Campus Planning & Design - Gonzalez Goodale Architects 2016

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Gonzalez Goodale architects



Campus Planning & Design

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West Valley CollegeStudent Center (design)Saratoga, CA

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Gonzalez Goodale Architects was established in 1980 on the principle of improving the public environment through design excellence and sensitive client service.

On its 35th anniversary, the studio is led in partnership by Armando Gonzalez, FAIA, its Founding Partner; David Goodale, AIA, LEED AP, Design Principal; and Principals Ali Barar, AIA, and Harry Drake AIA, CASp.

Today the studio maintains a unique team-based working culture and a commitment to the positive and enlivening impact that architecture can have on society. With a long standing commitment to quality assurance and sustainability, the firm has eight licensed Architects, seven LEED APs, two CASp accredited professionals, and a well rounded staff of dedicated associates and support in the office.

Located in Old Pasadena, Gonzalez Goodale Architects occupies a building of its own design. Through its integration into Pasadena’s pedestrian alleyways, its usable urban landscaping, public art, and day-lit studios, the building reflects the firm’s philosophy of design for the functional and poetic enrichment of the public life.

Since its founding, we have served diverse public, private, non-profit, and institutional clients with an interactive, creative design process. As a result, the firm has garnered multiple repeat commissions by clients and institutions, has maintained an extended string of design awards, and accumulated a portfolio of built quality projects that have become regional architectural benchmarks.

Founded on our client’s guiding principles, our design solutions are grounded in continual communication with client groups, detailed cost estimates at every phase, analysis of life-cycle costs and wholistic sustainable design measures, continual coordination with sub-consultants, and progress scheduling to keep the project on track. We have found that our transparent and interactive project management methodologies lead to a sense of partnership, trust and positive team spirit, key elements to the most successful projects.

The unique nature of each of these projects is a direct outcome of the nature or our client, their site, and their community.

Firm Introduction

Gonzalez Goodale architects

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Exchange and Socialization

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A principal motivation in our commitment to public and institutional architecture is the opportunity to shape the communal spaces between and around buildings.

It is in these spaces that the culture and character of an institution is reflected, given a chance to breathe, and through public dialogue and use of the space, to continue to evolve into the future.

In this regard, almost every project we have designed embodies the concept of campus and of active human exchange and socialization, at all levels of scale and intimacy.

At the same time, these projects demonstrate a wide variability based on the character and values of an institution and its program aims, as well as the particular nature, geometry, and constraints of each site.

5E x c h a n g e a n d S o c i a l i z a t i o n

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List of Higher Education Projects

Gonzalez Goodale Architects has designed many educational facilities for colleges and universities, both public and private, new and renovation. Projects have included, master planning, new classroom and administration buildings, performing arts centers, science buildings, student services, libraries, office interiors, food services, gymnasiums and locker rooms, media centers, child development centers, auditoriums, and student housing.

Recent projects include:


CALTECHMillikan Library Renovation and Adaptive ReuseHameetman New Student Center

LONG BEACH CITY COLLEGEEducational, Administrative & District Offices Complex

LOS ANGELES VALLEY COLLEGE (LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT)Media Arts Programming/Theater, Music and Arts Buildings Programming Addition and Renovation

PIERCE COLLEGE (LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT)Campus Master Plan UpdateM&O Criteria Documents Criteria Documents

MISSION COLLEGE (LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT)Campus Master Plan UpdateParking Structure Criteria Documents


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VENTURA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICTDistrict-wide Athletic Facility Improvements

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELESLake Arrowhead Conference and Family Activity Center

CLAREMONT GRADUATE SCHOOLCampus ProgrammingSpace Planning

MT. SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY COLLEGEPerforming Arts Center/Student Services Center/Master Plan and Update/Library Renovations/Memorial Stadium Upgrade/Child Development Facility Expansion

HARVEY MUDD COLLEGEPlatt Campus Center AlterationsNew Jones Computer LabRenovation of the CGS Wing

COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICTGolden West Community College Master Plan

UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAKenneth Norris Jr. Cancer Center Pre-Design ServicesNeurological Instit. & Transplantation Biology Research Facility

AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITYTheology/Administration/Music ComplexMaster Plan/Master Plan UpdatePlayfield/Track Development




OCCIDENTAL COLLEGEMullin Art Gallery AdditionParking Structure Seismic RenovationHistoric Amphitheater Renovation

7E x c h a n g e a n d S o c i a l i z a t i o n

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C o n t i n u o u s l y D a y - l i t I n t e r i o r s a t C a m p u s C e n t e r

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R e l e v a n t E x p e r i e n c e 9

The cultural goals for this project were emphatically clear: It was to serve as an introduction to campus, a mixing chamber, and an ongoing vehicle to recruit and retain students, faculty, and staff. These goals were achieved in the built outcome.

The challenges of an extremely long, narrow site were turned to advantage in the design of the building, which creates an interwoven, dense functional cross-section, spatially integrating entry hall, 2-story cafe, 2nd floor academic balcony, grand stairs, offices, and a3rd floor conference pre-function terrace. This integrated spatial tableaux is continuously day-lit by an all-glass north-facing wall.

CLIENT: University of La VerneSCOPE: 40,000 sf- LEED SILVER CertifiedFull A/E services including (FF&E); CLIENT CONTACT: Phil Hawkey, Executive Vice President - (909) 460-2021

C a m p u s C e n t e rU n i v e r s i t y o f L a V e r n e

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M i l l i k a n H a l l I n t e r i o r R e n o v a t i o n

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M i l l i k a n H a l l I n t e r i o r R e n o v a t i o n

CLIENT: CaltechSCOPE: 15,000sf (two floors) Full A/E services including programming, interior design, FF&E

Guiding Principals for the Caltech Department of Institute Relations Office Programming and Interior Renovation Project:

• Collaboration is the most critical aspect of the work of the Institute, and the environment - in terms of programming, planning, and character - should enhance and stimulate collaborative team interactions.

• A chief charge of the project is to balance the need for office privacy (both acoustic and visual) against the desirability to maximize both daylight and views throughout both floors.

• Specifically, the views north to the mountains should be embraced.

• Durability in performance of systems and materials is critical due to the challenges of obtaining funding for ongoing, routine maintenance of buildings.

• ADA accessibility needs to be addressed per floor.

• Maximize flexibility for future renovations.






































7'-8" x 8’-3”typical

9’-6” x 8’-7” 9’-6” x 8’-7” 9’-6” x 8’-7” 10’-0” x 8’-7” 9’-0” x 8’-7” 9’-3” x 8’-7”

14'-0" x 12’-0"

8’-0” x 9’-6”

7’-0” x 6’-0”

5’-0” x 5’-0”

5’-4” x 5’-0”

8’-0” x 5’-10”

13'-4" x 9’-7” 9'-5" x 9’-7” 10'-1" x 9’-7” 9'-6" x 9’-7” 10'-0" x 9’-7” 9'-0" x 9’-7” 9'-3" x 9’-7”

13’-3” x 21’-6”

6'-0" x 7’-3”typical

8'-10" x 8'-4"

9’-6” x 7’-3”

8'-0" x 6'-0"

























SCALE : 1/4” = 1’-0”

L i b r a r y t o I n s t i t u t e R e l a t i o n s A d a p t i v e R e - U s eC a l i f o r n i a I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y

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A c t i v a t i n g C a m p u s L i f e - F u l l R a d i a l S o c i a l I m p a c t

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R e l e v a n t E x p e r i e n c e 13

The renovation of the current student center will serve to activate an underused portion of the campus into a social hub for students and faculty. While respecting the historically significant context of the campus and the original design of the center, the renovation will focus on adaptive re-use of existing spaces maximizing open gathering space, and minimizing impact on outdoor spaces. The project also aims to maximize collaboration and trust through its Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) method - a first for the campus.

Guiding Principals for the Hameetman Center renovation are:• Provide an interior/exterior environment that facilitates collaboration for all

members of the Caltech community• Engage and connect the interior functions of the building with all four exterior

sides in a way that activates campus life• Provide an effective design that will meet the programmed needs and is

appropriate for intended uses• Design and construct a facility to maximize the quality of all components within

the given project budget• Incorporate elements / materials / systems that minimizes total cost of ownership

(TCO)• Design in accordance with Caltech’s sustainable values• Minimize the amount of disruption to the Caltech campus• The completed project will integrate aesthetically within the Caltech campus


H a m e e t m a n S t u d e n t C e n t e rC a l i f o r n i a I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y

CLIENT: Caltech, Pankow BuildersSCOPE: 23,000 renovation and expansion including multi-purpose space, performance rehearsal hall, and student club spaces. (including full FF&E)CLIENT CONTACT: Gregory Norden, Project Manager (626) 395-4721

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C o n t e x t u a l M e d i t e r r a n e a n R e v i v a l

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L o n g B e a c h C i t y C o l l e g e

A d m i n i s t r a t i v e & E d u c a t i o n a l C o m p l e x

CLIENT: Long Beach Community College DistrictSCOPE: 105,000 sf academic complex, Full A/E services including interior design (FF&E); CLIENT CONTACT: Eloy Oakley, President - (562) 938-4121

With both expansion and significant modernization/reconstruction planned for its original city-block campus, the College needed to expand across Carson Street to its southerly campus, occupying a long linear site pocketed between the physical education complex and the College’s main parking area.

The program called for technologically-current, contemporary facilities for teaching, administering, and meeting at a significantly larger scale than any structures to date. At the same time, the College President and Board required an architecture having the same intimacy and character as the Mediterranean Revival architecture of the original campus.

The complex threads itself in 3 parts along the length of the narrow site, with each part having its own distinct quadrangle or courtyard; one for the classroom complex, one for the meeting complex, and one for administration. In combination with durable materials equal or surpassing the original buildings (smooth cement plaster, steel windows, two-piece clay tile), this decentralized approach resulted in a surprisingly intimate building for the overall scale of the program.

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S o c i a l G a t h e r i n g S p a c e s , F l e x i b l e S e r v i c e s

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S t u d e n t C a m p u s C e n t e rW e s t V a l l e y C o l l e g e

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S t a t e o f t h e A r t I n s t r u c t i o n

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R e l e v a n t E x p e r i e n c e 19

The project is a partial implementation of the campus master plan originally developed by Gonzalez Goodale Architects and can be read as a cultural “village” of courtyard buildings which is penetrated by major campus circulation lines, resulting in cross-fertilization/cross-inspiration of disparate disciplines on the campus.

The primary challenge of this project was to provide a state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center for instruction in drama and music.The project includes a 400-seat theater; a 250-seat recital hall; a dance studio which can accommodate up to 150 convertible seats; a rehearsable lab with an audience capacity of 150 convertible seats for intimate drama; class, band, choral, music, and lecture rooms; a scene shop; and offices. This project also addressed highly sensitive acoustic issues, both in performance values and educational spaces.

CLIENT: Mt. San Antonio CollegeSCOPE: 67,000 square feet Full A/E services CLIENT CONTACT: Dr. James Albanese, Former Vice President of Business Services (909) 594-4230

M t . S a n A n t o n i o C o l l e g e :

P e r f o r m i n g A r t s C e n t e r

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S k y L i t S t r e e t I l l u m i n a t e s I n t e r i o r

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R e l e v a n t E x p e r i e n c e 21

The 50,000-square-foot new Student Services Center integrated all of the disparate campus student services into a single internal linear atrium that is a literal extension of the main campus pedestrian axis. The center is one of the pioneering institutional projects that employed an emerging philosophy of one-stop client service. With a curvilinear sky lit “street”, lined on two stories with public counters and open workstations, the thematic essence of this project is service, accountability, and openness.

The long skylight “flies” out over entries at either end of the facility boldly announcing entry, and serving as a major campus landmark/orienting device. At night, for the student parking on ridges to the north, the skylight serves as a beacon in the heart of the campus.

M t . S a n A n t o n i o C o l l e g e :

S t u d e n t S e r v i c e s C e n t e r

CLIENT: Mt. San Antonio CollegeSCOPE: 50,000 square feet Full A/E services ; One-stop shop; Campus Entry point CLIENT CONTACT: Dr. James Albanese, Former Vice President of Business Services (909) 594-4230

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F r e s h I d e n t i t y i n a T r a d i t i o n a l P l a c e

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R e l e v a n t E x p e r i e n c e 23

A r t s B u i l d i n g s M a s t e r P l a n & R e n o v a t i o n s

CLIENT: Los Angeles Community College District, Build-LACCDSCOPE:22,400 square foot art building, 18,350 square foot music building22,500 square foot theater building, 4,650 square foot TV/Cinema ArtsLOCATION: Los Angeles, CACLIENT CONTACT: Daynard Tullis Build-LACCD Senior Design Manager (213) 593-8470 [email protected]

Though an aging campus, these buildings all share adjacency to a majestic, landscaped mall, modeled in similar concept and scale after Thomas Jefferson’s mall for the University of Virginia. All of the facilities suffered from deferred maintenance and lack of current, integrated technology to support their programs.

Working with an extremely limited construction budget ($40-50/square foot for most of the renovation; and $220/square foot on the new construction), the design team was charged to implement full accessibility, develop all classrooms to current smart technology, provide improved work and display spaces, enhance music and theater performance venues, enhance entrances, replace ceilings and lighting, and provide an overall freshness to the school’s environment.

By collaborating with the college to balance the most compelling program needs with attention to the school’s entries and most public, well-trodden spaces, we were able to successfully implement the modernization and additions. These portions of the college now have quite fresh identities without losing their traditional place along the long campus mall.

L o s A n g e l e s V a l l e y C o l l e g e

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M a j o r R e n o v a t i o n a n d S e i s m i c U p g r a d e s :

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S o u t h G y m n a s i u m R e n o v a t i o n

The project site is located along the western edge of the Los Angeles Community College campus. With brick-clad neighbors to the north and south, the challenge of the external renovation was to bring this originally utilitarian building more in context with the campus aesthetic, within a highly limited budget. Internally, the migration of existing locker rooms to a new gymnasium building, created an opportunity to provide additional dance and exercise space within the South Gym, requiring, at the same time, seismic upgrades, new air conditioning, ADA accessibility, and comprehensive improvement of the building’s systems and finishes.

Internally, the building was re-configured to both maximize dance/studio/exercise space and to improve circulation clarity and way-finding. In terms of building finishes, the design took the sustainable strategy of stripping-off, rather than laying on new finishes - with an emphasis on exposed concrete floors and exposed concrete structure, with a minimal overlay of servicing ducts and acoustically absorptive clouds. Enlivening the interior passageways are side-lit, full-height wall panel line-drawings of student dance, aerobic, and yoga movements.

Externally, the screening for this roof-top air conditioning is used as a continuous perforated metal ‘mask’, that wraps down over the major building entries on east and west, and establishes a stronger entry identity for the building. In response to the brick context of the campus, the building employs a simple running horizontal painted color collage that establishes a color harmony with its neighbors.

L o s A n g e l e s C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e D i s t r i c t

CLIENT: Los Angeles Community College District; Currently under ConstructionSCOPE: 29,500 sf seismic, finishes, and systems renovationCLIENT CONTACT: Christopher Dunne (previously Campus Program Dir.)Harris & Associates (213) 629-9565 x 2701

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A t h l e t i c s & W e l l n e s s C e n t e r

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R e l e v a n t E x p e r i e n c e 27

This athletic complex is located on the campus of Pasadena City College and houses a gymnasium, sports medicine center, weight room, new stadium, and athletic field.

The design team was tasked with designing a stadium and gymnasium complex that represents the College’s athletic department, serves as a meaningful space for sporting events and brings together student and faculty functions in one facility.

The physical education facility houses a gymnasium with three basketball courts, convertible to seven volleyball courts; a sports medicine center for the prevention and treatment of sports injuries; a weight room with state-of-the-art training equipment; locker rooms; and faculty offices and classrooms. A “wall of fame” in the west lobby pays tribute to past star athletes at the College.

CLIENT: Pasadena City CollegeSCOPE: 84,000 sf 1,700 seat gymnasium; 4,500 seat stadiumLOCATION: Pasadena, CACLIENT CONTACT: Dr. James Kossler, former Superintendent/President (323) 259-8845 (home)

A t h l e t i c s & F i t n e s s C o m p l e xP a s a d e n a C i t y C o l l e g e

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D i s t r i c t - W i d e P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n F a c i l t i e s U p g r a d e s

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29R e l e v a n t E x p e r i e n c e

CLIENT: Ventura Community College DistrictSCOPE: Track and Field; 3,000-seat grandstand and press-box; Entry plaza with restrooms and concessions; Auxiliary field sports field improvements; ADA and fire/life safety upgrades to main gymnasium and Wellness Center support components.CLIENT CONTACT: Leslie Dickey, Project Director, Ventura College (805) 384-8112

VENTURA COLLEGETrack and field area 200,000 sf, plaza building (restroom/concession) 3,000sf, bleacher size 3,000 seats. New sports stadium complex with all weather running track, synthetic playing field, grandstand, and main entrance plaza with concession and restroom buildings. Renovation of Athletic Event Center, small gymnasium, tennis complex, aquatic center, and classrooms. Existing field renovations include baseball stadium and softball stadium.

OXNARD COLLEGE Track and field area 175,000sf, plaza building (restroom/concession) 2,000 sf, bleacher size 2,800 seats. New sports stadium complex with all weather running track, natural playing field, grandstand, and main entrance plaza with concession and restroom buildings. Construction of new softball field, soccer fields (3), tennis courts (10), and walking/running par course that winds throughout the campus. Renovation of existing baseball stadium. Renovation of existing locker rooms, training room, and classrooms.

MOORPARK COLLEGETrack and field area 170,000 sf construction of all weather running track, synthetic playing field, and main entrance plaza with concession and restroom buildings at the existing stadium.

Ve n t u r a , O x n a r d , a n d M o o r p a r k C o l l e g eV e n t u r a C o u n t y C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e D i s t r i c t

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P r o g r a m m i n g & F a c i l i t y E v a l u a t i o n

P i e r c e C o l l e g e

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P i e r c e C o l l e g e

C a m p u s M a s t e r P l a n U p d a t eP i e r c e C o l l e g e

CLIENT: Los Angeles Community College District, Build-LACCDSCOPE: Programming and facility evaluationLOCATION: Woodland Hills, CACLIENT CONTACT: Daynard Tullis Build-LACCD Senior Design Manager (213) 593-8470 [email protected]

Gonzalez Goodale Architects was asked by LACCD to provide programming and other descriptive design criteria development for the Los Angeles City College District’s Campus System. The work involved meeting with various department user-groups to determine needs, areas, relationships, equipment planning and site-specific building criteria.

The deliverables for this phase of work included building programs, project description and outline specifications. Ultimately, these documents formed the basis for the final Design Criteria for a new 42,000 sf Maintenance and Operation Department Facility at Pierce College and parking structures at both West Los Angeles and Harbor College. Subsequently, we provided services to analyze the bids received from the design/build teams and assisted with selection of design build firms.

In addition to performance criteria we are continuing work providing Master Planning services for Mission and Pierce Colleges. These services include space and programming studies, interior upgrades, and design guidelines which will ultimately shape the future of all Campus renovation and development.




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T r a n s f o r m i n g I n t o a T r u e C a m p u s

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R e l e v a n t E x p e r i e n c e 33

C a m p u s M a s t e r P l a n s

Our engagement with master planning at Mount San Antonio College occurred over a 15 year period, beginning with an anchoring facilities master plan that responded to late-20th century population growth in the San Gabriel Valley region.

Facing a pre-World-War-II, un-zoned, bungalow finger layout, the initial master plan needed to respond to a fundamental first challenge of anticipating unpredictable demographic changes over time.

By creating infrastructure patterns, zoning, open space organization, and a phased plan for deteriorating facility removal, the master plan set a skeletal framework for growth that cohered for decades to come The plan also responded to collaterally developing residential communities, with new roadway and parking planning to insure appropriate separation of a burgeoning student population and traffic from neighbors.

A Master Plan update anticipated specific funding for two projects in the central part of campus: a Student Services Center and a Performing Arts Center. Seizing the campus-making opportunity presented by these two new projects, we worked with the college to shape an extended social heart through the campus core, transforming the original finger plan into a true campus.

CLIENT: Mt. San Antonion CollegeSCOPE: Campus-wide master planningLOCATION: Walnut, CACLIENT CONTACT: Dr. James A. Albanese, former V.P. of Business Services - (909) 594-4230 (home)

M t . S a n A n t o n i o C o l l e g e

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J o i n t - U s e F a c i l i t i e s a n d R e s o u r c e s

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R e l e v a n t E x p e r i e n c e 35

W e s t s i d e F a m i l y Y M C A

CLIENT: Westside YMCASCOPE: : 70,000square feet Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Activity & Workout Spaces, Teen Center, Administration, and Community Meeting, rooftop athletic areaCURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTIONLOCATION: West Los Angeles


This groundbreaking joint-use project, a collaboration between the YMCA and LAUSD is sited at the southwest corner of University High School. Its ‘sister’ facility will be a gym and locker rooms to the east, allowing students, during weekdays, to share access to the gym and teen center, along with Y members. The site is a relatively tough area, facing the backside of Santa Monica Boulevard commercial/industrial uses.

The project goals: To maximize synergy with the school gym; to celebrate the presence of the YMCA and its pool to the community without sacrificing a sense of security; and to build with a maximum of economy.Taking advantage of the corner’s visual exposure to Santa Monica Boulevard, a vaulted roof shelters both entry and pool The principal street side-wall of the pool is a green ‘living wall’ that creates a fresh garden setting for the building. The remainder of the building, modest in form, but generous in interior openness and sociability, shapes itself around additional garden courtyards and roof courts that allow extension of recreation and exercise programs from inside to outside.

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P a s t , P r e s e n t , a n d F u t u r e

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R o b e r t F. K e n n e d y C o m m u n i t y S c h o o l s K - 1 2 C a m p u s L o s A n g e l e s U n i f i e d S c h o o l D i s t r i c t

CLIENT: Los Angeles Unified School DistrictSCOPE: 522,410 square feet, 4624 studentsLOCATION: Los Angeles, CA

The context for this project is the 24 acre site of the former Ambassador Hotel in the Mid-Wilshire District of Los Angeles. The programmatic context was LAUSD’s charge to provide a genuine community school in a long-under-served area. It is a first instance of an integrated District K-12 campus, internally de-centralized by discrete Small Learning Communities.

• A summary of major challenges for this project included: • Housing a large program on a small site with dramatic topography• Acknowledging history without sacrificing educational/programmatic needs;• Engaging a intensely urban condition without sacrificing student safety;• Exceeding CHPS sustainability requirements.

Responses to the major challenges are as follows:•By exploiting multiple, terraced layers of the site at varying levels, the schoolsindividually engage all the surrounding streets in an extroverted manner, while achieving a loose separation of schools and playfields internally —including playfields atop parking structures; grade changes via amphitheaters; and employment of multiple semi-subterranean levels.The architectural and cultural history of the site is reflected in interpretive reconstructions of the Cocoanut Grove; the Embassy Ballroom, and the north wing of the Hotel (re-stated as a glassy wall of classrooms facing Wilshire); in the construction of linear urban park, dedicated to the social-justice work of RFK and others, lining Wilshire; in a highly integrated public art program addressing cultural and political history on the site.

Designed for intensive joint-community use, the campus controllably opens its schools to the sidewalk on four sides, providing joint access to the K-5 Library, the Embassy Ballroom Campus Library, the Cocoanut Grove Auditorium, the swimming pool and gyms, and to the perimeter playfields.

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Q U A L I T Y A S S U R A N C E P R I N C I P A LA R M A N D O L . G O N Z A L E Z F A I A

Mr. Gonzalez’s focus on the firm’s diverse projects assures a point-of-view that will maximize participation and consensus in developing a balanced project. As founding principal of Gonzalez Goodale, Mr. Gonzalez is responsible for the firm’s overall direction for performance, including principal in charge and senior project manager responsibilities on select assignments.


LONG BEACH CIT Y COLLEGE: south quad educational, administrative & district offices complex

UNIVERSIT Y OF LA VERNE: abraham campus center


west los angeles college - campus master planning and accessibility transition plan

los angeles city college - south gym renovation

pierce college - maintenance and operations design criteria, campus master planning

mission college - campus master planning, central plant design criteria

los angeles valley college - media arts center and music, theater & arts buildings programming & renovation


ventura college: new entrance plaza, concessions building, athletic stadium complex

oxnard college new athletic stadium complex with all weather track, renovation of gymnasium

moorpark college physical education facilities and wellness center renovations

PASADENA CIT Y COLLEGE: physical education complex/campus bookstore renovation

CAL STATE LONG BEACH: fine arts building


master plan

student services building

performing arts center

GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE: campus master plan

CALTECH: millikan library adaptive reuse

CALTECH: new student center

WESTSIDE FAMILY YMCA: new ymca facility on lausd’s university high school campus


University of Southern California/1965/Bachelor of Architecture

East Los Angeles Community College/1961/Associate of Arts


State of California, Architectural Registration C5826


Member, College of Fellows American Institute of Architect

Member, American Institute of Architects, Pasadena Foothill Chapter

Board Member, The Associates of the California Institute of Technology

Member, Board of Trustees, Huntington Memorial Hospital

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D E S I G N P R I N C I P A LD A V I D L . G O O D A L E A I A L E E D A P

39K e y P e r s o n n e l R e s u m e s

As Director of our Design Studio, Mr. Goodale oversees projects from the initial establishment of guiding principals and programming, through design and into project implementation. He brings strong leadership to an inclusionary deisgn process. Working in close collaboration with clients and stakeholders, he is experienced in multi-disciplinary projects and adept at integrating innovative design strategies in sustainable design. He has lectured and authored numerous publications on a wide range of design topics and is recognized as a leader in

Institutional and Civic Campus design.


LONG BEACH COMMUNIT Y COLLEGE: south quad educational, administrative & district offices complex

UNIVERSIT Y OF LA VERNE: abraham campus center


west los angeles college - campus master planning and accessibility transition plan

los angeles city college - south gym renovation

pierce college - maintenance and operations design criteria, campus master planning

mission college - campus master planning, central plant design criteria

los angeles valley college - media arts center and music, theater & arts buildings programming & renovation

CAL STATE LONG BEACH: fine arts building


ventura college: new entrance plaza, concessions building, athletic stadium complex

oxnard college new athletic stadium complex with all weather track, renovation of gymnasium

moorpark college physical education facilities and wellness center renovations

PASADENA CIT Y COLLEGE: physical education complex/campus bookstore renovation

GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE: campus master plan

UNIVERSIT Y OF CALGARY: scurfield hall mba complex (w/ jh cook architects)


master plan

student services building

performing arts center

CALTECH: millikan library adaptive reuse

CALTECH: new student center

WESTSIDE FAMILY YMCA: new ymca facility on lausd’s university high school campus

EDUCATIONUniversity of Michigan/1974/Bachelor of ArchitectureUniversity of Michigan/1976/Master of Architecture



Honor Award, AIA/Pasadena & Foothill Chapter

Award of Merit, McGraw-Hill Construction


Merit Award, AIA/Pasadena & Foothill Chapter


Merit Award, AIA/Pasadena & Foothill Chapter

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H A R R Y R . D R A K E A I A C A S pG O N Z A L E Z G O O D A L E A R C H I T E C T S

Mr. Drake is a seasoned Project Manager who is a driving force behind many of the firm’s project management systems and innovations. He has been instrumental in our integration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) throughout a project team, resulting in cost savings through advance purchase of materials and change-order reduction. He offers state-of-the art institutional planning strategies and disabled access expertise for design of this project. Harry has worked to create a layered system to assure our projects are delivered with a high level of completeness, accuracy, clarity and coordination between disciplines. As one component of this program, he is responsible for checking documentation at various milestones such as completion of design development and construction documents, and, most extensively, prior to bidding. As a CASp professional, he one of only 400 registered accessibility specialists with the State of California.



west los angeles college - campus master planning and accessibility transition plan

los angeles city college - south gym renovation

pierce college - maintenance and operations design criteria, campus master planning

mission college - campus master planning, central plant design criteria

los angeles valley college - media arts center and music, theater & arts buildings programming & renovation

CALTECH: millikan library adaptive reuse

CALTECH: new student center


robert f. kennedy community schools in cluding cocoanut grove renovation

glassell park early education center

solano elementary modernization and expansion

multi-campus modernization and hvac replacement (3 campuses)

huntington park high school - comprehensive modernization master planning

EL MONTE UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRIC T: modernization of arroyo, mountain view, rosemead and el monte high schools

WESTSIDE FAMILY YMCA: new ymca facility on lausd’s university high school campus


CIT Y OF ARCADIA: new city hall & fire department headquarters expansion; evaluation of existing historic city hall

CIT Y OF MONROVIA: evaluation of existing public library

CIT Y OF SIMI VALLEY: city hall and senior center addition and renovation

CIT Y OF AZUSA: new library (unbuilt)/evaluation of the existing library building

CITY OF BREA: interior renovation of council chambers and associated civic center spaces


School of Architecture and Environmental Design, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo/1981/Bachelor of



State of California, Architectural Registration C14869

State of California, Certified Access Specialist (CASp)

Associate Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) Professional

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Gonzalez Goodale architects

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