Cadence Tool Cadence Tool Cadence Tool Cadence Tool Virtuoso Virtuoso Virtuoso Virtuoso Advisor : Jin-Fu Li Speaker : Che-Wei Chou Speaker : Che Wei Chou Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering National Central University National Central University Jhongli, Taiwan Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 1

Cadence Tool – Virtuosojfli/vlsia10/lecture/virtuoso_2010.pdf · Cadence Tool – Virtuoso Advisor : Jin-Fu Li Speaker : Che-Wei Chou Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Laboratory

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  • Cadence Tool Cadence Tool Cadence Tool Cadence Tool ––VirtuosoVirtuosoVirtuosoVirtuoso

    Advisor : Jin-Fu LiSpeaker : Che-Wei ChouSpeaker : Che Wei Chou

    Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical Engineering

    National Central UniversityNational Central UniversityJhongli, Taiwan

    Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 1

  • Full Custom Design Flow


    Ci it D i


    Circuit Design

    Pre Layout Simulation(Pre-Sim)


    Post-Layout Simulation(Post-Sim)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 2


  • Prepare Files

    Linux platform source /APP/cshbank/icfb.csh

    Technology File Technology File TSMC 0.18um Process:018ms.tfdi l d fdisplay.drf

    cp –r /usr2/grad97/cwchou/lib/018 .p g Library File: d lib

    ARES Lab-2010

    cds.libAdvanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 3

  • Prepare Files

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 4

  • 初始視窗(1) %icfb& CIW

    下skill command處 提示動作下skill command處 提示動作 提示mouse key功能

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 5

  • 初始視窗(2) CIW MENUS

    建立新的Library或或Cell View


    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 6

  • 初始視窗(3)

    Library Manager

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 7

  • 初始視窗(4) Library Manager Menus

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 8

  • Library Path Editor CIW:

    Tools Library Path yEditor

    Library Manager: Edit Library Path

    Library的路徑儲存在d lib裡cds.lib裡

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 9

  • Create Library, Cell (1/3) File New Library

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 10

  • Create Library, Cell (2/3)


    鍵入018ms.tf ,點選OK

    Compiler a new library with 0 18 technology file

    ARES Lab-2010

    Compiler a new library with 0.18 technology file

    Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 11

  • Create Library, Cell (3/3)

    File New Cellview

    點選Library Name

    輸入Cell Name (ex:inv)

    Tool 改選VirtuosoTool 改選Virtuoso

    點選OK,開啟layout editor畫面

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 12

  • Attention The file name should pay attention to

    No “-” exist “xxx-xxx” => “xxx_xxx”

    Number cannot be 1st position of file names “985201001ivan” => “ivan985201001” 985201001ivan ivan985201001

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 13

  • Layout Editor

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 14

  • Layout Selection Window (LSW)

    目前所選之層 LSW上所有層在layout 設show於Library Name

    所有層均show 於layout cellview 中

    有層在layoutcellview 中均




    除目前所選之層外在layout cellview 中均


    除目前所選之層外在layoutcellview 中均


    不顯示 不可使用

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 15

  • Layout Editor Menus

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 16

  • Layout Editor Environment Setup(1/2)

    Options Display

    t id 顯示方式

    X Snap Spacing :X 軸移動的最小間距

    set grid 顯示方式

    X 軸移動的最小間距

    Value Region:0~32

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 17

  • Layout Editor Environment Setup(2/2)

    Options Layout Editor

    當遊標靠近 時當遊標靠近 object 時即被吸到 object 邊緣


    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 18

  • Create Ruler Window Create Ruler k Hot Key:k

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 19

  • Rectangle Create Rectangle Hot Key:r

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 20

  • Clear All Rulers Window Clear All Rulers hif k Hot Key:shift+k

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 21

  • Polygon Create Polygon hif Hot Key:shift+p

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 22

  • Stretch Edit Stretch Hot Key:s

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 23

  • Move Edit Move Hot Key:m

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 24

  • Copy Edit Copy Hot Key:c

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 25

  • Path Create Path Hot Key:p

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 26

  • Merge Edit Merge hif Hot Key:shift+m

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 27

  • Chop Edit Other Chop hif Hot Key:shift+c

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 28

  • Instance Cell (1/2) Create Instance i Hot Key:i

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 29

  • Instance Cell (2/2) Hot Key: Shift+f:顯示I t 內容 Shift+f:顯示Instance內容 Ctrl+f :隱藏Instance內容



    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 30

  • Flatten Edit Hierarchy Flatten

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 31

  • Contact Create Contact Hot Key:o

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 32

  • Label Create Label l Hot Key:l

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 33

  • Split Edit Other Split C l Hot Key: Ctrl+s

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 34

  • Layout’s Hot Key

    F2 save p create path

    m move c copy

    t t h d l d l ts stretch del delete

    u undo i create instance

    o create contact ^s split

    ^z/Z zoom in/zoom out r rectangle

    k/K ruler/clear all ruler l labelk/K ruler/clear all ruler l label

    q properties f fit all

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 35

  • Stream Out CIW:File Export Stream…

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 36

  • Stream In CIW:File Import Stream…

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 37

  • Inverter Layout Diagram

    P MOS

    N MOS

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 38

  • Cross Section vs. Layout View

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 39

  • Design Rules Check (DRC)(1/6) Calibre Run DRC

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 40

  • Design Rules Check (2/6)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 41

  • Design Rules Check (3/6)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 42

  • Design Rules Check (4/6) Setup DRC Options

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 43

  • Design Rules Check (5/6)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 44

  • Design Rules Check (6/6)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 45

  • 儲存Runset File Calibre的一些設定,如Rule File的位置、產生

    檔案放置的位置,都可以儲存在Runset File檔案放置的位置,都可以儲存在Runset File。 Calibre DRC視窗:

    新的runset file新的 u set e讀取runset file



    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 46

  • Schematic

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 47

  • Layout vs. Schematic (LVS)(1/8)


    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 48

  • Layout vs. Schematic (2/8) Calibre Run LVS

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 49

  • Layout vs. Schematic (3/8)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 50

  • Layout vs. Schematic (4/8)

    想從Schematic直接驗證:on想從Schematic直接驗證:on有自己的spice檔 :off



    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 51

  • Layout vs. Schematic (5/8)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 52

  • Layout vs. Schematic (6/8) Setup LVS Options

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 53

  • Layout vs. Schematic (7/8)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 54

  • Layout vs. Schematic (8/8)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 55

  • PEX (1/6) Calibre Run PEX

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 56

  • Attention Revise the 2601 line of calibre.rcx in the LPE direction

    “include /usr2/grad97/cwchou/lib/018/LPE/rules”

    “include 自己的絕對路徑”

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 57

  • PEX (2/6)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 58

  • PEX (3/6)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 59

  • PEX (4/6)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 60

  • PEX (5/6) Setup PEX Options

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 61

  • PEX (6/6)

    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 62

  • The Ending


    ARES Lab-2010 Advanced Reliable Systems (ARES) Lab. 63