Business Builder Training By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere

By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

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Page 1: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Business Builder Training

By Executive Director

Lorraine Debusschere

Page 2: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Who is Melaleuca??

Consumer Direct Marketing

• We are a manufacturing company that delivers

better, safer products directly to the consumer

at better value than grocery store brands.

• Melaleuca redirects funds that would typically

be used for advertising, multiple distribution

channels and middle-men into better quality

products and shares these saved funds with the

“little guys” like you and me

Page 3: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Who is our competition??

• We are competing with major manufacturers like

Proctor & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and big box

stores like Walmart & Costco

• Melaleuca reached its first $1Billion in 2011.• Proctor & Gamble – $78.9B started in 1837

• Johnson & Johnson -$61.5B – 1887

• Colgate Palmolive - $15B – 1806

• SC Johnson $8.7B – 1886

• Melaleuca started business in 1985 so are on track to overtake many of

these manufacturers – one household at a time

• Melaleuca currently converts over 30,000 customers each month.

• Walmart known for price - we are known for Value for $$, Quality, Effectiveness +


Page 4: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Welcome to Melaleuca !!

Have You…

• Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD – be sure to

watch the full presentation with videos – plus bonus chapters with many

stories of successful Melaleuca Marketing Executives and training on

approaching, etc. Read book “Building your Melaleuca Business”

• Thought about how much time you can devote to your new business???

• Determined if you want a part time income supplement (level 2) or a full

time income replacement (level 3) – Set your business hours

• Started a contact list

• Got connected to your free Enhancing Lives at Home website

• Checked out www.rmbarry.com for product info, brochures and ordered

your Melaleuca Wellness Guide

• Reviewed “Pacesetter Program” see book “Building Your Melaleuca

Business” in Business Kit

Page 5: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Enhancing Lives at Home Website

• Set up your Enhancing Lives at Home website as soon as

possible. Your enroller will send you a link.

• Your website address will be

www.enhancinglivesathome.com/yourusername so set your user name

as something professional.

• Go through and do the “Getting Started” section – If building online

there is a great training on Building Online

• Under “Resources” Print and Download Center – there are great helps –

check out Product PDF’s for printable Product info.

• Watch and listen to Business Training Videos – everything you need is


• Best of all ‘ It is FREE’

Page 6: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Becoming a Director

8-10 Personal Customers (initial goal – solid Director has 20 personal


• Easiest to do in the first month (or first week!)

• Pacesetter program = double bonuses

• To enroll 10 customers you will need to have approximately 12-16 people

take a look at the full presentation (Delivering Wellness Presentation)

• To get the 16 presentations, you will need to make approximately 25


An approach is when you speak to a real person (not when you

get an answering machine or send an email!)

Page 7: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Take Immediate Action

Set the 12- 16 appointments ASAP

• In-Home Presentation – show DVD to a group of friends

• Webcast – www.successforall.info or www.successoverview.info

• One on One – take DVD and play for a friend or read DWP booklet

• Conference call using DWP slides from www.melaleuca.com

• On phone with prospect go to www.wellnesspresentation.com

Username: delivering, Password: wellness. Prospect does the same.

Set the Pace for your future business – Plan to earn as large a check as

possible in your first month – your new people will look at that to evaluate

the business and it will give them confidence that they can do it too !

Think: “Who can I help and how can I help them !!!” This is the

foundation for your entire business

Page 8: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation



Get organized – have a book to write contacts names and

phone numbers in and keep adding to it all the time – Keep a

record of when you call them, their responses, etc.

• Don’t pre-judge

• Instead of think “Who do I know who would be interested in

Melaleuca?”- think “Who do I know?”

• 100 – 200 names with phone numbers

• Memory joggers: Old address books, phone books, facebook

friends, business cards, wedding invitation list, Christmas card

list, people you work with or used to work with, school year


Page 9: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Where to Begin?

Select the “easiest” ones first

• Family, friends, neighbours, acquaintances

• People you see on a regular basis

• Anyone who has owned a home based business before – or

currently has a home based business

• Anyone who has health concerns and is already using

wellness or safer products

• Anyone concerned for the environment

• Anyone who has children – Brochure from www.rmbarry.com “Let’s

Stop Poisoning our Children” and DVD –Toxic Brew

• Small business owners

Page 10: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Who are you looking for???... People who…

• Are entrepreneurial and business-minded

• Are successful, yet discontented – Have a good “circle of


• Are hard working, trustworthy, credible, self motivated and

have leadership capabilities

• Smile and are friendly

• Are concerned about their health, environment, etc

• People just like you

• Anyone who washes their clothes, brushes their teeth, etc

• Anyone with a “need” that we can help with – “Find a need

and fill it”

Page 11: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Contact List

Generating Leads:

• Join local networking groups/ attend networking luncheons and events

• Message boards, chat rooms, free classifieds – Also call those who are

already posting their ads

• Ask for referrals “Who do you know…?”

• Use internet to find leads – www.meetup.com, linkedin, facebook

• Join groups of like-minded people with similar interests to get to know

new people

• Be a good listener – look for ways we can help people with their


Page 12: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation


Setting Appointments

• Biggest mistake people make – Saying too much !! Be brief

and be specific about what you are inviting them to:

• Your Goal – to invite them to a proper full overview not give

a 5 min presentation over the phone

• You are inviting them to get the full picture so they can make

an intelligent decision based on the facts – not hearsay

• Webcast – InHome Pres – One-on-One (coffee shop, etc)

You are NOT calling them to find out if they would be

interested in Melaleuca!! Just to come to a overview

presentation to hear the full story and make up their own

minds !!

Page 13: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation


Our business is based on “Enhancing the lives of Those We Touch by Helping

People Reach their Goals” – be it Financial or Health Goals

• Tailor the Approach to the needs of the Prospect –

• I’m call you because….

• I was thinking of you because….

• This could really help your situation…

• The other day you were saying..

• When we were talking the other day you said …eg You wanted to find a

way to work from home and spend more time with your kids – I think I

may have found a way for you to do that…. OR

• you mentioned your retirement fund has been cut back – I think I have

found a way to supplement your retirement income OR

• I know your son has exzema – I think I may have found something to

help …….

Page 14: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Easy Product Approach

Have you ever heard of Melaleuca?? They manufacture eco-friendly products & sell them factory-direct to consumers at discount prices.

I’ve just opened an online shopping account with them and would love to show you how it works. I have been impressed with everything I’ve tried and find I am saving lots of money and getting better, safer products delivered to my door.

Are you free Thursday evening? I’m having a few people over to the house (or inviting a few people to a webcast) to introduce them to the program. There’s no obligation and I’d really like to know what you think.

Page 15: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Easy Business Approach

I’m calling because I have always been impressed with your (business

success, outgoing nature, confidence)….. Have you heard of Melaleuca, the

Wellness Company?

I’ve just become a Marketing Executive and I’m looking for open minded

people to team up and partner with. You were one of the first people I

thought of!!

I’d love to show it to you . Perhaps it wouldn’t fit for you but you might

know someone who’s looking to earn extra income.

Page 16: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

The “Help” Approach

• Hi Mary, this is Joan…

I was recently introduced to a company called Melaleuca, the

Wellness Company.

I’m very impressed with everything I’ve seen and I’m

considering starting my own business.

I’m inviting a few friends whose opinion I really value to come

see an overview. It would mean a lot to me if you would come

and give me your opinion.

Give date, time and get a commitment. Ask for a firm

commitment and tell them it’s ok to say no if they can’t make it

but to let you know.

Page 17: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Are You Really Nervous??

Try the “favor” approach:

Can you do me a favor? I’ve just started a new business with Melaleuca, the

Wellness Company and would love to show it to you for practice.

I need to show it to 8-10 people to learn how to give the presentation, etc.

Could we get together this week so I can show you what I’m doing? It

would help me a lot if I could practice on you – I will have a DVD to show

you (or read the DWP booklet) and it will take 45 min to an hour.

Would Thurs evening or Friday morning be better for you??

Page 18: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Third Party Approach

I’ve just started a new business with and

wondered if you know anyone who would like

to earn extra income working from home??

Could I show you what I am doing so if you run into someone I

could help you will know what I am doing.

Most times the prospect will say “What about me??”

Page 19: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Be Prepared

• Have a “Plan A” and a “Plan B” – two dates set that you are available to do or attend an overview – webcast or in person

• If they are not available at the time you suggest, have your calendar in front of you and suggest an alternate appt time.

• Print out the monthly schedule from Connecting From Home for webcast times

• Don’t invite by email or mailbox invitations – a personal phone call carries much more credibility

• Timing is everything – someone who says NO today may say YES 6 months from now - Never Lose a Contact - Ask if you can call them back in a few months to see if circumstances have changed.

Page 20: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Handling Resistance

Can you just tell me about it now?

- I really wish I could but that’s what the overview is for

- It’s a visual presentation so it wouldn’t be fair to just give you half the


• I want to be sure you get all the facts so you know what I am doing.

I’ve hear of Melaleuca –

• Great! What have you heard??

• If they say “My aunt used to “sell” it “ Tell them it has changed a lot and

they need to see how it really works.

• If they think it’s a “friends & family deal” –we can show you how to build a

huge online business without having to solicit family and friends or sell

products to anyone, etc.

Page 21: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation


I’m busy – I don’t have time for anything else in my life –

• Feel, Felt, Found – I know how you feel, I felt the same say,

but I found…. This is so perfect for busy people. It’s a great

way to duplicate your time.

• I guarantee it will be worth 45 min of your time – How about

over lunch, you have to eat anyway.. Or suggest a time after

the kids are in bed – Whatever suits them best.

If you relate the approach to their needs “Find a need and fill

it” they will be much more open to an overview – People

always want to know “What’s in it for Me??”

Page 22: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Planning the In-Home

• Have experienced presenter or listen to /watch many webcast

presentations to learn how to present and close.

• Use Full Presentation on DVD with videos – its duplicatable

• Have Value Pak and other Products on display

• Have Membership Kits on hand for those who want to join

• Invite no more than a week in advance – 3-5 days is good

• Confirm the evening before or day of – Say “If there’s any reason you

can’t come, please let me know as I need to know how many are


• Invite twice as many as you want to come

• Limit food & beverages to mostly Melaleuca products

Page 23: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation


If your approaches aren’t working – Stop – Call your

enroller for help

Don`t make this business difficult – keep it simple –

this is a very common-sense business.

If it made sense to you, it will make sense to others !!

Page 24: By Executive Director Lorraine Debusschere · Welcome to Melaleuca!! Have You… • Reviewed your business kit, listened to/watched the DVD –be sure to watch the full presentation

Placement Strategy

Position #1 – Friend and family leg – all customers placed here

Position #2 – First, best business builder –VP/CP – Director first month

Position #3 – Next, best business builder

Under Position #2 + 3 – next business builders

Leave #4 + 5 for now.