PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR LIFE AND WORK, 10th Edition, eManual General Suggestions This edition provides many new features. Review each chapter to decide how you will present the material and which features you want to point out to students. You may also wish to determine which end-of-section and end-of-chapter activities you would like students to complete alone or in small groups. Decide if a speaker should be invited to discuss topics such as self-esteem, dressing for success, etiquette, attitude, image in the workplace, communication basics, listening skills, teamwork, communicating electronically, conducting a job search, and developing a career strategy. Review the instructors resources provided on the IRCD and on the companion website for this textbook at www.cengage.com/careerreadiness/masters . You may want to print the teaching materials for each chapter to keep in a binder to take to class with you. CHAPTER 1: SELF-ESTEEM OBJECTIVES After completing this chapter, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the term self-esteem. 2. Discuss the "do’s" and “don’ts" of building self-esteem. 3. Recognize the impact of low self-esteem. 4. List the rewards of a high level of self-esteem. 5. Understand how failure paves the way to success. 6. Be sensitive to feedback and use it to your benefit. 1

Career Development Chapter 1 Self-Esteem

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General Suggestions

This edition provides many new features. Review each chapter to decide how you will present

the material and which features you want to point out to students. You may also wish to

determine which end-of-section and end-of-chapter activities you would like students to

complete alone or in small groups.

Decide if a speaker should be invited to discuss topics such as self-esteem, dressing for success,

etiquette, attitude, image in the workplace, communication basics, listening skills, teamwork,

communicating electronically, conducting a job search, and developing a career strategy.

Review the instructors resources provided on the IRCD and on the companion website for this

textbook at www.cengage.com/careerreadiness/masters.

You may want to print the teaching materials for each chapter to keep in a binder to take to class

with you.



After completing this chapter, the student should be able to:

1. Explain the term self-esteem.

2. Discuss the "do’s" and “don’ts" of building self-esteem.

3. Recognize the impact of low self-esteem.

4. List the rewards of a high level of self-esteem.

5. Understand how failure paves the way to success.

6. Be sensitive to feedback and use it to your benefit.

7. Trust others to help gain self-understanding.

Chapter 1 Outline

1.1 Know and Accept Yourself

Self-Esteem and Self-Image

Do’s of Building Self-Esteem

Don’ts of Improving Self-Esteem

Rewards of Good Self-Esteem


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1.2 Believe in Yourself

Turn Failure into Success

Be Sensitive to Feedback

Learn from Others

Teaching Suggestions

1. Have students talk about events in their own lives that they feel might have shaped their

personalities. Have them explain what the consequences were of some of these events and their

possible future consequences.

2. Use your own personal experiences or the experiences of someone you know well to illustrate

the impact of self-esteem on important decisions. You might explain why you became a teacher

and identify events which influenced this decision. You might ask students to explain what

influenced them to further their education at a postsecondary institution.

3. Have students complete an assignment to engage in self-analysis. Have them comment on

their feelings about themselves with respect to scholastic ability, social acceptance, athletic

ability, physical appearance, job and classroom performance, personal conduct, and the ability to

make friends.

4. Set up a role-playing situation using the information described in the Think About It scenario

at the beginning of the chapter. Assign students to work in groups of three with one student

playing the role of Olivia, one playing Deanna, and one being an observer and consultant to

Deanna. Within their group, they should discuss the questions at the end of the Think About It

scenario. Students should then write a short script using the material in the textbook and then

continue the conversation with the objective of having Deanna help Olivia realize that she is

hiding from reality by saying she needs no help. After the small group role-play, have a class

discussion with the objective of determining what strategies seem to be effective in helping

another face reality.

5. Discuss the On the Job scenario in Section 1.1 of the text. Encourage students to trace Irv’s

thought processes as the scenario unfolded. Encourage students to give examples of situations

they faced that were similar to Irv's. Did their “self-talk” lead to forward thinking, as was the

case with Irv’s conversation with himself? You may want to discuss the quote: “Tackling a job


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that seems worth doing and doing it in a competent manner, is … the best way for a person to

gain self-esteem.” —John Holt

6. Discuss how the Apply It! activity in Section 1.1 can help students assess their own sense of

self-esteem. Students will rate themselves on the items provided using the rating scale in the text.

Students’ answers will vary and will be quite personal. If students want to discuss any of these

items, you may talk with them privately after class.

7. Have students complete the Self-Esteem Boosters activity in Section 1.1. Discuss why it is

important to read each statement aloud and with enthusiasm. Ask students if they can think of

additional positive affirmations to boost self-esteem and encourage them to add these to the list.

8. Discuss the On the Job scenario in Section 1.2. Lead the class in discussing similar situations

they may have faced where they know someone whose self-image was not realistic. Work

through the questions at the end of the scenario with the class. Talk about the steps Ava will need

to take to rebuild her self-image. Do the skills learned and practiced on one job naturally transfer

to another position? The most important lesson from this scenario is the importance of

reassessing skills and moving forward when faced with an unsuccessful experience.

9. Review the Tips for Building Self-Esteem feature in Section 1.2. Discuss with students how

each of these actions contributes to building one's self-esteem.


Answers to CHECKPOINT in Section 1.1

1. The dimensions of your image include the following: physical appearance, athletic skills,

sense of humor, special talents, morals and ethics, aptitudes, and values and beliefs.

2. Any three of the following will answer the question: engage in positive self-talk; remember

what you like about yourself; talk with others about your good qualities; focus on your

achievements; and plan for your future.

3. Any two of the following will answer the question: People with high self-esteem meet

everyday challenges; stay on course to be all they can be; like, accept, and respect themselves;

show humbleness; and recognize their own worth.

4. Give yourself recognition, praise, and positive self-talk each day. Tell yourself “well done”

when you do well. Remind yourself about the times you excelled, learned new skills, or treated

another person well. Shape your self-image with positive self-talk.


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5. The rewards of high self-esteem include the following abilities: taking on responsibility;

taking pride in your accomplishments; approaching challenges positively and with enthusiasm;

not being afraid to show a broad range of emotions; feeling qualified to influence others; and

tolerating frustration, challenges, and setbacks in life.

Answers to CHECKPOINT in Section 1.2

1. Feedback provides information you can use to evaluate how you are doing. Feedback is

important as it helps you grow and improve.

2. Employers expect employees to be open, alert, and sensitive to both positive and negative

feedback and follow-up with changes as appropriate.

3. Any five of the following will answer the question: list your accomplishments each evening;

do something nice for someone else; build the esteem of others; do something challenging each

day; think positive thoughts; establish and work toward your goals; look your best; handle

problems one at a time; eat the foods your body needs; learn a new skill or start a new hobby; ask

for and accept feedback; take advantage of all educational opportunities; allow personal time for

yourself each day; post self-improvement reminders in your work and personal area; don’t make

negative comments about yourself or others; and volunteer to help or share your skills with


4. Supervisors and coworkers should give each other feedback. Anyone you relate with on a

regular basis can provide you with valuable feedback.

5. Both positive and negative feedback provide sources for improvement.

APPLICATIONS in Section 1.1

All of the activities require personal responses that can serve as the basis for sharing ideas and

discussion. In Activity 3, talk with students about the unique qualities that others may see that

they may have missed in writing their list. Also, discuss the importance of a positive attitude as

they learn of characteristics/qualities on which they need to improve. Students’

discussions/responses will vary.

APPLICATIONS in Section 1.2

In Activities 1 and 2, students will assess their feelings about themselves and others by putting a

check mark in the appropriate column. The three personal responses could serve as the basis for

sharing ideas and discussion. Activity 3 provides the groundwork for a good discussion on

handling negative feedback that may or may not be fair.


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Remind students that this section provides a recap of the key points from the chapter.


self-esteem—belief in your abilities and your worth or value.

self-image—the mental picture of who you are.

feedback—information returned to the sender that indicates whether the message is understood.

envy—a feeling of jealousy with regard to another’s advantages, successes, possessions, etc.


Each chapter includes Internet activities. Students are instructed to go to the website for the

textbook at www.cengage.com/careerreadiness/masters.


1. Each student will choose a trusted friend or counselor for this activity, which is designed as a

source of self-enlightenment. You may not want to review the responses in class, as they will be

very personal.

2. Continue to encourage students to discuss this activity with a trusted friend or counselor.

Again, you may not want to review the responses in class, as they will be very personal. In the

general discussion, talk with students about the value of praise and constructive criticism.

3. Encourage students to discuss the situations they describe. As they are relating an experience

of others, remind them not to mention names. The sharing of experiences may be very insightful

to all class members.


Case 1.1 Marcy’s Dilemma

1. Marcy obviously has a problem with self-esteem. This experience had a negative impact on

Marcy’s self-esteem, as indicated by her persistent apologies and her tearful response to


2. Marcy may be expecting too much of herself. She should not nurture her self-concept as a

perfectionist. She should accept herself as-is and realize that she is a competent worker.

Evidence to support this is her successful experience under Mr. DeLisi’s supervision.


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3. Mr. DeLisi would probably listen and show concern. Then he should reinforce Marcy’s

positive self-image with reminders of her past successful work performance and the implications

for a continuing successful performance on her job.

Case 1.2 Pull Yourself Together

1. Madison should set aside her concerns about what Hannah has said. She will want to

recognize that Hannah is under stress and needs her support and encouragement. Hannah’s

envious remarks may have hurt their relationship, and Madison has a right to be concerned.

Madison needs to remind Hannah of her skills and experience.

2. It may have been a while since Hannah faced this type of challenge. Many changes are about

to take place in her life. She realized she was up against some stiff competition for the new

position. She should have been focusing on her qualifications rather than on the real or imagined

qualifications of the other candidates. She may also be concerned that she now has sole

responsibility for paying the rent. Before, it was a responsibility she shared with Madison.

3. No, Hannah has probably not spent adequate time assessing her qualifications and capabilities.

This is where she should be directing her attention. If she does not work on her self-esteem, she

will not perform well in the interview and thus lessen her chances of being hired for the new

position. Student responses may vary.