Camp Harmony 2010 Summer Camp

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Located in the beautiful Laurel Highlands, Camp Harmony has a rich 86 year history as a Christian camp and leadership center. As we draw on that heritage, we are continuing the mission of introducing people of all ages to Jesus Christ in a relevant way. Because we know that different people are excited by different activities, we offer a wide range of programs to choose from. Campers can choose from camps that concentrate on horseback riding, music and drama, sports, the great outdoors, adventures, their love of the water, and so much more.

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Life is fast. ChiLdren grow up faster than we Can even imagine. ChiLdren, youth and aduLts aLike are ConstantLy moving from one aCtivity to the next . what if there was a pLaCe for you and your famiLy to step out of that fast paCed worLd for a LittLe whiLe? at Camp harmony we offer just suCh a pLaCe. our Camps provide a safe pLaCe for aLL ages to experienCe a whoLe new worLd and the Loving god who made it.

ChiLdren of aLL ages Can Choose from many age appropriate Camping experienCes. from beginner, intermediate, and advanCed adventure programs, to sports and drama Camps, we offer a Camp for just about every interest. in addition to great speCiaL events Like horsebaCk riding, Canoeing, and fishing, eaCh Camp is fiLLed with hiking, Crafts, swimming, boating, Cookouts, musiC, games, bibLe studies, and so muCh more.

we absoLuteLy beLieve that a quaLity week at Camp Can positiveLy impaCt a ChiLd’s outLook for the rest of their Lives. we wouLd Love for them to have that experienCe with us at Camp harmony.


Page 3: Camp Harmony 2010 Summer Camp

LoCated in the beautifuL LaureL highLands, Camp harmony has a riCh 86 year history as a Christian Camp and Leadership Center. as we draw on that heritage, we are Continuing the mission of introduCing peopLe of aLL ages to jesus Christ in a reLevant way.

beCause we know that different peopLe are exCited by different aCtivities, we offer a wide range of programs to Choose from. Campers Can Choose from Camps that ConCentrate on horsebaCk riding, musiC and drama, sports, the great outdoors, adventures, their Love of the water, and so muCh more.

however, there are some things that aLL Camps have in Common. eaCh Camper wiLL have the opportunity to partiCipate in the aCtivities that make Camp so enjoyabLe. aCtivities inCLude; swimming, arts and Crafts, nature sessions, bibLe studies, exCiting morning worship serviCes, Campfires, sLiding on our 300 ft. watersLide, sLeep outs, Cook outs, unique games, hikes and our adventure Courses.

aLL of our aCtivities are designed to ChaLLenge Campers physiCaLLy, mentaLLy and spirituaLLy at deveLopmentaLLy appropriate LeveLs, whiLe providing a soLid support base for them to grow.

just as god is with us in every part of our Lives, we strive to demonstrate god’s Love in every aCtivity we do. however there are times that we intentionaLLy foCus our energy on Christ. we do this in a number of ways.

we start eaCh day with our morning worship serviCe CaLLed AMPLIFY. the whoLe Camp partiCipates in a time of Community, taLks, and great worship though musiC.

Campers get to experienCe the bibLe in new and engaging ways through our daiLy smaLL group bibLe studies we CaLL FOCUS these studies are Led by LoCaL pastors who donate their time, skiLL, knowLedge, and Love by interaCting with Campers to bring the word of god aLive.

at the end of eaCh day CounseLors Lead EMBERS, our nightLy Cabin devotionaL times. Campers Can express thoughts on the day and work towards answers to some of their questions in the Comfort and safety of a smaLL group.

nothing can stop me

from having a great time at


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Kinder KrittersK-3 FULL DAYS june - 21, 22, 28, 29juLy - 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27august - 2, 3

PRE K HALF DAYS june - 23, 24, 30juLy - 1, 7, 8 august - 4, 5

JuneDATE GRADE EVENT6-18 staff training13-18 aLL ages voLunteer work week18-19 aLL ages reunion weekend19 aLL ages reunion day/Camp dediCation20-25 3-5 mystery Camp 3-5 sports Camp 6-8 sports Camp 8-12 Canoe Camp27-3 3-5 performing arts Camp 6-8 performing arts Camp 8-12 performing arts Camp 6-8 Canoe Camp2 &3 aLL ages paC performanCes

JuLYDATE GRADE EVENT6-8 3-5 short experienCe Camp6-9 3-5 beginning adventure Camp 6-8 sportsman Camp9-10 2-4 parent ChiLd Camp11-16 3-5 intermediate adventure Camp18-23 6-8 beginning adventure Camp 6-8 traiLbLazers 1 & 225-30 3-5 young expLorers Camp 6-8 intermediate adventure Camp25-28 6-12 ampLify Camp28 aLL ages pig roast aLL ages ampLify worship ConCert

AugustDATE GRADE EVENT1-6 3-5 mega Camp 6-8 advanCed adventure Camp13-15 aLL ages famiLy Camp20-21 aLL ages famiLy fLoat weekend28 18yrs+ aduLt rafting september

septemberDATE GRADE EVENT3-6 aLL ages faLL harvest gospeL festivaL18 aLL ages heritage festivaL25 aLL ages famiLy bike trip

octoberDATE GRADE EVENT1-2 6-12th remix23 -- western pa distriCt ConferenCe

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SPORtS CAMPSdo you Love sports? so do we! we Love pLaying footbaLL, basebaLL, soCCer, hoCkey, and CurLing. (o.k. we’ve never even been near a CurLing rink, but we Love it aLL the same.) our sports Camps are geared for Campers who enjoy pLaying sports for the sake of pLaying sports. we bring in area CoaChes and pLayers to teaCh skiLLs and the finer intriCaCies of a wide variety of sports. every day’s a new game and a new ChanCe to Learn about teamwork, fair pLay, and graCe in Competition. if you Love sports, you’LL Love these Camps.

ADvEntURE CAMPSah the great outdoors. the peaCe of a warm Camp fire on a Crisp summer night. the thriLL of working your way down river in a Canoe. the absoLute joy of pushing yourseLf beyond where you thought you CouLd go. that’s what adventure is aLL about. Campers wiLL experienCe our high and Low adventure Course, 50ft. CLimbing and rappeLLing tower, as weLL as days on the traiL or river. it’s aLways an adventure at Camp harmony!

pLease be aware that our adventure Camps, whiLe age appropriate, are physiCaLLy intense and Campers shouLd be aware of their physiCaL abiLities and Limitations. we offer 3 LeveLs of adventure Camps for 3rd through 8th grades. beginning Camps aLLow for afternoon adventure eLements during an otherwise “reguLar” week of Camp. in-termediate Camps take it up a notCh with more Cookouts, an overnight trip, and Longer hikes. advanCed Camps are for those Campers with previous adventure experienCe. advanCed Campers shouLd be prepared for muLtipLe days and nights on a hiking traiL, Caving, and Canoeing eLements. we vaLue the emotionaL, physi-CaL, and spirituaL safety of aLL of our Campers. pLease piCk the Camp that is appropriate for you.

*pLease be aware that the intermediate and ad-vanCed Camps require some personaL equipment suCh as proper baCkpaCks, footwear, and water bottLes. Camp harmony offers Limited pieCes of equipment avaiLabLe for rent on a first Come first serve basis. pLease ContaCt the Camp offiCe for more information.



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ARtS AnD MUSIC aLL the worLd’s a stage! or at Least aLL of our arts and musiC Camps get a stage. we’re exCited to offer a variety of Camps for the Cre-ative types. from our muLtipLe performing arts Camps to our brand new ampLify Camp, there’s room for everyone to showCase their taLents.

our PERFORMIng ARtS Camps are great for those who Love to entertain. younger Campers wiLL be enCouraged to ex-press themseLves through their art projeCts, short skits, and songs. 6/7/8 paC’ers wiLL Learn the buiLding bLoCks of entertaining from the stage through short pLays, danCe, and sCript writing. Campers in 8th through 12th grades wiLL produCe an entire musiCaL, from Casting to Curtain CaLL in a week. aLL of our performing arts Campers wiLL be guided on their artistiC journey by seasoned Leaders. from danCe instruCtors, professionaL set designers, to musiC eduCators, Campers wiLL en-joy Learning the skiLLs of entertainment and seLf expression.

new to Camp harmony this year is AMPLIFY CAMP. this Camp is designed from the ground up for jr. and sr. high youth who are interested in gLorifying god through musiC. our goaL is to have youth worship teams and individuaL musiCians Learn to Lead worship through their musiC. Campers wiLL attend Large group worship ser-viCes, smaLLer group interest sessions on topiCs suCh as Leading others in worship, how to write a song, being part of a band, and many others. eaCh Camper wiLL aLso sit in with taLented musiCians for their instrument of ChoiCe. CLasses inCLude aCoustiC guitar, eLeC-triC guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, and voCaLs. if your ChurCh has a praise band or you are interested in starting one, don’t miss this Camp!

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fuLL day (singLe day) - $30fuLL day fuLL summer - $350 REgIStER FOR ALL 14 DAYS OF SUMMER AnD SAvE $70fuLL day piCk 7 - $190 PICK AnY 7 DAYS In ADvAnCE AnD SAvE $20

haLf day (singLe day) - $15haLf day fuLL summer - $175 REgIStER FOR ALL 14 DAYS OF SUMMER AnD SAvE $35haLf day piCk 7 - $95 PICK AnY 7 DAYS In ADvAnCE AnD SAvE $10

KInDER KRIttERS... pre k haLf day

nothing says fun Like a day at Camp! your youngest Camper wiLL feeL just Like big brother or sis-ter at our haLf or fuLL day kinder-kritter Camps. eaCh day wiLL be a new adventure in swimming, Crafts, expLoring nature, interaCtive bibLe times, and so muCh more. they wiLL experienCe the wide worLd of Camping whiLe being enCouraged and Cared for by our weLL trained staff.

FULL DAY CAMPS are for ChiL-dren in kindergarten through 3rd grade. eaCh day inCLudes LunCh and a snaCk. fuLL day Camps run from 9:00am - 5:00pm on monday and tuesday of eaCh week.

HALF DAY CAMPS are for ChiL-dren in pre-k. eaCh day inCLudes LunCh. haLf day Camps run from 9:00am -1:00pm on wednesday and thursday of eaCh week. whiLe you Can register for as many days as you want on an individuaL basis, we are offering disCounts to pre-register for muLtipLe date paCkages.

I love marshmallows!!!


i love marshmallows!

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3RD, 4tH & 5tH gRADE CAMPS MYStERY CAMP — JUnE 20-25 $285 seeking adventure? ready for a surprise? then mystery Camp is for you. not onLy do you enjoy a week of aLL the typiCaL summer Camp fun you wouLdn’t want to miss, but you get the added surprise of an afternoon mystery aCtivity. what 5 fantastiC, far-fetChed adventures await you? Come find out and join us for a thriLLing week of unknowns.

SPORtS CAMP — JUnE 20-25 $285 sports enthusiasts and athLetes of aLL kinds are a fit for this Camp. Learn the basiCs of a new sport eaCh day as you interaCt with LoCaL CoaChes and your peers. basketbaLL, footbaLL, soCCer, voLLeybaLL…there are just too many to name. pLay them aLL and deCide whiCh is your favorite as you work up a sweat at sports Camp.

PERFORMIng ARtS CAMP — JUnE 27- JULY 3 $285 Come break a Leg at our performing arts Camp for the youngsters. Learn to express yourseLf and take on the roLL of another CharaCter as you prepare for two weekend performanCes. the Curtain wiLL rise on friday and saturday as you get your first ChanCe to be a star.

SHORt ExPERIEnCE — JULY 6-8 $125 is it your first time at Camp? not sure if you’re ready for the big step of a week away? this Camp is made for you. Come get aLL the great experienCes of Camp in 3 easy days. nature, Cookouts, Campfires, swimming, adventure - it’s aLL here and it’s aLL for you. don’t Let the name fooL you, it’s a short experienCe jam-paCked with fun and festivi-ties.

BEgInnIng ADvEntURE — JULY 6-9 $180 ta-da! adventure kids are here! take a few days to test your spon-taneous side as you deLve into a new adventure every day. this Camp is perfeCt for beginners who want to Live on the wiLd side for just an afternoon. and don’t worry; aLL the typiCaL Camp fun is right at your fingertips.

IntERMEDIAtE ADvEntURE CAMP — JULY 11-16 $285 adventure taken up a notCh, intermediate Camp is for those who Like a ChaLLenge. you’LL take Longer hikes with more Cookout meaLs and spend more nights sLeeping under a bLanket of stars. a few summers of this Camp and you wiLL be a true pioneer.

YOUng ExPLORERS — JULY 25-30 $285 are you Looking for the goLd at the end of the rainbow? no need to stumbLe aLong a path and Look for markings on the trees. young expLorers not onLy Learn how to use a personaL gps but are given a ChaLLenge. they must put these skiLLs to the test and hike into the woods in the searCh of treasure. good LuCk.

MEgA CAMP — AUgUSt 1-6 $285 mega Camp. the titLe says it aLL; it’s a bigger Camp than aLL the oth-ers. bigger games, bigger worship sessions, bigger everything (Can you imagine!?). Come see what aLL the big news is about and super-size your fun for a mega week of madness!

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6tH, 7tH & 8tH gRADE CAMPSSPORtS CAMP — JUnE 20-25 $285 sports enthusiasts and athLetes of aLL kinds are a fit for this Camp. Learn the basiCs of a new sport eaCh day as you interaCt with LoCaL CoaChes and your peers. basketbaLL, footbaLL, soCCer, voLLeybaLL…there are just too many to name. pLay them aLL and deCide whiCh your favorite is as you work up a sweat at sports Camp.

PERFORMIng ARtS CAMP — JUnE 27-JULY 3 $285 aLready an aCtor at heart? join us for paC and Let out your inner performer as you Learn stage and aCting skiLLs. you’LL be performing 1 aCt pLays and human videos in no time. better yet, it’s an introduCtory Camp into the big Leagues of aCting…so Come hone your skiLLs and Let your taLents soar.

CAnOE — JUnE 27-JULY 3 $335 get your toes wet with the jr. high Canoe Camp. inexperienCed? no probLem! as Long as you Can swim, you Can paddLe your way through the week. Learn the skiLLs and you’LL be showing us how it’s done Like the superhero we know you are. join us for a wiLd and mostLy wet week of exCitement.

SPORtSMAn CAMP — JULY 6-9 $180 the great outdoors is CaLLing aLL sportsmen! the uLtimate Camping trip is awaiting you. Learn to fish, traveL to game reserves, and sit in on sessions about the wonderfuL worLd of wiLdLife. if you’re LuCky, you’LL CatCh the biggest fish and have a piCture to prove it!

BEgInnIng ADvEntURE — JULY 18-23 $285 be ready to waLk on the wiLd side as you embark on an adventure paCked week. expLore new eLements every afternoon as you Learn to think outside the box and take a risk. the week is CompLete with an overnight trip and more fun than you Can imagine.

tRAILBLAzERS 1 — JULY 18-23 $285 giddy-up! horses are the name of the game this week as Campers Learn the basiCs and take the reins. afternoons are dediCated to rid-ing and getting to know these beautifuL animaLs. after a week, you’LL be fuLL of knowLedge and the skiLLs to bLaze some traiLs.

tRAILBLAzERS 2 — JULY 18-23 $285 howdy Cowboys and CowgirLs! onCe you’ve Learned to bLaze the traiLs, you Can Come join us for another fantastiC week of horsin’ around. returning Campers have the basiCs under their beLt, so get a LittLe more in depth and ride away with us at traiLbLazers 2.

IntERMEDIAtE ADvEntURE — JULY 25-30 $310 beginning adventure sound too easy for you? weLL, you asked for it. a week of the bigger and better. bigger hikes. better Cookouts. and aLthough we Can’t do anything about the number of stars, you’LL have pLenty of nights to Count them. immense amounts of adventure Coming right up.

AMPLIFY CAMP — JULY 25-28 $200 youth worship bands and individuaL musiCians aLike are CaLLed to am-pLify. Learn how to be a part of a modern worship band. with CLasses for aCoustiC, eLeCtriC, and bass guitar, keyboards, drums, and voCaLs - there is a pLaCe for everyone. Large group s essions and daiLy wor-ship sessions are a must as we amp up our styLe of worship. the Camp wiLL end wednesday with a ConCert by Campers and a speCiaL guest band (you won’t want to miss this!).

ADvAnCED ADvEntURE — AUgUSt 1-6 $335 the uLtimate adventure Camp, onLy for the serious adventure Camper. this week is spent outdoors doing what adventurers do best. hike, bike, Canoe, and CrawL through the Caves. after this week you’LL be abLe to CaLL yourseLf a master adventurer. warning: this week is no pieCe of Cake! Campers must be physiCaLLy fit to partiCipate.

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8-12tH gRADE CAMPS CAnOE — JUnE 20-25 $335 water, adventure, and the great out-doors…have we Caught your attention? join us for the sr. high Canoe trip as you see god’s Creation by boat and enjoy the starry sky by night. the onLy re-quirement: you must be a strong swim-mer. so Come Camp on the banks of the river and spLash your way through an amazing week.

PAC — JUnE 27-JULY 3 $310 this is it, the best of the best, the big show. in just one week you’LL do it aLL. Learn how to aCt, sing, bLoCk, direCt, and Create sCenery for a fuLL sCaLe musi-CaL! that’s right, one week. but it Can’t be done without your amazing taLents. so what-ever they may be, join the Cast and tuCk a pLaybiLL under your piLLow. you’LL eat, sLeep, and dream stardom by friday night, and we Can’t wait to watCh the resuLts.

* 6-12tH gRADE...AMPLIFY CAMP — JULY 25-28 $200 youth worship bands and individuaL musiCians aLike are CaLLed to ampLify. Learn how to be a part of a modern worship band. with CLasses for aCous-tiC, eLeCtriC, and bass guitar, key-boards, drums, and voCaLs - there is a pLaCe for everyone. Large group ses-sions and daiLy worship sessions are a must as we amp up our styLe of wor-ship. the Camp wiLL end wednesday with a ConCert by Campers and a speCiaL guest band (you won’t want to miss this!).


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ALL AgES AnD FAMILY EvEntSvOLUntEER WORK WEEK — JUnE 13-18 FREE! we have so many good things pLanned for this summer and we need your heLp to make it happen! as we CLean up the Camp from a partiCu-LarLy rough winter, we need Caring peopLe to heLp us make your Camp shine for the Campers. from painting to raking to some basiC Carpen-try, we’ve got a job that fits your skiLL LeveL. we’re Looking for youth groups, sunday sChooL CLasses, men’s and women’s feLLowships, fami-Lies, and individuaLs to voLunteer an hour, an evening, or even a whoLe week. housing and pLenty of free food wiLL be provided for aLL who heLp out.

REUnIOn DAY — JUnE 19 FREE! reunion day is our annuaL open house for everyone who Cares about the ministry of Camp harmony. it’s a great way to see aLL of the new things Camp is doing as weLL as reunite with oLd Camp friends. we wiLL aLso be hoLding a bLessing serviCe for the Camp staff as they start their busy summer season. there wiLL be pLenty of free food and en-tertainment through out the day.

2/3/4 PAREnt CHILD CAMP — JULY 9-10 $50/CHILD...$20/ADULt this is a great Camp for a first timer. both parent and ChiLd spend their time expLoring the fun of Camp as a team. guided by our won-derfuL CounseLors, you’LL experienCe our Crafts, nature sessions, Campfires, bibLe studies and so muCh more. aCCommodations wiLL be in our ComfortabLe harmony house and are perfeCt for a famiLy weekend together.

FAMILY CAMP — AUgUSt 13-15 vARIOUS with aLL of the aCtivities your famiLy is invoLved in, wouLdn’t it be niCe to spend some time together in a reLaxed environment? bring your whoLe famiLy to share in the weekend’s fun fiLLed program. there are pLenty of options to share in the day and Lots of aCtivities for aLL age groups. priCing varies by housing option.

ADULt CHILD 3 AnD UnDERharmony $90 $65 $10Cabin $80 $55 $10tenting/rv $70 $45 $10

maximum famiLy Camp rate for immediate famiLy members is $310

FAMILY FLOAt WEEKEnD — AUgUSt 20 -21 $20/DAY...$30/WEEKEnD bring your famiLy and enjoy a 3 hour guided Canoe trip around the beautifuL quemahoning reservoir. we’LL stop aLong the way for a shore Line rest break and LunCh. Come experienCe the beauty and peaCe of a faLL fLoat. Come friday night and stay in a Cabin for a weekend getaway.

ADULt RAFtIng — AUgUSt 28 $80 are you Looking for a great adventure before the summer ends? this trip is for anyone over the age of 18. we’LL be taking a guided tour down the Lower yough. it’s a great starter whitewater trip that stiLL hoLds some adventure for the seasoned rafter. CaLL the Camp offiCe for more detaiLs.

FAMILY BIKE tRIP — SEPt. 25...9AM-5PM $30 W/REntAL...$10 W/O REntAL grab your bike and hit the traiL with us! we’LL be riding the hoodLebug traiL near indiana, pa. the easy grade and amazing views make this traiL great for the whoLe famiLy. LunCh and transportation is inCLuded.

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CAMP HARMOnY IS OPEn FOR YOUR USE YEAR ROUnD!Camp harmony is not just a summer meeting pLaCe! we’re avaiLabLe 7 days a week 365 days a year for your meetings, ConferenCes, youth group nights, board retreats, sunday sChooL CLass get-a-ways, CLass reunions, indoor and out-door sporting events and so muCh more. no matter what the temperature outside says, your group wiLL be warm and Cozy in one of our five newLy remodeLed re-treat Centers. they offer Large group meeting spaCes, and intimate smaLL group gathering pLaCes. faith haLL pro-vides a number of uses with it’s Large Cozy dining haLL, indoor astroturf fieLd, and spaCious upper room meeting area. we Can aLso provide your group with aLL the energy they’LL need with our tasty food serviCe. from inexpensive meaL options to fuLL sCaLe banquet serviCe, we’ve got you Covered.

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registrAtion informAtionHOW DO I REgIStER?1. Choose the Camp/Camps you wouLd Like to attend.2. fiLL out BOtH PARtS of the registration form or register onLine at www.Campharmony.org (BOtH PARtS MUSt BE COMPLEtED!)3. maiL in forms and deposit of $5 per fuLL day of Camp to: Camp harmony, po box 158, hooversviLLe pa 15936

PARt 1ScholARShipFuNDSFoRATTENDiNGcAmphARmoNyThRouGhSummERFooDSERVicEpRoGRAm...importAnt - Government reGulations have chanGed and every person attendinG camp must complete this form!

the summer food serviCe program (sfsp) wiLL fund $5 per day toward the Cost of eaCh fuLL day of Camp in june, juLy or august for eaCh ChiLd at-tending Camp in the famiLy. (day Camps do not get a disCount – the disCount is aLready buiLt in). onLy one sfsp appLiCation needs to be CompLeted per famiLy. if your inCome meets the guideLines Listed beLow, pLease CompLete this form. if you do not meet the guideLines, pLease CheCk the box indiCat-ing “not eLigibLe”, sign and date the form and return with your registration form. ChiLdren must be 18 or younger to quaLify. aLL inCome information is kept ConfidentiaL. if the Camp determines that you are eLigibLe for the dis-Count, additionaL forms wiLL be sent to you to be CompLeted and returned to the Camp offiCe prior to your Camp. if you have any questions, pLease ContaCt the Camp offiCe.

❏ not eLigibLe/do not wish to partiCipate


number in annuaL inCome househoLd (Less than) name: soCiaL seCurity #

1 $20,037 _______________________ _________________

2 $26,956 _______________________ _________________

3 $33,875 _______________________ _________________

4 $40,794 _______________________ _________________

5 $47,713 _______________________ _________________

6 $54,632 _______________________ _________________

7 $61,551 _______________________ _________________

8 $68,470 _______________________ _________________

totaL gross inCome per month (aLL sourCes) $ ____________________________ if you get food stamps or afdC, you Can List your number and skip the inCome question:

food stamp Case # _____________________________________________________

afdC Case # ___________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________signature of aduLt famiLy member date

if eLigibLe, the amount of your disCount wiLL be deduCted from your Camp registration and wiLL be indiCated on your Camper Confirmation form.

list all persons livinG in your household (related or not)

/ /

Page 14: Camp Harmony 2010 Summer Camp


pLease use a separate form for eaCh individuaL registering–you Can register for muLtipLe Camps on the same form.

name: _______________________________ sex: ❏ m ❏ f birthdate ___ / ___ / ___

street address __________________________________________________________

City ________________________________________ state _____ zip ____________

grade CompLeted as of 6/10 _______

parent’s names __________________________________________________________

ChurCh ______________________ emaiL ___________________ phone # __________


1) Camp name ____________________________________ dates ________________

2) Camp name ____________________________________ dates ________________

3) Camp name ____________________________________ dates ________________

(t-shirt and Cabin piCture are inCLuded in the Cost of Camp)

t-shirt size: aduLt -❏ s ❏ m ❏ L ❏ xL youth -❏ s ❏ m ❏ L ❏ xL (CheCk one)

❏ i wish to be assigned to the same Cabin as ______________________________

(no Changes wiLL be made the day of registration)

totaL amount to be biLLed to the ChurCh $ _________________ (aCtuaL $ amount)

approved by _________________________________________ (Camp rep or pastor) this info must be CompLeted

pLease inCLude a $25 non-refundabLe deposit for eaCh muLti-day Camp or $5 for eaCh kinderkritter or singLe day Camp (up to $25) for whiCh you are regis-tering (you may pay the fuLL amount if you wouLd Like). you may pay by CheCk or Credit Card. a $20 Late fee wiLL be inCurred if the registration is reCeived Less than 2 weeks prior to the Camp for whiCh you are registering (kinderkritter programs are exempt from Late registration fees).

❏ masterCard ❏ visa ❏ disCover exp. date ___ / ___ / ___

aCCount number _________________________________________________________

Card hoLder’s signature _________________________________________________

in signing this appLiCation, i grant permission for my ChiLd to attend Camp harmony and to use photos inCLuding my ChiLd and members of my famiLy in Camp pubLiCity. i waive the right to inspeCt or approve photos used for suCh purpose.

_________________________________________________________________________(parent/guardian signature)

due to the rising demands on our Camp, registrations are based on a first Come first served basis. god is bLessing us with more and more Campers every year. pLease regis-ter earLy to ensure your pLaCe in the Camp you desire! pLease maiL your reg. form and deposit to:

Camp harmony, 1414 pLank road, po box 158, hooversviLLe pa 15936888/745-2267, 814/798-2225 (fax) [email protected] (emaiL)www.Campharmony.org

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Camp harmony is Committed to providing a safe, nurturing Camp Community; Caring professionaL staff; deveLopmentaLLy appropriate experienCes; opportunities for serviCe, Leadership, and personaL growth; experientiaL eduCation and opportunity for disCovery. we strive for exCeLLenCe in aLL we do.

aLL of our senior staff members are over the age of 18, are high sChooL or CoLLege graduates, who show spirituaL maturity, and are required to CompLete a thorough training Course at the beginning of the summer.

aLL of our junior staff members are over the age of 15, CompLete a thorough training Course, and are direCtLy supervised by a senior staff member.

aLL staff and voLunteers over the age of 18 must obtain their aCt 34 and 151 pennsyLvania CLearanCes.

as part of their training, our staff members take Courses to beCome Cpr/ first aid Certified.

a quaLified staff member wiLL be on the premises to dispense mediCations and treat any minor iLLness or injury.

our food serviCe personneL are servsafe Certified.

we foLLow the guideLines Laid by the ameriCan Camping assoCiation for CounseLor-Camper ratios.

we are members in good standing with the outdoor ministries assoCiation.

we are happy to weLCome and aCCommodate ChiLdren with speCiaL needs. pLease ContaCt us in advanCe so we may work through any speCiaL needs your ChiLd may have.

Camp harmony is open to aLL regardLess of raCe, CoLor, nationaL origin, sex, age or disabiLity.

WHAt tO BRIngeaCh Camp is a unique experienCe and may require different personaL preparations. for a fuLL List of what to bring, pLease CheCk onLine at www.Campharmony.org

FREE t-SHIRt AnD gROUP PICtUREthis year eaCh Camper wiLL reCeive one free t-shirt and Large group piCture. additionaL items and piCtures may be purChased at the Camp store.

SCHOLARSHIPSyour ChurCh Congregation may pay a portion of the Camp fee. pLease CheCk with them first. sChoLarships are aLso avaiLabLe through the Camp for famiLies needing finanCiaL assistanCe. REqUEStS MUSt BE MADE PRIOR tO ARRIvAL At CAMP. for more information pLease CaLL the Camp offiCe.

DISCOUnt PROgRAMeaCh person registering for and attending more than one summer Camp is eLigibLe for a disCount on registration Costs. a 10% disCount is avaiLabLe for aLL subsequent Camps. the kinderkritters program is exempt from this offer.

CABIn REqUEStSCabin requests must be made on the registration form by both Campers and for the same Camp. we try our best to aCCommodate requests but Cannot guarantee them in aLL Cases. groups of 4 wiLL be separated.

REgIStRAtIOn tIMESunLess otherwise noted in your Confirmation paCket, Camps register at 6:00pm on the first day at faith haLL. piCk up wiLL be at 8:00pm on the Last day. parents and famiLy members are invited to partiCipate in a wrap up Campfire beginning at 7:00pm.

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