December 9, 2015 Shandra Martinez Business Editor MLive Media Group, Grand Rapids Press 155 Michigan Street NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Dear Ms. Martinez: I would like to notify you of West Michigan’s growing publishing company, Caffeinated Press. Since its launch in 2014, the company has put emphasis on cultivating creative West Michigan talent. Caffeinated Press revolves around the concept that writing is the ultimate form of art. The company believe that the industry of writing, literature, and publishing can do much better than recent years have shown. Large-scale publishers too often focus on a small pool of well-connected and commercially successful authors who can generate a guaranteed profit, while works of genuine literary value fall into obscurity. This, in turn, takes the creative nature out of the writing process. Caffeinated Press focuses on a cultural mission aimed towards helping the West Michigan community of authors and readers. Because the company’s primary focus is West Michigan talent, it provides opportunities to be published which might otherwise be difficult to achieve in the larger markets, or with larger publishers. Caffeinated Press purposes itself around serving the writing community in every way that it can. The company provides editing, marketing and financial advice. It also offers seminars on the business of being published. If interested, I can arrange for you to come into our office and get a first-hand look at our publishing process. During your visit, you may also take a look at our new publication of issue two of our literary journal. I can also provide you with cover images of selected publications. To get a better understanding of the community we serve, you may also interview with one of our featured authors.


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December 9, 2015

Shandra MartinezBusiness EditorMLive Media Group, Grand Rapids Press155 Michigan Street NWGrand Rapids, MI 49503

Dear Ms. Martinez:

I would like to notify you of West Michigan’s growing publishing company, Caffeinated Press. Since its launch in 2014, the company has put emphasis on cultivating creative West Michigan talent.

Caffeinated Press revolves around the concept that writing is the ultimate form of art. The company believe that the industry of writing, literature, and publishing can do much better than recent years have shown. Large-scale publishers too often focus on a small pool of well-connected and commercially successful authors who can generate a guaranteed profit, while works of genuine literary value fall into obscurity. This, in turn, takes the creative nature out of the writing process.

Caffeinated Press focuses on a cultural mission aimed towards helping the West Michigan community of authors and readers. Because the company’s primary focus is West Michigan talent, it provides opportunities to be published which might otherwise be difficult to achieve in the larger markets, or with larger publishers. Caffeinated Press purposes itself around serving the writing community in every way that it can. The company provides editing, marketing and financial advice. It also offers seminars on the business of being published.

If interested, I can arrange for you to come into our office and get a first-hand look at our publishing process. During your visit, you may also take a look at our new publication of issue two of our literary journal. I can also provide you with cover images of selected publications. To get a better understanding of the community we serve, you may also interview with one of our featured authors.

Considering your interest in all business related news in Grand Rapids, I thought this may be an ideal opportunity for you to gather some inside information about this rising publishing company that has been brought to Grand Rapids.

I hope this information was useful. Please feel free to contact me at (888) 809-1686 or by email at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Best regards,

John WinkelmanChief Operating OfficerCaffeinated Press3167 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Suite 104, Grand Rapids, MI 49508P: (888) 809-1686E: [email protected]