Calcite Aragonite Vaterite

Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

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Page 1: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

Calcite Aragonite


Page 2: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

Solid Phases

• Calcite - most common and stable

• Aragonite - often kinetically favored

• Vaterite - rare in nature

Page 3: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature
Page 4: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

Potential Causes of Whitings

• Increased temperature

• Increased Ca2+ and/or CO32-

• phytoplankton blooms

• combination of all of above

Page 5: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

Background: Nucleation

• Homogeneous nucleation - from solution

• Heterogeneous Nucleation - on a substrate

• Induction time

Page 6: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

Background: Saturation State

• Often denoted by

• = (aCa2+aCO32-)/Karagonite

• If for a mineral in solution, precipitation is favored

Page 7: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

We know increasing temperature and nutrient concentrations enhances

aragonite growth.

However, it is much less clear whether phytoplankton act as nucleation "seeds".

Nodularia spumigena 10m

Page 8: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

Simple Nucleation Experiments

• Add excess Ca2+ to Pyramid Lake

water until whiting is observed.

• Quantify how much Ca2+ is required

for given conditions

Page 9: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

Equipment Required

• Collection bottle• Filtration apparatus• Clock or watch• Stir plate• Burette

• Glass flask

• 0.1 M CaCl2 solution

• Thermometer• Notebook and pen• pH meter (optional)

Page 10: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

Variables to Keep Constant

• Temperature

• Stir rate

• Interval of Ca2+ additions

• Particulates in solution

Page 11: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature


• Add drops of 0.1M CaCl2 solution in predetermined time intervals

• Record time and pH after each addition

• Stop when whiting is observed

Page 12: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature


• The main variable of interest is the amount of titrant required to produce the whiting event.

Page 13: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature













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9:21:36 9:36:00 9:50:24 10:04:48 10:19:12






whiting observed

whiting observed


Page 14: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

Results: Nucleation with and without phytoplankton

EXP ID description drop rate mL titrant Final CCPL-4 none 1/15s 2.2 99CCPL-5 w/phyptn 1/15s 2.0 92CCPL-6 none 1/15s 2.4 107CCPL-7 w/phyptn 1/15s 2.2 92

Aragonite nucleates in waters with phytoplankton more readily

Page 15: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

Results: Nucleation with and without filtering

EXP ID description drop rate mL titrant final MMR-2 unfiltered 1/7s 1.6 77MMR-3 unfiltered 1/7s 1.5 73MMR-4 filtered 1/7s 1.8 85

EXP ID description drop rate mL titrant final CCPL-2 unfiltered 1/15s 2.0 92CCPL-1 filtered 1/15s 2.1 95

Aragonite nucleates in unfiltered waters more readily

Page 16: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

SEM Imaging

• Aragonite crystals look similar in experiments performed with and without added phytoplankton.

Page 17: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

control experimentnucleated in the

presenceof nodularia

Page 18: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature


• The amount of added Ca2+ required for nucleation was reproducible in control exps.

• Filtering appears to have an effect on nucleation

• Nucleation occurs more readily in the presence of phytoplankton; suggesting that algal blooms may enhance whiting events.

Page 19: Calcite Aragonite Vaterite. Solid Phases Calcite - most common and stable Aragonite - often kinetically favored Vaterite - rare in nature

General implications for natural systems

• Natural waters are commonly supersaturated with respect to CaCO3 minerals, but the concentration and chemical nature of natural inhibitors will determine whether, and at what rate crystal growth actually occurs.

• Substances that enhance nucleation of crystals do not necessarily affect mechanisms of growth, as these are two very different processes.