Carbon Calculated Report: Qualified Greenhouse Gas Inventory Client: Date: Bidvest Group Ltd 2009 - Carbon Footprint Report (Prepared: October 2009)

Carbon Calculated Report - Bidvest · Nici Alexander and Alex Hetherington from Carbon Calculated would like to thank Michael Rea, Jack Hochfeld and Junette Davidson from Bidvest

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Page 1: Carbon Calculated Report - Bidvest · Nici Alexander and Alex Hetherington from Carbon Calculated would like to thank Michael Rea, Jack Hochfeld and Junette Davidson from Bidvest

Carbon Calculated Report: Qualified Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Client: Date:

Bidvest Group Ltd 2009 - Carbon Footprint Report

(Prepared: October 2009)

Page 2: Carbon Calculated Report - Bidvest · Nici Alexander and Alex Hetherington from Carbon Calculated would like to thank Michael Rea, Jack Hochfeld and Junette Davidson from Bidvest

1 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Acknowledgements Nici Alexander and Alex Hetherington from Carbon Calculated would like to thank Michael Rea, Jack Hochfeld and Junette Davidson from Bidvest for collating the required information and fielding all questions relating to the 2009 Carbon Footprint Report.

Addendum: Bidvest 2009 Annual Report GHG emissions reporting The Bidvest 2009 Annual Report indicated the following greenhouse gas emission figures for the year. These figures inadvertently excluded domestic air travel for the various business divisions, resulting in an under-reporting of 4 618.84tonnes CO2e. Please see p. 2 & 3 of this report for final and complete Bidvest greenhouse gas emissions for 2009.

Division 2009 Annual Report (tCO2e)

2009 Annual Report


2009 Annual Report


Bid Auto 101 812 6 942 14.5 BICP 51 013 7 428 6.9 Corporate 21 209 610 34.5 Bidfood 56 503 3 654 15.5 Bidfreight 123 036 5 212 23.6 Bidpaper 37 430 4 261 8.8 Bidserv 104 090 61 247 1.7 Asia Pacific 92 145 3 623 25.4 Bidvest Europe 110 653 8 474 13.1 Bidvest Namibia 3 031 1 998 1.5

Total 699 922 103 449 6.8

Page 3: Carbon Calculated Report - Bidvest · Nici Alexander and Alex Hetherington from Carbon Calculated would like to thank Michael Rea, Jack Hochfeld and Junette Davidson from Bidvest

2 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Overview of Bidvest Group Ltd’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: Bidvest Group Limited (all divisions) Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Total Bidvest Group Ltd employees covered by report: 103 449 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100% Total square meterage of Bidvest Group Ltd: Information not available

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 56 422.60 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 182 811.42 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 223.60 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming coal 37 552.22 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 387 942.85 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 664 952.69 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines (local) 4 618.20 Business travel in commercial airlines (international) 6 627.50 Emissions to air: methane 6 573.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 20 460.00 Consumption of office paper 1 309.45 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 39 588.15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL SCOPE 1, 2 & 3 EMISSIONS (GHG Protocol) 704 540.84 Non-Kyoto Protocol GHG emissions1 0 TOTAL BIDVEST GROUP LTD 2009 EMISSIONS (tonnes of CO2e) 704 540.84 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 6.81 NOTE: Overviews for individual business divisions are provided in Appendix A.

GHG emissions per Bidvest Group business division is provided in Appendix B

1 Non-Kyoto Protocol GHG emissions are not included in GHG Protocol calculations, but are indicated in this report for complete reporting purposes.

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3 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Bidvest Group Ltd carbon emissions by division:

Bidvest Division Total emissions (tonnes CO2e)

Total fulltime employees2

Emissions per employee

Bid Auto 101 646.73 6 942 14.64 BICP 51 411.72 7 428 6.92 Corporate Services 21 385.82 610 35.06 Bidfood 56 851.76 3 654 15.56 Bidfreight 123 490.60 5 212 23.69 Bidpaper Plus 37 589.61 4 261 8.82 Bidserv 105 894.53 61 247 1.73 Bidvest Asia Pacific 92 395.69 3 623 25.50 Bidvest Europe 110 814.88 8 474 13.08 Bidvest Namibia 3 059.51 1 998 1.53 TOTAL 704 540.84 103 449 6.81

2 Employees = “Total staff employed” plus “Non-permanent employees”, as recorded in: BIDVEST CARBON FIGURES – 90911-

MHREdits – 17 Sept – v1 - 1.xls

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4 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Abbreviations and glossary of terms A/C Air conditioning Baseline year A historical year used to compare proceeding year’s emissions CO2 Carbon dioxide CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent – standardisation of all greenhouse gases to

reflect the global warming potential relative to carbon dioxide CDP Carbon Disclosure Project Defra United Kingdom Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Direct emissions Greenhouse gas emissions from facilities/sources owned or controlled by

a reporting company, e.g. generators, blowers, car fleets, etc Emission factors Specific value used to convert activity data into greenhouse gas emission

values. Presented in specific units, e.g. KgCO2/Km travelled FTEs Fulltime employees GHG Greenhouse gases GHG Protocol Greenhouse Gas Protocol – uniform methodology used to calculate the

carbon footprint of an organisation GWP Global Warming Potential – an indication of a greenhouse gas` global

warming effect in comparison to the same weight of carbon dioxide HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbon IPCC International Panel on Climate Change Indirect emissions Greenhouse gas emissions from facilities/sources that are not owned or

controlled by the reporting company, but for which the activities of the reporting company are responsible, e.g. purchasing of electricity

Operational boundary Determination of which facilities or sources of emissions will be included in a carbon footprint calculation

Organisational boundary Determination of which business units of an organisation will be included in a carbon footprint calculation

Optional information Information relating to emissions that are recommended but not compulsory under the GHG Protocol, e.g. emissions from air travel

Relevant emissions Emissions generated as a result of the business activities of the reporting company

Required information Information relating to emissions that are compulsory under the GHG Protocol, namely direct emissions and indirect emissions from purchased electricity

Scope 1 emissions Emissions resulting from equipment owned or controlled by a reporting company

Scope 2 emissions Emissions resulting from consumption of electricity purchased by a reporting company

Scope 3 emissions Emissions resulting from other activities of a reporting company, such as commuting travel, business air travel, paper consumption, etc

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development WRI World Resources Institute

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5 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................. 1 Overview of Bidvest Group Ltd’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions ........................ 2 Bidvest Group Ltd carbon emissions by division ...................................................................... 3 Abbreviations and glossary of terms ........................................................................................ 4 Section A: Introduction............................................................................................................. 6 Section B: Required information under the GHG Protocol........................................................ 7

1. Company description .................................................................................................... 7 2. Inventory boundaries..................................................................................................... 7 3. Information on Bidvest’s GHG emissions by Scope....................................................... 9

Section C: Optional information under the GHG Protocol....................................................... 14 4. Relevant Scope 3 emissions ....................................................................................... 14 5. Emissions from GHGs not covered by the Kyoto Protocol ........................................... 17 6. Information on offsets.................................................................................................. 17 7. Verification of GHG Inventory...................................................................................... 17 8. Facilities covered by GHG Inventory ........................................................................... 17 9. Comparison of 2008 and 2009 GHG Inventory Reports .............................................. 17 10. Contact person/s...................................................................................................... 19 11. References .............................................................................................................. 21

Appendix A: Overview for individual business divisions of Bidvest ......................................... 22 Appendix B: GHG emissions per Bidvest business division ................................................... 24

Overview of Bid Auto’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions.................................. 24 Overview of BICP’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions ....................................... 25 Overview of Bidvest Corporate’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions ................... 26 Overview of BidFood’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions .................................. 27 Overview of BidFreight’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions ............................... 28 Overview of BidPaper Plus’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions......................... 29 Overview of BidServ’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions................................... 30 Overview of Bidvest Asia Pacific’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions ................ 31 Overview of Bidvest Europe’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions ....................... 32 Overview of Bidvest Namibia’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions...................... 33

Appendix C: GHG emissions comparison between 2008 and 2009 per Bidvest business division .................................................................................................................................. 34 Appendix D: Diagram describing emissions assessment- direct vs. indirect emissions ......... 38

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6 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009


Section A: Introduction This report constitutes the second greenhouse gas emissions inventory (“Carbon Footprint”) undertaken by the Bidvest Group Ltd. (Bidvest) and follows from the Group’s first inventory of 2008. Bidvest has collated relevant greenhouse gas emissions data from their different business divisions and activities as part of their 2009 Sustainability Report. All Bidvest business units have been included in the inventory and, therefore, it can be assumed that one hundred per cent of Bidvest fulltime employees (FTE’s) are covered by this report. The following documents were used as primary data sources for this exercise:

• Bidvest 2009 Consolidated Data Table – MHR – 7 Sept – v2-4 • BIDVEST CARBON FIGURES – 90911-MHR Edits – 17 Sept – v1-1

This inventory report has been undertaken in full accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, the most widely used international carbon calculation methodology, compatible with other GHG standards such as the ISO 14064 (see p. 7). In accordance with the GHG Protocol, clear organisational and operational boundaries have been defined and agreed to by Bidvest, and the relevant activity data supplied by Bidvest for calculation purposes. In the case of emissions related to paper consumption and purchased electricity, a customised methodology has been used that incorporates environmental data from the manufacturers of South Africa’s leading paper producers and South African electricity supplier, Eskom. Emitting activities included in this report include direct greenhouse (GHG) emissions resulting from fuel used by vehicles and equipment owned or controlled by Bidvest including: diesel, petrol, LPG, LNG and coal; indirect emissions from purchased electricity (referred to as Scope 1 and 2 emissions respectively); and, selected indirect emissions resulting from business travel in corporate aeroplanes, consumption of office paper and methane and nitrous oxide emitted by equipment not owned or controlled by Bidvest (referred to as Scope 3 emissions). It is important to highlight that under the GHG Protocol, the reporting of both direct emissions and indirect emissions resulting from purchased electricity, are compulsory. All other indirect emissions are reported on a voluntary basis. As many voluntary emissions as possible have been reported on (dependent on reliable data). Although conducted in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, this report is lacking certain compulsory and voluntary information as required by the GHG Protocol. This includes activities accounting for air conditioning and refrigeration gas refills, employee commuting, travel claims/allowances, accommodation in hotels, car rental activity, and other third party production of consumed materials, outsourced activities and end-use of products sold by Bidvest. In addition, not all business operations are reporting their activities in full; there are numerous zero values in the primary data sources. For the above reasons this report constitutes a limited and qualified GHG inventory and should be used for indicative purposes only. It should be noted however, that the data collection over the past year has improved and is more reliable than that contained in the 2008 GHG inventory. Carbon Calculated has gone to all reasonable measures to ensure that the primary information provided by Bidvest is correct but holds no responsibility for any inaccuracies that this information might contain. This report, in its entirety, is both material and complete where reliable data is available. It is intended for Bidvest’s internal use only. Information may however be extracted for reporting purposes, such as for submission into international and/or national Greenhouse Gas registries and sustainability reporting. It can also be presented for third party verification purposes if desired by Bidvest.

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7 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Section B: Required information under the GHG Protocol The GHG Protocol The GHG Protocol is a multiple-stakeholder partnership of business, NGOs and governments led by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). It is the best source of information about corporate GHG accounting and reporting, and draws on the expertise and contributions of individuals and organisations from around the world. The GHG Protocol is the most widely used standard for mandatory and voluntary GHG Programmes and is compatible with other international GHG standards such as ISO 14064. It is also analogous to the generally accepted financial accounting standards for companies’ consistent accounting reporting purposes.

1. Company description Bidvest is an international service, trading, and distributions company. It is a business conglomeration of geographically dispersed and multi-faceted businesses with its group headquarters based in Johannesburg, South Africa (refer to Appendix A for a breakdown of these operations). Many of Bidvest’s business activities are significant GHG emitters, particularly through the use and purchase of energy (petrol, diesel and electricity). Bidvest has a proud history of measurement and reporting of its sustainability indicators, including its environmental impact across its group and geographical reach. It is a founding member of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange’s Socially Responsible Investment Index (JSE SRI) and is one of only four South African companies listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. This report has been completed as part of Bidvest’s corporate sustainability reporting for 2009.

2. Inventory boundaries

2.1. Organisational boundary

Definition: Organisational boundaries Organisational boundaries determine which business units (core, subsidiaries, franchises, etc.); facilities; or, physical places of operation, owned or controlled by the reporting company, are included in the carbon footprint. The more complex the company structure, the more important organisation’s boundaries are for the clear definition and scope of the report. This 2009 GHG Inventory is composed of all ten business divisions and 100% of Bidvest full time employees, totalling 103 449 employees. The 2008 inventory contained the same organisational boundaries, creating a platform for comparison between the two years. All Bidvest business divisions have been reported in this inventory. This includes South African and international business activities relating to the following divisions:

• Bidserv • Bidvest Corporate Services • Bid Auto • Bid Industrial and Commercial Products (BICP) • Bidfood • Bidvest Asia Pacific • Bidfreight • Bidvest Namibia • Bidpaper Plus • Bidvest Europe

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8 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Bidvest has business operations in the following countries: South Africa, United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Botswana, DRC, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mauritius, China, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium and the Netherlands.

2.2. Operational boundary Definition: Operational boundaries Operational boundaries determine the actual business activities of the reporting company that generate emissions; which of these activities should be included in the calculation; and, how these activities should be classified (i.e. direct or indirect emissions). Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the following activities have been calculated:

• Direct emissions: o Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled that consume petrol o Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled that consume diesel o Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled that consume LPG o Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled that consume LNG o Equipment owned or controlled that consumes coal

• Indirect emissions o Purchased electricity o Business travel in commercial airlines o Emissions to air: methane o Emissions to air: nitrous oxide o Consumption of office paper

2.2.1. Recommended improvements

It is highly recommended that Bidvest encourages all business units to report on all activities. On review of the data, values of zero were recorded in numerous instances.3 It is also recommended that Bidvest consider incorporating the following activities in their future data collection:

• Air conditioning and refrigeration gas refills • Business travel: total nights spent in hotel accommodation • Business travel: rental cars • Business travel: recording individual flight routes and class or number of flights per

category: o Category A - Domestic: flight distance per route < 463 km o Category B - Short-haul: flight distance per route 463-3 700 km o Category C - Long-haul: flight distance per route > 3 700 km

• Employee commuting • Travel claims and/or travel allowances

For the above reasons this report constitutes a limited and qualified GHG inventory and should be used for indicative purposes only. It is also recommended that a separate “Interpretation Report” be considered in future to better understand the relevance of the calculated figures and to compare this report to the “baseline” 2008 GHG inventory.

3 Divisions that have not reported activities, or reported zero consumption, are not indicated in the relevant sections of the inventory.

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9 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

2.3. Reporting period

The reporting period correlates with Bidvest’s 2009 financial year (1 July 2008 – 30 June 2009).

3. Information on Bidvest’s GHG emissions by Scope

Definition: Direct and Indirect emissions Under the GHG Protocol, emissions are categorised as ‘direct’ when they are generated from activities or sources within the reporting company’s organisational boundary and which the company owns or controls. ‘Indirect’ sources are those emissions related to the company’s activities, but that are emitted from sources owned or controlled by another company, e.g. purchased electricity, rental cars, commercial airlines or paper (see Appendix D for a diagram indicating direct and indirect emissions).

3.1. Total Scope 1 & 2 emissions

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol requires carbon footprint calculations to include all direct emissions under Scope 1 and indirect emissions from purchased electricity under Scope 2. Other activities under indirect emissions, Scope 3, are voluntarily reported.

Definition: Scope 1 emissions Emissions from sources owned or controlled by the reporting company, e.g. generators, refrigeration, air-conditioning units etc.

Definition: Scope 2 emissions Emissions associated with the consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam from a source that is not owned or controlled by the reporting company, e.g. an electricity utility such as Eskom in South Africa.

3.1.1. Limitations and qualifications The GHG Protocol requires carbon footprint calculations to include all Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions as compulsory reporting. However, as indicated, limited information is available and this report must be considered to be indicative only of Bidvest’s GHG emissions, rather than a complete report. To align with the presentation of information in the Bidvest Sustainability Report 2009, GHG emissions are ascribed to each division in turn. All data information is supplied by Bidvest and is assumed to be correct. The responsibility for the accuracy of the information lies with Bidvest.

3.1.2. Emission factors

This report uses the most recent emission factors provided by a variety of reliable and relevant sources. In all cases throughout the report these sources are indicated.

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10 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Emission factors Emission factors convert activity data (e.g. amount of fuel used, kilometres driven, kilowatt hours of purchased electricity, etc.) into a value indicating carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions generated by that particular activity. Default values are used by the GHG Protocol to assist businesses that are unable to develop accurate customised values. These default values are representative averages based on the most extensive data sets available, and are largely identical to those used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the premier authority on greenhouse gas accounting practices at the global level. The GHG Protocol recommends, however, that businesses should use customised values whenever possible as industrial processes or the composition of fuels used by businesses may differ with time and by region. This report largely uses the latest emission factors provided by the UK government’s Department of Environment, Food and Rural Activities (Defra) July 2009. These have been adopted by the GHG Protocol as de facto emission factors and are updated on a regular basis. In reporting emissions generated by the consumption of purchased electricity, specific emission factors released by South Africa’s electricity utility, Eskom’s annual report (2008), have been used to provide South African context accuracy. For all other countries, the average electricity emission factor per country or per continent (in the case of other African countries) has been adopted from Defra 2009.

3.1.3. Emissions of each GHG

All emissions are calculated as carbon dioxide equivalent gases (CO2e), as required by the GHG Protocol. Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e) Due to the varying ability of greenhouse gases to trap heat in the atmosphere, some are more harmful to the climate than others. Each greenhouse gas has a “global warming potential” (GWP), which refers to its heat trapping potential relative to that of CO2. Therefore, to provide a comparable final figure, all emissions are reported as a relative figure to CO2, i.e. as CO2e values. The six main greenhouse gases covered by the GHG Protocol and reported as CO2e are: • Carbon dioxide (CO2) • Methane (CH4) • Nitrous oxide (N20) • Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC’s) • Perflourocarbons (PFC’s) • Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)

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11 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

4 Emission factors provided by UK Government Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Guideline to Defra’s GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting; Annexes Updated June 2009. Available from: http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/business/envrp/ 5 Source of data: Bidvest 2009 Consolidated Data Table – MHR – 7 Sept – v2-4. 6 The conversion factor for LPG from kilograms to tonnes is 0.001 and from kilograms to litres is 1 850.


Scope Description Emissions factor 4

Business division

Total consumption5

Metric tonnes of CO2e

emissions Litres of petrol Bid Auto 6 132 518 14 293.06 BICP 4 794 263.63 11 173.99 Corportate 20 806.83 48.49 BidFood 2 128 386.17 4 960.63 Bidfreight 874 689.33 2 038.64 BidPaper 424 325.00 988.97 Bidserv 8 143 985.33 18 981.19 Asia Pacific 1 102 647.00 2 569.94 Europe 128 057.00 298.46 Namibia 458 756.24 1 069.22


Petrol: Equipment owned or controlled by Bidvest e.g. vehicles and generators

2.3307 kg CO2/l

TOTAL 24 208 434.53 56 422.60 Litres of diesel Bid Auto 2 053 864.00 5 482.58 BICP 3 876 020.63 10 346.65 Corportate 7 053 994.40 18 829.93 BidFood 6 822 428.45 18 211.79 Bidfreight 5 720 253.26 15 269.64 BidPaper 328 745.00 877.55 Bidserv 6 086 445.47 16 247.16 Asia Pacific 6 814 851.00 18 191.56 Europe 29 329 300.00 78 291.63 Namibia 398 185.00 1 062.92


Diesel: Equipment owned or controlled by Bidvest e.g. vehicles and generators

2.6694 kg CO2/l

TOTAL 68 484 087.21 182 811.42 Kilograms of


Bid Auto 0.00 0.00 BICP 67.11 0.19 Corportate 0.00 0.00 BidFood 12.74 0.04 Bidfreight 101 0.28 BidPaper 14 0.04 Bidserv 173 0.48 Asia Pacific 7 204 19.95 Europe 72 073 199.58 Namibia 1 104 3.06

LPG 1.4968 kg CO2/l

TOTAL 80 748.85 223.60

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12 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

7 66 749 401 kWh are from renewable energy sources in the UK, and accounted for in above emissions factors.


Scope Description Emissions factor

Business Division

Total consumption

Metric tonnes of CO2e

emissions 1. LNG All 0 0

Tonnes of coal Bid Auto 0 0.00 BICP 0 0.00 Corportate 0 0.00 BidFood 0 0.00 Bidfreight 0 0.00 BidPaper 0 0.00 Bidserv 16 061 37 552.22 Asia Pacific 0 0.00 Europe 0 0.00 Namibia 0 0.00

1. Coal 2 338.1 kg CO2/tonne

TOTAL 16 061 37 552.22


Scope Description Emissions factor

Business Division

Total consumption

Metric tonnes of CO2e

emissions kWh Bid Auto 79 695 244 79 695.24 BICP 29 035 039 28 952.56 Corportate 1 726 952 776.11 BidFood 32 907 831 32 810.22 Bidfreight 80 361 044 79 303.06 BidPaper 35 447 908 35 447.91 Bidserv 31 661 908 29 445.26 Asia Pacific 80 413 777 70 100.93 Europe7 94 702 395 30 939.38 Namibia 6 212 951 472.18

2. Purchased electricity

Various emission factors used, based on location of divisions. See further details in table below.

TOTAL 472 165 048 387 942.85

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13 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009


Emission factor (kg CO2/kWh)8




















a Pa






South Africa 19 √ √ √ √ √ √ √

African Average

0.7333 √ √ √

Namibia 0.07610

√ √ Netherlands 0.4295

Belgium 0.274

United Kingdom and Isle of Man

0.30107 √ √

New Zealand 0.3342 √

Australia 0.9965

Singapore 0.567

Hong Kong, China

0.9598 √

3.2. Base year information

Base year calculations A base year is the historical year against which a reporting company’s emissions are tracked and compared over time. It is typically the earliest relevant point in time for which a company has reliable data. The base year should be recalculated as additional or new as relevant data becomes available that would affect the baseline year figure and its comparability with future emission activities. The first GHG inventory, compiled in 2008, should be considered the “baseline” as this is the earliest relevant point in time for which the company has reliable data.

3.3. Methodologies used

This calculation was conducted in alignment with the GHG Protocol, using the following calculation tools.11

• CO2 emissions from fuel use combustion (GHG Protocol 2009). • Individual CO2 emissions from purchased electricity (GHG Protocol 2009). • CO2 emissions from business travel (GHG Protocol 2009). • CO2 emissions resulting from the purchasing of office paper (customised by Carbon

Calculated using GHG Protocol’s individual CO2 emissions from purchased electricity,

8 Electricity emission factors (EF) were sourced from Defra July 2009 unless otherwise stated. 9 Source of South African purchased electricity EF: Eskom Annual Report 2008. 10 Source of Namibian purchased electricity EF: correspondence between Alex Hetherington and the International Energy Agency: available at: www.milkywayforumone.com/pipermail/discuss/2009-May/000902.html. 11 Available at: http://www.ghgprotocol.org/calculation-tools/all-tools

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14 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

heat and steam, and using environmental data supplied by relevant paper manufacturer).

3.4. Specific exclusions

The following exclusions of emission sources (and their explanations) are described below. Scope 1 Direct emissions:

• GHG gas refills of air conditioning and/or refrigeration equipment owned or controlled by Bidvest –partial information not accurate enough to be included in the report.

• Combustion of fuel in generators, boilers or furnaces – partial information and where available used in this report.

• Business travel in corporate jets – no aircraft owned by Bidvest. • Employee commuting in company-owned or controlled vehicles – information not

available or insufficiently differentiated to properly ascribe fuel combustion to specific activities.

Scope 3 Indirect emissions:

• Business travel in rental vehicles – information not available. • Business travel for total nights spent in hotel accommodation – information not

available. • Employee commuting in cars, trains or buses – information not available. • Travel claims by employees using private vehicles for business purposes – information

not available • Combustion of fuel in boilers or furnaces not owned or controlled by the reporting

company – information not available. • Outsourced activities such as shipping, courier services and printing services – partial

information not sufficient for this report. • End use of products sold by the reporting company – information not available. • Emissions resulting from the generation and disposal of waste – insufficient information

and not deemed accurate enough for reporting purposes.

Section C: Optional information under the GHG Protocol

4. Relevant Scope 3 emissions The table below outlines the Scope 3 emissions during Bidvest’s 2009 financial year. Please refer to the footnotes below the table for further details.

Definition: Scope 3 emissions Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions other than purchased electricity, which can be described as relevant to the reporting company’s activities. They are not compulsory reporting under the GHG Protocol. Certain GHG reporting registries, however, require that some Scope 3 emissions be reported under different circumstances.

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15 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

12 Individual flight routes were unavailable. A flight distance of 1 270.2km was assumed for local flights (Cape Town to Johannesburg). Passenger kilometres were calculated by multiplying number of flights by the distance per flight. A 9% uplift factor was incorporated to take account of non-direct routing and delays as per Defra 2009. 13 Individual flight routes were unavailable. A flight distance of 9 069.68 was assumed for international flights (Johannesburg to London Heathrow). Passenger kilometres were calculated by multiplying the number of flights by the distance per flight. A 9% uplift factor was incorporated to take account of non-direct routing and delays as per Defra 2009.


Scope Description Emissions factor Business Division Total Consumption

Metric tonnes of

CO2e emissions

Total number of flights12

Total passenger kilometres

Bid Auto 6 078 7 720 276 834.78 BICP 2 901 3 684 850 398.44 Corporate 1 289 1 637 288 177.04 Bidfood 2 537 3 222 497 348.44 Bidfreight 3 307 4 200 551 454.20 Bidpaper 1 163 1 477 243 159.73 Bidserv 13 140 16 690 428 1 804.70 Asia Pacific 1 826 2 319 385 250.79 Europe 1 176 1 493 755 161.52 Namibia 208 264 202 28.57

3. Business travel in commercial airlines

Local flights: 0.0992 kg CO2/passenger km

TOTAL 33 625 42 710 475 4 618.20


number of flights13

Total passenger kilometres

Bid Auto 513 4 652 746 574.60 BICP 437 3 963 450 489.47 Corporate 1 383 12 543 367 1 549.07 Bidfood 205 1 859 284 229.62 Bidfreight 272 2 466 953 304.66 Bidpaper 103 934 177 115.37 Bidserv 1 513 13 722 426 1 694.68 Asia Pacific 290 2 630 207 324.82 Europe 824 7 473 416 922.94 Namibia 377 3 419 269 422.27

3. Business travel in commercial airlines

International flights: 0.1133 kg CO2/passenger km

TOTAL 5 917

53 665 297

6 627.50

GRAND TOTAL 39 542 96 375 772 11 245.70

Page 17: Carbon Calculated Report - Bidvest · Nici Alexander and Alex Hetherington from Carbon Calculated would like to thank Michael Rea, Jack Hochfeld and Junette Davidson from Bidvest

16 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

14 GWP values supplied by IPCC Second Assessment Report, 1995, Working Group 1, The Science of Climate Change, 1995. Available at: http://www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports 15 Emission factors for office paper are linked to Mondi Rotatrim as the majority of office paper consumed by Bidvest is Mondi Rotatrim. 16 Multiply kilograms by 0.001 to convert to tonnes of paper.


Scope Description Emissions factor

Business Division

Total consumption

Metric tonnes of CO2e

emissions Tonnes of CH4 Bidfreight 313 6 573

3. Emissions to air: methane (CH4)

GWP: 2114

TOTAL 313 6 573 Tonnes of N20 Bidfreight 63 19 530 Asia Pacific 3 930

3. Emissions to air: nitrous oxide (N2O)

GWP: 310

TOTAL 66 20 460

Kilograms purchased16

Bid Auto 444 328 766.47 BICP 29 236 50.43 Corporate 3 000 5.18 Bidfood 168 711 291.03 Bidfreight 9 922 17.12 Bidpaper 19 0.03 Bidserv 97 882 168.85 Asia Pacific 4 460 7.69 Europe 792 1.37 Namibia 750 1.29

3. Consumption of office paper15

Direct emissions during manufacture of paper: 1 048 kg/tonne Indirect emissions at manufacturing linked to third party electricity consumption: 677 kWh/tonne

TOTAL 759 100 1 309.45

Air travel, the “multiplier affect” and the “uplift factor” The GHG Protocol uses emission factors for air travel based on size of aircraft, occupancy levels and fuel consumption proposed by the UK government’s Defra paper. It should be highlighted that these assumptions do not cater for the increased global warming effects of aviation that are higher than the impact of CO2 emissions alone - “due to water vapour, sulphate or soot particles, indirect effects of nitrogen oxides emissions on the concentration of ozone and methane, or through the induced formation of clouds.” Many organisations then multiply these emissions by a multiplier factor to provide a more realistic quantification of the global warming effect of aviation emissions. To date there is no universally accepted multiplier factor, although it is believed that between 2-5 would be accurate. This report does not include a multiplier affect for air aviation emissions.

The IPCC Aviation and the global Atmosphere states that an “uplift factor” of 9-10% should be added to take into account non-direct routes and delays/circling. This factor has been accounted for in this report.

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17 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

5. Emissions from GHGs not covered by the Kyoto Protocol While the GHG Protocol’s Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions are strictly for GHGs that fall under the Kyoto Protocol, provision is made for separate reporting on other GHG's that might be under consideration by international treaties such as the Montreal Protocol. Bidvest did not record usage of any non Kyoto Protocol GHGs during the 2009 financial year.

6. Information on offsets Bidvest has not offset any of its 2009 GHG emissions through either the purchasing of renewable energy or any other appropriate offsetting mechanism.

7. Verification of GHG Inventory An independent verification of this report has been conducted.

8. Facilities covered by GHG Inventory Ten Bidvest divisions are covered in this report:

• Bid Auto • Bid Industrial and Commercial Products (BICP) • Bidvest Corporate Services • Bidfood • Bidfreight • Bidpaper Plus • Bidserv • Bidvest Asia Pacific • Bidvest Europe • Bivest Namibia

A breakdown of the business units per division is found in Appendix A.

9. Comparison of 2008 and 2009 GHG Inventory Reports

COMPARISON OF 2008 AND 2009 CARBON FOOTPRINT REPORTS Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 106 226 103 449

Consumption of petrol 48 673 56 423 Consumption of diesel 178 460 182 811 Consumption of LPG 4 036 223.6 Consumption of LNG 15 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 37 892 37 552

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 277 028 387 943

Travel in commercial airlines 9 169 11 246 Emissions to air: methane 6 573 6 573 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 19 530 20 460 Consumption of office paper Not reported 1 309

Scope 3

Grand total 581 376 704 541

Intensity per FTE 5.47 6.81

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18 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Note: Differences between organisational and operational boundaries need to be taken into account when comparing performance. This is especially relevant in Scope 3 emissions, which are voluntary and, hence, organisations are likely to be reporting different emitting activities. Refer to Appendix C for a comparison between 2008 and 2009 GHG emission activities per business division.

0 50000 100000 150000 200000

Consumption of petrol

Consumption of diesel

Consumption of LPG

Consumption of LNG

Consumption of Coal

Comparison of GHG Emissions between 2008 and 2009

in tonnes of CO2e - Scope 1

2008 2009


t CO2e 2008

Employees 2008

t CO2e/FTE 2009

t CO2e 2009

Employees 2009

t CO2e/FTE Bid Auto 56 643 7 621 7.4 101 647 6 942 14.6 BICP 55 379 7 536 7.3 51 412 7 428 6.9 Corporate 44 280 2 600 17.0 21 386 610 35.1 Bidfood 50 270 3 497 14.4 56 852 3 654 15.6 Bidfreight 94 601 5 328 17.8 123 491 5 212 23.7 Bidpaper 34 976 4 281 8.2 37 590 4 261 8.8 Bidserv 109 216 63 493 1.7 105 895 61 247 1.7 Asia Pacific 13 203 3 298 4.0 92 396 3 623 25.5 Europe 122 808 8 571 14.3 110 815 8 474 13.1 Namibia - - - 3 060 1 998 1.5

Total 581 376 106 225 5.5 704 541 103 449 6.8

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19 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

277 028

387 943

0 100000 200000 300000 400000

Total GHG emissions from purchased electricity in tonnes of

CO2e in 2008 and 2009 - Scope 2

2008 2009

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000

Travel in

Commercial planes

Methane Emissions

Nitrous Oxide


Consumption of

Office Paper

Comparison of GHG emissions between 2008 and 2009 in

tonnes of CO2e - Scope 3

2008 2009

10. Contact person/s Alex Hetherington Carbon Calculated, Founding Member Email: [email protected] Telephone: 021 789 2858 Cell phone: 082 411 3191 Website: www.carboncalculated.co.za Nici Alexander Carbon Calculated, Founding Member

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20 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Email: [email protected] Telephone: 021 789 2858 Facsimile: 086 581 7979 Cell phone: 082 549 7930 Jack Hochfeld The Bidvest Group Limited, Group communications and The Bidvest Academy Email: [email protected] Telephone: 011 772 8705 Facsimile: 011 772 8975 Cell phone: 082 459 7051 Website: www.bidvest.com

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21 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

11. References Del Pino S et al, May 2006, Hot Climate, Cool Commerce: A Service Sector Guide to Greenhouse Gas Management, Washington DC, World Resources Institute Eskom Annual Report 2008, p.219, 2008, Johannesburg, Eskom. Available from: http://financial results.co.za/eskom_ar2008/ar_2008/downloads/eskom_ar2008.pdf Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 1996, The Science of Climate Change, Contribution of Working Group 1 to the Second Assessment Report 1995, (Eds. JT Houghton et al), Cambridge University Press Mondi, Mondi Office Paper Environmental Parameters – Merebank Mill, private communication, May 2009 UK Dept. for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), July 2009, 2009 Guidelines to Defra/DECC’s GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting, London, Defra World Resources Institute, September 2009, CO2 Emissions from Business Travel. Version 2.0., Washington DC, WRI. Available from: www.ghgprotocol.org World Resources Institute, September 2009, CO2 Emissions from Fuel Use in Facilities., Washington DC, WRI. Available from: www.ghgprotocol.org World Resources Institute, September 2009, CO2 Emissions from Transport or Mobile Services, Washington DC, WRI. Available from: www.ghgprotocol.org World Resources Institute, September 2009, Individual CO2 emissions from purchased electricity, heat and steam, Washington DC, WRI. Available from: www.ghgprotocol.org

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22 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Appendix A: Overview for individual business divisions of Bidvest

• Bid Auto • Bid Industrial and Commercial Products

o Afcom GE o Berzacks o BICP – HO o Buffalo o CN Furniture o Contract o Dauphin o Ditulo o Eastman Staples - UK o Hortors o Kolok o Ramset o SA Diaries o Seating o Versalec o Voltex o Vulcan o Waltons - FS o Waltons – GP o Waltons - HO o Waltons - KZN o Waltons - PE o Waltons – WC

• Bidvest Corporate Services o BCS o Bid Property o Wits Soccer o OnTime o Isle of Man

• Bidfood o 3663 KZN o Technologies o Blue Mar CT o Blue Mar KZN o Blue Mar GP o Caterplus Head Office o Caterplus Bots o Catersales o CCW Empang o CCW PMB o Chip BS o Chip CS George o Chip CS CT o Chip CS Durb o Chip CS EL o Chip CS Jbg o Chip CS Nels o Chip CS Polok o Chip CS PE o Crown Nat o D&R Lowe o EC Foods o First Foods

o Lou's o M&M Quality o NCP Yeast o Patlety's o RFS Catering o Seaworld Chipkins Bloem o Seaworld CT o Seaworld Jbg o Seaworld Nels o Seaworld Polok

• Bidfreight

o Intermodal o Fr Man Serv o BPO o BPO - Ens Ter o Buik Conn o CCTL o DCTC o Freightbulk o IVS o IVS CT 50% o IVS Rbay o Man Afr SA o Man Afr DRC o Manica Bots o Manica Mal o Manica Zam o Manica Zim o Naval o P&I Assoc o RBT Shell o Rennie Murray o RDS o Rennies P Hold o RSA o SACD Dep CT o SACD Durb o SACD HO CT o SACD JHB o SACD PE o Safcor Panalpina o SABT IVS o SACS o Term HO

• Bidpaper Plus • Bidserv

o ACTS o BidAir Hosp o BidAir Serv o Serv HO o Serv Ind Prod o Travel HO o BidBank o BidBank Bots o Bosnandi

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23 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

o CW Travel o Commuter Handling Serv o Connex Trav o Dinatla Langa o Dinatla Mel PE o Dinatla Sets o Ebony Travel o Execuflora o Exp Air Serv o First Garm HO o First Garm Zam o Giant Malawi o Glob Pay Tech o Harv Wor Trav o Hot Amen Supp o HRG Renn Trav o Kon Min HO o Kon Min Nam o Langa Lethu o Macardo Lodge (Travelwise) o Mag Shield o Master Currency o Master Guard o MCY Mgmt o MyMarket o Nam B de Ch o Nomts Clean o Nomts Laund o Oce SA o Prestige CS o Prestige Les o Provicom o Pureau Water o QMS o Roch Midlands o Silk by Design o Steiner Env Sol o Steiner Hygiene o Steiner Hygiene Botswana o Steiner Hygiene Maputo o Steiner Ciskei

o Steinmed o Taemane o TMS HO o TopTurf - Bots o TopTurf - Sey o TopTurf - Swaz o TopTurf o Top Turf - Maur o Travel Conns o Umoja Cleaning o Umoja Laundry o Vericon o WT (GSA)

• Bidvest Europe o 3663 UK o Deli XL - Belgium o Deli XL – Netherlands

• Bidvest Asia Pacific o Angliss Hong Kong & China

Angliss Singapore o Australia o New Zealand

• Bidvest Namibia o Bidvest Management Nam o Bidvest Commercial Hold o Bidvest Fisheries Holdings

Budget Rent-a-Car Namibia o Caterplus Namibia o CN Bus Furn Namibia o Globe Electrical o Kolok Namibia o Manica Namibia o Minolco Namibia o Namibian Sea Products o Rennies Travel Walvis Bay o Waltons Namibia

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24 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Appendix B: GHG emissions per Bidvest business division

Overview of Bid Auto’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: Bid Auto Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Bid Auto employees covered by report: 6 942 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100%

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 14 293.06 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 5 482.58 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming coal 0.00 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 79 695.24 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 99 470.89 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines 1 409.38 Emissions to air: methane 0.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 0.00 Consumption of office paper 766.47 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 2 175.84 TOTAL BID AUTO 2009 EMISSIONS CO2e (Metric tonnes) 101 646.73 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 14.64

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25 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Overview of BICP’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: BICP Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard BICP employees covered by report: 7 428 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100%

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 11 173.99 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 10 346.65 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 0.19 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming Coal 0.00 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 28 952.56 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 50 473.39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines 887.91 Emissions to air: methane 0.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 0.00 Consumption of office paper 50.43 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 938.34 TOTAL BICP 2009 EMISSIONS CO2e (Metric tonnes) 51 411.72 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 6.92

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26 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Overview of Bidvest Corporate’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: Bidvest Corporate Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Bidvest Corporate employees covered by report: 610 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100%

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 48.49 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 18 829.93 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming Coal 0.00 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 776.11 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 19 654.53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines 1 726.10 Emissions to air: methane 0.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 0.00 Consumption of office paper 5.18 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 1 731.28 TOTAL BIDVEST CORPORATE 2009 EMISSIONS CO2e (Metric tonnes) 21 385.82 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 35.06

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27 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Overview of Bidfood’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: Bidfood Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard BidFood employees covered by report: 3 654 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100%

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 4 960.63 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 18 211.79 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 0.04 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming Coal 0.00 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 32 810.22 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 55 982.68 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines 578.06 Emissions to air: methane 0.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 0.00 Consumption of office paper 291.03 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 869.09 TOTAL BIDFOOD 2009 EMISSIONS CO2e (Metric tonnes) 56 851.76 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 15.56

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28 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Overview of Bidfreight’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: Bidfreight Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard BidFreight employees covered by report: 5 212 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100%

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 2 038.64 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 15 269.64 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 0.28 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming Coal 0.00 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 79 303.06 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 96 611.62 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines 758.86 Emissions to air: methane 6 573.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 19 530.00 Consumption of office paper 17.12 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 26 878.98 TOTAL BIDFREIGHT 2009 EMISSIONS CO2e (Metric tonnes) 123 490.60 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 23.69

Page 30: Carbon Calculated Report - Bidvest · Nici Alexander and Alex Hetherington from Carbon Calculated would like to thank Michael Rea, Jack Hochfeld and Junette Davidson from Bidvest

29 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Overview of Bidpaper Plus’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: Bidpaper Plus Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard BidPaper Plus employees covered by report: 4 261 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100%

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 988.97 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 877.55 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 0.04 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming Coal 0.00 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 35 447.91 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 37 314.47 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines 275.10 Emissions to air: methane 0.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 0.00 Consumption of office paper 0.03 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 275.13 TOTAL BIDPAPER PLUS 2009 EMISSIONS CO2e (Metric tonnes) 37 589.61 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 8.82

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30 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Overview of Bidserv’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: Bidserv Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard BidServ employees covered by report: 61 247 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100%

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 18 981.19 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 16 247.16 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 0.48 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming Coal 37 552.22 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 29 445.26 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 102 226.31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines 3 499.38 Emissions to air: methane 0.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 0.00 Consumption of office paper 168.85 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 3 668.23 TOTAL BIDSERV 2009 EMISSIONS CO2e (Metric tonnes) 105 894.53 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 1.73

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31 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Overview of Bidvest Asia Pacific’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: Bidvest Asia Pacific Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Bidvest Asia Pacific employees covered by report: 3 623 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100%

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 2 569.94 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 18 191.56 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 19.95 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming Coal 0.00 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 70 100.93 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 90 882.38 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines 575 61 Emissions to air: methane 0.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 930.00 Consumption of office paper 7.69 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 1 513.30 TOTAL BIDVEST ASIA PACIFIC 2009 EMISSIONS CO2e (Metric tonnes) 92 395.69 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 25.50

Page 33: Carbon Calculated Report - Bidvest · Nici Alexander and Alex Hetherington from Carbon Calculated would like to thank Michael Rea, Jack Hochfeld and Junette Davidson from Bidvest

32 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Overview of Bidvest Europe’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: Bidvest Europe Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Bidvest Europe employees covered by report: 8 474 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100%

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 298.46 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 78 291.63 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 199.58 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming Coal 0.00 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 30 939.38 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 109 729.05 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines 1 084.46 Emissions to air: methane 0.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 0.00 Consumption of office paper 1.37 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 1 085.83 TOTAL BIDVEST EUROPE 2009 EMISSIONS CO2e (Metric tonnes) 110 814.88 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 13.08

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33 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Overview of Bidvest Namibia’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions Reporting period: Financial year 2009: July 2008 – June 2009 Carbon footprint calculation conducted on: Bidvest Namibia Methodology: Greenhouse Gas Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Bidvest Namibia employees covered by report: 1 998 Percentage of staff covered by this report: 100%

Scope 1 Direct Emissions Tonnes of CO2e Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming petrol 1 069.22 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming diesel 1 062.92 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LPG 3.06 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming LNG 0.00 Vehicles and equipment owned or controlled consuming Coal 0.00 Scope 2 Indirect Emissions Purchased electricity 472.18 TOTAL SCOPE 1 & 2 EMISSIONS 2 607.38 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope 3 Indirect Emissions Business travel in commercial airlines 450.84 Emmisions to air: methane 0.00 Emissions to air: nitrous oxide 0.00 Consumption of office paper 1.29 TOTAL SCOPE 3 EMISSIONS 452.13 TOTAL BIDVEST NAMIBIA 2009 EMISSIONS CO2e (Metric tonnes) 3 059.51 Emissions per employee (t/fulltime employee) 1.53

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34 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Appendix C: GHG emissions comparison between 2008 and 2009 per Bidvest business division

Bid Auto Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 7 621 6 942

Consumption of petrol 12 820 14 293 Consumption of diesel 0 5 483 Consumption of LPG 0 0 Consumption of LNG 0 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 0 0

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 41 781 79 695

Travel in commercial planes 2 042 1 409 Methane emissions 0 0 Nitrous oxide emissions 0 0 Consumption of office paper - 766

Scope 3

Total 56 643 101 647

Intensity per FTE 7.43 14.64

BICP Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 7 536 7 428

Consumption of petrol 9 301 11 174 Consumption of diesel 9 300 10 347 Consumption of LPG 3 298 0.19 Consumption of LNG 0 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 0 0

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 32 380 28 953

Travel in commercial planes 1 100 888 Methane emissions 0 0 Nitrous oxide emissions 0 0 Consumption of office paper - 50

Scope 3

Total 55 379 51 412

Intensity per FTE 7.35 6.92

Bidvest Corporate Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 2 600 610

Consumption of petrol 988 48 Consumption of diesel 40 257 18 830 Consumption of LPG 0 0 Consumption of LNG 0 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 0 0

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35 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 1 819 776

Travel in commercial planes 1 216 1 726 Methane emissions 0 0 Nitrous oxide emissions 0 0 Consumption of office paper - 5

Scope 3

Total 44 280 21 386

Intensity per FTE 17.03 35.06 f

Bidfood Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 3 497 3 654

Consumption of petrol 4 763 4 961 Consumption of diesel 15 378 18 212 Consumption of LPG 11 0.04 Consumption of LNG 0 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 0 0

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 29 418 32 810

Travel in commercial planes 700 578 Methane emissions 0 0 Nitrous oxide emissions 0 0 Consumption of office paper - 291

Scope 3

Total 50 270 56 852

Intensity per FTE 14.38 15.56

Bidfreight Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 5 328 5 212

Consumption of petrol 1 868 2 039 Consumption of diesel 14 567 15 270 Consumption of LPG 391 0.28 Consumption of LNG 15.13 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 0 0

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 50 672 79 303

Travel in commercial planes 986 759 Methane emissions 6 573 6 573 Nitrous oxide emissions 19 530 19 530 Consumption of office paper - 17

Scope 3

Total 94 601 123 491

Intensity per FTE 17.75 23.69

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36 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Bidpaper Plus Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 4 281 4 261

Consumption of petrol 1 480 989 Consumption of diesel 916 878 Consumption of LPG 50 0.04 Consumption of LNG 0 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 0 0

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 32 148 35 448

Travel in commercial planes 383 275 Methane emissions 0 0 Nitrous oxide emissions 0 0 Consumption of office paper - 0.03

Scope 3

Total 34 976 37 590

Intensity per FTE 8.17 8.82

Bidserv Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 63 493 61 247

Consumption of petrol 16 569 18 981 Consumption of diesel 14 970 16 247 Consumption of LPG 0 0.48 Consumption of LNG 0 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 37 892 37 552

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 37 114 29 445

Travel in commercial planes 2 671 3499 Methane emissions 0 0 Nitrous oxide emissions 0 0 Consumption of office paper - 169

Scope 3

Total 109 216 105 895

Intensity per FTE 1.72 1.73

Bidvest Asia Pacific Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 3 298 3 623

Consumption of petrol 546 2 570 Consumption of diesel 4 698 18 192 Consumption of LPG 44.34 19.95 Consumption of LNG 0 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 0 0

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 7 843 70 101

Scope 3 Travel in commercial planes 72 576

Page 38: Carbon Calculated Report - Bidvest · Nici Alexander and Alex Hetherington from Carbon Calculated would like to thank Michael Rea, Jack Hochfeld and Junette Davidson from Bidvest

37 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Methane emissions 0 0 Nitrous oxide emissions 0 930 Consumption of office paper - 7.69

Total 13 203 92 396

Intensity per FTE 4.00 25.50

Bidvest Europe Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 8 572 8 474

Consumption of petrol 339 298 Consumption of diesel 78 374 78 292 Consumption of LPG 242 200 Consumption of LNG 0 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 0 0

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 43 853 30 939

Travel in commercial planes - 1084 Methane emissions 0 0 Nitrous oxide emissions 0 0 Consumption of office paper - 1.37

Scope 3

Total 122 808 110 815

Intensity per FTE 14.33 13.08

Bidvest Namibia Scope Activity 2008 (t CO2e) 2009 (t CO2e)

Full time employees 1 998

Consumption of petrol 1 069 Consumption of diesel 1 063 Consumption of LPG 3.06 Consumption of LNG 0

Direct emissions: Scope 1

Consumption of coal 0

Indirect emissions: Scope 2

Purchased electricity 472

Travel in commercial planes 451 Methane emissions 0 Nitrous oxide emissions 0 Consumption of office paper 1.29

Scope 3

Total 3 060

Intensity per FTE 1.53

Page 39: Carbon Calculated Report - Bidvest · Nici Alexander and Alex Hetherington from Carbon Calculated would like to thank Michael Rea, Jack Hochfeld and Junette Davidson from Bidvest

38 Bidvest Group Ltd Carbon Footprint Report 2009 Date: October 2009

Appendix D: Diagram describing emissions assessment- direct vs. indirect emissions

Source: Bilan Carbone ©, French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), 2007; Jean-Marc Jancovici, Manicore (consulting company); René-François Bizec, Gaz à effet de serre et changement climatique, 2005. http://www.grida.no/publications/vg/kick/ (accessed 18May 2009) Emissions Assessment. Direct measurements of greenhouse gases emissions are not possible. Assessments are therefore done using precise theoretical calculations for each sector. They are called “emission factors” and are regularly updated. Trying to quantify emissions related to a given activity requires consideration of complete life-cycles. That means counting emissions from all related activities, raw materials, transformed products and necessary infrastructure (indirect emissions). Naturally, one has to stop inputting indirect emissions to the evaluated activity at some point. This will depend on the working branch and on the assessment methodology used.