Erb expects to leave for Europe with- in 10 days. The idea of seeking English capital in the development of the resources is not an experiment. Particularly in tha gold fields of Nevada and more recent- ly in the oil lands has the money of tha Britishers proved a factor of great con- sequence. The bankers of British Co- lumbia have Invested heavily recently In oil lands, and some years ago Wil- liam Graham of Santa Barbara suc- ceeded in Interesting a British syndi- cate in oil properties in the southern part of the state- which have been ex- ceedingly fortunate Investments. Bound on a mission to interest Eng- lish capital In oil lands In California, William Erb. who has been connected with gold mining enterprises In Ne- vada and more recently Inoil producing lands, will leave shortly for Europe. With Robert Cords Jr.. Erb obtained an option, last week upon the Graham and Loftus oil fields at Fullerton. These properties are now producing and their value is estimated at 12.000.000. Cords may accompany Erb, but this has noC yet been decided. The option runs six months and the two investors paid down a 910,000 deposit. Graham and Loftus Producers Are in Deal Which Promo- ter Takes Abroad William Erb Will Carry Option on Big Properties to Finan- ciers in London BRITISH CAPITAL ENLISTED FOR OIL - At a depth of 950 feet a good sand was struck in the well of the Consoli- dated oil company, which Is operating on what is known as the Udall lease in the Ventura field. A heavy gas pressure was ( encounteredi wM»h forces the oil pretty well up toward the top of the well. The, oil. is -of high grav- ity and has a light green tinge. The well is not far distant from the big Rose well that was brought in. a few weeks ago. The Ruby oil company has signed a contract to furnish natural gas to the West Side electric company at Mari- copa. says the West Side Courier. A large new engine has been installed by the company and connected up with the gas pipes leading to the Ruby com- pany's holdings on section 2-11-24. near Maricopa. ;."., Pipes Connect Engine With the Ruby Company's Holdings* ELECTRIC COMPANY TO PURCHASE NATURAL GAS Thurston Daniels of SpoKane, Wash., was elected president and several Los Angeles businessmen are associated with him. The well is -now down-be- tween 250 and 300 feet,' and is to be pushed on ; as rapidly, as possible. There is gas pressure already and, the sur- face indications are said to : be good.' ; The Rincon oil company, which has a 25 year lease on 400 acres of the Rincon 'ranch, lying about; fourr miles \u25a0 from the | beach and two miles from the, Denton oil company's property, was recently reorganized. ; . The second well.started by the Den- ton company -is on higher ground than the: other, two, being ; a mile, and :a half from' the beach and about'a quar- ter of, a mile from the, Casitas Pass road, and it is believed that modefn equipment will enable it to combat suc- cessfully the 'trouble the former com- pany met with, y "_ This is the same lease which* the Channel oil company previously worked. It was obliged to abandon its first well ata depth of 300 feet-on account of its becoming clogged; A second well reached 1,000 feet, when there was:a very favorable seepage of oil, but much trouble with water -in this -well' forced the company to give it up also. The Denton oil company of San Fran- cisco, which is controlled by the Paraf- flne paint, company and which "is op- erating* on a 1,233 acre lease of. the Gutierrez ranch, just across the line In- Ventura ; county, has recently ex- pended $10,000"in . new equipment and started a new 16 inch hole. This has been put down 160 feet in two weeks, and the company is prepared to go sev- eral thousand feet' deep jtn- order to j find out, positively what' oil .bearing quali- ties the- land has. : ,-- This company has a lease of 70 acres on the .Higglns ranch about a mile from Carpinteria and a quarter of a mile from the beach. TEST TO BE THOROUGH . > Ventura . advices state that active development work in the district around . the Santa Barbara- Ventura county line . will soon -^demonstrate whether there is oil in that vicinity and settle a question that has puzzled many people for a long time. <\u25a0'[ . Of the three companies now drilling the fRand consolidated oil company of Los Angeles has sent its well down 1.20P feet, where it has found consid- erable seepage of. oil with heavy gas pressure.': For the last few days water has caused trouble and work has been stopped until the water can be shut off. Several Deep Wells Are Going Down on Santa Barbara- Ventura Properties The product of Brookshire No. 9, the last -well, brought in, by, that company, has proved* better than was; predicted of .'it when^ trie" well came in. Up- to date it has produced ;nea.rly\ 16,000 bar- rels, or an average of 500 barrels^per day, exceeding - by, 100 1 barrels . per day what experts claimed : for -it when- it began to flow. - ,'; Two rigs have been; put up by the Palmer Annex and spudding in will be- gin, this week. *.'•/: '\u25a0 Well 38, at the southeastern part of the Western Union lease, ,ls : down" over 4,000 feet' The work of deepening the well was to get a bigger flow of. oil and has proved successful, the produc- tion being almost double what it- used to be. No. 40 has been on the beam for the last' two weeks,, and is developing Into a producer of high grade oil. The '- Ideal oil | company has finished putting up two new rigs and are awalt T ing. the arrival of the machinery, which' is already on the way, to start drilling. Another new : corporation is the Dis- patch oil .company, .which . will- soon commence drilling on a" 40 'acre tract which they have leased for the Ideal company. - . : ' f: . ' \ A. T. Kelsey of Los Angeles,' F. S. Glass of San Francisco and P. A. H. Arata of San Luis Obispo. •• .'. " ; '; . The Santa Maria Eastside oil com- pany, just organized, intends to invade Cat canyon as soon as a, rig. can be put up and machinery installed. The •\u25a0 offi- cers and directors are: "W..'F. Young of Los Angeles. ; , president;. Andrew, \u25a0F. Welch of San Francisco, vice president; L. E. Ensign and G. W. C. Baker have leased a tract of 57 acres in the south- west corner of the rancho de v :ia La- guna for 20 years and one-eighth roy- alty to the Casmalia . petroleum com- pany. \u25a0 . . \u0084-;. Eugene J. Cantin et al. have deeded 160 acres of land in section 12, town- ship 9, range- 33, to the Cantin land, oil and development company, and : \he Fresno corporation will - drill for. oil here. , - \u25a0 \u25a0 SANTA * MARIA, \May 10.— Advance agents of a.syndicate of financiers have been investigating the prospects ' for natural "gas in this field for the. purpose of .establishing' a large piant and for piping the gas to towns and cities along the coast." A great quantity of gas is going to waste daily from the; wells in this. part of the state". -, Financiers Now Investigating Field and Will Use Waste * V Product The Lucile oil company,- section 6-21- 15, cemented off the water in \u25a0 well No. 3 in 8% Inch, casing. .Well No. 4'is 1,854 feet deep,. 12% inches.- ' -\u25a0\u25a0'-,; - There Is a full standard rig on the northeast quarter of section 26-22-18, built by Selma people; also a rig'on section 22-22-18. S. Hopkins of Selma is in charge. .- .'. '. '.•-*. ". . , The Claremont oil company, section 24-20-14, has material on the .ground for a rig on the south line. This'prop- erty has 10 wells producing and- one well drilling. The Arica oil company, section 7-20- 15, has completed well No. 7 at 2,155 feet in 654. and it is now on the beam, making 200 barrels per. day. The Premier oil company"; I . section 24- 20-14, has material on the ground .for three rigs on the west line of-Derrick boulevard and one on the south line of the property. \u25a0 \u25a0 ; The Muriel oil company, section 6-21- 15, has cemented off the water in well No. 1 at 2,380 feet in 6%. The pay sand will be entered at about 2,500 feet. The Shawmut oil company, section 12-20-14, has 'brought in a new well, No. 7, at 1,205 feet with 10 inch casing. It is on the beam, making 150 barrels per day. ' , - The Los Angeles-Coalinga Syndicates section 6-21-15. has 'cemented* off the water in well No. 1 at 2,415 feet in 8% inch .casing. Cement Expert Hayes reports the water shut off. The Fifty-seven oil' company, section 12-21-14, has pulled the 10 -inch casing and will replace the same and shut off the water at 1,650 feet. It has- made some show of gas. \u25a0 * •' ' ~ The Boychester oil company, section 18-21-15, is 2.200 feet, deep with 10 Inch casing. The formation is tallying up with the logs of the wells on section 6-21-15. Reports just received state oil is showing on wire lines. some: show of gas The Elsinore oil. company, section 4- 22-18, has a full standard rig, bunk- house and cookhouse. It will rig up soon and get to drilling by the . first of May... ; The Silver Tip oil company, section 6-21-15, has rebuilt rig No. 2 and is drilling. The under-reamer lef t , in the hole at the time of the fire has been recovered. The Associated National Thirty oil company, section 22-19-15, has rig for well No. 7 completed and i 6 ri-gging up. There are seven wells now producing on this 30 acres. . ' The American petroleum company, on section 6-20-15, has completed rig for well Xo. 7 and is now rigging up. Ma- terial is oj\ the ground for rig No. 1. The camp is completed. . The Wabash oil company, section 24- 20-14, has completed four rigs and will have all rigged up next week: Three more rigs will be built at once. The Coalinga roadway oil company, section 2-21-14, Manager W. H. Kerr. reports that the property will.soon.be developed, as arrangements are now pending to drill upon the land. The Pacific States petroleum com- pany, section 6-21-15. well.No. 1, was completed recently. This is on the beam for the last few days and has made fro/n 200 to 600 barrels per day of clean oil free from any signs of water. ARUAXGEMEXTS^FOR DRILLS The Light oil extension company, section 6-20-16, is 925 -feet deep with 15 inch screw pipe. The company is drilling with a rotary rig averaging 58 feet a day. 12-20-15, another new company, has a standard rig completed and will soon commence operations. , Among the oil companies recently in- corporated lit-San Francisco are the fol- lowing: '; ' ' t "~ ' . .-.. >; ..'v'; \u25a0;..' ; ' .'. V \u25a0-;\u25a0 .-Koololl company, capital $25,000; directors, George W. Kennedy,- V. J. diva, .Charles En- rlght, all of San Francisco. , : :. \u25a0 r. I'etrolita oil company, capital" s2s,ooo; direct- ors;sA. O. Dorey. Floyd P. - Shank, k George >D. Terls, all of San Francisco. ' . .- g Lucky Dog oil company; capital $25,000; direct- ors, ' Rudolph Herold. D. F.~ Belden, R. Norfls; all of San Francisco. \u25a0 - '•--\u0084: ; \u25a0 . Happy Vista petroleum company,, capital . $25,- 000;, directors J.J.Lermen. R. W. Dennis, J. J. Weble.all of San Francisco. - c.v ••- -.r-- \u25a0-. .Aloha petroleum company, capital $25,000; di- rectors— Milton Bernard,'; Alameda ; Roy A, Hu«- son,,Oakland; George E. Weaver. San Frandisco.' ;. Bon. Voyage oil ; company, capital $25,000 ; . di- rectors, John ;. G.. Hopper, . George W. Austin, Charles J^ Bower.; - - -••- : ; ;\' ; - •: r.: - Booming Business Finds Influx of Small Concerns SIX NEW OIL COMPANIES ARE INCORPORATED HERE CONTROVERSY INVOLVES THREE OIL COMPANIES ATherLos; Angeles-McKittrick oil com- pa ny Aha's v a.-: lease lons the^r west ' half ; of the, quarter, while f- the Consolidated Midway" claims'"6(r acres in- the\center of " the quarter, [ crossing -. the . property leased jby the Los^Angeles-McKittrick. Both companies?. were, drilling, the flat- ter, claiming; to be ;'down 'about 400 feet, while the* formerTclaims that its well is down between 500 and 600 ? feet. -V'X " ' To* further.< confuse matters, S the" Los Angeles-McKittrick < company; has sub- leased ; its - : property >' to •;, the %. Midway Northern ; oily company, Vand £it Is >: said that *thls[ company : means 1 to jj prosecute' "development .work, staking . over 'all ' the' mach<neryvand '---the': hole- as-lt?stahds. A few days ago theXConsolidated Mid- way oll.company ; served notice upon the Los -Angeles-McKittrick ; to v vacate the' property, ,? but 'this ' hasj not V yet ; been done. \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0_- ;\u25a0-/• :-\u25a0 '.'\u25a0 '\u25a0 ' '\u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0,•'-\u25a0 :': ' ' \u25a0'.. •:'',\u25a0 :. ; Theres is ; a controversy between the Los Angeles-McKlttrick oil-c ompany and the Consolidated .Midwa^y,' oil com- pany over title to' a certain tract in the northwests quarter of i section 32-12-23/ says the Oil Courier. -.* . \u25a0\u0084 '. •; \u25a0 Subleasing of Claim Adds to Complexities of Squabble- ' Dividends ;~ would "have '.been . paid in April but for the fact :\u25a0 that 1 there was some controversy \u2666 arising from a change in ownership,* x and', in-conse- 1 quence the Midway ; ' Central received payment for. but ? ;i6.,!*days production in the month of -March^ which; was" in-' sufficient to '. cover, the ; first Vdividend;' It is ; reported:* that - nearly I all the earnings .of the .'company .in the Mc- Klttrick countryjwlirgro^lntp^dividends. %he estimated,: production 'for' April" Is about 7,ooo ' barrels. V- -: '^.. <\- . W This ; company.,/ was /organized the fore part of March . and > purchased ;60 acres In the •; proved ; territory. In Vtne McKittrick -field v and "40*inV the North Midway, S where 'they,- have^ been- operat- ing. According to the Oil Courier, the Mid- way Central oil company will pay divi- dends of half. a cept;per share a month and ,the first payment will \u25a0be > made about the 25th of this month; . ,/. Reported That Half a Cent Per Share Is to Be -Paid -Monthly MIDWAY CENTRAL WILL JOIN DIVIDEND PAYERS The Coalinga Crown oil company section 30-19-15. is 1.875 feet deep with S 1-4 inch casing. The formation is brown shale. So far the bitt has pene- trated 800 feet and is still in brown Bhale, . t " . \u25a0 ,_, The Kern trading and oil company on section 36-19-16. has brought in well No. 11. and -is making about 1500 barrels per day of very nice oIU The Cabinet- oil company, '.section ' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'- -; ' '\u25a0 '" -'" ~'i±>: _\u25a0-*«\u25a0> The California . oil fields, limited, Is pushing work on the well in the south- east corner of section 34-19-15 being anxious to get the, W. K. sand before the neighbors have too long a draw on it. The Coalinga Central oil" company {formerly the St. Clair), operating a 120 acre lease on section 12-20-14 ' has three wells completed and one 'well drilling. The El Dee oil company, section* 18- 20-16. has completed two standard rigs on the south half of the section. 'The rvork of drilling willbe taken up in the near future. \u0084 -^ WORKING IX BROWN SHAKE The Coallnga-KettJeman oil company has been organized to operate on the east slope of th? Kettleman hills. The exact locality of operations is withheld from the public, presumably on account of the strength of the company. The Coalinga National .petroleum company, section 8-20-15. is now 2,610 <eet deep with 8% inch casing. A •hell to shut off the water, on should be at. about 2.640 feet, according to At^.er. logs near this^property. - The Best Yet oil company, section 1-8-21-15, is over 1,370 feet with 10 inch casing-; drilling much Improved. The company reports that all of the assess- ment has been paid in, no delinquents. The company owns the 40 acres In fee snd is not disturbed on account of the Fickett bilL The Coalinga Security oil company, section 8-20-15. is 2.170 feet deep with the rotary. Several shells have been encountered and successfully drilled through. The hard shells that will test the rotary will be met at about 2,400 feet. The contractor is very confident that he will have no trouble in handling them when met. Contractor A. M. Gilstrap reports considerable rig building on the east \u25a0lope of the Kettleman hills. He has a contract to build four standard rigs on section 8-22-18; also four other rigs not far from section 8. The owners desire to keep their identity hidden for the present. DRILLED TWO THOUSAND FEET The California-Coalinga oil company, section' S-20-15, is operating on the south half of the north half of the section; also on the southeast quarter leased from J. Fearon. Well No. 1, completed in the early part of Janu- ary, has been a very consistent pro- ducer, and Is now making 350 barrels per day. Well No. 2is about 700 feet deep with 15 inch screw casing. The Spinks crude- oil company, sec- tion 12-20-14, Is 750 feet deep in well No. IE with 10 inch casing; in well No. 4D is SlO feet deep with B}4 inch casing. Well No. 4A (Shawmut No. 4) will be drilled deeper, as the old •wells have been improved that were drilled deeper. Tht.*; hands. TJie new owners will \u2666develop the property with up to date tools and methods. Well No. 1 was sunk to 800 feet with 9% inch casing, and then abandoned. The Oceanic oil company, one of the old oil companies, engaged in develop- ment work in the Kettleman hills some years ago. is showing signs of life. The property in section 30-21-18 has through the hills to enable material to be landed where wanted. A large acreage in township 22 south, range IS east, stands of record In the name of Rudolph Spreckels, and mkny predict that there will be considerable develop- ment work in that locality s.oon. ACTIVITY OF OWNERS against jumpers. Loads of material are being hauled every day; consid- erable road work has been done dicating a determination on the part of the promoters to hold the land men are on a number of sections in- vicinity of the Baird oil company, waiting the development of the com- pany's well. It would appear, from in- vestigations made, that all mineral lands have been located, cabins and large amount of material is on the ground for rigs and buildings in the The many reports that are coming in from the east slope of the Kettle- man hills suggest increased activity in that district. A rig has been built on section 13-23-18; lumber and rig Umbers are on the ground for a full standard rig on section 22-23-IS. A Each derrick that stands o\;er a com- pleted well, taking the entire field for an average, represents about $20,000. There are SO2 completed wells in the Coalinga field. This represents an In- vestment of $16,040,000. There are 172 wells drilling that will average at least $10,000 per well, from grass roots to the well about to come in, or $1,720,000. PETITIONS TO CONGRESS This may be considered as a very low estimate at this time, and furnishes food for thought, as we are studying the bills now before congress that af- fect the life of the oil business in this state, and it behooves each stock holder In these companies to assist in his lit- tle way toward getting recognition in congress. He can sign the numerous petitions asking for $1 or more toward this defense. many derricks in the field. A full standard derrick and rig of today rep- resents an average outlay of $2,200. This includes the lumber and timbers for derrick and rig, bullwheel. calf- wheel, the cost of building, rig irons and rigging up, but does not Include the late, up to date ideal rig irons, tools, boiler, engine, fuel and water tanks, but what is commonly known as the "rig." There are today on the east side and west side fields 954 der- ricks and rigs; this includes only pro- ducing wells and wells drilling, and does not take in the many derricks built as assessment work. The 954 "rigs'" represent $2,204,000 that is in sight, and a much greater expense lies beneath the surface, in the well itself. The eye of the visitor as he ap- proaches Coalinga is attracted to the Fresno Republican writes as follows: The reports from the Coalinga dis- trict show a production for the month of March amounting to 1,637,063 bar-; rels. It is further stated that it was found necessary to draw on the stor- age to fill the- requirements for the month. The Coalinga correspondent of the Completed Wells Number 802 and Represent Investment of $16,040,000 / Much Greater Expense Lies Be= neath Surface in Coalinga OH Fields 984 RIGS BUILT AT COST OF $2,204,000 Pacific Coast oil -*\u25a0 company, capital $500,000; directors,/ F. R.- Drlnkh"ouse W. M. Brown, Lt ' ; % Sl essinger," B' * r! Jones; C." A- Koschnitzky; Maurice Ros- enthaL. Louis Hogran- _ . \u25a0 . ;\u25a0 ; East \u25a0 Maricopa . oil \u25a0 compajiy, tcapital $100,QOO: -directors,; D,; k McPhee,V;E.::L. Reese, C A. -Malm, 1 F.» J.* Corde^H. 1 P P. West.;. \u25a0- if* -...;\u25a0.-• ; -;. *. \u0084'L ' Hart' oil-company,, capitals $1,000,000 directors, E:,lt^Llllenthai; J. ,W. Atkin- son; Harry i J. , iHart, ;•;•' Edgar \u25a0 L. ; Lewis Joseph L. Schmitt. '':\u25a0';\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0&.& \u25a0'- '\u0084::' •> ;\u25a0\< ,, \u25a0\u25a0> Good Fortun* oil. company, capital $25,000; directors, ;William Hammond Jr:,-T: P.' Kelly/ C Philippi; all; of Ala- meda. - \u25a0..\u25a0•>.:*"\u25a0,\u25a0- *\u25a0/"'-•\u25a0...\u25a0 FOUR OIL COMPANIES V: RECENTLY INCORPORATED '\u25a0'^'f : \u25a0:.;\u25a0>" T rr: ,' .;.--•'> ';,'";•''\u25a0»•",>. San Francisco Capital 'lnterested in : New Enterprises •'; The oil •* coppanies ' formed :in ; San Francisco this ; week, include- the "fol- lowing: "\u25a0-'•; ~i '.-.*. c-"'- ;\u25a0•; -', '\u25a0:\u25a0 <i \r' _'.',;>.', : : .:. k i A dispatch i from Coalinga 1 says -that thei-salerof^thef W.-K;,?oll . company > for $4 a^ share, Vwhich;has»beeh pending ;for aome>. timer, has ; x fallenvithroughr;. The question {of ithe * commission ; , to| be , paid, ; it - isS reported, 'Vwaa- the "* cause :.of t. the failure] of .the- sale; to|gojthrough.v The brokers' wanted ? 10 ; pen cent. vr The 'own- ers', of ithe .property; decline \u25a0 to: pay vthat much.' "...:''- T ;v , " .: \u0084 Ten.PerCent Commission Con- '\u25a0 4 sidereid -Too -Much _by -Sellers :^'- CHARGE -OFBROKERS v w 'PREVENTSBIQ SALE drilling.' 1 . J The ;Santa. Fe's Hands i ini North Mid- way, '\u25a0 for the most'part,"; were purchased years i ago if rom \u25a0 Chanslor 1; & \ Canfield and stlUsare marked on* the maps as the Chanslor. & Canfield \ Midway/ oil com- pariyVlands, i- It" was Areported that- the price ' Was ; $2,000,000: \u25a0 u s iTlie \u25a0 Santa *Fe owns \u25a0 the - north half *of the ; south? half .and '- the -i south . half iof the .."i northwest quarter '> of : section ; 25. ,The old reliable : well . .brought in by the Santa \u0084Fey" on . section .}; ; 6, = many times referred ;v to as the ; most satisfactory; 1 gusher 'lti; the {whole Mid- way }field, -is still j doing about ,700rbai^* rels per day. ',|On the j southeast quarter of f 'section 36, the; Santa Fe has 16 or 18 rigs ; _up,< ready,*: orj "- nearly . ready, for ; ATheSanta Fe's wellon section 25-31- 22,'broughtin a. short time ago,,flowed by ? spurts at ; the ; rate : of , 1,000 : barrels per;hour,:finally^ sanding. up. .It 1 is : be- lifevedthat when' this well is finished it will -be fully equal, to .anything devel- oped inttie f Sunset-Midway 'field," always excepting/ of course,'the ; fabulous Lake- view. The Santa Fa is now ; drilling two more wells'on section 25. GUSHER' STILL FLOWS section! 36-31-22, has staked out: some 96 wells on^the, 4Bo acres and is drill- iing at a rate that, shows a.determina- tion: to l develop: fully ~ ; the' territory as rapidly as possible. ;..\u25a0\u25a0'• The Santa »-Fe, which owns ; the .southeast quarter of the; same section, .is ; practically- com- pelled, t,o drill along its ' lines ]to prevent its-- neighbor from. draining its ."oil measures. ! ' '. " : - :; ,-\u25a0 '-.V .. \u25a0 \u25a0'.. ',• j'i' An additional incentive ito the, Santa Fe ; to get.'bus'yori:its new^r, lands is the fact that the America Oilfields com- pany, which owns . three-quarters of Meantime the" success of the Mays, the St. Lawrence, the ' California Mid- way, the Pioneer Midway, La Belle, the Eagle Creek and 'its, own 'gushers on section 6-32-23, and 25-31-22 has prompted the decision on ; the' part, of the Santa Fe to leave deep sands on section 8 undisturbed, for the pres- ent {and get its share of the rich cream its neighbors around Fellows ;are skim- ming.' -:\u25a0:.'"\u25a0\u25a0•!-\u25a0..; .\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0.:;': . A recent article in the Bakersfield dealing with the Santa Fe's move says that the present camp was located years ago, when the Santa Fe was a pioneer, in the North Midway field, and As atthe end of a long string of shal- low wells, 1,500 feet or less In depth, which constituted the railroad com- pany's "first drilling bri the big tract purchased from Chanslor & Canfield. These wells are fair producers, consid- ering their depth and cost of , drilling, but they are eclipsed in the general esteem by. the gushers recently brought in farther north and west. It is be- lieved that deeper drillingon section 8 will develop much more productive sands than those tapped in the Santa Fe's present.w ells,; but the only, well sunk far enough •to U est this theory reached the deeper sand with such. a small casing that its value could not be accurately judged, j TO MOVE TO FELLOWS -The Santa Fe has procured, much of its- oil in the past by contract. .The prospects of the company's land in the Midway field seem so good that this method virtually has been abandoned. President E. \u25a0P. Ripley made a careful examination of the new field and has thought so well of the possibilities of development that he has placed his son In charge. PIONEER IX FIELD \u25a0 A pioneer in the North Midway field, the- Santa Fe company has done much toward the development of the Kern county ' oil - fields, ~ but a new move is contemplated, according .to the reports, of several prominent oilmen, that will come near placing the Santa Fe at the head of companies" operating in the Midway gusher belt. "The Santa- Fe is to move its ' headquarters from the present site near.' Midland to section 6 of the same township near Fellows. The center of' the company's activity has shifted to the holdings grouped about the terminus of the Sunset West- ern railroad and has/grown so rapidly that the contemplated move is in real- ity a necessity. ; Santa Fe Company Decides to Start Work on Its Property Near Fellows .S'.Th'e IShepherd-ZTeague and Frank £ H.2 Short \u25a0} are %the £ largest $ share ; holders. ;• " The f directors /pinthe ?;"com- pany.'£ are *" B. : F.Y; Shepherd. /league? - Frank ; H.' Short," E. v R. Bishop and>W.',G: ; Cochrane. f ;:: ; V r r ; . \u0084,; '*\;The < company . 'owns \u25a0; large Aterritory, in .the heart of Midway.^J.It .was formed by 4 ; the Shepherd-Teague' company/ some years ago,?; and^ riearlyj all"the stock holders^ai'e'Fresnolpeople.'? •; ~ ; There was a melon, cutting the rother day : when ' the Producers'; oil ' company/ guaranteed, of ; Fresno,; distributed $80,- 000 amongllts stock] holders, amounting ,to sl a" share. f^lthwas^announced; that the " company 'expects* from"?; nowibn's to payi a^like'di vidend semlannually. ? The Producers'.; oil'company^ is ' a ; close tcor-; poration > and 1 has 'never! had^any;stock on' the * market: :V>;X,;\u25a0- ;/.'. :.":•\u25a0 ;•: ' ';.'.\u25a0: --'. $80,000, $1 a Shared Is Divide*! Among^Stock^ Holders'; PRODUCERS^ OIL COMPANY j. v CUTS A JUICY: M EIiON :-.The=Robinson-Kahn; company: has \u25a0purchased;? the 'controliingMnterest -.in . the } Maricopa^ Producers'; oilTcbmpany, 1 located ih>.the f . southwest v quarter .^of section 18tll-23; ;;>Well No." 1- is "down ,650 5 feet, '.with i the'i 16 "inch i casing. ,• The _southern j section- of itheineld*is ; rapidly cbmingjinto?. prominence Jby treason iTof ,the U extensive -.^'developments \u25a0» inaugru- Tatedtrecentlyiby^thie] Santa* Feiahdithe oilfields company. ' " Change in; the Maricopa '.. Pro- ducers* Oil Company ROBINSON-KAHN FIRM v ; ! \u25a0SECURE THE;CONTROL -The Hart j oil; company - has ' secured the holdings of Leland : & Dyer, sections' 3,Ul and 13,. Inc3l-23,: Elk .-ridge, says the •BakersfleldtOil Journal, and has .let a . contract with.the S.V& « M. \u25a0drili:'com-; pariy ' of San Francisco,- employing 1 the '< rotary system, *f or two ..wells. * The ;Hart oil j company, .capitalized ; : for ; ; $1,000,000, is -a close •''corporation^' composed "of >E. R.Xiilienthal,- president, of ithe-Northern electric company, of -San Jo- seph ,L.'.:Schmitt;: treasurer Western? fuel company; JT. "W.'Atkinspn,;.vlce president, Pihal i oil t company i< Edgar I*v Lewis/ Hawaiian v| irrigation;.' company, /and Harry. J:VH%t^of j the ' Los; An&eles' oil and development? company.! r '* Hart Oi l Company Will Put - Down; Two: We lls on Property/ OPTION SECURED' AND (CONTRACT LET THESA^ FRANCISCO: CA^ Coalinga Oil District Produces 1,637,063 Barrels in Month EASTSIDE FIELD IN THE COALINGA DISTRICT HIILS NEARTAFT AND MORON, SHOWING STANDARD OILCAMP INTHE FOREGROUND NEW SYNDICATE WILL PIPE GAS THOROUGH TEST NOW UNDER WAY RAILWAY SINK MORE OIL WELLS GOOD SAND AT DEPTH OF 950 FEET 10 The Parkfield San Antonio 'Oil Company Will Soon Be Drilling \u25a0 Mr. Wm. H. Mehrten, the Superintendent, reports that a complete drillingoutfit is now being installed and the drill will soon be churning and digging its way to the oil. He reports that .the first oil sand should be struck within thirty days <3f drilling at least. Mr. Mehrten drilled this ground and brought in a well of high gravity oil on this same property eleven years ago. This is proof that he knows whereof he speaks. The old well subse- quently caved from lack of attention because of the lack of marketing facilities at that time. The Independent Producers, whose pipe line is but a few miles below this property, now want this light oil to mix with their heavy oil to aid its transportation to Port Hartford. : v ,- - The Parkfield San A*ntonio Oil Company has leased THREE THOUSAND acres in the midst of some of the strongest oil indications in the State. The property includes the site of the old well where the existence of light gravity -oil has been proven. - *-vi When this oil is reached again this opportunity will have passed. .-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 . « . i \u25a0 | With three thousand acres of the best oil land obtain- able in this high gravity oil district under, lease this com» pany's possible profit is stupendous. Send us the coupon ] below. It may mean your fortune. The "officers of this company are men of well-known integrity and ability. Tljey are men who stand high in public esteem. Treasury stock only is offered for subscription at 15c per share payable in^ five equal -monthly installments, or deduct 5% if cash ac- cotnpanics < your order. ';1. V 4 > Subscribe today, or. send the coupon now for further information. This stock is "being purchased steadily and the offering is limited ? Convincing samples of the oil indications are on display at \u25a0 our. office. We are glad to -have you call. " , Address all communications and make subscriptions payable to YEAGER-VAN DORN COMPANY SOLE FISCAL AGENTS, v Suite 728-730 Phelan Building -„."-:. . \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0__•.\u25a0\u25a0 - . . < Yeagrer-Van Dorn Company, . 728-730 Phelan Building:, ,' ,' .Sun Francisco, Cal. , , Gentlemen: ' . -.'^.W-'; Without any obligation on my part.' please send me further in- formation regarding the r Parkfleld San Antonio Oil Company. l v % ' -'\u25a0 Yours -truly, . ':"\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•:•'«\u25a0' -'\~:~?- \u25a0V'vr .--.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'' , .-' -.*"'. ' The Cblumbine'Oll Company owns 1.000 acres of practlcallv nrnv.n «n lands in the great San Juan oil fields. Southeastern Utah. Oil teat«-«^ U cent gravity, with parafflne base. . v tests 3S per y A test wasimade. using crude oil in a gasoline engine and th« -v»L^V> says it Is better than gasoline, and this oil was out of the w«»ii fn^ crt years. Fairbanks-Morse man was astonished. - cU rr ° r two 'For a short time, only stock selling at 10 cents per shar« T> rtnt \u25a0g^^efore the 'advance. ; For. furthe? Information^ddresa 6 Ho^e 'pfone "H. W. HUTCHINSOX, jitmt. Secy \u25a0-\u25a0-.' '' \u25a0 - - , . \u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0' ' ' ;c4sii?'" \u25a0/ :--y. v /'* -"**\u25a0**"••\u25a0*•.•••••••*•••,•*•.•.••••••••\u2666•......;

CA^ Coalinga District Produces 1,637,063 Barrels inMonthchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-05-11/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · Loftus oil fields at Fullerton. These properties are

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Page 1: CA^ Coalinga District Produces 1,637,063 Barrels inMonthchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-05-11/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · Loftus oil fields at Fullerton. These properties are

Erb expects to leave for Europe with-in 10 days.

The idea of seeking English capitalin the development of the resources isnot an experiment. Particularly in thagold fields of Nevada and more recent-ly in the oil lands has the money of thaBritishers proved a factor of great con-sequence. The bankers of British Co-lumbia have Invested heavily recently

In oil lands, and some years ago Wil-liam Graham of Santa Barbara suc-ceeded in Interesting a British syndi-cate in oil properties in the southernpart of the state- which have been ex-ceedingly fortunate Investments.

Bound on a mission to interest Eng-

lish capital In oil lands In California,

William Erb. who has been connectedwith gold mining enterprises In Ne-vada and more recently Inoil producinglands, will leave shortly for Europe.With Robert Cords Jr.. Erb obtained anoption, last week upon the Graham andLoftus oil fields at Fullerton. Theseproperties are now producing and theirvalue is estimated at 12.000.000. Cordsmay accompany Erb, but this has noCyet been decided. The option runs sixmonths and the two investors paiddown a 910,000 deposit.

Graham and Loftus ProducersAre in Deal Which Promo-

ter Takes Abroad

William Erb Will Carry Option

on BigProperties to Finan-ciers in London


-At a depth of 950 feet a good sand

was struck in the well of the Consoli-dated oil company, which Is operatingon what is known as the Udall leasein the Ventura field. A heavy gaspressure was (encounteredi wM»h forcesthe oil pretty well up toward the top

of the well. The, oil.is-of high grav-ity and has a light green tinge. Thewell is not far distant from the bigRose well that was brought in.a fewweeks ago.

The Ruby oil company has signed acontract to furnish natural gas to theWest Side electric company at Mari-copa. says the West Side Courier. Alarge new engine has been installedby the company and connected up withthe gas pipes leading to the Ruby com-pany's holdings on section 2-11-24. nearMaricopa. ;.".,

Pipes Connect Engine With theRuby Company's Holdings*


Thurston Daniels of SpoKane, Wash.,was elected president and several LosAngeles businessmen are associatedwith him. The well is -now down-be-tween 250 and 300 feet,' and is to bepushed on;as rapidly,as possible. Thereis gas pressure already and, the sur-face indications are said to :be good.' ;

The Rincon oil company, which hasa 25 year lease on 400 acres of theRincon 'ranch, lying about; fourr miles

\u25a0from the |beach and two miles fromthe, Denton oilcompany's property, wasrecently reorganized. ;

. The second well.started by the Den-ton company -is on higher ground thanthe: other, two, being;a mile, and :ahalf from' the beach and about'a quar-ter of, a mile from the, Casitas Passroad, and it is believed that modefnequipment willenable it to combat suc-cessfully the 'trouble the former com-pany met with, y "_

This is the same lease which* theChannel oilcompany previously worked.Itwas obliged to abandon its first wellata depth of 300 feet-on account ofits becoming clogged; A second wellreached 1,000 feet, when there was:avery favorable seepage of oil,but muchtrouble with water -in this -well' forcedthe company to give it up also.

The Denton oil company of San Fran-cisco, which is controlled by the Paraf-flne paint, company and which"is op-erating* on a 1,233 acre lease of. theGutierrez ranch, just across the lineIn- Ventura ;county, has recently ex-pended $10,000"in . new equipment andstarted a new 16 inch hole. This hasbeen put down 160 feet in two weeks,and the company is prepared to go sev-eral thousand feet' deep jtn-order to jfindout,positively what' oil .bearing quali-ties the- land has. : ,--

This company has a lease of 70 acreson the .Higglns ranch about a milefrom Carpinteria and a quarter of amile from the beach.TEST TO BE THOROUGH .

> Ventura . advices state that activedevelopment work in the districtaround . the Santa Barbara- Venturacounty line . will soon -^demonstratewhether there is oil in that vicinityand settle a question that has puzzledmany people for a long time. <\u25a0'[ .

Of the three companies now drillingthe fRand consolidated oil company ofLos Angeles has sent its well down1.20P feet, where it has found consid-erable seepage of.oil with heavy gaspressure.': For the last few days waterhas caused trouble and work has beenstopped until the water can be shut off.

Several Deep Wells Are GoingDown on Santa Barbara-

Ventura Properties

The product of Brookshire No. 9, thelast -well,brought in,by, that company,has proved* better than was; predictedof .'it when^ trie" well came in. Up- todate it has produced ;nea.rly\ 16,000 bar-rels, or an average of 500 barrels^perday, exceeding

-by,100 1barrels .per day

what experts claimed :for -it when- itbegan to flow.

- ,';

Two rigs have been; put up by thePalmer Annex and spudding in will be-gin,this week. *.'•/: '\u25a0

Well 38, at the southeastern part ofthe Western Union lease, ,ls:down" over4,000 feet' The work of deepening thewell was to get a bigger flow of. oiland has proved successful, the produc-tion being almost double what it-usedto be. No. 40 has been on the beam forthe last' two weeks,, and is developingInto a producer of high grade oil.

The '- Ideal oil |company has finishedputting up two new rigs and are awalt Ting.the arrival of the machinery, which'is already on the way, to start drilling.

Another new :corporation is the Dis-patch oil .company, .which .will- sooncommence drilling on a" 40 'acre tractwhich they have leased for the Idealcompany. - . :


f: . '\

A. T. Kelsey of Los Angeles,' F. S. Glassof San Francisco and P. A. H. Arata ofSan Luis Obispo. ••

.'." ;'; .

The Santa Maria Eastside oil com-pany, just organized, intends to invadeCat canyon as soon as a, rig.can be putup and machinery installed. The •\u25a0 offi-cers and directors are: "W..'F. Young ofLos Angeles. ;,president;. Andrew, \u25a0F.Welch of San Francisco, vice president;

L.E. Ensign and G. W. C. Baker haveleased a tract of 57 acres in the south-west corner of the rancho de v:ia La-guna for 20 years and one-eighth roy-alty to the Casmalia .petroleum com-pany. \u25a0 . . \u0084-;.

Eugene J. Cantin et al. have deeded160 acres of land in section 12, town-ship 9, range- 33, to the Cantin land, oiland development company, and : \heFresno corporation will

-drill for. oil

here. ,-

\u25a0 • \u25a0

SANTA *MARIA,\May 10.—Advanceagents of a.syndicate of financiers havebeen investigating the prospects


natural "gas in this field for the. purposeof .establishing' a large piant and forpiping the gas to towns and cities along

the coast." A great quantity of gas isgoing to waste daily from the; wells inthis. part of the state". -,

Financiers Now InvestigatingField and WillUse Waste* V Product

The Lucile oil company,- section 6-21-15, cemented off the water in \u25a0 well No.3 in 8% Inch, casing. .Well No. 4'is1,854 feet deep,. 12% inches.-

' -\u25a0\u25a0'-,;-

There Is a full standard rig on thenortheast quarter of section 26-22-18,

built by Selma people; also a rig'onsection 22-22-18. S. Hopkins of Selmais in charge. .- .'. '. '.•-*. ".. ,

The Claremont oil company, section24-20-14, has material on the .groundfor a rig on the south line. This'prop-erty has 10 wells producing and- onewell drilling.

The Arica oil company, section 7-20-15, has completed well No. 7 at 2,155

feet in 654. and it is now on the beam,making 200 barrels per. day.

The Premier oil company";I.section 24-20-14, has material on the ground .forthree rigs on the west line of-Derrickboulevard and one on the south lineof the property. \u25a0 \u25a0 •;

The Muriel oil company, section 6-21-15, has cemented off the water in wellNo. 1 at 2,380 feet in 6%. The paysand willbe entered at about 2,500 feet.

The Shawmut oil company, section12-20-14, has 'brought in a new well,

No. 7, at 1,205 feet with 10 inch casing.It is on the beam, making 150 barrelsper day.


-The Los Angeles-Coalinga Syndicates

section 6-21-15. has 'cemented* off thewater in well No. 1at 2,415 feet in 8%inch .casing. Cement Expert Hayesreports the water shut off.

The Fifty-seven oil'company, section12-21-14, has pulled the 10 -inch casing

and will replace the same and shut offthe water at 1,650 feet. It has- madesome show of gas. \u25a0

* •' '• ~

The Boychester oil company, section18-21-15, is 2.200 feet, deep with 10 Inchcasing. The formation is tallying upwith the logs of the wells on section6-21-15. Reports just received stateoil is showing on wire lines.some: show of gas

The Elsinore oil.company, section 4-22-18, has a full standard rig, bunk-house and cookhouse. Itwill rig upsoon and get to drilling by the . firstof May... ;

The Silver Tip oil company, section6-21-15, has rebuilt rig No. 2 and isdrilling. The under-reamer lef t , inthe hole at the time of the fire has beenrecovered.

The Associated National Thirty oilcompany, section 22-19-15, has rig forwell No. 7 completed and i6ri-gging up.There are seven wells now producingon this 30 acres. . '

The American petroleum company, onsection 6-20-15, has completed rig forwell Xo. 7 and is now rigging up. Ma-terial is oj\ the ground for rig No. 1.The camp is completed. • • .

The Wabash oil company, section 24-20-14, has completed four rigs and willhave all rigged up next week: Threemore rigs will be built at once.

The Coalinga roadway oil company,section 2-21-14, Manager W. H. Kerr.reports that the property will.soon.bedeveloped, as arrangements are nowpending to drillupon the land.

The Pacific States petroleum com-pany, section 6-21-15. well.No. 1, wascompleted recently. This is on the beamfor the last few days and has madefro/n 200 to 600 barrels per day ofclean oil free from any signs of water.ARUAXGEMEXTS^FOR DRILLS

The Light oil extension company,section 6-20-16, is 925 -feet deep with15 inch screw pipe. The company isdrilling with a rotary rig averaging58 feet a day.

12-20-15, another new company, hasa standard rig completed and willsooncommence operations. ,

Among the oil companies recently in-corporated lit-San Francisco are the fol-lowing: ';

' 't

"~'. .-.. >;..'v'; \u25a0;..' ;'.'. V \u25a0-;\u25a0

.-Koololl company, capital $25,000; directors,George W. Kennedy,- V. J. diva, .Charles En-rlght, all of San Francisco. ,: :. \u25a0

r. I'etrolita oil company, capital" s2s,ooo; direct-ors;sA. O. Dorey. Floyd P. - Shank, kGeorge >D.Terls, all of San Francisco.

' . .-g Lucky Dog oilcompany; capital $25,000; direct-ors,'Rudolph Herold. D. F.~ Belden, R. Norfls;all of San Francisco. \u25a0

-'•--\u0084: ; • \u25a0

•.Happy Vista petroleum company,, capital.$25,-

000;, directors J.J.Lermen. R. W. Dennis, J. J.Weble.all of San Francisco.

-c.v ••--.r-- \u25a0-.

.Aloha petroleum company, capital $25,000; di-rectors— Milton Bernard,'; Alameda ;Roy A, Hu«-son,,Oakland; George E. Weaver. San Frandisco.'

;. Bon. Voyage oil;company, capital $25,000 ;. di-rectors, John ;.G.. Hopper, . George W. Austin,Charles J^ Bower.;

- - -••-:; ;\';

-•: r.:


Booming Business Finds Influxof Small Concerns



ATherLos; Angeles-McKittrick oil com-pa nyAha's va.-: lease lons the^r west

'half ;of

the, quarter, whilef- the • ConsolidatedMidway" claims'"6(r acres in- the\centerof

"the quarter, [crossing -.the .property

leased jby the Los^Angeles-McKittrick.Both companies?. were,drilling, the flat-ter,claiming; to be ;'down 'about 400 feet,while the* formerTclaims that its well isdown between 500 and 600 ? feet.-V'X

"'To*further.< confuse matters, S the"Los

Angeles-McKittrick <company; has sub-leased ;•its -

:property >' to •;, the %. MidwayNorthern ;oilycompany, Vand £it • Is>:saidthat *thls[company :means 1to jjprosecute'"development .work,staking .over 'all


mach<neryvand '---the': hole- as-lt?stahds.A few days ago theXConsolidated Mid-way oll.company; served notice upon theLos -Angeles-McKittrick ;to v vacate the'property, ,? but 'this

'hasj notV yet ;beendone. \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0_- ;\u25a0-/• :-\u25a0 '.'\u25a0 '\u25a0

''\u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0,•'-\u25a0 :':' ' \u25a0'.. •:'',\u25a0 :.;

Theres is;a controversy between theLos Angeles-McKlttrick oil-companyand the Consolidated .Midwa^y,' oil com-pany over title to'a certain tract in thenorthwests quarter ofisection 32-12-23/says the Oil Courier. -.* . \u25a0\u0084'. •; •


Subleasing of Claim Adds toComplexities of Squabble- '

Dividends ;~would"have '.been .paid inApril but for the „fact :\u25a0 that 1 there wassome controversy \u2666 arising from achange in ownership,* xand', in-conse- 1

quence the Midway;'Central receivedpayment for. but ?;i6.,!*days productionin the month of -March^ which; was" in-'sufficient to '.cover, the ;first Vdividend;'

It is ;reported:* that-

nearly Iall theearnings .of the .'company .in the Mc-Klttrick countryjwlirgro^lntp^dividends.%he estimated,: production 'for'April"Isabout 7,ooo

'barrels. V--: '^.. <\- . W

This ; company.,/ was /organized thefore part of •March. and>purchased ;60acres In the •; proved ; territory. InVtneMcKittrick -field

vand "40*inVthe North

Midway,S where 'they,- have^ been- operat-ing.

According to the Oil Courier, the Mid-way Central oil company willpay divi-dends of half.a cept;per share a monthand ,the first payment will \u25a0be > madeabout the 25th of this month; . ,/.

Reported That Half a Cent PerShare Is to Be -Paid -Monthly


The Coalinga Crown oil companysection 30-19-15. is 1.875 feet deep withS 1-4 inch casing. The formation isbrown shale. So far the bitt has pene-trated 800 feet and is still in brownBhale, . t

" . \u25a0 ,_,

The Kern trading and oil companyon section 36-19-16. has brought inwell No. 11. and -is making about 1500barrels per day of very nice oIU

The Cabinet- oil company, '.section'

\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'- -; ' '\u25a0'"-'"


The California . oil fields, limited, Ispushing work on the well in the south-east corner of section 34-19-15 beinganxious to get the, W. K. sand beforethe neighbors have too long a drawon it.

The Coalinga Central oil" company{formerly the St. Clair), operating a120 acre lease on section 12-20-14 'hasthree wells completed and one 'welldrilling.

The El Dee oil company, section* 18-20-16. has completed two standard rigson the south half of the section. 'Thervork of drilling willbe taken up in thenear future. \u0084



The Coallnga-KettJeman oil companyhas been organized to operate on theeast slope of th? Kettleman hills. Theexact locality of operations is withheldfrom the public, presumably on accountof the strength of the company.

The Coalinga National .petroleumcompany, section 8-20-15. is now 2,610<eet deep with 8% inch casing. A•hell to shut off the water, on shouldbe at. about 2.640 feet, according toAt^.er. logs near this^property.

-The Best Yet oil company, section

1-8-21-15, is over 1,370 feet with 10 inchcasing-; drilling much Improved. Thecompany reports that all of the assess-ment has been paid in, no delinquents.The company owns the 40 acres In feesnd is not disturbed on account of theFickett bilL

The Coalinga Security oil company,section 8-20-15. is 2.170 feet deep withthe rotary. Several shells have beenencountered and successfully drilledthrough. The hard shells that will testthe rotary will be met at about 2,400feet. The contractor is very confidentthat he will have no trouble in handlingthem when met.

Contractor A. M. Gilstrap reportsconsiderable rig building on the east\u25a0lope of the Kettleman hills. He hasa contract to build four standard rigson section 8-22-18; also four otherrigs not far from section 8. The ownersdesire to keep their identity hidden forthe present.


The California-Coalinga oil company,section' S-20-15, is operating on thesouth half of the north half of thesection; also on the southeast quarterleased from J. Fearon. Well No. 1,completed in the early part of Janu-ary, has been a very consistent pro-ducer, and Is now making 350 barrelsper day. Well No. 2is about 700 feetdeep with 15 inch screw casing.

The Spinks crude- oil company, sec-tion 12-20-14, Is 750 feet deep in wellNo. IE with 10 inch casing; in wellNo. 4D is SlO feet deep with B}4 inchcasing. Well No. 4A (Shawmut No.4) will be drilled deeper, as the old•wells have been improved that weredrilled deeper.

Tht.*; hands. TJie new owners will\u2666develop the property with up to datetools and methods. Well No. 1 wassunk to 800 feet with 9% inch casing,and then abandoned.

The Oceanic oil company, one of theold oil companies, engaged in develop-ment work in the Kettleman hills someyears ago. is showing signs of life.The property in section 30-21-18 has

through the hills to enable materialto be landed where wanted. A largeacreage in township 22 south, rangeIS east, stands of record In the nameofRudolph Spreckels, and mkny predictthat there willbe considerable develop-ment work in that locality s.oon.ACTIVITYOF OWNERS

against jumpers. Loads of materialare being hauled every day; consid-erable road work has been done

dicating a determination on the partof the promoters to hold the land

men are on a number of sections in-

vicinity of the Baird oil company,waiting the development of the com-pany's well. It would appear, from in-vestigations made, that all minerallands have been located, cabins and

large amount of material is on theground for rigs and buildings in the

The many reports that are comingin from the east slope of the Kettle-man hills suggest increased activity inthat district. A rig has been builton section 13-23-18; lumber and rigUmbers are on the ground for a fullstandard rig on section 22-23-IS. A

Each derrick that stands o\;er a com-pleted well, taking the entire field foran average, represents about $20,000.There are SO2 completed wells in theCoalinga field. This represents an In-vestment of $16,040,000. There are 172wells drillingthat will average at least$10,000 per well, from grass roots tothe well about to come in, or $1,720,000.

PETITIONS TO CONGRESSThis may be considered as a very low

estimate at this time, and furnishesfood for thought, as we are studyingthe bills now before congress that af-fect the life of the oil business in thisstate, and it behooves each stock holderIn these companies to assist in his lit-tle way toward getting recognition incongress. He can sign the numerouspetitions asking for $1 or more towardthis defense.

many derricks in the field. A fullstandard derrick and rig of today rep-resents an average outlay of $2,200.This includes the lumber and timbersfor derrick and rig, bullwheel. calf-wheel, the cost of building, rig ironsand rigging up, but does not Includethe late, up to date ideal rig irons,tools, boiler, engine, fuel and watertanks, but what is commonly knownas the "rig." There are today on theeast side and west side fields 954 der-ricks and rigs; this includes only pro-ducing wells and wells drilling, anddoes not take in the many derricksbuilt as assessment work. The 954"rigs'" represent $2,204,000 that is insight, and a much greater expense liesbeneath the surface, in the well itself.

The eye of the visitor as he ap-proaches Coalinga is attracted to the

Fresno Republican writes as follows:

The reports from the Coalinga dis-trict show a production for the monthof March amounting to 1,637,063 bar-;

rels. It is further stated that it wasfound necessary to draw on the stor-age to fill the- requirements for themonth.

The Coalinga correspondent of the

Completed Wells Number 802and Represent Investment

of $16,040,000 /

Much Greater Expense Lies Be=neath Surface in Coalinga

OH Fields

984 RIGS BUILT ATCOST OF $2,204,000

Pacific Coast oil-*\u25a0 company, capital$500,000; directors,/ F. R.- Drlnkh"ouseW. M. Brown, Lt

';%Slessinger," B'

*r!Jones; C."A- Koschnitzky; Maurice Ros-enthaL. Louis Hogran- _ . \u25a0 . ;\u25a0

;East \u25a0 Maricopa . oil \u25a0 compajiy, tcapital$100,QOO: -directors,; D,;k McPhee,V;E.::L.Reese, C A.-Malm,1 F.» J.* Corde^H. 1PP. West.;. \u25a0- if*-...;\u25a0.-• ;-;. *. \u0084'L


Hart' oil-company,, capitals $1,000,000 •directors, E:,lt^Llllenthai;J. ,W.Atkin-son; HarryiJ.,iHart,;•;•'Edgar \u25a0 L.;LewisJoseph L. Schmitt. '':\u25a0';\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0&.& \u25a0'- '\u0084::'•> ;\u25a0\<,, \u25a0\u25a0>

Good Fortun* oil. company, capital$25,000; directors, ;William •

HammondJr:,-T: P.'Kelly/CPhilippi; all;of Ala-meda.

-\u25a0..\u25a0•>.:*"\u25a0,\u25a0- *\u25a0/"'-•\u25a0...\u25a0


'\u25a0'^'f : \u25a0:.;\u25a0>" Trr:,' .;.--•'> ';,'";•''\u25a0»•",>.

San Francisco Capital 'lnterestedin:New Enterprises •';

The oil•* coppanies 'formed :in;San

Francisco this ;week, include- the "fol-lowing:"\u25a0-'•; ~i '.-.*. c-"'- ;\u25a0•; -', '\u25a0:\u25a0 <i \r'_'.',;>.',:: .:.

kiA dispatch ifrom Coalinga 1says -thatthei-salerof^thef W.-K;,?oll.company > for$4 a^ share, Vwhich;has»beeh pending ;foraome>. timer, has ;xfallenvithroughr;. The•question {ofithe *commission ;,to|be ,paid,;it

- isSreported, 'Vwaa- the"*

cause :.of t.thefailure]of .the- sale; to|gojthrough.v Thebrokers' wanted ?10;pen cent. vr The 'own-ers', ofithe .property; decline \u25a0 to:pay vthatmuch.' "...:''- T;v , "

.: \u0084

Ten.PerCent Commission Con-'\u25a04sidereid -Too -Much _by -Sellers :^'-


drilling.'1.J The ;Santa. Fe's Hands iiniNorth Mid-way,'\u25a0 for the most'part,"; were purchasedyears iago ifrom \u25a0 Chanslor 1;& \Canfieldand stlUsare marked on* the maps as theChanslor. & Canfield \Midway/ oil com-pariyVlands, i-It"was Areported that- theprice

'Was ;$2,000,000: \u25a0

us iTlie \u25a0Santa *Fe owns \u25a0 the-north half*of

the ;south? half .and '- the -isouth .half iofthe .."inorthwest quarter '> of : section ;25.,The • old reliable :well. .brought inby the Santa \u0084Fey" on . section .};;6,=

many times referred ;v to as the ;mostsatisfactory; 1gusher 'lti;the {whole Mid-way }field,-is stilljdoing about ,700rbai^*rels per day. ',|On the jsoutheast quarterof f'section 36, the;Santa Fe has 16 or 18rigs ;_up,< ready,*: orj"-nearly . ready, for

;ATheSanta Fe's wellon section 25-31-22,'broughtin a. short time ago,,flowedby ? spurts at ;the ;rate :of,1,000 :barrelsper;hour,:finally^ sanding. up. .It1is :be-lifevedthat when' this well is finished itwill-be fully equal, to .anything devel-oped inttiefSunset-Midway 'field,"alwaysexcepting/ of course,'the ;fabulous Lake-view. The Santa Fa is now ;drillingtwo more wells'on section 25.GUSHER' STILL FLOWS

section! 36-31-22, •has staked out:some

96 wells on^the, 4Bo acres and is drill-iing at a rate that, shows a.determina-tion: to

ldevelop: fully

~;the' territory as

rapidly as possible. ;.. \u25a0\u25a0'• The Santa »-Fe,which owns ;the .southeast quarter ofthe; same section, .is;practically- com-pelled,t,o drill along its

'lines ]to prevent

its-- neighbor from. draining its ."oilmeasures. !


":- : ;,-\u25a0 '-.V .. \u25a0 \u25a0'.. ',• j'i'

An additional incentive ito the, SantaFe;to get.'bus'yori:its new^r, lands isthe fact that the America Oilfields com-pany, which owns . three-quarters of

Meantime the" success of the Mays,the St. Lawrence, the

'California Mid-

way, the Pioneer Midway, La Belle,the Eagle Creek and 'its, own 'gushers

on section 6-32-23, and 25-31-22 hasprompted the decision on; the' part, ofthe Santa Fe to leave deep sandson section 8 undisturbed, for the pres-ent {and get its share of the rich creamits neighbors around Fellows ;are skim-ming.' -:\u25a0:.'"\u25a0\u25a0•!-\u25a0..; .\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0.:;': .

A recent article in the Bakersfielddealing with the Santa Fe's move

says that the present camp was locatedyears ago, when the Santa Fe was apioneer, in the North Midway field, andAs atthe end of a long string of shal-low wells, 1,500 feet or less In depth,which constituted the railroad com-pany's "first drilling bri the big tractpurchased from Chanslor & Canfield.These wells are fair producers, consid-ering their depth and cost of ,drilling,but they are eclipsed in the generalesteem by. the gushers recently broughtin farther north and west. It is be-lieved that deeper drillingon section 8will develop much more productivesands than those tapped in the SantaFe's present.w ells,;but the only, wellsunk far enough •toUest this theoryreached the deeper sand with such. asmall casing that its value could not beaccurately judged, jTO MOVE TO FELLOWS

-The Santa Fe has procured, much ofits- oil in the past by contract. .Theprospects of the company's land in theMidway field seem so good that thismethod virtually has been abandoned.President E. \u25a0P. Ripley made a carefulexamination of the new field and hasthought so well of the possibilities ofdevelopment that he has placed his sonIncharge.


\u25a0 A pioneer in the North Midway field,

the- Santa Fe company has done muchtoward the development of the Kerncounty


- fields,~but a new move is

contemplated, according .to the reports,of several prominent oilmen, that willcome near placing the Santa Fe at thehead of companies" operating in theMidway gusher belt. "The Santa- Fe isto move its 'headquarters from thepresent site near.' Midland to section6 of the same township near Fellows.The center of' the • company's activity

has shifted to the holdings grouped

about the terminus of the Sunset West-ern railroad and has/grown so rapidly

that the contemplated move is in real-ity a necessity. ;

Santa Fe Company Decides toStart Work on ItsProperty

Near Fellows

.S'.Th'e IShepherd-ZTeague andFrank £H.2Short \u25a0} are %the £largest $share;holders. ;•

"The fdirectors /pinthe ?;"com-

pany.'£ are*"B. :F.Y; Shepherd.

/league? -Frank ;H.' Short," E.vR. Bishop

and>W.',G:;Cochrane. f ;:: ; Vr r ;. \u0084,;

'*\;The<company . 'owns \u25a0;large Aterritory,in.the heart of Midway. J.It.was formedby4;the Shepherd-Teague' company/ someyears ago,?; and^riearlyj all"the stockholders^ai'e'Fresnolpeople.'? •; ~ ;

There was a melon, cutting therotherday :when

'the Producers'; oil

'company/guaranteed, of;Fresno,; distributed $80,-000 amongllts stock] holders, amounting,to sl a"share. f^lthwas^announced; thatthe

" company 'expects* from"?;nowibn's topayi a^like'dividend semlannually. ? TheProducers'.; oil'company^ is

'a;close tcor-;

poration >and 1has 'never! had^any;stockon' the

*market: :V>;X,;\u25a0- ;/.'. :.":•\u25a0 ;•:'';.'.\u25a0: --'.

$80,000, $1 a Shared Is Divide*!Among^Stock^ Holders'; •


:-.The=Robinson-Kahn; company: has\u25a0purchased;? the 'controliingMnterest -.in.the }Maricopa^ Producers'; oilTcbmpany, 1

located • ih>.the f.southwest vquarter .^ofsection 18tll-23; ;;>Well No." 1-is "down,650 5 feet, '.withithe'i16"inchicasing. ,•The_southern jsection- ofitheineld*is ;rapidlycbmingjinto?. prominence Jby treason iTof,the U extensive -.^'developments \u25a0» inaugru-Tatedtrecentlyiby^thie] Santa* Feiahdithe

oilfields company.' "

Change in;the Maricopa '.. Pro-ducers* Oil Company


-The Hart joil;company-


the holdings of Leland :&Dyer, sections'3,Ul and 13,.Inc3l-23,: Elk .-ridge, saysthe •BakersfleldtOil Journal, and has .leta.contract with.the S.V&«M.\u25a0drili:'com-;pariy

'of San Francisco,- employing1 the '<

rotary system, *for two..wells. *The ;Hart

oil jcompany, .capitalized ;:for;;$1,000,000,is -a close •''corporation^' composed "of >E.R.Xiilienthal,-president, ofithe-Northernelectric company, of-San Jo-seph ,L.'.:Schmitt;: treasurer Western? fuelcompany; JT. "W.'Atkinspn,;.vlce president,Pihal ioilt company i<Edgar I*vLewis/Hawaiian v|irrigation;.' company, /andHarry. J:VH%t^of jthe

'Los; An&eles'oiland development? company.! r


Hart Oil Company Will Put- Down;Two:We lls on Property/



Coalinga Oil District Produces 1,637,063 Barrels in MonthEASTSIDE FIELD IN THE COALINGA DISTRICT







The Parkfield San Antonio'Oil Company

Will Soon Be Drilling


• Mr.Wm. H. Mehrten, the Superintendent, reports that a completedrillingoutfit is now being installed and the drillwillsoon be churningand digging its way to the oil.

He reports that .the first oil sand should be struck within thirtydays <3f drilling at least. Mr.Mehrten drilled this ground and broughtin a well of high gravity oilon this same property eleven years ago.This is proof that he knows whereof he speaks. The old well subse-quently caved from lack of attention because of the lack of marketingfacilities at that time.

The Independent Producers, whose pipe line is but a few milesbelow this property, now want this light oil to mix with their heavyoil to aid its transportation to Port Hartford. :v,--

The Parkfield San A*ntonio Oil Company has leased THREETHOUSAND acres in the midst of some of the strongest oilindicationsin the State. The property includes the site of the old well where theexistence of light gravity -oil has been proven. - *-vi

When this oilis reached again this opportunity willhave passed..-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 . « .i \u25a0

|With three thousand acres of the best oil land obtain-able in this high gravity oil district under, lease this com»pany's possible profit is stupendous. Send us the coupon

]below. It may mean your fortune.The "officers of this company are men of well-known integrity andability. Tljey are men who stand high in public esteem.Treasury stock only is offered for subscription at 15c per share

payable in^ five equal -monthly installments, or deduct 5% if cash ac-cotnpanics <your order. ';1. V

4 > Subscribe today, or.send the coupon now for further information.This stock is "being purchased steadily and the offering is limited? • Convincing samples of the oil indications are on display at \u25a0 our.office. We are glad to -have you call."

, Address all communications and make subscriptions payable to


v Suite 728-730 Phelan Building

-„."-:. . \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0__•.\u25a0\u25a0- . . <

Yeagrer-Van Dorn Company, .728-730 Phelan Building:,

,' ,' .Sun Francisco, Cal. ,, Gentlemen: ' . -.'^.W-';

• Without any obligation on my part.' please send me further in-formation regarding the rParkfleld San Antonio Oil Company.lv %

'-'\u25a0 Yours -truly,

. ':"\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•:•'«\u25a0' -'\~:~?- \u25a0V'vr .--.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'' , .-' -.*"'.'

The Cblumbine'Oll Company owns 1.000 acres of practlcallv nrnv.n «nlands in the great San Juan oil fields. Southeastern Utah. Oil teat«-«^Ucent gravity, with parafflne base. . v tests 3S per

y A test wasimade. using crude oil in a gasoline engine and th« -v»L^V>says it Is better than gasoline, and this oil was out of the w«»ii fn crtyears. Fairbanks-Morse man was astonished.

- cU rr°r two'For a short time, only stock selling at 10 cents per shar« T>rtn'» t

\u25a0g^^efore the 'advance. ;For. furthe? Information^ddresa 6Ho^e 'pfone"H. W. HUTCHINSOX, jitmt. Secy •

\u25a0-\u25a0-.'' '

\u25a0- - , .• \u25a0

'\u25a0\u25a0'' '

;c4sii?'" \u25a0/ :--y. v /'* -"**\u25a0**"••\u25a0*•.•••••••*•••,•*•.•.••••••••\u2666•......;