BARTRAM SPRINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Batiram Springs Community Development District was held Monday, August 12, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. at the Bartram Springs Club Amenity Center, 14530 Cherry Lake Drive, Jacksonville, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Kevin Colcord Chairman Jay King Vice Chairman Marty Kaufman Supervisor Andrew Walden Supervisor James Chipman Supervisor Also present were: Jim Oliver District Manager Carl Eldred District Counsel (by telephone) John Lucansky Bartram Club Manager Dan Fagen Vesta/Amenity Services Group Winslow Wheeler Vesta/Amenity Services Group The following is a summary of the actions taken at the August 12, 2019 meeting. A copy of the proceedings can be obtained by contacting the District Manager. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Oliver called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called the roll. Mr. Oliver stated I would like to offer an amendment to the agenda to consider the suspension of a resident for violating the district's pool policies. On MOTION by Mr. Kaufman seconded by Mr. King with four in favor this item was added to the agenda. Mr. Oliver stated we will add this item under the amenity manager's report. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments There being none, the next item followed.

by SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS - Bartram Springs, Florida€¦ · THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Action Items for Follow-Up . Mr. Oliver stated I will circulate my meeting notes when I

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Page 1: by SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS - Bartram Springs, Florida€¦ · THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Action Items for Follow-Up . Mr. Oliver stated I will circulate my meeting notes when I


The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Batiram Springs Community

Development District was held Monday, August 12, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. at the Bartram Springs Club

Amenity Center, 14530 Cherry Lake Drive, Jacksonville, Florida.

Present and constituting a quorum were:

Kevin Colcord Chairman Jay King Vice Chairman Marty Kaufman Supervisor Andrew Walden Supervisor James Chipman Supervisor

Also present were:

Jim Oliver District Manager Carl Eldred District Counsel (by telephone) John Lucansky Bartram Club Manager Dan Fagen Vesta/ Amenity Services Group Winslow Wheeler Vesta/ Amenity Services Group

The following is a summary of the actions taken at the August 12, 2019 meeting. A copy

of the proceedings can be obtained by contacting the District Manager.


Mr. Oliver called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called the roll.

Mr. Oliver stated I would like to offer an amendment to the agenda to consider the

suspension of a resident for violating the district's pool policies.

On MOTION by Mr. Kaufman seconded by Mr. King with four in favor this item was added to the agenda.

Mr. Oliver stated we will add this item under the amenity manager's report.


There being none, the next item followed.

Page 2: by SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS - Bartram Springs, Florida€¦ · THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Action Items for Follow-Up . Mr. Oliver stated I will circulate my meeting notes when I

August 12, 2019 Bartram Springs Community Development District

TIDRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the July 15, 2019 Meeting

On MOTION by Mr. Kaufman seconded by Mr. King with all in favor the minutes of the July 15, 2019 meeting were approved as presented.

FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2019-07 Declaring Series 2016 Project Complete

Mr. Eldred stated the engineer's certificate attached to the resolution detennines that the

project has been completed and has been constructed in accordance with the project specifications,

etc. We then certify to the bondholder that we did what we said we would do, we spent the funds

on the project and they have been built to the appropriate specifications. We still have to insert

the final numbers and attach the assessment lien to the resolution and I ask that you approve the

resolution in substantial form.

On MOTION by Mr. King seconded by Mr. Walden with all in favor Resolution 2019-07 was approved in substantial form.

FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Preview of Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Projects

This item tabled.

SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Landscaping Matters

The board discussed an area of right of way going to the entry being maintained by

VerdeGo at no cost to the district and staff was directed to talk to the developer of the property

about maintaining the right ofway and median.

Staff to send a letter to owners ofproperty on a pond that since the property does not belong

to CDD and is homeowners' property the district will maintain to keep the integrity of the ponds

and to check with the engineer to see the obligations of the district. Jim, George and Carl will

draft letter, district will maintain only to maintain the integrity of the pond.

SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Fiscal Year 2020 Agreements


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August 12, 2019 Bartram Springs Community Development District

A. Vesta

Mr. Oliver stated the pricing for all the services is on page 8 and that is exactly the numbers

in your adopted budget. On the next page are some minimal increases for the next couple ofyears.

If you approve that, counsel will prepare the agreement.

Mr. Chipman joined the meeting during this item.

On MOTION by Mr. Colcord seconded by Mr. Kaufman with four in favor and Mr. King abstaining due to a conflict of interest the agreement with Vesta for fiscal year 2020 services was approved.

EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Requisitions

This item removed from agenda.


Consideration of Suspension ofAmenity Privileges for Violation of Pool Policies

Mr. Oliver stated this is regarding a resident who refused to comply with district policies.

On Sunday, August 11, 2019, the resident refused staffs instructions to leave the pool area when

thunder was heard.

Mr. Colcord stated I was called to the pool because a resident refused to leave the pool

area. We follow red cross rules with regard to lightning and thunder, which is when you hear

thunder you clear the pool deck for 30 minutes. Everybody cleared the pool deck and we had one

lady who was at the gazebo grilling, she refused to leave, she got belligerent with staff and they

were concerned. She called John and threatened to have him fired, John called me and I said send

staff down immediately and suspend her, shut off her card and notify her that she has been

suspended. She stormed off and continued to yell at staff and said she would be here this morning,

but she is not. I believe her card has been deactivated and we need to send a letter. Anybody who

ignores rules and treats staff badly, 30 days is not enough suspension.

The board discussed the circumstances under which JSO should be called and determined

to suspend her until the next meeting by which time she will have the formal notification of the

meeting and have the right to state her case.


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August 12, 2019 Bartram Springs Community Development District

On MOTION by Mr. Colcord seconded by Mr. Walden with all in favor staff was directed to send the resident a letter informing her that the suspension will be through the next meeting at which time she can address the board and they will make a determination as to the length of the suspension.


A. Attorney

Mr. Eldred stated I hope to receive the next Comcast payment in the next week or two.

B. Engineer

Mr. Oliver stated the engineer is not here today, but he was part of the process to declare

the project complete.

C. Manager - Discussion of Fiscal Year 2020 Meeting Schedule

Mr. Oliver stated once the meeting schedule is approved, staff will publish the annual

meeting notice. Typically, the meetings are the second Monday of the month and we continue to

have four quarterly meetings at night. Also, the November meeting is the third Monday, the

proposed budget will be considered at the May 11th meeting and you will adopt your budget at the

July meeting. You always have the ability to cancel or add meetings or hold special meetings.

On MOTION by Mr. King seconded by Mr. Chipman with all in favor the notice of the fiscal year 2020 meetings to be held on the second Monday of the month was approved.

Mr. Kaufman asked would it be feasible to refinance bonds since the interest rate is

expected to drop again?

Mr. Oliver stated the District refinanced bonds in 2016. Since there is a ten-year call

provision, the next refinance opportunity is in 2026.

D. Operation Manager - Report

1. Report


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August 12, 2019 Bartram Springs Community Development District

Mr. Wheeler reviewed the items outlined in the monthly memorandum, which was

included in the agenda package.

The board and staff discussed potential solutions for issues at Veterans, such as lighting,

cameras, possibly remove bushes by parking lot and replace with lower bushes and staff was

directed to get a quote to pull the bushes out and go with lower bushes, get quotes on light poles

and cameras and bring back to a future meeting.

2. VerdeGo Proposal

E. Amenity Center Manager - Report

Mr. Lucansky reviewed the amenity center activities and maintenance items, which were

outlined on the monthly memorandum, which was included as part of the agenda package.

Consideration of Lap Pool Policies

Mr. Lucansky stated the lap pool policy says if you are potty trained you can use the lap

pool. I would like the board to adjust that policy and make it a more specific, 2 or 3 years old.

On MOTION by Mr. Colcord seconded by Mr. Walden with all in favor the policy for the use of the lap pool will be changed to reflect three years and above will be allowed to use the lap pool.

Mr. Colcord stated when you send the email out, reference the number of code browns and

the expense associated with that.

ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests and Audience Comments

The following items were discussed: status of storm drain upfront that is still holding water,

status of sidewalk repair on Battram Parkway, crosswalks are expected to be in by September 24th

and the city has been contacted to redo the school zone signs, weeds in common areas, rosebushes

in the front have been cut back but should be replaced with another type of plant material, full­

time greeter out front with a screen during the busy times but not in extreme heat, Veteran parking

signs are being powder coated and will be in this week, have pedestrian crossing signs made,


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August 12, 2019 Barh·am Springs Community Development District

potholes will be filled in after the rainy season, lights out on west side, sign for kiddie pool needs

repair, awning needs to be cleaned, frequency of lost and found being cleaned out.


A. Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2019 and Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the Period Ending June 30, 2019

A copy of the financials was included in the agenda package.

B. Assessment Receipt Schedule

A copy of the assessment receipt schedule was included in the agenda package.

C. Approval of Check Register

On MOTION by Mr. Colcord seconded by Mr. Walden with four in favor and Mr. King abstaining due to a conflict of interest the Vesta invoices were approved.

On MOTION by Mr. Colcord seconded by Mr. Chipman with all in 1 I favor the balance of the check register was approved. ·


Mr. Oliver stated I will circulate my meeting notes when I prepare them later today.

FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting- September 16, 2019 @ 8:30 a.m. @ Bartram Springs Amenity Center

Mr. Oliver stated the next meeting is September 16, 2019 at 8:30 a.m.

On MOTION by Mr. Colcord seconded by Mr. King with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 9:54 a.m.

Secretary/ s~istatrt Secretary Chairman/Vice 9bairman