By. Nathan Kolwich. Is Zinc Really the most useful mineral for the human body

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Is Zinc Really the most useful mineral for the human body

Page 3: By. Nathan Kolwich.  Is Zinc Really the most useful mineral for the human body


Zinc has been proven to be the best kind Mineral to take because zinc can prevent you from having colds, flus and other sicknesses. This also helps your body with strong immunity, Remodeling of the tissue, Prevention from cancer, Maintenance of your mood, mental clarity, restorative sleep, Prostate and intestinal health, senses of taste and smell and a lot more helpful things.

Page 4: By. Nathan Kolwich.  Is Zinc Really the most useful mineral for the human body

Some facts about zinc

Zinc is a constituent of at least 3,000 different proteins in your body and a component of more than 200 different enzymes. In fact, zinc is involved in more enzymatic reactions in your body than any other mineral. Zinc increases your production of white blood cells and helps them fight infections. It also increases killer cells that combat cancer, helps your immune system release more antibodies, and supports healing of a wound.

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How much zinc do you need

You need zinc daily and if you have to much zinc then it may harm you and if you have to little then it would not affect you as much. Also you need to have it daily because your body has no way of storing zinc.

Life Stage Recommended Amount

Birth to 6 months 2 mg

Infants 7–12 months 3 mg

Children 1–3 years 3 mg

Children 4–8 years 5 mg

Children 9–13 years 8 mg

Teens 14–18 years (boys) 11 mg

Teens 14–18 years (girls) 9 mg

Adults (men) 11 mg

Adults (women) 8 mg

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Foods you could find zinc in and also optimize it

The best way to get zinc is from whole foods to receive your zinc requirements. Animal products also have the richest dietary zinc in all.

Food Serving Size Zinc (mg)

Oysters 100 grams 16-182

Veal liver 100 grams 12

Pumpkin seeds (roasted) 100 grams 10

Roast beef 100 grams 10

Tahini (ground sesame seeds) 100 grams 10

Unsweetened chocolate 100 grams 9.6

Alaska King Crab 100 grams 7.6

Lamb 3 ounces 7.4

Peanuts (oil roasted) 100 grams 6.6

Cashews (dry roasted) 100 grams 5.6

Pork Shoulder 100 grams 5.0

Almonds 100 grams 3.5

Cheddar Cheese 100 grams 3.1

Chicken Leg 100 grams 2.9

Chicken Breast 100 grams 1.0

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Zinc helps your immune health

Zinc is one of the things to have a good immune health because without zinc, your white blood cells cannot work or function. Zinc affects multiple aspects of your immune system, including neutrophils, natural killer cells, phagocytosis, cytokine production, antibody production, and even gene regulation within your lymphocytes. Zinc is also found in many basic cellular functions including DNA replication, RNA transcription, cell division and activation, and stabilization of cell membranes.

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what is best form for zinc to be absorbed

Your body does not easily absorb zinc unless you have another substance to attach it to. Chelation is a process sometimes used to attach to other substances to make it more absorbable. In chelation, the organic molecules have been electrically charged, which allows them to attract the zinc and attach to it. One advantage of chelated forms is you won't get antagonism with calcium, which can be an issue for zinc salts, such as zinc sulfate. Also Zinc sulfate is one of the inorganic forms of zinc, or zinc salts. These forms of zinc are also not as effective as chelated forms. So chelated is the best form off zinc to be absorbed.

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Stuff that affects your zinc absorption

One of the things you should not take after taking zinc is caffeine because it interferes with the absorption by 50% of your zinc. Things that would improve your zinc absorption would be amino acids, cysteine and methionine. which means taking your zinc supplement with a high-quality whey protein would be a dynamite immune-boosting duo.

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Some Side Affects if you overdose Zinc

For zinc some of the side effects for not putting it on the right way or overdosing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, metallic taste, kidney and stomach damage, and other side effects. Using zinc on broken skin may cause burning, stinging, itching, and tingling.

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Summary of Zinc

In conclusion Zinc is an inexpensive mineral that is good for your health and stops colds, flus and others. It also produces better cells for you such as white blood cells. You also cannot overdose zinc and you have to use it right or else it would cause problems. Overall I think Zinc is the best and the most useful mineral for the human body and you also need to be responsible with Zinc so you do not damage yourself.

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Websites http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/




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