By Emily Hi!

By Emily Hi!. What is a Volcano? A volcano is a mountain or rock which has a gap in it. Because there was too much pressure underground, the rock or mountain

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Page 4: By Emily Hi!. What is a Volcano? A volcano is a mountain or rock which has a gap in it. Because there was too much pressure underground, the rock or mountain


Some Hawaii Volcanoes

Another view of the Hawaii volcanoes Very active


Wow! Big tall explosion!

Mt Vesuvius

Page 5: By Emily Hi!. What is a Volcano? A volcano is a mountain or rock which has a gap in it. Because there was too much pressure underground, the rock or mountain

What has Volcanoes affected?

• Mt. Vesuvius has affected Pompeii, Stabiae and Herculaneum by burying them.

• Mt. Fuji has affected people because now they can’t climb Mt. Fuji.

• Mt. St Helens changed the lives of thousands and transformed thousands of acres of trees into total waste.

Page 6: By Emily Hi!. What is a Volcano? A volcano is a mountain or rock which has a gap in it. Because there was too much pressure underground, the rock or mountain

Another semi-famous volcano

• You might of heard of Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan? Imagine if you were on top of Mt. Fuji when the mountain began to shake and suddenly lava came up. Would that be scary?

Page 7: By Emily Hi!. What is a Volcano? A volcano is a mountain or rock which has a gap in it. Because there was too much pressure underground, the rock or mountain

The Ring of Fire

• You may or may not have heard of the Ring of Fire. The Ring of Fire is in Hawaii and consists of at least 100 volcanoes. Some of them are extinct. Nearly all of Hawaii is made out of volcanoes.

Page 8: By Emily Hi!. What is a Volcano? A volcano is a mountain or rock which has a gap in it. Because there was too much pressure underground, the rock or mountain

Did you know?

• There are 20 volcanoes which are still active now.• Volcanoes grow when the erupt.• The largest volcano isn’t on earth . It is in Mars. Scientists think that

the shield volcano Olympus Mons got so big because Mars doesn’t have tectonic plates.

• The tallest volcano on earth is Mauna Kea at 30,000 feet (9,100 m) in Hawaii. The largest volcano on earth is Mauna Loa.

• Mauna Kea is so high that it is taller than Mount Everest if you measure Mauna Kea from the Ocean floor.

• A cinder cone volcano is smaller than a shield volcano and a composite volcano.

Page 9: By Emily Hi!. What is a Volcano? A volcano is a mountain or rock which has a gap in it. Because there was too much pressure underground, the rock or mountain

• Name one volcano I have talked about.

• Where is Mount Fuji?

• Where is the Ring of Fire?

• What is the tallest mountain on Earth?

• Where is Olympus Mons?

• Does Mars have any Tectonic plates?

Page 10: By Emily Hi!. What is a Volcano? A volcano is a mountain or rock which has a gap in it. Because there was too much pressure underground, the rock or mountain

My Bibliography

• I used:• Google:• www.universetoday.com• http://www.olywa.net• And a few books but I forgot their names.• Oh, I also used my brain.

Page 11: By Emily Hi!. What is a Volcano? A volcano is a mountain or rock which has a gap in it. Because there was too much pressure underground, the rock or mountain


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