California as “hydraulic empire” – fact and fiction California has become world’s 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water resources development. Political & economic history shaped by water and its constraints (Hundley, 2002). What’s the significance of California’s experience? How have we managed water? What have we learned? Can we solve our current water policy challenges?

California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

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Page 1: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

California as “hydraulic empire” – fact and fiction

California has become world’s 9th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water resources development.

Political & economic history shaped by water and its constraints (Hundley, 2002).

What’s the significance of California’s experience?How have we managed water?What have we learned?Can we solve our current water policy challenges?

Page 2: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Evolution of California water policyPre-Spanish-exploration period (until 1770s):

Hunter-gatherer population – evidence suggests Native American tribes generally understood seasonality; relied on coastal resources.

“Symbiotic” relationship with nature (e.g., Gabrielino tribes).

Claims to water were forcibly taken after conquest; continued when California became a U.S. state (1850).

Today – numerous tribal suits against cities, utilities to force settlement of Indian water rights claims under “Winters Doctrine” (1908):

U.S. Supreme Court ruling stated: when the federal government established tribal reservations, it implicitly, set aside sufficient water for tribes.

Page 3: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

• City of Los Angeles agreed, in 1939, to provide, in perpetuity, 4350 acre/feet of water per year to three reservations - Bishop, Big Pine and Lone Pine Tribes.

• Problem? City and tribes can’t agree over what lands in the valley should be considered “tribal” and, thus, eligible for water, and how water would be divided among tribes.

• Water rights are central issue of negotiations between these tribes and the City of Los Angeles.

Page 4: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Spanish & Mexican traditions (1770s – 1848)

Conquest legacy – natural resources & native population expected to conform to royal custom/centralized authority:Control of water left to monarchy/emperor and “agents of crown.”

“Rancho” tradition – large landholdings linked to towns, co-existing with the church, protected by the military.

Water viewed by Spanish as a “community right:”Conflicts adjudicated in the interest of balancing all

components on social life.Prior community use took precedence over individual rights.

Page 5: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Original land-holdings Original land-holdings (Ranchos) of (Ranchos) of

Los Angeles regionLos Angeles region

Page 6: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Rancho-Large estates: divert water for agriculture; self-regulating; controlled their own supply

Mission-Under Spanish: original

settlements-Provided social control,

early economic outposts;

-Developed independent water/irrigation systems

Presidio-Military outpost-Enforce royal water laws & adjudicate conflict between ranchos, pueblos, missions; sought “accord” & harmony

Pueblo (town)-Merchants, traders (Latino & “Yankee”)- Granted rights by monarchy to regulate/use water for public supply; mills; livestock, orchards

Water management

Water management under Spanish-Mexican legal systemWater management under Spanish-Mexican legal system

Page 7: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Mission La Purisima Concepcion*

– “zanja” or irrigation ditch for watering orchards and grain fields

*Between Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo

Page 8: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

U.S. era water of management in California (post-1848)U.S. era water of management in California (post-1848)

Statehood and economic transformation (1848 – 1900):Hydraulic mining, agriculture, urbanization – frenzied development;

adverse impact to rivers, hills; erosion & sedimentation in rivers, landscape alteration.

Demands for rationalizing policy – “California doctrine” (1886):

Riparianism applied where permanent settlement led to land title (e.g., large agriculture holdings in Central Valley, ranchos in S. California).

Prior appropriation where water was diverted before permanent land claims made (e.g., mining regions).

Led to gradual end to reckless water use; few, large monopolistic land holdings; urban water sovereignty.

Page 9: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

U.S. era of water management (after 1900)U.S. era of water management (after 1900)

“Hydraulic empire” (1900s– 1960s):

Urban growth/intensive agriculture – large diversion projects; urban aqueducts –movement of water from north to south; flood control projects.

Combination of federal/state funding; local entrepreneurship.

Large dependence on “fixed” infrastructure to move and manage water – often important, but not a panacea.

Page 10: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Some examples of “fixed” water infrastructure

Water storage

Flood control

Water diversion

Page 11: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

California’s “plumbing system” – an overview of water infrastructure

Red = State Water Project.

Yellow = Agriculture-related water Yellow = Agriculture-related water projects; Central Valley, Tehama-projects; Central Valley, Tehama-Colusa, All-American Canal).Colusa, All-American Canal).

Green = urban water projects; Los Green = urban water projects; Los Angeles, Colorado River, Hetch Angeles, Colorado River, Hetch Hetchy, East Bay Aqueducts.Hetchy, East Bay Aqueducts.

Page 12: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

A schematic of water diversion – California style

Page 13: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Lake Oroville – Feather River

3.5 million acre/feet of storage– key component of State Water Project

Page 14: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Lake Oroville (2008) – approx. 50% of capacity

Page 15: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta

• Receives runoff from 40% of state’s land area & 50 % of its total stream-flow.

• Heart of state’s N-S water-delivery system.

• State and Federal contracts provide for export of up to 7.5 million acre-feet per year .

• 83% of water used for agriculture; rest for urban uses in central and southern California.

• More than 20 million people get drinking water from the Delta.

Page 16: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Sacramento River delta levee – near Isleton

Portion of breeched levee on Sacramento River (1997)

Page 17: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Cross-sections through delta "islands" showing the pre-development natural levees and the post-development constructed levees. Image by USGS.

Why flooding is a problem in the Delta

Page 18: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

State water project - aqueduct

-- N. California link providing water for 755,000 acres of farmland and public supply for 23 million.

-- Efforts to move water from this and Colorado River aqueduct (and to treat water, statewide) uses 20% of state’s electrical power.

Page 19: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

California Aqueduct and “E-side canal” – Near Bakersfield

Page 20: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Major water utility/irrigation districts in California

Page 21: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Agriculture-Farms-Local irrigation districts-Divert/store/sell water for agriculture, other uses.

State, federalagencies

-Bureau of Reclamation/Corps of Engineers; EPA-CA DWR, CA EPA-Provide water supply; abate floods; provide navigation/ power; enforce water quality regulations & adjudicate markets.

Water management

Water management under U.S. and California water lawWater management under U.S. and California water law

Cities, urban utility districts-commerce, industry, residential use

-Buy/sell water-Regulate transfers

-Maintain infrastructure.

Page 22: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

Myth vs. reality in California water management*

*From: Myth vs. Reality in California Water Management (2009)

Page 23: California as hydraulic empire – fact and fiction California has become worlds 9 th largest economy, in part, because of opportunities afforded by water

What have we learned? Some preliminary observations

May need to change our assumptions about growth and water use:

Does population/economic growth drive water demand? OR, does inexpensive, subsidized water spur population and growth of some activities?

Recognize that agriculture serves international needs and while using much water, also provides much benefit.

Recognize that, relatively speaking, cities use the water they have relatively efficiently.

Resist pressures to move more water from environmental in-stream flow needs to agriculture and cities – emphasize greater water-use efficiency and recycling.

We need to consider the importance of water in everything we do: it must become a “cost of doing business.”