at the heart of everything we do at Gateshead College, and we value their opinions. There are plenty of opportunities for you to tell us what you think of your experience. We off er a safe, supportive learning environment with plenty of extra-curricular activities to get involved in, such as sport, enterprise, catering & hospitality, music and much more.


    We have a dedicated student support service that can provide a great deal

    of assistance, from health, wellbeing and fi nance, to help with CVs and job applications. We also provide you with work experience opportunities with employers to ensure you get the skills they want and to help you secure a job or progress onto higher education in the future. Our students have enjoyed: Behind-the-scenes access to gigs and

    festivals Project managing, designing and

    building websites for local companies Listening to a lecture by

    Richard Branson at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress

    A weeks placement at the BBC A cooking master class delivered by

    top chef David Kennedy, owner of Food Social

    Training alongside Olympic champions Kelly Holmes and Nicola Adams.

    WHY SHOULD CANDIDATES PICK YOU?At Gateshead College we give you an education to get you hired. We provide you with the skills, knowledge, confi dence, industry experience, courage and self-belief to thrive in a competitive job market. Weve redesigned the college day so that you can personalise your learning to benefi t your chosen career. Timetables are made up of the course which you choose to enrol on, as well as lots of optional extras that will help you to develop the work-ready skills you need to be successful. We work with some fantastic employers and entrepreneurs from across the region and beyond, to make sure our courses are developing the skills that will make you a highly prized employee.

    (do you know anyone whos been before?), social media (get information fi rst-hand from current students on forums, blogs and on the universitys Facebook page).


    The University of Sunderland, like most universities, has modern, state-of-the-art facilities that match the quality of our courses and the research we do. Our labs and media facilities, and our National Glass Centre, are some of the best around, but its the warmth and support we off er students that sets us apart. Whether its advice from your personal tutor, working with our expert academic staff or seeking help from our

    support staff , were there for you every step of the way.


    Employability is at the heart of the student experience at Sunderland. Our students build a portfolio of activities and achievements to boost their CVs and enhance the life skills employers seek. An exciting menu of choices includes exchanges, placements, mentoring, leadership skills, volunteering, careers advice, CV and interview skills, internships, enterprise, master-classes and more.

    This programme, called Sunderland Futures

    (www.sunderland.ac.uk/futures), will increase employability for every single graduate of the University of Sunderland by focusing on three key areas development, opportunities and recognition.

    WHY SHOULD CANDIDATES PICK YOU?Sunderland is a warm, friendly university in a city by the sea, located in the buzzing North East, one of the lowest cost of living areas in England. We off er an embedded employability programme in modern award-winning facilities.

    Lastly, you need to make sure you have the right level of education to apply for the role. Theres no point in applying for a Higher Apprenticeship if youre just leaving school.


    As you will be on an Apprenticeship you will receive on-the-job training and be working within a professional environment full time so dont expect to be sat in a classroom. You will likely be alongside other employees in a real work atmosphere. The programme is delivered in a local training centre.


    To help successful applicants, we provide them with full interview preparation, honing their skills and supplying them with the confi dence they need to make the right impression. We deliver one to one support for each individual apprentice, focusing on the individual. We also develop Functional Skills in Maths, English and ICT, moulding applicants into well-rounded, successful employees.

    WHY SHOULD CANDIDATES PICK YOU?In addition to the experience gained through meaningful employment, you will also develop key business skills, which will in turn strengthen your employability within a chosen sector.

    We also deliver tailored qualifi cations to fi t in with your specifi c job role, helping you progress down your career path. With the dedicated support you will receive, youll be achieving in no time.

  • www.pursglove.ac.uk Prior Pursglove College, Church Walk, Guisborough, TS14 6BU

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    view the facilities and obtain more detailed information about the courses that interest you.

  • 15www.careersworld.co.uk 15www.careersworld.co.uk

    We like to keep you up to date with the latest goings-on of your local institutions, as well as providing you with case studies and stories from people who have been in your position and seen the light at the end of the tunnel; this is their forum for connecting with you.

    Chris taps into Apprenticeships withNorthumbrian WaterA Durham man has become Northumbrian Waters fi rst telecommunications apprentice after rejecting university in favour of an Apprenticeship and the opportunity to learn while you earn.

    Chris Tindale, 19, has joined the water and waste management company at its head offi ce in Pity Me, as an Information and Communication Technology Apprentice. Chris combines his time with learning at Intraining and in the workplace. His role involves working on the companys telephone systems across its many sites throughout the North East.

    Chris said: Im much more of a hands on type of person and didnt want to spend all of my time after sixth form in the

    classroom again. I wanted to develop my skills and experience in the workplace.

    As part of my Apprenticeship I am learning about network systems. This is really helping me in my job as I get practical experience of working on them every day. Its really a case of being able to put into practice what I am learning at Intraining. This is defi nitely the best way for me to learn.

    If you are considering an Apprenticeship as a future career route then get in touch with Intraining today.

    Web: www.intraining.co.ukTel: 0330 123 1300

    S&D Training and Heating World of SparesWhen Heating World of Spares decided to move to South Church Enterprise Park from their existing operation in Crook, Aaron Scott was delighted to fi nd a training organisation only a few metres away.

    Cynthia Tippling, Business Development Advisor at S&D Training, was on hand immediately to welcome Aaron and his team, and discuss training needs for their existing staff and their plans to grow the business with new recruits from the local area. Three of Aarons existing team took up the opportunity to increase their skills in Customer Service and Team Leading and started Apprenticeship training with S&D in August 2013.

    As a result of developing such a close partnership, Cynthia identifi ed two local young people from an in-house Study Programme, designed to give school leavers interview skills and valuable experience in the workplace. The two candidates, Charnelle and Leonie, made such an excellent impression on their two-week placement in the sales ordering department at HWOS, that they were both awarded full-time employment as Apprentices in Business & Administration in October 2013. They are both delighted to have joined a growing company with great future career prospects and be part of a successful team.

    Web: www.sdtraining-ltd.comEmail: [email protected]

    Tel: 01388 771 740

  • 16 www.careersworld.co.uk

    Peter Jones Enterprise Academy at East Durham CollegeThe Peter Jones Enterprise Academy (PJEA) at East Durham College is on the hunt for aspiring young female entrepreneurs in County Durham to unleash their potential and go for it in business.

    With the current ratio of students in the Academy network being 60:40 male, the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy at East Durham College is calling on the young women of County Durham to consider a career in business and help close the national gender gap.

    Alice Barnard, Chief Executive of the Peter Jones Foundation commented:

    ...There is still plenty for us to do to ensure women are not under-represented, with just 29 per cent of the UKs self-employed being women

    At PJEA we are immensely proud of the impact we have had on young women across the country and there are some fantastic examples of successful female business leaders who have completed our courses.

    But there is still work to be done to ensure that women are given the best chances of success. That is why we are calling on the young women of County Durham to unlock their hidden potential and realise their business ambitions.

    PJEA lecturer at East Durham College Jill Campbell is very keen to encourage more female applications for the next intake, saying:

    We have some really strong girls on the course this year and the dynamic between the boys and girls on the course is great. They all get on really well and spark ideas off each other all the time.

    But its really important that the girls out there that are leaving school in the summer consider business and enterprise as an option at college. The Peter Jones Enterprise Academy is a fantastic way to help develop your skills and if you have a business idea its a great way to get that off the ground.

    Web: www.eastdurham.ac.uk

    Prior Pursglove CollegePrior Pursglove College has been highlighted as one of the top sixth form colleges in the country for helping young people into positive careers.

    A recent study, carried out by the governments Department for Education, scores the Guisborough based college highly on the attainments of former students, who are now in credible employment or Apprenticeships. And in the last two years alone almost 1000 students have gained a university place.

    The college has had a history of Oxbridge success, with twins David and Thomas Bradley both clinching places studying Natural Sciences at Cambridge after receiving fantastic A* grades. Last summer Matthew Ball also took up a place at the University. At the time, Matthews Mum beamed, We are really proud of Matthews achievements, Prior Pursglove College has been a great steppingstone.

    Sam White set up Kult Clothing while still a student at the college. Sams designs went global with orders from as far as New York and Australia. Sam is now studying Interactive Arts at Manchester Metropolitan University alongside running his growing online business.

    Another former student, 26 year old Jack Jahan, credits the college with aiding his career. I hold the teachers at Prior Pursglove in high regard for helping me to get to where I am today said Jack, who is employed as a Marketing Executive at Ramsdens Financial.

    X Factor contestant Abi Alton studied at Prior Pursglove College between 2010 and 2012 and the musical talent to have emerged from the college doesnt end there. Singer-songwriter Evelyn Burke, whose music has featured on the Channel 4 TV series Skins, is also a former student and the Teesside band Collectors Club formed while fi ve of its members studied at the college.

    The next open evening at Prior Pursglove College takes place on Wednesday 26th March and the

    application process for the 2014 intake of students is open now. Prospective

    students can apply online atwww.pursglove.ac.uk

  • 17www.careersworld.co.uk

    Deanne SykesDeanne Sykes is a Level 3 Beauty Therapy student at South Tyneside College. She was recently awarded the title of Constant Achiever at the colleges further education awards ceremony.

    Nominated by her lecturer for her smiley disposition and eagerness to achieve goals, Deanne puts 100% eff ort into everything she does.

    Her positive attitude and high level of ability also earned her a place representing the college at the UK Skills Advanced Beauty Therapy Competition, which took place in November. As usual, Deanne delivered and made both herself and the college proud when she achieved second place in the national competition.

    Deannes skill and personality have not gone unnoticed by employers, having already found employment with Steiner Cruise Liners, where she has ambitious career plans, she has her sights already set on a role in management.

    Rosie Prince, Head of School for Creative Industries at South Tyneside College said: Deanne has been a remarkable student; you can always rely on her to deliver results. Her success is evidence of her hard work and dedication and Im sure we can expect great things from her in the future.

    South Tyneside College off ers a range of vocational and work based learning programmes, in addition to university level qualifi cations. To fi nd out more come along to one of our Information and Advice events from 5pm-7pm on the fi rst Tuesday of every month.

    Visit www.stc.ac.uk or call 0191 427 3900 for more information

    Olympic hopeful sprints ahead with SRC Bede Sixth Form CollegeA TEESSIDE sprinter with Olympic dreams is promoting an Open Event at SRC Bede Sixth Form in Billingham.

    Rachel Highfi eld, 17, from Thornaby, is studying A-levels in Biology, PE and English Literature at the college, while training six days a week for her promising future as an international athlete.

    The sprinter was asked to be the face of the college by her tutors earlier this year and is keen to show off SRC Bede to prospective students.

    She said: I started running at the age of ten. I was taking part in a sports day at school and I realised I was outrunning the boys - it felt great. That same week my mum took me to Clairville Stadium in

    Middlesbrough and Ive never looked back.

    Rachel, who has her sights squarely set on Rio 2016 after winning a silver medal in this summers National Championships, will be on hand to talk to interested students at the colleges Open Evening on Thursday 6th March.

    The young athlete is planning to study for a sports degree at Durham University starting next year and has been off ered a scholarship at the prestigious university. Rachel is thrilled with the off er but is still aiming high, hoping to achieve As in her fi nal exams.

    With a 99% pass rate in A Levels and a 100% pass rate in 24 subjects, Bede Sixth Form off ers students the chance to progress and take their next steps on to university or work.

    More information on the open evening at SRC Bede Sixth Form in Billingham is available from 01642

    373250 or go to the website at www.stockton.ac.uk.

  • A-Tech Fabrications LimitedFulbeck Road, Aycliff e Business Park, Newton Aycliff e, Co. Durham.DL5 6TX

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    A-Tech Fabrications is a family run Engineering Company dedicated to providing the Highest quality, lowest possible cost solutions to its clients. We have been operating in both the UK and International markets for over 20 years. We work closely with our clients to ensure our products and services add real value to their business. Our success has been built on a dedication to quality and innovation in all areas, from design and manufacture through to customer support. The company is continually developing its products and services to ensure it stays ahead of its competitors.

  • 19www.careersworld.co.uk


    Its all about making stuff . Or more precisely, the process of how that stuff is made. This could start way back in research and development, or it could be on the factory fl oor actually making products. Because so many things come from manufacturing, its a highly important industry that many other sectors rely on. The industry is generally broken down into seven sectors; Automotive, Electronics, Aerospace, Defence, Metals, Chemical and Building.


    Its tricky to say; because of the sheer size of this industry, its easier to talk about the job roles that you fi nd in all areas of manufacturing. Jobs on the assembly line usually start out at around 13,000, while more specialised positions like engineers and technicians start on a higher salary, usually around the 16,000 mark. Because of the size of this industry, advancement to supervisory positions is encouraged and training is usually provided by employers.


    Much like the construction sector, it really does depend which area of manufacturing you go into. Those working in chemical, aerospace and pharmaceutical roles might fi nd themselves in a laboratory, testing materials in a variety of diff erent conditions.

    If you were to work in the process part of manufacturing, youd be in a factory, working in a team assembling and sorting parts and products. The defence sector obviously has a lot of military applications, so dont be surprised to fi nd yourself having to travel to a base of some kind to meet with potential contracts.


    In case you hadnt noticed, manufacturing is incredibly important to the UK economy; the industry is worth 131 billion to our economy! There are close to 132,000 manufacturing business in the UK, employing 2.5 million people. As Ron Burgundy would say, its kind of a big deal!


    Because of the diverse nature of this industry, its pretty much spread across the country. Historically speaking, manufacturing tended to be based in the North of England; Sheffi eld has a rich steel manufacturing history, while major cities such as Liverpool and Newcastle were famous for ship building. Of course, if you live in the south you wont have to head north to fi nd work; most manufacturing sites are located on the outskirts of major towns and cities where there is access to major transport means, such as motorways and ports.

    Manufacturing & ProcessingNearly every product we use in our lives is a product of manufacturing; food, toasters, toilet seats, TVs, cars, t-shirts, perfume and even satellites are a result of this industry! If the thought of the creation process fascinates you, then you wont fi nd a career in a better industry than Manufacturing!

    You ask us...

    Tel: 01325 304033

    THE REAL WORLDA-Tech FabricationsA-Tech Fabrications Limited is a family run Engineering Company dedicated to providing the highest quality, lowest possible cost solutions to its clients. We have been operating in both the UK and International markets for over 20 years. We work closely with our clients to ensure our products and services add real value to their business. Our success has been built on a dedication to quality and innovation in all areas, from design and manufacture through to customer support. The company is continually developing its products and services to ensure it stays ahead of its competitors.

    A-Tech Fabrication Apprenticeships

    Apprenticeships are an excellent way of gaining qualifi cations and workplace experience. In other words theyre a great way to earn while you learn! At A-Tech Fabrications Limited, your program will include personal and social development as well as training in the technical skills that you require to progress in your career. The training that we provide will really make a diff erence; it will enhance your potential, opening real opportunities.

    Although A-Tech Fabrication Limited fully understands that all aspects of engineering and manufacturing are not always seen as an attractive career choice, we aim as a company to develop strong links and partnerships with schools and academies and invite in young people as they progress through education, to inspire the younger generation into the engineering and manufacturing sector. We also invite more mature people into the world of engineering and manufacturing, showing them how rewarding a career within this Sector can be.

  • 20 www.careersworld.co.uk

    AEROSPACEAerospace engineering is split into two sections; aeronautics (anything that fl ies in our atmosphere) and astronautics (anything that goes into space, such as shuttles and satellites). Within both of these disciplines, youll be looking at the diff erent factors that aff ect these aircraft, such as aerodynamics, control surfaces and propulsion systems.

    AUTOMOTIVEThis area of Manufacturing relates to anything vehicle related; cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, campervans, fi re engines and anything else that goes on the road originates from this sector. The UK is so renowned for its vehicle manufacture that companies from other countries, such as Honda, Nissan and Toyota have set up factories here! You could be working in a whole range of areas, from developing a new petrol cap to actually constructing a whole vehicle.

    ELECTRONICSThe UK electronics products industry is the fi fth largest in the world and we produce all sorts of things; from laptop computers to microwave ovens. Not only that, but we also manufacture a lot of electrical components, such as circuit boards, semi conductors and microchips. Working in this area demands a skilful eye; you might fi nd yourself developing parts that can only be seen under a microscope!

    METALSMetals manufacturing in this country has always been an important industry to the UK economy. Metal has a million uses and therefore, it has plenty of diff erent job roles associated with it. Not only that, but with recycling becoming big business, a greater number of jobs are becoming available in this sector. As well as recycling plants, you could fi nd yourself working at a foundry (where metal moulds are made for other industries), an ore extraction facility (where metals are dug up and processed in their raw forms) or even as a blacksmith, making items such as specialist tools, garden gates or horseshoes.

    CHEMICALChemical manufacturing is all about taking raw materials and turning them into useful things. This has a whole range of applications across various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, food and drink, textiles and synthetic products. You could be working in a laboratory researching and experimenting, or on the factory fl oor maintaining the machines that mix the chemicals.

    BUILDING PRODUCTSThose materials that builders use dont just appear out of nowhere; bricks, pipes, grills and glass are all made in manufacturing environments. There are so many diff erent job roles involved in creating building materials, so theres a need for skilled young people (thats you! ) to start. You could be working with a kiln making bricks, or using plastic moulds to make piping for gas and water networks!

    EXAMPLE JOB ROLESWe couldnt possibly list all the job roles for this sector (well we could, but youd be reading something as thick as a phonebook), but here are some job roles that youll fi nd in most aspects for Manufacturing:

    Assembly Line WorkerUsing the components provided, you will be assembling the products ready to be shipped out across the world. This could be fi tting a microchip to a device, or packing a TV remote in with a home media system. The starting salaries are usually around 13,000.

    Materials TechnicianThese guys are responsible for testing out how well products perform under certain conditions, such as cold, heat and water. Salaries usually start out between 14,000 and 17,000 a year.

    SupervisorSupervisory roles are always needed in this industry to monitor the various parts of the manufacturing process. Salaries start out at around 16,000 for apprentices, but fully qualifi ed supervisors can easily earn in excess of 32,000.

    Careers ChoicesManufacturing is all about mass production. Whether its building a luxury cruise liner or designing a state of the art computer, youll be working with a mix of traditional methods and state of the art machinery. Although a lot of manufacturing companies are now based abroad, the UK is still the sixth largest country in the world for this industry and this is recognised by the fact that a lot of foreign companies such as Toyota, Tata (a steel company) and Reebok (sports goods) now have established production bases here. Here are some of the areas you could work in:

    Manufacturing & Processing

  • 21www.careersworld.co.uk

    REGIONAL FOCUSThe North East has a lengthy history of manufacturing and technology. There has been a strong industrial base in the North East because of the amount of coal and salt

    in the area. The manufacture of chemicals is big business

    across the whole of the region.

    Teeside is the third biggest port for shipping in the

    country, mainly due to the regions ties to steel and

    chemicals, and Newcastles BAE systems factory is the countrys main producer of British Army tanks such as

    the Challenger II.

    APPRENTICESHIPSThis is the most popular route into this sector, because of the hands on nature of the learning. An apprenticeship allows you to learn your trade while also being paid a salary. There are many employers and colleges out there who provide apprenticeship schemes. Below you will fi nd the Apprenticeships frameworks relevant to this industry, which will give you an idea of what youll be able to choose from. All these frameworks result in a Level 2 qualifi cation, such as NVQs BTECs or Diplomas, are the equivalent of 5 GCSE passes and takes two years to complete.Ceramics Manufacturing Combined Manufacturing Processes Engineering Construction Extractives and Mineral Processing Occupations Food and Drink Glass Industry Jewellery, Silversmithing and Allied Trades Polymer Processing Operations Process Manufacturing

    ADVANCED APPRENTICESHIPSThis is the equivalent of two A levels, but without sitting in a classroom studying. Like a regular Apprenticeship, its suited to more practical fi elds of work. Advanced Apprenticeships in construction only take a year and on completion you will receive a Level 3 Qualifi cation, either a BTEC, an NVQ or a Diploma.Combined Manufacturing Processes Engineering Manufacture (Craft and Technician) Extractives and Mineral Processing Occupations Food and Drink Glass Industry Jewellery, Silversmithing and Allied Trades Polymer Processing Operations Process Manufacturing

    A-LEVELSA-Levels might not sound relevant to this fi eld of work, but employers and universities both like candidates with scientifi c and practical subjects. Here are some examples of A-Levels you could study to gain entry to this industry.Maths Physics Chemistry Biology Design and Technology Textiles

    FOUNDATION DEGREESIf you feel like you want to experience the university lifestyle and perhaps break away from those troublesome parents, then a Foundation Degree is a way of getting there. They usually last two years (this does tend to vary depending on your choice of course) and mix study with practical learning. These courses are available across the country and might give you the opportunity to live away from home and give you more independence youll get to choose your own bed time and everything. They are available in a whole host of subjects, such as Modern Manufacturing, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and Electrical Systems.

    COLLEGE COURSESA college course is another way into this sector. To see if there are any colleges near you with relevant courses check outwww.careersworld.co.uk.


    130 BILLION








    Manufacturing& ProcessingWhere to begin

    If this is the fi eld for you, then read on to fi nd out how you can get started.

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  • 23www.careersworld.co.uk

    WHAT IS RETAIL ALL ABOUT?Retail is all about selling stuff to people the better it looks, the more cash people will spend on it. Its competitive and challenging and you can expect to be tested on a fair few levels, so make sure you have the ambition to succeed.


    Youll start off on somewhere between 11,000 to 16,000, which might not sound a lot but you have to factor in staff discounts in-store and fl exible working hours. You can also advance pretty quickly and managers of large stores earn over 40,000, plus bonuses such as company cars, holidays, travelling and all the other awesome stuff .


    There will be people everywhere, so if you have good customer service skills youll be fi ne. If you dont, get some, because its essential to the shoppers experience. You need to be adaptable as not everyone is a happy shopper, so learn to deal with everything thrown at you, both good and bad.


    Over 16% of the UK companies have an active apprenticeship program and most of these employers are shops and brands you will almost certainly have heard of. There are more than 1.8 million people employed in the retail industry so employability is very high compared to other sectors.


    Right in the middle of a city or town. The number of retail outlets in the UK now exceeds 210,000, so you wont have to look far for work. You probably walk past them every day, so do research into what the best place to work is for you.

    Shopping is awesome. We as a country always have an excuse to go and spend our money and this sector provides a varied range of career choices if you fancy turning your shopping experience into your career.


    You ask us...

    Web: www.nsaforretail.com

    THE REAL WORLDPaul Paxon,Floor Manager, USCPauls journey from crew member into senior management is not only an impressive reminder of the fast-paced world of retail, but also the rewards available when you combine hard work, initiative and great training.

    Although only working at his local USC store for a relatively short period of time, Paul immediately proved himself to be management material, striving to develop his product knowledge and working hard to adapt to the sector shift from a career in food to the retail industry. He even developed new ideas to help the store to improve upon hygiene and health & safety standards.

    Upon learning USC off ered a Level 3 Apprenticeship in conjunction with The Source Academy, Paul was keen to get involved. I wanted to expand my knowledge of retail management and felt really motivated by the fact it was an occupational qualifi cation, which allowed me to work and develop skills at the same time.

    I am now responsible for ensuring my team fully understands the store targets and their contribution to exceeding them. Running the menswear fl oor I also handle staff development and training, as well as improving and increasing sales, productivity and store profi tability.

    And he is in no doubt about the importance of the Apprenticeship in his meteoric rise: Taking the qualifi cation not only taught me the core skills to rise up and succeed in fashion retail management, like handling diffi cult situations and striving for the positive, but it also increased my confi dence. This has enabled me to develop really strong communication lines with the team.

  • 24 www.careersworld.co.uk

    RETAIL BUYINGIf you cant get enough of shopping, this might be the job for you because is essentially buying products for a living. You will be responsible for selecting what merchandise your store will sell, so you will need to keep up to date on current fashions and trends. These are the people who decide whats hot and whats not from season to season. Salaries start out between 16,000 and 20,000 depending on your employer and you can expect to earn more as you gain more experience.

    STORE OPERATIONSYoull be right in the action here; youll be serving customers and helping the store run smoothly. Its down to you to make the overall shopping experience better for people so it helps to have good knowledge of what you are selling (you cant just blag it, you will get found out.). Youre looking at a starting salary of 11,000 to 15,000 depending on your employer, but this is a sector where progression is matched by ambition and you will fi nd yourself quickly climbing up the ladder.

    VISUAL MERCHANDISINGIf you have a knack for eye catching fashion displays then this will suit you down to the ground (see what I did there?). You will be responsible for arranging the displays in windows so that passersby will be drawn into the store. But it doesnt stop there; the mannequins and stand layouts inside will also be arranged according to your design, so that the customers are getting a good experience and therefore buying stuff . Salaries start out at between 12,000 and 16,000 a year.

    MANAGEMENTIf you have a talent for leadership and motivation then you would make for a great manager. It will be down to you to organise your staff so that everything runs smoothly, from the shop fl oor to the warehouse and deliveries. Store managers usually start out on 16,000 to 20,000, while area managers or managers of huge stores can earn in excess of 40,000 a year this is usually accompanied with perks such as longer holidays and company cars.

    Careers ChoicesThese are some of the roles you can fi nd in this sector. Obviously day-to-day tasks will vary depending on your employer, but these roles are found across the sector:


  • 25www.careersworld.co.uk

    REGIONAL FOCUS10% of the workforce in the North East work in Retail, meaning it is big

    business! The Metrocentre in Gateshead is one of the biggest shopping centres in the EU, making it one of the major retail employers

    in the region. Newcastle is a central retail hub, with Intu Eldon Square being located

    at the heart of Newcastle City Centre.

    The majority of retail workers are on part-time contracts.

    There is always a huge increase in vacancies around holiday periods, especially in the large shopping centres, so look out for positions at


    APPRENTICESHIPSOver 30,000 people started in Level 2 and 3 Retail Apprenticeships in 2012 and that number is expected to increase this year. In this sector in particular employers like to teach you while you work and youll fi nd yourself taking in a lot very quickly. The Level 2 award will take the form of a diploma, a BTEC or an NVQ. Some of the Apprenticeship Frameworks and associated roles you might see are:Retail (General) Retail Specialist

    ADVANCED APPRENTICESHIPSJust like a regular Apprenticeship, you will be learning and working at the same time. The Retail Apprenticeship continues to Level 3, again resulting in a BTEC, Diploma or NVQ. Here are some of the job roles:Sales Professional Visual Merchandising Retail Management

    FOUNDATION DEGREESFoundation Degrees are a great way to get an employer respected qualifi cation while still working in your job. They are university level qualifi cations and are the equivalent of the fi rst two years of an honours degree. These take two years to complete and if you want, you can extend your qualifi cation to a full Honours degree when you fi nish.

    A-LEVELSA levels are a good pathway to university, but they are also qualifi cations that employers like to see. There arent any A-levels that are directly linked to retail, but some that might help you are listed below.Business Studies Maths IT English

    EMPLOYER FUNDED STUDYA lot of the bigger chains such as Sainsburys, B&Q, Tesco and Marks and Spencer have special training schemes for their employees. These more often than not have an option for management so you know theres an opportunity to go far! Entry levels vary, so its best to check the brands website for more information.




    321 BILLION





    Where to beginIf you like the idea of working in this sector, read on to fi nd out how you can get started.





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  • 27www.careersworld.co.uk


    Its more than just working out at the gym; this sector also includes coaching people in various sports, running outdoor activities such as kayaking, rock climbing and gliding and of course there are the roles that support sports centres, gyms and activity areas.


    The starting salaries vary according to the role you will play, but they tend to range from 12,000 to 15,000 and can be upwards of 25,000 with experience. For example, a fully qualifi ed Fitness Instructor can earn over 32,000 a year.


    Again, this depends on your role. If you are working in fi tness, then you are likely to be in a gym or sports centre. Outdoor activities can take you to rivers, cliff faces, mountains, oceans and ski slopes, so be prepared to fi ll your wardrobe with clothing to suit the occasion!


    Sport and Fitness is a popular sector to work in and it employs 663,000 people across the country, which accounts for 2% of the total UK workforce. Over 4 million people are subscribed to some sort of fi tness or gym program, so there will never be a shortage of people to help. The one downside to this is the cost and some people see it as a luxury they cannot aff ord. Perhaps this is something you can change for the better!


    Youll fi nd gyms all over the place although some of the private ones can be found attached to spas and hotels and can be in the middle of nowhere. The bigger chains can be found in towns and city centres along with council run sports centres. Outdoor activity centres are usually found in the countryside, but also look out for places by the sea and in forested areas.

    Sport & FitnessKeeping fi t is very important nowadays; the time of extra Yorkshire puddings and chips are gone! People are more keen to get and stay in shape and this sector is all about helping people do just that.

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    Web: www.bishopaucklandcollege.ac.uk

    THE REAL WORLDSpotlight on SportBishop Auckland College has an excellent reputation as a quality provider of learning in Sport. The courses range from level 2 right through to higher education, including HND and foundation degrees.

    Yannick Ayemou, 20, Ben Trotter, 20, and Rachelle Cooley, 21 are all former students of the college and now all have gained employment with Bishop Auckland, in addition to continuing to enhance their skills by completing HND in Sports Coaching and Development.

    Ben said: I really liked my time here as a student at the college, coming back as a staff member with Yannick and Rachelle is absolutely brilliant. Its great for us as we can pass on our experience of the college to new students.

    All three will be running enterprise projects at the college as a bolt-on to the core subjects. The successful trio are all currently working as facilitators in the Centre for Sport and Uniformed Services, which off ers qualifi cations equivalent to three A-levels.

  • 28 www.careersworld.co.uk

    PERSONAL TRAININGPeople hire Personal Trainers (or PTs as they are commonly known) so they can have one on one training sessions tailored to suit their needs. Youll need a wide knowledge of physiology and the body so that you can cover all possible areas that a person might ask for. As well as just training them, you will be giving them nutritional advice and therapies such as warm downs, stretches and massages to help the client relax after a workout.

    COACHINGSir Alex Ferguson, Jose Mourinho, Martin Johnson and the like all started out as coaches before they became successful managers. Coaching is all about using your skills and knowledge to guide others as they start out their sports careers and this could be coaching at grassroots level with an U9s basketball team, right up to working for the big sports clubs in England.

    OUTDOOR ACTIVITIESThere are a whole host of outdoor pursuits that you can work with. Sports such as White Water Rafting, Paintballing, Go-Karting, Zip-Lining, Abseiling and Caving all require instructors and supervisors to ensure everybody has a safe and enjoyable time. Instructors can also coach people who are interested in making a career out of their sport.

    SPECTATOR SUPPORTEvery professional sports match requires stewards to maintain health and safety, help people with queries and act in case of an emergency. NVQs are available in spectator safety, where youll learn skills such as confl ict management, fi rst aid and dealing with emergencies.

    OPERATIONSThe operations section of Sport and Fitness is important; its all about the day to day running of a centre, gym or facility. Whether thats maintaining the equipment, keeping everything clean and hygienic, taking bookings and sorting memberships or managing the whole place, this sector wouldnt run without responsible, organised people behind the scenes.

    WHAT CAN I EXPECT TO EARN?Salaries start out between 12,000 and can rise to 25,000 as you gain experience. Gym Managers can earn upwards of 35,000.

    Careers ChoicesYou dont have to be a fi tness fanatic to work in this sector (but it probably helps to be a little fi t) and there are many more roles than people think. This industry also covers outdoor activities, play work (with young children and toddlers), coaching in the community and the operation of gyms and sport centres. Here are some of the areas within this industry you could go into:

    Sport & Fitness

  • 29www.careersworld.co.uk

    REGIONAL FOCUSHome to some of the

    countrys sport icons, such as Sir Bobby Robson, the region takes its sport seriously, so is a great place to kick off

    your career. With three of the countrys biggest football clubs; some of the oldest, and newest golf courses

    in the UK; and world class cricket and rugby, sport in

    the North East is defi nitely a big deal. Durham University was ranked second in the

    country for Sport Science last year, proving the demand in the region for trained sport


    APPRENTICESHIPSWith over 48,000 diff erent companies in this sector, an Apprenticeship might be the easier route to take to get into a very tough sector. Competition for places in this industry is super high, so having one foot in the door and earning as you learn could be a great way to go. Here are the frameworks you can expect to see in this industry and all Apprenticeships result in a Level 2 BTEC, Diploma or NVQ.Leisure Operations Coaching Instructing Exercise and Fitness Activity Leadership

    ADVANCED APPRENTICESHIPSThese are the equivalent to A-Levels and can usually be joined after completing the associated Intermediate Apprenticeship. They are ideal for people who want a practical role as they learn while gaining valuable employment experience. Here are some of the Apprenticeship Frameworks for this sector and all of these will result in a Level 3 qualifi cation such as a BTEC, a Diploma or an NVQ.Sporting Excellence Sports Development Leisure Management

    A-LEVELSA-Levels are the most popular gateway into university and are sought after by employers. Here are some of the relevant A-Levels for this sector:P.E. Sports Studies Biology

    FOUNDATION DEGREESA Foundation Degree combines university lifestyle with practical, hands on work. Its sort of like a cross between an Apprenticeship and an Honours Degree. They are often used as gateway qualifi cations to a full time Degree as they count towards the fi rst two years of an Honours Degree. They usually take two years to complete and youll be both in the work place and on the university campus. Example degrees include Physiology, Nutrition and Sports Studies.

    COLLEGE COURSESCollege courses are also a great way to get into this sector and many colleges do Creative courses. To check which colleges do these courses, head towww.careersworld.co.uk.

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    Sport & Fitness

    Where to beginIf you think this is the sector for you, read on to learn more about how you can kick your career off

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    Plenty of old ladies wanting perms. No, only joking, theres so much more to this career path and when you get confi dent enough to create your own styles and treatments its very rewarding to see them elsewhere.


    The starting salaries in this sector are relatively low, starting somewhere between 10,000 and 12,000 a year, but you will earn more as you gain experience.


    Unsurprisingly, this job is favoured more by women. I havent seen many men giving me advice on which eye shadow would compliment my complexion (not that Ive asked), however the number of male hairdressers is increasing. Whatever your gender, youll be working with customers on a day to day basis so make sure your customer service skills are top notch. For therapists, the environment could be a nice relaxing spa area or if you go down the makeup line, you could fi nd yourself in a department store or even in a TV studio!


    Hair salons usually have link ups with local colleges and training providers and nearly all towns have at least two or three hairdressers, while high street employers such as Toni & Guy tend to be found in the bigger cities.

    Hair & BeautyFrom mullets to Mohawks, hair and beauty is something that we as people take very seriously. Everybody enjoys looking and feeling good and this sector is all about doing just that

    You ask us...

    Visit our website for more info on apprenticeships at


    THE REAL WORLDFrom Apprentice to Educator If youre considering doing an Apprenticeship, but youre not sure whether its for you, listen to Tegan Chapmans story as she tells us about her rise through the ranks at Saks.

    I began my career as a hairdressing apprentice with Saks Apprenticeships, during this time I worked at the Saks Darlington and Newcastle salons, completing my NVQ Levels 2 and 3, and the LOreal Colour Specialist Degree.

    After completing my Apprenticeship and working at Saks Bishop Auckland for a number of years, I made the move into the education sector, working at the Saks Darlington Academy as a Senior Hairdressing Educator. I spent seven years there, and was really lucky to work with some incredibly talented students along the way.

    This year I moved across to Saks Apprenticeships to work as an Educator. Its a really exciting and challenging role which gives me the best of both worlds, the buzz of the salon and the knowledge that Im passing on my expert skills and experience to learners at the same time.

    Ive had an amazing journey through the ranks, and Ive been so lucky to have the chance to try so many diff erent roles at a world renowned company like Saks. Hopefully this will be an inspiration to future apprentices, and proof that if you put the hard work in youll reap the rewards.

    So if youre passionate about being part of the hair and beauty industry and want to learn from the best in the business, then we want to hear from you! Get in touch with the team at Saks Apprenticeships on 01325 341 602 or emai