C191-E047 Solutions Offered by Shimadzu Corporation Data Integrity Compliance in the Analytical Laboratory

C191-E047 Data Integrity Compliance in the Analytical

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Page 1: C191-E047 Data Integrity Compliance in the Analytical

Data Integrity C

ompliance in the A

nalytical Laboratory


Solutions Offered by Shimadzu Corporation

Data Integrity Compliance in the Analytical Laboratory

© Shimadzu Corporation, 2019First Edition: February 2019, Printed in Japan 3655-02902-20AIT

Reducing Potential Risks in Analysis/Postrun Work�ow - LabSolutions DB/CS Report Set

It is impossible to determine from looking at a chromatogram or other analytical data obtained whether or not the data was acquired using

correct test parameter settings (such as instrument or data processing parameter settings). Furthermore, the possibility of test parameters being

tampered with cannot be ruled out. However, LabSolutions DB/CS Report Set can be used to link analytical data with metadata (results from

parameter settings, data analysis, and other processes that involve human intervention) and with the entire series of actions recorded in the

operation log, so that the data can be reviewed in an electronically managed state. In other words, metadata and operation records are

displayed in a visible form, so that they can be reviewed together with the analytical data.

LabSolutions is a trademark of Shimadzu Corporation.

Windows and Excel are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.

Preparation ofsamples

Implementation ofanalysis

Analysis conditionssettings


Peak integrationparameters


Breakdown of Other Reports• Instrument parameter reports• Data processing parameter reports• Calibration curve reports

Generation and storageof analytical data



Link(Between data to the Report Set)

Report Set

Operational log reports

Other reports


Breakdown of the Report Set


Inside the LabSolutions Database







Batch reports

Electronic signature

Electronic signature

Process Flowchart for Using LabSolutions DB/CS Report Sets

Note: LabSolutions DB/CS Report Set functionality is compatible with HPLC, GC, LCMS, UV, FTIR, and RF devices.

Note: Contact Shimadzu separately about the speci�cations and functionality of speci�c instruments related to strengthening data integrity.

For more information about Shimadzu solutions for strengthening

data integrity, go to the following website.


• Searches of reports and report generation

can be performed for each batch or each

data set, with reports saved in PDF format

in a database.

• Collecting the information automatically

helps avoid arbitrary report gathering and

operating errors.

• Data can be locked at the point it is

created to ensure the Report Set

includes the most recent data.



Page 2: C191-E047 Data Integrity Compliance in the Analytical

Data integrity means the completeness of data. It expresses an assurance that all the data is included and that there are no inconsistencies.

LabSolutions DB/CS software enables compliance with data integrity requirements by providing a total system for managing analytical instruments

and test information in a single location. It not only improves the ef�ciency of testing processes, but also prevents data tampering.

Strengthen Data Integrity with LabSolutions™ DB/CS

Data integrity can be improved not only for chromatography and spectroscopy instruments, but also for analytical balances and various other

devices used in analytical laboratories.

Data Integrity for Various Analytical and Testing Instruments

From small standalone systems (devices and computers) to networked or cloud-based systems of large numbers of analytical and measuring

instruments, LabSolutions DB/CS can provide systems optimized for the given laboratory scale and form of operation.

Build a System Optimized for Each Specific Laboratory

Automate Report Creation

Excel® is often used for quantitative calculation of analytical data, but that could prevent obtaining correct results due to errors or alterations,

such as when transcribing analytical results, creating or storing Excel® �les, or printing or storing Excel® reports.

The multi-data report function in LabSolutions DB/CS can automate such processes and reduce the risk of errors and other problems. It can

also consolidate the data from different instrument types into a single report.

Manage Data Securely

Storing data �les, method �les, etc. in Windows® folders labeled with the

analyst's name or arranged by date can result in the following.

• Files could be deleted, copied, moved, or renamed.

• Original data or data from postrun analysis could be overwritten.

• Identically named �les could be saved in separate folders.

A system that provides highly reliable data, and prevents data tampering,

can be built by centrally managing the various data obtained from the

various analytical instruments in the laboratory in a LabSolutions DB/CS


• Use a database to manage instruments, users, and analytical data.

• Projects can be created in the database, based on given operations.

Outline of the Multi Data Report Function

Using Projects to Manage Data More SecurelyUsing Projects to Manage Data More Securely

Management can be suited to tasks!

LabSolutions server

Project A

Access OKProject


Project B

Access OK




Makes it more convenient to search for data,because only data from related projects is visible.

Managing User Operations (Processes) Appropriately

Data integrity requires not only restricting access to laboratory analytical instruments, but also assigning speci�c user privileges to analytical

laboratory personnel.

To ensure user privileges are speci�ed appropriately, visualize the work�ow by creating a process �ow chart and then use LabSolutions DB/CS

to register users and specify user privilege settings for implementing that work�ow.

Mr. A Mr. B Mr. C Ms. D Mr. E Ms. F

Routine Analytical Processes

Not received(returned)


Not received(non-conforming)

ISystem Owner

IIProcess Owner

IIITest Manager

IVTest Assistant


In Charge of InstrumentOperation and Testing

CoordinatesTesting Processes

ManagesTesting Operations

Manages SystemOperation

(manages LabSolutions)

Manages SystemInfrastructure

(manages computers)

Management Processes

Check and change operatingsystem settings

Check and adjust operatingsystem clock setting

Check and changeoperating system usersand user privileges

Check and changesecurity

Check and change usersand user privileges

Instrument connectionsettings

Backing up and restoring

Check and change projects (location for saving data)

Create report formats for Report Set

Create method �les

Create batch �les (sequence �les for executing a continuous series of analyses)

Repeat operations (postrun analyses, etc.)

Review Report Set

Start up instruments

(Make slight adjustments to methods)

Execute analyses

Con�rm analyses are �nished

Example of User Privilege Groups and Work�ow Recommended by LabSolutions DB/CS

Standardizing User Management and Deploying User Privileges for Other Instrument Types

In addition to LC and GC systems, analytical laboratories use UV, FTIR, ICPMS, and other types of instruments. However, the process of

managing the users of those instruments and assigning user privileges for each instrument type is extremely tedious and time-consuming. If

LabSolutions DB/CS is used, user management operations can be standardized for all instruments and user privileges speci�ed for LC or GC

systems can also be deployed for other types of instruments.


Chromatography-speci�c IR-speci�cUV-speci�c ICPMS-speci�c

CommonLabSolutions DB/CS

User Privileges

Contact Shimadzu separately about instruments not shown here.

LabSolutions DB/CS User Privileges


Data 1 Data 2 Data 3



Report Template

Data 1 Data 2 Data 3

Conc.(mg/L) 3.019 2.998 3.011

Ave.(mg/L) 3.009

Create ReportLabSolutions DB

• Standard Function Support

• Create Reports

• Audit Trail Support

Template Editor

LabSolutions Database

Work�ow Example

Create and check Report Set

Page 3: C191-E047 Data Integrity Compliance in the Analytical

Data integrity means the completeness of data. It expresses an assurance that all the data is included and that there are no inconsistencies.

LabSolutions DB/CS software enables compliance with data integrity requirements by providing a total system for managing analytical instruments

and test information in a single location. It not only improves the ef�ciency of testing processes, but also prevents data tampering.

Strengthen Data Integrity with LabSolutions™ DB/CS

Data integrity can be improved not only for chromatography and spectroscopy instruments, but also for analytical balances and various other

devices used in analytical laboratories.

Data Integrity for Various Analytical and Testing Instruments

From small standalone systems (devices and computers) to networked or cloud-based systems of large numbers of analytical and measuring

instruments, LabSolutions DB/CS can provide systems optimized for the given laboratory scale and form of operation.

Build a System Optimized for Each Specific Laboratory

Automate Report Creation

Excel® is often used for quantitative calculation of analytical data, but that could prevent obtaining correct results due to errors or alterations,

such as when transcribing analytical results, creating or storing Excel® �les, or printing or storing Excel® reports.

The multi-data report function in LabSolutions DB/CS can automate such processes and reduce the risk of errors and other problems. It can

also consolidate the data from different instrument types into a single report.

Manage Data Securely

Storing data �les, method �les, etc. in Windows® folders labeled with the

analyst's name or arranged by date can result in the following.

• Files could be deleted, copied, moved, or renamed.

• Original data or data from postrun analysis could be overwritten.

• Identically named �les could be saved in separate folders.

A system that provides highly reliable data, and prevents data tampering,

can be built by centrally managing the various data obtained from the

various analytical instruments in the laboratory in a LabSolutions DB/CS


• Use a database to manage instruments, users, and analytical data.

• Projects can be created in the database, based on given operations.

Outline of the Multi Data Report Function

Using Projects to Manage Data More Securely

Management can be suited to tasks!

LabSolutions server

Project A

Access OKProject


Project B

Access OK




Makes it more convenient to search for data,because only data from related projects is visible.

Managing User Operations (Processes) Appropriately

Data integrity requires not only restricting access to laboratory analytical instruments, but also assigning speci�c user privileges to analytical

laboratory personnel.

To ensure user privileges are speci�ed appropriately, visualize the work�ow by creating a process �ow chart and then use LabSolutions DB/CS

to register users and specify user privilege settings for implementing that work�ow.

Mr. A Mr. B Mr. C Ms. D Mr. E Ms. F

Routine Analytical Processes

Not received(returned)


Not received(non-conforming)

ISystem Owner

IIProcess Owner

IIITest Manager

IVTest Assistant


In Charge of InstrumentOperation and Testing

CoordinatesTesting Processes

ManagesTesting Operations

Manages SystemOperation

(manages LabSolutions)

Manages SystemInfrastructure

(manages computers)

Management Processes

Check and change operatingsystem settings

Check and adjust operatingsystem clock setting

Check and changeoperating system usersand user privileges

Check and changesecurity

Check and change usersand user privileges

Instrument connectionsettings

Backing up and restoring

Check and change projects (location for saving data)

Create report formats for Report Set

Create method �les

Create batch �les (sequence �les for executing a continuous series of analyses)

Repeat operations (postrun analyses, etc.)

Review Report Set

Start up instruments

(Make slight adjustments to methods)

Execute analyses

Con�rm analyses are �nished

Example of User Privilege Groups and Work�ow Recommended by LabSolutions DB/CS

Standardizing User Management and Deploying User Privileges for Other Instrument Types

In addition to LC and GC systems, analytical laboratories use UV, FTIR, ICPMS, and other types of instruments. However, the process of

managing the users of those instruments and assigning user privileges for each instrument type is extremely tedious and time-consuming. If

LabSolutions DB/CS is used, user management operations can be standardized for all instruments and user privileges speci�ed for LC or GC

systems can also be deployed for other types of instruments.


Chromatography-speci�c IR-speci�cUV-speci�c ICPMS-speci�c

CommonLabSolutions DB/CS

User Privileges

Contact Shimadzu separately about instruments not shown here.

LabSolutions DB/CS User Privileges


Data 1 Data 2 Data 3



Report Template

Data 1 Data 2 Data 3

Conc.(mg/L) 3.019 2.998 3.011

Ave.(mg/L) 3.009

Create ReportLabSolutions DB

• Standard Function Support

• Create Reports

• Audit Trail Support

Template Editor

LabSolutions Database

Work�ow Example

Create and check Report Set

Page 4: C191-E047 Data Integrity Compliance in the Analytical

Data Integrity C

ompliance in the A

nalytical LaboratoryC191-E047

Solutions Offered by Shimadzu Corporation

Data Integrity Compliance in the Analytical Laboratory

© Shimadzu Corporation, 2019First Edition: February 2019, Printed in Japan 3655-02902-20AIT

Reducing Potential Risks in Analysis/Postrun Work�ow - LabSolutions DB/CS Report Set

It is impossible to determine from looking at a chromatogram or other analytical data obtained whether or not the data was acquired using

correct test parameter settings (such as instrument or data processing parameter settings). Furthermore, the possibility of test parameters being

tampered with cannot be ruled out. However, LabSolutions DB/CS Report Set can be used to link analytical data with metadata (results from

parameter settings, data analysis, and other processes that involve human intervention) and with the entire series of actions recorded in the

operation log, so that the data can be reviewed in an electronically managed state. In other words, metadata and operation records are

displayed in a visible form, so that they can be reviewed together with the analytical data.

LabSolutions is a trademark of Shimadzu Corporation.

Windows and Excel are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.

Preparation ofsamples

Implementation ofanalysis

Analysis conditionssettings


Peak integrationparameters


Breakdown of Other Reports• Instrument parameter reports• Data processing parameter reports• Calibration curve reports

Generation and storageof analytical data



Link(Between data to the Report Set)

Report Set

Operational log reports

Other reports


Breakdown of the Report Set


Inside the LabSolutions Database







Batch reports

Electronic signature

Electronic signature

Process Flowchart for Using LabSolutions DB/CS Report Sets

Note: LabSolutions DB/CS Report Set functionality is compatible with HPLC, GC, LCMS, UV, FTIR, and RF devices.

Note: Contact Shimadzu separately about the speci�cations and functionality of speci�c instruments related to strengthening data integrity.

For more information about Shimadzu solutions for strengthening

data integrity, go to the following website.


• Searches of reports and report generation

can be performed for each batch or each

data set, with reports saved in PDF format

in a database.

• Collecting the information automatically

helps avoid arbitrary report gathering and

operating errors.

• Data can be locked at the point it is

created to ensure the Report Set

includes the most recent data.

