I got a news update from WDDTY, earlier today (which I'll get on to shortly) that intrigued me because it suggested evidence for what I've suspected for a very long time - that it's what you eat that matters, not how much of it. But as I was tracking down more details I came across something quite amazing - there is a place (I'm tempted to call it a restaurant, but I think that might be a little extravagant) in Las Vegas called the Heart Attack Grill. Now I know this shouldn't surprise me, but I'm English, so it does.

Calories Are Not Created Equal

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Page 1: Calories Are Not Created Equal

I got a news update from WDDTY, earlier today (which I'll get on to shortly) that intrigued me because it suggested

evidence for what I've suspected for a very long time - that it's what you eat that matters, not how much of it. But as I was tracking down more details I came across something quite amazing - there is a place (I'm tempted to call it a

restaurant, but I think that might be a little extravagant) in Las Vegas called the Heart Attack Grill. Now I know this

shouldn't surprise me, but I'm English, so it does.

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I know it's fun, but obesity is also Life & Death and this place seems to be taking over-eating to ridiculous heights.

Mind you there are two hospitals just a short distance away!

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If you weigh over 350lbs you get to eat free here.

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They sell a 2lb, 8000 calorie Quadruple byPass Burger (4 burgers & Cheese on a bun with an optional extra 20 slices

of bacon).

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Their menu makes a sales point of the fact that the 'flatliner fries' are 'deep fried in Pure Lard' and their

commercial tells you the side affects from eating there. These 'may include sudden weight gain, repeated increase

of wardrobe size, back pain, male breast growth, loss of sexual partners, lung cancer, tooth decay and liver

sclerosis stroke. In some cases mild death may occur.'

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But what got this place into the news was that a man had a heart attack while eating a 6000 calorie Triple byPass Burger. Mind you it got them a ton of free publicity and

that's never bad for business.

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Anyway, that was a little digression - back to the calories that are different sizes.

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What I started exploring was the research into the obesity states of Americanised Mexicans. It seems that the

University of South Carolina has been looking at Mexicans in America. Apparently first generation Mexicans living in the US tend to stick to their traditional diet which consists

of corn, beans, pork, fish, and a variety of fruits & vegetables such as pineapple, papaya, squash and

avocado. Their children, however, consume diets high in saturated fats and sodium as well as large quantities of

sweetened beverages.

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It seems that second generation Mexican-Americans are two and a half times more likely to become obese than first generation Mexican-American relatives. There is no suggestion that more food is being consumed - just that what the diet consists of is fat and salt loaded fast food,

rather than fresh meat, fruit and vegetables.

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I can certainly confirm from my own experiences of losing weight that I don't really eat less. I just eat different and

the weight slowly and steadily drops away for as long as I maintain a healthy diet. So if you are struggling to lose weight, try making some changes in the quality of what

you eat and forget about the quantities.

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