1 2 3 5 7 9 11 4 6 8 10 1 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Crkva sv. Mavra / The Church of St. Maurus Crkva sv. Ciprijana / The Church of St. Cyprian Jara Premužićeva staza / Premužić’s trail Crkva sv. Pavla / The Church of St. Paul Crkva sv. Mare / Church of St. Mara Vapnenice / Lime kilns Gradine / Hillforts Kaštelina Rudnik boksita / Bauxite mine Lokalne legende / Local legends Kalifront Kamporska draga Dundo Dundova dražica U. Miral U. Sv. Mara U. Planka U. Armata U. Kristofor U. Ćifnata U. Gožinka U. Jelenovica U. Vardarika Rt Kaštelina Rt Kamplaka Rt Kalifront Rt Suha Punta Napomena: obilazak staze na vlastu odgovornost Note: the trail is taken on one’s own responsibility Capo Fronte Staza Capo fronte namijenjena je pješacima i biciklisma. Nije zahtjevna te je pogodna za obitelji s djecom i rekreavce. Zbog duljine preporučamo pješacima da je podijele u nekoliko etapa. Dio staze duljine oko 1,5 km prikladan je isključivo za MTB te rekreavci tuda mogu gura bicikl ili koris alternavnu trekking dionicu. Na ulazu u Dundo prometuju automobili pa pozivamo na oprez. Rab Archaeological (T)races The project Rab Archaeological (T)races was developed based on the idea of an eco museum, presenting in situ about 30 archaeological sites of the island of Rab. They are connected by three educational trails spreading on the area of Kampor, Lopar and Supetarska Draga. Follow the traces hidden in the wonderful landscapes with the help of informational and educational panels and the interactive mobile appli- cation to learn about the cultural treasures of the island. About the Dundo forest The forest Dundo, a protected forest landscape, had an important role in the economy of the island of Rab as a source of good firewood. It belonged to the nuns of the Benedictine nunnery of St Justina in the city of Rab. In the historic sources it is called seraglio Dundo, denoting an enclosed area. The origin of the name is not certain. The expression dundo was used by the Dubrovnik citizens to denote an elderly gentle- man, as for example mister or sir. It is interesting that the word comes from folk Latin on the southern Adriatic, while in the northern Adriatic they would use the word barba for the same person, which originates from the Venetian dialect. There is a legend that once a man, the forest owner or manager, had that nickname and the area was named after him. Another related word is the Italian word donno or donna, meaning Sir or Madam. After the abolishment of the nunnery of St Justina both state and district managers exchanged in the management of the forest. The property in the area of 109 acres was restored to the Church in 1941. In 1830, a small coal bed was found in the forest Dundo. Near the forestry building, there is a derelict stone lintel which was originally built into the old, much smaller house, the seat of the property. Besides the mark IHS, the circular shallow medallion has the year 1558 carved into it. The original position of the lintel is unknown, but it could have belonged to any of the nearby chapels, which no longer exist today. Rab Archaeological (T)races Polazeći od ideje muzeja na otvorenome, razvijen je projekt Rab Archaeological (T)races kojim je in situ prezentirano 30-ak arheoloških lokaliteta na području otoka Raba. Povezani su trima poučnim stazama koje se prostiru na području Kampora, Lopara i Supetarske Drage. Uz pomoć informativno-edukativnih panoa i interaktivne mobilne aplikacije, slijedite tragove prikrivene u prekrasnim krajolicima i otkrijte kulturno blago otoka. O šumi Dundo Šuma Dundo, zaštićeni šumski krajobraz, imala je važnu ulogu u gospodarstvu otoka Raba kao izvor kvalitetnog ogrjevnog drva. Pripadala je redovnicama benediktinskog samostana sv. Justine u gradu Rabu. U povijesnim vrelima naziva se seraglia Dundo , u značenju ograđenog posjeda. Porijeklo naziva nije sigurno utvrđeno. Nazivom dundo građani Dubrovnika označavali bi starijega gospodina, na način kako djeca oslovljavaju starije muškarce, poput strica ili barbe. Zanimljivo da riječ potječe iz pučkoga latinskog jezika na južnom Jadranu, a na sjevernom Jadranu za istu bi osobu rekli barba, izraz koji potječe iz mletačkog dijalekta. Postoji predaja da je nekoć jedan muškarac, vlasnik ili upravitelj šume, imao taj nadimak i po njemu je nazvano područje. Srodna je i talijanska riječ donno ili donna, u značenju ‘gospodin’ ili ‘gospođa’. Šuma je nakon ukinuća samostana sv. Justine mijenjala upravitelje, izmjenjivali su se državni i općinski. Posjed na površini od 109 hektara je 1941. godine vraćen Crkvi. U šumi Dundo 1830. godine pronađeno je malo ležište ugljena. Nedaleko zgrade šumarije na tlu se nalazi odbačen kameni nadvratnik koji je izvorno bio ugrađen u staru, mnogo manju kuću, sjedište posjeda. U kružnom plitkom medaljonu uz znak IHS uklesana je 1558. godina. Nije nam poznat izvorni smještaj nadvratnika, koji je mogao pripadati i nekoj danas nestaloj obližnjoj kapeli. The trail Capo fronte is suitable for hikers and cyclists. It is not demanding and can be suitable for families with children and recre- aonists. Owing to its length, the hikers are recommended to split it into several stages. A part of the trail, about 1,5 km long, is suitable exclusively for MTB and recreaonists may only push their bike or use an alternave trekking trail. Cars may run at the entrance into the Dundo, so please pay parcular aenon. Duljina staze: 22,5 km Ukupni uspon: 363 m Podloga: asfalt, makadam, kamen, zemlja Trail length: 22,5 km Total ascent: 363 m Ground: asphalt, gravel, rock, soil Vrijeme: 6 h Težina staze: lagana Vrijeme: 3 h Težina staze: lagana Time: 6 h Difficulty: easy Time: 3 h Difficulty: easy www.rabarchaeologicaltraces.com MOUNTAIN BIKE TREKKING MOUNTAIN BIKE TREKKING DOBRODOŠLI - WELCOME Nositelji: Partneri: Institut za arheologiju Pokrovitelji:

Capo Fronte - Rab Archaeological (T)races

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Crkva sv. Mavra /The Church of St. Maurus

Crkva sv. Ciprijana / The Church of St. Cyprian

JaraPremužićeva staza /

Premužić’s trail

Crkva sv. Pavla / The Church of St. Paul

Crkva sv. Mare /Church of St. Mara

Vapnenice / Lime kilns

Gradine /Hillforts


Rudnik boksita /Bauxite mine

Lokalne legende / Local legends

K a l i f r o n t

K a m p o r s k a d r a g a

D u n d oDundova dražica

U. Miral

U. Sv. Mara

U. Planka

U. Armata

U. KristoforU. Ćifnata

U. GožinkaU. Jelenovica

U. Vardarika

Rt Kaštelina

Rt Kamplaka

Rt Kalifront

Rt Suha Punta

Napomena: obilazak staze na vlastitu odgovornostNote: the trail is taken on one’s own responsibility

Capo Fronte

Staza Capo fronte namijenjena je pješacima i biciklistima. Nije zahtjevna te je pogodna za obitelji s djecom i rekreativce. Zbog duljine preporučamo pješacima da je podijele u nekoliko etapa. Dio staze duljine oko 1,5 km prikladan je isključivo za MTB te rekreativci tuda mogu gurati bicikl ili koristiti alternativnu trekking dionicu. Na ulazu u Dundo prometuju automobili pa pozivamo na oprez.

Rab Archaeological (T)races The project Rab Archaeological (T)races was developed based on the idea of an eco museum, presenting in situ about 30 archaeological sites of the island of Rab. They are connected by three educational trails spreading on the area of Kampor, Lopar and Supetarska Draga. Follow the traces hidden in the wonderful landscapes with the help of informational and educational panels and the interactive mobile appli-cation to learn about the cultural treasures of the island.

About the Dundo forest

The forest Dundo, a protected forest landscape, had an important role in the economy of the island of Rab as a source of good firewood. It belonged to the nuns of the Benedictine nunnery of St Justina in the city of Rab. In the historic sources it is called seraglio Dundo, denoting an enclosed area. The origin of the name is not certain. The expression dundo was used by the Dubrovnik citizens to denote an elderly gentle-man, as for example mister or sir. It is interesting that the word comes from folk Latin on the southern Adriatic, while in the northern Adriatic they would use the word barba for the same person, which originates from the Venetian dialect. There is a legend that once a man, the forest owner or manager, had that nickname and the area was named after him. Another related word is the Italian word donno or donna, meaning Sir or Madam. After the abolishment of the nunnery of St Justina both state and district managers exchanged in the management of the forest. The property in the area of 109 acres was restored to the Church in 1941. In 1830, a small coal bed was found in the forest Dundo. Near the forestry building, there is a derelict stone lintel which was originally built into the old, much smaller house, the seat of the property. Besides the mark IHS, the circular shallow medallion has the year 1558 carved into it. The original position of the lintel is unknown, but it could have belonged to any of the nearby chapels, which no longer exist today.

Rab Archaeological (T)races

Polazeći od ideje muzeja na otvorenome, razvijen je projekt Rab Archaeological (T)races kojim je in situ prezentirano 30-ak arheoloških lokaliteta na području otoka Raba. Povezani su trima poučnim stazama koje se prostiru na području Kampora, Lopara i Supetarske Drage. Uz pomoć informativno-edukativnih panoa i interaktivne mobilne aplikacije, slijedite tragove prikrivene u prekrasnim krajolicima i otkrijte kulturno blago otoka.

O šumi Dundo

Šuma Dundo, zaštićeni šumski krajobraz, imala je važnu ulogu u gospodarstvu otoka Raba kao izvor kvalitetnog ogrjevnog drva. Pripadala je redovnicama benediktinskog samostana sv. Justine u gradu Rabu. U povijesnim vrelima naziva se seraglia Dundo, u značenju ograđenog posjeda. Porijeklo naziva nije sigurno utvrđeno. Nazivom dundo građani Dubrovnika označavali bi starijega gospodina, na način kako djeca oslovljavaju starije muškarce, poput strica ili barbe. Zanimljivo da riječ potječe iz pučkoga latinskog jezika na južnom Jadranu, a na sjevernom Jadranu za istu bi osobu rekli barba, izraz koji potječe iz mletačkog dijalekta. Postoji predaja da je nekoć jedan muškarac, vlasnik ili upravitelj šume, imao taj nadimak i po njemu je nazvano područje. Srodna je i talijanska riječ donno ili donna, u značenju ‘gospodin’ ili ‘gospođa’. Šuma je nakon ukinuća samostana sv. Justine mijenjala upravitelje, izmjenjivali su se državni i općinski. Posjed na površini od 109 hektara je 1941. godine vraćen Crkvi. U šumi Dundo 1830. godine pronađeno je malo ležište ugljena. Nedaleko zgrade šumarije na tlu se nalazi odbačen kameni nadvratnik koji je izvorno bio ugrađen u staru, mnogo manju kuću, sjedište posjeda. U kružnom plitkom medaljonu uz znak IHS uklesana je 1558. godina. Nije nam poznat izvorni smještaj nadvratnika, koji je mogao pripadati i nekoj danas nestaloj obližnjoj kapeli.

The trail Capo fronte is suitable for hikers and cyclists. It is not demanding and can be suitable for families with children and recre-ationists. Owing to its length, the hikers are recommended to split it into several stages. A part of the trail, about 1,5 km long, is suitable exclusively for MTB and recreationists may only push their bike or use an alternative trekking trail. Cars may run at the entrance into the Dundo, so please pay particular attention.

Duljina staze: 22,5 km

Ukupni uspon: 363 m

Podloga: asfalt, makadam, kamen, zemlja

Trail length: 22,5 km

Total ascent: 363 m

Ground: asphalt, gravel, rock, soil

Vrijeme: 6 h

Težina staze: lagana

Vrijeme: 3 h

Težina staze: lagana

Time: 6 h

Difficulty: easy

Time: 3 h

Difficulty: easy






D O B R O D O Š L I - W E L C O M E

Nositelji: Partneri:

Institut za arheologiju
