Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato

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  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    Études platoniciennes11 | 2014 :

    Platon et la psychèDossier Platon et la psychè 

    Ψυχή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homerand Plato


     Entrées d’index 

    Keywords : soul! "o#e$! #etap%o$! &'( ή! )'*ό+

    Texte intégral 

    1. The scope of this paper

    2. Metaphor

    ,%is pape$ deals -it% t%e notions o. &'( ή and )'*ό+ /ot% in "o#e$ and in Plato especiall t%e Republic!and in pa$ticula$ -it% t%e i#po$tance o. #etap%o$ especiall pe$soni.ication in /ot% t%e "o#e$ic andPlatonic 3e$sions o. t%ese concepts 5e s%all sta$t -it% &'( ή and t%en #o3e on to )'*ό+! 6ust as -e sta$t -it%"o#e$ and #o3e on to Plato! /ut t%e #etap%o$icit o. /ot% concepts in /ot% aut%o$s -ill /e cent$alt%$ou7%out "o#e$ic $ep$esentations o. &'( ή   -ill /e used to illust$ate t%e $ole o. #etap%o$ in t%econst$uction o. t%e concept and t%us t%e scope .o$ .u$t%e$ e8tension o. its #etap%o$ical applications in late$aut%o$s suc% as Plato ,%e .inal and lon7est section o. t%e pape$ t%en e8plo$es t%e i#po$tance o. #etap%o$.o$ ou$ unde$standin7 o. t%e $ole o. )'*ό+ in t%e #odel o. &'( ή adopted in t%e Republic. It is in t%e Republict%at Plato $etu$ns e8plicitl to "o#e$ic #odel o. psc%olo7ical #oti3ation "o#e$ic psc%olo7! as is -ell9no-n! is an i#po$tant and speci.ic inspi$ation .o$ t%e t$ipa$tite soul! and especiall .o$ t%e esta/lis%#ent o. its t%#oeidic ele#ent! in Republic 4 ,%$ou7%out t%at dialo7ue! #o$eo3e$! and especiall in conne8ion -it%t%e t$ipa$tite soul! Plato uses a -ide $an7e o. tec%niues t%at #i7%t /e $e7a$ded as poetic! -%ile all t%e ti#edissociatin7 %is account .$o# poetic #odels ,%e  Republic! in a sense! is Plato;s epic Its psc%olo7 constitutes! at least to so#e e8tent! a sste#! as does "o#e$;s In /ot% cases! -e s%all a$7ue! t%ese a$e

    sste#s /uilt on #etap%o$ 5e s%all need to e8plo$e t%ese in t%ei$ o-n te$#s! at len7t% and in detail! /ut -es%all also attend to t%e $espects in -%ic% t%ei$ si#ila$ities and di..e$ences p$o3e inst$ucti3e! and to t%e -asin -%ic% "o#e$;s conceptions #i7%t /e $e7a$ded as p$ecu$so$s to Plato;s Despite t%e len7t% o. t%is pape$!%o-e3e$! t%is e8plo$ation cannot discuss e3e$ si7ni.icant aspect eit%e$ o. "o#e$ic psc%olo7 o$ o. Plato;s int%e  Republic ,o a ce$tain de7$ee! t%e analsis o..e$ed %e$e #ust $e#ain selecti3e and i#p$essionistic It isespeciall so in pain7 scant attention to t%e te8ts and $ep$esentations in -%ic% one #i7%t t$ace t%e %isto$ o. t%e $ele3ant conceptions between "o#e$ and Plato ,%is is not 6ust a #atte$ o. t%e e8i7encies o. space!p$essin7 t%ou7% t%ose a$e It is #uc% #o$e t%at t%is pape$ is intended as a co#pa$ati3e analsis $at%e$ t%anas a pu$el %isto$ical stud1  e.o$e e#/a$9in7 on t%e discussion o. t%ese topics! %o-e3e$! it -ill /e as -ell! at t%e outset! to set out so#eessential .eatu$es o. # unde$standin7 o. -%at #etap%o$ is and -%at #etap%o$ does ,%ese a$e pe$%aps not


    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

    25 2015-05-02 08:08

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    ?etap%o$ is a tool so o$dina$ t%at -e use it unconsciousl and auto#aticall! -it% so little e..o$t t%at -e%a$dl notice it It is o#nip$esent: #etap%o$ su..uses ou$ t%ou7%ts! no #atte$ -%at -e a$e t%in9in7 a/outIt is accessi/le to e3e$one: as c%ild$en! -e auto#aticall ! as a #atte$ o. cou$se! acui$e a #aste$ o. e3e$da #etap%o$ It is con3entional: #etap%o$ is an inte7$al pa$t o. ou$ o$dina$ e3e$da t%ou7%t andlan7ua7e And it is i$$eplacea/le: #etap%o$ allo-s us to unde$stand ou$ sel3es and ou$ -o$ld in -as t%atno ot%e$ #odes o. t%ou7%t can

    @a$ .$o# /ein7 #e$el a #atte$ o. -o$ds! #etap%o$ is a #atte$ o. t%ou7%t = all 9inds o. t%ou7%t: t%ou7%ta/out e#otion! a/out societ! a/out %u#an c%a$acte$! a/out lan7ua7e! and a/out t%e natu$e o. li.e anddeat% It is indispensa/le not onl to ou$ i#a7ination /ut also to ou$ $eason

    It see#s to #e t%at -%en dealin7 -it% se#antic 7aps; it is -$on7! o$ at /est un%elp.ul and at -o$st#isleadin7! to call t%e uniue a3aila/le e8p$ession o. t%e 7i3en #eanin7 a #etap%o$; I. it is t%e onl -a o. e8p$essin7 t%e #eanin7! t%en t%e e8p$ession desi7nates it lite$allB -%at else does lite$all; #ean

    uni3e$sal .eatu$es o. e3e$one;s unde$standin7 o. #etap%o$! /ut t%e see# to #e to /e incont$o3e$ti/le! andt%e a$e indispensa/le to t%e case I -ant to #a9e %e$e A succinct and elouent state#ent o. t%e app$oac%t%at I .ollo- is t%e .ollo-in7! .$o# a 1E stud / Geo$7e La9o.. and ?a$9 ,u$ne$:2

    In t%e /asic sense in -%ic% I s%all use t%e te$# in t%is pape$! #etap%o$ in3ol3es seein7 one t%in7 in te$#so. anot%e$ It in3ol3es a t$ans.e$ #appin7;! in t%e #etap%o$Ft%eo$ists; #etap%o$B c. t%e o$i7inalG$ee9A$istotelian *HJKMά .$o# one cate7o$ o$ do#ain to anot%e$! so t%at t%e sou$ce do#ain p$o3idest%e conceptual st$uctu$e o. t%e ta$7et do#ain ,picall! as in t%e cases t%at -ill inte$est us in t%is pape$!#appin7 p$oceeds .$o# t%e conc$ete! accessed / t%e senses and e8pe$ienced in t%e cou$se o. ou$ inte$action!as e#/odied %u#an /ein7s! -it% ou$ p%sical and social en3i$on#ents! to t%e a/st$act In t%is -a! a/st$actconcepts can /e said to /e #etap%o$icall const$uctedN


    ,%is %as so#e i#po$tant conseuences .o$ t%e p$esent pape$ @i$st! as a .i7u$e o. t%ou7%t and not 6ust o. lan7ua7e! #etap%o$ is not si#pl o$na#ental ,%e$e is not%in7 #e$e; a/out #etap%o$! especiall in t%e caseo. t%e conceptual and t%eo$Fconstituti3e #etap%o$s t%at -e s%all conside$ in t%is stud As La9o.. and,u$ne$ s%o-!4 t%e deli/e$ate and a$tisticall de3eloped #etap%o$s o. t%e poets $e7ula$l $est upon t%e sa#e

     /asic #appin7s as st$uctu$e t%e /ac97$ound #etap%o$s o. e3e$da lan7ua7e and t%ou7%t: -e s%all e8plo$et%is p%eno#enon in /ot% "o#e$ and Plato ,%ou7% t%e$e #a /e di..e$ences in t%e -as t%at con3entionaland no3el #etap%o$s a$e used and p$ocessed! all a$e #etap%o$s  @ull le8icalied o$ dead; #etap%o$stpicall #a9e use o. t%e sa#e #appin7s as a$e .ound in less con3entional cases! and e3en t%e o.ten $e3ealt%e acti3e! /ut unconscious! in.luence o. t%e sou$ce do#ain in t%e ideation o. indi3iduals -%o deplo t%e#Q

    In $ecent ea$s! t%e co$e o. t%ese discussions %as #o3ed decisi3el to t%e .ield o. co7niti3e neu$oscienceBacco$din7l! t%e %a3e /eco#e #o$e di..icult .o$ t%e nonFspecialist to e3aluate Cont$o3e$s no- .ocuses on -%et%e$ co7niti3e #etap%o$ $elies on #ental si#ulations o$ $ep$esentations t%at use t%e sa#e $e7ions o. t%e /$ain as a$e in3ol3ed in t%e senso$F#oto$ p$ocesses on -%ic% suc% #etap%o$s $e7ula$l d$a- >ut -%et%e$o$ not co7niti3e #etap%o$ is e#/odied in t%is -a! t%e /asic p$oposition -it% -%ic% -e s%all -o$9 in t%ispape$ = t%at #etap%o$ical t%in9in7 is .unda#ental to t%e st$uctu$e o. #an a/st$act concepts = is notse$iousl in dou/tE


    ,%ese 7ene$al conside$ations allo- us to dispel so#e co##on #isconceptions ,%e #ost i#po$tant!

    pe$%aps! is t%e intuition t%at t%e standa$d -a o. t%in9in7 o$ tal9in7 a/out a topic #ust /e lite$al $at%e$ t%an#etap%o$ical ,%us e3en "aden Pelliccia! aut%o$ o. a splendid stud o. ea$l G$ee9 psc%olo7 -%ic% ta9es.ull account o. t%e i#po$tance o. co7niti3e #etap%o$! can -$ite:


    So#e concepts! %o-e3e$! a$e in%e$entl #etap%o$ical: t%e$e is! .o$ e8a#ple! not%in7 t%at can /e said o. God t%at is not d$a-n .$o# so#e ot%e$ do#ain o. e8pe$ience10  ,%e concept o. ti#e! in /ot% t%ou7%t andlan7ua7e! is .unda#entall s%aped / its $ep$esentation in te$#s o. space11  ,%e concept o. 7ods! o$ t%econception o. ti#e in spatial te$#s! does not depend on a p$eFe8istin7 analo7 /et-een 7ods and %u#ana7ents o$ /et-een ti#e and space12 ,%e att$i/ution o. a7enc to a putati3e di3ine /ein7 is one o. t%e t%in7st%at c$eates t%e do#ain o. di3init and 7i3es it its st$uctu$e ,%e issue is not -%et%e$ one /elie3es t%at t%e$ea$e di3ine a7ents

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    3. Homer

    3. 1. Ψυχή in Homer

     ὐέ ί *T HMίVHTJT! ἐHὶ ά)W ἄ XYHJ )'*ῷ!JἰHὶ ἐ*ὴ W &'( ὴ W JMJZJXX ό*HW+ XH*ί[HTW

     5e s%all no- p$oceed to discuss .i$st &'( ή and t%en )'*ό+ in "o#e$ in t%e li7%t o. t%ese conside$ations,%e point o. t%e .i$st pa$t o. t%is discussion is to esta/lis% at t%e outset t%e e8tension and #eanin7 o. t%e.o$#e$ = -%at &'( ή is and -%at &'( ή does = in "o#e$! and to de#onst$ate t%e i#po$tance o. #etap%o$ toits conceptualiation1 I. &'( ή is al$ead! e3en at t%e ea$liest t$acea/le sta7e o. its %isto$ical de3elop#ent in"o#e$! a #etap%o$ical concept! it -ill /e c$ucial to /ea$ t%is in #ind -%en -e conside$ its $ole as a /ac97$ound conceptual #etap%o$ t%at Platonic psc%olo7 ta9es .o$ 7$anted ,%e i#po$tance o. &'( ή   inPlato! 7ene$all spea9in7! constitutes a c%apte$ in t%e %isto$ o. its de3elop#ent .$o# a co#pa$ati3el na$$o- 

    conception in "o#e$! in -%ic% its #ani.estations a$e #o$e o$ less con.ined to scena$ios in3ol3in7 t%e loss o. li.e and its continuation in t%e unde$-o$ld! and its $ole in t%e psc%olo7 o. t%e li3in7 indi3idual is at /esti#plicit and in 7ene$al #ini#al! to t%e $ic%e$ and #o$e .a#ilia$ classical conception in -%ic% &'( ή is! as A$t%u$ Ad9ins once put it! co$e o$ ca$$ie$ o. t%e pe$sonalit;1Q ,%at t%e$e suc% de3elop#ent = t%at &'( ή;s$ole and i#po$tance in psc%olo7ical! et%ical! and #etap%sical discou$se e8pand o3e$ ti#e = is /eonddou/t >ut it is i#po$tant not to o3e$Fsc%e#atie t%e p$ocess / e8cessi3el #ini#iin7 &'( ή;s "o#e$ic $oleand tellin7 an e8a77e$atedl teleolo7ical sto$ o. t%e p$i#iti3eness o. t%e o$i7ins .$o# -%ic% late$ conceptionssp$in7 As indicated a/o3e! %o-e3e$! t%e pu$pose %e$e is not to tell t%e de3elop#ental sto$ as suc%! /ut touse a /$ie. account o. t%e conceptualiation o. &'( ή in "o#e$ in o$de$ to su77est -as in -%ic% "o#e$ic andPlatonic concepts o. &'( ή #a /e use.ull co#pa$ed and cont$asted


    ,%e o$ientation o. ou$ discussion o. )'*ό+ -ill /e sli7%tl di..e$ent! t%ou7% still inte7$al to t%e o3e$allp$o6ect ,%e postF"o#e$ic conception o. )'*ό+ does not %a3e uite t%e $ic%ness o. its "o#e$ic counte$pa$t! /ut )'*ό+ su$3i3es not onl as a psc%ic o$7an; in poetic conte8ts /ut also as an o$dina$ te$# .o$ t%ee#otion o. an7e$ In #a9in7 )'*ό+ an ele#ent in t%e Republic;s t$ipa$tite psc%olo7 Plato is /ot% d$a-in7

    on t%e lin7uistic and conceptual $esou$ces o. conte#po$a$ G$ee9 and $eac%in7 /ac9 to select an ele#ent o. "o#e$ic psc%olo7 t%at pa$ticula$l suits t%e #odel %e -is%es to de3elop in t%e  Republic "is conception o. )'*ό+ is t%us less a sta7e in a de3elop#ent t%at can /e pa$alleled in ot%e$ .i.t%F and .ou$t%Fcentu$ sou$cest%an a pa$ticula$ aspect o. Plato;s $eadin7 o. "o#e$ic psc%olo7 t%at p$o3es especiall .$uit.ul .o$ %isp$o6ect >ut /ecause in t%e  Republic t%e )'*ό+ is! unli9e in "o#e$! an aspect o. t%e &'( ή! analsis o. t%ePlatonic )'*ό+ and its $elation to t%e "o#e$ic also cont$i/utes to ou$ o3e$all p$o6ect o. co#pa$in7 "o#e$icand Platonic conceptions o. &'( ή


    ,%e et#olo7 o. &'( ή! co7nate -it% & ῦ (+ and &'(Mό+! su77ests an o$i7inal $e.e$ence to t%e cold /$eat%o. deat% I. &'( ή -as e3e$ a lite$al concept! t%en t%is -ill %a3e /een its lite$al sense In "o#e$! t%e -o$d isused onl in conne8ion -it% deat% o$ deat%li9e loss o. consciousness ,%e in.luence o. t%is putati3e o$i7inal

    sense &'( ή  as t%e cold /$eat% o. deat% is appa$ent in "o#e$! /ut pe$%aps not as insistentl so as %asso#eti#es /een clai#ed1 >ut e3en in conne8ion -it% deat%! t%e &'( ή is #uc% #o$e t%an 6ust t%e din7 /$eat%: as t%e .inal e8pi$ation is a si7n o. deat%! so it /eco#es a si7n o. t%e t$ansition .$o# li.e to deat%! and a#eton# .o$ deat% itsel. = %is &'( ή   le.t %i#; is a -a o. sain7 %e died; ,%is is p$o/a/l t%e $oot#eton#! -%ic% e8tends &'( ή .$o# a si#ple p%sical act to a s#/ol .o$ t%e /iolo7ical p$ocess o. deat% >ut&'( ή in "o#e$ is i#plicated in a #uc% -ide$ net-o$9 o. #eton#ies and #etap%o$s t%an t%is! a net-o$9 t%at enco#passes social and cultu$al notions o. li.e and t%e pe$sonalit on t%e one %and! and deat% andpostF#o$te# su$3i3al on t%e ot%e$1E  ,%is .act! in tu$n! $ep$esents an i#po$tant locus o. contact anddi..e$ence /et-een "o#e$ic and Platonic conceptions


     Alt%ou7% t%e &'( ή in "o#e$ is #entioned onl in conne8ion -it% deat% o$ deat%li9e loss o. consciousnessand ne3e$ e8plicitl c$edited -it% an speci.ic .unction in t%e li3in7 pe$son! it still in%e$es in t%e li3in7 pe$sonand unde$pins t%e 3italit and consciousness t%at end in deat% 5e can see %o- t%is sense de3elops .$o# t%e /asic and o$i7inal one in si#ple locutions suc% as ta9in7; o$ $e#o3in7; so#eone;s &'( ή1 "e$e &'( ή is not

    si#pl /$eat%;! /ecause /$eat% is not t%e 9ind o. t%in7 t%at one -a$$io$ can lite$all ta9e; .$o# anot%e$: t%isis an ontolo7ical #etap%o$ ie it $ei.ies t%e &'( ή as a p%sical o/6ect! in -%ic% t%e cold /$eat% o. deat% %as /eco#e a s#/ol .o$ t%e li.e t%at t%e din7 #an loses and %is opponent dep$i3es %i# o.20 

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


     Xb]ὶ *ὲ W YάM H ZόH+ VJὶ ἴ KTJ *ῆ XJ!Vὶ ὲ Mίέ+ H VJὶ ἵ _W JW)ὰ V άMWJ!ἀ WMὸ+ ὲ &'( ὴ ά XTW ἐ X)H ῖ  W  ὔH XHb]ὴ ὔ); ἑ XHή! ἐHὶ ἄM VHW ἀ*Hί&HJT ἕMV+ ὀό W_W

    &'( ὴ ; ἐV H)έ_W J*έ W ! bό]H ZHZήVHT" W ό*W Yό_]J XT ῦ]; ἀ WMῆJ VJὶ #ZW

    p$ie is "ecto$;s &'( ή  Il. 22 1Q1! t%e &'( ή %as /eco#e a 3alua/le o/6ect! one t%at "ecto$ t$ies to $etain and Ac%illes t$ies to ta9e .$o# %i#B -%at is 3alua/le in t%is case is not t%e cold /$eat% o. deat% o$ t%e capacit todie! /ut si#pl li.e itsel.21 5%en! in t%e Odyssey p$oe#! Odsseus is desc$i/ed as st$i3in7 to secu$e %is &'( ήand t%e %o#eco#in7 o. %is co#panions; ἀMW $*HW+ # W H &'( ὴ W VJὶ Wό]W ἑJίM_W! Od. 1 &'( ή cannotsi#pl /e t%e cold /$eat% o. deat%;! /ecause t%at is not t%e so$t o. t%in7 t%at ou can win unli9e T*ή! VX έ+!o$ Wό]+22

     Anot%e$ pe$tinent passa7e is Il.  40QF:15

    ,%is d$a-s on t%e notion o. &'( ή as /$eat%! /ut also $ei.ies t%e &'( ή as a 3alued possession It #a$9s t%e&'( ή  out as a 3alua/le possession! #o$eo3e$! in so .a$ as it ani#ates t%e indi3idualB .o$ i. t%e &'( ή -e$e$eall not%in7 #o$e t%an t%e last /$eat%! t%e i#a7e o. its $etu$n -ould #a9e no senseB t%ou7% t%is is ani#possi/ilit! it nonet%eless $ests on t%e notion t%at i. t%e &'( ή could $etu$n! t%en so -ould li.e itsel. ,%eo$i7inal sense o. &'( ή %as unde$7one a p$ocess o. #eton#ous e8tension in -%ic% t%e -o$d %as co#e tostand .o$ -%at is lost at deat%! na#el li.eB and -%ile &'( ή in t%is sense is li.e lia/le to /e lost $at%e$ t%an li.een6oed! still in t%e #etap%o$ical associations t%at a$e inte7$al to its conceptualiation t%e -o$d &'( ή  asso#et%in7 $is9ed! sa3ed! 7i3en up! o$ ta9en a-a pe$.o$#s so#e! /ut not all o. t%e .unctions o. t%e ut in all ei7%t o. t%e passa7es t%at $e.e$ to t%e &'( ή;s ent$ to "ades! t%e &'( ή is a p$ope$t o. t%e li3in7 indi3idual -%ic%lea3es t%e co$pse and ente$s "adesB t%ese passa7es do not si#pl po$t$a t%e ent$ o. t%e &'( ή qua -$ait%

    into t%e -o$ld o. t%e dead: / d$a-in7 a cont$ast /et-een t%e depa$tin7 &'( ή and t%e pe$son o$ t%e co$pset%at it depa$ts #ro$! t%e de#onst$ate t%at /e.o$e deat% t%at entit -as $esident in t%e li3in7 indi3idual ,%edi..e$ence /et-een t%ese passa7es and t%ose desc$i/in7 t%e deat%s o. Pat$oclus and "ecto$ is si#pl t%at int%e latte$ t%e #o#ent and #et%od o. t%e &'( ή;s depa$tu$e a$e e#p%asied and so t%e$e is a #o$e inclusi3ee#p%asis on /ot% depa$tu$e and a$$i3alB euall! t%e se3enteen passa7es in -%ic% t%e &'( ή is said si#pl todepa$t t%e /od do not p$eclude its lea3in7 .o$ "ades! as in t%e ot%e$ tenB t%e si#pl do not speci. ,%edeat%s o. Pat$oclus and "ecto$ do not depa$t .$o#! /ut #e$el a#pli. a "o#e$ic no$# t%at is i#plicit in allt-entFse3en passa7es


    ,%e #t%olo7iin7 o. t%e &'( ή as a -in7ed c$eatu$e t%at .lies .$o# t%e /od and ente$s t%e unde$-o$ld iso/3iousl a #etap%o$ o. a #o$e de3eloped so$t t%an t%ose -%ic% p$esent it as a 3alued possession! a p$ie in a.i7%t to t%e deat%! o$ e3en 6ust an o/6ect in a containe$ ,%is conception occu$s not onl in t%ese t-o passa7es$e7a$din7 Pat$oclus and "ecto$! /ut also in t%e .i$st and second e9iai o. t%e Odyssey2  5e see t%ein.luence o. t%is t$adition in t%e desc$iption o. t%e soul;s depa$tu$e at deat% at %i$aeus E1d!N0 and! t%ou7%

    t%e$e a$e #an i#po$tant di..e$ences! it clea$l /ea$s at least #ini#al co#pa$ison -it% t%e -in7ed soul int%e c%a$iotF#t% o. t%e  &haedrus It also .o$#s a lin9 /et-een t%e "o#e$ic poe#s and a set o. $eli7ious /elie.s t%at antedate t%ei$ esta/lis%#ent as canonical .i8ed te8ts! .o$ t%e i#a7e o. t%e -in7ed &'( ή! eit%e$ asa /i$d %o3e$in7 in t%e 3icinit o. t%e co$pse o$ as a -in7ed i#a7e o. t%e deceased! appea$s! no dou/t unde$o$iental o$

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


     ὔ ί ]H fHM]HKό WHTJ gTὸ+ )'YάM ἀJKί]VHT!ἀ XX; J % ίV ἐ]ὶ ZM& W! 'H ί+ VH )ά W(]TW ὐ YὰM )T ]άMVJ+ H VJὶ ὀ]έJ *  WH+ ) (']TW!ἀ XX ὰ ὰ *έ W H 'Mὸ+ VMJHMὸ W *έ W+ Jἰ)*έ WTJ*W+! ἐHί VH M&J X ί( XH $V; ὀ]έJ )'*ό+!&'( ὴ ; ,-; . WHTM+ ἀJ*έ W HόJThOd. 11 21F22

    /+ ἄMJ K_Wή]J+ 0MέJ (HM]ὶ Kί X (]TW ὐ; ) XJZH &'( ὴ ὲ VJὰ ()Wὸ+ ,-H VJWὸ+1 (H HMTY' ῖ J JK2 W ; ἀ WόM']HW 3 (TXXH 4+

     (HM]ί H ]'*XJά Y]HW! )+ ; ὀ XK'Wὸ W )HTHW5 όT 6 ά ί+ ἐ]T VJὶ Hἰ W 3   7J ό*T]T&'( ὴ VJὶ Hἴ _XW! ἀὰM KMέ WH+  ὐV ) WT ά*JWJWW'( ί YάM *T fJMVX ῆ+ HTX ῖ &'( ὴ ἐKH]ήVHT Yό_]ά H *'M*έ W H!VJί *T ἕVJ]; ἐέHXXHW! ) bV ὲ )έ]VHXW J ὐῷh Il. 2N F10

      J8 ; ἀ YέMW&'(Jὶ  9ὲ 3jMέZH'+ WHV  $_W VJJH)W:_W

     W $*KJT ; ,7)Hί H X  $Xί H YέMWH+JM)HWTVJί ; ἀJXJὶ WHHW)έJ )'*ὸ W ) (']JT!XXὶ ;  ὐά*HWT (JXV ήMH]TW ἐ Y(Hί(]TW!ἄ WMH+ ἀM 7KJT! ZHZM_*έ WJ H $ (H; ) (WH+

    conception! /ut it is not 6ust an occasional ela/o$ation eit%e$ It en6os an e8tensi3e e8t$aF"o#e$ic e8istencein a$t and cult! and t%e lin9 -%ic% it p$esupposes /et-een t%e &'( ή t%at lea3es t%e /od and t%e one t%at is$esident in "ades is $e7ula$

    ,%e soul as -in7ed c$eatu$e! %o-e3e$! plas no pa$t in t%e depiction o. &'(Jί in t%e unde$-o$ld in Odyssey11 ,%e$e! t%e o..icial line; is t%at &'(Jί a$e /loodless! $e#nants! insu/stantial i. not inco$po$eali#a7es o. t%e li3in7 indi3idual ,%is! .o$ e8a#ple! is t%e e8planation o..e$ed / Odsseus; #ot%e$! Anticleia!in t%e e9ia and / t%e &'( ή o. Pat$oclus in Iliad  2N:


    Consonant -it% t%is conception is t%e need o. t%e &'(Jί encounte$ed / Odsseus in "ades to d$in9 /lood /e.o$e t%e can con3e$se -it% %i# \et t%is $eui$e#ent is not 6ust inconsistentl appliedBN2   in itsel. itactuall p$esupposes a de7$ee o. co$po$ealit = ot%e$-ise! %o- could a #e$e i#a7e; H ἴ _XW d$in9 >ut as -ell as /ein7 called &'(Jί and Hἴ _XJ! t%e dead in "ades a$e also 3e$ o.ten desc$i/ed as WέV'H+ o$ WHVMί! -o$ds t%at a$e also applied to t%e p%sical $e#ains o. t%e deceased! and t%e$e a$e .$euent s%i.ts .$o#desc$i/in7 t%e su$3i3o$ in "ades as t%e &'( ή   o. k; to t%e use o. t%e indi3idual;s pe$sonal na#e o$ t%eapp$op$iate pe$sonal p$onoun ,%e inconsistenc and a#/i7uit o. t%ese accounts o. e8istence in "ades7ene$all leads sc%ola$s to posit #o$e t%an one co#petin7 conception o. t%e a.te$li.e! o.ten att$i/uted todi..e$ent c%$onolo7ical sta7es and associated c%an7es in /u$ial p$acticeNN   >ut it is /ette$ to see t%einconsistenc as lin7 -it%in t%e concept o. &'( ή t%an /et-een &'( ή and ot%e$ conceptions o. su$3i3al e7Cla$9e;s si#ple; conception in -%ic% it is t%e co$pse t%at descends to t%e unde$-o$ld!  'lesh and Spirit 214F1


    ,%e$e a$e #an passa7es in -%ic% t%e na#ed indi3idual is said to #a9e t%e 6ou$ne to "ades! /ut -it%one e8ception! Od  2NF4! in n 2N a/o3e t%ese a$e co#pati/le -it% t%e speci.ication t%at it is qua &'( ή

    and not as p%sical /od t%at %e o$ s%e does soB t%is is in .act t%e onl speci.ication t%at is o..e$ed = it is ne3e$speci.ied t%at t%e p%sical /od o. t%e dead pe$son #a9es t%at 6ou$ne "o#e$;s c%a$acte$s and %is audience9no- t%at co$pses do not descend to "adesB t%e 9no- t%at t%e p%sical /odies a$e c$e#atedB /ut t%isa-a$eness coe8ists -it% /elie.s -%ic%! ta9en lite$all! #i7%t /e t%ou7%t to suppose a p%sical  post $orte$e8istence ,%e /u$nin7 o. clot%es! a$#ou$! and ot%e$ possessions alon7 -it% t%e c$e#ated /od co#/ines anac9no-led7e#ent o. t%e p%sical dest$uction o. t%e o/6ects -it% at least a 3esti7e o. a /elie. in a .o$# o. p%sical postF#o$te# e8istenceN4   >elie. in so#e .o$# o. p%sical su$3i3al does not $eui$e p%sicalt$anslation o. o/6ect o$ co$pse .$o# one $eal# to t%e ot%e$! /ut can coe8ist -it% ac9no-led7e#ent o. p%sicalanni%ilation in t%e -o$ld o. t%e li3in7


    ,%e ine8t$ica/le closeness o. t%e t-o supposed conceptions in%a/itants o. "ades as &'(J ί and as WέV'H+is illust$ated / t%e p%$ase &'(Jὶ   WHV  $_W VJJH)W:_W at Od. 11 NN   ,%ese &'(Jί   a$e t%eni##ediatel identi.ied -it% t%e indi3iduals -%ose e8istence t%e continue! oun7 #en and -o#en! old #en!7i$ls! and -a$$io$s /ot% -ea$in7 t%ei$ /loodFstained a$#ou$ and /ea$in7 t%e -ounds o. -%ic% t%e died



    ,%ese a$e &'(Jί! /ut t%e %a3e t%e appea$ance o. t%e co$pses t%at -e$e c$e#ated and! so#e%o-! su..icientco$po$ealit to -ea$ a$#ou$ It is st$i9in7 %o- $apidl t%e &'(Jί   a$e identi.ied -it% t%e indi3idualst%e#sel3esB t%is is t%e patte$n t%$ou7%out t%e e9uia! e7 in t%e i##ediatel .ollo-in7 initial encounte$ -it%

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    ) YW_ ὲ &'( ή *H :VH+  ἰJV ίJVJί ; ὀ XK'M*έ W )HJ HMόHWJ M] $J

    &+ )X+ ! bό]H VJHX)έ*HW! ) W)J H WHVMὶἀKMJέH+ WJί']T! ZM& W Hἴ _XJ VJ*ό W_WBh

    /+ ἐKά*W! &'( ὴ ὲ :VH+  ἰJV ίJKίJ *JVMὰ ZTZ=]J VJ; ἀ]KHX ὸ W XHT*& WJ!

     Y)] $ W! ' 8 '8ὸ W )KW ἀMTHίVHW H *  WJT

    3. 2. Θυµός in Homer

    ,%e$e .ollo-s a dialo7ue /et-een Ac%illes; and Odsseus! as an o3e$tu$e to -%ic% t%e &'( ή as suc% as9sOdsseus %o- %e da$ed to co#e to "ades! -%e$e t%e %eedless WHVM ί li3e! t%e i#a7es o. -o$nFout #o$tals4FQ:


    ,%is &'( ή %as at least so#e o. t%e p$ope$ties o. t%e li3in7 #an! and is a/le to tal9 a/out itsel. as a

    #e#/e$ o. a class t%at can /e called indi..e$entl WHVM ί o$ Hἴ _XJ At t%e end o. t%e dialo7ue! t%e &'( ή! -%ic% %as assu#ed t%e identit o. Ac%illes t%$ou7%out t%e scene! can itsel. st$ide o.. -it% la$7e steps!$e.lectin7 -it% p$ide and pleasu$e on t%e ne-s t%at it -%at -as a #o#ent a7o %e; %as 6ust $ecei3edNEF40:


    I. a &'( ή qua &'( ή can -ea$ clot%es and a$#ou$! e8%i/it -ounds and sca$s! pe$cei3e! con3e$se! and s%o- e#otion! t%en t%e$e is no $eason to assu#e t%at! -%en t%e dead in "ades a$e desc$i/ed as WέV'H+WHVMί!7i3en co$po$eal e8istence! and depicted pe$cei3in7! con3e$sin7! and s%o-in7 e#otion! t%e a$e ant%in7ot%e$ t%an &'(Jί ,%e a$e! a.te$ all! H ἴ _XJ: 3e$ con3incin7 Hἴ _XJ indeed


    Despite t%e appa$entl dualist /elie. t%at -%at su$3i3es in t%e unde$-o$ld is an insu/stantial &'( ή! a#e$e i#a7e o. t%e #an t%at died! a t$anslation to anot%e$ $eal# o. t%e spi$it t%at sepa$ated .$o# t%e co$pse

    and le.t it /e%ind! "o#e$ does not concei3e o. an 9ind o. su$3i3al -%ic% does not $etain t%e c%a$acte$isticso. t%e li3in7 pe$son as a psc%op%sical unit ,%e poe#s; conception o. su$3i3al as su$3i3al o. t%e &'( ήcon.i$#s t%at t%e .unda#ental "o#e$ic conception o. t%e pe$son is not dualist: t%e t%in9in7 and .eelin7 o. li3in7 pe$sons is done / e#/odied %u#an /ein7s o$ as -e s%all see /elo- att$i/uted to entities t%at a$e atleast in so#e sense p%sicall located in t%e /odB and t%e su$3i3o$ in "ades t%at si#ila$l t%in9s and .eels is! -%en it co#es do-n to it! c$edited -it% t%e p%sicalit t%at c%a$acte$ies li3in7 indi3iduals Despite t%ei#a7e$ o. t%e &'( ή;s depa$tu$e .o$ and su$3i3al in "ades! t%e conception o. li3in7 indi3iduals and &'(Jί in"ades does not consistentl in3ol3e t%e sepa$ation o. /od; and soul; eit%e$ in su/stance o$ in .unction ,%epassa7es in  Iliad  2N and Odyssey 11 -%ic% e#p%asie t%e conception o. t%e postF#o$te# su$3i3o$ as aninsu/stantial &'( ή   do c$eate a dissonance -it% ot%e$ passa7es in -%ic% t%e su$3i3o$ %as su/stantialco$po$ealitB /ut t%is is a dissonance /et-een a &'( ή   t%at is supposed to /e e3anescent and one -%ic%possesses conside$a/le #ate$ialit! not /et-een &'( ή  and so#et%in7 else ,%e o..icial; conception o. t%esu$3i3o$ as an insu/stantial &'( ή   is not sustained! /ut t%is does not #ean t%at it is not intended to /ede.initi3e An conception o. pe$sonal su$3i3al a.te$ deat% -ill /e 3ulne$a/le to t%e sa#e inconsistenc! /ecause t%e onl #odel o. pe$son%ood t%at -e possess is /ased on ou$ e8pe$ience o. li3in7! /$eat%in7!t%in9in7! .eelin7! e#/odied %u#an /ein7s = t%e p$actice o. pe$soni.ication %as a lo7ic o. its o-n


    ,%is is an e8t$e#el i#po$tant point to -%ic% -e s%all need to $etu$n and on -%ic% -e s%all placeconside$a/le e#p%asis in discussin7 t%e t$ipa$tite Platonic &'( ή /elo- I. -e concei3e o. t%e dead as %a3in7an .o$# o. pe$sonal e8istence! -e s%all tal9 a/out t%e# in te$#s t%at appl p$ope$l to t%ei$ e8istence in li.eIn doin7 so! -e #a9e a co##on #etap%o$ical t$anslation .$o# one do#ain t%e 9no-n -o$ld o. %u#ana7ents to anot%e$ t%e un9no-n -o$ld o. t%e dead ,%e i#po$tance o. t%is #etap%o$ .o$ late$ conceptionso. &'( ή! includin7 t%e Platonic! is not 6ust esc%atolo7icalB $at%e$! t%e idea t%at t%e su$3i3al o. t%e &'( ή in"ades entails t%e su$3i3al o. co$e aspects o. t%e %u#an pe$sonalit .acilitates t%e 3ie- t%at it is t%e  presenceo. t%e &'( ή! -%en it is united -it% t%e /od! t%at is $esponsi/le .o$ t%e pe$sonalit and its .unctions in t%eli3in7 %u#an indi3idual In "o#e$ t%e &'( ή  e8ists in t%e li3in7 pe$son and 9eeps %i# ali3e! /ut it alsosu$3i3es deat%B and t%is entit t%at su$3i3es can /e $e7a$ded as $etainin7 all t%e si7ni.icant t$aits andcapacities t%at #a$9ed t%e li3in7 indi3idual ,%ou7% t%e "o#e$ic poe#s do not ta9e t%e ne8t step! t%e

    conclusion is t%e$e to /e d$a-n t%at t%e$e is -it%in eac% pe$son an i##o$tal! 3ital .o$ce t%at .unctions as touse Ad9ins; p%$ase once #o$e t%e co$e o$ ca$$ie$ o. t%e pe$sonalit; NQ Add t%e speci.ic $eli7ious and #o$alo3e$tones o. O$p%is#! Pt%a7o$eanis#! and t%e #ste$ $eli7ions! and one -ill %a3e .inall so#et%in7 li9ePlato;s conception o. t%e soul >ut t%e$e is a pa$ado8 in t%is It is "o#e$;s %olistic 3ie- o. t%e %u#an /ein7 asa psc%op%sical unit t%at dete$#ines t%e si#ila$l %olistic 3ie- o. t%e &'( ή as su$3i3o$ in "ades! not 6ustas an i#a7e /ut as a .ull .o$#ed dou/let o. t%e li3in7 pe$son \et t%e p$ope$ties o. t%is %olistic %u#anpe$sonalit! t%e pe$sonalit t%at is att$i/uted to t%e &'( ή   in "ades! a$e at t%e sa#e ti#e $e7a$ded as /elon7in7 to a su/stance t%at is sepa$a/le and distinct .$o# t%e li.eless /od ,%e use o. t%e &'( ή;s depa$tu$e.$o# t%e /od as t%e 3ecto$ /et-een t%ese t-o %olistic conceptions $eui$es an esc%atolo7ical dualis# t%at.acilitates dualist accounts o. t%e li3in7 %u#an pe$son in ontolo7ical and psc%olo7ical te$#s as -ell


     A .u$t%e$ su/stantial di..e$ence! %o-e3e$! /et-een t%e Platonic and "o#e$ic conceptions is t%at t%e#ental acti3it t%at Plato att$i/utes to t%e soul is not ca$$ied out / &'( ή in "o#e$! /ut / ot%e$ #entalo$7ans;! especiall t%e )'*ό+! a .acult t%at also %as a si7ni.icant Platonic a.te$li.e in t%e Republic! &haedrusand %i$aeusN ,%e i#po$tance o. )'*ό+ in Plato is t%us! as -e %a3e indicated! an ele#ent in t%e sto$ o. t%ee8pansion o. t%e capacities o. t%e postF"o#e$ic &'( ή .o$ )'*ό+ is .o$ Plato an aspect o. &'( ή! /ut in itsdetail t%is is also a sto$ o. Plato;s $e#odellin7 o. a cent$al set o. .eatu$es o. "o#e$ic psc%olo7


    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

    25 2015-05-02 08:08

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    ἀ XX ὰ ί D *T J ῦJ Kί X+ THX έJ )'*ό+B*ή *TW ἐ Y2 *ὲ W ἵ V_*JT ἰ: W! " έ *;  ὐV ἐ XHή]HT ὐέ ί *; Jἰέ]HJT! VHWέHT έ *H Y'*Wὸ W ἐό WJJ ὔ_+ E+ H Y'WJ ῖ VJ! ἐHί V; ἀὸ H $ (HJ  $_ 12 ὐ *έ W _+ W ῦ W )]TW ἀὸ M'ὸ+  ὐ; ἀὸ έM+ῷ ὀJMT[ έ*HWJT! F H JM)έ W+ , )Hό+ HJM)έ W+ , )Hό+ ; ὀJMί[HW ἀ XX ή XTTWZέ XHMW J G; )MTT 'WHXJ'Wέ*HW 'T ά (T]JHἴ *HW HέM; VHW I X  $*T+ H G (+ ὀMέ (h 1N0

    mHMTά+ ; ); ἀTὸ+ ἀ X  $]VJWH V ῆMJ *έ XJTWJW! NN0

    ή*T+! '+ ; DHTH JMὰ *W]ῆM]TW ἀ Wά YV ()] ; ἐ W (HίMH]]TW ) (_W KόM*TYYJ X ί YHTJWἄ Y(T JM; ὀM]) $MW ί (J ὲ KMH]ὶ *HM*ήMT[HW!J ἐV 4+ *HYάMT gTὸ+ *HYά X' ὶ Z_*ὸ WἑMVHί' ἕ[T H'Y*έ WW! ) W); ἄMJ XX ὰ NN

     JέM+ I']H $+ H Z& W ἐὶ *Mί; )VJW!6 Y $ W_W X ί]]T M]JJ+ I']ῆJKH έ 8 KMWέWT ά]]J V έMTW H *  WJT!

     Y $ W_W F&J])JT JHMTάH_ I']ῆ+

    c%a$acte$ -%o is .ull a-a$e t%at %e -ill %a3e to ans-e$ in .utu$e .o$ %is p$e3ious decisions ,%e continuit  /et-een t%e past %e $e7$ets and t%e .utu$e %e i#a7ines is an indi3idual -%ose sense t%at %e is ans-e$a/le .o$%is actions $e.lects t%e no$#s o. t%e co##unit to -%ic% %e /elon7s So .a$! not #uc% si7n o. t%e.$a7#entation o. t%e sel.B -%at -e %a3e instead is a 7ood e8a#ple o. t%e cont$i/ution #ade / di$ect speec%to t%e 3i3id $ep$esentation o. pe$sonal a7enc in "o#e$! and clea$ indications o. t%e $o/ustness o. t%e /ac97$ound t%eo$ o. #ind! pe$son%ood! and $esponsi/ilit p$esupposed / t%e te8t and $eui$ed in itsaudiences2

    ,%ou7% "ecto$ no- $ealies t%at it -ould %a3e /een /ette$ %ad %e listened to Polda#as 10N! -%at see#sV έMTW in t%e p$esent ci$cu#stances ἐ*ὶ ὲ ό; @ W X  4 V έMTW Hἴ  is to .ace Ac%illes in /attle 10EF10 Att%at point! %o-e3e$! "ecto$ conte#plates anot%e$ possi/ilit: %e #i7%t p$opose t%e $etu$n o. "elen and all

    %e$ possessions and o..e$ t%e Ac%aeans a s%a$e o. t%e ,$o6ans; -ealt% 111F21 ,%is! "ecto$ t%en $ealies! isunli9el to satis. Ac%illes! and so %e /$ea9s o.. %is $u#inations / att$i/utin7 t%e $e6ected alte$nati3e to %is)'*ό+ and $ecastin7 it as a .utile .antas 122FN0:


    Lines 111F21 a$e spo9en / "ecto$ usin7 .i3e .i$stFpe$son 3e$/s and a .u$t%e$ t-o no#inati3e pa$ticiples! 6ust as "ecto$ %as! -it% a st$on7 sense o. %is o-n a7enc and $esponsi/ilit! spo9en all t%e -o$ds since!acco$din7 to t%e na$$ato$! %e .i$st add$essed %is )'*ό+ in line E >ut "ecto$ %i#sel. does not ta9e %is cue.$o# t%e na$$ato$ "is speec% /e7ins >  *T ἐ Y: W rh! not 5 )'*έh! and t%e )'*ό+ does not .i7u$e until!$et$ospecti3el! it is identi.ied as t%e aut%o$ o. t%e $e6ected alte$nati3e in 122 ,%ou7% t%at alte$nati3e is$e6ected usin7 a p%$ase t%at! on t%e .ace o. it! c$edits t%e )'*ό+ -it% t%e po-e$ o. speec% ἀ XX ὰ ί D *T J ῦJKί X+ THX έJ )'*ό+B no actual di$ect speec% is att$i/uted to it ,%is is a $ecu$$ent patte$n in t%is se$ies o. #onolo7ues ,%e na$$ato$ int$oduces a #onolo7ue add$essed to t%e )'*ό+ as a si7n t%at t%e spea9e$ is out o. contact -it% an actual inte$locuto$N ,%e speec% t%en $e%ea$ses t%e options a3aila/le to t%e spea9e$! /e.o$eatt$i/utin7 a $e6ected alte$nati3e to t%e )'*ό+4 ,%e e8ecuti3e decision $e#ains t%at o. t%e spea9e$ = it is to%i# and %i# alone t%at t%e p$e.e$$ed option see#s /ette$;! -%ile t%e )'*ό+ se$3es .i$st o. all as a con3enientsoundin7F/oa$d! t%e audito$ o. a speec% t%at ot%e$-ise %as no audience! and t%en as a scape7oat .o$ anoption t%at -as #o#enta$il ente$tained! onl to /e dis#issed  As t%e add$essee o. a speec% in t%eint$oducto$ .o$#ula and as t%e su/6ect o. a 3e$/ o. spea9in7 in t%e speec% itsel. t%e )'*ό+ is ce$tainl pe$soni.ied! /ut in a li#ited -a ,%is li#ited pe$soni.ication does not p$esent t%e )'*ό+ as an actual

    inte$locuto$!Q /ut is co#pati/le -it% t%e .unction and p%eno#enolo7 o. t%#oeidic e3ents else-%e$e in t%e Iliad  and t%e Odyssey! in t%at it is associated pa$ticula$l -it% i#pulses t%at see# so#e%o- to i#poset%e#sel3es upon t%e su/6ect and a$e not t%e#sel3es t%e outco#es o. conside$ed $e.le8ion ,%ou7% in t%e t-o.o$#ulae in uestion t%e na$$ato$;s int$oduction and t%e spea9e$;s sel.Fdistancin7 it is possi/le to $e7a$d t%e)'*ό+ as a %o#unculus! it is a %o#unculus -it% a speci.ic and ci$cu#sc$i/ed .unction


     Add$esses to t%e )'*ό+ a$e not! %o-e3e$! an essential ele#ent o. "o#e$ic deli/e$ationB and cases in -%ic%an add$ess to t%e )'*ό+ is .ollo-ed / t%e att$i/ution o. a $e6ected alte$nati3e to t%e )'*ό+ constitute an e3ens#alle$ su/Fcate7o$ 5%at -e a$e dealin7 -it% in t%ese cases is a d$a#atiation o. a standa$d scena$io! in -%ic% an a7ent ponde$s /ot% sides o. a dile##a! /e.o$e co#in7 to a decision! a situation t%at in "o#e$$e7ula$l in3ol3es t%e use o. 3e$/s suc% as *HM*Mί[HTW! HM*Jί WHTW! and t%e li9e! -it% t%e a7ent as su/6ect

    Od.   22 NN0F! -%e$e t%e /a$d! P%e#ius! deli/e$ates -%et%e$ to ta9e $e.u7e at t%e alta$ o. veus o$ tosupplicate Odsseus di$ectl! is a st$ai7%t.o$-a$d e8a#ple:


    ,%e$e a$e t-o options! /ut eac% is an o/6ect o. P%e#ius; t%ou7%t ί (J ὲ KMH]ὶ *HM*ήMT[HW! NNNB KH έ 8KMWέWT! NNE ,%e $e.e$ence to %is KMέ WH+ in NNN is a pleonastic ad3e$/ial e8p$ession t%at #e$el ad3e$tises t%e status o. *HM*Mί[HTW as a #ental co7niti3e and a..ecti3e e3ent ,%is is t%e .a#ilia$ .o$# o. sel.Fdi3ision t%at )'*ό+Fdialo7ues #odel and d$a#atieE As a 9ind o. /$eat% t%at ou can t%in9 -it%! anentit -it%in t%e c%est t%at is a sou$ce o. t%ou7%ts! e#otions! and desi$es! t%e )'*ό+ is al$ead #etap%o$ical,%e /asic ontolo7ical #etap%o$ is $e7ula$l e8tended / pe$soni.ication! e7 -%en )'*ό+ is t%e su/6ect o.  3e$/s o. -is%in7 and co##andin7! and pe$soni.ication can ta9e t%e speci.ic .o$# o. #a9in7 t%e )'*ό+ anappa$ent pa$tne$ in dialo7ue In t%at case! an e8pe$ience o. an indi3idual! t%at o. #entall $e%ea$sin7 t%eoptions a#on7 -%ic% one #ust c%oose an e8pe$ience t%at "o#e$ic 3e$se is enti$el capa/le o. $ep$esentin7as suc%! is /ein7 $ep$esented in te$#s o. inte$pe$sonal dialo7ueQ0


    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

    25 2015-05-02 08:08

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    3. 3. From Homer’s θυµός to Plato’s

     ῦ ; 0Mί WH )'*ὸ+ ἐ Wὶ ]ή)H]]T Kί XT]TXX ὰ ὲ *HM*ήMT[H VJὰ KMέ WJ VJὶ VJὰ )'*ό W! 10,ὲ *HJJ+ )ά WJW H $HTHW ἑV ά](!6 ); ἐῷ *W]ῆM]TW 9HMKTά XT]T *TYῆ WJT %]JJ VJὶ  $*JJ VMJί έ 8 ) WW 9 X άVHTL+ ὲ V  $_W ἀ*JX A]T HMὶ ]V'X άVH]]T ZHZ&]Jἄ WM; ἀ YWTή]J]; 9 X άHT *έ*Wέ W H *ά (H])JT! 1E+ J  ῦ ) WW 9 X άVHT ἀ YJT*έ W' VJV ὰ )MYJ]ῆ)+ ὲ X ήJ+ VMJίW , WίJH * $);έXJ)T ή! VMJί VJὶ V  $ WHMW ἄ XX ; )X+!D*JT ῷ! 'H *T *έ W+ ἄ](H+ D])TH   $VX_&ἰK)ί*'+ ἑάM'+ ] 4 ; ἐό X*J+! .KMJ ]H *ῆT+ 20ἐ ά YJY; ἐ ἄ WMT ὀ bό*HWW )JWέH])JTh

    /+ )KJ;! ἐ W ]ή)H]]T VJ)Jό*HW+ Kί XW 6Mῷ ὲ *ά X; ἐ W Hί]( VMJί *έ WH HX' ῖ J

     W_XH*έ_+ ἀὰM J ὐὸ+ ἑ X ί]]H ) W)J VJὶ ) W)J

     WJὶ ὴ J ῦά YH ά WJ! )Hά! VJὰ * ῖ MJW )HTH+ἀ XX ά ί *T όH )'*ὸ+ ἐ Wὶ KMH]ὶ *HM*Mί[HT!'_+ ὴ *W]ῆM]TW ἀ WJTέ]T (H ῖ MJ+ ἐKή]_!* ῦ W+ ἐ: W 8 ; Jἰὲ W ἀXX έH+ ) WW )J]T 40Mὸ+ ; )T VJὶ όH *H ῖ [W ἐ Wὶ KMH]ὶ *HM*Mί[_Hἴ  HM YὰM VHί WJT*T gTό+ H ]έ)HW H ἕVT!A VHW 9HVMK $ YT*TB ά ]H KMά[H])JT ἄ W_YJh

    Plato;s conception o. )'*ό+ as one o. t%e t%$ee ele#ents o. t%e t$ipa$tite soul is clea$l and e8plicitl inde/ted to "o#e$Q1 In t%at #odel;s .i$st outin7 in  Republic 4 441/Fc! t%e distinction /et-een t%at -%ic%#a9es calculations a/out /ette$ and -o$se; ὸ ἀ WJXYT]ά*HWW HMὶ  ῦ ZHXίWό+ H VJὶ (HίMW+ and t%at -%ic% $a7es -it%out $eason; ῷ  ἀ XYί]_+ )'*'*έ W; is d$a-n -it% $e.e$ence to Odsseus; cele/$ated$e/u9e to %is %ea$t VMJί at Odyssey 20 1F24 ,%e passa7e is so -ell 9no-n t%at Plato needs to uoteonl a sin7le line 20 1!Q2 /ut 9no-led7e o. t%e -%ole passa7e is clea$l assu#ed! and so -e #ust e8a#inet%e speec% and its -ide$ conte8t in .ullQN


    ,%e dis7uised Odsseus is asleep in t%e cou$ta$d o. %is o-n %ouse! VJV ὰ KMWέ_W ἐ Wὶ )'*ῷ ! -%en %e is

    a-o9en / t%e se$3in7 -o#en -%o %a3e /een sleepin7 -it% t%e suito$s 1FE ,%is e8ace$/ates %is an7e$! ast%e poet continues F24:


    Li9e a %a77is on a .i$e 2FE! Odsseus tosses and tu$ns! *HM*Mί[_W! | '_+ ὴ *W]ῆM]TW ἀ WJTέ]T (H ῖ MJ+ ἐKή]HT! | * ῦ W+ ἐ2 W X έ]T 2FN0! until At%ena appea$s in t%e 7uise o. a #o$tal -o#an and$e#inds %i# o. %o- .a$ %e %as co#e and %o- close to %is 7oals %e is N0F Odsseus $eplies NF4N:


     At%ena assu$es %i# t%at all -ill /e -ell! and ensu$es t%at %e is a/le to sleep 44F45In so#e $espects! t%is episode e8%i/its si#ila$ities -it% t%ose #onolo7ues add$essed to t%e )'*ό+ t%at -e

    %a3e conside$ed a/o3e! /ut is also uniue in #an -as As in t%e )'*ό+F#onolo7ues! t%e na$$ato$;sdesc$iption o. an add$ess to a p%sicall e#/odied psc%ic o$7an int$oduces a speec% t%at is spo9en out o. contact -it% an actual add$essee >ut t%is is t%e onl suc% speec% in -%ic% t%e VMJ ί is t%e add$essee! and!#o$e i#po$tantl! t%e onl speec% in -%ic% t%e o$7an t%at is identi.ied as t%e add$essee / t%e na$$ato$ isactuall add$essed in di$ect speec% / t%e spea9e$Q4   ,%e speec% is also uniue in co#/inin7 t-ocon3entional o/6ects o. deli/e$ation! -%et%e$ to do 8 o$ and %o- to do -%at one %as decided to doQ >ot% o. t%ese .o$#s o. deli/e$ation! #o$eo3e$! a$e int$oduced as acti3ities o. Odsseus %i#sel.: it is Odsseus -%oXX ὰ r *HM*ήMT[H VJὰ KMέ WJ VJὶ VJὰ )'*ό W! -%et%e$ to 9ill t%e #aids o$ to let t%e# /e in t%e #eanti#e10F1N! Odsseus J ὐό+ -%o tosses and tu$ns 24! conside$in7 *HM*Mί[_W! 2E %o- %e #i7%t /e a/le too3e$co#e t%e suito$s 2EFN0! as %e e8plains to At%ena *HM*M ί[_! 41 ,%ese a$e o$dina$ .o$#s o. "o#e$icdeli/e$ation! in -%ic% psc%ic o$7ans need pla no #o$e t%an t%ei$ no$#al ad3e$/ial $ole VJV ὰ KMWέ_W ἐ Wὶ)'*ῷ! B ἐ Wὶ ]ή)H]]T! ! 22B VJὰ KMέ WJ VJὶ VJὰ )'*ό W! 10B ἐ Wὶ KMH]ί! 41 5%ate3e$ $ole t%e pla! t%eseo$7ans a$e clea$l inte$c%an7ea/le:QQ not onl does t%e VMJί o. lines 1N! 1! 1E! and 2N /eco#e t%e 6M o. line 22! /ut VJὰ   KMέ WJ VJὶ   VJὰ   )'*ό W .o$#s a sin7le ad3e$/ial e8p$ession! pleonasticall #odi.in7*HM*ήMT[H in 10! and it is t%e sti$$in7 up o. t%e )'*ό+ in t%at leads to t%e /a$9in7 o. t%e VMJ ί in 1N and 1Q,%ou7% Plato uotes onl t%e $e/u9e to t%e VMJί! t%at o$7an;s .unction! to7et%e$ -it% t%e nu#/e$ o. $e.e$ences to t%e )'*ό+ in t%e o$i7inal "o#e$ic conte8t ! ! 10! NE! s%o- t%at %is instincts in ta9in7 t%ispassa7e as e3idence .o$ t%e #oti3ation t%at %e %i#sel. calls )'*ό+ a$e co$$ect 5it%out citin7 an o. t%e linest%at actuall contain t%e -o$d! Plato is a/le to $el upon %is $eade$s; a/ilit to #a9e t%e lin9 /et-eenOdsseus; add$ess to %is VMJί and t%e "o#e$ic )'*ό+! and t%us to see t%e esta/lis%ed concept o. t%e )'*ό+as a .acto$ t%at suppo$ts %is o-n postulation o. an entit -it% t%e sa#e na#e and si#ila$ .unctions


    ,%e passa7e t%us e8%i/its a nu#/e$ o. standa$d .eatu$es o. "o#e$ic psc%olo7 in 7ene$al and o. deli/e$ation scenes in pa$ticula$ one o. t%ese .eatu$es a#ounts to ant%in7 t%at #i7%t det$act .$o#pe$sonal a7enc o$ t%e unit o. t%e sel. ,%ese .eatu$es a$e #e$el e8tended and d$a#atied / t%epe$soni.ication o. t%e VMJί as a c$eatu$e t%at can /a$9 li9e a do7 1NF1Q!Q  /e t%e $ecipient o. speec%

    1F1E! and e8%i/it t%e $esol3e to o/e 2NF4 ,%e pu$pose o. t%is st$i9in7 i#a7e$ is clea$l to e#p%asiet%e d$a#a o. Odsseus; #o#enta$ te#ptation to 6eopa$die %is lon7Fte$# plan / 7i3in7 -a to a po-e$.uli#pulse .o$ $e3en7e! t%e #aste$ o. t%at i#pulse t%us de#onst$atin7 t%e st$en7t% o. c%a$acte$ t%at %e needsto ac%ie3e %is ai#s ,%at t%e VMJί $ep$esents an aspect o. t%e #oti3ation o. Odsseus t%e #an isde#onst$ated not onl / t%e unit t%at unde$pins t%e passa7e;s s%i.ts /et-een Odsseus! %is )'*ό+! and %isVMJί!QE /ut also in t%e s%a$ed %isto$ o. -%ic% Odsseus! $%eto$icall! $e#inds %is VMJί in 1EF21B t%e


    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

    25 2015-05-02 08:08

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    4. Θυµός and the tripartite soul in Republic 

    endu$ance o. t%e VMJί in t%e Cclops; ca3e is p$ecisel t%e endu$ance .o$ -%ic% #uc%Fendu$in7; Odsseusis %i#sel. .a#ousB in p$esentin7 %is VMJί as $escued / %is *ῆT+ on t%at occasion! Odsseus is si#pl pe$soni.in7 t-o salient .eatu$es o. %is o-n pe$sonalitQ ,%at t%e ope$ati3e a7ent $e#ains! /ot% no- and int%e past! Odsseus %i#sel. is de#onst$ated / t-o aspects o. t%e passa7e;s snta8 "o#e$ is content top$esent Odsseus as inte$actin7 -it% %is VMJί as i. it -e$e a pe$son! /ot% in t%e na$$ati3e , WίJH *')ῷ!1! VJ)Jό*HW+! 22! ῷ ὲ *ά X; ἐ W Hί]( VMJί *έ WH HX' ῖ J! 2N and in di$ect speec% έXJ)T! )X+! 1E!] 4   ; ἐό X*J+! .KMJ ]H *ῆT+ ἐ ά YJY;! 20F1! /ut t%e .act t%at all o. t%is $ep$esents Odsseus; -a o. add$essin7 %i#sel. is /et$aed / 20F1! ] 4 ; ἐό X*J+! .KMJ ]H *ῆT+ | ἐ ά YJY; ἐ ἄ WMT ὀ bό*HWW )JWέH])JT= ou;! t%e %ea$t! endu$ed! and *ῆT+ led ou; out o. t%e ca3e! /ut t%e t%ou7%t o. i##inent deat% isatt$i/uted to t%e onl pe$son on t%e scene capa/le o. /ein7 uali.ied / t%e #asculine pa$ticiple ὀ bό*HWW! ie

    Odsseus %i#sel.0 ,%e teno$! Odsseus! int$udes into t%e 3e%icle o. t%e #etap%o$ ^ust so! it is! acco$din7 tot%e na$$ato$! t%e %ea$t -it%in Odsseus t%at /a$9s! /ut Odsseus %i#sel. -%o e8pe$iences t%e e#otion t%att%e %ea$t;s /a$9in7 $ep$esents E+ J  ῦ ) WW  9 X άVHT ἀ YJT*έ W' VJV ὰ )MYJ! 1Q ,%e$e is an i#po$tantpoint %e$e t%at -e s%all e8plo$e .u$t%e$ in t%e ne8t section -it% $e7a$d to Plato ,%e pe$soni.ication o. t%eVMJί in t%is passa7e li9e! in so#e $espects! t%at o. t%e )'*ό+ in ot%e$s e8%i/its a p%eno#enon t%at -enoted a/o3e in conne8ion -it% t%e pe$soni.ication o. t%e &'( ή as su$3i3o$ in "ades: t%ese pe$soni.icationsse$3e a li#ited pu$pose and %a3e a pa$ticula$ .unction! /ut t%e 3e$ .act o. pe$soni.in7 eit%e$ t%e aspect o. ape$son t%at su$3i3es deat% o$ t%at -%ic% is in3ol3ed in ce$tain 9inds o. spontaneous and po-e$.ul e#otionentails a de7$ee o. slippa7e /et-een t%e capacities o. t%e pe$soni.ication and t%ose o. t%e -%ole pe$son -it% -%o# t%e pe$soni.ied entit is associated At t%e sa#e ti#e! t%e conception o. t%e indi3idual as t%e actualand e..ecti3e cent$e o. a7enc $e#ains intact

    Plato;s c%osen e8a#ple in int$oducin7 t%e t%#oeidic ele#ent in t%e &'( ή is a salient "o#e$ic passa7e in -%ic% t%e pe$soni.ication o. aspects o. t%e pe$sonalit $eac%es its apo7ee Plato o/3iousl -elco#es t%ep%eno#enolo7ical aspects o. t%e Odssean passa7e = not onl t%e su/6ecti3e e8pe$ience o. sel.Fdi3ision itsel.! /ut also t%e canine i#a7e$ t%at is applied to t%e VMJί ^ust a.te$ t%e initial su77estion! #ade via   t%ee8a#ple o. Leontius and %is an7e$ at %is o-n desi$es  Republic 4NeF440a! t%at t%e$e is so#e t%i$d ele#entin t%e &'( ή! na#el )'*ό+! t%at / -%ic% -e 7et an7$; ὸ r  ῦ )'* ῦ VJὶ M )'* $*H)J! 4Ne! Soc$atessu77ests t%at! -%e$eas t%e )'*ό+ o. a pe$son -%o %as done -$on7 and su..e$s 6ust punis%#ent is un-illin7 to /e $oused;  ὐV ἐ)έ XHT r ἐ YHίMH])JT H )'*ό+! 440c! t%at o. so#eone -%o is -$on7ed seet%es and $a7es and.i7%ts alon7side t%at -%ic% see#s 6ust r until it is soot%ed as a do7 is / a s%ep%e$d; [H ῖ  H VJὶ (JXHJί WHT VJὶ]'**J(H ῖ  ῷ V ῦ WT TVJί; r! Mὶ W @ W E]HM V  $_W  9ὸ W*έ_+  9ὸ  ῦ X ό Y'  ῦ JM; J 9ῷ ἀ WJVX)Hὶ+MJwW)A! 440cFd1 ^ust so! adds Glaucon! t%e Au8ilia$ies o. xallipolis a$e li9e do7s! unde$ t%e co##and o. t%e Gua$dians as s%ep%e$ds o. t%e state 440d2 Odsseus; $e/u9e to %is do7Fli9e %ea$t is t%en adduced as

    one o. t%e p$oo.s t%at t%is t$ul is a t%i$d ele#ent o. t%e soul! a distinct cate7o$ li9e t%at o. t%e Au8ilia$ies int%e state ,%e cu$$enc! in t%e o$dina$ G$ee9 o. Plato;s o-n da! o. )'*ό+ as a .o$# o. an7e$ is one $eason -% Plato c%ooses to de3elop this aspect o. "o#e$ic psc%olo7 It is clea$! too! t%at %e t$eats t%e "o#e$ic)'*ό+ as pa$t o. sste# o. $elated o$7ans and .unctions: %e uotes onl a $e.e$ence to t%e VMJ ί /ut uses itto int$oduce %is concept o. )'*ό+ >ut Plato clea$l also also -ants t%e "o#e$ic pe$soni.ication o. t%eseentities! and -it% it at least so#et%in7 o. t%e "o#e$ic #odel o. t%e pe$sonalit ,%is is one aspect o. t%e de/to-ed to "o#e$ / a p%ilosop%ical dialo7ue t%at see9s to /anis% "o#e$ .$o# its #odel o. t%e state At t%esa#e ti#e! %o-e3e$! Plato;s psc%olo7 in t%e  Republic depa$ts .$o# "o#e$ in #an -as! includin7 in t%ee8t$a3a7ant de7$ee to -%ic% it is p$epa$ed to indul7e in pe$soni.ications It $e#ains to /e seen -%et%e$ it alsodi..e$s .$o# "o#e$ in pe$#ittin7 o$ entailin7 t%e .$a7#entation o. t%e pe$sonalit


    ,%e distinction /et-een )'*ό+ and ἐT)'*ίJ in t%e case o. Leontius and /et-een )'*ό+ and $eason as inOdsseus; $e/u9e to %is /a$9in7 %ea$t in3o9es t%e P$inciple o. Opposites t%at %as ea$lie$ /een used todistin7uis% /et-een $eason and ἐT)'*ίJ at 4NQaF4Nd! /ut t%at p$inciple can onl e3e$ a..i$# t%at! i. t%esa#e t%in7 appea$s to do o$ unde$7o opposites in t%e sa#e $espect and -it% $e7a$d to t%e sa#e o/6ect! t%en -e a$e dealin7 not -it% one t%in7 /ut -it% #o$e t%an one 4NQ/Fc In t%e cases o. t%e distinctions /et-eent%e XYT]TV ό W and t%e ἐT)'*TV ό W! /et-een )'*ό+ a n d ἐT)'*ίJ! and /et-een )'*ό+ a n d ὸἀ WJXYT]ά*HWW HMὶ    ῦ  ZHXίWό+ H VJὶ   (HίMW+! it is not t%e P$inciple o. Opposites in itsel. t%atesta/lis%es t%e natu$e o. t%e t%in7s t%at con.lict! /ut p$eFe8istin7 intuitions a/out t%e p%eno#enolo7 o. t%e#oti3ations in3ol3ed and o. psc%ic con.lict itsel.N ,%is is pa$ticula$l clea$ in t%e case o. )'*ό+! /ecause t%eonl a$7u#ent in .a3ou$ o. t%e contention t%at )'*ό+ is not si#pl one o. t%e t-o con.lictin7 #oti3ations t%att%e p$inciple %as p$e3iousl esta/lis%ed! /ut $at%e$ tertiu$ quid ! $ests on t%e p%eno#enolo7ical c%a$acte$ o. )'*ό+ itsel. ?uc% o. t%is a$7u#entation $ests on pe$soni.ication: ὀMYή can /e at -a$ -it% t%e desi$es 440/B)'*ό+ can /e t%e all o. $eason! as i. t%e -e$e ta9in7 pa$t in ci3il st$i.e a7ainst ἐT)'*ίJ 440/B c. 441aB itcan /e un-illin7 to /e $oused -%en 6ustl punis%ed! /ut seet%e! $a7e! and .i7%t alon7 -it% 6ustice! su..e$in7%un7e$ and cold! %oldin7 out .o$ 3icto$ until it eit%e$ p$e3ails! o$ dies! o$ is called /ac9 and cal#ed do-n!li9e a do7! / its o-ne$ 440cFd All o. t%is #i7%t su77est t%at Plato;s )'* ό+ is an entit 3e$ #uc% li9e"o#e$;s! a #etap%o$ical pa$t; o. t%e pe$son -%ose pe$soni.ication se$3es to .i7u$e pa$ticula$ .o$#s o. 

    #oti3ation in -as t%at d$a- on capacities o. pe$sons -it%out det$actin7 .$o# t%e notion o. t%e indi3idual ast%e $eal cent$e o. a7enc I. t%e )'*ό+ is i$$ational;! it is onl / co#pa$ison -it% t%at -%ic% #a9escalculations a/out /ette$ and -o$se;B in its p%eno#enolo7 it $ese#/les t%e .u$ o. in.ants 441a and o.  /a$9in7 do7s 441/! /ut as pe$soni.ications! /ot% Plato;s )'*ό+ and Odsseus; VMJί possess #an! /ut notall! o. t%e ualities t%at c%a$acte$ie a pe$son4   ,%e distinctness o. t%ese t%$ee .o$#s o. #oti3ation isconditioned / t%e analo7 /et-een t%e cit and t%e soul! /ut not enti$el dete$#ined / it Its e#pi$ical!


    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

    25 2015-05-02 08:08

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    p%eno#enolo7ical plausi/ilit! $at%e$! is st$en7t%ened / .ol9 #odels and t$aditional cate7o$ies

     5%en I .i$st /e7an to -o$9 on )'*ό+ in Plato in t%e late 1E0s!Q t%is -as #o$e o$ less t%e o$t%odo8 3ie- o. Plato;s use o. pe$soni.ication in t%e $ep$esentation o. t%e t$ipa$tite soul! especiall in t%e  Republic and t%e &haedrus On t%is 3ie-! Plato;s $ead and .$euent $ecou$se to pe$soni.ication $ep$esents a -a o. #odellin7t%$ee distinct 9inds o. #oti3ation o/onic%;s a$7u#ent on -%ic% %is c$itics %a3e co##ented is t%at %is %pot%esis o. de3elop#ent in Platonic psc%olo7 .$o#  Republic to  &haedrus %i$aeus and Laws $elies to a su/stantiale8tent on t%e denial o. #etap%o$ in t%e .i$st and t%e detection o. #etap%o$ical e8a77e$ation in t%e ot%e$s = ine..ect pic9in7 and c%oosin7 a#on7 #etap%o$sE4   >ut t%ese c$itics! and ot%e$ #ini#alist accounts o. t$ipa$tition! in e..ect do t%e sa#e xa%n! .o$ e8a#ple! $e6ects >o/onic%;s lite$alist $eadin7 o. t%epe$soni.ication t%at c$edits )'*ό+ and appetite -it% capacities suc% as t%e a/ilit to listen to pe$suasion o$ to.o$# .$iends%ips! et is %app to a$7ue t%at t%e i#a7e o. t%e &'( ή at EE/Fe as a co#pound c$eatu$e! pa$t#an! pa$t lion! pa$t #anF%eaded /east p$esents Plato;s conside$ed 3ie- o. )'*ό+ and ἐT)'*TV ό W as not%o#unculi /ut ani#alculi;E Si#ila$l! /ot% Lo$en and ?oss $e6ect t%e appa$ent att$i/ution o. #an %i7%e$co7niti3e .unctions to t%e )'*ό+ o$ t%e ἐT)'*TV ό W et /ase t%ei$ inte$p$etations on t%ose entities; po-e$so. pe$ceptionEQ >ut i. -e ta9e #etap%o$ a-a .$o# Plato;s tal9 a/out t%e &'( ή -e a$e le.t -it% not%in7B andit is /ad #et%od to dis#iss so#e i#a7es as #e$el #etap%o$ical -%ile clai#in7 to .ind t%e t$ue 9e$nel o. t%et%eo$ in a di..e$ent set o. #etap%o$s ,o as9 -%at t%ese #etap%o$ical const$ucts can really do is to as9 t%e

     -$on7 uestions o. t%e #ate$ialB t%e onl $eal o$ lite$al a7ent in an o. t%is is t%e pe$sonE

     ,%at is to sa: t%e$ic% a7enc de#onst$ated / t%e ele#ents o. t%e #odel! inte7$al and essential to t%at #odel t%ou7% it is! ispu$el a .unction o. t%e #odel! a #odel -%ose pu$pose is to .i7u$e t%e a7enc o. actual pe$sons ,%ou7% t%e$ea$e 3a$ieties and de7$ees in Plato;s use o. i#a7e$!EE and pe$soni.ication is onl one o. t%e #an tpes o. #etap%o$ t%at %e deplos!E  -e need to $eco7nie t%at #etap%o$ is inte7$al and indispensa/le to all %isaccounts o. soul! and acco$din7l to 7i3e all %is #etap%o$s t%ei$ due ,%is #a entail $esi7nin7 ou$sel3es to a


    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

    25 2015-05-02 08:08

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    όH ὲ D (JXHό W! Hἰ ῷ J ὐῷ  $; ἕVJ]J Mά*HW J MT]ὶ W  G]TW ἄ XX ἄ XX ; *JW)ά W*HW *ὲ W ἑέM;!)'* $*H)J ὲ ἄ XX ; & W ἐ W

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    ὸ έ YH ἀ X)έ+! T ῦό W T 6 W! L+ )TVHW! ut t%e i#a7e$ in -%ic% t%is is de3eloped is not si#pl t%at o. t%einte$action o. pe$soni.ied psc%ic Hἴ B it includes also i#a7e$ o. a pe$son;s inte$action -it% t%ose H ἴ ! as -ell as o. t%e inte$action o. a pe$son -it% %is o$ %e$ o-n desi$es ,%$ou7%out t%e discussion! #o$eo3e$!indi3iduals! t%ei$ desi$es! and t%e ele#ents o. t%e soul into -%ic% t%ose desi$es #i7%t /e 7$ouped a$e allp$esented as su/6ect to t%e e8te$nal in.luence o. ot%e$ people >ot% inte$pe$sonal and int$ape$sonal dialo7uea$e ce$tainl pa$t o. t%e pictu$e!110  /ut t%e$e is #o$e to it t%an #e$el t%is ,%ese t-o le3els do not 6ust

    coFe8ist: t%e also inte$act and o3e$lap Inte$actions ta9es place /et-een indi3iduals! /et-een indi3idualsand t%e ele#ents o. anot%e$;s &'( ή! /et-een indi3iduals and t%e ele#ents o. t%ei$ o-n &'( ή! and /et-een t%e ele#ents o. t%e &'( ή t%e#sel3es


    ,%e patte$n in eac% case is /$oadl si#ila$: as a $esult o. 7$o-in7 up in a pa$ticula$ social and politicalen3i$on#ent! o. t%ei$ $elations -it% t%ei$ pa$ents! and o. t%e in.luence o. ot%e$s! eac% c%a$acte$ tpe de3elopsa pa$ticula$ $elations%ip to %is desi$es and a pa$ticula$ constitution o. t%e &'( ή ,%is is a seuence o. 


    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

    25 2015-05-02 08:08

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    a$7u#ent t%at dese$3es to /e p$o/ed in detailB /ut t%is is not a tas9 t%at can /e atte#pted %e$e 111 Instead! I#a9e one si#ple o/se$3ation! -%ic% -e #a t%en pu$sue / e8a#inin7 o. a sin7le passa7e -%ic% co#esto-a$ds t%e conclusion o. t%is -%ole discussion ,%e o/se$3ation is t%is: t%e -%ole point o. t%e analsis o. t%ede3iant constitutions and de3iant tpes o. pe$son is to p$esent an account o. t%e 9ind o. pe$son t%at we asindividuals s%ould #ost aspi$e to /eco#e and o. t%e conditions t%at conduce to o$ #ilitate a7ainst suc% anoutco#e ,%e lo3e$ o. -isdo#! e3en i. not .o$tunate enou7% to li3e in t%e 7ood societ! is nonet%eless /ette$o.. t%an t%e lo3e$ o. %onou$ o$ t%e lo3e$ o. #oneB t%e seuence o. de3iation in t%e c%a$acte$Ftpes p$esentedin >oo9s EF is also a $an9in7 o. t%e t$ue desi$a/ilit o. t%ei$ li3es112 ,%is is an account t%at p$esupposes t%ea/ilit o. indi3iduals to o$de$ t%ei$ pe$sonalities and c%an7e t%ei$ li3es

    ,%e i#a7e$ o. t%e t$ipa$tite &'( ή loo#s la$7e in t%e conclusion to t%is a$7u#ent! at EE/F2a As an

    illust$ation o. t%e clai# -%ic% Soc$ates no- ta9es to /e p$o3en t%at success.ul in6ustice! e3en i. undetected!is not #o$e ad3anta7eous t%an 6ustice EE/! $e.e$$in7 /ac9 to NE/FNQ1d! Soc$ates p$oposes t%at %e andGlaucon c$eate a 3e$/al i#a7e o. t%e &'( ή HἰV ό WJ X ά]JWH+ ῆ+ &'( ῆ+ X ό Y; -%ic% -ill s%o- -%at it -ould /e li9e to /e suc% a pe$son ,%is H ἰV : W is a co#posite o. t%$ee ἰέJT! co$$espondin7 to t%e t%$ee Hἴ  o. t%e&'( ή: t%e .i$st ἰέJ is o. a #anF%eaded /east! t%e second o. a lion! and t%e t%i$d o. a pe$son! t%ou7% t%et%$ee to7et%e$ %a3e t%e e8te$nal aspect o$ i#a7e: HἰV : W a7ain o. a pe$son EEcFd ,%is #a loo9 $at%e$li9e t%e %heatetus; pictu$e o. a ,$o6an "o$se: t%e oute$ co3e$in7 ) X'MW see#s to /e a sin7le c$eatu$e! a%u#an /ein7! /ut i. one could see inside one -ould see t%e t%$ee ἰέJT o. -%ic% t%is HἰV : W consists


    In con.o$#it -it% t%at i#p$ession! t%e t%$ee ἰέJT a$e p$esented as a7ents a/le to inte$act -it% eac% ot%e$!t%e natu$e o. t%ei$ $elations%ip dete$#inin7 t%e condition o. t%e &'( ή: -%en t%e /east and t%e lion a$e st$on7and t%e %u#an /ein7 -ea9! t%e latte$ is at t%ei$ #e$c! una/le to $econcile t%e ot%e$s /ut instead .o$ced to lett%e# /ite! .i7%t! and de3ou$ eac% ot%e$ EEeFEa Instead! t%e %u#an /ein7 s%ould /e as st$on7 aspossi/le! and s%ould! -it% t%e lion as %is all! loo9 a.te$ t%e #anF%eaded /east as a .a$#e$ culti3ates %isc$ops E/ ,%e /estial ele#ent s%ould /e unde$ t%e cont$ol o. t%e %u#an and t%e ta#e s%ould not /eensla3ed to t%e -ild Ed! t%e /est ele#ent o. onesel. to t%e -o$st i/id! o$ t%e #ost di3ine ele#ent to t%e#ost 7odless and 3ile Ee ,%e &'( ή is t%us a XTHίJ in -%ic% ele#ents inte$act li9e .actions o$ classes o. citiens 1e


    ,%is p$esentation o. t%e $elations /et-een t%e ἰέJTHἴ  o. t%e &'( ή! and t%e i#a7e$ in -%ic% it isa$ticulated! $ecapitulates #uc% t%at %as 7one /e.o$e in t%e account o. t%e de3iant pe$sonalities 11N >ut neit%e$%e$e no$ t%e$e is inte$action /et-een pe$soni.ied Hἴ  t%e #ost co##on patte$n! no$ does it! eit%e$ in t%ispassa7e o$ ea$lie$ in >oo9s EF! occu$ in isolation .$o# ot%e$ patte$ns ,%e co##onest patte$n o. i#a7e$ =.ound especiall in t%e account o. t%e t%$ee  pe$sonalit tpes oli7a$c%! de#oc$at! and t$ant -%ic% a$edo#inated / t%e ἐT)'*TV ό W = is o. inte$action /et-een t%e -%ole pe$son and %is o$ %e$ pe$soni.ieddesi$es! /et-een t%e social en3i$on#ent and an indi3idual;s desi$es! o$ /et-een 9inds o. desi$e t%e#sel3es,%us! in t%e passa7e in uestion! t%e i#a7e$ o. t%e /east -it% #an %eads! so#e ta#e and so#e -ild EEc!as -ell as t%e i#a7e o. t%ese as do#esticated c$ops to /e nu$tu$ed versus  -eeds to /e cut /ac9 E/$ecapitulates #uc% ea$lie$ i#a7e$ -%ic% $ep$esents t%e %ete$o7eneit o. t%e desi$es -%ic% a$e 7$ouped

    unde$ t%e %eadin7 o. t%e ἐT)'*TV ό W114 Pe$soni.ied! t%ese desi$es can con.lict a#on7 t%e#sel3es 11 ,%e #a inte$act as in ou$ passa7e! E/! EdFe -it% t%e ot%e$ ele#ents o. t%e t$ipa$tite &'( ή11Q >ut t%e canalso /e $ep$esented as t%e di$ect $ecipients o. e8te$nal in.luence .$o# ot%e$ people! .$o# t%e institutions o. t%e stateB and t%e can /e t%e .ocus o. t%e attention o. t%e indi3idual %i#F o$ %e$sel. "ence! in ou$ passa7e!$esistance to /estial and i$$ational pleasu$e; is t%e .ocus o. an sensi/le pe$son;s attitude to t%e ca$e o. /od and soul 1cFe! and #anual la/ou$ -ea9ens t%e /est pa$t o. a pe$son! so t%at %e t%e pe$son is una/le to$ule t%e /easts -it%in E]H *ὴ @ W  $ WJ])JT ἄM(HTW & W ἐ W J 9ῷ )MH**ά_W! ἀ XX ὰ )HMJH $HTW ἐVH ῖ  WJ! 0c11

     As .a$ as e8te$nal in.luences a$e conce$ned! t%e e..ect o. punis%#ent on t%e c$i#inal is t%at t%e /estial is putto sleep and ta#ed -%ile t%e ta#e is li/e$ated ὸ  *ὲ W )MT&H+ VT*ί[HJT VJὶ  ut t%ou7% Plato;s de3eloped analo7 /et-een soul and cit ta9es t%isi#a7e$ /eond t%e e3e$da and into e8tended and e8t$a3a7ant desc$iptions o. inte$nal ]ά]T+! nonet%elessi#a7e$ o. inte$action /et-een t%e pe$son and aspects o. %is o$ %e$ pe$sonalit is a $e7ula$ .eatu$e o. o$dina$ p%eno#enolo7ical #etap%o$s o. sel.Fdi3ision o. t%e so$t t%at -e discussed a/o3e in t%e case o. t%epe$son;s $elation to-a$ds %is o$ %e$ )'*ό+ in "o#e$ ,%e sense o. -%at ?ic%ael Sil9 calls int$usion; in t%einte$action /et-een 3e%icle and teno$ is #o$e p$onounced -%en as in t%e case o. t%e passa7e at 44NcFediscussed a/o3e -e .ind t%e pe$son -%ose /e%a3iou$ and #oti3ations a$e t%e teno$ o. t%e #etap%o$inte$actin7 -it% t%e ele#ents o. t%e t$ipa$tite &'( ή! ie p$ecisel t%ose a7entFli9e entities -%ic% a$e t%e 3e%icle o. t%e #etap%o$ical #odel o. a7enc itsel.11  5%ile t%e #odel o. t%e t$ipa$tite &'( ή  #a de$i3eulti#atel .$o# t%e p%eno#enolo7 o. sel.Fdi3ision! still #etap%o$s o. a pe$son;s inte$action -it% %is o$ %e$

     XYT]TV ό W! )'*HTέ+! o$ ἐT)'*TV ό W do not .o$# pa$t o. t%e o$dina$ G$ee9 $epe$toi$e o. p%eno#enolo7ical i#a7e$120 5%at -e %a3e in suc% cases is a #o$e p$onounced .o$# o. int$usion /et-eent%e #odel o$ e)planans and t%e e)planandu$B -e #o3e in a sin7le locution .$o# t%e action o. t%e pe$son asa7ent to t%e e8planation o. t%at action in te$#s o. t%e t$ipa$tite #odel


    Suc% int$usion is! %o-e3e$! /ot% co##on and si7ni.icant ,%is can a7ain /e illust$ated usin7 t%e H ἰV : W o. t%e &'( ή as pe$son! lion! and #anF%eaded /east at EE/ and .ollo-in7 5e noted a/o3e t%at t%is i#a7e


    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

    25 2015-05-02 08:08

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    #a9es use o. #etap%o$s o. inte$action /et-een t%e soFcalled psc%ic pa$ts;! /ut also o. #etap%o$s t%atpe$soni. t%e desi$es o. t%e ἐT)'*TV ό W and p$esent t%ese in inte$action not onl -it% t%e ot%e$ ele#ents o. t%e #odel /ut also -it% t%e indi3idual -%ose /e%a3iou$ t%e #odel is desi7ned to e8plain as -ell as -it% t%atindi3idual;s societ >ut in t%e -ide$ conte8t o. t%e i#a7e and t%e uses to -%ic% it is put in t%e closin7passa7es o. >oo9 it is clea$ t%at it is t%e inte$action o. t%e -%ole pe$son -it% t%e t%$ee #ain ele#ents o. %iso$ %e$ o-n pe$sonalit t%at is t%e ulti#ate point o. t%e a$7u#ent 5e #entioned t%e inte$action o. t%einte$nal ἄ W)M_+ -it% t%e ot%e$ t-o ἰέJT o. t%e HἰV : W at EaB /ut in conte8t t%e cause o. %is -ea9ness! -%ic% lea3es %i# lia/le to /e d$a77ed o.. -%e$e3e$ eit%e$ o. t%e ot%e$ t-o #a -is%! una/le to $econcileeit%e$ to t%e ot%e$! is t%e #ista9en /elie. t%at in6ustice is ad3anta7eous and 6ustice disad3anta7eous EEe Anone -%o %olds t%is /elie. is co##itted to t%e idea t%at it is ad3anta7eous to .eed and st$en7t%en t%e /east

    and t%e lion! -%ile sta$3in7 and -ea9enin7 t%e %u#an /ein7  ὐὲ W ἄ XX K]ὶ W J   X']THXH ῖ  W J ὐῷ   ὸJWJὸ W )MίW H ὐ_( ῦ WT TH ῖ  W ἰ]('Mὸ W VJὶ   ὸ W X έWJ VJὶ   ὰ  HMὶ   ὸ W X έWJ! ὸ W ὲ  ἄ W)M_W XT*VWH ῖ  W VJὶ TH ῖ  W ἀ])HWῆ! EEeFEaB ie it is ou$ /elie.s and ou$ /e%a3iou$ t%at dete$#ine t%e inte$F$elations%ips o. ou$ t%$ee inte$nal a7entsB -e; stand in a ce$tain $elations%ip not onl to ou$ desi$es! /ut toeac% o. t%e t%$ee ele#ents o. ou$ pe$sonalit! includin7 ou$ inne$ ἄ W)M_+ So#eone -%o see9s -ealt% / un6ust #eans! .o$ e8a#ple! ensla3es t%e /est to t%e -o$st pa$t o. %i#sel. VJJ'X ῦJT ὸ Zέ XT]W ἑJ' ῦῷ *()Mά;! EdFeB ὸ ἑJ' ῦ )HTόJW  9ὸ ῷ ἀ)H_ά; H VJὶ *TJM_ά; 'X ῦJT! EeF0a Acco$din7l! -%at -e ou7%t to do is to spea9 and act in -as t%at -ill p$o#ote t%e $ule o. t%e inte$nalἄ W)M_+ H ὰ ίVJTJ X έ Y_W X']THXH ῖ  W KJί @ W H ῖ  W J ῦJ MάHTW VJὶ J ῦJ X έ YHTW! ')HW  ῦ ἀ W)M:' Hἐ Wὸ+ ἄ W)M_+ )]JT ἐ YVMJέ]J+! VJὶ  ῦ X'VHKά X' )Mέ**J+ ἐT*HX ή]HJT r! EaF/ ^ust as -es%ould c$eate a societ t%at can p$o#ote t%e $ule o. $eason in ot%e$s!121  so -e s%ould culti3ate onl t%ose%a/its t%at de3elop t%e ele#ents o. ou$ o-n &'(Jί in t%e $i7%t -a and a3oid t%ose t%at do so in -$on7 -as122 ,%e conclusion to t%is section! and t%us to t%e -%ole account o. t%e supe$io$it o. t%e li.e o. $easonand 6ustice t%at e#e$7es .$o# t%e e8plo$ation o. t%e de3iant constitutions and t%ei$ associated pe$sonalit tpes! lea3es us in no dou/t t%at t%e culti3ation and #ana7e#ent o. eac% o. t%e t%$ee ele#ents o. t%epe$sonalit is so#et%in7 t%at t%e indi3idual as suc% can and s%ould c%oose to pu$sue Anone -it% an sense' YH W ῦ W ) (_W -ill li3e %is li.e in suc% a -a as to di$ect all %is ene$7ies to t%is one end 1c ,%is -il lin3ol3e t$ainin7 one;s attitudes to-a$ds intellectual pu$suits *J)ή*JJ! 1c! to-a$ds /odil pleasu$es1cFd! to-a$ds #ate$ial -ealt% 1d! and to-a$ds %onou$s 2a ,%e state#ent t%at t%e indi3iduals%ould 9eep an ee on and 7ua$d a7ainst distu$/ance in %is inte$nal XTH ίJ ἀZX έ_W YH r Mὸ+ ὴ W ἐ WJ 9ῷ XTHίJW! VJὶ K'X ά_W *ή T JMJVTWA J 9 ῦ & W ἐVH ῖ ! 1e $e.e$s in its i##ediate conte8t to t%eattitude to-a$ds #one! /ut uses an i#a7e t%at in .act applies to t%e -%ole a$7u#ent a/out t%e indi3idual;s$elations%ip to-a$ds t%e ele#ents o. %is &'( ή ,%e $elations%ip /et-een t%e indi3idual and t%ese ele#ents%e$e is p$ecisel t%at -%ic% occu$s i##ediatel a.te$ t%e int$oduction o. t$ipa$tition in >oo9 4! and it is noaccident t%at t%at passa7e;s #usical i#a7e$ $ecu$s in t%e p$esent one 1dB c. 44NdFe

    ,%is pictu$e o. an inte$action /et-een t%e indi3idual! one t%e one %and! and t%e ele#ents o. %is o-nt$ipa$tite &'( ή! on t%e ot%e$! $ecu$s t%$ou7%out t%e dialo7ue12N  ,%ese passa7es o..e$ no encou$a7e#ent

     -%ate3e$ to see t%ese i#a7es as si#pl -as o. tal9in7 a/out t%e inte$actions o. inte$nal a7ents! o$ to %opet%at in spea9in7 o. t%e pe$son;s in.luence o3e$ t%e aspects o. %is pe$sonalit Soc$ates is in .act tal9in7 a/outt%e $ule o. one o. t%ose aspects! na#el $eason124   In .act! t%e$e is plent o. e3idence .o$ a $elations%ip /et-een t%e a7ent and %is XYT]TV ό W t%at pa$allels p$ecisel t%at /et-een a pe$son and %is )'*ό+! %isἐT)'*TV ό W! o$ t%e desi$es to -%ic% t%e ἐT)'*TV ό W 7i3es $ise12 Gi3en t%e e#p%asis on t%e indi3idual;sculti3ation o. eac% o. t%e t%$ee psc%ic ele#ents! as -ell as o. t%e inte$F$elations /et-een t%e#! all t%is tal9 o. pe$son;s inte$action -it% %is $eason dese$3es to /e ta9en at .ace 3alue ,%e ἄ W)M_+ -it%in and t%e $eal

    ἄ W)M_+ in -%ose #ental li.e t%e .o$#e$ plas a $ole a$e not identical


    ,%e$e.o$e! t%ou7% t%e$e is lan7ua7e -%ic% #i7%t su77est t%at a pe$son;s desi$es! #oti3ations! and c%oicess%ould /e analsed solel in te$#s o. t%e inte$action o. inte$nal a7ents! t%is is not t%e onl o$ e3en t%e #ostco##on 9ind o. lan7ua7e t%at is used o. t%e $elation /et-een t%e pe$son and t%e pa$ts o. t%e soul; Inpa$ticula$! not onl in t%e accounts o. t%e de3iant pe$sonalities in >oo9s E and ! /ut also in t-o salientpassa7es -%ic% e8plicitl add$ess t%e i#plications o. t$ipa$tition .o$ t%e -as in -%ic% people s%ould o$de$t%ei$ li3es one in >oo9 4 and t%e ot%e$ in >oo9 ! e#p%asis is placed on t%e a/ilit o. t%e $eal a7ent -%ose

     /e%a3iou$ constitutes t%e teno$ o. t%e #etap%o$ to inte$act -it% t%e inte$nal a7ents -%ic% .o$# t%e 3e%icle o. t%e t$ipa$tite #odel12Q ,%ese can /e ta9en as e8a#ples o. t%e p%eno#enon o. int$usion /et-een sou$ce andta$7et do#ains t%at is a co##on .eatu$e o. #etap%o$! /ut t%e a$e not #e$el t%at ?etap%o$ is a .i7u$e o. t%ou7%t! not #e$el o. lan7ua7e! and t%e t%ou7%t -%ic% d$i3es t%e inte$action o. teno$ and 3e%icle in t%esecases is a con3iction t%at t%e natu$e and st$en7t% o. ou$ desi$es! t%e condition o. ou$ t%$ee psc%ic ele#ents!and t%e o3e$all dispositions o. ou$ souls all depend on %o- we /e%a3e and %o- we $espond to t%e in.luenceo. ot%e$s ,%e point o. t%e t$ipa$tite #odel is not 6ust to e8plain t%e $elations%ip /et-een ou$ /e%a3iou$includin7 ou$ $elations%ips -it% ot%e$s and t%ei$ in.luences on us and ou$ c%a$acte$! /ut also to encou$a7eus to /e%a3e in -as t%at can i#p$o3e ou$ c%a$acte$ ,%e i#a7e$ o. ou$ $elations -it% ou$ psc%ic pa$ts;!unli9e t%at -%ic% po$t$as ou$ $elations to-a$ds ou$ desi$es! does not uite co$$espond to t%e i#a7e$ t%at -e use o$ t%at -e %a3e seen t%e "o#e$ic poe#s usin7 to captu$e so#et%in7 o. t%e p%eno#enolo7 o. ou$#ental li3esB /ut t%e $ele3ant sections o. t%e dialo7ue;s a$7u#ent do su77est t%at a-a$eness o. t%e 9inds o. #oti3ation to -%ic% -e a$e su/6ect and o. t%ei$ potential to di3e$7e is a use.ul #eans to sel.Fi#p$o3e#ent

    and eudai$onia.12

     ,%e point o. t$ipa$tition! as o. t%e pe$soni.ication o. a pe$son;s desi$es! is to illust$ate t%et$ut% t%at #o$al i#p$o3e#ent and t%e pu$suit o. eudai$onia  at least .o$ e#/odied social and political /ein7s $eui$e not 6ust intellectual! /ut also .u$t%e$ 9inds o. co7niti3e! a..ecti3e! and deside$ati3e t$ainin7,%is t$ainin7 p$esupposes a ce$tain $elations%ip /et-een t%e indi3idual and societB t%e natu$e o. t%att$ainin7 and o. t%at $elations%ip is so#et%in7 t%at is in p$inciple su/6ect to t%e cont$ol o. t%e indi3idual %i#Fo$ %e$sel.


    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

    25 2015-05-02 08:08

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    ,%e p$ot$eptic .o$ce o. t%e a$7u#ent t%us .ocuses on -%at we doB -%at we do is e8plained pa$tl in te$#so. -%at t%e ele#ents o. ou$ soul do and -%at t%e desi$es o. t%ose ele#ents doB /ut in spite o. t%e $ic%capacities o. a7enc a..o$ded t%e 3a$ious ele#ents o. t%e soul within the $odel  t%e onl ans-e$ to t%euestion o. -%at t%ese #etap%o$ical a7ents really  do is not%in7; ,%e onl $eal a7ent in all o. t%is is t%epe$son as suc%: t%e a7enc o. t%e ele#ents o. t%e #odel is intended to e8plain -%at $eal a7ents! ie pe$sons!do ,%is is t%e $eal $eason -%! in c$ucial passa7es o. t%e Republic! t%e $eal a7ent is po$t$aed as inte$actin7 -it% t%e #etap%o$ical a7ents -%ic% populate a #odel desi7ned to e8plain t%e %ete$o7eneit o. t%e $eala7ent;s #oti3es ,%e -%ole point is t%e a/ilit o. pe$sons to ta9e $esponsi/ilit .o$ t%ei$ o-n a7enc / $eco7niin7 its co#ple8ities ,%e a7enc o. t%e entities t%at constitute t%e 3e%icle is t%e$e p$ecisel toe#p%asie t%e a7enc o. t%e teno$ ,%e e8plicit a$7u#ent o. t%e dialo7ue de#onst$ates -it%out dou/t t%at

    Plato %ad no intention to dispense -it% t%e a7enc o. t%e pe$sonB t%e details o. %is i#a7e$ .u$t%e$ illust$atet%e pe$sistence o. a .unda#ental and $o/ust /ac97$ound conception o. pe$sonal a7enc


     At t%e sa#e ti#e! t%e ualities o. t%e -%ole pe$son also t%o$ou7%l pe$#eate t%e ele#ents o. t%e 3e%icle =t%e Hἴ  o. t%e soul! and t%e desi$es o. t%ose H ἴ ! a$e $epeatedl c$edited -it% t%e co7niti3e! a..ecti3e! anddeside$ati3e capacities o. pe$sons ,%e P$inciple o. Opposites! on its .i$st occu$$ence in >oo9 4! #a see# to$educe t%e ἐT)'*TV ό W! at least! to t%e le3el o. an a7ent -%oll consu#ed / /asic /odil desi$es .o$ .ood!d$in9! and se8 >ut t%e sa#e is not t$ue -%en t%e P$inciple $ecu$s in >oo9 10! 12E  -%e$e t%e nonF$ationalele#ent t%at 6ud7es / appea$ances alone is nonet%eless capa/le o.  (udge$ent  ,%e )'*HTέ+! too! issi#ila$l c$edited -it% a $ic% 3a$iet o. capacities -%en it is .i$st c%a$acte$ied / t%e P$inciple o. Oppositesin >oo9 4 Odsseus; )'*ό+ o$ VMJί is an a7ent capa/le o. $esentin7 a -$on7! i#a7inin7 a scena$io t%at -ould $i7%t t%at -$on7! and de#andin7 t%at t%e -$on7 /e $ed$essed i$$ediately! /ut it is also suscepti/le toa$7u#ent on t%e /asis o. past e8pe$ience! and is t%us c$edited not onl -it% i#a7ination! /ut also -it%#e#o$ ,%e )'*ό+ o. Leontius! .o$ its pa$t! #a9es t%e sa#e 6ud7e#ent o. %is dis$eputa/le desi$es as does%is $eason12  > >oo9 ! t%e t%$ee Hἴ  %a3e co#e to /e distin7uis%ed / t%ei$ o$ientation to-a$ds t%$eedi..e$ent 7oals in li.e1N0 A 7ene$al .o$# o. desi$e c%a$acte$ies eac% o. t%e t%$ee ele#ents E1c! /ut none is (ust  a .acult o. desi$eB eac% 9ind o. desi$e is p$esented in #etap%o$s t%at d$a- on t%e capacities o. t%e -%olepe$son I. t%e )'*HTέ+ $eall -e$e an a7ent! it -ould /e an a7ent capa/le o. o$de$in7 its li.e to-a$ds t%elon7Fte$# 7oal o. ot%e$s; app$o/ation! -it% all t%e intellectual and a..ecti3e p$ope$ties t%at suc% ano$ientation -ould entail I. t%e ἐT)'*TV ό W -e$e an a7ent! it -ould pu$sue not onl i##ediate sensualpleasu$es! /ut also #one E0d = and %e$e all t%e de/ate as to -%et%e$ t%is $eui$es t%at t%e ἐT'*TV ό Ws%ould $eall; /e capa/le o. li#ited; .o$#s o. #eansFend $easonin7 pales into pointlessness -%en one$e.lects on -%at a %i7%l co#ple8 intellectual! social! and cultu$al p%eno#enon #one actuall is 1N1 ot%in7t%at is not an accultu$ated %u#an /ein7 %as e3e$ desi$ed #one 1N2 ?ini#alist e8planations o. t%e capacitieso. t%e ἐT)'*TV ό W si#pl $eplace Plato;s #etap%o$s -it% si#ple$ .o$#s o. pe$soni.ication t%an Plato%i#sel. c%ooses to useB since Plato;s o-n use o. pe$soni.ication is so pe$3asi3e! 3i3id! and e8t$a3a7ant -es%ould $at%e$ assu#e t%at t%e$e is no #ini#alist 3e$sion to -%ic% %is #etap%o$s can /e $educed


    ,%e a$7u#ent o. >oo9s E and ! #o$eo3e$! #aintains t%e co#ple8it o. t%e &'( ή at e3e$ point ,%ou7%

    eac% o. t%e de3iant tpes is c%a$acte$ied / one o. t%e t%$ee #ain #oti3ations in li.e! none is e3e$ de3oid o. t%e #oti3ations t%at c%a$acte$ie t%e ot%e$ t-o .o$#s ,%ese #oti3ations also inte$act in di..e$ent -as: t%eoli7a$c%! t%e de#oc$at! and t%e t$ant a$e all do#inated / t%e #oti3ation t%at .ocuses on #one andpleasu$e! /ut t%is ta9es a di..e$ent .o$# in eac% case,%e P$inciple o. Opposites is no-%e$e to /e .ound ase3en epit%#etic desi$es! pe$soni.ied! /e7in to .o$# opposin7 .actions! -%et%e$ #e$el o. /ette$ and -o$se!1NN as t%e t$annical po-e$ o. )M_+! -it% its /od7ua$d o. /ase desi$es! ta9es cont$ol in t%e &'( ή o. t%et$ant!1N4 o$ o. de#oc$atic ὸ *VMJTV ό W and ol i7a$c%ic ὸ ὀ XTYJM(TV ό W! a9a ὸ KHί_XW!1N as in t%ep$esentation o. t%e de3elop#ent .$o# t%e oli7a$c%ic to t%e de#oc$atic pe$sonalit as a #ic$ocos# o. t%e.actional st$i.e t%at /ede3illed late .i.t%Fcentu$ At%ens ,%e pe$soni.ication o. indi3idual desi$es! 9inds o. desi$es! and .actions o. desi$es -it%in t%e XTH ίJ o. t%e &'( ή   does not su77est t%at Plato %as a $i7idconception o. t$ipa$tition as a #et%od .o$ sepa$atin7 t%e .unctions o. t%e indi3idual into disc$ete cate7o$ies,%e point is p$ecisel to c%a$acte$ie aspects o. t%e pe$son in -%ate3e$ -as a$e necessa$ to 7i3e anadeuate i#p$ession o. t%e co#ple8it t%at needs to /e %a$#onied ,%e -%ole pe$son! t%e indi3idual asa7ent! pe$sists t%$ou7%out at t%e le3el o. t%e #odelled! t%e e)planandu$. >ut t%e -%ole pe$son also pe$sists

     -it%in t%e e)planans t%e #odel! and in t-o -as: in t%e -a t%at t%e pe$son inte$acts -it% t%e ele#ents o. %is o$ %e$ o-n pe$sonalit as i. t%e -e$e a7entsB and in t%e -a t%at t%e ele#ents t%e#sel3es d$a- .$eel ont%e att$i/utes o. -%ole pe$sons


    ,%e i#a7e$ t%at Plato uses to di3ide t%e pe$son in  Republic in .act de#onst$ates a $o/ust conception o. t%e unit o. pe$son in #uc% t%e sa#e -a as "o#e$;s i#a7e$ .o$ t%e su$3i3al o. &'( ή as distinct .$o# t%e /od in "ades de#onst$ates t%e a/sence o. a t%o$ou7%F7oin7 /odFsoul dualis# ,%e Hἴ  qua %o#unculi do!a.te$ all! pe$.o$# t%e sa#e 9ind o. .unction as is att$i/uted to t%e# in t%e classic .o$#ulations o. ?oline! Annas! and @e$$a$i! d$a-in7 .$eel on t%e capacities o. indi3iduals as -%oles in o$de$ to #odel aspects o. indi3idual psc%olo7 In so .a$ as t%e a$e %o#unculi! t%e $ep$esentation o. t%e H ἴ  %as a lo7ic o. its o-n: 6ust as t%e ant%$opo#o$p%ic ualities o. 7ods a$e not necessa$il li#ited to t%e .unctions t%at onl 7ods canpe$.o$#!1NQ and as -e sa- a/o3e "o#e$ic $ep$esentations o. t%e &'( ή as su$3i3o$ in "ades $etain #o$e o. t%e att$i/utes o. t%e li3in7 %u#an /ein7 t%an so#e e8plicit "o#e$ic lo$e a/out t%e a.te$li.e #i7%t -a$$ant! sot%e psc%ic Hἴ  o. t%e Republic a$e c$edited -it% -%ate3e$ capacities o. a pe$son a$e necessa$ to suppo$t t%e

    speci.ic 9ind o. #oti3ation / -%ic% t%e a$e tpi.ied 5%en an indi3idual o$ a cultu$e $eso$ts tope$soni.ication t%e do not set out in ad3ance t%e co#plete set o. att$i/utes t%at t%e pe$soni.ied a7ent s%all%a3eB once t%e pe$soni.ication is #oti3ated / t%e salient c%a$acte$istics t%at it is desi7ned to e8plain! ot%e$in.e$ences o. t%e pe$son; te#plate tpicall .ollo- ,%at pe$soni.ied a7ents can e7 pe$suade! o/e! o$en7a7e in dialo7ue! as do $eal pe$sons! is a desi7n .eatu$e o. pe$soni.ication itsel.

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    te#plate t%e a$e di..icult to eli#inate ,%is %as t%e %app e..ect o. $e#indin7 us t%at! t%ou7% t%e capacitieso. %u#an a7ents can /e #odelled in pe$soni.ied te$#s! t%e a$e in .act ele#ents o. an inte7$ated sste# andas suc% inte$act -it% and i#pl eac% ot%e$ 5%ate3e$ t%e .unctions o. a )'* ό+ o$ a XYT]TV ό W! o$ anἐT)'*TV ό W #a /e! t%e -ill ne3e$ /e e8e$cised e8cept in a %u#an /ein7 capa/le o. e8e$cisin7 t%e .ull$an7e o. co7niti3e! a..ecti3e! and deside$ati3e .unctions o. -%ic% %u#an /ein7s a$e in .act capa/le >ecause itis onl pe$sons t%at can $eason! ca$e a/out t%ei$ sel.Fi#a7e! and e8pe$ience desi$e! it is ine3ita/le t%atconst$ucts /ased on one o. t%ese capacities -ill d$a- on ot%e$ c%a$acte$istics o. t%e pe$son In a si#ila$ -a!t%e .act t%at Plato is p$edicatin7 a7enc o. /ot% 3e%icle and teno$ o. t%e i#a7e! .acilitates t%e p%eno#enon o. t%e int$usion o. t%e teno$ into t%e 3e%icle t%at -e noted a/o3e An inte7$ated conception o. pe$sonal a7enc in .act in.o$#s /ot% t%e #odel o. t%e t$ipa$tite soul and t%e pe$sonalit t%at it #odels

    In >oo9s E and o. t%e  Republic in pa$ticula$! /ot% t%e de3iant tpes -%ose pe$sonalities a$e #odelledand t%e inte$nal a7ents t%at constitute t%e ele#ents o. t%e #odel a$e tpi.ied / one do#inant 9ind o. #oti3ationB t%e inte$action o. t%e inte$nal; a7ents in t%e #odel e8plains t%e o3e$all c%a$acte$ o. t%eindi3idual Plato! it -ould appea$! is co#pletel una..ected / an need to a3oid t%e pa$ts; d$a-in7 on t%ec%a$acte$istics o. t%e -%ole! 6ust as %e sees no need to 9eep t%e 3e%icle and teno$ o. t%e #odel sepa$ate I. -ea$e to unde$stand %is p$o6ect p$ope$l! %o-e3e$! t%e distinction /et-een #odel and #odelled is one t%at -eneed to 9eep in #ind It is p$ecisel /ecause t%e Hἴ  o. t%e soul a$e pe$soni.ications t%at -e s%ould not seet%e# as disc$ete .aculties o$ .unctions ,%e lite$al o$ ta$7et do#ain t%at t%e #odel is si#pl t%e /e%a3iou$ o. t%e pe$son! -%at people do ut none o. %is dialo7ues in .act o..e$s an e8a#ple o. t%at discou$se as suc%B and in pa$ticula$! -%en discussin7 t%e aspects o. t%e &'( ή t%at %a3e occupied ou$attention in t%e latte$ pa$ts o. t%is pape$ na#el t%e )'*ό+ and its $elation to t%e ot%e$ aspects o. t%e &'( ή inPlato and to its na#esa9e in "o#e$! %is app$oac% is e8plicitl #etap%o$icalB as .a$ as t%e &'( ή o. co##onFo$F7a$den! e#/odied! accultu$ated %u#an /ein7s is conce$ned! all -e e3e$ %ea$ is to /o$$o- t%ec%a$acte$iation o. t%e  &haedrus -%at t%e &'( ή is li9e! not -%at so$t o. t%in7 it is ,%is #a su77est t%at

    Plato;s #etap%o$s .o$ &'( ή a$e in te$#s o. t%e candidates can3assed .o$ t%ei$ cate7o$iation /

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    5. Conclusion

    ,%is pape$ %as /ene.ited eno$#ousl .$o# t%e c$iticis#s o. y3ind Ra//zs! Ric%a$d Sea.o$d! and t%e 6ou$nal;s t-o $e.e$ees I a# 7$ate.ul also to Ale8 Lon7 .o$ an i#po$tant $e.e$ence t%at I -ould ot%e$-ise %a3e#issed! and to Ca$lo atali .o$ encou$a7e#ent! suppo$t! and co##ents ,%e $esea$c% p$o6ect .$o# -%ic% t%ispape$ de$i3es -as .unded / t%e Le3e$%ul#e ,$ust! t%e oo9 2 /ut also .ollo-ed / a coda on t%e dan7e$s o. poetic i#a7es in >oo9 10 ,%e *ί*]T+ o. -%ic% poet$ is a /$anc% deals -it%i#a7es %e$e called not HἰV ό WH+! /ut Hἴ _XJ! E/! a! d! Q00e! Q01/! Q0c! not $ealit ,%ese i#a7esappeal not to t%e XYT]TV ό W Q02e /ut / t%e P$inciple o. Opposites t%at -as used to int$oduce t$ipa$titionin >oo9 4 to one o. t%e /ase$ ele#ents in us; & W KJ $ X_W T ἐ W oo9 10 is t%at poet$;s appeal to pleasu$e t%e pa$ado8ical pleasu$e o. /ein7a..ected / ot%e$s; 7$ie.! Q0d! Q0Q/ can st$en7t%en aspects o. t%e pe$sonalit t%at $eason does not sanctionQ0/Fc! Q0Qa! Q0Qd ,%e 6u8taposition o. t%is a$7u#ent -it% t%e i#a7e o. t%e t$i.o$# indi3idual -it% -%ic%

    >oo9 ca#e to a close #i7%t /e $e7a$ded as c$eatin7 an ele#ent o. pa$ado8: a discussion -%ic% %as $elied oni#a7e$ t%$ou7%out! includin7 in pa$ticula$ aspects o. psc%olo7ical i#a7e$ -it% a lon7 poetic pedi7$ee!7i3es -a to a denunciation o. i#a7eF#a9in7 as a tec%niue t%at appeals to t%e lo-e$ aspects o. t%e sel. 144

    >ut t%e$e is no 7enuine pa$ado8: poetic i#a7e$ H ἴ _XJ! as used / t%e poets t%e#sel3es acco$din7 to t%ei$po$t$aal in >oo9 10! is an e8te$nal in.luence o. t%e so$t -%ose da#a7in7 e..ect on t%e &'( ή is %i7%li7%ted / t%e account o. t%e 3a$ieties o. psc%ic and political de7$adation in >oo9s F1014 ,%at de7$adation is itsel. desc$i/ed in .o$#s o. i#a7e$ HἰV ό WH+ t%at d$a- .$eel on t%e #et%ods o. t%e poetsB /ut its pu$pose! as -enoted a/o3e! is t%e $ein.o$ce#ent o. t%e $ule o. $eason and t%e c$eation o. t%at %a$#on in t%e &'( ή  .o$ -%ic%! as -e sa-! Plato $e7a$ds eac% o. us $at%e$ t%an #e$el a pe$soni.ied aspect o. ou$sel3es as ulti#atel $esponsi/le ,%ese t-o a$7u#ents = t%at -%ic% spans >oo9s 2 to ! on t%e one %and! and includes t%ei#a7e$ o. t%e &'( ή as a societ o. di..e$ent 9inds o. #oti3ation in >oo9s 4! E! and ! and t%at o. >oo9 10;saccount o. poetic *ί*]T+ on t%e ot%e$ = $ep$esent positi3e and ne7ati3e e8a#ples o. i#a7eF#a9in7! t%e.o$#e$ o..e$in7 i#a7es t%at p$o#ote t%e inte7$ation o. t%e pe$sonalit / -a$nin7 us a7ainst t%e dan7e$s o. disinte7$ation! and t%e latte$ $ein.o$cin7 t%at #essa7e / cont$ast -it% t%e %a$#.ul e..ects o. ot%e$ iepoetic .o$#s o. i#a7eF#a9in7 ,%is distinction appea$s to /e $e.lected in t%e 3a$iation in te$#inolo7  /et-een HἰV : W and Hἴ _XW14Q ,%e .o$ce o. t%e positi3e use o. i#a7e$ in Plato;s account o. t%e &'( ή;s Hἴ  isp$ot$eptic!14 /ut in t%e se$3ice o. -%at -e a$e to $e7a$d as t%e t$ut% ,%at i#a7e$ is not #e$el illust$ati3e o. an account t%at #i7%t easil /e o..e$ed in nonF#etap%o$ical te$#s! /ut is p$esented! p$o3isionall! as t%e /estt%at -e can do! at least in t%is #ediu# and in t%ese ci$cu#stances


    >ot% in t%e p$esentation o. poets as #a9e$s o. i#a7es in t%e sa#e -a as painte$s a$e Q0aF/ and in %iso-n $ecou$se to i#a7es o. t%e soul in -o$ds; EEc Plato d$a-s on a lon7 t$adition o. G$ee9 poetics!t%eo$ied / t%e li9es o. Si#onides and Go$7ias!14E /ut in application as old as t%e 3i3idness! t%e ἐ WάMYHTJ! -%ic% is an i#plicit aspi$ation o. t%e poet;s a$t al$ead in "o#e$14 Pa$t o. t%at 3i3idness in "o#e$ $esides

    in t%e stoc9 o. i#a7es at %is disposal .o$ adu#/$atin7 t%e p%eno#enolo7 o. #ental li.e and .o$ i#a7inin7t%e li.e o. t%e &'( ή a.te$ deat% ,%e ai# o. t%is a$ticle %as /een to outline so#e o. t%e co##onalities /et-eent%ese conceptions and t%ose t%at a$e! in so#e $espects! t%ei$ successo$s in Plato! especiall in t%e  Republic As .a$ as t%e &'( ή itsel. is conce$ned! "o#e$ic %e$oes spend no ti#e culti3atin7! pu$i.in7! o$ 3ene$atin7t%ei$ souls! as Plato -ould %a3e us do ,%e "o#e$ic &'( ή can /e .i7u$ed as an ele#ent o. t%e pe$sonalitt%at su$3i3es deat%! /ut it is not a9in to t%e 7odsB it is not an intellectual o$ e3en a co7niti3e .acult in t%eli3in7 pe$sonB no$ is it e3en! as it is in a$c%aic and classical G$ee9! t%e .o$ce t%at lends a pe$son cou$a7eH ὐ&'( ίJ 5%en t%e &'( ή %as content as it does onl a.te$ deat%! t%at content is %olistic! a si#ulac$u# o. t%e -%ole pe$son \et &'( ή in "o#e$ is still a #etap%o$ -%et%e$ / $ei.ication o$ pe$soni.ication! -it% ace$tain .a#il $ese#/lance to Plato;s conceptions As #etap%o$! in /ot% "o#e$ and Plato! &'( ή is a concept -it% a $elated set o. e8planato$ .unctions In so#e $espects! t%e .unctions a$e si#ila$: &'( ή  #a9es t%edi..e$ence /et-een /ein7 ali3e and /ein7 dead! /ut also e8ists a.te$ deat%B /ut t%e Platonic &'( ή %as a -ide$$an7e o. speci.ic .unctions in li.e! and t%e = spi$itual and #o$al = conditions and details o. its su$3i3al a$ea7ain #uc% #o$e pa$ticula$ t%an in "o#e$


    So#e o. t%e Platonic .unctions o. &'( ή a$e pe$.o$#ed / t%e soFcalled psc%ic o$7ans o. t%e )'*ό+F.a#il in "o#e$! and t%e in.luence o. t%ese on Plato;s o-n concept o. )'*ό+ is clea$ Li9e "o#e$;s! Plato;sconceptualiation o. t%e )'*ό+ is .unda#entall #etap%o$ical Also li9e "o#e$;s! its sta$tin7 point is t%ep%eno#enolo7 o. #ental con.lict! d$a-in7 on intuitions o. %o- t%at p%eno#enon appea$s /ot% to t%esu/6ect and to ot%e$s Indeed! as -e sa-! t%e "o#e$ic conception o. )'*ό+ is t%e$e at t%e /i$t% o. t%e Platonicone >ut -%e$e "o#e$ $ep$esents t%e p%eno#enolo7 o. a pe$son;s inte$action -it% %is o$ %e$ )'*ό+ in t%ee#ic cate7o$ies o. lon7Festa/lis%ed o$alFt$aditional and .ol9Fpsc%olo7ical discou$se! Plato /uilds on /ut 7oes /eond t%ese to deplo analtical! etic cate7o$ies o. %is o-n \et t%ose cate7o$ies a$e still $ooted ine8pe$ience! and -e a$e in3ited not onl to unde$stand t%e analsis t%at t%e o..e$! /ut also to /uild t%atunde$standin7 into t%e -a t%at -e o$de$ ou$ li3es and ou$ c%a$acte$s eit%e$ "o#e$;s no$ Plato;sconception o. t%e pe$son as a pa$ticipant in int$aFpe$sonal dialo7ue -it% a 3a$iet o. inte$nal a7ents leads tot%e dissolution o. t%e pe$son o$ to a p$oli.e$ation o. autono#ous %o#unculi


    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

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    1 @o$ t%at app$oac%! see $at%e$ Snell! %he Discovery o# the -ind  t$ans , G Rosen#ee$! e- \o$9! 1NB A 5 " Ad9ins! 'ro$ the -any to the One  London! 10B D > Claus! %oward the Soul* !n nquiry into the -eaning o# /012be#ore &lato e- "a3en C,! 1E1B ? ^ Cla$9e! 'lesh and Spirit in the Songs o# 3o$er* ! Study o# 4ords and -ythsO8.o$d! 1 ,%ese accounts tell o.ten -idel di..e$ent sto$ies! /ut a$e /$oadl in a7$ee#ent on t%e .act and di$ectiono. de3elop#ent oe$! Religion )plained* %he 3u$an Instincts that 'ashion Gods Spirits and !ncestors   London 2001B S At$an!  In Gods 4e %rust* %he volutionary Landscape o# Religion O8.o$d! 2002B c. > 5illia#s! ,e$tullian;s Pa$ado8;! &hilosophy as a 3u$anistic Discipline P$inceton! 200Q! NF21

    11 See D Casasanto and L >o$odits9! ,i#e in t%e ?ind: Usin7 Space to ,%in9 a/out ,i#e;! "ognition   10Q 200E=N C. La9o.. and ,u$ne$! -ore than "ool Reason! N4F4! La9o.. and ^o%nson! &hilosophy in the 'lesh! 1NFQ! onti#e; #etap%o$s in 7ene$al includin7 t%e spatial

    12 See La9o.. and ^o%nson! -etaphors 4e Live +y! 14F

    1N See La9o.. and ^o%nson! -etaphors 4e Live +y! 10F10 on t%e a/st$action 3ie-;

    14 In usin7 t%is e8a#ple I a# $espondin7 to a pe$sonal co##unication .$o# Ric%a$d Sea.o$d! in -%ic% %e $estates! inans-e$ to # c$iticis#s in %ragedy and !rchaic Gree, %hought  S-ansea! 201N! lii n 114! %is position at "os$ologyand the &olis Ca#/$id7e! 2012! 24! t%at Ap%$odite;s desc$iption o. t%e s9;s se8ual lon7in7 .o$ t%e ea$t% is not a#etap%o$;! /ut $at%e$ an un.a#ilia$ cos#olo7;

    1 In de.inin7 # o-n position /elo- I #a9e 7$eatest use o. t%e cont$astin7 app$oac% o. Cla$9e! 'lesh and Spirit  ,%is

    %as #uc% in co##on -it% R > Onians! %he Origins o# uropean %hought about the +ody the Soul the 4orld %i$eand 'ate 2nd edn! Ca#/$id7e! 14 In positi3e te$#s! I also ta9e a 7$eat deal .$o# t%e .unctionalist analsis o. Claus!%oward the Soul  -%ose o$ientation can /e co#pa$ed to t%e outstandin7 stud o. Pelliccia!  -ind +ody and Speech!

     -%ic% -ill /e especiall i#po$tant -%en t%e discussion s%i.ts .$o# &'(€ to )'*+ /elo-

    1Q Ad9ins! 'ro$ the -any to the One! Q2 and passi$.

    1 ,%e &'( ή is /$eat%ed out in a s-oon:  Il  22 4Q ἀὸ ὲ &'( ὴ W ἐV‚']]HB c. QQFEB c. also t%e 3e$/ ἀ&ƒ(HTW atOd  24 N4F @o$ &'( ή /$eat%ed out on deat% see  Il  40 discussed /elo-! te8t .ollo-in7 n 22B .o$ its depa$tu$e

    ή, Θυµός, and Metaphor in Homer and Plato

    25 2015-05-02 08:08

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    .$o# t%e /od on deat%! see n 2Q /elo- On t%e .elt natu$e o. t%e et#olo7 in "o#e$! see Cla$9e!  'lesh and Spirit !144F

    1E On #etap%o$! #eton#! and t%ei$ a..inities and di..e$ences! see La9o.. and ^o%nson! -etaphors 4e Live +y! NF40!and c. ? S Sil9! ?etap%o$ and ?eton#: A$istotle! ^a9o/son! Ricoeu$! and Ot%e$s;! in G >osFStones ed!

     -etaphor !llegory and the "lassical %radition* !ncient %hought and -odern Revisions O8.o$d! 200N! 11F4B ?,%eodo$opoulou! ,%e e

  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


  • 8/9/2019 Cairns D., Psyche, Thymos, And Metaphor in Homer and Plato


    .a#il $ese#/lance to t%at o. #atu$e adults! /ut t%at t%e latte$ is ine3ita/l conditioned / t%e capacities .o$ $easonin7and calculation t%at adults possess

     @ol9 #odels includin7 "o#e$: see Gill!  &ersonality  21 n NQB R xa#te9a$! Spea9in7 -it% t%e Sa#e {oice asReason: Pe$soni.ication in Plato;s Psc%olo7;! OS!&  N1 200Q! 1QF202