Call in Pattern BEFORE STARTING BE UPTONE and Be There. Name, want and get your result. Use a piece of paper indicating: How much phone, how much meetings, how much closes you want. Keep track of it while on the phone. Your end result is A Meeting A price demand Or an order INTRO Hello, my name is (your name) from HAURATON. You introduce HAURATON shortly while you say what you GIVE to the clients, The call in pattern has been written for cold and hot prospects. But can also be used for clients who do know us. If it is a secretary: Maybe You can help me. If she/he says no, you say sorry, do not bother to go further with the secretary. Try to get the boss then, if not possible, waste. If she/he says yes, you acknowledge (give the person the feeling he is really understood and the communication is finished) . You then ask the question - who in your organisation is responsible for the project planning. You get the answer. You thank the secretary for this name. YOU HAVE TO OBTAIN THE NAME(s). So you use the data on false and real objection (objection changes it means false objection and thus you acknowledge, wait and come back with the same – objection is repeated, now you acknowledge, give the person the feeling somehow he is right, you wait, you come back with your proposal, you ask for a solution). Then you say, according to you, when is the best moment to contact this person? And you obtain either that the secretary passes the person immediately or a date and hour. Which you then confirm. YOU HAVE TO OBTAIN EITHER THE PERSON OR A DATE AND HOUR WHEN YOU CAN CONTACT THIS PERSON. Here also you use the data on the false and real objection. Do not forget to thank the secretary for her help. She is your important ally. You can propose yourself 2 different dates in order to give the choice to the secretary. KEEP FULL CONTROL and GET A DATE, HOUR. If you have the person directly or when the secretary passed you the person. Again you introduce yourself as above. Then you ask, may I ask you a question, it might help me. (or something of the sort in order for him to help you) Do you have projects with channelling of water? You listen and acknowledge. Let’s meet with sales person. Eventually again you use the data on true and false objections. 1

Call in pattern

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Page 1: Call in pattern

Call in Pattern

BEFORE STARTINGBE UPTONE and Be There. Name, want and get your result.

Use a piece of paper indicating:How much phone, how much meetings, how much closes you want. Keep track of it while on the phone.

Your end result is A MeetingA price demandOr an order

INTROHello, my name is (your name) from HAURATON. You introduce HAURATON shortly while you say what you GIVE to the clients,

The call in pattern has been written for cold and hot prospects. But can also be used for clients who do know us.

If it is a secretary:

Maybe You can help me.

If she/he says no, you say sorry, do not bother to go further with the secretary. Try to get the boss then, if not possible, waste.

If she/he says yes, you acknowledge (give the person the feeling he is really understood and the communication is finished) . You then ask the question - who in your organisation is responsible for the project planning. You get the answer. You thank the secretary for this name. YOU HAVE TO OBTAIN THE NAME(s). So you use the data on false and real objection (objection changes it means false objection and thus you acknowledge, wait and come back with the same – objection is repeated, now you acknowledge, give the person the feeling somehow he is right, you wait, you come back with your proposal, you ask for a solution).

Then you say, according to you, when is the best moment to contact this person? And you obtain either that the secretary passes the person immediately or a date and hour. Which you then confirm. YOU HAVE TO OBTAIN EITHER THE PERSON OR A DATE AND HOUR WHEN YOU CAN CONTACT THIS PERSON. Here also you use the data on the false and real objection. Do not forget to thank the secretary for her help. She is your important ally.You can propose yourself 2 different dates in order to give the choice to the secretary. KEEP FULL CONTROL and GET A DATE, HOUR.

If you have the person directly or when the secretary passed you the person.

Again you introduce yourself as above.Then you ask, may I ask you a question, it might help me. (or something of the sort in order for him to help you)Do you have projects with channelling of water?You listen and acknowledge.Let’s meet with sales person.Eventually again you use the data on true and false objections.


Page 2: Call in pattern

False objection: Understand, Acknowledge, Come back with proposal.

True objection: Understand, Acknowledge, Make the person right in one way or the other,Wait some seconds, Come back with proposal, Ask what is your solution then.

Do not forget to be up-tone, it is a game and do not forget to acknowledge the person.


Always confirm in writings what was said.Give some extra data by which the person feels comfortable.Acknowledge the person for his decision.Keep your statistics (number of phones, number of meetings, closes, …..)Make sure the CRM data is filled in.


Marc Julian Richard de Turck