C ontentsbevconwayors.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/YSR-Sir... · 2016-01-23 · Custom-engineered bulk handling solutions by L&T MPIL well-engineered for PEB and roofing 64 Product

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Page 1: C ontentsbevconwayors.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/YSR-Sir... · 2016-01-23 · Custom-engineered bulk handling solutions by L&T MPIL well-engineered for PEB and roofing 64 Product
Page 2: C ontentsbevconwayors.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/YSR-Sir... · 2016-01-23 · Custom-engineered bulk handling solutions by L&T MPIL well-engineered for PEB and roofing 64 Product


Minerals & Metals Review - December 2012 2

03 Market ReportsSteel - Prices displaying weakened trend across India

Aluminium - Favourable manufacturing data from US,China to push prices up

Copper - Tied down to a trading range

Zinc - Outdoes other base metals with double digit returns

Lead - Good auto numbers to keep battery metal on firm note

Nickel - A top gainer in the last quarter of 2012

Tin - Prices showed rising trend at the end of November]

Bullion - Steady rally almost through the month

Silver - Likely to remain entangled within demand &economic optimism

16 Material HandlingElectroMech - a well-engineered hoisting solutions provider

Improving material handling efficiency

Employing automation for efficient handling of bulk material

Indian Railways to play crucial role in material handling

Efficient engineering from Demag for crane installations

Infrastructure spend triggers demand for trucks in India

Need for advanced mining equipment to exploit minerals

Tenova TAKRAF - successful global giant in material handling

Core sector of economy revolves around mining equipment

Layout and efficient material handling vital for businesses

FL Smidth - well-positioned to meet mining needs

Mining material handling sees newer developments

51 In ConversationIndia's material handling equipment sector to grow 20% yoy

HCVs market to grow at CAGR of 6-8 per cent

Technological transformations to propel MHE industry

60 Company ProfileCustom-engineered bulk handling solutions by L&T

MPIL well-engineered for PEB and roofing

64 Product ProfileSandvik anchoring Indian mining sector with innovation

65 SteelGlobal mkt for aerospace fasteners to reach $ 6.8 b by 2018

69 CopperGlobal copper giants expect demand to improve in H2 2012

71 TechnologyMessung - a pioneer in indigenous automation technology

73 Emerging TechnologiesConcentrating Solar Power in India report

76 Statistics

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Minerals & Metals Review - December 2012 51

ith over two decades ofrich experience, BevconWayors is today one of

the industry leaders in providinghigh-quality, technologicallyadvanced and bulk materialhandling systems and solutions.

Y Srinivas Reddy, ManagingDirector, Bevcon Wayors, isdriving enterprise adoption of itsengineering solutions acrosscompany's top of the linecustomers. Under his leadership,Bevcon achieved rapid growthand delivered enterprises classengineering solutions to Global2000 Customers. His fervour fordesign engineering has led tonumerous innovations inBevcon's Range of products whileensuring high quality and fasterturnaround times.

In an interview with PareshParmar, he discusses on thetrends shaping India's mining &material handling sector at presentand also provides his strategies forfurther growth…

Where does India stand in termsof mining machinery as comparedto other developing countries?India lags behind in terms ofmining mechanization whichcreates large demand-supply gaps.Mechanization costs are very highdue to total dependence on theimported machinery & technologythat results in high cost solutionsthus pushing most of the minersadopting conventional methods.

However things are improving


currently with most of the foreignmining machinery manufacturersestablishing production centers inIndia and are ready to sharetechnologies. Due to highcompetition, overall technologyand machinery costs are going tocome down in due course.

Is there any shift in demandfor mining equipment due tocoal-related issues?I don't see any shift because the coalmines which are under debate anddiscussions are yet to startoperations hence impact on thepresent mining equipment demand

"There is great scope for the MHE industry infuture as we have abundant possibilities to exploremines in various sectors once the guiding policiesare clearly defined by the governmentwith regard to environment, landacquisitions and method of awardingcontracts in a transparent manner"

Y Srinivas ReddyManaging Director, Bevcon Wayors

India's material handling equipmentsector to grow at 20 pc yoy

Asia's Larget, 2 X 500TPH Haldia Coke Handling system (Cleated BeltConveyor) at TATA Steel, Jamshedpur

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Minerals & Metals Review - December 2012 52

is minimal. However futuredemand of mining equipment isgoing to surge since most of themines will kick-start theiroperations soon to keep up withtheir commitments to government.

These coal issues havedefinitely brought some clarity andawareness in the mining which isa good sign.

What is the market size of thematerial handling equipmentindustry?Material Handling Equipment(MHE) can be classified as cateringto two different needs of materialhandling - unit handling and bulkload handling. The size of theIndian MHE industry is estimatedat around Rs 5,000 cr and is likelyto grow at 20 per cent year-on-year over next five years, inkeeping with overall economicgrowth. There are nearly 200small to major players in theIndian MHE industry.

What are the major challengesconfronting MHE industry?There is great scope for the MHEindustry in future as we have

abundant possibilities to exploremines in various sectors once theguiding policies are clearly definedby the government with regard toenvironment, land acquisitionsand method of awarding contractsin transparent manner. I am verymuch optimistic that Indianmaterial handling industry willhave golden days ahead.

How do you look at technologicaltransformation in the industry?Technological upgradation ismandatory to survive in thepresent competitive environment.Hence we have developed two-levelstrategy to enhance thetechnological upgradation of theproduct profile.

Firstly, by self-reliancemethod wherein we have in-house engineering researchdepartment for developing 8-10new material handling productsevery year. In fact, they are thelifelines for organization growthand make us absolutelycompetitive in the market.

Secondly, by collaborationswith foreign companies results inexchange of technology. As on

date we have tied up withFleximat from Austria for criticalscreening applications; Fredriechfrom Germany for unbalancedmotors and exciters for our sizersand feeders; Rollier from Spainfor fine screening applications;and FMK from Poland forstockyard applications.

Given the slowdown in coreactivities, what impact haveyou observed?Yes, there is overall slowdown incore sector growth, however, forBevcon impact is negligible interms of order realisations sinceour presence is all around bulkmaterial handling industry andvast range product basket keeps usvery busy.

Brief us about yourbusiness model?Our strategy of business is to caterto the needs of client in allrespects from concept tocommissioning by manufacturingalmost all equipment needed in aproject so that we have totalcontrol on timeline commitments,cost and quality. It is a greatadvantage to customer wherein heis sourcing all the equipment fromone roof and counting on us infixing clear responsibility andaccountability which we prefer. Tomeet these challenges we havethree verticals in the organisation:ITP (Integrated Turnkey Projects),MHE (Material HandlingEquipments) and AFD -manufacturing of dust control andpneumatic conveying systems.

Which are your main products?Bevcon specializes in newgeneration material handlingequipment which caters to presentday demands of bulk materialhandling industries.

Equipment like steep angleconveyors, air-cushioned-belt-conveyor, Sandwich type highangle conveyors, cost effectivepollution free pneumaticconveying systems, special flip

Radial Stacker for Coal Stockyard at IMFA

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Minerals & Metals Review - December 2012 53

flow screens for high moisturematerial screening applications,high efficient sugar graders, etc.

It also includes fines screeningand crushing equipment;stockyard equipment like radialstackers, liner stackers &reclaimers; and conventionalmaterial handling equipment likebelt conveyors, bucket elevators,screw conveyors, chain conveyorsetc, among others.

On your expansion plans inIndia and globally…Being in material handlingbusiness sector our prime aim isto align to market dynamics basedon the developments and progressour expansion plans are derivedfrom. Currently we are focusingexpanding or business to miningsector which is going to growrapidly in future. With regard toglobal plans we are alreadysupplying our equipment directlyand indirectly with associatingIndian customers.

Any plans to enter new segments?Yes, we are developing newproducts which are going tocater to the needs of mining

Sandwich Belt Conveyor

sector and as well we areseriously exploring manufactureof stockyard equipment.

Who are your end users? Give usa break up of your revenues?Our end users to name a few areITC Bhadrachalam, Action Ispat,Kamachi, Jindal Steel & Power Ltd,Monet Ispat, Reliance, Ultratech,Jaypee Group, Mangalam Cements,GVK, etc.

Discipline, performance andintegrity is on top of ourorganization agenda due to strongfundamentals right from inceptionand we have achieved significantgrowth in all the fields of projectmanagement executing many firstof kind projects in India. Bevconis profit making company from theinception and have grown atCAGR rate of 40 per cent since2006. Last year our sales turnoverwas Rs 182 crore.

Give us an idea of yourgeographical presence and tie-upswith similar players?Bevcon is a two decade old leaderin manufacturing materialhandling equipment based inHyderabad with pan India

presence having regional officeslocated in Pune, Chennai, Kolkata,Bhubaneswar, Delhi, Vadodara.

We provide concept tocommissioning solutions andexecute turnkey projects for allmaterial handling applications. Wehave two ISO certifiedmanufacturing units streamlinedback end process through SAPIntegration, in-house developmentof IT Services and Software's forproject, planning, design,execution and monitoring. Bevconhas credit of developing innovativematerial handling equipmentthrough in-house engineeringresearch division and bytechnological collaboration withforeign firms.

Bevcon has also collaboratedwith many top engineeringcompanies located in America,Europe, Australia and Asia.

What are your capex plans?Unique advantage and strength ofthe Bevcon is there is no financialliability. As on date, all thecapex will be planned withinternal reserves.

With demand of higher capacityequipment in mining, power andsteel sectors, what will be yourstrategic plans ahead?We have clear strategy derived tomeet the challenges going to comefrom high capacity conveying. Wecollaborated with FMK POLANDfor manufacturing stockyardequipment, stackers and reclaimersand also have technicalcollaboration with Atlanta basedcompany M/s. Dos Santos for longdistance and high capacityconveying conveyors as well assandwich conveyors which hasmajor role to play in mining, steeland power sectors.

Your outlook for MHE industry…Demand for bulk material handlingin India is very good and likely togrow at 20 per cent year-on-yearover next five years, in keepingoverall economic growth.